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2 /* $Header: pecobccs.pkb 115.1 99/07/17 18:50:00 porting ship $ */
3 --
4 PROCEDURE Insert_Row(X_Rowid                           IN OUT VARCHAR2,
5                      X_Cobra_Coverage_Status_Id               IN OUT NUMBER,
6                      X_Business_Group_Id                      NUMBER,
7                      X_Cobra_Coverage_Enrollment_Id           NUMBER,
8                      X_Cobra_Coverage_Status_Type             VARCHAR2,
9                      X_Effective_Date                         DATE,
10                      X_Attribute_Category                     VARCHAR2,
11                      X_Attribute1                             VARCHAR2,
12                      X_Attribute2                             VARCHAR2,
13                      X_Attribute3                             VARCHAR2,
14                      X_Attribute4                             VARCHAR2,
15                      X_Attribute5                             VARCHAR2,
16                      X_Attribute6                             VARCHAR2,
17                      X_Attribute7                             VARCHAR2,
18                      X_Attribute8                             VARCHAR2,
19                      X_Attribute9                             VARCHAR2,
20                      X_Attribute10                            VARCHAR2,
21                      X_Attribute11                            VARCHAR2,
22                      X_Attribute12                            VARCHAR2,
23                      X_Attribute13                            VARCHAR2,
24                      X_Attribute14                            VARCHAR2,
25                      X_Attribute15                            VARCHAR2,
26                      X_Attribute16                            VARCHAR2,
27                      X_Attribute17                            VARCHAR2,
28                      X_Attribute18                            VARCHAR2,
29                      X_Attribute19                            VARCHAR2,
30                      X_Attribute20                            VARCHAR2,
31                      X_Comments                               VARCHAR2
32  ) IS
33    CURSOR C IS SELECT rowid FROM per_cobra_coverage_statuses
34            WHERE cobra_coverage_status_id = X_Cobra_Coverage_Status_Id;
35 --
36 --
37 --
38 --
39   CURSOR C2 IS SELECT per_cobra_coverage_statuses_s.nextval FROM sys.dual;
41 --
42 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg hr_ccs.insert_row',1);
43 --
44 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg hr_ccs.insert_row',2);
45 --
46    if (X_Cobra_Coverage_Status_Id is NULL) then
47      OPEN C2;
48      FETCH C2 INTO X_Cobra_Coverage_Status_Id;
49      CLOSE C2;
50    end if;
51 --
52 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg hr_ccs.insert_row',3);
53 -- hr_utility.trace(X_Cobra_Coverage_Status_Id);
54 --
55 --
56   INSERT INTO per_cobra_coverage_statuses(
57          cobra_coverage_status_id,
58          business_group_id,
59          cobra_coverage_enrollment_id,
60          cobra_coverage_status_type,
61          effective_date,
62          attribute_category,
63          attribute1,
64          attribute2,
65          attribute3,
66          attribute4,
67          attribute5,
68          attribute6,
69          attribute7,
70          attribute8,
71          attribute9,
72          attribute10,
73          attribute11,
74          attribute12,
75          attribute13,
76          attribute14,
77          attribute15,
78          attribute16,
79          attribute17,
80          attribute18,
81          attribute19,
82          attribute20,
84         ) VALUES (
85         X_Cobra_Coverage_Status_Id,
86         X_Business_Group_Id,
87         X_Cobra_Coverage_Enrollment_Id,
88         X_Cobra_Coverage_Status_Type,
89         X_Effective_Date,
90         X_Attribute_Category,
91         X_Attribute1,
92         X_Attribute2,
93         X_Attribute3,
94         X_Attribute4,
95         X_Attribute5,
96         X_Attribute6,
97         X_Attribute7,
98         X_Attribute8,
99         X_Attribute9,
100         X_Attribute10,
101         X_Attribute11,
102         X_Attribute12,
103         X_Attribute13,
104         X_Attribute14,
105         X_Attribute15,
106         X_Attribute16,
107         X_Attribute17,
108         X_Attribute18,
109         X_Attribute19,
110         X_Attribute20,
111         X_Comments
112   );
113 --
114 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg hr_ccs.insert_row',4);
115 --
116 --
117   OPEN C;
118   FETCH C INTO X_Rowid;
119   if (C%NOTFOUND) then
120     CLOSE C;
122   end if;
123   CLOSE C;
124 --
125 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg hr_ccs.insert_row',5);
126 --
127 END Insert_Row;
128 --
129 PROCEDURE Lock_Row(X_Rowid                             VARCHAR2,
130                    X_Cobra_Coverage_Status_Id          NUMBER,
131                    X_Business_Group_Id                 NUMBER,
132                    X_Cobra_Coverage_Enrollment_Id      NUMBER,
133                    X_Cobra_Coverage_Status_Type        VARCHAR2,
134                    X_Effective_Date                    DATE,
135                    X_Attribute_Category                VARCHAR2,
136                    X_Attribute1                        VARCHAR2,
137                    X_Attribute2                        VARCHAR2,
138                    X_Attribute3                        VARCHAR2,
139                    X_Attribute4                        VARCHAR2,
140                    X_Attribute5                        VARCHAR2,
141                    X_Attribute6                        VARCHAR2,
142                    X_Attribute7                        VARCHAR2,
143                    X_Attribute8                        VARCHAR2,
144                    X_Attribute9                        VARCHAR2,
145                    X_Attribute10                       VARCHAR2,
146                    X_Attribute11                       VARCHAR2,
147                    X_Attribute12                       VARCHAR2,
148                    X_Attribute13                       VARCHAR2,
149                    X_Attribute14                       VARCHAR2,
150                    X_Attribute15                       VARCHAR2,
151                    X_Attribute16                       VARCHAR2,
152                    X_Attribute17                       VARCHAR2,
153                    X_Attribute18                       VARCHAR2,
154                    X_Attribute19                       VARCHAR2,
155                    X_Attribute20                       VARCHAR2,
156                    X_Comments                          VARCHAR2
157 ) IS
159       SELECT *
160       FROM   per_cobra_coverage_statuses
161       WHERE  rowid = X_Rowid
162       FOR UPDATE of Cobra_Coverage_Status_Id NOWAIT;
163   Recinfo C%ROWTYPE;
165 --
166 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg lock_row ccs',0);
167 --
168   OPEN C;
169   FETCH C INTO Recinfo;
170   if (C%NOTFOUND) then
171     CLOSE C;
173   end if;
174   CLOSE C;
175 --
176 -- Ensure that we're not tricked into thinking the record has
177 -- changed if the user has inserted using sqlplus leaving trailing spaces
178 --
179 Recinfo.attribute14 := RTRIM(Recinfo.attribute14);
180 Recinfo.attribute15 := RTRIM(Recinfo.attribute15);
181 Recinfo.attribute16 := RTRIM(Recinfo.attribute16);
182 Recinfo.attribute17 := RTRIM(Recinfo.attribute17);
183 Recinfo.attribute18 := RTRIM(Recinfo.attribute18);
184 Recinfo.attribute19 := RTRIM(Recinfo.attribute19);
185 Recinfo.attribute20 := RTRIM(Recinfo.attribute20);
186 Recinfo.cobra_coverage_status_type := RTRIM(Recinfo.cobra_coverage_status_type);
187 Recinfo.comments := RTRIM(Recinfo.comments);
188 Recinfo.attribute_category := RTRIM(Recinfo.attribute_category);
189 Recinfo.attribute1 := RTRIM(Recinfo.attribute1);
190 Recinfo.attribute2 := RTRIM(Recinfo.attribute2);
191 Recinfo.attribute3 := RTRIM(Recinfo.attribute3);
192 Recinfo.attribute4 := RTRIM(Recinfo.attribute4);
193 Recinfo.attribute5 := RTRIM(Recinfo.attribute5);
194 Recinfo.attribute6 := RTRIM(Recinfo.attribute6);
195 Recinfo.attribute7 := RTRIM(Recinfo.attribute7);
196 Recinfo.attribute8 := RTRIM(Recinfo.attribute8);
197 Recinfo.attribute9 := RTRIM(Recinfo.attribute9);
198 Recinfo.attribute10 := RTRIM(Recinfo.attribute10);
199 Recinfo.attribute11 := RTRIM(Recinfo.attribute11);
200 Recinfo.attribute12 := RTRIM(Recinfo.attribute12);
201 Recinfo.attribute13 := RTRIM(Recinfo.attribute13);
202 --
203   if (
204          (   (Recinfo.cobra_coverage_status_id = X_Cobra_Coverage_Status_Id)
205           OR (    (Recinfo.cobra_coverage_status_id IS NULL)
206               AND (X_Cobra_Coverage_Status_Id IS NULL)))
207      AND (   (Recinfo.business_group_id = X_Business_Group_Id)
208           OR (    (Recinfo.business_group_id IS NULL)
209               AND (X_Business_Group_Id IS NULL)))
210      AND (   (Recinfo.cobra_coverage_enrollment_id =
211      X_Cobra_Coverage_Enrollment_Id)
212           OR (    (Recinfo.cobra_coverage_enrollment_id IS NULL)
213               AND (X_Cobra_Coverage_Enrollment_Id IS NULL)))
214      AND (   (Recinfo.cobra_coverage_status_type =
215      X_Cobra_Coverage_Status_Type)
216           OR (    (Recinfo.cobra_coverage_status_type IS NULL)
217               AND (X_Cobra_Coverage_Status_Type IS NULL)))
218      AND (   (Recinfo.effective_date = X_Effective_Date)
219           OR (    (Recinfo.effective_date IS NULL)
220               AND (X_Effective_Date IS NULL)))
221      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute_category = X_Attribute_Category)
222           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute_category IS NULL)
223               AND (X_Attribute_Category IS NULL)))
224      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute1 = X_Attribute1)
225           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute1 IS NULL)
226               AND (X_Attribute1 IS NULL)))
227      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute2 = X_Attribute2)
228           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute2 IS NULL)
229               AND (X_Attribute2 IS NULL)))
230      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute3 = X_Attribute3)
231           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute3 IS NULL)
232               AND (X_Attribute3 IS NULL)))
233      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute4 = X_Attribute4)
234           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute4 IS NULL)
235               AND (X_Attribute4 IS NULL)))
236      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute5 = X_Attribute5)
237           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute5 IS NULL)
238               AND (X_Attribute5 IS NULL)))
239      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute6 = X_Attribute6)
240           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute6 IS NULL)
241               AND (X_Attribute6 IS NULL)))
242      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute7 = X_Attribute7)
243           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute7 IS NULL)
244               AND (X_Attribute7 IS NULL)))
245      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute8 = X_Attribute8)
246           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute8 IS NULL)
247               AND (X_Attribute8 IS NULL)))
248      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute9 = X_Attribute9)
249           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute9 IS NULL)
250               AND (X_Attribute9 IS NULL)))
251      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute10 = X_Attribute10)
252           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute10 IS NULL)
253               AND (X_Attribute10 IS NULL)))
254      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute11 = X_Attribute11)
255           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute11 IS NULL)
256               AND (X_Attribute11 IS NULL)))
257      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute12 = X_Attribute12)
258           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute12 IS NULL)
259               AND (X_Attribute12 IS NULL)))
260      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute13 = X_Attribute13)
261           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute13 IS NULL)
262               AND (X_Attribute13 IS NULL)))
263      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute14 = X_Attribute14)
264           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute14 IS NULL)
265               AND (X_Attribute14 IS NULL)))
266      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute15 = X_Attribute15)
267           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute15 IS NULL)
268               AND (X_Attribute15 IS NULL)))
269      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute16 = X_Attribute16)
270           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute16 IS NULL)
271               AND (X_Attribute16 IS NULL)))
272      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute17 = X_Attribute17)
273           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute17 IS NULL)
274               AND (X_Attribute17 IS NULL)))
275      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute18 = X_Attribute18)
276           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute18 IS NULL)
277               AND (X_Attribute18 IS NULL)))
278      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute19 = X_Attribute19)
279           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute19 IS NULL)
280               AND (X_Attribute19 IS NULL)))
281      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute20 = X_Attribute20)
282           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute20 IS NULL)
283               AND (X_Attribute20 IS NULL)))
284      AND (   (Recinfo.comments = X_Comments)
285           OR (    (Recinfo.comments IS NULL)
286               AND (X_Comments IS NULL)))
287           ) then
288     return;
289   else
290     hr_utility.set_message(0, 'FORM_RECORD_CHANGED');
291     hr_utility.raise_error;
292   end if;
293 END Lock_Row;
294 --
295 PROCEDURE Update_Row(X_Rowid                               VARCHAR2,
296                      X_Business_Group_Id                   NUMBER,
297                      X_Cobra_Coverage_Enrollment_Id        NUMBER,
298                      X_Cobra_Coverage_Status_Type          VARCHAR2,
299                      X_Effective_Date                      DATE,
300                      X_Attribute_Category                  VARCHAR2,
301                      X_Attribute1                          VARCHAR2,
302                      X_Attribute2                          VARCHAR2,
303                      X_Attribute3                          VARCHAR2,
304                      X_Attribute4                          VARCHAR2,
305                      X_Attribute5                          VARCHAR2,
306                      X_Attribute6                          VARCHAR2,
307                      X_Attribute7                          VARCHAR2,
308                      X_Attribute8                          VARCHAR2,
309                      X_Attribute9                          VARCHAR2,
310                      X_Attribute10                         VARCHAR2,
311                      X_Attribute11                         VARCHAR2,
312                      X_Attribute12                         VARCHAR2,
313                      X_Attribute13                         VARCHAR2,
314                      X_Attribute14                         VARCHAR2,
315                      X_Attribute15                         VARCHAR2,
316                      X_Attribute16                         VARCHAR2,
317                      X_Attribute17                         VARCHAR2,
318                      X_Attribute18                         VARCHAR2,
319                      X_Attribute19                         VARCHAR2,
320                      X_Attribute20                         VARCHAR2,
321                      X_Comments                            VARCHAR2
322 ) IS
326 --
324 --
325 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg update_row ccs',0);
327   UPDATE per_cobra_coverage_statuses
328   SET
329     business_group_id                    =   X_Business_Group_Id,
330     cobra_coverage_enrollment_id         =   X_Cobra_Coverage_Enrollment_Id,
331     cobra_coverage_status_type           =   X_Cobra_Coverage_Status_Type,
332     effective_date                       =   X_Effective_Date,
333     attribute_category                   =   X_Attribute_Category,
334     attribute1                           =   X_Attribute1,
335     attribute2                           =   X_Attribute2,
336     attribute3                           =   X_Attribute3,
337     attribute4                           =   X_Attribute4,
338     attribute5                           =   X_Attribute5,
339     attribute6                           =   X_Attribute6,
340     attribute7                           =   X_Attribute7,
341     attribute8                           =   X_Attribute8,
342     attribute9                           =   X_Attribute9,
343     attribute10                          =   X_Attribute10,
344     attribute11                          =   X_Attribute11,
345     attribute12                          =   X_Attribute12,
346     attribute13                          =   X_Attribute13,
347     attribute14                          =   X_Attribute14,
348     attribute15                          =   X_Attribute15,
349     attribute16                          =   X_Attribute16,
350     attribute17                          =   X_Attribute17,
351     attribute18                          =   X_Attribute18,
352     attribute19                          =   X_Attribute19,
353     attribute20                          =   X_Attribute20,
354     comments                             =   X_Comments
355   WHERE rowid = X_rowid;
356 --
357   if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
359   end if;
360 --
361 END Update_Row;
362 --
363 --
364 --
365 PROCEDURE Delete_Row(X_Rowid VARCHAR2) IS
367 --
368 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg delete_row',0);
369 --
370   DELETE FROM per_cobra_coverage_statuses
371   WHERE  rowid = X_Rowid;
373   if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
375   end if;
376 END Delete_Row;
377 --
378 --
379 --
380 -- Name        hr_cobra_chk_status_unique
381 --
382 -- Purpose
383 --
384 -- Ensures that the status being entered is unique
385 --
386 -- Arguments
387 --
388 -- Example
389 --
390 -- Notes
391 --
392 PROCEDURE hr_cobra_chk_status_unique ( p_business_group_id            NUMBER,
393 				       p_cobra_coverage_status_id     NUMBER,
394 				       p_cobra_coverage_enrollment_id NUMBER,
395 				       p_cobra_coverage_status_type   VARCHAR2) IS
396 --
397 -- declare local variables
398 --
399    l_status_exists VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
400 --
401 -- declare cursor
402 --
403    CURSOR status IS
404    SELECT 'Y'
405    FROM   per_cobra_coverage_statuses ccs
406    WHERE  ccs.business_group_id + 0             = p_business_group_id
407    AND    ccs.cobra_coverage_enrollment_id  = p_cobra_coverage_enrollment_id
408    AND    ccs.cobra_coverage_status_type    = p_cobra_coverage_status_type
409    AND    (   ccs.cobra_coverage_status_id <> p_cobra_coverage_status_id
410            OR p_cobra_coverage_status_id IS NULL);
411 --
413 --
414 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg ccs hr_cobra_chk_status_unique',0);
415 --
416 --
417 -- get status
418 --
419    OPEN  status;
420    FETCH status INTO l_status_exists;
421    CLOSE status;
422 --
423 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg ccs hr_cobra_chk_status_unique',1);
424 --
425 --
426 -- Check flag
427 --
428 IF (l_status_exists = 'Y')
429 THEN
430 --
431 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg ccs hr_cobra_chk_status_unique',2);
432 --
433     -- raise error
434     --
435       hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_13143_COBRA_DUP_STATUS');
436 --
437 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg ccs hr_cobra_chk_status_unique',2.5);
438 --
439       hr_utility.raise_error;
440     --
441 END IF;
442 --
443 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg ccs hr_cobra_chk_status_unique',3);
444 --
445 --
446 END hr_cobra_chk_status_unique;
447 --
448 --
449 --
450 -- Name
451 --
452 -- Purpose
453 --
454 -- Ensures status inserted in correct order
455 --
456 -- Arguments
457 --
458 -- Example
459 --
460 -- Notes
461 --
462 --
463 PROCEDURE hr_cobra_chk_status_order ( p_business_group_id            NUMBER,
464 				      p_cobra_coverage_enrollment_id NUMBER,
465                                       p_cobra_coverage_status_id     NUMBER,
466 				      p_cobra_coverage_status_type   VARCHAR2,
467 				      p_effective_date               DATE ) IS
468 --
469 -- declare local variables
470 --
471    l_status_order_ok VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
472 --
473 -- declare cursors
474 --
475   CURSOR elect_or_reject_status IS
476   SELECT  'Y'
477   FROM    per_cobra_coverage_statuses ccs
478   WHERE   ccs.business_group_id + 0            = p_business_group_id
479   AND     ccs.cobra_coverage_enrollment_id = p_cobra_coverage_enrollment_id
480   AND     (   ccs.cobra_coverage_status_id  <> p_cobra_coverage_status_id
481            OR p_cobra_coverage_status_id IS NULL )
482   AND     ccs.cobra_coverage_status_type   IN ('ELEC', 'REJ')
483   AND     ccs.effective_date               <= p_effective_date;
484 --
488   WHERE  ccs.business_group_id + 0             = p_business_group_id
485   CURSOR notified_status IS
486   SELECT 'Y'
487   FROM   per_cobra_coverage_statuses ccs
489   AND    ccs.cobra_coverage_enrollment_id  = p_cobra_coverage_enrollment_id
490   AND     (   ccs.cobra_coverage_status_id  <> p_cobra_coverage_status_id
491            OR p_cobra_coverage_status_id IS NULL )
492   AND    ccs.cobra_coverage_status_type    = 'NOT'
493   AND    ccs.effective_date               <= p_effective_date;
494 --
496 --
497 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg ccs pkg - chk correct order', 1);
498 --
499 --
500 -- chk terminated
501 --
502   IF (p_cobra_coverage_status_type = 'TERM')
503   THEN
504 --
505 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg ccs pkg - chk correct order', 2);
506        --
507        -- chk elect or reject exist
508        --
509           OPEN  elect_or_reject_status;
510           FETCH elect_or_reject_status INTO l_status_order_ok;
511           CLOSE elect_or_reject_status;
512        --
513 --
514 -- check elect /reject
515 --
516   ELSIF (p_cobra_coverage_status_type IN ('ELEC', 'REJ'))
517   THEN
518 --
519 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg ccs pkg - chk correct order', 3);
520       --
521       -- chk notified exists
522       --
523          OPEN  notified_status;
524          FETCH notified_status INTO l_status_order_ok;
525          CLOSE notified_status;
526       --
527   ELSE
528        -- do nothing
529        RETURN;
530   END IF;
531 --
532 -- check order ok
533 --
534   IF (l_status_order_ok = 'N')
535   THEN
536 --
537 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg ccs pkg - chk correct order', 4);
538       --
539       -- chk which error to raise
540       --
541          IF (p_cobra_coverage_status_type = 'TERM')
542          THEN
543 --
544 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg ccs pkg - chk correct order', 5);
545               --
546               -- Elect/Reject before Term error
547               --
548                  hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_13134_COBRA_CANT_TERM_YET');
549                  hr_utility.raise_error;
550          ELSE
551 --
552 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg ccs pkg - chk correct order', 6);
553               --
554               -- Notify before Elect/Reject error
555               --
556                  hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_13135_COBRA_CANT_EL_REJ_YET');
557                  hr_utility.raise_error;
558          END IF;
559 --
560 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg ccs pkg - chk correct order', 7);
561   END IF;
562 END hr_cobra_chk_status_order;
563 --
564 --
565 --
566 -- Name       hr_cobra_chk_status_elect_rej
567 --
568 -- Purpose
569 --
570 -- Ensures that Accept/Reject do not coexist
571 --
572 -- Arguments
573 --
574 -- Example
575 --
576 -- Notes
577 --
578 PROCEDURE hr_cobra_chk_status_elect_rej( p_business_group_id            NUMBER,
579                                          p_cobra_coverage_enrollment_id NUMBER,
580                                          p_cobra_coverage_status_id     NUMBER,
581                                          p_cobra_coverage_status_type   VARCHAR2) IS
582 --
583 -- declare local variables
584 --
585   l_status_ok VARCHAR2(1) := 'Y';
586 --
587 -- declare cursor
588 --
589    CURSOR elect_reject IS
590    SELECT  'N'
591    FROM    per_cobra_coverage_statuses ccs
592    WHERE   ccs.business_group_id + 0            = p_business_group_id
593    AND     ccs.cobra_coverage_enrollment_id = p_cobra_coverage_enrollment_id
594    AND     ccs.cobra_coverage_status_type  IN ('ELEC', 'REJ')
595    AND     ccs.cobra_coverage_status_type  = DECODE(p_cobra_coverage_status_type,
596                                                     'ELEC', 'REJ',
597                                                     'ELEC');
598 --
600 --
601 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg ccs pkg - chk elect reject', 1);
602 --
603 -- check if elect / reject co-exist
604 --
605    OPEN  elect_reject;
606    FETCH elect_reject INTO l_status_ok;
607    CLOSE elect_reject;
608 --
609 -- chk if Elect/Reject rule violated
610 --
611    IF (l_status_ok = 'N')
612    THEN
613 --
614 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg ccs pkg - chk elect reject', 2);
615 --
616         -- Reject/Elect cannot co-exist error
617         --
618           hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_13136_COBRA_EL_REJ_NOT_COEX');
619           hr_utility.raise_error;
620 END IF;
621 --
622 hr_utility.set_location('per_cobra_cov_statuses_pkg ccs pkg - chk elect reject', 3);
623 --
624 --
625 END hr_cobra_chk_status_elect_rej;
626 --
627 --
628 --
629 --