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1 PACKAGE ben_determine_eligibility2 AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: bendete2.pkh 120.3 2011/12/14 12:00:02 usaraswa ship $ */
3   --
4   g_package varchar2(50):= 'ben_determine_eligibility2.';
5   g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
6   --
7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 -- Bug 12732878 changes start
9 type g_cache_first_elig_rec is record
10    ( rowno                     number
11     ,elig_per_id                ben_elig_per_f.elig_per_id%type
12     ,elig_trans_state           varchar2(100)
13     ,per_in_ler_id              ben_per_in_ler.per_in_ler_id%type
14    );
16 type g_cache_first_elig_table is table of g_cache_first_elig_rec;
18 g_cache_first_elig_object g_cache_first_elig_table := g_cache_first_elig_table();
20 type g_cache_first_inelig_rec is record
21    (rowno                     number
22     ,pgm_id                   ben_pgm_f.pgm_id%type
23     ,ptip_id                  ben_ptip_f.ptip_id%type
24     ,plip_id                  ben_plip_f.plip_id%type
25     ,pl_id                     ben_pl_f.pl_id%type
26     );
28 type g_cache_first_inelig_table is table of g_cache_first_inelig_rec;
30 g_cache_first_inelig_object g_cache_first_inelig_table := g_cache_first_inelig_table();
32 -- Bug 12732878 changes end
33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 procedure check_prev_elig
35   (p_comp_obj_tree_row       in out NOCOPY ben_manage_life_events.g_cache_proc_objects_rec
36   ,p_per_row                 in out NOCOPY per_all_people_f%rowtype
37   ,p_empasg_row              in out NOCOPY per_all_assignments_f%rowtype
38   ,p_benasg_row              in out NOCOPY per_all_assignments_f%rowtype
39   ,p_pil_row                 in out NOCOPY ben_per_in_ler%rowtype
40   ,p_person_id               in     number
41   ,p_business_group_id       in     number
42   ,p_effective_date          in     date
43   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt          in     date
44   ,p_pl_id                   in     number
45   ,p_pgm_id                  in     number
46   ,p_oipl_id                 in     number
47   ,p_plip_id                 in     number
48   ,p_ptip_id                 in     number
49   ,p_ler_id                  in     number
50   ,p_comp_rec                in out NOCOPY ben_derive_part_and_rate_facts.g_cache_structure
51   ,p_oiplip_rec              in out NOCOPY ben_derive_part_and_rate_facts.g_cache_structure
52   ,p_inelg_rsn_cd            in     varchar2
53   --
54   ,p_elig_flag               in out nocopy boolean
55   ,p_newly_elig                 out nocopy boolean
56   ,p_newly_inelig               out nocopy boolean
57   ,p_first_elig                 out nocopy boolean
58   ,p_first_inelig               out nocopy boolean
59   ,p_still_elig                 out nocopy boolean
60   ,p_still_inelig               out nocopy boolean
61   ,p_score_tab               in ben_evaluate_elig_profiles.scoreTab default ben_evaluate_elig_profiles.t_default_score_tbl
62   );
64 END;