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1 package body PER_CN_VALIDATIONS_PKG as
2 /* $Header: percnval.pkb 115.1 2002/11/20 07:21:18 mkandasa noship $ */
3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 /*
6 +==============================================================================+
7 |			Copyright (c) 1994 Oracle Corporation		       |
8 |			   Redwood Shores, California, USA		       |
9 |			        All rights reserved.			       |
10 +==============================================================================+
12 Name
13 	National Identifier card number validations.
14 Purpose
15 	To validate the National Identifier entered in people form.
16 History
17 	23-OCT-02       mkandasa        Created
18 */
20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 --This function will calculate the weight for the position p_pos.
22 --The weight will be calculated using the formula Wi=2pow(i-1) (Mod 11);
24 function weight(p_pos number)
25 return number is
26 l_counter number;
27 l_weight  number :=1;
28 begin
29     for l_counter in 1 .. p_pos - 1
30     loop
31      l_weight := mod (l_weight * 2,11);
32     end loop;
33     return l_weight;
34 end;
36 -- This function used to calucate the check digit for the given
37 -- National Identifier number
38 -- The formual used to calculate the check digit is given below
39 -- Checkdigit = 12 - Sigma i=2 to 18 ( Ai X Wi ) MOD 11
41 function calculate_check_digit(p_national_identifier varchar2)
42 return char is
43 l_pos       number   :=0;
44 l_digit     number   :=0;
45 l_weight    number   :=0;
46 l_sum       number   :=0;
47 l_chk_dgt   number   :=0;
48 begin
49     hr_utility.set_location('PER_CN_VALIDATIONS_PKG.calculate_check_digit',1);
50     for l_pos in 2 .. 18
51     loop
52        l_digit      := to_number(substr(p_national_identifier,19 - l_pos,1)) ;
53        l_weight     := weight(l_pos);
54        l_sum        := MOD(l_sum + l_digit * l_weight,11 );
55     -- hr_utility.trace('taking the digit'||l_digit||'at pos '||l_pos||' and weight is'||l_weight||'and sum'||l_sum);
56     end loop;
58     l_chk_dgt    := MOD(12 - l_sum,11);
59     hr_utility.trace('The check digit is  '||l_chk_dgt);
60     if (l_chk_dgt < 10 ) then
61         return to_char(l_chk_dgt);
62     else
63         return 'X';
64     end if;
65     hr_utility.set_location('PER_CN_VALIDATIONS_PKG.calculate_check_digit',2);
66 end calculate_check_digit;
69 --This function used to validate the national Identifier number entered
70 -- for china legislation.
72 function validate_national_identifier(
73 p_national_identifier in  varchar2,
74 p_dob                 in  date,
75 p_gender              in  varchar2
76 )
77 return number
78 is
79 l_gender            number;
80 l_status            number;
81 l_ni_dob            varchar2(8);
82 l_entered_dob       varchar2(8);
83 l_cal_chk_dgt       char;
84 l_ni_chk_dgt        char;
87 Begin
88     hr_utility.set_location('PER_CN_VALIDATIONS_PKG.validate_national_identifier',1);
89     l_status := 0;
90     if ( length(p_national_identifier) = 18 ) then
91     begin
92         l_gender            :=mod( to_number(substr(p_national_identifier,17,1)),2);
93         l_ni_dob            :=substr(p_national_identifier,7,8);
94         l_entered_dob       :=to_char(p_dob,'YYYYMMDD');
95         l_ni_chk_dgt        :=substr(p_national_identifier,18,1);
96         l_cal_chk_dgt       :=calculate_check_digit(p_national_identifier);
97     end;
98     elsif (length(p_national_identifier) = 15 ) then
99     begin
100         l_gender            :=mod( to_number(substr(p_national_identifier,15,1)),2);
101         l_ni_dob            :=substr(p_national_identifier,7,6);
102         l_entered_dob       :=to_char(p_dob,'YYMMDD');
103         l_ni_chk_dgt        :=null;
104         l_cal_chk_dgt       :=null;
105     end;
106     end if;
108     hr_utility.trace('NI'||l_gender||'dob'||l_ni_dob||'chk'||l_ni_chk_dgt);
109     hr_utility.trace('EN'||p_gender||'dob'||l_entered_dob||'chk'||l_cal_chk_dgt);
110 --  Check for mismatch between gender entered and gender given in NI no.
111     if ( ( l_gender = 0 AND p_gender = 'M' ) OR ( l_gender = 1 AND p_gender = 'F' )) then
112        l_status := -1;
113 --  Check for mismatch between dob entered and dob given in NI no.
114     elsif ( to_char(p_dob,'DD/MM/YYYY') <> '01/01/0001') AND
115           ( l_ni_dob <> l_entered_dob ) then
116         l_status := -2;
117 --  Check for mismatch between dob entered and dob given in NI no.
118     elsif ( nvl(l_ni_chk_dgt,'#') <> nvl( l_cal_chk_dgt, '#' )) then
119         l_status := -3;
120     end if;
122     hr_utility.set_location('PER_CN_VALIDATIONS_PKG.validate_national_identifier',1);
123 -- If there is an error then l_stauts will be less than zero else it will be zero.
124     return l_status;
126 End validate_national_identifier;