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Line 1156: from mtl_so_rma_interface

1152: if g_line_rec.line_type_code = 'RETURN' THEN
1153: v_bal_return_quantity := g_line_rec.ordered_quantity;
1154: begin
1155: select received_quantity into v_received_quantity
1156: from mtl_so_rma_interface
1157: where mol.line_id = rma_line_id;
1159: if v_received_quantity = 0 THEN
1160: v_received_quantity := NULL;

Line 6100: from mtl_so_rma_interface

6096: Cursor C1 is
6097: Select rma_interface_id,rma_id,rma_line_id,
6098: inventory_item_id,component_sequence_id,
6099: quantity, unit_code,received_quantity,delivered_quantity
6100: from mtl_so_rma_interface
6101: where rma_line_id = p_line_id
6102: and inventory_item_id <> l_inventory_item_id;
6103: --
6104: l_debug_level CONSTANT NUMBER := oe_debug_pub.g_debug_level;

Line 6321: from oe_order_lines_all l1, oe_order_lines_all l2,mtl_so_rma_interface m

6317: v_received_quantity number;
6318: -- Cursor to select ATO Items
6319: Cursor C1 is
6320: Select l1.line_id,l1.header_id,'RA' item_type,m.received_quantity
6321: from oe_order_lines_all l1, oe_order_lines_all l2,mtl_so_rma_interface m
6322: where l1.reference_line_id = l2.line_id
6323: and l1.line_category_code = 'RETURN'
6324: and decode(m.received_quantity,0,NULL,m.received_quantity) <
6325: l1.ordered_quantity