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Line 1400: wms_license_plate_numbers lpn, wms_lpn_contents wlc

1397: cursor sum_delivery_details(p_outermost_lpn_id IN NUMBER, p_delivery_id IN NUMBER) is
1398: select sum(wdd.requested_quantity), sum(wlc.quantity), wda.delivery_id, wlc.inventory_item_id, wlc.parent_lpn_id
1399: from wsh_delivery_details_ob_grp_v wdd, wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda, wsh_delivery_details_ob_grp_v wdd2,
1400: wms_license_plate_numbers lpn, wms_lpn_contents wlc
1401: where wdd.delivery_detail_id = wda.delivery_detail_id
1402: and wdd2.delivery_detail_id = wda.parent_delivery_detail_id
1403: and wdd2.lpn_id = lpn.lpn_id
1404: and wdd2.released_status = 'X' -- For LPN reuse ER : 6845650

Line 5923: FROM wms_lpn_contents

5919: AND wlpn.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id(+)
5920: AND msi.organization_id(+) = wlpn.organization_id
5921: AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM mtl_system_items
5922: WHERE inventory_item_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT inventory_item_id
5923: FROM wms_lpn_contents
5924: WHERE parent_lpn_id IN (SELECT lpn_id FROM wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn2 WHERE wlpn2.outermost_lpn_id = wlpn.lpn_id))
5926: AND organization_id = p_organization_id)
5927: ORDER BY upper (wlpn.license_plate_number);

Line 6105: , wms_lpn_contents lpc

6101: decode(oel.component_number, null, null,decode(oel.option_number, null, '.',null)||
6102: '.'||to_char(oel.component_number)) like (p_order_line)
6103: and exists (select 1
6104: from wms_license_plate_numbers lpn
6105: , wms_lpn_contents lpc
6106: where lpn.outermost_lpn_id = p_outermost_lpn_id
6107: and lpn.lpn_id = lpc.parent_lpn_id
6108: and lpc.inventory_item_id = oel.inventory_item_id
6109: )

Line 6215: , wms_lpn_contents lpc

6211: decode(oel.component_number, null, null,decode(oel.option_number, null, '.',null)||
6212: '.'||to_char(oel.component_number)) like (p_order_line)
6213: and exists (select 1
6214: from wms_license_plate_numbers lpn
6215: , wms_lpn_contents lpc
6216: where lpn.outermost_lpn_id = p_outermost_lpn_id
6217: and lpn.lpn_id = lpc.parent_lpn_id
6218: and lpc.inventory_item_id = oel.inventory_item_id
6219: )

Line 6320: , wms_lpn_contents lpc

6316: decode(oel.component_number, null, null,decode(oel.option_number, null, '.',null)||
6317: '.'||to_char(oel.component_number)) like (p_order_line)
6318: and exists (select 1
6319: from wms_license_plate_numbers lpn
6320: , wms_lpn_contents lpc
6321: where lpn.outermost_lpn_id = p_outermost_lpn_id
6322: and lpn.lpn_id = lpc.parent_lpn_id
6323: and lpc.inventory_item_id = oel.inventory_item_id
6324: )

Line 6431: , wms_lpn_contents lpc

6427: decode(oel.component_number, null, null,decode(oel.option_number, null, '.',null)||
6428: '.'||to_char(oel.component_number)) like (p_order_line)
6429: and exists (select 1
6430: from wms_license_plate_numbers lpn
6431: , wms_lpn_contents lpc
6432: where lpn.outermost_lpn_id = p_outermost_lpn_id
6433: and lpn.lpn_id = lpc.parent_lpn_id
6434: and lpc.inventory_item_id = oel.inventory_item_id
6435: )

Line 6625: lpn_contents_select_str := lpn_contents_select_str || ' FROM wms_lpn_contents ';

6621: DEBUG('Starting to get the Contents' , 'GET_LPN_CONTENTS');
6622: END IF;
6623: lpn_id_str := '( ';
6624: lpn_contents_select_str := 'SELECT parent_lpn_id, inventory_item_id, quantity, uom_code, revision ';
6625: lpn_contents_select_str := lpn_contents_select_str || ' FROM wms_lpn_contents ';
6626: lpn_contents_select_str := lpn_contents_select_str || ' WHERE parent_lpn_id IN ';
6628: OPEN lpn_id_cursor;
6629: FETCH lpn_id_cursor INTO v_lpn_id;

Line 6984: TYPE lpn_id_tbl_type IS TABLE OF wms_lpn_contents.parent_lpn_id%TYPE;

6980: x_return_status OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
6981: x_msg_count OUT nocopy NUMBER,
6982: x_msg_data OUT nocopy VARCHAR2) IS
6984: TYPE lpn_id_tbl_type IS TABLE OF wms_lpn_contents.parent_lpn_id%TYPE;
6985: TYPE inventory_item_id_tbl_type IS TABLE OF wms_lpn_contents.inventory_item_id%TYPE;
6987: l_parent_lpn_id lpn_id_tbl_type;
6988: l_inventory_item_id inventory_item_id_tbl_type;

Line 6985: TYPE inventory_item_id_tbl_type IS TABLE OF wms_lpn_contents.inventory_item_id%TYPE;

6981: x_msg_count OUT nocopy NUMBER,
6982: x_msg_data OUT nocopy VARCHAR2) IS
6984: TYPE lpn_id_tbl_type IS TABLE OF wms_lpn_contents.parent_lpn_id%TYPE;
6985: TYPE inventory_item_id_tbl_type IS TABLE OF wms_lpn_contents.inventory_item_id%TYPE;
6987: l_parent_lpn_id lpn_id_tbl_type;
6988: l_inventory_item_id inventory_item_id_tbl_type;

Line 7005: from wms_lpn_contents wlc, wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn, mtl_system_items_kfv msik

7001: x_return_status := 'S';
7003: SELECT wlc.parent_lpn_id, wlc.inventory_item_id
7004: bulk collect INTO l_parent_lpn_id, l_inventory_item_id
7005: from wms_lpn_contents wlc, wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn, mtl_system_items_kfv msik
7006: where wlc.organization_id = p_org_id
7007: and msik.organization_id = p_org_id
7008: and wlpn.organization_id = wlc.organization_id
7009: AND wlpn.outermost_lpn_id = p_outermost_lpn_id

Line 7025: UPDATE wms_lpn_contents

7021: END LOOP;
7022: END IF;
7024: forall i IN l_parent_lpn_id.first .. l_parent_lpn_id.last
7025: UPDATE wms_lpn_contents
7026: SET serial_summary_entry = 1
7027: WHERE parent_lpn_id = l_parent_lpn_id(i)
7028: AND inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id(i);
7029: ELSE