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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 111

          select count(*)
            from fa_mc_conversion_history
           where efc_status in ('I', 'U', 'E')
             and book_type_code = h_book;
Line: 121

          select count(*)
            from fa_mc_book_controls
           where book_type_code = h_book
             and nvl(conversion_status,' ') in ('S', 'R', 'E',' ')
             and mrc_converted_flag = 'N'
             and enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 129

          select count(1)
            from fa_mc_book_controls mcbk
           where mcbk.book_type_code = h_book
             and (mcbk.deprn_status <> 'C' OR
                  ((mcbk.last_period_counter <> h_last_period_counter + 1) AND
                   (mcbk.last_period_counter <> h_last_period_counter)))
             and enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 138

          select count(1)
            from fa_mc_book_controls mcbk
           where mcbk.book_type_code = h_book
             and (mcbk.deprn_status <> 'C' OR
                  (mcbk.last_period_counter <> h_last_period_counter + 1))
             and enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 146

          select count(1)
            from fa_mc_book_controls mcbk
           where mcbk.book_type_code = h_book
             and (mcbk.deprn_status <> 'C'  OR
                  (mcbk.last_period_counter <> h_last_period_counter) OR
                   (mcbk.mass_request_id is not null))
             and enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 159

          select count(1)
            from fa_mc_book_controls mcbk
           where mcbk.book_type_code = h_book
             and (mcbk.deprn_status not in ('C', 'E')  OR
                  (mcbk.last_period_counter <> h_last_period_counter) OR
                  (mcbk.mass_request_id is not null))
             and enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 170

          select count(1)
            from fa_book_controls_bas bc
           where bc.book_type_code = X_book
             and (bc.last_period_counter <> h_last_period_counter or
                  bc.mass_request_id is not null);
Line: 562

      select deprn_status,
        into h_deprn_stat,
        from fa_book_controls
       where book_type_code = X_book;
Line: 743

    *    select to_char(nvl(actual_completion_date,
    *                       sysdate + least(greatest
    *                                 (sysdate - actual_start_date,5/1440),1/24)),
    *                   'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
    *      into h_restart
    *      from fnd_concurrenct_requests
    *     where request_id = X_request_id
    * end if;
Line: 804

          X_trx_type = 'DELETE') then
Line: 875

          X_trx_type = 'DELETE' or
          X_trx_type = 'RB_CJE' or
          (X_trx_type = 'RB_DEP' and G_release <> 11)) then
Line: 943

  select parent_request_id
    from fnd_concurrent_requests
   where request_id = p_request_id;
Line: 991

                  select count(*)
                    into h_count
                    from v$session a
                   where a.audsid  in
                         (select ORACLE_SESSION_ID
                            from fnd_concurrent_requests
                           where request_id        = h_mass_req_id
                              or parent_request_id = h_mass_req_id);
Line: 1071

            select count(*)
              into h_count
              from v$session a
             where a.audsid  in
                   (select ORACLE_SESSION_ID
                      from fnd_concurrent_requests
                     where request_id        = h_ca_req_id
                        or parent_request_id = h_ca_req_id);
Line: 1128

          select bc.book_type_code
          from fa_book_controls bc
          where bc.distribution_source_book = X_book
          and bc.book_class = 'TAX'
          and bc.date_ineffective is null;
Line: 1224

      select re.concurrent_program_id
        into h_conc_program_id
        from fnd_concurrent_requests re
       where re.request_id = h_request_id
         and re.program_application_id = 140;
Line: 1230

      select decode(pr.concurrent_program_name,
                    'GAINLOSS', 1,
                    'FAMRCL', 1,
                    'FAPPT', 1,
        into h_conflict
        from fnd_concurrent_programs pr
       where pr.concurrent_program_id = h_conc_program_id
         and pr.application_id = 140;
Line: 1302

          SELECT transaction_header_id_out,
            FROM fa_books
           WHERE book_type_code = X_book
             AND asset_id       = X_asset_id
             AND transaction_header_id_out is null
             FOR UPDATE OF
Line: 1313

          SELECT transaction_header_id_out,
            FROM fa_books
           WHERE book_type_code = X_book
             AND asset_id       = X_asset_id
             AND transaction_header_id_out is null
             FOR UPDATE OF
Line: 1350

             select count(*)
               into h_count
               from fa_asset_history
              where asset_id = X_asset_id
                and date_ineffective is null;
Line: 1379

         select mass_request_id
           into h_mass_id
           from fa_book_controls
          where book_type_code = X_book
            for update of mass_request_id
Line: 1511

          SELECT nvl(deprn_run, 'N')
            FROM fa_deprn_periods dp,
                 fa_book_controls bc
           WHERE bc.book_type_code = X_book
             AND dp.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
             AND dp.period_close_date is null;
Line: 1563

         SELECT count(*)
           INTO h_count
           FROM fa_mc_deprn_periods dp,
                fa_mc_book_controls bc
          WHERE bc.book_type_code = X_book
            AND bc.book_type_code = dp.book_type_code
            AND bc.set_of_books_id = dp.set_of_books_id
            AND bc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
            AND dp.period_close_date is null
            AND dp.deprn_run = 'Y';
Line: 1583

      SELECT count(*)
        INTO h_count
        FROM fa_deprn_summary ds,
             fa_book_controls bc
       WHERE bc.book_type_code = X_book
         AND ds.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
         AND ds.period_counter = bc.last_period_counter + 1
         AND ds.asset_id = X_asset_id
         AND ds.deprn_source_code in ('DEPRN','TRACK');
Line: 1603

         SELECT count(*)
           INTO h_count
           FROM fa_mc_deprn_summary ds,
                fa_book_controls bc
          WHERE bc.book_type_code = X_book
            AND ds.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
            AND ds.period_counter = bc.last_period_counter + 1
            AND ds.asset_id = X_asset_id
            AND ds.deprn_source_code in ('DEPRN','TRACK');
Line: 1625

      SELECT count(*)
        INTO h_count
        FROM fa_adjustments adj,
             fa_book_controls bc,
             fa_deprn_summary ds
       WHERE bc.book_type_code  = X_book
         AND adj.book_type_code = X_book
         AND adj.period_counter_created = bc.last_period_counter + 1
         AND adj.asset_id = X_asset_id
         AND adj.source_type_code in ('ADDITION', 'CIP ADDITION')
         AND adj.adjustment_type in ('COST', 'CIP COST')
         AND ds.book_type_code = X_book
         AND ds.asset_id = X_asset_id
         AND ds.deprn_source_code = 'BOOKS'
         AND ds.period_counter = bc.last_period_counter;
Line: 1652

         SELECT count(*)
           INTO h_count
           FROM fa_mc_adjustments adj,
                fa_mc_book_controls bc,
                fa_mc_deprn_summary ds
          WHERE bc.book_type_code  = X_book
            AND bc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
            AND adj.set_of_books_id = adj.set_of_books_id
            AND adj.book_type_code = X_book
            AND adj.period_counter_created = bc.last_period_counter + 1
            AND adj.asset_id = X_asset_id
            AND adj.source_type_code in ('ADDITION', 'CIP ADDITION')
            AND adj.adjustment_type in ('COST', 'CIP COST')
            AND ds.set_of_books_id = bc.set_of_books_id
            AND ds.book_type_code = X_book
            AND ds.asset_id = X_asset_id
            AND ds.deprn_source_code = 'BOOKS'
            AND ds.period_counter = bc.last_period_counter;
Line: 1681

      SELECT count(*)
        INTO h_count
        FROM fa_deprn_summary ds,
             fa_book_controls bc
       WHERE bc.book_type_code = X_book
         AND ds.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
         AND ds.period_counter = bc.last_period_counter + 1
         AND ds.asset_id = X_asset_id
         AND ds.deprn_source_code in ('DEPRN','TRACK');
Line: 1697

         select count(*)
         into   h_count
         from   dual
         where  exists
         (select 'x'
          FROM fa_deprn_summary ds,
               fa_book_controls bc,
               fa_books bks,
               fa_books bks2,
               fa_additions_b ad
         WHERE bc.book_type_code = X_Book
           AND ds.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
           AND ds.period_counter = bc.last_period_counter + 1
           AND ds.asset_id = bks.asset_id
           AND ds.deprn_source_code in ('DEPRN','TRACK')
           AND bks.group_asset_id = X_Asset_ID
           AND bks.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
           AND bks.transaction_header_id_out is null
           AND ad.asset_id = X_Asset_ID
           AND ad.asset_type = 'GROUP'
           AND bks2.asset_id = ad.asset_id
           AND bks2.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
           AND bks2.transaction_header_id_out is null
           AND bks2.tracking_method = 'CALCULATE'
Line: 1730

         SELECT count(*)
           INTO h_count
           FROM fa_mc_deprn_summary ds,
                fa_book_controls bc
          WHERE bc.book_type_code = X_book
            AND ds.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
            AND ds.period_counter = bc.last_period_counter + 1
            AND ds.asset_id = X_asset_id
            AND ds.deprn_source_code in ('DEPRN','TRACK');