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Line 193: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status= 'A' ,elig_prfl_id = p_eligibility_profile_id

189: if p_enable_logging = 'Y' then
190: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Record exist for person_id : ' ||TO_CHAR(p_person_id) ||' user_group_id : ' ||TO_CHAR(p_user_group_id) ||' so update.Eligibility profile id is : '||TO_CHAR(p_eligibility_profile_id));
191: end if;
193: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status= 'A' ,elig_prfl_id = p_eligibility_profile_id
194: where
195: user_group_id= p_user_group_id and
196: person_id = p_person_id and
197: elig_prfl_id is not null;

Line 216: ota_user_group_elements_s.nextval,

214: processing_status)
215: VALUES(
216: ota_user_group_elements_s.nextval,
217: p_user_group_id,
218: p_business_group_id,
219: p_person_id,
220: l_object_version_number,

Line 351: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status = 'P' --Parent record to Processing

347: if check_processing_status(user_group_rec.user_group_id, user_group_rec.elig_prfl_id) <> 'P' then
348: --This is done to avoid the learner group if its been picked/processed by some other run of this conc program
349: --i.e the user group is under processing in the mean time.
350: l_learner_group_element_id := user_group_rec.user_group_element_id;
351: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status = 'P' --Parent record to Processing
352: where user_group_element_id = user_group_rec.user_group_element_id;
353: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status = 'H' --Child records to history
354: where user_group_id = user_group_rec.user_group_id and elig_prfl_id =user_group_rec.elig_prfl_id and person_id is not null;
355: commit;--commit early so that other re-runs of conc programs donot pick it up

Line 353: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status = 'H' --Child records to history

349: --i.e the user group is under processing in the mean time.
350: l_learner_group_element_id := user_group_rec.user_group_element_id;
351: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status = 'P' --Parent record to Processing
352: where user_group_element_id = user_group_rec.user_group_element_id;
353: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status = 'H' --Child records to history
354: where user_group_id = user_group_rec.user_group_id and elig_prfl_id =user_group_rec.elig_prfl_id and person_id is not null;
355: commit;--commit early so that other re-runs of conc programs donot pick it up
357: open get_elig_prof_details(user_group_rec.elig_prfl_id);

Line 454: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status= 'A'

450: END LOOP;
451: CLOSE csr_get_lrnr_in_assign;
452: end if;--end if for get_elig_prof_details%NOTFOUND
454: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status= 'A'
455: where user_group_element_id = user_group_rec.user_group_element_id;--set status of master record to A
456: end if ; --end if for check_processing_status
457: end loop;
458: close csr_get_ug_to_be_processed;

Line 468: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status= 'E' --Parent record to Error

464: commit;
465: exception
466: when others then
468: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status= 'E' --Parent record to Error
469: where user_group_element_id =l_learner_group_element_id;
471: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Error in processing learner group '||l_learner_group_name);
472: commit;

Line 620: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status = fnd_global.conc_request_id --Parent record to Processing

617: for ug_print_count in user_elig_pro_rec.first..user_elig_pro_rec.last --{ ug_ep loop
618: loop
619: if l_pre_ug_id <> user_elig_pro_rec(ug_print_count).user_group_id then
620: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status = fnd_global.conc_request_id --Parent record to Processing
621: where user_group_id = user_elig_pro_rec(ug_print_count).user_group_id
622: and elig_prfl_id is not null
623: and person_id is null
624: and BUSINESS_GROUP_ID = l_general_bg;

Line 626: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status = 'H' --Child records to history

622: and elig_prfl_id is not null
623: and person_id is null
624: and BUSINESS_GROUP_ID = l_general_bg;
626: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status = 'H' --Child records to history
627: where user_group_id = user_elig_pro_rec(ug_print_count).user_group_id
628: and elig_prfl_id is not null
629: and person_id is not null
630: and BUSINESS_GROUP_ID = l_general_bg;

Line 781: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status = 'A' --Parent record to completed

777: l_pre_ug_id := -1;
778: for ug_print_count in user_elig_pro_rec.first..user_elig_pro_rec.last --{ ug_ep loop
779: loop
780: if l_pre_ug_id <> user_elig_pro_rec(ug_print_count).user_group_id then
781: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status = 'A' --Parent record to completed
782: where user_group_id = user_elig_pro_rec(ug_print_count).user_group_id
783: and nvl(processing_status,'A') <> 'E'
784: and elig_prfl_id is not null
785: and person_id is null

Line 805: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status = 'P' --Parent record to Processed

801: IF user_elig_pro_rec.count > 0 THEN
802: for ug_print_count in user_elig_pro_rec.first..user_elig_pro_rec.last --{ ug_ep loop
803: loop
804: if l_pre_ug_id <> user_elig_pro_rec(ug_print_count).user_group_id then
805: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status = 'P' --Parent record to Processed
806: where user_group_id = user_elig_pro_rec(ug_print_count).user_group_id
807: and elig_prfl_id is not null
808: and person_id is null
809: and BUSINESS_GROUP_ID = l_general_bg;

Line 824: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status = 'E' --Parent record to Error

820: IF user_elig_pro_rec.count > 0 THEN
821: for ug_print_count in user_elig_pro_rec.first..user_elig_pro_rec.last --{ ug_ep loop
822: loop
823: if l_pre_ug_id <> user_elig_pro_rec(ug_print_count).user_group_id then
824: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status = 'E' --Parent record to Error
825: where user_group_id = user_elig_pro_rec(ug_print_count).user_group_id
826: and elig_prfl_id is not null
827: and person_id is null
828: and BUSINESS_GROUP_ID = l_general_bg;

Line 1164: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status = 'E' --Parent record to Error

1160: IF user_elig_pro_rec.count > 0 THEN
1161: for ug_print_count in user_elig_pro_rec.first..user_elig_pro_rec.last --{ ug_ep loop
1162: loop
1163: if l_pre_ug_id <> user_elig_pro_rec(ug_print_count).user_group_id then
1164: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status = 'E' --Parent record to Error
1165: where user_group_id = user_elig_pro_rec(ug_print_count).user_group_id
1166: and elig_prfl_id is not null
1167: and person_id is null
1168: and BUSINESS_GROUP_ID = l_ota_general_bg;

Line 1297: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status= 'E' --Parent record to Error

1294: exception
1295: when others then
1297: update ota_user_group_elements set processing_status= 'E' --Parent record to Error
1298: where user_group_element_id =l_learner_group_element_id;
1300: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Error in deleting ineligible records for learner group '||l_learner_group_name);
1301: commit;