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Line 110: select ar_interest_headers_s.nextval

106: FUNCTION get_next_hdr_id RETURN NUMBER IS
107: l_next_hdr_id NUMBER;
108: BEGIN
110: select ar_interest_headers_s.nextval
111: into l_next_hdr_id
112: from dual;
114: return l_next_hdr_id;

Line 408: ar_interest_headers int_headers,

404: decode(cust_site.interest_calculation_period,
405: 'DAILY',int_lines.due_date,
406: 'MONTHLY',first_day(int_lines.due_date)) eff_due_date
407: from ar_interest_lines int_lines,
408: ar_interest_headers int_headers,
409: ar_cash_receipts cr,
410: ar_payment_schedules ps,
411: ar_lc_cust_sites_t cust_site,
412: ar_late_charge_cust_balance_gt bal

Line 1676: from ar_interest_headers hdr,

1672: decode(:l_total_workers,:l_worker_number,0,:l_worker_number))a
1673: /* Make sure that this customer, site and currency combination is not
1674: part of a failed final batch */
1675: WHERE not exists (select ''exists failed batch''
1676: from ar_interest_headers hdr,
1677: ar_interest_batches bat
1678: where hdr.customer_id = a.customer_id
1679: and hdr.customer_site_use_id = a.customer_site_use_id
1680: and hdr.currency_code = a.currency_code

Line 2745: ar_interest_headers hdrs,

2741: c.due_date)>= nvl(sched_hdrs.start_date,c.due_date)
2742: /* Make sure that this payment schedule is not part of a failed final batch */
2743: and not exists (select payment_schedule_id
2744: from ar_interest_lines lines,
2745: ar_interest_headers hdrs,
2746: ar_interest_batches bat
2747: where lines.payment_schedule_id = c.payment_schedule_id
2748: and lines.interest_header_id = hdrs.interest_header_id
2749: and hdrs.interest_batch_id = bat.interest_batch_id

Line 3617: ar_interest_headers hdrs,

3613: b.due_date )>= nvl(sched_hdrs.start_date,b.due_date)
3614: /* Make sure that this payment schedule is not part of a failed final batch */
3615: and not exists (select payment_schedule_id
3616: from ar_interest_lines lines,
3617: ar_interest_headers hdrs,
3618: ar_interest_batches bat
3619: where lines.payment_schedule_id = b.payment_schedule_id
3620: and lines.interest_header_id = hdrs.interest_header_id
3621: and hdrs.interest_batch_id = bat.interest_batch_id

Line 4106: ar_interest_headers hdrs,

4102: a.due_date)>= nvl(sched_hdrs.start_date,a.due_date)
4103: /* Make sure that this payment schedule is not part of a failed final batch */
4104: and not exists (select payment_schedule_id
4105: from ar_interest_lines lines,
4106: ar_interest_headers hdrs,
4107: ar_interest_batches bat
4108: where lines.payment_schedule_id = a.payment_schedule_id
4109: and lines.interest_header_id = hdrs.interest_header_id
4110: and hdrs.interest_batch_id = bat.interest_batch_id

Line 4870: from ar_interest_headers hdr,

4866: a.min_fc_balance_percent) b
4867: /* Make sure that this customer, site and currency combination is not
4868: part of a failed final batch */
4869: where not exists (select 'exists failed batch'
4870: from ar_interest_headers hdr,
4871: ar_interest_batches bat
4872: where hdr.customer_id = b.customer_id
4873: and hdr.customer_site_use_id = b.site_use_id
4874: and hdr.currency_code = b.currency_code

Line 5557: ar_interest_headers hdr

5554: delete from ar_interest_lines
5555: where interest_header_id in (select hdr.interest_header_id
5556: from ar_interest_batches batch,
5557: ar_interest_headers hdr
5558: where batch.batch_status = 'D'
5559: and batch.interest_batch_id = hdr.interest_batch_id
5560: and mod(nvl(hdr.customer_site_use_id,0),p_total_workers) =
5561: decode(p_total_workers,p_worker_number,0,p_worker_number)

Line 5572: delete from ar_interest_headers hdr

5568: and nvl(trx.legal_entity_id,-99) = nvl(hdr.legal_entity_id,-99)
5569: and trx.org_id = hdr.org_id));
5570: /* delete headers */
5572: delete from ar_interest_headers hdr
5573: where not exists (select interest_line_id
5574: from ar_interest_lines lines
5575: where hdr.interest_header_id = lines.interest_header_id)
5576: and hdr.request_id <> l_request_id;

Line 5689: insert into ar_interest_headers

5685: IF l_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
5686: debug( 'ar_calc_late_charge.insert_int_headers()+' );
5687: END IF;
5689: insert into ar_interest_headers
5690: (interest_header_id,
5691: interest_batch_id,
5692: customer_id,
5693: customer_site_use_id,

Line 5816: from ar_interest_headers headers

5812: where lines.payment_schedule_id = trx.payment_schedule_id
5813: and lines.org_id = trx.org_id
5814: and lines.type=trx.charge_type
5815: and not exists (select interest_header_id
5816: from ar_interest_headers headers
5817: where headers.interest_header_id = lines.interest_header_id)
5818: and mod(nvl(trx.customer_site_use_id,0),p_total_workers) =
5819: decode(p_total_workers,p_worker_number,0,p_worker_number)
5820: /*Bug fix 5290709: If display flag is No, we should not consider this record if there is another record

Line 6398: from ar_interest_headers hdr

6394: END IF;
6396: delete from ar_interest_batches bat
6397: where not exists (select interest_header_id
6398: from ar_interest_headers hdr
6399: where bat.interest_batch_id = hdr.interest_batch_id)
6400: and ( request_id = l_request_id
6401: OR batch_status = 'D') ;

Line 7260: ar_interest_batches, ar_interest_headers and ar_interest_lines */

7256: p_total_workers => l_total_workers);
7257: /* Enhacement 6469663*/
7258: update_interest_amt('PENALTY');
7259: /* If there are records in ar_late_charge_trx_t, insert data into the preview tables
7260: ar_interest_batches, ar_interest_headers and ar_interest_lines */
7262: select count(*)
7263: into l_count_int_lines
7264: from ar_late_charge_trx_t;

Line 7600: from ar_interest_headers hdr

7596: IF p_mode = 'F' THEN
7597: update ar_interest_batches bat
7598: set bat.transferred_status = 'S'
7599: where not exists (select hdr.interest_header_id
7600: from ar_interest_headers hdr
7601: where bat.interest_batch_id = hdr.interest_batch_id
7602: and hdr.process_status <> 'S')
7603: and bat.request_id = l_request_id;

Line 7608: from ar_interest_headers hdr

7605: update ar_interest_batches bat
7606: set bat.transferred_status = 'E'
7607: where exists (select hdr.interest_header_id
7608: from ar_interest_headers hdr
7609: where bat.interest_batch_id = hdr.interest_batch_id
7610: and hdr.process_status <> 'S')
7611: and bat.request_id = l_request_id;
7612: END IF;