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2 /* $Header: INVUOMPS.pls 120.0.12020000.3 2013/02/12 16:12:16 agembali noship $ */
3 /*#
4  * The UOM procedures allow users to create and update the UOM class,unit of measures,
5  * Standard,intra class , inter calss and lot specific conversion in inventory.
6  * @rep:scope public
7  * @rep:product INV
8  * @rep:lifecycle active
9  * @rep:displayname UOM Public API
10  * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY INV_SETUP
11  */
13   -----------------------------------------------
14   -- Procedure
15   --   UOM_Class
16   --
17   -- Description
18   --  Creates UOM class data.
19   --
20   -- Input Paramters
21   --  P_UOM_CLASS 	       uom_class data.
22   --  P_DESCRIPTION  	       class description.
23   --  p_base_unit_of_measure   base unit of measure.
24   --  p_base_uom_code  	       base uom code.
25   --  P_UOM_DESCRIPTION        unit of measure description
26   --  p_disable_date 	       In active date of class.
27   --  p_attribute 1-15         DFF of Unit of measure classes.
28   --  P_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY     Context of UOM Class
29   --  P_UOM_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Context of Unit of Measure
30   --  P_UOM_ATTRIBUTE 1 - 15 DFF of Define Unit of Measures
31   --  p_action_type            Action type of UOM class that whether uom class need to insert or update
32   --                                 i.e    'I' or 'U'
33   -- Output Parameters
34   --   x_return_status     = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success, if succeeded
35   --                       = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_exc_error, if an expected error occurred
36   --                       = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error, if  an unexpected error occurred
37   --
38   --   x_msg_count         = Message count
39   --   x_msg_data          = Message text
40   --
41   --------------------------------------------
43  /*#
44  * Use this procedure to create a new UOM class.
45  * For given base unit of measure , base uom code and uom class , this procedure creates the new uom class with that base unit of measure
46  * if the base unit of measure is not already created.
47  * If the uom class is already defined then it returns the error message.
48  * @param x_return_status Return status indicating success or failure
49  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
50  * @param x_msg_count Returns the number of messages in message list
51  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
52  * @param x_msg_data Returns the message text
53  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
54  * @param p_uom_class Identifier of newly creating uom class name.
55  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
56  * @param p_description Identifier for the uom class description.
57  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
58  * @param p_base_unit_of_measure Identifier for the base unit of measure for the uom class.
59  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
60  * @param p_base_uom_code Identifier for the base unit of measure code of length 3 for the uom class.
61  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
62  * @param p_uom_description Identifier for the base unit of measure description.
63  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
64  * @param p_disable_date Identifier for the inactive date of the uom class.
65  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
66  * @param p_attribute1 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the uom class
67  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
68  * @param p_attribute2 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the uom class
69  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
70  * @param p_attribute3 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the uom class
71  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
72  * @param p_attribute4 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the uom class
73  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
74  * @param p_attribute5 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the uom class
75  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
76  * @param p_attribute6 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the uom class
77  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
78  * @param p_attribute7 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the uom class
79  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
80  * @param p_attribute8 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the uom class
81  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
82  * @param p_attribute9 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the uom class
83  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
84  * @param p_attribute10 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the uom class
85  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
86  * @param p_attribute11 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the uom class
87  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
88  * @param p_attribute12 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the uom class
89  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
90  * @param p_attribute13 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the uom class
91  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
92  * @param p_attribute14 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the uom class
93  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
94  * @param p_attribute15 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the uom class
95  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
96  * @param p_attribute_category Holds the Context of the Descriptive FlexField for the uom class
97  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
98  * @param p_uom_attribute1 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
99  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
100  * @param p_uom_attribute2 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
101  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
102  * @param p_uom_attribute3 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
103  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
104  * @param p_uom_attribute4 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
105  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
106  * @param p_uom_attribute5 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
107  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
108  * @param p_uom_attribute6 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
109  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
110  * @param p_uom_attribute7 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
111  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
112  * @param p_uom_attribute8 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
113  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
114  * @param p_uom_attribute9 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
115  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
116  * @param p_uom_attribute10 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
117  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
118  * @param p_uom_attribute11 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
119  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
120  * @param p_uom_attribute12 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
121  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
122  * @param p_uom_attribute13 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
123  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
124  * @param p_uom_attribute14 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
125  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
126  * @param p_uom_attribute15 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
127  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
128  * @param p_uom_attribute_category Holds the Context of the Descriptive FlexField for the unit of measure
129  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
130  * @param p_action_type Identifier for creation or updation flag of UOM Class.
131  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
132  * @rep:scope public
133  * @rep:lifecycle active
134  * @rep:displayname UOM Class
135  */
136   PROCEDURE uom_class(
137     p_uom_class              IN VARCHAR2,
138     p_description            IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
139     p_base_unit_of_measure   IN VARCHAR2,
140     p_base_uom_code          IN VARCHAR2,
141     p_uom_description        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
142     p_disable_date           IN DATE DEFAULT NULL,
143     p_attribute_category     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
144     p_attribute1             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
145     p_attribute2             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
146     p_attribute3             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
147     p_attribute4             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
148     p_attribute5             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
149     p_attribute6             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
150     p_attribute7             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
151     p_attribute8             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
152     p_attribute9             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
153     p_attribute10            IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
154     p_attribute11            IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
155     p_attribute12            IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
156     p_attribute13            IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
157     p_attribute14            IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
158     p_attribute15            IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
159     p_uom_attribute_category IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
160     p_uom_attribute1         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
161     p_uom_attribute2         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
162     p_uom_attribute3         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
163     p_uom_attribute4         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
164     p_uom_attribute5         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
165     p_uom_attribute6         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
166     p_uom_attribute7         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
167     p_uom_attribute8         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
168     p_uom_attribute9         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
169     p_uom_attribute10        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
170     p_uom_attribute11        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
171     p_uom_attribute12        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
172     p_uom_attribute13        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
173     p_uom_attribute14        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
174     p_uom_attribute15        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
175     p_action_type            IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
176     x_msg_count              OUT nocopy NUMBER,
177     x_msg_data               OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
178     x_return_status          OUT nocopy VARCHAR2 );
179   --------------------------------------------
180   -- Procedure
181   --   Unit_Of_Measure
182   --
183   -- Description
184   --  Creates Unit of measure data.
185   --
186   -- Input Paramters
187   --  P_UOM_CLASS 	      uom_class data.
188   --  P_DESCRIPTION	      uom class description.
189   --  p_unit_of_measure       unit of measure.
190   --  p_uom_code  	      uom code.
191   --  p_disable_date	      InActive date of unit of measure.
192   --  P_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY    Context of Unit of Measure
193   --  p_attribute 1-15 	      DFF of Define Unit of measure.
194   --  p_action_type           Action type whether insert 'I' or  update 'U'
195   -- Output Parameters
196   --   x_return_status    = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success, if succeeded
197   --                      = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_exc_error, if an expected error occurred
198   --                      = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error, if an unexpected error occurred
199   --
200   --   x_msg_count        = Message count
201   --   x_msg_data         = Message text
202   --
203   -----------------------------------------------
205 /*#
206  * Use this procedure to create a new unit of measure.
207  * For given unit of measure , uom code and uom class , this procedure creates the new unit of measure
208  * and if the uom class is not defined then it returns the error message.
209  * This procedure is used to create non-base unit of measures only.
210  * @param x_return_status Return status indicating success or failure
211  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
212  * @param x_msg_count Returns the number of messages in message list
213  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
214  * @param x_msg_data Returns the message text
215  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
216  * @param p_uom_class Identifier of existing uom class name.
217  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
218  * @param p_description Identifier for the unit of measure description.
219  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
220  * @param p_unit_of_measure Identifier for the non-base unit of measure for the uom class.
221  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
222  * @param p_uom_code Identifier for the base unit of measure code of length 3 for the uom class.
223  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
224  * @param p_disable_date Identifier for the inactive date of the unit of measure
225  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
226  * @param p_attribute1 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
227  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
228  * @param p_attribute2 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
229  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
230  * @param p_attribute3 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
231  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
232  * @param p_attribute4 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
233  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
234  * @param p_attribute5 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
235  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
236  * @param p_attribute6 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
237  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
238  * @param p_attribute7 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
239  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
240  * @param p_attribute8 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
241  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
242  * @param p_attribute9 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
243  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
244  * @param p_attribute10 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
245  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
246  * @param p_attribute11 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
247  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
248  * @param p_attribute12 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
249  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
250  * @param p_attribute13 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
251  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
252  * @param p_attribute14 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
253  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
254  * @param p_attribute15 Holds the Descriptive FlexField attribute for the unit of measure
255  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
256  * @param p_attribute_category Holds the Context of the Descriptive FlexField for the unit of measure
257  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
258  * @param p_action_type Identifier for creation or updation flag of Unit Of Measuere
259  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
260  * @rep:scope public
261  * @rep:lifecycle active
262  * @rep:displayname Unit Of Measure
263  */
264   PROCEDURE unit_of_measure (
265     p_uom_class          IN VARCHAR2,
266     p_description        IN VARCHAR2,
267     p_unit_of_measure    IN VARCHAR2,
268     p_uom_code           IN VARCHAR2,
269     p_disable_date       IN DATE DEFAULT NULL,
270     p_attribute_category IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
271     p_attribute1         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
272     p_attribute2         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
273     p_attribute3         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
274     p_attribute4         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
275     p_attribute5         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
276     p_attribute6         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
277     p_attribute7         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
278     p_attribute8         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
279     p_attribute9         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
280     p_attribute10        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
281     p_attribute11        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
282     p_attribute12        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
283     p_attribute13        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
284     p_attribute14        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
285     p_attribute15        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
286     p_action_type        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
287     x_msg_count          OUT nocopy NUMBER,
288     x_msg_data           OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
289     x_return_status      OUT nocopy VARCHAR2 );
290   -------------------------------------------------------
291   -- Procedure
292   --   UOM_Conversion
293   --
294   -- Description
295   --  Creates UOM conversion data.
296   --
297   -- Input Paramters
298   --  p_lot_number	     Lot number.
299   --  p_from_uom_code        From uom code
300   --  p_to_uom_code  	     TO uom code.
301   --  p_item_id		     Inventory item id.
302   --  p_organization_id      Organization id.
303   --  p_uom_rate  	     Conversion rate.
304   --  p_reason_id            Reason.
305   --  p_onhand_update Number Update onhand
306   -- 			            (1 -  No, 2 - Yes which is based on update_type)
307   -- p_update_type number    Type of update to onhand
308   --                                    1 - recalculate Batch Primary qty.
309   --                                    2 - recalculate Batch Secondary qty.
310   --                                    3 - recalculate Onhand Primary qty.
311   --                                    4 - recalculate Onhand Secondary qty.
312   --
313   --  p_disable_date         In active date.
314   --  p_action_type          Action type whether insert 'I' or update 'U'
315   --  Output Parameters
316   --   x_return_status        = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success, if succeeded
317   --                          = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_exc_error, if an expected error occurred
318   --                          = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error, if an unexpected error occurred
319   --
320   --   x_msg_count            = Message count
321   --   x_msg_data             = Message text
322   --
323   -----------------------------------------------------------
325 /*#
326  * Use this procedure to create or update the conversion standard intra class , inter class as well as lot specific uom conversion.
327  * If we pass the lot number then it considers that uom conversion is for lot specific conversion otherwise standard intra or
328  * inter class uom conversion.
329  * We can use the same procedure to create or update the conversion by passing action type value.
330  * @param x_return_status Return status indicating success or failure
331  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
332  * @param x_msg_count Returns the number of messages in message list
333  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
334  * @param x_msg_data Returns the message text
335  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
336  * @param P_LOT_NUMBER Identifier of existing lot number.
337  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
338  * @param P_FROM_UOM_CODE Identifier for the from unit of measure for defining the conversion.
339  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
340  * @param P_TO_UOM_CODE Identifier for the to unit of measure for defining the conversion.
341  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
342  * @param P_ITEM_ID Identifier for the item to which going to create or update the conversion
343  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
344  * @param P_ORG_ID Identifier for the organization to which the item belongs to apply the conversion
345  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
346  * @param P_UOM_RATE Identifier for the conversion rate to define or update the conversion.
347  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
348  * @param P_DISABLE_DATE Identifier for inactivating the date of the conversion.
349  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
350  * @param P_REASON_ID Identifier for Reason of creating or updating conversion.
351  * @paraminfo {@rep:Not Mandatory}
352  * @param P_ONHAND_UPDATE Identifier for indicating whether onhand update allowed or not.
353  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
354  * @param P_UPDATE_TYPE Identifier for indicating whether onhand update is done for the batch or for discrete
355  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
356  * @param p_action_type Identifier for the action to take on the conversion that insert or update the conversion.
357  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
358  * @rep:scope public
359  * @rep:lifecycle active
360  * @rep:displayname UOM Conversion
361  */
363     p_lot_number    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
364     p_from_uom_code IN VARCHAR2,
365     p_to_uom_code   IN VARCHAR2,
366     P_ITEM_ID       IN NUMBER,
367     p_org_id        IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
368     p_uom_rate      IN NUMBER,
370     p_reason_id     IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
371     p_onhand_update IN NUMBER,
372     p_update_type   IN NUMBER,
373     p_action_type   IN VARCHAR2,
374     x_msg_count     OUT nocopy NUMBER,
375     x_msg_data      OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
376     x_return_status OUT nocopy VARCHAR2 );