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Line 691: --Cursor to get the ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f with cvg_thru_dt as end of time

687: and abr.effective_end_date ;
688: --
689: l_abr c_abr%ROWTYPE;
690: --
691: --Cursor to get the ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f with cvg_thru_dt as end of time
692: cursor c_pdp(cv_prtt_enrt_rslt_id number,
693: cv_effective_date date) is
694: select pdp.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id,
695: pdp.object_version_number,

Line 698: from ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f pdp

694: select pdp.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id,
695: pdp.object_version_number,
696: pdp.business_group_id,
697: pdp.per_in_ler_id
698: from ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f pdp
699: where pdp.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = cv_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
700: and cv_effective_date between pdp.effective_start_date
701: and pdp.effective_end_date
702: and pdp.cvg_thru_dt = to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/RRRR') ;

Line 909: --Cursor to get the ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f with cvg_thru_dt as end of time

905: and abr.effective_end_date ;
906: --
907: l_abr c_abr%ROWTYPE;
908: --
909: --Cursor to get the ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f with cvg_thru_dt as end of time
910: cursor c_pdp(cv_prtt_enrt_rslt_id number,
911: cv_effective_date date) is
912: select pdp.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id,
913: pdp.object_version_number,

Line 916: from ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f pdp

912: select pdp.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id,
913: pdp.object_version_number,
914: pdp.business_group_id,
915: pdp.per_in_ler_id
916: from ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f pdp
917: where pdp.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = cv_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
918: and cv_effective_date between pdp.effective_start_date
919: and pdp.effective_end_date
920: and pdp.cvg_thru_dt <> to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/RRRR')

Line 922: select 'x' from ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f pdp1

918: and cv_effective_date between pdp.effective_start_date
919: and pdp.effective_end_date
920: and pdp.cvg_thru_dt <> to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/RRRR')
921: and not exists (
922: select 'x' from ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f pdp1
923: where pdp.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id = pdp1.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id
924: and pdp.rowid <> pdp1.rowid
925: and pdp1.effective_start_date > pdp.effective_start_date
926: and pdp1.cvg_strt_dt > pdp.cvg_thru_dt ) ;