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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 76

  Select distinct whse_code
  From gml_batch_so_reservations
  Where batch_line_id = p_batch_line_id;
Line: 81

  Select material_detail_id
       , item_id
  From gme_material_details
  where batch_id = p_batch_id
    and line_type <> -1            -- not ingredient
Line: 90

  Select *
  From gml_batch_so_reservations
  Where batch_line_id = p_batch_line_id
     and whse_code = p_whse_code
     and delete_mark = 0
     and reserved_qty <> 0
  Order by scheduled_ship_date
        ,  shipment_priority
Line: 102

  Select abs(sum(trans_qty)), abs(sum(trans_qty2))
  From ic_tran_pnd
  Where line_id = p_batch_line_id
     and whse_code = p_whse_code
     and doc_type = 'PROD'
     and delete_mark = 0
     and completed_ind = 0
Line: 112

  Select count(1)
  From gml_batch_so_reservations
  Where batch_line_id = p_batch_line_id
     and whse_code = p_whse_code
     and delete_mark = 0
     and reserved_qty <> 0
Line: 122

  Select material_detail_id
  From gme_material_details
  Where batch_id = p_batch_id
     and item_id = p_item_id
     and line_type <> -1
Line: 129

  Select plan_cmplt_date
  From gme_batch_header
  where batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 233

                P_Gme_om_reservation_rec => l_reservation_rec
              , X_return_status          => x_return_status
              , X_msg_cont               => x_msg_cont
              , X_msg_data               => x_msg_data
Line: 241

           /* update the fpo reservation records */
           Update gml_batch_so_reservations
           Set reserved_qty = reserved_qty - l_reserved_qty
             , reserved_qty2 = reserved_qty2 - l_reserved_qty2
           Where batch_res_id = each_rec.batch_res_id;
Line: 314

 Select res.scheduled_ship_date
    ,   res.shipment_priority
    ,   res.batch_res_id
    ,   res.reserved_qty
    ,   res.reserved_qty2
    ,   res.batch_line_id
    ,   res.so_line_id
    ,   res.delivery_detail_id
    ,   res.batch_id
 From gml_batch_so_reservations res
    , wsh_delivery_details wdd
 Where   res.batch_line_id = p_batch_line_id
     and res.delete_mark = 0
     and res.reserved_qty <> 0
     and res.whse_code = p_whse_code
     and res.delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id
     and wdd.released_status in ('B', 'R', 'S') --               dont bother looking at the ones staged
 Select res.scheduled_ship_date
    ,   res.shipment_priority
    ,   res.batch_res_id
    ,   res.reserved_qty
    ,   res.reserved_qty2
    ,   res.batch_line_id
    ,   res.so_line_id
    ,   res.delivery_detail_id
    ,   res.batch_id
 From gml_batch_so_reservations res
    , oe_order_lines_all ol
 Where   res.batch_line_id = p_batch_line_id
     and res.delete_mark = 0
     and res.reserved_qty <> 0
     and res.whse_code = p_whse_code
     and res.so_line_id = ol.line_id
     and ol.booked_flag = 'N'
 Order by 1
        , 2
Line: 353

 Select status_ctl
 From ic_item_mst
 Where item_id = p_item_id;
Line: 358

 Select abs(sum(trans_qty)), abs(sum(trans_qty2))
 From ic_Tran_pnd
 Where line_id = p_so_line_id
  and  doc_type = 'OMSO'
  and  delete_mark = 0
  and  (lot_id <> 0 or location <> GMI_Reservation_Util.G_DEFAULT_LOCT)
  and  completed_ind = 0
Line: 389

     Select count(1)
     Into l_res_count
     From gml_batch_so_reservations
     Where batch_line_id = p_batch_line_rec.batch_line_id
        and delete_mark = 0
        and reserved_qty <> 0
        and whse_code = l_gme_trans_row.whse_code -- beta testing
Line: 520

              Select lot_status
              Into l_lot_status
              From ic_loct_inv
              Where lot_id = l_gme_trans_row.lot_id
                AND location = l_gme_trans_row.location
                AND whse_code = l_gme_trans_row.whse_code
                AND item_id = l_gme_trans_row.item_id
                And delete_mark = 0
Line: 531

           Select order_proc_ind
           Into l_orderable
           From ic_lots_sts
           Where lot_status = l_lot_status;
Line: 541

              GML_GME_API_PVT.g_not_to_delete := 1;
Line: 542

              GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('Create alloc: global g_not_to_delete '||GML_GME_API_PVT.g_not_to_delete);
Line: 597

        /* IF regenerate, set the current history to delete */
        Update gml_batch_so_alloc_history
        set delete_mark = 1
        Where batch_res_id = res_rec.batch_res_id
           And batch_trans_id = l_gme_trans_row.trans_id
           And failure_reason is not null;
Line: 604

     /* insert history record */
                P_alloc_history_rec      => l_history_rec
              , X_return_status          => x_return_status
              , X_msg_cont               => x_msg_cont
              , X_msg_data               => x_msg_data
Line: 616

        /* update the reservation record */
        Update gml_batch_so_reservations
        Set allocated_ind = 1
          , reserved_qty = reserved_qty - abs(l_tran_row.trans_qty)
          , reserved_qty2 = reserved_qty2 - abs(l_tran_row.trans_qty2)
        Where batch_res_id = res_rec.batch_res_id;
Line: 622

        /* delete the reservation record if over allocated */
        IF l_over_alloc = 1 THEN
           Update gml_batch_so_reservations
           Set delete_mark = 1
           Where batch_res_id = res_rec.batch_res_id;
Line: 669

  Select ic.trans_id
  From ic_tran_pnd ic
     , gml_batch_so_alloc_history his
  Where his.batch_trans_id = p_batch_trans_id
    and his.trans_id = ic.trans_id
    and ic.line_id = his.line_id
    and ic.staged_ind = 0
    and ic.delete_mark = 0
    and ic.doc_type = 'OMSO'
Line: 688

     /* call gmi api to delete this trans */
         l_trans_id := alloc_rec.trans_id;
Line: 693

                            (p_api_version      => 1.0,
                             p_init_msg_list    => FND_API.G_TRUE,
                             p_commit           => FND_API.G_FALSE,
                             p_validation_level => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_NONE,
                             p_tran_rec         => l_tran_rec,
                             x_tran_row         => l_tran_row,
                             x_return_status    => x_return_status,
                             x_msg_count        => x_msg_cont,
                             x_msg_data         => x_msg_data
Line: 705

               GMI_reservation_Util.PrintLn('Delete OMSO trans for Batch trans');
Line: 752

  Select ic.trans_id
  From ic_tran_pnd ic
     , gml_batch_so_alloc_history his
  Where his.batch_id = p_batch_id
    and his.trans_id = ic.trans_id
    and ic.line_id = his.line_id
    and ic.staged_ind = 0
    and ic.completed_ind = 0
    and ic.delete_mark = 0
    and ic.doc_type = 'OMSO'
Line: 771

                            p_api_version      => 1.0
                           ,p_init_msg_list    => FND_API.G_TRUE
                           ,p_commit           => FND_API.G_FALSE
                           ,p_validation_level => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_NONE
                           ,p_tran_rec         => l_tran_rec
                           ,x_tran_row         => l_tran_row
                           ,x_return_status    => x_return_status
                           ,x_msg_count        => x_msg_cont
                           ,x_msg_data         => x_msg_data);
Line: 781

        GMI_reservation_Util.PrintLn('(opm_dbg) in PVT d After DELETE_PENDING_TRANSACTION.');
Line: 784

          GMI_reservation_Util.PrintLn('(opm_dbg) in PVT d ERROR: Returned by Delete_Transaction().');
Line: 786

Line: 787

          FND_MESSAGE.Set_Token('WHERE', 'Delete_Reservation');
Line: 800

     /* call gmi api to delete this trans */
     end loop;
Line: 816

  Select ic.trans_id
  From ic_tran_pnd ic
     , gml_batch_so_alloc_history his
  Where his.batch_line_id = p_batch_line_id
    and his.trans_id = ic.trans_id
    and ic.line_id = his.line_id
    and ic.staged_ind = 0
    and ic.delete_mark = 0
    and ic.doc_type = 'OMSO'
Line: 841

     /* call gmi api to delete this trans */
     end loop;
Line: 863

     Update gml_batch_so_reservations
     Set delete_mark = 1
     Where batch_line_id = p_batch_line_id
        and delete_mark = 0;
Line: 872

     Update gml_batch_so_reservations
     Set delete_mark = 1
     Where batch_line_id = p_batch_line_id
        and whse_code = p_whse_code
        and delete_mark = 0;
Line: 898

     Update gml_batch_so_reservations
     Set delete_mark = 1
     Where so_line_id = p_so_line_id
        and delete_mark = 0;
Line: 921

     Update gml_batch_so_reservations
     Set delete_mark = 1
     Where batch_id = p_batch_id
        and delete_mark = 0;
Line: 984

  l_last_updated_by		NUMBER;
Line: 993

  SELECT Distinct so_line_id
    FROM gml_batch_so_reservations
   WHERE batch_id = p_batch_id
     and delete_mark = 0
     and reserved_qty <> 0;
Line: 1000

   SELECT batch_type
     FROM gme_batch_header
    WHERE batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 1006

  SELECT Distinct so_line_id
    FROM gml_batch_so_reservations
   WHERE batch_line_id = p_batch_line_id
     and delete_mark = 0
     and reserved_qty <> 0;
Line: 1013

  SELECT gl.batch_id,gh.batch_type
    FROM gme_material_details gl,
         gme_batch_header  gh
   WHERE gl.material_detail_id = p_batch_line_id
     and gl.batch_id = gh.batch_id;
Line: 1022

  Select distinct ictran.line_id
  From ic_tran_pnd ictran
    ,  gml_batch_so_alloc_history his
  Where his.batch_trans_id = p_batch_trans_id
    and his.trans_id = ictran.trans_id
    and ictran.doc_type = 'OMSO'
    and ictran.delete_mark = 0
    and ictran.staged_ind = 0
    and ictran.completed_ind = 0
Line: 1034

  SELECT batch_id
    FROM gml_batch_so_alloc_history
    WHERE batch_trans_id = p_batch_trans_id;
Line: 1042

   SELECT last_updated_by, created_by,header_id
     FROM oe_order_lines_all
    WHERE line_id = p_so_line_id;
Line: 1047

  Select count(*)
  From ic_tran_pnd ic
     , gml_batch_so_alloc_history his
  Where his.batch_trans_id = p_batch_trans_id
    and his.trans_id = ic.trans_id
    and ic.line_id = his.line_id
    and ic.staged_ind = 0
    and ic.delete_mark = 0
    and ic.doc_type = 'OMSO'
Line: 1059

  Select count(*)
  From ic_tran_pnd ic
     , gml_batch_so_alloc_history his
  Where his.batch_trans_id = p_batch_trans_id
    and his.trans_id = ic.trans_id
    and ic.line_id = his.line_id
    and ic.staged_ind = 1
    and ic.delete_mark = 0
    and ic.doc_type = 'OMSO'
Line: 1071

  Select distinct so_line_id
  From gml_batch_so_reservations
  Where created_by = p_user_id
    and batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 1079

  Select distinct so_line_id
  From gml_batch_so_reservations
  Where created_by = p_user_id
    and batch_id = p_batch_id
    and batch_line_id = p_batch_line_id;
Line: 1229

  FETCH CSR_for_so_line INTO  l_last_updated_by,l_created_by, l_so_header_id;
Line: 1236

  GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.PrintLn('Notify CSR : l_last_updated_by is '||l_last_updated_by);
Line: 1239

         , p_approver    => l_last_updated_by
         , p_so_header_id=> l_so_header_id
         , p_so_line_id  => l_so_line_id
         , p_batch_id    => l_batch_id
         , p_batch_line_id => NULL
         , p_whse_code   => l_whse_code
         , p_action_code   => l_action_code );
Line: 1247

  IF(l_last_updated_by <> l_created_by) THEN

     GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.PrintLn('Notify CSR : l_created_by is '||l_created_by);
Line: 1265

     for mul_line in check_mul_line_id1 (l_last_updated_by, l_batch_id ) Loop
        l_old_header_id := l_so_header_id ;
Line: 1270

        FETCH CSR_for_so_line INTO  l_last_updated_by,l_created_by, l_new_header_id ;
Line: 1279

                  , p_approver    => l_last_updated_by
                  , p_so_header_id=> l_so_header_id
                  , p_so_line_id  => l_so_line_id
                  , p_batch_id    => l_batch_id
                  , p_batch_line_id => NULL
                  , p_whse_code   => l_whse_code
                  , p_action_code   => l_action_code );
Line: 1287

           IF(l_last_updated_by <> l_created_by) THEN

              GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.PrintLn('Notify CSR : l_created_by is '||l_created_by);
Line: 1304

     for mul_line in check_mul_line_id2 (l_last_updated_by, l_batch_id, l_batch_line_id ) Loop
        l_old_header_id := l_so_header_id ;
Line: 1308

        FETCH CSR_for_so_line INTO  l_last_updated_by,l_created_by, l_new_header_id ;
Line: 1317

                  , p_approver    => l_last_updated_by
                  , p_so_header_id=> l_so_header_id
                  , p_so_line_id  => l_so_line_id
                  , p_batch_id    => l_batch_id
                  , p_batch_line_id => NULL
                  , p_whse_code   => l_whse_code
                  , p_action_code   => l_action_code );
Line: 1325

           IF(l_last_updated_by <> l_created_by) THEN

              GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.PrintLn('Notify CSR : l_created_by is '||l_created_by);
Line: 1369

  Select *
  Into l_gme_trans_row
  From ic_tran_pnd
  Where trans_id = p_alloc_history_rec.batch_trans_id;
Line: 1389

     /* delete the history record because new history records are created */
     update gml_batch_so_alloc_history
     set delete_mark = 1
     Where alloc_rec_id = p_alloc_history_rec.alloc_rec_id;
Line: 1461

    SELECT reserved_qty
        ,  reserved_qty2
        ,  batch_res_id
      FROM gml_batch_so_reservations
     WHERE so_line_id = p_old_source_line_id
       AND delivery_detail_id = p_old_delivery_detail_id
       AND delete_mark = 0
       AND reserved_qty <> 0
     ORDER BY 1 ; /* the smaller qty is at the top, keep in mind it is neg */
Line: 1472

    SELECT reserved_qty
        ,  reserved_qty2
        ,  batch_res_id
      FROM gml_batch_so_reservations
     WHERE so_line_id = p_old_source_line_id
       AND delete_mark = 0
       AND reserved_qty <> 0
     ORDER BY 1; /* the smaller qty is at the top, keep in mind it is neg */
Line: 1519

     Update gml_batch_so_reservations
     Set so_line_id = p_new_source_line_id
     Where so_line_id = p_old_source_line_id
       And delete_mark = 0
       And reserved_qty <> 0;
Line: 1530

           Update gml_batch_so_reservtions
              Set so_line_id  = p_new_source_line_id
           Where so_line_id  = p_old_source_line_id
            and delivery_detail_id = p_new_delivery_detail_id
            and delte_mark = 0
            and reserved_qty <> 0;
Line: 1536

           GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.PrintLn('Updated Here');
Line: 1573

          update gml_batch_so_reservations
          set reserved_qty =  l_qty_to_fulfil
            , reserved_qty2 = l_qty2_to_fulfil
          Where batch_res_id = res_rec.batch_res_id;
Line: 1598

              P_Gme_om_reservation_rec => l_reservation_rec
            , X_return_status          => x_return_status
            , X_msg_cont               => x_msg_count
            , X_msg_data               => x_msg_data
           ) ;
Line: 1609

          GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.Println('in split_res, update res '||res_rec.batch_res_id);
Line: 1612

          update gml_batch_so_reservations
          set delivery_detail_id = p_new_delivery_detail_id
            , so_line_id = p_new_source_line_id
          Where batch_res_id = res_rec.batch_res_id;
Line: 1699

  update gml_batch_so_reservations
  set delivery_detail_id = p_delivery_detail_id
  Where so_line_id = p_so_line_id
   and  delete_mark = 0;
Line: 1723

 Select line_detail_id
 From ic_tran_pnd
 Where delete_mark = 0
  and  trans_id in
     (Select trans_id
      From gml_batch_so_alloc_history
      Where  batch_trans_id = p_batch_trans_id
        and  delete_mark = 0
Line: 1735

 Select distinct wdd.move_order_line_id
 From wsh_delivery_details wdd
   ,  ic_tran_pnd ictran
 Where wdd.delivery_detail_id = ictran.line_detail_id
  and  ictran.delete_mark = 0
  and  ictran.trans_id in
     (Select trans_id
      From gml_batch_so_alloc_history
      Where  batch_line_id = p_batch_line_id
        and  delete_mark = 0