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Line 57: FROM ozf_offers

53: l_result VARCHAR2(2) := NULL;
55: CURSOR omo_offer_csr IS
56: SELECT 1
57: FROM ozf_offers
58: WHERE qp_list_header_id = p_list_header_id;
60: -- Fix for bug 12660466 : changed cursor to get all the parent list_line_ids created due to adjustments
61: -- Fix for bug 12967249 : added the current list_line_id also to the cursor, so that it will not validate the offer once accrual is created for the same line

Line 607: FROM ozf_offers off, qp_list_headers_all qp

604: -- julou 5723309: create util for VO PBH line only
605: CURSOR c_offer_type(p_qp_list_header_id NUMBER) IS
606: SELECT offer_type, custom_setup_id, description, offer_id
607: FROM ozf_offers off, qp_list_headers_all qp
608: WHERE off.qp_list_header_id = p_qp_list_header_id
609: AND off.qp_list_header_id = qp.list_header_id;
611: CURSOR c_purchase_price(p_resale_line_id number) is

Line 5838: ozf_offers off, ozf_resale_adjustments_all oe,

5834: line.quantity ShippedQuantity,
5835: (line.quantity*NVL(line.selling_price,line.purchase_price)) Revenue,
5836: NVL(util.plan_curr_amount,0) AccrualAmount
5837: FROM ozf_resale_lines_all line, ozf_funds_utilized_all_b util,
5838: ozf_offers off, ozf_resale_adjustments_all oe,
5839: ozf_xref_map map
5840: WHERE line.resale_line_id = util.object_id
5841: AND util.object_type = ''TP_ORDER''
5842: AND util.request_id = ' || G_CONC_REQUEST_ID ||

Line 5862: ozf_offers off, ozf_resale_adjustments_all oe,

5858: line.quantity ShippedQuantity,
5859: (line.quantity*NVL(line.selling_price,line.purchase_price)) Revenue,
5860: NVL(util.plan_curr_amount,0) AccrualAmount
5861: FROM ozf_resale_lines_all line, ozf_funds_utilized_all_b util,
5862: ozf_offers off, ozf_resale_adjustments_all oe,
5863: ozf_xref_map map
5864: WHERE line.resale_line_id = util.object_id
5865: AND util.object_type = ''TP_ORDER''
5866: AND util.request_id = ' || G_CONC_REQUEST_ID ||