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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 12

  SELECT mpayeeid from iby_payee
  WHERE payeeid = ci_payeeid;
Line: 40

SELECT status
FROM iby_accppmtmthd accp, iby_accttype acct
WHERE accp.payeeid = ci_payeeid
AND   accp.ecappid = ci_ecappid
AND   accp.accttypeid = acct.accttypeid
AND   acct.instrtype = ci_instrtype
AND   acct.accttype = ci_accttype;
Line: 107

	    UPDATE iby_accppmtmthd
	    SET status = 1,
    	    last_update_date = sysdate,
    	    last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
    	    last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id
    	    WHERE payeeid = i_payeeid
    	    AND   ecappid = i_ecappid
    	    AND   status = 0
    	    AND   accttypeid in ( SELECT accttypeid
                          FROM iby_accttype acct
                          WHERE acct.instrtype = i_instrtype
                          AND   acct.accttype = i_accttype );
Line: 126

    INSERT INTO iby_accppmtmthd ( ecappid, mpayeeid, payeeid,
			accttypeid, status,
			last_update_date, last_updated_by,
			creation_date, created_by,
			last_update_login, object_version_number)
        VALUES ( i_ecappid, l_mpayeeid, i_payeeid, l_accttypeid , 1,
		 sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
		 sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
		fnd_global.login_id, 1);
Line: 142

**  Procedure:  Deletes an  accepted payment method by a payeeid.
**     i_ecappid :  Ec Application's id.
**     i_payeetype : Type of the payee class. This identifies the table to
**                   accessed.
**     i_payeeid   : id of the payee.
**     i_instrtype : type of the instrument. Ex, BANKACCT, CREDITCARD etc.
**     i_accttype  : Type of the account. Example, Checking, SAVINGS, VISA, MATERCARD.
procedure deleteAccpPmtMthd(i_ecappid   iby_accppmtmthd.ecappid%type,
                            i_payeeid   iby_accppmtmthd.payeeid%type,
                            i_instrtype iby_accttype.instrtype%type,
                            i_accttype  iby_accttype.accttype%type)
** Update the iby_accppmtmthd table to mark the row as inactive.
** If there are no rows present, then raise an exception.
    UPDATE iby_accppmtmthd
    SET status = 0,
    	last_update_date = sysdate,
    	last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
    	last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id
    WHERE payeeid = i_payeeid
    AND   ecappid = i_ecappid
    AND   status = 1
    AND   accttypeid in ( SELECT accttypeid
                          FROM iby_accttype acct
                          WHERE acct.instrtype = i_instrtype
                          AND   acct.accttype = i_accttype );