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4 |               Copyright (c) 1993 Oracle Corporation                       |
1 Package Body PAY_GB_P11D_MAGTAPE as
2 /* $Header: pygbpdtp.pkb 120.4.12000000.2 2007/04/05 10:24:24 kthampan noship $ */
3 /*===========================================================================+
5 |                  Redwood Shores, California, USA                          |
6 |                       All rights reserved.                                |
7 +============================================================================
8  Name
10   Purpose
12     This is a UK Specific payroll package.
13   Notes
15   History
16 ==============================================================================*/
17 --
18 -- Globals
19    g_package   CONSTANT VARCHAR2(20) := 'pay_gb_p11d_magtape.';
21 --
22    function get_parameters (p_payroll_action_id in number,
23                             p_token_name        in varchar2,
24                             p_tax_ref           in varchar2 default null)return varchar2
25    is
26       cursor csr_parameter_info(p_pact_id   number,
27                                 p_token     char)
28       is
29       select substr(legislative_parameters,
30                     instr(legislative_parameters, p_token) + (length (p_token) + 1),
31                     (decode(instr (legislative_parameters, ' ', instr (legislative_parameters, p_token)),
32                     0, decode (instr (legislative_parameters, p_token),0, .5,length (legislative_parameters)),
33                     instr (legislative_parameters, ' ', instr (legislative_parameters, p_token)) -
34                     (instr (legislative_parameters, p_token) + (length (p_token) + 1))))),
35              business_group_id,
36              request_id,
37              start_date,
38              effective_date   -- this will be the benefit end date
39       from pay_payroll_actions
40       where payroll_action_id = p_pact_id;
42       cursor csr_org_info(p_business_group_id number,
43                           p_tax_ref           varchar2)
44       is
45       select org.org_information11,
46              substr(org.org_information3,1,36),
47              org.org_information13
48       from   hr_organization_information org
49       where  org.organization_id = p_business_group_id
50       and    upper(org.org_information1) = upper(p_tax_ref)
51       and    org.org_information_context = 'Tax Details References';
53       cursor csr_count_taxref(p_pact_id number)
54       is
55       select count(*),
56              action_information6
57       from   pay_assignment_actions paa,
58              pay_action_information pai
59       where  paa.payroll_action_id = p_pact_id
60       and    pai.action_context_id = paa.assignment_action_id
61       and    pai.action_information_category = 'EMEA PAYROLL INFO'
62       and    pai.action_context_type = 'AAP'
63       group by action_information6;
65       l_business_group_id    VARCHAR2(20);
66       l_benefit_start_date   VARCHAR2(20);
67       l_benefit_end_date     VARCHAR2(20);
68       l_party_name           VARCHAR2(36);
69       l_request_id           VARCHAR2(50);
70       l_sender_id            VARCHAR2(50);
71       l_submitter_id         VARCHAR2(50);
72       l_token_value          VARCHAR2(50);
73       l_proc                 VARCHAR2(50) := g_package || 'get_parameters';
74       l_tax_ref              VARCHAR2(50);
75       l_count                NUMBER;
76    begin
77       hr_utility.set_location ('Entering ' || l_proc, 10);
78       hr_utility.set_location ('Step ' || l_proc, 20);
82                                     l_business_group_id,
79       hr_utility.set_location ('p_token_name = ' || p_token_name, 20);
80       open csr_parameter_info (p_payroll_action_id, p_token_name);
81       fetch csr_parameter_info into l_token_value,
83                                     l_request_id,
84                                     l_benefit_start_date,
85                                     l_benefit_end_date;
86       close csr_parameter_info;
88       if p_token_name = 'BG_ID'
89       then
90          l_token_value := l_business_group_id;
91       elsif p_token_name = 'REQUEST_ID'
92       then
93          l_token_value := l_request_id;
94       elsif p_token_name = 'SENDER_ID' or p_token_name = 'PARTY_NAME' or p_token_name = 'SUBMITTER_REF_NO'
95       then
96          open csr_count_taxref(p_payroll_action_id);
97          loop
98              fetch csr_count_taxref into  l_count, l_tax_ref;
99              exit when csr_count_taxref%notfound;
100          end loop;
101          l_count := csr_count_taxref%rowcount;
102          close csr_count_taxref;
104          if l_count = 1 then
105              open  csr_org_info(l_business_group_id,l_tax_ref);
106              fetch csr_org_info into l_sender_id,
107                                      l_party_name,
108                                      l_submitter_id;
109              close csr_org_info;
110          else
111              open  csr_org_info(l_business_group_id,nvl(p_tax_ref,l_tax_ref));
112              fetch csr_org_info into l_sender_id,
113                                      l_party_name,
114                                      l_submitter_id;
115              close csr_org_info;
116          end if;
117          if p_token_name = 'SENDER_ID'
118          then
119            l_token_value := l_sender_id;
120          elsif p_token_name = 'PARTY_NAME'
121          then
122            l_token_value := l_party_name;
123          elsif p_token_name = 'SUBMITTER_REF_NO'
124          then
125            l_token_value := l_submitter_id;
126          end if;
127       elsif p_token_name = 'BENEFIT_START_DATE'
128       then
129          l_token_value := fnd_date.date_to_canonical (l_benefit_start_date);
130       elsif p_token_name = 'BENEFIT_END_DATE'
131       then
132         l_token_value := fnd_date.date_to_canonical (l_benefit_end_date);
133       else
134          l_token_value := l_token_value;
135       end if;
137       hr_utility.set_location ('l_token_value = ' || l_token_value, 60);
138       hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving         ' || l_proc, 70);
139       return l_token_value;
140    end get_parameters;
142    PROCEDURE range_cursor (
143       pactid   IN       NUMBER,
144       sqlstr   OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2
145    )
146    IS
147       l_proc   CONSTANT VARCHAR2(35) := g_package || 'range_cursor';
148    BEGIN
149       --
150       hr_utility.set_location ('Entering: ' || l_proc, 1);
151       --
152       -- Note: There must be one and only one entry of :payroll_action_id in
153       -- the string, and the statement must be, order by person_id
154       --
155       sqlstr := 'SELECT DISTINCT person_id
156              FROM   per_people_f ppf,
157                     pay_payroll_actions ppa
158              WHERE  ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id
159              AND    ppa.business_group_id +0= ppf.business_group_id
160              ORDER BY ppf.person_id';
162       hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving ' || l_proc, 20);
163       --
164   END range_cursor;
166 --
167 --
168 --
169    PROCEDURE action_creation (
170       pactid      IN   NUMBER,
171       stperson    IN   NUMBER,
172       endperson   IN   NUMBER,
173       chunk       IN   NUMBER
174    )
175    IS
176 --
177       CURSOR csr_assignments (
178          v_archive_payroll_action_id   NUMBER,
179          v_tax_ref                     VARCHAR2
180       )
181       is
182         select /*+ ordered
183                   use_nl(paa,pai_person)
184                   use_index(pai_person,pay_action_information_n2) */
185                distinct paa.assignment_id
186         from   pay_assignment_actions paa,
187                pay_action_information pai_person,
188                pay_action_information pai_emp
189         where  paa.payroll_action_id = v_archive_payroll_action_id
190         and    pai_person.action_context_id = paa.assignment_action_id
191         and    pai_person.action_information_category = 'ADDRESS DETAILS'
192         and    pai_person.action_information14 = 'Employee Address'
193         and    pai_person.action_information1 between stperson and endperson
194         and    pai_person.action_context_type = 'AAP'
195         and    pai_emp.action_context_id = paa.assignment_action_id
196         and    pai_emp.action_context_type = 'AAP'
197         and    pai_emp.action_information_category = 'EMEA PAYROLL INFO'
198         and    (v_tax_ref is null
199                 or
200                 pai_emp.action_information6 = v_tax_ref)
201         order by paa.assignment_id;
203 --
204       l_ass_act_id               pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%TYPE;
205       l_proc                     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(35) := g_package || 'action_creation';
206       l_arch_payroll_action_id   pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%TYPE;
207       l_tax_ref                  varchar2(30);
208    BEGIN
209 --
210       hr_utility.set_location ('Entering: ' || l_proc, 1);
211 --
215       hr_utility.set_location ('arch pay action id ' || l_arch_payroll_action_id, 1);
212       l_arch_payroll_action_id := get_parameters (pactid, 'ARCH_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID');
213       l_tax_ref := get_parameters (pactid, 'TAX_REFERENCE');
217 --
218       FOR asgrec IN csr_assignments (l_arch_payroll_action_id,l_tax_ref)
219       LOOP
220          --
221          -- Create the assignment_action to represent the preson / tax unit combination
222          --
223          SELECT pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
224            INTO l_ass_act_id
225            FROM dual;
226          --
227          -- insert into pay_assignment_actions.
228          hr_utility.set_location ('assignment id ' || asgrec.assignment_id, 1);
230          hr_nonrun_asact.insact (l_ass_act_id, asgrec.assignment_id, pactid, chunk, NULL);
232       END LOOP;
234 --
235       hr_utility.set_location (' Leaving: ' || l_proc, 100);
236 --
237 --    hr_utility.trace_off;
239    END action_creation;
240 --
241 --
243   Function format_edi_currency (
244      l_input_value varchar2
245      )
246   return varchar2
247   is
248   l_output_value       varchar2(36);
249   l_input_value_number number;
250   begin
251      l_input_value_number := to_number(l_input_value);
252      l_input_value_number := l_input_value_number * 100;
253      if sign(l_input_value_number) = -1
254      then
255        l_input_value_number := l_input_value_number * -1;
256        l_output_value := '-' || lpad(to_char(l_input_value_number),34,'0');
257      else
258        l_output_value := lpad(to_char(l_input_value_number),35,'0');
259      end if;
260      l_output_value := l_output_value || ' ';
261      return l_output_value;
263    Exception
264     when others then
265     fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'Error: ' || sqlerrm);
266     fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'input_value ' ||l_input_value );
268     fnd_message.raise_error;
269  end;
271    Function round_and_pad (
272       l_input_value varchar2,
273       l_cut_to_size number
274       )
275    return varchar2
276    is
277    l_output_value varchar2(10);
278    l_input_value_number number;
279    begin
280       l_input_value_number := to_number(l_input_value);
281       select
282       decode(sign(l_input_value),
283             1,lpad(trunc(l_input_value),l_cut_to_size,0),
284             0,lpad(trunc(l_input_value),l_cut_to_size,0),
285             -1,'-' || lpad(trunc(abs(l_input_value)),l_cut_to_size-1,0)
286             ) into l_output_value
287       from dual;
288       return l_output_value;
289    Exception
290     when others then
291     fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'Error: ' || sqlerrm);
292     fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'input_value ' ||l_input_value );
293     fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'cut to size ' ||l_cut_to_size);
295     fnd_message.raise_error;
296    end;
298    Function get_description (
299       l_lookup_code varchar2,
300       l_lookup_type varchar2,
301       l_effective_date varchar2
302       )
303    return varchar2
304    is
305    l_description fnd_lookup_values.DESCRIPTION%type;
306    begin
307 /*        select upper(description) into l_description
308         from fnd_lookup_values flv
309         where flv.lookup_type = l_lookup_type
310         and flv.lookup_code = l_lookup_code
311         and flv.ENABLED_FLAG = 'Y'
312         and fnd_date.canonical_to_date(l_effective_date) between
313             nvl(flv.START_DATE_ACTIVE,
314                 fnd_date.canonical_to_date(l_effective_date)) and
315             nvl(flv.END_DATE_ACTIVE,
316             fnd_date.canonical_to_date(l_effective_date));*/
317 /*Bug No. 3237648*/
318 /*Fetching from hr_lookups instead of fnd_lookup_values*/
319         select upper(description) into l_description
320         from hr_lookups hlu
321         where hlu.lookup_type = l_lookup_type
322         and hlu.lookup_code = l_lookup_code
323         and hlu.ENABLED_FLAG = 'Y'
324         and fnd_date.canonical_to_date(l_effective_date) between
325             nvl(hlu.START_DATE_ACTIVE,
326                 fnd_date.canonical_to_date(l_effective_date)) and
327             nvl(hlu.END_DATE_ACTIVE,
328             fnd_date.canonical_to_date(l_effective_date));
330         return l_description;
331    exception
332         when Others then
333             fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'Error: ' || sqlerrm);
334             fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'effective date ' ||l_effective_date );
335             fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'lookup_type ' ||l_lookup_type );
336             fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'lookup_code ' ||l_lookup_code );
338             fnd_message.raise_error;
339    end;
340 END;   -- Package Body PAY_GB_P11D_MAGTAPE