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1 package body pay_nz_qes_pkg as
2 /* $Header: pynzqes.pkb 120.0 2005/05/29 02:12:27 appldev noship $ */
3   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
4   g_ordinary_time_hours_id   pay_defined_balances.defined_balance_id%type;
5   g_ordinary_time_payout_id  pay_defined_balances.defined_balance_id%type;
6   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
7   -- Counts the number of people per group.
8   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
9   function count_employees
10     (p_organization_id  in hr_organization_units.organization_id%type,
11      p_payroll_id       in pay_all_payrolls_f.payroll_id%type,
12      p_time_period_id   in per_time_periods.time_period_id%type,
13      p_location_id      in per_all_assignments_f.location_id%type,
14      p_emp_cat_code     in per_all_people_f.per_information7%type,
15      p_work_time_code   in per_all_people_f.per_information8%type,
16      p_sex              in per_all_people_f.sex%type,
17      p_survey_date       in date)
18   return number is
20     v_emp_count  number(20) := 0;
22     cursor emp_count
23       (c_organization_id  hr_organization_units.organization_id%type,
24        c_payroll_id       pay_all_payrolls_f.payroll_id%type,
25        c_time_period_id   per_time_periods.time_period_id%type,
26        c_location_id      per_all_assignments_f.location_id%type,
27        c_emp_cat_code     per_all_people_f.per_information7%type,
28        c_work_time_code   per_all_people_f.per_information8%type,
29        c_sex              per_all_people_f.sex%type,
30        c_survey_date      date)
31        is
32     select count(*)
33     from   hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsck,
34            pay_payrolls_f pay, /*Bug 2920728*/
35            per_time_periods ptp,
36            per_people_f pap, /*Bug 2920728*/
37            per_assignments_f paa /*Bug 2920728*/
38     where  hsck.soft_coding_keyflex_id    = paa.soft_coding_keyflex_id
39     and    hsck.segment1                  = to_char(c_organization_id)
40     and    pay.payroll_id                 = c_payroll_id
41     and    ptp.time_period_id             = c_time_period_id
42     and    paa.location_id                = c_location_id
43     and    pap.per_information7           = c_emp_cat_code
44     and    pap.per_information8           = c_work_time_code
45     and    pap.sex                        = c_sex
46     and    ptp.regular_payment_date between paa.effective_start_date
47                                         and paa.effective_end_date
48     and    pap.effective_start_date <= c_survey_date
49     and    pap.effective_end_date   >= c_survey_date
50     and    pap.current_employee_flag      ='Y'
51     and    pay.payroll_id                 = ptp.payroll_id
52     and    pap.person_id                  = paa.person_id
53     and    pay.payroll_id                 = paa.payroll_id;
55   begin
56     open emp_count (p_organization_id,
57                     p_payroll_id,
58                     p_time_period_id,
59                     p_location_id,
60                     p_emp_cat_code,
61                     p_work_time_code,
62                     p_sex,
63                     p_survey_date  );
64     fetch emp_count into v_emp_count;
65     close emp_count;
67     return v_emp_count;
68   end count_employees;
69   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
70   -- Bug 1921492, will use Ordinary hours to calculate the hours worked
71   -- for employee to see if the employee is part time employee or full
72   -- time employee
73   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
74   function count_employees_using_balance
75     (p_organization_id  in hr_organization_units.organization_id%type,
76      p_payroll_id       in pay_all_payrolls_f.payroll_id%type,
77      p_time_period_id   in per_time_periods.time_period_id%type,
78      p_location_id      in per_all_assignments_f.location_id%type,
79      p_emp_cat_code     in per_all_people_f.per_information7%type,
80      p_work_time_code   in per_all_people_f.per_information8%type,
81      p_sex              in per_all_people_f.sex%type,
82      p_week_hours       in per_all_assignments_f.normal_hours%type,
83      p_week_frequency   in per_all_assignments_f.frequency%type,
84      p_survey_date      in date)
85   return number is
87      v_defined_balance_id     pay_defined_balances.defined_balance_id%type;
88      v_emp_count         number(20)   := 0;
89      v_emp_balance       number(20,5) := 0;
90      v_total_balance     number(20,5) := 0;
91      v_full_time_count   number(20)   := 0;
92      v_part_time_count   number(20)   := 0;
93      v_standard_hours    number(20)   := 0;
95      cursor emp_balance
96        (c_organization_id     hr_organization_units.organization_id%type,
97         c_payroll_id          pay_all_payrolls_f.payroll_id%type,
98         c_time_period_id      per_time_periods.time_period_id%type,
99         c_location_id         per_all_assignments_f.location_id%type,
100         c_defined_balance_id  pay_defined_balances.defined_balance_id%type,
101         c_sex                 per_all_people_f.sex%type,
102         c_survey_date         date) is
104      select paa.assignment_id,
105             ptp.regular_payment_date,
106             pay.period_type  payroll_frequency,
107             hr_nzbal.calc_all_balances(ptp.regular_payment_date,
108                                        paa.assignment_id,
109                                        c_defined_balance_id) balance
110      from   hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsck,
111             pay_payrolls_f pay, /*Bug 2929728*/
112             per_time_periods ptp,
113             per_people_f pap, /*Bug 2920728*/
114             per_assignments_f paa /*Bug 2920728*/
115      where  hsck.soft_coding_keyflex_id    = paa.soft_coding_keyflex_id
116      and    hsck.segment1                  = to_char(c_organization_id)
117      and    pay.payroll_id                 = c_payroll_id
118      and    ptp.time_period_id             = c_time_period_id
119      and    paa.location_id                = c_location_id
120      and    pap.sex                        = c_sex
121      and    ptp.regular_payment_date between paa.effective_start_date
122                                          and paa.effective_end_date
123      and    pap.effective_start_date<=c_survey_date
124      and    pap.effective_end_date  >=c_survey_date
125      and    pap.current_employee_flag='Y'
126      and    pay.payroll_id                 = ptp.payroll_id
127      and    pap.person_id                  = paa.person_id
128      and    pay.payroll_id                 = paa.payroll_id
129      and    pap.per_information7           = 'E';
131    begin
133      -- Determine the balance ID for OT hours .
135      v_defined_balance_id := id_for_defined_balance('Statistics NZ Ordinary Time Hours','_ASG_PTD');
137      for balance_rec in emp_balance (p_organization_id,
138                                      p_payroll_id,
139                                      p_time_period_id,
140                                      p_location_id,
141                                      v_defined_balance_id,
142                                      p_sex,
143                                      p_survey_date) loop
145        if balance_rec.balance = 0 then
147            -- Determine the Balance Id for OT Hours and check if the same
148            -- as Balance Id passed in
150            -- If it is then check if the OT Payout is 0 as well. If it is,
151            -- that's okay, but if not, then the Assignment is for a salaried
152            -- Employee, therefore determine the hours worked.
153            if ordinary_time_payout (balance_rec.regular_payment_date,
154                                     balance_rec.assignment_id) <> 0 then
155               v_emp_balance := hours_worked (balance_rec.assignment_id,
156                                              balance_rec.payroll_frequency);
157            else
159               -- Not OT Hours Balance OR OT Payout Balance = 0 as well.
160               v_emp_balance := balance_rec.balance;
161            end if;
163        else
164            v_emp_balance := balance_rec.balance;
165        end if;
167        v_standard_hours := convert_hours(p_week_hours,
168                                          balance_rec.payroll_frequency,
169                                          p_week_frequency);
171        if v_emp_balance > v_standard_hours then
172            v_full_time_count := v_full_time_count + 1;
173        elsif v_emp_balance <> 0 then
174            v_part_time_count := v_part_time_count + 1;
175        end if;
178      end loop;
180      if p_work_time_code = 'F' then
181          return v_full_time_count;
182      elsif p_work_time_code = 'P' then
183          return v_part_time_count;
184      end if;
186   end count_employees_using_balance;
187   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
188   -- Sums the Balance amount per group by each individual Assignment.
189   -- This is done so that if the Balance for Ordinary Time Hours is 0,
190   -- then a check can be performed to determine if the Balance for
191   -- Ordinary Time Payout is 0. If it is, then the Hours for the
192   -- Assignment are calculated, according to its Frequency and the
193   -- Payroll Frequency.
194   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
195   function sum_balances
196     (p_organization_id     in hr_organization_units.organization_id%type,
197      p_payroll_id          in pay_all_payrolls_f.payroll_id%type,
198      p_time_period_id      in per_time_periods.time_period_id%type,
199      p_location_id         in per_all_assignments_f.location_id%type,
200      p_defined_balance_id  in pay_defined_balances.defined_balance_id%type,
201      p_sex                 in per_all_people_f.sex%type,
202      p_survey_date          in date)
203   return number is
205     v_emp_balance    number(20,5) := 0;
206     v_total_balance  number(20,5) := 0;
208     cursor emp_balance
209       (c_organization_id     hr_organization_units.organization_id%type,
210        c_payroll_id          pay_all_payrolls_f.payroll_id%type,
211        c_time_period_id      per_time_periods.time_period_id%type,
212        c_location_id         per_all_assignments_f.location_id%type,
213        c_defined_balance_id  pay_defined_balances.defined_balance_id%type,
214        c_sex                 per_all_people_f.sex%type,
215        c_survey_date         date) is
217     select paa.assignment_id,
218            ptp.regular_payment_date,
219            pay.period_type  payroll_frequency,
220            hr_nzbal.calc_all_balances(ptp.regular_payment_date,
221                                       paa.assignment_id,
222                                       c_defined_balance_id) balance
223     from   hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsck,
224            pay_payrolls_f pay, /*Bug 2920728*/
225            per_time_periods ptp,
226            per_people_f pap, /*Bug 2920728*/
227            per_assignments_f paa /*Bug 2920728*/
228     where  hsck.soft_coding_keyflex_id    = paa.soft_coding_keyflex_id
229     and    hsck.segment1                  = to_char(c_organization_id)
230     and    pay.payroll_id                 = c_payroll_id
231     and    ptp.time_period_id             = c_time_period_id
232     and    paa.location_id                = c_location_id
233     and    pap.sex                        = c_sex
234     and    ptp.regular_payment_date between paa.effective_start_date
235                                         and paa.effective_end_date
236     and    pap.effective_start_date<=c_survey_date
237     and    pap.effective_end_date  >=c_survey_date
238     and    pap.current_employee_flag='Y'
239     and    pay.payroll_id                 = ptp.payroll_id
240     and    pap.person_id                  = paa.person_id
241     and    pay.payroll_id                 = paa.payroll_id
242     and    pap.per_information7           = 'E';
244   begin
245     for balance_rec in emp_balance (p_organization_id,
246                                     p_payroll_id,
247                                     p_time_period_id,
248                                     p_location_id,
249                                     p_defined_balance_id,
250                                     p_sex,
251                                     p_survey_date) loop
253       if balance_rec.balance = 0 then
255          -- Determine the Balance Id for OT Hours and check if the same
256          -- as Balance Id passed in
257          if g_ordinary_time_hours_id is null then
258            g_ordinary_time_hours_id :=
259                    id_for_defined_balance('Statistics NZ Ordinary Time Hours','_ASG_PTD');
260          end if;
262          -- If it is then check if the OT Payout is 0 as well. If it is,
263          -- that's okay, but if not, then the Assignment is for a salaried
264          -- Employee, therefore determine the hours worked.
265          if p_defined_balance_id = g_ordinary_time_hours_id and
266             ordinary_time_payout (balance_rec.regular_payment_date,
267                                   balance_rec.assignment_id) <> 0 then
268            v_emp_balance := hours_worked (balance_rec.assignment_id,
269                                           balance_rec.payroll_frequency);
270          else
272            -- Not OT Hours Balance OR OT Payout Balance = 0 as well.
273            v_emp_balance := balance_rec.balance;
274          end if;
276       else
277         v_emp_balance := balance_rec.balance;
278       end if;
280       v_total_balance := v_total_balance + v_emp_balance;
284   end sum_balances;
281     end loop;
283     return v_total_balance;
285   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
286   -- Returns the Defined Balance Id for the Balance Name and Database Item
287   -- Suffix passed in.
288   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
289   function id_for_defined_balance
290     (p_balance_name       in pay_balance_types.balance_name%type,
291      p_balance_dimension  in pay_balance_dimensions.database_item_suffix%type)
292   return pay_balance_types.balance_type_id%type is
294     v_balance_id  pay_balance_types.balance_type_id%type;
296     cursor balance_id
297       (c_balance_name       pay_balance_types.balance_name%type,
298        c_balance_dimension  pay_balance_dimensions.database_item_suffix%type) is
299     select pdb.defined_balance_id
300     from   pay_balance_dimensions pbd,
301            pay_defined_balances pdb,
302            pay_balance_types pbt
303     where  pbt.balance_type_id      = pdb.balance_type_id
304     and    pbd.balance_dimension_id = pdb.balance_dimension_id
305     and    pbt.balance_name         = c_balance_name
306     and    pbd.database_item_suffix = c_balance_dimension;
308   begin
309     open balance_id (p_balance_name, p_balance_dimension);
310     fetch balance_id into v_balance_id;
311     close balance_id;
313     return v_balance_id;
314   end id_for_defined_balance;
315   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
316   -- Returns the Balance for the Ordinary Time Payout for the Effective
317   -- Date and Assignment.
318   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
319   function ordinary_time_payout
320     (p_regular_payment_date  in per_time_periods.regular_payment_date%type,
321      p_assignment_id         in per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type)
322   return number is
324     v_payout  number(20,5) := 0;
326   begin
327     if g_ordinary_time_payout_id is null then
328       g_ordinary_time_payout_id :=
329               id_for_defined_balance('Statistics NZ Ordinary Time Payout','_ASG_PTD');
330     end if;
332     v_payout := hr_nzbal.calc_all_balances(p_regular_payment_date,
333                                            p_assignment_id,
334                                            g_ordinary_time_payout_id);
335     return v_payout;
336   end ordinary_time_payout;
337   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
338   -- Returns the Hours for an Assignment. If the Assignment Frequency is
339   -- not equal to W (Week), then return 0. If the Assignment Frequency is
340   -- equal to W, but differs from the Payroll Frequency, then call
341   -- convert_hours.
342   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
343   function hours_worked
344     (p_assignment_id      in per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type,
345      p_payroll_frequency  in pay_all_payrolls_f.period_type%type)
346   return number is
348     v_hours_worked  number(20,5) := 0;
350     cursor standard_conditions
351       (c_assignment_id  per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type) is
353     select paa.normal_hours,
354            paa.frequency frequency_code, -- to pass to convert_hours
355            hl.meaning   frequency -- to compare to payroll_frequency
356     from   hr_lookups hl,
357            per_assignments_f paa /*Bug 2920728*/
358     where  hl.application_id  = 800
359     and    paa.assignment_id  = c_assignment_id
360     and    paa.frequency      = hl.lookup_code
361     and    hl.lookup_type     = 'FREQUENCY';
363     v_standard_conditions_rec  standard_conditions%rowtype;
364   begin
365     open standard_conditions (p_assignment_id);
366     fetch standard_conditions into v_standard_conditions_rec;
367     close standard_conditions;
369     if v_standard_conditions_rec.frequency_code <> 'W' then
370       v_hours_worked := 0;
371     else
372       if v_standard_conditions_rec.frequency = p_payroll_frequency then
373         v_hours_worked := v_standard_conditions_rec.normal_hours;
374       else
375         v_hours_worked := convert_hours (v_standard_conditions_rec.normal_hours,
376                                          p_payroll_frequency,
377                                          v_standard_conditions_rec.frequency_code);
378       end if;
379     end if;
381     return v_hours_worked;
382   end hours_worked;
383   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
384   -- Converts the Assignment Hours so that it is of the same Frequency as
385   -- the Payroll Frequency. This function assumes there are 52 weeks per
386   -- year.
387   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
388   function convert_hours
389     (p_assignment_hours     in per_all_assignments_f.normal_hours%type,
390      p_payroll_frequency    in pay_all_payrolls_f.period_type%type,
391      p_assignment_frequency in per_all_assignments_f.frequency%type)
392   return number is
394     v_converted_hours   number(20,5) := 0;
395     v_number_per_year   per_time_period_types.number_per_fiscal_year%type := 52;
396     v_periods_per_year  per_time_period_types.number_per_fiscal_year%type := 1;
398   begin
399     v_periods_per_year := no_periods_per_year (p_payroll_frequency);
400     v_converted_hours  := p_assignment_hours /
401                           v_periods_per_year *
402                           v_number_per_year;
404     return v_converted_hours;
405   end convert_hours;
406   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
410   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
407   -- To determine which figures to use for conversion, the Payroll Period
408   -- Types needs to be queried to determine the number of Periods per
409   -- fiscal year.
411   function no_periods_per_year
412     (p_period_type  in per_time_period_types.period_type%type)
413   return number is
415     v_number_per_year  per_time_period_types.number_per_fiscal_year%type := 0;
417     cursor no_of_periods
418       (c_period_type  per_time_period_types.period_type%type) is
420     select number_per_fiscal_year
421     from   per_time_period_types
422     where  period_type = c_period_type;
424   begin
425     open no_of_periods (p_period_type);
426     fetch no_of_periods into v_number_per_year;
427     close no_of_periods;
429     return v_number_per_year;
430   end no_periods_per_year;
431   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
432 end pay_nz_qes_pkg;