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1 package body fnd_obiee_i18n as
2 /* $Header: AFOBIEEB.pls 120.2 2011/04/11 09:45:31 nareshku noship $ */
4 -- Convert language codes between ORACLE, OBIEE, DLF. currently only provides the following conversion:
9 -- Note that all the conversion types specified have to be in upper cases.
10 -- Unrecognized conversion types will return null.
11 function obiee_convert_langcode (from_type varchar2, to_type varchar2, lang_code varchar2) return varchar2 is
12   target_lang_code varchar2(10) := null;
13   pos integer;
14   lang_code_length integer;
15   u_lang_code varchar2(20) := null;
16   l_lang_code varchar2(20) := null;
17   target_lang varchar2(10) := null;
18   target_terr varchar2(10) := null;
20 begin
22   -- Convert Oracle language code to OBIEE language code.
23   -- Most commonly it would the corresponding ISO language code, except for
24   -- languages with suffix in OBIEE: 'ptb'->'pt-br', 'zht'->'zh-tw', 'zhs'->'zh-cn'.
25   -- Return 'en' if an exception is encountered
26   if (from_type = 'ORACLE') and (to_type = 'OBIEE') then
27     begin
28       if lang_code is null then
29         return 'en';
30       else
31         u_lang_code := upper(lang_code);
32       end if;
34       select decode(fl.language_code,
35           'PTB', fl.ISO_LANGUAGE||'-'||fl.ISO_TERRITORY,
36           'ZHT', fl.ISO_LANGUAGE||'-'||fl.ISO_TERRITORY,
37           'ZHS', fl.ISO_LANGUAGE||'-'||fl.ISO_TERRITORY,
38           fl.iso_language)
39       into target_lang_code
40       from fnd_languages fl
41       where u_lang_code = fl.language_code;
43       return lower(target_lang_code);
44     exception
45       when others then
46         return 'en';
47     end;
49   -- Convert OBIEE language code to Oracle language code.
50   -- Most commonly it would be the Oracle language code with the matching
51   -- ISO language code, with the following exceptions:
52   -- 1. OBIEE language code with suffix, then it would be the Oracle language
53   --    code with matching ISO language and default ISO territory
54   -- 2. Multiple Oracle language codes have the same ISO language code, then
55   --    the mapping is hard-coded.
56   -- Unrecognized input code including null will return 'US'.
57   elsif (from_type = 'OBIEE') and (to_type = 'ORACLE') then
58     begin
59       if lang_code is null then
60         return 'US';
61       else
62         pos := instr(lang_code, '-');
63         lang_code_length := length(lang_code);
64         u_lang_code := upper(lang_code);
65         l_lang_code := lower(lang_code);
66       end if;
68       -- this should no longer happen in OBIEE 11g as OBIEE 11g uses 'he'
69       -- instead of 'iw' for Hebrew language code, while earlier versions of
70       -- OBIEE used 'iw'
71       -- for Hebrew language code.
72       if l_lang_code = 'iw' then
73         return 'IW';
74       end if;
76       -- OBIEE language code has language suffix
77       if pos > 0 then
78         begin
79           target_lang := substr(u_lang_code, 1, pos-1);
80           target_terr := substr(u_lang_code, pos+1, lang_code_length-pos);
82           if (target_lang is null) or (target_terr is null) then
83             return 'US';
84           end if;
86           select fl.language_code
87           into target_lang_code
88           from fnd_languages fl
89           where fl.iso_language = target_lang
90             and fl.iso_territory = target_terr;
92           return target_lang_code;
93         exception
94           when others then
95             return 'US';
96         end;
97       else
98         begin
99           -- for OBIEE code that matches Oracle ISO lang code with a unique
100           -- record in fnd_languages
101           select fl.language_code
102           into target_lang_code
103           from fnd_languages fl
104           where fl.iso_language = u_lang_code;
106           return target_lang_code;
107         exception
108           -- there are multiple entries in fnd_languages with the matching ISO code
109           -- for the following OBIEE language codes, hardcode the mapping since
110           -- there is no systematic way of finding the mapping and the language codes
111           -- are not expected to change.
112           when too_many_rows then
113             if l_lang_code = 'en' then
114               return 'US';
115             elsif l_lang_code = 'es' then
116               return 'E';
117             elsif l_lang_code = 'fr' then
118               return 'F';
119             elsif l_lang_code = 'pt' then
120               return 'PT';
121             -- this should no longer happen in OBIEE 11g as OBIEE 11g uses
122             -- 'zh-cn' for Simplified Chinese language code, while OBIEE 10g
123             -- uses 'zh' for Simplified Chinese.
124             elsif l_lang_code = 'zh' then
125               return 'ZHS';
126             else
127               return 'US';
128             end if;
129           when others then
130             return 'US';
131         end;
132       end if;
133     exception
134       when others then
135         return 'US';
136     end;
138   -- OBIEE and .DLF file both use ISO language codes with the following exceptions:
139   -- 1. Simplified Chinese 'zh'->'zh-CN' (this is only an issue in OBIEE 10g
140   --    or earlier versions as OBIEE 11g uses 'zh-cn' instead)
141   -- 2. Hebrew 'iw'->'he' (this is only an issue in OBIEE 10g or earlier
142   --    versions as OBIEE 11g uses 'he' instead)
143   -- 3. Language suffix is in lower case in OBIEE, while it is in upper case in .DLF file
144   -- Other input language codes are returned as is (in lower case form).
145   -- Unrecognized iput language codes are returned as is (in lower case form)
146   -- as well, just like the general matching case, since there isn't a list of valid
147   -- DLF language codes in the db for validation.
148   elsif (from_type = 'OBIEE') and (to_type = 'DLF') then
149     begin
150       if lang_code is null then
151         return 'en';
152       else
153         pos := instr(lang_code, '-');
154         lang_code_length := length(lang_code);
155         u_lang_code := upper(lang_code);
156         l_lang_code := lower(lang_code);
157       end if;
159       -- these two cases (for 'zh' and 'iw') only apply to OBIEE 10g
160       -- or earlier versions
161       if l_lang_code = 'zh' then
162         return 'zh-CN';
163       elsif l_lang_code = 'iw' then
164         return 'he';
165       -- for OBIEE language code with suffix, the territory part of the code is in lower case,
166       -- but for DLF, the territory part of the code is in upper case.
167       elsif pos > 0 then
168         begin
169           target_lang := substr(lang_code, 1, pos-1);
170           target_terr := substr(lang_code, pos+1, lang_code_length-pos);
172           if (target_lang is null) or (target_terr is null) then
173             return 'en';
174           else
175             target_lang_code := lower(target_lang) || '-' || upper(target_terr);
176             return target_lang_code;
177           end if;
178         exception
179           -- input code is invalid, return 'en'.
180           when others then
181             return 'en';
182         end;
183       -- OBIEE and DLF codes are the same;
184       -- or unrecognized code, return as is.
185       else
186         return l_lang_code;
187       end if;
188     exception
189       when others then
190         return 'en';
191     end;
193   -- .DLF file and OBIEE both use ISO language codes with the following exceptions:
194   -- 1. Simplified Chinese 'zh-CN'->'zh' (this is only an issue in OBIEE 10g or
195   --    earlier versions as OBIEE 11g uses 'zh-cn' instead)
196   -- 2. Hebrew 'he'->'iw' (this is only an issue in OBIEE 10g or earlier
197   --    versions as OBIEE 11g uses 'he' instead)
198   -- 3. Language suffix is in lower case in OBIEE, while it is in upper case in .DLF file
199   -- Other input language codes are returned as is (in lower case form).
200   -- Unrecognized/invalid input language codes are returned as is (in lower case form)
201   -- as well, just like the general matching case, since there isn't a list of valid
202   -- OBIEE language codes in the db for validation.
203   elsif (from_type = 'DLF') and (to_type = 'OBIEE') then
204     begin
205       if lang_code is null then
206         return 'en';
207       else
208         pos := instr(lang_code, '-');
209         lang_code_length := length(lang_code);
210         u_lang_code := upper(lang_code);
211         l_lang_code := lower(lang_code);
212       end if;
214       -- OBIEE 11g changed the language codes for Simplified Chinese and Hebrew
215       -- starting in OBIEE 11g such that OBIEE and DLF have the same codes
216       -- if l_lang_code = 'zh-cn' then
217       --   return 'zh';
218       -- elsif l_lang_code = 'he' then
219       --   return 'iw';
220       if pos > 0 then
221         begin
222           target_lang := substr(l_lang_code, 1, pos-1);
223           target_terr := substr(l_lang_code, pos+1, lang_code_length-pos);
225           if (target_lang is null) or (target_terr is null) then
226             return 'en';
227           else
228             target_lang_code := target_lang || '-' || target_terr;
229             return target_lang_code;
230           end if;
231         exception
232           -- input code is invalid, return 'en'.
233           when others then
234             return 'en';
235         end;
236       -- DLF and OBIEE codes are the same;
237       -- or input code is invalid, return as is.
238       else
239         return l_lang_code;
240       end if;
241     exception
242       when others then
243         return 'en';
244     end;
246   -- Invalid or unsupported conversion type
247   else
248     return null;
249   end if;
251   return target_lang_code;
252 end obiee_convert_langcode;
254 -- Convert between OBIEE language code and Oracle language (long form, e.g. 'AMERICAN').
255 -- Note that all the conversion types specified have to be in upper cases.
256 -- Invalid conversion types will return null;
257 -- Unrecognized language input will return 'en' or 'AMERICAN'.
258 function obiee_convert_language (from_type varchar2, to_type varchar2, lang varchar2) return varchar2 is
259   target_language varchar2(30) := null;
260   target_lang_code varchar2(10) := null;
261 begin
263   if from_type = 'ORACLE' and to_type = 'OBIEE' then
264     begin
265       if lang is null then
266         return 'en';
267       end if;
269       select fl.language_code
270       into target_lang_code
271       from fnd_languages fl
272       where fl.nls_language = upper(lang);
274       return obiee_convert_langcode('ORACLE', 'OBIEE', target_lang_code);
275     exception
276       when others then
277         return 'en';
278     end;
279   elsif from_type = 'OBIEE' and to_type = 'ORACLE' then
280     begin
281       if lang is null then
282         return 'AMERICAN';
283       end if;
285       target_lang_code := obiee_convert_langcode ('OBIEE', 'ORACLE', lang);
287       select fl.nls_language
288       into target_language
289       from fnd_languages fl
290       where fl.language_code = upper(target_lang_code);
292       return target_language;
293     exception
294       when others then
295         return 'AMERICAN';
296     end;
297   -- invalid/unsupported conversion type
298   else
299     return null;
300   end if;
301 end obiee_convert_language;
304 -- Convert EBS session language to OBIEE session language code
305 function obiee_session_langcode return varchar2 is
306 begin
307   return obiee_convert_langcode ('ORACLE', 'OBIEE',
308 fnd_global.current_language);
309 end obiee_session_langcode;
312 -- Convert EBS session language and session territory to OBIEE session locale;
313 -- Since there could be more than one record for the same territory in
314 -- FND_TERRITORIES table, the OBSOLETE_FLAG has to be 'N'
315 function obiee_session_locale return varchar2 is
316   o_locale varchar2(10) := null;
317 begin
318   select lower(fl.ISO_LANGUAGE)||'-'||lower(ft.TERRITORY_CODE)
319   into o_locale
320   from fnd_languages fl, FND_TERRITORIES ft
321   where fnd_global.nls_language = fl.nls_language
322     and fnd_global.nls_territory = ft.nls_territory
323     and ft.OBSOLETE_FLAG = 'N';
325   return o_locale;
326 exception
327   when others then
328     return 'en-us';
329 end obiee_session_locale;
332 -- Convert OBIEE language code to an installed Oracle language code;
333 -- i.e. if the matching Oracle language code is not installed, the Oracle
334 -- base language code will be returned
335 function oracle_installed_langcode (lang varchar2) return varchar2 is
336   target_lang_code varchar2(10) := null;
337   base_lang_code varchar2(10) := null;
338   install_status varchar2(1) := 'D';
339 begin
340   -- Get the base language code
341   select language_code
342   into base_lang_code
343   from fnd_languages
344   where installed_flag = 'B';
346   if (lang is null) then
347     return base_lang_code;
348   else
349     begin
350       target_lang_code := obiee_convert_langcode ('OBIEE', 'ORACLE', lang);
352       -- if target_lang_code was defaulted to 'US', return base language
353       -- code instead of 'US'
354       if (target_lang_code = 'US') and (lower(lang) <>  'en') then
355         return base_lang_code;
356       else
357         begin
358           select installed_flag
359           into install_status
360           from fnd_languages
361           where language_code = target_lang_code;
363           -- If the matching Oracle language is not installed, return
364           -- the base language code.
365           if (install_status = 'I') or (install_status = 'B') then
366             return target_lang_code;
367           else
368             return base_lang_code;
369           end if;
370         exception
371           when others then
372             return base_lang_code;
373         end;
374       end if;
375     exception
376       when others then
377         return base_lang_code;
378     end;
379   end if;
381 exception
382   when others then
383     return base_lang_code;
384 end oracle_installed_langcode;
387 -- Convert OBIEE language code to an installed Oracle language, i.e.
388 -- if the matching Oracle language is not installed, the Oracle
389 -- base language will be returned.
390 function oracle_installed_language (lang varchar2) return varchar2 is
391   target_language varchar2(30) := null;
392   target_lang_code varchar2(10) := null;
393 begin
394   target_lang_code := oracle_installed_langcode (lang);
396   select nls_language
397   into target_language
398   from fnd_languages
399   where language_code = target_lang_code;
401   return target_language;
403 exception
404   when others then
405     return null;
406 end oracle_installed_language;
409 end fnd_obiee_i18n;