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Line 66: Select ste_code from okc_statuses_b where code = p_code;

62: h_new_sts_code VARCHAR2(100); ---13024593
63: x_hook NUMBER; ---13024593
64: /* ---13024593*/
65: cursor get_ste_code_hook(p_code in varchar2) is
66: Select ste_code from okc_statuses_b where code = p_code;
67: /* ---13024593*/
69: begin

Line 799: okc_statuses_b STE,

795: SELECT contract_number, contract_number_modifier,
796: contract_number||decode(contract_number_modifier, NULL,'','-'||contract_number_modifier) contracts
797: FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,
798: okc_k_lines_b CLE,
799: okc_statuses_b STE,
800: okc_operation_lines OLI1,
801: okc_operation_lines OLI2,
802: okc_operation_instances OIE1,
803: okc_class_operations COP1,

Line 896: okc_statuses_b STS,

892: l_status varchar2(1);
893: CURSOR c1 IS
894: SELECT distinct 'Y'
895: FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,
896: okc_statuses_b STS,
897: okc_operation_lines OLI1,
898: okc_operation_lines OLI2,
899: okc_operation_instances OIE1, --**
900: okc_class_operations COP1, --**

Line 926: okc_statuses_b STS,

922: CURSOR c2 IS
923: SELECT distinct 'Y'
924: FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,
925: okc_k_lines_b CLE,
926: okc_statuses_b STS,
927: okc_operation_lines OLI1,
928: okc_operation_lines OLI2,
929: okc_operation_instances OIE1, --**
930: okc_class_operations COP1, --**

Line 982: okc_statuses_b STS,

978: --
979: CURSOR c1 IS
980: SELECT distinct 'Y'
981: FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,
982: okc_statuses_b STS,
983: okc_operation_lines OLI1,
984: okc_operation_lines OLI2,
985: okc_operation_instances OIE1, --**
986: okc_class_operations COP1, --**

Line 1012: okc_statuses_b STS,

1008: CURSOR c2 IS
1009: SELECT distinct 'Y'
1010: FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,
1011: okc_k_lines_b CLE,
1012: okc_statuses_b STS,
1013: okc_operation_lines OLI1,
1014: okc_operation_lines OLI2,
1015: okc_operation_instances OIE1, --**
1016: okc_class_operations COP1, --**

Line 1334: from okc_statuses_b

1330: where L.dnz_chr_id = p_id
1331: and (L.id = p_cle_id or
1332: L.cle_id = p_cle_id)
1333: and EXISTS (select 'x'
1334: from okc_statuses_b
1335: where code = l.sts_code
1336: and ste_code = 'CANCELLED')
1337: and NVL(L.term_cancel_source,'MANUAL') NOT IN ('IBTRANSFER', 'IBRETURN', 'IBTERMINATE', 'IBREPLACE'); --To ignore lines/sublines due to IBTRANSFER, IBRETURN, IBTERMINATE, IBREPLACE

Line 1347: from OKC_STATUSES_B

1343: where L.dnz_chr_id = p_id
1344: and (L.id = p_cle_id or
1345: L.cle_id = p_cle_id)
1346: and EXISTS( select 'x'
1347: from OKC_STATUSES_B
1348: where code = l.sts_code
1349: and ste_code = l_old_type)
1350: and NVL(L.term_cancel_source,'MANUAL') NOT IN ('IBTRANSFER', 'IBRETURN', 'IBTERMINATE', 'IBREPLACE'); --To ignore lines/sublines due to IBTRANSFER, IBRETURN, IBTERMINATE, IBREPLACE

Line 1814: Select ste_code from okc_statuses_b where code = p_code;

1810: l_allowed_status Varchar2(1) := 'N';
1811: l_api_name Varchar2(100) := 'Check_Allowed_Status';
1813: cursor get_ste_code(p_code in varchar2) is
1814: Select ste_code from okc_statuses_b where code = p_code;
1816: cursor get_k_hdr_cur (p_id in number) is
1817: Select sts_code, start_date, end_date from okc_k_headers_b where id = p_id;