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APPS.PQH_TCT_INS dependencies on PQH_TCT_SHD

Line 47: Procedure insert_dml(p_rec in out nocopy pqh_tct_shd.g_rec_type) is

43: -- Internal Row Handler Use Only.
44: --
45: -- {End Of Comments}
46: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
47: Procedure insert_dml(p_rec in out nocopy pqh_tct_shd.g_rec_type) is
48: --
49: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'insert_dml';
50: --
51: Begin

Line 126: pqh_tct_shd.constraint_error

122: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
123: Exception
124: When hr_api.check_integrity_violated Then
125: -- A check constraint has been violated
126: pqh_tct_shd.constraint_error
127: (p_constraint_name => hr_api.strip_constraint_name(SQLERRM));
128: When hr_api.parent_integrity_violated Then
129: -- Parent integrity has been violated
130: pqh_tct_shd.constraint_error

Line 130: pqh_tct_shd.constraint_error

126: pqh_tct_shd.constraint_error
127: (p_constraint_name => hr_api.strip_constraint_name(SQLERRM));
128: When hr_api.parent_integrity_violated Then
129: -- Parent integrity has been violated
130: pqh_tct_shd.constraint_error
131: (p_constraint_name => hr_api.strip_constraint_name(SQLERRM));
132: When hr_api.unique_integrity_violated Then
133: -- Unique integrity has been violated
134: pqh_tct_shd.constraint_error

Line 134: pqh_tct_shd.constraint_error

130: pqh_tct_shd.constraint_error
131: (p_constraint_name => hr_api.strip_constraint_name(SQLERRM));
132: When hr_api.unique_integrity_violated Then
133: -- Unique integrity has been violated
134: pqh_tct_shd.constraint_error
135: (p_constraint_name => hr_api.strip_constraint_name(SQLERRM));
136: When Others Then
137: Raise;
138: End insert_dml;

Line 177: Procedure pre_insert(p_rec in out nocopy pqh_tct_shd.g_rec_type) is

173: -- Internal Row Handler Use Only.
174: --
175: -- {End Of Comments}
176: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
177: Procedure pre_insert(p_rec in out nocopy pqh_tct_shd.g_rec_type) is
178: --
179: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'pre_insert';
180: --
181: Cursor C_Sel1 is select pqh_transaction_categories_s.nextval from sys.dual;

Line 229: p_effective_date in date,p_rec in pqh_tct_shd.g_rec_type) is

225: --
226: -- {End Of Comments}
227: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
228: Procedure post_insert(
229: p_effective_date in date,p_rec in pqh_tct_shd.g_rec_type) is
230: --
231: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'post_insert';
232: --
233: Begin

Line 289: p_rec in out nocopy pqh_tct_shd.g_rec_type

285: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
286: Procedure ins
287: (
288: p_effective_date in date,
289: p_rec in out nocopy pqh_tct_shd.g_rec_type
290: ) is
291: --
292: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'ins';
293: --

Line 345: l_rec pqh_tct_shd.g_rec_type;

341: p_setup_type_cd in varchar2 ,
342: p_master_table_route_id in number
343: ) is
344: --
345: l_rec pqh_tct_shd.g_rec_type;
346: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'ins';
347: --
348: Begin
349: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);

Line 355: pqh_tct_shd.convert_args

351: -- Call conversion function to turn arguments into the
352: -- p_rec structure.
353: --
354: l_rec :=
355: pqh_tct_shd.convert_args
356: (
357: null,
358: p_custom_wf_process_name,
359: p_custom_workflow_name,