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1 PACKAGE BODY hr_be_extra_person_rules AS
2   /* $Header: pebeexpr.pkb 120.1.12020000.2 2012/07/16 10:11:26 sgmaram ship $ */
3   --
4   --
5   -- Service functions to return TRUE if the value passed has been changed.
6   --
9     RETURN (p_value IS NULL OR p_value <> hr_api.g_number);
10   END val_changed;
11   --
12   FUNCTION val_changed(p_value IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
13   BEGIN
14     RETURN (p_value IS NULL OR p_value <> hr_api.g_varchar2);
15   END val_changed;
16   --
17   FUNCTION val_changed(p_value IN DATE) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
18   BEGIN
19     RETURN (p_value IS NULL OR p_value <> hr_api.g_date);
20   END val_changed;
21   --
22   --
23   -- Correspondance language:
24   --
25   -- It is mandatory for an employee and must be one of the following languages -
26   -- 'NL' - Dutch, 'F' - French, or 'D' - German.
27   --
28   -- Note: Supports both real and API system values (these are passed when the value has not
29   --       been changed.
30   --
31   procedure extra_language_checks
32   (p_person_type_id          IN NUMBER
33   ,p_correspondence_language IN VARCHAR2) IS
34     --
35     CURSOR c_system_person_type(p_person_type_id NUMBER) IS
36       SELECT system_person_type
37       FROM   per_person_types
38       WHERE  person_type_id = p_person_type_id;
39     --
40     l_system_person_type per_person_types.system_person_type%TYPE;
41   BEGIN
42   -- Added the validation for the Bug No. 6469769 to check whether the Belgium Legislation is installed or not.
43   -- Only if it is installed,the validation is performed.
44     IF NOT hr_utility.chk_product_install('Oracle Human Resources', 'BE') THEN
45        hr_utility.trace ('BE Legislation not installed. Not performing the validations');
46        RETURN;
47     END IF;
50 -- Bug#14250197
51 -- This 'if' clause avoids checking for the various
52 -- mandatory parameters during the global deployment
53 -- process for an employee.
56  IF  per_per_bus.g_global_transfer_in_process IS NULL
57  OR per_per_bus.g_global_transfer_in_process = FALSE then
59 -- Bug#14250197
61     IF val_changed(p_correspondence_language) THEN
62       --
63       OPEN  c_system_person_type(p_person_type_id);
64       FETCH c_system_person_type INTO l_system_person_type;
65       CLOSE c_system_person_type;
66       --
67       IF l_system_person_type IN ('EMP', 'EMP_APL') THEN
68         IF p_correspondence_language IS NULL THEN
69           hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_BE_LANGUAGE_CODE_NULL');
70           hr_utility.raise_error;
71         ELSIf p_correspondence_language NOT IN ('NL','F','D') THEN
72           hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_BE_LANGUAGE_CODE_WRONG');
73           hr_utility.raise_error;
74         END IF;
75       END IF;
76     END IF;
77    END IF; -- Bug#14250197
78   END extra_language_checks;
79   --
80   --
81   -- Region of birth:
82   --
83   -- It cannot be entered.
84   --
85   -- Note: Supports both real and API system values (these are passed when the value has not
86   --       been changed.
87   --
88   PROCEDURE extra_person_checks
89   (p_region_of_birth IN VARCHAR2) IS
90   BEGIN
91   -- Added the validation for the Bug No. 6469769 to check whether the Belgium Legislation is installed or not.
92   -- Only if it is installed,the validation is performed.
93   IF NOT hr_utility.chk_product_install('Oracle Human Resources', 'BE') THEN
94        hr_utility.trace ('BE Legislation not installed. Not performing the validations');
95        RETURN;
96     END IF;
97     If val_changed(p_region_of_birth) AND p_region_of_birth IS NOT NULL THEN
98       hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_BE_REGION_OF_BIRTH_NOT_NULL');
99       hr_utility.raise_error;
100     END IF;
101   END extra_person_checks;
103   --
104   --
105   -- Employee Category:
106   --
107   -- It cannot be null.
108   --
109   --
110   PROCEDURE extra_assignment_checks
111   (p_employee_category IN VARCHAR2) IS
112   BEGIN
113   -- Added the validation for the Bug No. 6469769 to check whether the Belgium Legislation is installed or not.
114   -- Only if it is installed,the validation is performed.
115   IF NOT hr_utility.chk_product_install('Oracle Human Resources', 'BE') THEN
116        hr_utility.trace ('BE Legislation not installed. Not performing the validations');
117        RETURN;
118     END IF;
119     If p_employee_category IS NULL THEN
120       hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_BE_EMPLOYEE_CAT_NOT_NULL');
121       hr_utility.raise_error;
122     END IF;
123   END extra_assignment_checks;
127 END hr_be_extra_person_rules;