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2 /* $Header: frmcuseb.pls 120.0 2006/12/14 02:02:42 dvayro noship $ */
3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 --  PACKAGE:      ADI_Custom_Security                                                 --
5 --                                                                                    --
6 --  DESCRIPTION:  Before this example package can be run, it is assumed that the      --
7 --                following table exists within the database:                         --
8 --                   ADI_USER_COST_CENTER                                             --
9 --                        ID           NOT NULL  NUMBER(15)                           --
10 --                        USERID                 NUMBER(15)                           --
11 --                        COST_CENTER            VARCHAR2(30)                         --
12 --                                                                                    --
13 --                   CREATE TABLE ADI_USER_CC                                         --
14 --                      (ID           NUMBER(15) NOT NULL,                            --
15 --                       USERID       NUMBER(15),                                     --
16 --                       COST_CENTER  VARCHAR2(30));                                  --
17 --                                                                                    --
18 --                 The package contains three procedures which allows the calling     --
19 --                 procedure to extract records from the secured values table         --
20 --                 (ADI_USER_COST_CENTER).  There are three procedures because PL/SQL --
21 --                 cannot handle arrays of information and therefore, DBMS cannot     --
22 --                 pass arrays of tables between two functions.                       --
23 --                                                                                    --
24 --                 The package contains three procedures which allows the calling     --
25 --                 procedure to extract records from the secured values table         --
26 --                 (ADI_USER_COST_CENTER).  There are three procedures because        --
27 --                 DBMS cannot pass arrays of tables between two functions.           --
28 --                                                                                    --
29 --                 You may use this package as a basis for creating your own security --
30 --                 model, however, the package specification MUST remain identical to --
31 --                 this package.  You can change the way in which these values are    --
32 --                 generated.                                                         --
33 --                                                                                    --
34 --  MODIFICATIONS                                                                     --
35 --  DATE       DEVELOPER  COMMENTS                                                    --
36 --  17-JUN-99  CCLYDE     Initial creation                                            --
37 --  08-AUG-99  CCLYDE     Procedures: Initialize, AccessAllowed                       --
38 --                        Changed ICX_SEC.g_user_id to ADI_KIOSK_GLOBAL.g_userid      --
39 --                        because ICX_SEC was not compatible with 10.7.               --
40 --  28-AUG-99  CCLYDE     Added Exception clauses to all procedures which contained   --
41 --                        a SQL statement.   (Task: 3275)                             --
42 --  16-FEB-00  CCLYDE     Added Package_Revision procedure to see if we can capture   --
43 --                        the revision number of the package during runtime.          --
44 --                            (Task: 3858)                                            --
45 --  16-MAY-00  GSANAP     Moved the $Header comment from the top to under             --
46 --                        the CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE stmt.                         --
47 --  29-JUN-00  GSANAP     Modified the debug stmts. to include the package name       --
48 --                        task 4425                                                   --
49 --  14-NOV-02   GHOOKER   Stub out procedures not used by RM8                         --
50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------