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APPS.JTFB_DCF dependencies on AK_REGIONS

Line 218: select * from ak_regions_vl

214: , target_region_code in varchar2
215: ) is
217: cursor c_regions is
218: select * from ak_regions_vl
219: where region_code = source_region_code;
221: cursor c_region_items is
222: select * from ak_region_items_vl

Line 247: jtfb_ak_regions_pkg.insert_row (

243: close c_regions;
245: if (l_found)
246: then
247: jtfb_ak_regions_pkg.insert_row (
248: x_rowid => l_rowid
249: , x_region_application_id => l_region_rec.region_application_id
250: , x_region_code => target_region_code
251: , x_database_object_name => l_region_rec.database_object_name

Line 420: from ak_region_items rit, ak_regions rgn

416: , rit.attribute9
417: , rit.lov_attribute_code
418: , rit.attribute10
419: , rit.flex_segment_list
420: from ak_region_items rit, ak_regions rgn
421: where rgn.attribute_category in
423: and rit.region_code = rgn.region_code
424: and rit.region_application_id = rgn.region_application_id

Line 496: from ak_region_items rit, ak_regions rgn

492: , rit.region_code
493: , rit.attribute_code
494: , rit.lov_region_application_id
495: , rit.display_sequence
496: from ak_region_items rit, ak_regions rgn
497: where rgn.attribute_category in
499: and rit.region_code = rgn.region_code
500: and rit.region_application_id = rgn.region_application_id

Line 595: from ak_region_items rit, ak_regions rgn

592: cursor cur_region_items is
593: select rit.rowid
594: , rit.attribute_code
595: from ak_region_items rit, ak_regions rgn
596: where rgn.attribute_category in
598: and rit.region_code = rgn.region_code
599: and rit.region_application_id = rgn.region_application_id

Line 607: from ak_region_items rit, ak_regions rgn, ak_attributes att

604: cursor cur_attributes is
605: select att.rowid
606: , att.attribute_code
607: from ak_region_items rit, ak_regions rgn, ak_attributes att
608: where att.item_style = l_item_style
609: and rit.attribute_code = att.attribute_code
610: and rit.attribute_application_id = rit.attribute_application_id
611: and rit.attribute_category = l_attribute_category

Line 670: from ak_regions ar

666: cursor c_regions is
667: select ar.created_by
668: , ar.last_updated_by
669: , ar.last_update_login
670: from ak_regions ar
671: where ar.attribute_category in ('BIN', 'REPORT', 'GRAPH'
673: for update of
674: ar.created_by

Line 683: from ak_regions_tl art, ak_regions ar

679: cursor c_regions_tl is
680: select art.created_by
681: , art.last_updated_by
682: , art.last_update_login
683: from ak_regions_tl art, ak_regions ar
684: where ar.attribute_category in ('BIN', 'REPORT', 'GRAPH'
686: and art.region_code = ar.region_code
687: and art.region_application_id = ar.region_application_id

Line 699: , ak_regions ar

695: select ara.created_by
696: , ara.last_updated_by
697: , ara.last_update_login
698: from ak_region_items ara
699: , ak_regions ar
700: where ar.attribute_category in ('BIN', 'REPORT', 'GRAPH'
702: and ara.region_code = ar.region_code
703: and ara.region_application_id = ar.region_application_id

Line 716: , ak_regions ar

712: , arat.last_updated_by
713: , arat.last_update_login
714: from ak_region_items_tl arat
715: , ak_region_items ara
716: , ak_regions ar
717: where ar.attribute_category in ('BIN', 'REPORT', 'GRAPH'
719: and ara.region_code = ar.region_code
720: and ara.region_application_id = ar.region_application_id

Line 731: l_created_by ak_regions.created_by%type;

727: , arat.last_updated_by
728: , arat.last_update_login
729: nowait;
731: l_created_by ak_regions.created_by%type;
732: l_last_updated_by ak_regions.last_updated_by%type;
733: l_last_update_login ak_regions.last_update_login%type;
734: l_patch_applied boolean := false;

Line 732: l_last_updated_by ak_regions.last_updated_by%type;

728: , arat.last_update_login
729: nowait;
731: l_created_by ak_regions.created_by%type;
732: l_last_updated_by ak_regions.last_updated_by%type;
733: l_last_update_login ak_regions.last_update_login%type;
734: l_patch_applied boolean := false;
736: begin

Line 733: l_last_update_login ak_regions.last_update_login%type;

729: nowait;
731: l_created_by ak_regions.created_by%type;
732: l_last_updated_by ak_regions.last_updated_by%type;
733: l_last_update_login ak_regions.last_update_login%type;
734: l_patch_applied boolean := false;
736: begin
737: fnd_global.apps_initialize(

Line 748: -- Updating ak_regions

744: l_last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;
746: -- dbms_output.put_line('Audit_Columns_Patch: Begin');
748: -- Updating ak_regions
749: for art_rec in c_regions
750: loop
751: update ak_regions
752: set created_by = l_created_by

Line 751: update ak_regions

748: -- Updating ak_regions
749: for art_rec in c_regions
750: loop
751: update ak_regions
752: set created_by = l_created_by
753: , last_updated_by = l_last_updated_by
754: , last_update_login = l_last_update_login
755: where current of c_regions;

Line 761: -- Updating ak_regions_tl

757: l_patch_applied := true;
758: end loop;
759: commit;
761: -- Updating ak_regions_tl
762: for art_rec in c_regions_tl
763: loop
764: update ak_regions_tl
765: set created_by = l_created_by

Line 764: update ak_regions_tl

761: -- Updating ak_regions_tl
762: for art_rec in c_regions_tl
763: loop
764: update ak_regions_tl
765: set created_by = l_created_by
766: , last_updated_by = l_last_updated_by
767: , last_update_login = l_last_update_login
768: where current of c_regions_tl;