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Line 238: from fnd_user U

234: owner_id, owner_domain, valid, sot_flag, intermediate_flag,
235: fingerprint, expire)
236: (select P_User, wf_dig_certs_s.nextval,'PSIG', wf_dig_certs_s.currval,
237: U.User_ID, 'U', 'Y', 'Y', 'N', P_User, null
238: from fnd_user U
239: where user_name = P_User
240: and not exists
241: (select cert_id
242: from wf_dig_certs

Line 342: from fnd_user

338: if (req_type = 'W') then
339: if (act_type = 'U') then
340: Select EMPLOYEE_ID
341: into act_emp_id
342: from fnd_user
343: where USER_ID = act_id;
345: Select count(*)
346: into kount

Line 381: From Fnd_User_Resp_Groups R

377: resp_id := to_number(substr(str_buf, idx + 1));
379: Select count(*)
380: into kount
381: From Fnd_User_Resp_Groups R
382: where R.USER_ID = resp_id
384: and R.SECURITY_GROUP_ID = sec_grp_id
385: and R.Responsibility_ID = to_number(req_id)

Line 612: -- get the user_id corresponding to the fnd_user. If the user_name

608: if (p_owner_id = 'CA') then
609: v_user_id := p_issuer;
610: UPDATE_CRL_URL(p_issuer,p_crl_url);
611: else
612: -- get the user_id corresponding to the fnd_user. If the user_name
613: -- does not exist, then it throws a no_data_found exception, which
614: -- is captured and -2 is returned
615: select user_id into v_user_id
616: from fnd_user

Line 616: from fnd_user

612: -- get the user_id corresponding to the fnd_user. If the user_name
613: -- does not exist, then it throws a no_data_found exception, which
614: -- is captured and -2 is returned
615: select user_id into v_user_id
616: from fnd_user
617: where user_name = p_owner_id;
618: end if;
620: -- check whether the certificate exists