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Line 2256: exit when pa_control_items_pvt.ci_number_exists(p_project_id, l_ci_number_char

2252: ,x_return_status => x_return_status
2253: ,x_msg_count => x_msg_count
2254: ,x_msg_data => x_msg_data);
2256: exit when pa_control_items_pvt.ci_number_exists(p_project_id, l_ci_number_char
2257: ,p_ci_type_id) = FALSE;
2258: end loop;
2259: else --p_auto_number_flag = 'Y' and l_system_status_code <> 'CI_DRAFT'
2260: /*For manual numbering check if passed ci_number already exist.*/

Line 2262: if pa_control_items_pvt.ci_number_exists(p_project_id, l_ci_number_char ,p_ci_type_id) = TRUE then

2258: end loop;
2259: else --p_auto_number_flag = 'Y' and l_system_status_code <> 'CI_DRAFT'
2260: /*For manual numbering check if passed ci_number already exist.*/
2261: l_ci_number_char := p_ci_number;
2262: if pa_control_items_pvt.ci_number_exists(p_project_id, l_ci_number_char ,p_ci_type_id) = TRUE then
2263: PA_UTILS.Add_Message( p_app_short_name => 'PA'
2264: ,p_msg_name => 'PA_CI_DUPLICATE_CI_NUMBER');--msg already there
2265: if l_debug_mode = 'Y' then
2266: pa_debug.g_err_stage:= 'Duplicate ci_number passed.';

Line 3225: /* pa_control_items_pvt.update_number_of_actions (

3221: if(p_action_tbl(i).action_status = 'CI_ACTION_OPEN') then
3222: l_num_open_action := l_num_open_action + 1;
3223: end if;
3225: /* pa_control_items_pvt.update_number_of_actions (
3226: p_ci_id => p_ci_id,
3227: p_num_of_actions => 1,
3228: p_record_version_number => l_ci_record_version_number,
3229: x_num_of_actions => l_num_of_actions,

Line 3289: pa_control_items_pvt.update_number_of_actions (

3286: --if there were any open actions update the no of open action in pa_control_items
3287: --this has to be done outside the loop only once for all the open actions in table.
3288: if(l_num_open_action is not null and l_num_open_action > 0 ) then
3289: pa_control_items_pvt.update_number_of_actions (
3290: p_ci_id => p_ci_id,
3291: p_num_of_actions => l_num_open_action,
3292: p_record_version_number => l_ci_record_version_number,
3293: x_num_of_actions => l_num_of_actions,