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Line 1030: pv_partner_profiles PT_PROF,

1026: pt_acc.resource_id rs_id,
1027: 'INTERNAL' origin
1028: FROM
1029: pv_partner_accesses PT_ACC,
1030: pv_partner_profiles PT_PROF,
1031: jtf_rs_resource_extns extn,
1032: per_all_people_f per,
1033: jtf_rs_role_relations rel,
1034: jtf_rs_roles_b role,

Line 1063: pv_partner_profiles a,

1059: cursor lc_preferred_pt_contact (pc_partner_id number, pc_opportunity_id number) is
1060: select distinct
1061: c.resource_id
1062: from
1063: pv_partner_profiles a,
1064: hz_relationships b,
1065: jtf_rs_resource_extns c,
1066: as_accesses_all d,
1067: fnd_user usr

Line 1091: pv_partner_profiles prof,

1087: cursor lc_get_default_pt_contact (pc_partner_id number) is
1088: SELECT
1089: pj.resource_id
1090: FROM
1091: pv_partner_profiles prof,
1092: hz_relationships pr2,
1093: jtf_rs_resource_extns pj,
1094: fnd_user usr
1095: WHERE

Line 1132: from pv_partner_profiles pf,

1128: ar.meaning,
1129: pr.relationship_code,
1130: pr.object_id,
1131: imp.indirectly_managed_flag
1132: from pv_partner_profiles pf,
1133: hz_relationships pr,
1134: hz_organization_profiles op,
1135: ar_lookups ar,
1136: hz_parties pt,

Line 1137: (select distinct a.partner_id, 'Y' indirectly_managed_flag from pv_partner_accesses a, pv_partner_profiles b

1133: hz_relationships pr,
1134: hz_organization_profiles op,
1135: ar_lookups ar,
1136: hz_parties pt,
1137: (select distinct a.partner_id, 'Y' indirectly_managed_flag from pv_partner_accesses a, pv_partner_profiles b
1138: where a.partner_id = pc_party_rel_id
1139: and a.vad_partner_id = b.partner_id and b.status = 'A') imp
1140: where pf.partner_id = pc_party_rel_id
1141: and pf.partner_id = imp.partner_id (+)

Line 1162: pv_partner_profiles PT_PROF,

1158: pt_acc.resource_id rs_id,
1159: 'EXTERNAL' origin
1160: FROM
1161: pv_partner_accesses PT_ACC,
1162: pv_partner_profiles PT_PROF,
1163: jtf_rs_resource_extns extn,
1164: hz_relationships emp,
1165: jtf_rs_role_relations rel,
1166: jtf_rs_roles_b role

Line 1787: hz_contact_points hcp, pv_partner_profiles pvpp, jtf_rs_resource_extns res

1783: ) is
1785: SELECT pvpp.partner_id
1786: FROM hz_parties PARTNER, hz_relationships HZR_PART_CONT, hz_org_contacts ORG_CONTACT,
1787: hz_contact_points hcp, pv_partner_profiles pvpp, jtf_rs_resource_extns res
1788: WHERE
1789: PARTNER.PARTY_ID = pvpp.partner_party_id and
1790: PARTNER.party_type = 'ORGANIZATION' AND