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Line 80: Changed the parameter ld_accounting_date to sysdate while calling process_threshold_rollback in the loop c_jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes.

76: resulting in multiple records being fetched when a single row is expected
77: Added call to mo_global.set_policy_context
79: 11. 17-Jul-2009 Bgowrava for Bug#8682951 , File Version 120.4.12000000.4
80: Changed the parameter ld_accounting_date to sysdate while calling process_threshold_rollback in the loop c_jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes.
82: 12. 25-Aug-2009 Bug 8830302
83: Fetch Accounting Date from AP_INVOICE_LINES_ALL if distributions is not saved.
84: This will prevent failure during cancellation.

Line 172: cursor c_jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes(p_invoice_id number,cp_section_type jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes.section_type%type) is--rchandan for bug#4428980

168: from ap_invoices_all
169: where invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
172: cursor c_jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes(p_invoice_id number,cp_section_type jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes.section_type%type) is--rchandan for bug#4428980
173: select threshold_grp_id,
174: actual_tax_id tax_id,
175: sum(amount) taxable_amount,
176: sum(tax_amount) tax_amount

Line 177: from jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes jtdsi

173: select threshold_grp_id,
174: actual_tax_id tax_id,
175: sum(amount) taxable_amount,
176: sum(tax_amount) tax_amount
177: from jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes jtdsi
178: where invoice_id = p_invoice_id
179: and section_type = cp_section_type --cp_section_type--rchandan for bug#4428980
180: and threshold_grp_id is not null
181: and threshold_trx_id is null

Line 190: select jattt.invoice_id,jattt.tds_event,jattt.invoice_to_tds_authority_id from jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes jatit,jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs jattt

186: from gl_sets_of_books
187: where set_of_books_id = cp_set_of_books_id;
188: /*start-ETDS FVU3.1 11896260*/
189: cursor c_threshold_breach(p_invoice_id number) is
190: select jattt.invoice_id,jattt.tds_event,jattt.invoice_to_tds_authority_id from jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes jatit,jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs jattt
191: where jatit.invoice_id =p_invoice_id and
192: jatit.default_cum_threshold_stage= 'BEFORE THRESHOLD'
193: and jatit.threshold_grp_id =jattt.threshold_grp_id
194: and jattt.tds_event like 'THRESHOLD%'

Line 1003: for cur_rec in c_jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes(p_invoice_id,'TDS_SECTION')--rchandan for bug#4428980

999: lv_process_message := 'Threshold transition TDS has already been paid for the attached threshold_grp_id.Cannot cancel the invoice' ;
1000: goto exit_from_procedure;
1001: end if;
1002: /*End-ETDS FVU3.1 Bug 11896260*/
1003: for cur_rec in c_jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes(p_invoice_id,'TDS_SECTION')--rchandan for bug#4428980
1004: loop
1005: lv_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(23, lv_codepath); /* 23 */
1006: ln_threshold_grp_id := null;
1007: r_ja_in_tax_codes := null;