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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 87

                SELECT   decode(l_bal_seg_name,
                        'SEGMENT1', gcc.segment1,
                        'SEGMENT2', gcc.segment2,
                        'SEGMENT3', gcc.segment3,
                        'SEGMENT4', gcc.segment4,
                        'SEGMENT5', gcc.segment5,
                        'SEGMENT6', gcc.segment6,
                        'SEGMENT7', gcc.segment7,
                        'SEGMENT8', gcc.segment8,
                        'SEGMENT9', gcc.segment9,
                   INTO   l_fund_value
                   FROM   gl_code_combinations gcc
                   where  code_combination_id = l_ccid;
Line: 123

                   SELECT fund_category, fts.expiration_date
                   INTO   l_fund_category , l_expiration_date
                   FROM   fv_fund_parameters fp,
                          fv_treasury_symbols fts
                   WHERE  fp.fund_value = l_fund_value
		  and     fts.treasury_symbol_id = fp.treasury_symbol_id
                   AND    fts.set_of_books_id = x_ledger_id ;
Line: 155

                SELECT application_column_name
                INTO   l_agreement_num_col
                FROM   fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl
                WHERE  application_id = l_app_id
                AND    form_left_prompt = 'Agreement Number'
                AND    descriptive_flexfield_name = l_dff;
Line: 172

                SELECT application_column_name
                INTO   l_start_date_col
                FROM   fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl
                WHERE  application_id = l_app_id
                AND    form_left_prompt = 'Start Date'
                AND    descriptive_flexfield_name = l_dff;
Line: 189

                SELECT application_column_name
                INTO   l_end_date_col
                FROM   fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl
                WHERE  application_id = l_app_id
                AND    form_left_prompt = 'End Date'
                AND    descriptive_flexfield_name = l_dff;
Line: 209

       select decode( substr(l_agreement_num_col,10,2),
                           1, x_attribute1,
                           2, x_attribute2,
                           3, x_attribute3,
                           4, x_attribute4,
                           5, x_attribute5,
                           6, x_attribute6,
                           7, x_attribute7,
                           8, x_attribute8,
                           9, x_attribute9,
                           10, x_attribute10,
                           11, x_attribute11,
                           12, x_attribute12,
                           13, x_attribute13,
                           14, x_attribute14,
                           15, x_attribute15 )
   into l_agreement_number from dual;
Line: 229

              select decode( substr(l_start_date_col,10,2),
                           1, x_attribute1,
                           2, x_attribute2,
                           3, x_attribute3,
                           4, x_attribute4,
                           5, x_attribute5,
                           6, x_attribute6,
                           7, x_attribute7,
                           8, x_attribute8,
                           9, x_attribute9,
                           10, x_attribute10,
                           11, x_attribute11,
                           12, x_attribute12,
                           13, x_attribute13,
                           14, x_attribute14,
                           15, x_attribute15 )
       into l_start_dt  from dual;
Line: 249

              select decode( substr(l_end_date_col,10,2),
                           1, x_attribute1,
                           2, x_attribute2,
                           3, x_attribute3,
                           4, x_attribute4,
                           5, x_attribute5,
                           6, x_attribute6,
                           7, x_attribute7,
                           8, x_attribute8,
                           9, x_attribute9,
                           10, x_attribute10,
                           11, x_attribute11,
                           12, x_attribute12,
                           13, x_attribute13,
                           14, x_attribute14,
                           15, x_attribute15 )
       into l_end_dt  from dual;
Line: 282

                SELECT trunc(start_date_commitment), trunc(end_date_commitment)
                INTO   l_start_commit_date, l_end_commit_date
                FROM   ra_customer_trx
               WHERE    trx_number = l_agreement_number
                and  set_of_books_id = x_ledger_id;
Line: 348

   select chart_of_accounts_id into l_coa_id
   from gl_ledgers_public_v
   where ledger_id = l_ledger_id;