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Line 1536: -- standard call to check for call compatibility

1532: l_dummy_nbr NUMBER;
1533: l_count NUMBER;
1535: BEGIN
1536: -- standard call to check for call compatibility
1537: IF (NOT FND_API.compatible_api_call(l_api_version
1538: ,p_api_version
1539: ,l_api_name
1540: ,G_PKG_NAME

Line 1862: * @param x_return_status standard FND status. (ex:FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS )

1858: * @param p_unlock_references A value of FND_API.G_TRUE indicates that the child models if any should be
1859: * force unlocked. A value of FND_API.G_FALSE indicates that only the root model
1860: * will be unlocked
1861: * @param p_init_msg_list FND_API.G_TRUE if the API should initialize the FND stack, FND_API.G_FALSE if not.
1862: * @param x_return_status standard FND status. (ex:FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS )
1863: * @param x_msg_count number of messages on the stack.
1864: * @param x_msg_data standard FND OUT parameter for message. Messages are written to the FND error stack
1865: * @rep:scope public
1866: * @rep:product CZ

Line 1864: * @param x_msg_data standard FND OUT parameter for message. Messages are written to the FND error stack

1860: * will be unlocked
1861: * @param p_init_msg_list FND_API.G_TRUE if the API should initialize the FND stack, FND_API.G_FALSE if not.
1862: * @param x_return_status standard FND status. (ex:FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS )
1863: * @param x_msg_count number of messages on the stack.
1864: * @param x_msg_data standard FND OUT parameter for message. Messages are written to the FND error stack
1865: * @rep:scope public
1866: * @rep:product CZ
1867: * @rep:displayname API for working with force unlock operations on a model
1868: * @rep:lifecycle active

Line 1926: * @param x_return_status standard FND status. (ex:FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS )

1922: * This is the public interface for force unlock operations on a UI content template in Oracle Configurator
1923: * @param p_api_version Current version of the API is 1.0
1924: * @param p_template_id Template_id of the template from cz_ui_templates table
1925: * @param p_init_msg_list FND_API.G_TRUE if the API should initialize the FND stack, FND_API.G_FALSE if not.
1926: * @param x_return_status standard FND status. (ex:FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS )
1927: * @param x_msg_count number of messages on the stack.
1928: * @param x_msg_data standard FND OUT parameter for message. Messages are written to the FND error stack
1929: * @rep:scope public
1930: * @rep:product CZ

Line 1928: * @param x_msg_data standard FND OUT parameter for message. Messages are written to the FND error stack

1924: * @param p_template_id Template_id of the template from cz_ui_templates table
1925: * @param p_init_msg_list FND_API.G_TRUE if the API should initialize the FND stack, FND_API.G_FALSE if not.
1926: * @param x_return_status standard FND status. (ex:FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS )
1927: * @param x_msg_count number of messages on the stack.
1928: * @param x_msg_data standard FND OUT parameter for message. Messages are written to the FND error stack
1929: * @rep:scope public
1930: * @rep:product CZ
1931: * @rep:displayname API for working with force unlock operations on a UI content template
1932: * @rep:lifecycle active

Line 1991: -- standard call to check for call compatibility

1987: v_usage_id NUMBER;
1988: l_api_version CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;
1989: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'usage_id_from_usage_name';
1990: BEGIN
1991: -- standard call to check for call compatibility
1992: IF (NOT FND_API.compatible_api_call(l_api_version
1993: ,p_api_version
1994: ,l_api_name
1995: ,G_PKG_NAME

Line 2058: * @param p_userid Standard parameters required for locking. Represent calling user.

2054: * @param p_request_id This is the CZ_MODEL_PUBLICATIONS, MIGRATION_GROUP_ID of the migration request.
2055: * Migration request is created by Developer and contains the list of all models selected
2056: * for Migration from the source's Configurator Repository, target Instance name and
2057: * target Repository Folder.
2058: * @param p_userid Standard parameters required for locking. Represent calling user.
2059: * @param p_respid Standard parameters required for locking. Represent calling responsibility.
2060: * @param p_applid Standard parameters required for locking. Represent calling application.
2061: * @param p_run_id Number identifying the session. If left NULL, the API will generate the number and
2062: * return it in x_run_id.

Line 2059: * @param p_respid Standard parameters required for locking. Represent calling responsibility.

2055: * Migration request is created by Developer and contains the list of all models selected
2056: * for Migration from the source's Configurator Repository, target Instance name and
2057: * target Repository Folder.
2058: * @param p_userid Standard parameters required for locking. Represent calling user.
2059: * @param p_respid Standard parameters required for locking. Represent calling responsibility.
2060: * @param p_applid Standard parameters required for locking. Represent calling application.
2061: * @param p_run_id Number identifying the session. If left NULL, the API will generate the number and
2062: * return it in x_run_id.
2063: * @param x_run_id Output parameter containing internally generated session identifier if p_run_id

Line 2060: * @param p_applid Standard parameters required for locking. Represent calling application.

2056: * for Migration from the source's Configurator Repository, target Instance name and
2057: * target Repository Folder.
2058: * @param p_userid Standard parameters required for locking. Represent calling user.
2059: * @param p_respid Standard parameters required for locking. Represent calling responsibility.
2060: * @param p_applid Standard parameters required for locking. Represent calling application.
2061: * @param p_run_id Number identifying the session. If left NULL, the API will generate the number and
2062: * return it in x_run_id.
2063: * @param x_run_id Output parameter containing internally generated session identifier if p_run_id
2064: * was NULL, otherwise equal to p_run_id.