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1 PACKAGE jtf_fm_process_request_wf AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: jtffmwfs.pls 120.0 2005/05/11 08:14:29 appldev ship $ */
3 -- PROCEDURE start fulfillment request
4 -- DESCRIPTION	This procedure is called to start standard fulfillment workflow,
5 --assigns all attributes what jtf_fm_request_grp.submit_request api needs and launches the work flow.
6 --IN OUT
7 --p_api_version,p_init_msg_list,p_commit,p_validation_level,x_return_status,x_msg_data,x_msg_count are standard
8 -- api parameters.
9 --x_msg_count		:	Message count holds the number of messages in the API message list if this no
10 --								is one ,then message data holds the message in an encoded format.
11 --x_msg_data		:	Message in encoded format.
12 --x_return_status:represents the result of all operations performed by the API and must have one of the following
13 -- 'S'  (success)or 'E' (error) or 'U' (un explained).
14 -- content xml	:	The content xml formed by calling the Get_Content_XML.
15 -- content id		:	unique id of the content(	Required)
16 --								for content type of 'ATTACHMENT' ,the document must be stored in the fnd_lobs table and the
17 --								file_id (primary key in FND_LOBS table) must be passed as content_id.
18 --								for content_type of 'COLLATERAL','DATA', and 'QUERY' the item_id for the document in the MES tables
19 --								must be passed as content_id.
20 --request_id		:	Request ID obtained by calling the Start_Request API (system generated unique request id)
21 --template id		:	Fulfillment request template id (request templates are predefined and stored in the
22 --								database).The template id is null if the request does not correspond to a predefined template.
23 --subject				:
24 --party_id			:	Customer ID.
25 --party_name
26 --user_id				:	Agent/user_id.
27 --priority			:	These are defined as global constants in package JTF_FM_Request_GRP.
28 -- 	  User Note - Unused priority numbers are for future use.
29 --source_code_id:	Campaign/promotion field.
30 --source_code		:	Campaign/promotion field.
31 --object_type		:	Campaign/promotion field.
32 --object_id			:	Campaign/promotion field.
33 --order_id			:	Unique identifier of the order.
34 --doc_id				:
35 --doc_ref				:
36 --server_id			:	Unique identifier of the sever.
37 --queue_response:	Field to specify if response needs to queued in Response queue.
38 --extended_header:
39 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
40 PROCEDURE start_fulfillment_request(item_type   						IN 			VARCHAR2,
41 																		item_key	 							IN			VARCHAR2,
42 																		item_user_key 					IN 			VARCHAR2,
43 																		p_content_xml						IN			VARCHAR2,
44 																		p_content_id						IN			NUMBER,
45 																		p_Request_id						IN 			NUMBER,
46 																		p_template_id         	IN  		NUMBER ,
47 																		p_subject             	IN  		VARCHAR2,
48 																		p_party_id 			   			IN  		NUMBER ,
49 																		p_party_name 			   		IN  		VARCHAR2 ,
50 																		p_user_id								IN 			VARCHAR2,
51 																		p_priority              IN  		NUMBER ,
52 																		p_source_code_id        IN			NUMBER,
53 																		p_source_code						IN			VARCHAR2,
54 																		p_object_type			   		IN  		VARCHAR2 ,
55 																		p_object_id 			   		IN  		NUMBER ,
56 																		p_order_id			   			IN  		NUMBER ,
57 																		p_doc_id				   			IN  		NUMBER ,
58 																		p_doc_ref 			   			IN  		VARCHAR2 ,
59 																		p_server_id			   			IN  		NUMBER ,
60 																		p_queue_response		  	IN  		VARCHAR2,
61 																		p_extended_header		  	IN  		VARCHAR2 ,
62 																		p_api_version 					IN 			NUMBER,
63 																		p_init_msg_list 				IN 			VARCHAR2,
64 																		p_commit								IN 			VARCHAR2,
65 																		p_validation_level   		IN  		NUMBER ,
66 																		x_Result								IN OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
67 																		x_msg_count							IN OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
68 																		x_msg_data							IN OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
69 																		x_return_status					IN OUT  NOCOPY		VARCHAR2);
70 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
71 --PROCEDURE submit_fulfillment_request
72 --DESCRIPTION calls the jtf_fm_request_grp.submit_request
73 -- IN
74 --	itemtype  :	type of the current item
75 --  itemkey   :	key of the current item
76 --  actid    	:	process activity instance id
77 --  funcmode  :	function execution mode ('RUN','CANCEL','TIMEOUT');
78 --	OUT
79 --  resultout	:
80 --	COMPLETE : <resultout>
81 --activity has completed with indicated result
83 --activity is waiting for additional transitions
85 --execution should be deferred to background
86 --NOTIFIED	<notification_id> <assigned_user>
87 --activity has notified an external entity that this step must be
88 --performed . A call to wf_engine , complete activity will signal when this step is complete
89 --return of notification id and assigned user
90 --ERROR <error_code>
91 --function encountered an error
92 -----------------------------
93 PROCEDURE submit_fulfillment_request (
94   itemtype  IN VARCHAR2,
95     itemkey   IN VARCHAR2,
96     actid     IN NUMBER,
97     funcmode  IN VARCHAR2,
98     resultout OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
99 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
100 --PROCEDURE check_request_result
101 --DESCRIPTION : checks the result from the submit_fulfillment_request
102 -- IN
103 --	itemtype  :	type of the current item
104 --  itemkey   :	key of the current item
105 --  actid    	:	process activity instance id
106 --  funcmode  :	function execution mode ('RUN','CANCEL','TIMEOUT');
107 --	OUT
108 --  resultout	:
109 --	COMPLETE : <resultout>
110 --activity has completed with indicated result
111 --	WAITING
112 --activity is waiting for additional transitions
114 --execution should be deferred to background
115 --NOTIFIED	<notification_id> <assigned_user>
116 --activity has notified an external entity that this step must be
117 --performed . A call to wf_engine , complete activity will signal when this step is complete
118 --return of notification id and assigned user
119 --ERROR <error_code>
120 --function encountered an error
121 PROCEDURE Check_request_result (
122   itemtype  IN VARCHAR2,
123     itemkey   IN VARCHAR2,
124     actid     IN NUMBER,
125     funcmode  IN VARCHAR2,
126     resultout OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
127 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
128 -- PROCEDURE schedule_Callback
129 --
130 -- Description	 Creates a callback.
131 --
132 -- IN
133 --   itemtype  - type of the current item
134 --   itemkey   - key of the current item
135 --   actid     - process activity instance id
136 --   funcmode  - function execution mode ('RUN', 'CANCEL', 'TIMEOUT', ...)
137 -- OUT
138 --   result
139 --       - COMPLETE[:<result>]
140 --           activity has completed with the indicated result
141 --       - WAITING
142 --           activity is waiting for additional transitions
143 --       - DEFERED
144 --           execution should be defered to background
145 --       - NOTIFIED[:<notification_id>:<assigned_user>]
146 --           activity has notified an external entity that this
147 --           step must be performed.  A call to wf_engine.CompleteActivty
148 --           will signal when this step is complete.  Optional
149 --           return of notification ID and assigned user.
150 --       - ERROR[:<error_code>]
151 --           function encountered an error.
152 PROCEDURE schedule_Callback  		 (itemtype		in VARCHAR2,
153 		  				itemkey 		in VARCHAR2,
154 						actid 		in NUMBER,
155 						funcmode		in VARCHAR2,
156 						result 	out nocopy VARCHAR2 );
157 -----------------------------------------------------
158 -- PROCEDURE schedule_Callback
159 --
160 -- Description	 Creates a callback.
161 --
162 -- IN
163 --   itemtype  - type of the current item
164 --   itemkey   - key of the current item
165 --   actid     - process activity instance id
166 --   funcmode  - function execution mode ('RUN', 'CANCEL', 'TIMEOUT', ...)
167 -- OUT
168 --   result
169 --       - COMPLETE[:<result>]
170 --           activity has completed with the indicated result
171 --       - WAITING
172 --           activity is waiting for additional transitions
173 --       - DEFERED
174 --           execution should be defered to background
175 --       - NOTIFIED[:<notification_id>:<assigned_user>]
176 --           activity has notified an external entity that this
177 --           step must be performed.  A call to wf_engine.CompleteActivty
178 --           will signal when this step is complete.  Optional
179 --           return of notification ID and assigned user.
180 --       - ERROR[:<error_code>]
181 --           function encountered an error.
182 PROCEDURE check_if_callback_required 		 (itemtype		in VARCHAR2,
183 		  				itemkey 		in VARCHAR2,
184 						actid 		in NUMBER,
185 						funcmode		in VARCHAR2,
186 						result 	out nocopy VARCHAR2 );
187 --------------------------------------------------------
188 -- PROCEDURE verify_external
189 --
190 -- Description	 perform third party verification
191 --
192 -- IN
193 --   itemtype  - type of the current item
194 --   itemkey   - key of the current item
195 --   actid     - process activity instance id
196 --   funcmode  - function execution mode ('RUN', 'CANCEL', 'TIMEOUT', ...)
197 -- OUT
198 --   result
199 --       - COMPLETE[:<result>]
200 --           activity has completed with the indicated result
201 --       - WAITING
202 --           activity is waiting for additional transitions
203 --       - DEFERED
204 --           execution should be defered to background
205 --       - NOTIFIED[:<notification_id>:<assigned_user>]
206 --           activity has notified an external entity that this
207 --           step must be performed.  A call to wf_engine.CompleteActivty
208 --           will signal when this step is complete.  Optional
209 --           return of notification ID and assigned user.
210 --       - ERROR[:<error_code>]
211 --           function encountered an error.
212 PROCEDURE verify_external (itemtype		in VARCHAR2,
213 		  				itemkey 		in VARCHAR2,
214 						actid 		in NUMBER,
215 						funcmode		in VARCHAR2,
216 						result 	out nocopy VARCHAR2 );
217 -----------------------------------------------------------
218 -- PROCEDURE verification_failed_notification
219 --
220 -- Description	 sends notification
221 --
222 -- IN
223 --   itemtype  - type of the current item
224 --   itemkey   - key of the current item
225 --   actid     - process activity instance id
226 --   funcmode  - function execution mode ('RUN', 'CANCEL', 'TIMEOUT', ...)
227 -- OUT
228 --   result
229 --       - COMPLETE[:<result>]
230 --           activity has completed with the indicated result
231 --       - WAITING
232 --           activity is waiting for additional transitions
233 --       - DEFERED
234 --           execution should be defered to background
235 --       - NOTIFIED[:<notification_id>:<assigned_user>]
236 --           activity has notified an external entity that this
237 --           step must be performed.  A call to wf_engine.CompleteActivty
238 --           will signal when this step is complete.  Optional
239 --           return of notification ID and assigned user.
240 --       - ERROR[:<error_code>]
241 --           function encountered an error.
242 PROCEDURE verification_failed(itemtype		in VARCHAR2,
243 		  				itemkey 		in VARCHAR2,
244 						actid 		in NUMBER,
245 						funcmode		in VARCHAR2,
246 						result 	out nocopy VARCHAR2 );
247 END jtf_fm_process_request_wf ;