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Line 680: , cs_incident_statuses_tl status

676: , cs_sr_link_types_tl ltype
677: , fnd_user fnd1
678: , cs_incidents_all_b relSR
679: , cs_incidents_all_tl tlSR
680: , cs_incident_statuses_tl status
681: , cs_incident_severities_tl severity
682: WHERE SrLnkEO.subject_id = x_incident_id
683: AND SrLnkEO.subject_type = 'SR'
684: AND SrLnkEO.object_type = 'SR'

Line 1138: FROM cs_incident_statuses_tl status, cs_incident_statuses_b status_b

1134: --:Incident_Status
1135: --:status_sort_order
1136: CURSOR Get_Inc_Status ( v_incident_status_id NUMBER) IS
1137: SELECT status.name ,status_b.sort_order
1138: FROM cs_incident_statuses_tl status, cs_incident_statuses_b status_b
1139: WHERE status.incident_status_id = v_incident_status_id
1140: AND status.incident_status_id = status_b.incident_status_id
1141: AND status.language = userenv('LANG');

Line 1500: FROM cs_incident_statuses_tl status

1496: ,(SELECT type.detailed_erecord_req_flag
1497: FROM cs_incident_types_b type
1498: WHERE type.incident_type_id = sr.incident_type_id) Detailed_Erecord
1499: ,(SELECT status.name
1500: FROM cs_incident_statuses_tl status
1501: WHERE status.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id
1502: AND status.language = userenv(''LANG'') )Incident_Status
1503: ,(SELECT sev.name
1504: FROM cs_incident_severities_tl sev

Line 3099: FROM cs_incident_statuses a

3095: CURSOR c_get_target_status IS
3096: SELECT incident_status_id ,
3097: approval_action_status_id ,
3098: rejection_action_status_id
3099: FROM cs_incident_statuses a
3100: WHERE a.intermediate_status_id = P_Intermediate_Status_Id;
3102: -- Cursor to get the target status using SR audit.