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APPS.UMX_PUB dependencies on FND_USER

Line 165: x_suggested_username out nocopy FND_USER.USER_NAME%TYPE);

161: * @rep:lifecycle active
162: */
163: --
164: procedure get_suggested_username (p_person_party_id in HZ_PARTIES.PARTY_ID%TYPE default null,
165: x_suggested_username out nocopy FND_USER.USER_NAME%TYPE);
167: --
168: -- Procedure : get_username_policy_desc
169: -- Type : Public

Line 203: -- is copied into the fnd_user.email_address field

199: -- Meaning: User name should be defined as Email Address.
200: -- Product teams may choose to hide the email
201: -- field in any account creation / registration
202: -- UI's as long as the entered username (email)
203: -- is copied into the fnd_user.email_address field
204: -- as well.
205: --
207: -- Meaning: No username policy / format defined, freetext

Line 255: * is copied into the fnd_user.email_address field

251: * Meaning: User name should be defined as Email Address.
252: * Product teams may choose to hide the email
253: * field in any account creation / registration
254: * UI's as long as the entered username (email)
255: * is copied into the fnd_user.email_address field
256: * as well.
257: *
259: * Meaning: No username policy / format defined, freetext