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Line 214: -- BEN_AGE_FCTR table.

210: --
211: -- Description
212: -- This procedure is used to check that the foreign key for the table
213: -- is created properly. a corresponding record should exist in the
214: -- BEN_AGE_FCTR table.
215: --
216: -- Pre Conditions
217: -- None.
218: --

Line 220: -- age_fctr_id FK of pointing to BEN_AGE_FCTR tables.

216: -- Pre Conditions
217: -- None.
218: --
219: -- In Parameters
220: -- age_fctr_id FK of pointing to BEN_AGE_FCTR tables.
221: -- business_group_id or record being inserted or updated
222: --
223: -- Post Success
224: -- Processing continues

Line 238: from BEN_AGE_FCTR

234: --
235: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'chk_age_fctr_id';
236: l_dummy varchar2(1);
237: cursor c1 is select null
238: from BEN_AGE_FCTR
239: where age_fctr_id = p_age_fctr_id
240: and business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
241: --