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2 /* $Header: OKLRSGAS.pls 120.22.12020000.3 2012/12/07 06:12:44 bkatraga ship $ */
3 -- Global variables
7   -- Store the yields types
8   TYPE yields_type IS RECORD (
9     pre_Tax_yield           okl_k_headers.pre_tax_yield%type,
10     after_tax_yield         okl_k_headers.after_tax_yield%type,
11     pre_tax_irr             okl_k_headers.pre_tax_irr%type,
12     after_tax_irr           okl_k_headers.after_tax_irr%type,
13     implicit_interest_rate  okl_k_headers.implicit_interest_rate%type,
14     sub_pre_Tax_yield       okl_k_headers.sub_pre_tax_yield%type,
15     sub_after_tax_yield     okl_k_headers.sub_after_tax_yield%type,
16     sub_pre_tax_irr         okl_k_headers.sub_pre_tax_irr%TYPE,
17     sub_after_tax_irr       okl_k_headers.sub_after_tax_irr%type,
18     sub_impl_interest_rate  okl_k_headers.sub_impl_interest_rate%type);
19   SUBTYPE yields_rec_type IS yields_type;
21   TYPE strm_rec IS RECORD (
22     id                             OKL_STRM_TYPE_B.ID%TYPE ,
23     pricing_name                   OKL_ST_GEN_TMPT_LNS.PRICING_NAME%TYPE);
24   SUBTYPE strm_rec_type IS strm_rec;
25   TYPE okl_strm_type_id_tbl_type IS TABLE OF strm_rec
29   CURSOR l_hdr_pdt_csr(chrId  NUMBER)
30   IS
31   SELECT chr.orig_system_source_code,
32          chr.start_date,
33          chr.end_date,
34          chr.template_yn,
35          chr.authoring_org_id,
36          khr.expected_delivery_date,
37          chr.inv_organization_id,
38          khr.deal_type,
39          pdt.id  pid,
40          NVL(pdt.reporting_pdt_id, -1) report_pdt_id,
41          chr.currency_code currency_code,
42          khr.term_duration term
43   FROM okc_k_headers_v chr,
44        okl_k_headers khr,
45        okl_products_v pdt
46   WHERE khr.id = chr.id
47   AND chr.id = chrId
48   AND khr.pdt_id = pdt.id(+);
52   -- Get the stream type id
53   CURSOR l_strmid_csr (strmName VARCHAR2)
54   IS
55   SELECT id styid
56   FROM okl_strm_type_tl
58   AND NAME = strmName;
59   -- get the prorate convention code
60   CURSOR l_adrconv_csr (bkCode VARCHAR2,
61                         assNo  VARCHAR2)
62   IS
63   SELECT fa.prorate_convention_code
64   FROM fa_books fa,
65        okx_asset_lines_v xle
66   WHERE fa.transaction_header_id_out IS NULL
67   AND fa.book_type_code = bkCode
68   AND fa.asset_id = xle.asset_id
69   AND xle.asset_number = assNo;
70   -- get the setup values for tax book and coporate book
71   CURSOR l_txtrans_csr (Book  Varchar2)
72   IS
73   SELECT trns.value,
74          books.book_type_code
75   FROM okl_sgn_translations trns,
76        fa_book_controls books
77   WHERE trns.jtot_object1_code = 'FA_BOOK_CONTROLS'
78   AND trns.object1_id1 = books.book_type_code
79   AND books.book_type_code = Book
80   AND trns.sgn_code = 'STMP';
81   -- Get the transaction types
82   CURSOR Transaction_Type_csr (p_transaction_type IN okl_trx_types_v.name%TYPE)
83   IS
84   SELECT id trx_try_id
85   FROM okl_trx_types_tl
86   WHERE NAME = p_transaction_type
88   -- get the transaction contract information
89   CURSOR trx_csr(khrId NUMBER,
90                  tcntype VARCHAR2,
91                  status VARCHAR2)
92   IS
93   SELECT txh.ID headertransid
94   FROM okl_trx_contracts txh
95   WHERE txh.tcn_type = tcntype
96   AND txh.khr_id = khrId
97   --rkuttiya added for 12.1.1  Multi GAAP
98   AND txh.representation_type = 'PRIMARY'
99   --
100   AND txh.tsu_code = status;
101   -- get the txl transaction information
102   CURSOR l_tx_csr(ass VARCHAR2)
103   IS
104   SELECT txl.life_in_months,
105          txl.corporate_book,
106          txl.deprn_method,
107          txl.in_service_date,
108          txl.salvage_value,
109          txl.percent_salvage_value,
110          txl.depreciation_cost,
111          mth.id1,
112          ct.prorate_convention_code
113   FROM okl_txl_assets_b txl,
114        okx_asst_dep_methods_v mth,
115        okx_ast_ct_bk_dfs_v ct
116   WHERE mth.method_code = txl.deprn_method
117   AND mth.life_in_months = txl.life_in_months
118   AND ct.category_id = txl.depreciation_id
119   AND ct.book_type_code = txl.corporate_book
120   AND txl.asset_number = ass
121 -- Start of Bug#3388812 Modification - BAKUCHIB
122   AND txl.in_service_date BETWEEN ct.start_dpis AND NVL(ct.end_dpis,txl.in_service_date);
123 -- End of Bug#3388812  Modification - BAKUCHIB
124   -- get the txd transaction information
125   CURSOR l_txd_csr(ass VARCHAR2)
126   IS
127   SELECT txd.cost,
128          txd.deprn_method_tax,
129          txd.life_in_months_tax,
130          txd.salvage_value,
131          txd.tax_book,
132          mth.id1
133   FROM okl_txd_assets_v txd,
134        okx_asst_dep_methods_v mth
135   WHERE mth.method_code = txd.deprn_method_tax
136   AND mth.life_in_months = txd.life_in_months_tax
137   AND txd.asset_number = ass;
138   -- get the stream id
139   CURSOR l_strm_id_csr(khrid NUMBER)
140   IS
141   SELECT lsm.id
142   FROM okl_streams lsm
143   WHERE lsm.khr_id = khrid;
144   -- get the Header rule information
145   CURSOR l_hdrrl_csr(rgcode okc_rule_groups_b.rgd_code%TYPE,
146                      rlcat  okc_rules_b.rule_information_category%TYPE,
147                      chrId NUMBER)
148   IS
149   SELECT crl.object1_id1,
150          crl.rule_information1,
151          crl.rule_information2,
152          crl.rule_information3,
153          crl.rule_information4,
154          crl.rule_information5,
155          crl.rule_information6,
156          crl.rule_information10,
157          crl.rule_information13,
158          crl.rule_information11
159   FROM okc_rule_groups_b crg,
160        okc_rules_b crl
161   WHERE crl.rgp_id = crg.id
162   AND crg.rgd_code = rgcode
163   AND crl.rule_information_category = rlcat
164   AND crg.dnz_chr_id = chrId;
165   -- get the self referencing Line based rule information
166   CURSOR l_rl_csr(rlgpId NUMBER,
167                   rgcode okc_rule_groups_b.rgd_code%TYPE,
168                   rlcat  okc_rules_b.rule_information_category%TYPE,
169                   chrId  NUMBER,
170                   cleId  NUMBER )
171   IS
172   SELECT crl.object1_id1,
173          crl.rule_information1,
174          crl.rule_information2,
175          crl.rule_information3,
176          crl.rule_information5,
177          crl.rule_information6,
178 --start bug#2757289 bakuchib
179          crl.rule_information7,
180          crl.rule_information8,
181 --end bug#2757289 bakuchib
182          crl.rule_information13,
183          crl.rule_information10,
184          DECODE(crl.object1_id1,'M',1,'Q',3,'S',6,'A',12) decoded_object1_id1
185   FROM okc_rule_groups_b crg,
186        okc_rules_b crl
187   WHERE crl.rgp_id = crg.id
188   AND crl.object2_id1 = rlgpId
189   AND crg.rgd_code = rgcode
190   AND crl.rule_information_category = rlcat
191   AND crg.dnz_chr_id = chrId
192   AND crg.cle_id = cleId
193 --  ORDER BY crl.rule_information1;
194 --start bug#2757289 bakuchib
195   ORDER BY FND_DATE.canonical_to_date(crl.rule_information2);
196 --end bug#2757289 bakuchib
197   -- get the Line rule information
198   CURSOR l_rl_csr2(rgcode okc_rule_groups_b.rgd_code%TYPE,
199                    rlcat  okc_rules_b.rule_information_category%TYPE,
200                    chrId NUMBER,
201                    cleId NUMBER)
202   IS
203   SELECT crl.id slh_id,
204          crl.object1_id1,
205          crl.rule_information1,
206          crl.rule_information2,
207          crl.rule_information3,
208          crl.rule_information5,
209          crl.rule_information6,
210 --start bug#2757289 bakuchib
211          crl.rule_information7,
212          crl.rule_information8,
213          crl.rule_information13,
214 --end bug#2757289 bakuchib
215          crl.rule_information10
216   FROM okc_rule_groups_b crg,
217        okc_rules_b crl
218   WHERE crl.rgp_id = crg.id
219   AND crg.rgd_code = rgcode
220   AND crl.rule_information_category = rlcat
221   AND crg.dnz_chr_id = chrId
222   AND crg.cle_id = cleId
223   ORDER BY crl.rule_information1;
224   -- get the Line rule information
225   CURSOR l_rl_csr1(rgcode okc_rule_groups_b.rgd_code%TYPE,
226                    rlcat  okc_rules_b.rule_information_category%TYPE,
227                    chrId NUMBER,
228                    cleId NUMBER )
229   IS
230   SELECT crl.id slh_id,
231          crl.object1_id1,
232          crl.rule_information1,
233          crl.rule_information2,
234          crl.rule_information3,
235          crl.rule_information5,
236          crl.rule_information6,
237 --start bug#2757289 bakuchib
238          crl.rule_information7,
239          crl.rule_information8,
240          crl.rule_information13,
241 --end bug#2757289 bakuchib
242          crl.rule_information10
243   FROM okc_rule_groups_b crg,
244        okc_rules_b crl
245   WHERE crl.rgp_id = crg.id
246   AND crg.rgd_code = rgcode
247   AND crl.rule_information_category = rlcat
248   AND crg.dnz_chr_id = chrId
249   AND crg.cle_id = cleId
250   ORDER BY crl.rule_information1;
251   -- get the Contract Header info
252   CURSOR l_hdr_csr(chrId  NUMBER)
253   IS
254   SELECT chr.orig_system_source_code,
255          chr.start_date,
256          chr.end_date,
257          chr.template_yn,
258          chr.authoring_org_id,
259          khr.expected_delivery_date,
260          chr.inv_organization_id,
261          khr.deal_type,
262          pdt.id  pid,
263          NVL(pdt.reporting_pdt_id, -1) report_pdt_id,
264          chr.currency_code currency_code,
265          khr.term_duration term
266   FROM okc_k_headers_v chr,
267        okl_k_headers khr,
268        okl_products_v pdt
269   WHERE khr.id = chr.id
270   AND chr.id = chrId
271   AND khr.pdt_id = pdt.id(+);
273   --Added capital_reduction_percent by bkatraga for bug 15942693
274   -- get the Contract line info
275   -- Modified by kthiruva on 02-Sep-05
276   -- Added trade-in amount and expected funding date to the Select clause of the
277   -- cursor for Pricing Impacts in ESG
278   CURSOR l_line_rec_csr(chrid NUMBER, lnetype VARCHAR2)
279   IS
280   SELECT kle.id,
281          kle.oec,
282          kle.residual_code,
283          kle.capital_amount,
284          kle.delivered_date,
285          kle.date_funding_required,
286          kle.residual_grnty_amount,
287          kle.date_funding,
288          kle.residual_value,
289          kle.date_delivery_expected,
290          kle.orig_system_id1 old_line_id,
291          kle.amount,
292          kle.price_negotiated,
293          kle.start_date,
294          kle.end_date,
295          kle.orig_system_id1,
296          kle.fee_type,
297          kle.initial_direct_cost,
298          tl.item_description,
299          tl.name,
300          sts.ste_code,
301          --Added for Pricing Impact
302          kle.tradein_amount,
303          kle.date_funding_expected,
304          -- Added by RGOOTY: ESG Down Payment
305          kle.capital_reduction,
306          kle.capitalize_down_payment_yn,
307          kle.orig_contract_line_id, --sechawla 10-jul-09 PRB ESg enhancements : added
308          kle.capital_reduction_percent
309   FROM okl_k_lines_full_v kle,
310        okc_line_styles_b lse,
311        okc_k_lines_tl tl,
312        okc_statuses_b sts
313   WHERE kle.lse_id = lse.id
314   AND lse.lty_code = lnetype
315   AND tl.id = kle.id
316   AND tl.language = userenv('LANG')
317   AND kle.dnz_chr_id = chrid
318   AND sts.code = kle.sts_code
319 --Start of bug#3121708 modification BAKUCHIB
320   AND sts.ste_code not in ('HOLD', 'EXPIRED', 'CANCELLED');
321 --End of bug#3121708 modification BAKUCHIB
322   -- get the Contract fee line info
323   -- nikshah -- Bug # 5484903 Fixed,
324   -- Removed CURSOR l_fee_csr
325   -- get the Contract fee line info
326   CURSOR l_subfee_csr(kleId       NUMBER,
327                       lnetype    VARCHAR2,
328                       obcode     VARCHAR2)
329   IS
330   SELECT kle.id,
331          kle.amount,
332          kle.price_negotiated,
333          kle.start_date,
334          kle.capital_amount
335   FROM okl_k_lines_full_v kle,
336        okc_line_styles_b LS,
337        okc_k_items cim
338   WHERE ls.id = kle.lse_id
339   AND ls.lty_code = lnetype
340   AND cim.jtot_object1_code = obcode
341   AND kle.id = cim.cle_id
342   AND cim.object1_id1 = kleId;
343   -- get strm fee type
344   CURSOR fee_strm_type_csr (kleid NUMBER,
345                             linestyle VARCHAR2 )
346   IS
347   SELECT tl.name strm_name,
348          sty.capitalize_yn capitalize_yn,
349          kle.id   line_id,
350          sty.id   styp_id,
351          sty.stream_type_class stream_type_class
352   FROM okl_strm_type_tl tl,
353        okl_strm_type_v sty,
354        okc_k_items cim,
355        okl_k_lines_full_v kle,
356        okc_line_styles_b ls
357   WHERE tl.id = sty.id
358   AND tl.language = 'US'
359   AND cim.cle_id = kle.id
360   AND ls.id = kle.lse_id
361   AND ls.lty_code = 'FEE'
362   AND cim.object1_id1 = sty.id
363   AND cim.object1_id2 = '#'
364   AND kle.id = kleid;
367   --sechawla 15-Sep-2010 - Bug# 10045043 : added cursor : begin
368   CURSOR serv_strm_type_csr (kleid NUMBER,
369                             linestyle VARCHAR2 )
370   IS
371    SELECT tl.name strm_name, sty.STREAM_TYPE_PURPOSE,
372          sty.capitalize_yn capitalize_yn,
373          kle.id   line_id,
374          sty.id   styp_id,
375          sty.stream_type_class stream_type_class
376   FROM okl_strm_type_tl tl,
377        okl_strm_type_v sty,
378        okl_party_payment_hdr pph,
379        okl_k_lines_full_v kle,
380        okc_line_styles_b ls
381   WHERE tl.id = sty.id
382   AND tl.language = 'US'
383   AND ls.id = kle.lse_id
384   AND ls.lty_code = 'SOLD_SERVICE'
385   AND pph.passthru_stream_type_id = sty.id
386   AND pph.cle_id = kle.id
387   AND pph.dnz_chr_id = kle.dnz_chr_id
388   AND kle.id = kleid;
389  --sechawla 15-Sep-2010 - Bug# 10045043 : added cursor : end
391   -- get Stream name
392   CURSOR strm_name_csr (styid NUMBER)
393   IS
394   SELECT tl.name name,
395          stm.stream_type_class stream_type_class,
396 		 stm.stream_type_purpose,
397          tl.description alloc_basis,
398          stm.capitalize_yn capitalize_yn,
399          stm.periodic_yn  periodic_yn
400   FROM okl_strm_type_b stm,
401        okl_strm_type_tl tl
402   WHERE tl.id = stm.id
403   AND tl.language = 'US'
404   AND stm.id = styid;
405   -- get the install based location
406   CURSOR ib_csr (chrId NUMBER)
407   IS
408   SELECT DISTINCT hl.country country
409   FROM hz_locations hl,
410        hz_party_sites hps,
411        hz_party_site_uses hpsu,
412        okl_txl_itm_insts iti,
413        okc_line_styles_b lse_ib,
414        okc_k_lines_b cle_ib
415   WHERE cle_ib.dnz_chr_id = chrId
416   AND cle_ib.lse_id = lse_ib.id
417   AND lse_ib.lty_code = 'INST_ITEM'
418   AND iti.kle_id = cle_ib.id
419   AND iti.object_id1_new = hpsu.party_site_use_id
420   AND iti.object_id2_new = '#'
421   AND hpsu.party_site_id = hps.party_site_id
422   AND hps.location_id = hl.location_id;
423   -- get the Stream element information
424   CURSOR l_strmele_csr(chrId NUMBER,
425                        styid NUMBER)
426   IS
427   SELECT ele.date_billed,
428          ele.stream_element_date,
429          ele.amount,
430          ele.accrued_yn,
431          ele.comments,
432          str.transaction_number,
433          str.sgn_code sgn_code,
434          ele.stm_id stm_id,
435          ele.se_line_number se_line_number
436   FROM okl_strm_elements ele,
437        okl_streams str
438   WHERE ele.stm_id = str.id
439   AND str.khr_id = chrId
440   AND str.sty_id = styid
441   AND upper(str.say_code) = 'CURR'
442   AND upper(str.active_yn) = 'Y'
443   ORDER BY ele.stream_element_date;
444   -- get the Streams
445   CURSOR strm_csr(chrId NUMBER,
446                   kleId NUMBER,
447                   status VARCHAR2,
448                   pp VARCHAR2,
449                   styId NUMBER)  IS
450   SELECT str.Id strm_id,
451          str.sty_id sty_id,
452          str.sgn_code sgn_code,
453          str.sgn_code alloc_yn,
454          str.comments alloc_basis,
455          str.transaction_number trn_num
456   FROM okl_streams str
457   WHERE str.say_code = status
458   AND str.khr_id = chrId
459   AND NVL(str.kle_id, -1) = kleId
460   AND str.sty_id = styId
461   AND NVL(str.purpose_code, 'ORIGIN') = pp;
462   --Modified by RGOOTY for bug 8540694
463   -- get the streams
464   CURSOR strms_csr(chrId NUMBER,
465                    status VARCHAR2,
466                    pp VARCHAR2 )
467   IS
468   SELECT /*+ index(STR stm_khr_fk_i)*/ STR.ID STRM_ID,
469          STR.KLE_ID,
470          STR.STY_ID STY_ID,
471          STR.SGN_CODE SGN_CODE,
472          STR.SGN_CODE ALLOC_YN,
477    WHERE STR.SAY_CODE = status
479      AND STR.KHR_ID = chrId
480      AND (
481           STR.KLE_ID IN
482           (SELECT /*+ index(KLE OKC_K_LINES_B_U1 )*/ KLE.ID
483              FROM OKC_K_LINES_B KLE,
484                   OKC_LINE_STYLES_B LSE,
485                   OKC_STATUSES_B STS
486             WHERE KLE.LSE_ID = LSE.ID
487               AND KLE.DNZ_CHR_ID = chrId
488               AND STS.CODE = KLE.STS_CODE
489               AND LSE.LTY_CODE NOT IN ('INSURANCE')
490           )
491          )
492   UNION
493   SELECT /*+ index(STR stm_khr_fk_i)*/ STR.ID STRM_ID,
494          STR.KLE_ID,
495          STR.STY_ID STY_ID,
496          STR.SGN_CODE SGN_CODE,
497          STR.SGN_CODE ALLOC_YN,
502    WHERE STR.SAY_CODE = status
504      AND STR.KHR_ID = chrId
506   -- get the lookup
507   CURSOR fnd_lookups_csr( lkp_type VARCHAR2, mng VARCHAR2 )
508   IS
509   SELECT description,
510          lookup_code
511   FROM fnd_lookup_values
512   WHERE language = 'US'
513   AND lookup_type = lkp_type
514   AND meaning = mng;
517    --Added by kthriuva for Variable Rate Project.
518    --Cursor to fetch the OEC of all assets put together in the Contract
519    CURSOR total_oec_csr(p_chr_id NUMBER)
520    IS
521    SELECT sum(kle.oec) total_oec
522    FROM okl_k_lines_full_v kle,
523         okc_line_styles_b lse,
524         okc_k_lines_tl tl,
525         okc_statuses_b sts
526    WHERE kle.lse_id = lse.id
527    AND lse.lty_code = 'FREE_FORM1'
528    AND tl.id = kle.id
529    AND tl.language = userenv('LANG')
530    AND kle.dnz_chr_id = p_chr_id
531    AND sts.code = kle.sts_code
532    AND sts.ste_code not in ('HOLD', 'EXPIRED', 'CANCELLED');
536   TYPE strmele_tbl_type IS TABLE OF l_strmele_csr%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
538   Procedure allocate_streams(
539             p_api_version     IN NUMBER,
540             p_init_msg_list   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
541             x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
542             x_msg_count       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
543             x_msg_data        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
544             p_chr_id          IN  NUMBER) ;
546   Procedure generate_reporting_streams(
547             p_api_version          IN  NUMBER,
548             p_init_msg_list        IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
549             p_chr_id               IN  VARCHAR2,
550             p_report_deal_type     IN  VARCHAR2,
551             p_generation_context   IN  VARCHAR2,
552             p_skip_prc_engine      IN  VARCHAR2,
553             x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
554             x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
555             x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
556             x_request_id           IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
557             x_trans_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
558             p_orp_code             IN  VARCHAR2);
560   Procedure generate_streams(
561             p_api_version         IN  NUMBER,
562             p_init_msg_list       IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
563             p_chr_id              IN  VARCHAR2,
564             p_generation_context  IN  VARCHAR2,
565             p_skip_prc_engine     IN  VARCHAR2,
566             x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
567             x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
568             x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
569             x_request_id          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
570             x_trans_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
572   Procedure process_streams(
573             p_api_version    IN  NUMBER,
574             p_init_msg_list  IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
575             x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
576             x_msg_count      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
577             x_msg_data       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
578             p_chr_id         IN  VARCHAR2,
579             p_process_yn     IN  VARCHAR2,
580             p_chr_yields     IN  yields_rec_type,
581             p_source_call    IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'ESG');
583   Procedure update_contract_yields(
584             p_api_version    IN  NUMBER,
585             p_init_msg_list  IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
586             x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
587             x_msg_count      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
588             x_msg_data       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
589             p_chr_id         IN  VARCHAR2,
590             p_chr_yields     IN  yields_rec_type);
592   Procedure extract_params_lease(
593             p_api_version                IN  NUMBER,
594             p_init_msg_list              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
595             p_chr_id                     IN  VARCHAR2,
596             x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
597             x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
598             x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
599             x_csm_lease_header           OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_lease_rec_type,
600             x_csm_one_off_fee_tbl        OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_one_off_fee_tbl_type,
601             x_csm_periodic_expenses_tbl  OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_periodic_expenses_tbl_type,
602             x_csm_yields_tbl             OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_yields_tbl_type,
603             x_req_stream_types_tbl       OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_stream_types_tbl_type,
604             x_csm_line_details_tbl       OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_line_details_tbl_type,
605             x_rents_tbl                  OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_periodic_expenses_tbl_type,
606             p_orp_code                   IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL );
608   Procedure extract_params_loan(
609             p_api_version                IN  NUMBER,
610             p_init_msg_list              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
611             p_chr_id                     IN  VARCHAR2,
612             x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
613             x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
614             x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
615             x_csm_loan_header            OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pvt.csm_loan_rec_type,
616             x_csm_loan_lines_tbl         OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pvt.csm_loan_line_tbl_type,
617             x_csm_loan_levels_tbl        OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pvt.csm_loan_level_tbl_type,
618             x_csm_one_off_fee_tbl        OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_one_off_fee_tbl_type,
619             x_csm_periodic_expenses_tbl  OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_periodic_expenses_tbl_type,
620             x_csm_yields_tbl             OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_yields_tbl_type,
621             x_csm_stream_types_tbl       OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_stream_types_tbl_type,
622             p_orp_code                   IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL );
624   Procedure GEN_INTR_EXTR_STREAM (
625             p_api_version          IN NUMBER,
626             p_init_msg_list        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKC_API.G_FALSE,
627             x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
628             x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
629             x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
630             p_khr_id               IN  OKC_K_HEADERS_B.ID%TYPE,
631             p_generation_ctx_code  IN  VARCHAR2,
632             x_trx_number           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
633             x_trx_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
635   PROCEDURE validate_payments(p_api_version    IN  NUMBER,
636                               p_init_msg_list  IN  VARCHAR2,
637                               x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
638                               x_msg_count      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
639                               x_msg_data       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
640                               p_khr_id         IN OKC_K_HEADERS_B.ID%TYPE,
641                               p_paym_tbl       IN OKL_STREAM_GENERATOR_PVT.payment_tbl_type);
643   PROCEDURE get_so_residual_value(p_khr_id         IN NUMBER,
644                                   p_kle_id         IN NUMBER,
645                                   p_subside_yn     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N',
646                                   x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
647                                   x_residual_value OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
648                                   x_start_date     OUT NOCOPY DATE);
650   PROCEDURE get_so_asset_oec(p_khr_id        IN NUMBER,
651                              p_kle_id        IN NUMBER,
652                              p_subside_yn    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N',
653                              x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
654                              x_asset_oec     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
655                              x_start_date    OUT NOCOPY DATE);
657   PROCEDURE extract_params_so(
658             p_api_version                IN  NUMBER,
659             p_init_msg_list              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
660             p_chr_id                     IN  OKC_K_HEADERS_B.ID%TYPE,
661             p_cle_id                     IN  OKC_K_LINES_B.ID%TYPE,
662             x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
663             x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
664             x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
665             x_csm_lease_header           OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_lease_rec_type,
666             x_csm_one_off_fee_tbl        OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_one_off_fee_tbl_type,
667             x_csm_periodic_expenses_tbl  OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_periodic_expenses_tbl_type,
668             x_csm_yields_tbl             OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_yields_tbl_type,
669             x_req_stream_types_tbl       OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_stream_types_tbl_type,
670             x_csm_line_details_tbl       OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_line_details_tbl_type,
671             x_rents_tbl                  OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_periodic_expenses_tbl_type,
672             x_csm_loan_header            OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pvt.csm_loan_rec_type,
673             x_csm_loan_lines_tbl         OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pvt.csm_loan_line_tbl_type,
674             x_csm_loan_levels_tbl        OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pvt.csm_loan_level_tbl_type);
676   --Added new procedure for the Variable Rate Project
677   Procedure extract_params_loan_paydown(
678             p_api_version                IN  NUMBER,
679             p_init_msg_list              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
680             p_chr_id                     IN  VARCHAR2,
681             p_deal_type                  IN  VARCHAR2,
682 	    p_paydown_type               IN  VARCHAR2,
683 	    p_paydown_date               IN  DATE,
684 	    p_paydown_amount             IN  NUMBER,
685             p_balance_type_code          IN  VARCHAR2,
686             x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
687             x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
688             x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
689             x_csm_loan_header            OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pvt.csm_loan_rec_type,
690             x_csm_loan_lines_tbl         OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pvt.csm_loan_line_tbl_type,
691             x_csm_loan_levels_tbl        OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pvt.csm_loan_level_tbl_type,
692             x_csm_one_off_fee_tbl        OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_one_off_fee_tbl_type,
693             x_csm_periodic_expenses_tbl  OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_periodic_expenses_tbl_type,
694             x_csm_yields_tbl             OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_yields_tbl_type,
695             x_csm_stream_types_tbl       OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_stream_types_tbl_type);
697   --Added by kthiruva for Bug 5161075
698   Procedure extract_params_loan_reamort(
699             p_api_version     IN  NUMBER,
700             p_init_msg_list   IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
701             p_chr_id          IN  VARCHAR2,
702             x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
703             x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
704             x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
705             x_csm_loan_header           OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pvt.csm_loan_rec_type,
706             x_csm_loan_lines_tbl        OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pvt.csm_loan_line_tbl_type,
707             x_csm_loan_levels_tbl       OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pvt.csm_loan_level_tbl_type,
708             x_csm_one_off_fee_tbl       OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_one_off_fee_tbl_type,
709             x_csm_periodic_expenses_tbl OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_periodic_expenses_tbl_type,
710             x_csm_yields_tbl            OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_yields_tbl_type,
711             x_csm_stream_types_tbl      OUT NOCOPY okl_create_streams_pub.csm_stream_types_tbl_type);
713    --Added by srsreeni for bug 5699923
715             p_api_version     IN  NUMBER,
716             p_init_msg_list   IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
717             x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
718             x_msg_count       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
719             x_msg_data        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
720             p_chr_id          IN  VARCHAR2,
721             p_trx_number      IN  NUMBER,
722             p_source_call     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'ESG');
725    --Added by bkatraga for bug 8399461
726    PROCEDURE get_pth_fee_due_amount(
727             p_chr_id           IN NUMBER,
728             p_kle_id           IN NUMBER,
729             p_prev_payout_date IN DATE,
730             p_payout_date      IN DATE,
731             x_bill_amount      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
732             x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
734   /************************************************************************
735   * API to upgrade the ESG Contracts to support the
736   *  Prospective Rebooking
737   *************************************************************************/
738   PROCEDURE upgrade_esg_khr_for_prb(
739              p_chr_id             IN         VARCHAR2
740             ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
741             ,x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
742             ,x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
743             ,x_request_id         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
744             ,x_trans_status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
745             ,x_rep_request_id     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
746             ,x_rep_trans_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 );
748   /************************************************************************
749   * API to generate passthrough expense accrual streams
750   *  For ISG and ESG contracts --Bug 8624532 by NIKSHAH
751   *************************************************************************/
753              p_api_version        IN         NUMBER
754             ,p_init_msg_list      IN         VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE
755             ,P_CHR_ID             IN         NUMBER
756             ,P_PURPOSE_CODE       IN         VARCHAR2
757             ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
758             ,x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
759             ,x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 );
764  --sechawla 15-Sep-2010 - Bug# 10045043 : added procedure : begin
765   /************************************************************************
766   * API to generate passthrough service expense accrual streams
767   *  For ISG and ESG contracts
768   *************************************************************************/
771 (
772   p_api_version     IN  NUMBER,
773   p_init_msg_list   IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
774   P_CHR_ID          IN NUMBER,
776   x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
777   x_msg_count       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
778   x_msg_data        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
779 );
780  --sechawla 15-Sep-2010 - Bug# 10045043 : added procedure : end
782   /************************************************************************
783   * API to identify and retrieve the khr_id
784   * of a original contract if the input contract is REBOOK copy
785   * Else input contract is returned as output
786   * Bug 12944979: Publishing this API.
787   *************************************************************************/
788   PROCEDURE retrive_orig_hdr_id( p_chr_id  IN         VARCHAR2
789                                , x_chr_id  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
790   );