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Line 69: * as procedure po_lines_draft_pkg.sync_draft_from_txn has

65: l_progress := '010';
66: /* Get the matching lines and transfer the required records
67: * to draft table So that the derive_and_defaults works fine.
68: * Not Exists clause is not required in the following SQL
69: * as procedure po_lines_draft_pkg.sync_draft_from_txn has
70: * the required check. But still we check to be on safe side.
71: */
72: SELECT pla.po_line_id ,
73: po_autocreate_params.g_draft_id ,

Line 110: po_lines_draft_pkg.sync_draft_from_txn (p_po_line_id_tbl => po_line_id_tbl ,p_draft_id_tbl => draft_id_tbl ,p_delete_flag_tbl => delete_flag_tbl ,x_record_already_exist_tbl => x_record_already_exist_tbl );

106: END IF;
108: l_progress := '020';
109: IF po_line_id_tbl.Count > 0 THEN
110: po_lines_draft_pkg.sync_draft_from_txn (p_po_line_id_tbl => po_line_id_tbl ,p_draft_id_tbl => draft_id_tbl ,p_delete_flag_tbl => delete_flag_tbl ,x_record_already_exist_tbl => x_record_already_exist_tbl );
111: --
112: sync_complex_pricing(po_line_id_tbl, l_style_id);
113: sync_uda(p_po_line_id_tbl => po_line_id_tbl,
114: p_level => 'LINE',