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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 5

PROCEDURE Update_Status_Lost(
    itemtype  in varchar2,
    itemkey   in varchar2,
    actid     in number,
    funcmode  in varchar2,
    resultout in out nocopy varchar2)
l_debug_level CONSTANT NUMBER := oe_debug_pub.g_debug_level;
Line: 19

       oe_debug_pub.add(  'ENTERING OE_Negotiate_WF.Update_Status_Lost:'||ITEMTYPE||'/'||ITEMKEY ,1 ) ;
Line: 29

      OE_ORDER_WF_UTIL.Update_Quote_Blanket( p_item_type => OE_GLOBALS.G_WFI_NGO,
                                        p_item_key => itemkey,
                                        p_flow_status_code => 'LOST',
                                        p_open_flag => 'N',
                                        x_return_status => l_return_status);
Line: 46

       wf_core.context('OE_Negotiate_WF', 'Update_Status_Lost', itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode);
Line: 56

END Update_Status_Lost;
Line: 135

   SELECT item_type_code, ordered_quantity
   FROM oe_order_lines_all
   WHERE header_id = to_number(itemkey);
Line: 243

      OE_ORDER_WF_UTIL.Update_Quote_Blanket(p_item_type => OE_GLOBALS.G_WFI_NGO,
                                        p_item_key => itemkey,
                                        p_flow_status_code => 'DRAFT_SUBMITTED',
                                        p_draft_submitted_flag => 'Y',
                                        x_return_status => l_return_status);
Line: 249

          oe_debug_pub.add('Submit_Draft_Internal: Finish calling Update Draft Submitted status: ' || l_return_status, 1);
Line: 307

      OE_ORDER_WF_UTIL.Update_Quote_Blanket(p_item_type => OE_GLOBALS.G_WFI_NGO,
                                        p_item_key => itemkey,
                                        p_flow_status_code => 'PENDING_CUSTOMER_ACCEPTANCE',
                                        x_return_status => l_return_status);
Line: 336

PROCEDURE Update_Customer_Accepted(
    itemtype  in varchar2,
    itemkey   in varchar2,
    actid     in number,
    funcmode  in varchar2,
    resultout in out nocopy varchar2)
l_debug_level CONSTANT NUMBER := oe_debug_pub.g_debug_level;
Line: 350

       oe_debug_pub.add(  'ENTERING OE_Negotiate_WF.Update_Customer_Accepted:'||ITEMTYPE||'/'||ITEMKEY ,1 ) ;
Line: 359

      OE_ORDER_WF_UTIL.Update_Quote_Blanket(p_item_type => OE_GLOBALS.G_WFI_NGO,
                                        p_item_key => itemkey,
                                        p_flow_status_code => 'CUSTOMER_ACCEPTED',
                                        x_return_status => l_return_status);
Line: 376

       wf_core.context('OE_Negotiate_WF', 'Update_Customer_Accepted', itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode);
Line: 386

END Update_Customer_Accepted;
Line: 389

PROCEDURE Update_Customer_Rejected(
    itemtype  in varchar2,
    itemkey   in varchar2,
    actid     in number,
    funcmode  in varchar2,
    resultout in out nocopy varchar2)
l_debug_level CONSTANT NUMBER := oe_debug_pub.g_debug_level;
Line: 404

       oe_debug_pub.add(  'ENTERING OE_Negotiate_WF.Update_Customer_Rejected:'||ITEMTYPE||'/'||ITEMKEY ,1 ) ;
Line: 413

      OE_ORDER_WF_UTIL.Update_Quote_Blanket(p_item_type => OE_GLOBALS.G_WFI_NGO,
                                        p_item_key => itemkey,
                                        p_flow_status_code => 'DRAFT_CUSTOMER_REJECTED',
                                        p_draft_submitted_flag => 'N',
                                        x_return_status => l_return_status);
Line: 430

       wf_core.context('OE_Negotiate_WF', 'Update_Customer_Rejected', itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode);
Line: 440

END Update_Customer_Rejected;
Line: 473

      select expiration_date
      into   l_expiration_date
      from   oe_order_headers_all
      where  header_id = to_number(itemkey);
Line: 480

      select expiration_date
      into   l_expiration_date
      from   oe_blanket_headers_all
      where  header_id = to_number(itemkey);
Line: 611

      OE_ORDER_WF_UTIL.Update_Quote_Blanket(p_item_type => OE_GLOBALS.G_WFI_NGO,
                                        p_item_key => itemkey,
                                        p_flow_status_code => 'OFFER_EXPIRED',
                                        p_open_flag => 'N',
                                        x_return_status => l_return_status);
Line: 626

      select sold_to_org_id, expiration_date, salesrep_id
      into   l_sold_to_org_id, l_expiration_date, l_salesrep_id
      from   oe_order_headers_all
      where  header_id = to_number(itemkey);
Line: 631

      select sold_to_org_id, expiration_date, salesrep_id
      into   l_sold_to_org_id, l_expiration_date, l_salesrep_id
      from   oe_blanket_headers_all
      where  header_id = to_number(itemkey);
Line: 700

         SELECT item_key, item_type
           INTO l_item_key, l_item_type                   --l_header_id AME ER
           FROM wf_item_activity_statuses
          WHERE notification_id = TO_NUMBER (document_id);
Line: 705

         oe_debug_pub.ADD ('item key selected is:' || l_item_key);
Line: 712

               SELECT item_key, item_type
                 INTO l_item_key, l_item_type            -- l_header_id AME ER
                 FROM wf_item_activity_statuses_h
                WHERE notification_id = TO_NUMBER (document_id);
Line: 764

         SELECT order_number
           INTO l_blanket_number
           FROM oe_blanket_headers_all
          WHERE header_id = l_header_id;
Line: 775

         SELECT oh.order_number, oh.order_type_id,
           INTO l_quote_number, l_transaction_type_id,
           FROM oe_order_headers_all oh, oe_transaction_types_tl t
          WHERE header_id = l_header_id
            AND t.LANGUAGE = USERENV ('LANG')
            AND t.transaction_type_id = oh.order_type_id;
Line: 837

      select wpa.activity_name
      into l_activity_name
      from wf_item_activity_statuses wias, wf_process_activities wpa
      where item_type = OE_GLOBALS.G_WFI_NGO
      and item_key = to_char(p_header_id)
      and activity_status = wf_engine.eng_notified
      and wias.process_activity = wpa.instance_id;
Line: 930

      select count(1)
      into l_wf_item_count
      from wf_items
      where item_type = 'OENH'
      and item_key = To_Char(p_header_id);  -- Added to char function for bug 11793697
Line: 937

       select count(1)
       into l_so_count
       from oe_order_headers_all
       where header_id = p_header_id;
Line: 946

          select count(1)
          into l_bsa_count
          from oe_blanket_headers_all
          where header_id = p_header_id;
Line: 960

      select wpa.activity_name
      into l_activity_name
      from wf_item_activity_statuses wias, wf_process_activities wpa
      where item_type = OE_GLOBALS.G_WFI_NGO
      and item_key = to_char(p_header_id)
      and activity_status = wf_engine.eng_notified
      and wpa.activity_name = l_customer_acceptance
      and wias.process_activity = wpa.instance_id;
Line: 1065

      select wpa.activity_name
      into l_activity_name
      from wf_item_activity_statuses wias, wf_process_activities wpa
      where item_type = OE_GLOBALS.G_WFI_NGO
      and item_key = to_char(p_header_id)
      and activity_status = wf_engine.eng_notified
      and wpa.activity_name = l_customer_acceptance
      and wias.process_activity = wpa.instance_id;
Line: 1148

      select wpa.activity_name
      into l_activity_name
      from wf_item_activity_statuses wias, wf_process_activities wpa
      where item_type = OE_GLOBALS.G_WFI_NGO
      and item_key = to_char(p_header_id)
      and activity_status = wf_engine.eng_notified
      and wpa.activity_name in ('WAIT_FOR_EXPIRATION', 'WAIT_FOR_FINAL_EXPIRATION')
      and wias.process_activity = wpa.instance_id;
Line: 1225

      select count(1)
      into l_wf_item_count
      from wf_items
      where item_type = 'OENH'
      and item_key = to_char(p_header_id);         -- Bug 9209740, p_header_id conversion to char.
Line: 1234

       select count(1)
       into l_so_count
       from oe_order_headers_all
       where header_id = p_header_id;
Line: 1243

          select count(1)
          into l_bsa_count
          from oe_blanket_headers_all
          where header_id = p_header_id;
Line: 1276

      select wpa.activity_name
      into l_activity_name
      from wf_item_activity_statuses wias, wf_process_activities wpa
      where item_type = OE_GLOBALS.G_WFI_NGO
      and item_key = to_char(p_header_id)
      and activity_status = wf_engine.eng_notified
      and wpa.activity_name = l_submit_draft_eligible
      and wias.process_activity = wpa.instance_id;
Line: 1351

      select sold_to_org_id, expiration_date, salesrep_id
      into   l_sold_to_org_id, l_expiration_date, l_salesrep_id
      from   oe_order_headers_all
      where  header_id = p_header_id;
Line: 1356

      select sold_to_org_id, expiration_date, salesrep_id
      into   l_sold_to_org_id, l_expiration_date, l_salesrep_id
      from   oe_blanket_headers_all
      where  header_id = p_header_id;
Line: 1456

        select expiration_date
        into   l_expiration_date
        from   oe_order_headers_all
        where  header_id = to_number(itemkey);
Line: 1463

        select expiration_date
        into   l_expiration_date
        from   oe_blanket_headers_all
        where  header_id = to_number(itemkey);
Line: 1530

  select wpa.activity_name
  into l_activity_name
  from wf_item_activity_statuses wias, wf_process_activities wpa
  where item_type = OE_GLOBALS.G_WFI_NGO
  and item_key = to_char(p_header_id)
  and activity_status = wf_engine.eng_notified
  and wpa.activity_name = l_customer_acceptance
  and wias.process_activity = wpa.instance_id;