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1 package body BOMPINRV as
2 /* $Header: BOMINRVB.pls 120.3 2005/12/05 03:17:03 vhymavat ship $ */
3 Procedure increment_revision(
4 	i_item_id in mtl_item_revisions.inventory_item_id%type,
5  	i_org_id in mtl_item_revisions.organization_id%type,
6         i_date_time in mtl_item_revisions.effectivity_date%type,
7 	who in ProgramInfoStruct,
8  	o_out_code in out nocopy mtl_item_revisions.revision%type,
9         error_message in out nocopy varchar) is
11 	Cursor get_current_rev is
12   		select a.revision,
13 		       nvl(length(rtrim(a.revision,'0123456789')),0) rev_len
14   		from mtl_item_revisions_b a
15   		where a.organization_id = i_org_id
16   		and   a.inventory_item_id = i_item_id
17   		and   a.effectivity_date = (
18 			select max(b.effectivity_date)
19 			from mtl_item_revisions_b b
20 			where b.inventory_item_id = a.inventory_item_id
21 			and   b.organization_id   = a.organization_id
22 			and   b.effectivity_date  <= i_date_time)
23 		--	and   b.implementation_date is not null)
24 --  		and   a.implementation_date is not null  commneted for bug 4637312
25 		order by a.revision desc; --* Added for Bug #3483066
26  	current_rev get_current_rev%rowtype;
27 	Cursor check_duplicate_rev(rev in varchar) is
28           	select 'x'
29      	  	from   mtl_item_revisions_b r
30   	  	where r.organization_id = i_org_id
31   	  	and   r.inventory_item_id = i_item_id
32   	  	and   r.revision = rev;
33  	dummy varchar2(1);
34 	new_item_revision mtl_item_revisions.revision%type := null;
35         old_rev_len     NUMBER;
36         new_rev_len     NUMBER;
37   	i_revision_id   NUMBER;
38 	i_language_code VARCHAR2(3);
39 Begin
41 /* Get current implemented rev */
43 	Open get_current_rev;
44 	Fetch get_current_rev into current_rev;
45 	If get_current_rev%notfound then
46 		Close get_current_rev;
47 		Raise no_data_found;
48 	end if;
49 	Close get_current_rev;
51 /*
52  * Check to see if the current rev is strictly numeric, increment it
53  * and then check if the new one exists.
54  */
56     	If current_rev.rev_len = 0 then  /* Numbers only */
57 		new_item_revision :=
58 			to_char(to_number(current_rev.revision)+1);
59                 old_rev_len := NVL(length(current_rev.revision),0);
60                 new_rev_len := NVL(length(new_item_revision),0);
61                 if (new_rev_len < old_rev_len) then
62                         new_item_revision := lpad(new_item_revision,
63                                 old_rev_len,'0');
64                 end if;
65 		Open check_duplicate_rev(new_item_revision);
66 		Fetch check_duplicate_rev into dummy;
67 		If check_duplicate_rev%found then
68     			o_out_code := null;
69 		else
70 			Insert into mtl_item_revisions_b(
71 				inventory_item_id,
72 				organization_id,
73 				revision,
74 				last_update_date,
75 				last_updated_by,
76 				creation_date,
77 				created_by,
78 				last_update_login,
79 				effectivity_date,
80 				program_application_id,
81 				program_id,
82 				program_update_date,
83 				request_id,
87 			values (
88 				i_item_id,
89  				i_org_id,
90 				new_item_revision,
91 				sysdate,
92 				who.userid,
93 				sysdate,
94 				who.userid,
95                  		who.loginid,
96         			i_date_time,
97                  		who.appid,
98                 		who.progid,
99 				sysdate,
100                  		who.reqstid,
101 				MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_B_S.nextval,
102 				new_item_revision,
103 				1) RETURNING revision_id INTO i_revision_id;
105 			 SELECT userenv('LANG') INTO i_language_code FROM dual;
106    			-- description is stored in MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_TL
107    			insert into MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_TL (
108                        		inventory_item_id,
109                         	organization_id,
110                         	revision_id,
111                         	language,
112                         	source_lang,
113                         	last_update_date,
114                         	last_updated_by,
115                         	creation_date,
116                         	created_by,
117                         	last_update_login,
118                         	description )
119                  	SELECT  i_item_id,
120                         	i_org_id,
121                         	i_revision_id,
122                         	lang.language_code,
123                         	i_language_code,
124                         	sysdate,
125                         	who.userid,
126                         	sysdate,
127                         	who.userid,
128                         	who.userid,
129                         	NULL
130                        	FROM FND_LANGUAGES lang
131                        	where lang.INSTALLED_FLAG in ('I', 'B')
132                        	and not exists
133                       		(select NULL
134                        		 from MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_TL T
135                        		 where T.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = i_item_id
136                        		 and   T.ORGANIZATION_ID = i_org_id
137                        		 and   T.REVISION_ID = i_revision_id
138                        		 and   T.LANGUAGE = lang.LANGUAGE_CODE);
140 			o_out_code := new_item_revision;
141 		end if;
142 		Close check_duplicate_rev;
143 	else
144 		o_out_code := null;
145 	end if;
146 	error_message := null;
147 Exception
148 	when NO_DATA_FOUND then /* no revs found for item - ignore */
149      		o_out_code := null;
150 		error_message := null;
151    	when OTHERS then
152      		o_out_code := null;
153 		error_message := substrb(sqlerrm, 1, 150);
154 end increment_revision;
156 end BOMPINRV;