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2 /*	$Header: czgconas.pls 120.0 2005/05/25 06:37:11 appldev noship $		*/
3 /*#
4  * This is the public interface for some operations in Oracle Configurator.
5  * @rep:scope internal
6  * @rep:product CZ
7  * @rep:displayname Contracts API
8  * @rep:lifecycle active
9  * @rep:compatibility S
11  * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY CZ_RP_FOLDER
12  */
14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 --
16 --    CONSTANTS
17 --
18 --integer constant for object_id of the ROOT folder in Repository
21  -- Caption rule constants.  OKC supplies caption rule IDs in generic import.
28 --
29 --     TYPES
30 --
33  TYPE   t_lang_code  IS TABLE OF fnd_languages.language_code%TYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
35 -----------------------------------------------------
36 -- Start of comments
37 --    API name    : rp_folder_exists
38 --    Type        : Public.
39 --    Function    : check if a repository folder exists
40 --    Pre-reqs    : None.
41 --    Parameters  :
42 --    IN          :     p_api_version           IN  NUMBER         Required
43 --                :     p_rp_folder_id          IN  NUMBER         Required
44 --                                              the folder id (object_id) of the RP folder to check
45 --                :     p_encl_folder_id        IN NUMBER          Required
46 --                                              The parent folder in which the p_rp_folder_id
47 --                                              will be checked for existance
48 --                                              Use RP_ROOT_FOLDER for folder id of the root folder
49 --                                              Pass NULL to check the folder anywhere in the repository
50 --    RETURNS     :     Boolean
51 --                                              TRUE when encl folder is null and
52 --                                                   p_rp_folder exists anywhere in repository
53 --                                              TRUE when encl folder is not null and
54 --                                                   it exists anywhere in repository and
55 --                                                   p_rp_folder exists in it
56 --                                              FALSE when encl folder is null and
57 --                                                    p_rp_folder doesn't exists anywhere in repository
58 --                                              FALSE when encl folder is not null and
59 --                                                    it doesn't exists anywhere in repository
60 --                                              FALSE when encl folder is not null and
61 --                                                    p_rp_folder is not in it
62 --    Version     : Current version       1.0
63 --                  Initial version       1.0
64 --    Notes       :
65 --
66 -- End of comments
67 /*#
68  * check if repository folder exists
69  * @param p_api_version api verion
70  * @param p_encl_folder_id the folder id (object_id) of the RP folder to check
71  * @param p_rp_folder_id The parent folder in which the p_rp_folder_id
72  *                       will be checked for existance
73  *                       Use RP_ROOT_FOLDER for folder id of the root folder
74  *                       Pass NULL to check the folder anywhere in the repository
75  * @return TRUE when encl folder is null and
76  *         p_rp_folder exists anywhere in repository TRUE when encl folder is not null and it exists anywhere in repository and
77  *         p_rp_folder exists in it FALSE when encl folder is null and p_rp_folder doesn't exists anywhere in repository
78  *         FALSE when encl folder is not null and it doesn't exists anywhere in repository FALSE when encl folder is not null and
79  *         p_rp_folder is not in it
80  * @rep:scope public
81  * @rep:lifecycle active
82  * @rep:displayname Check if Repository folder exists
83  * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY CZ_RP_FOLDER
84  */
85 FUNCTION rp_folder_exists (p_api_version    IN NUMBER
86                           ,p_encl_folder_id IN NUMBER
87                           ,p_rp_folder_id   IN NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN;
88 -----------------------------------------------------
89 -- Start of comments
90 --    API name    : create_rp_folder
91 --    Type        : Public.
92 --
93 --    Function    : Creates a Repository folder in the specified enclosing folder.
94 --                  If a folder with the same name exists in the enclosing folder
95 --                  then its id is returned in x_new_folder_id OUT paramater
96 --
97 --    Pre-reqs    : None.
98 --    Parameters  :
99 --    IN          :     p_api_version           IN NUMBER         Required
100 --                      p_encl_folder_id        IN NUMBER         Required
101 --                                        The parent folder to create new folder
102 --                                        use RP_ROOT_FOLDER constant for root folder
103 --                      p_new_folder_name       IN VARCHAR2       Required
104 --                                                  The new folder name
105 --                      p_folder_desc          IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL
106 --                      p_folder_notes         IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL
107 --    OUT         :
108 --                      x_new_folder_id       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER   Required
109 --                                            the new folder id created, or the
110 --                                            folder id of the folder with the same name
111 --                                            in the same enclosing folder
112 --                      x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 Required
113 --                      x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER   Required
114 --                      x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 Required
115 --
116 --    Version     : Current version       1.0
117 --                  Initial version       1.0
118 --    Notes       : if a folder with the same name exists in the enclosing folder
119 --                  then its id is returned in x_new_folder_id OUT paramater
120 --
121 -- End of comments
122 /*#
123  * Create new Repostitory folder
124  * @param p_api_version api verion
125  * @param p_encl_folder_id The parent folder to create new folder use RP_ROOT_FOLDER constant for root folder
126  * @param p_new_folder_name The new folder name
127  * @param p_folder_desc folder description
128  * @param p_folder_notes folder notes
129  * @param x_new_folder_id  the new folder id created, or the folder id of the folder with the same name in the same enclosing folder
130  * @param x_return_status status string
131  * @param x_msg_count number of error messages
132  * @param x_msg_data string which contains error messages
133  * @rep:scope public
134  * @rep:lifecycle active
135  * @rep:displayname Create new Repostitory folder
136  * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY CZ_RP_FOLDER
137  */
138 PROCEDURE create_rp_folder(p_api_version          IN  NUMBER
139                           ,p_encl_folder_id       IN  CZ_RP_ENTRIES.OBJECT_ID%TYPE
140                           ,p_new_folder_name      IN  CZ_RP_ENTRIES.NAME%TYPE
141                           ,p_folder_desc          IN  CZ_RP_ENTRIES.DESCRIPTION%TYPE
142                           ,p_folder_notes         IN  CZ_RP_ENTRIES.NOTES%TYPE
143                           ,x_new_folder_id        OUT NOCOPY CZ_RP_ENTRIES.OBJECT_ID%TYPE
144                           ,x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
145                           ,x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
146                           ,x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
147                           );
148 -----------------------------------------------------
149 -- Start of comments
150 --    API name    : import_generic
151 --    Type        : Public.
152 --    Function    : process and import data in CZ interface tables
153 --    Pre-reqs    : None.
154 --    Parameters  :
155 --    IN          :     p_api_version           IN  NUMBER         Required
156 --    IN          :     p_run_id                IN  NUMBER         Required
157 --                             Specify the run_id to process. If NULL, all records
158 --                             in interface tables where run_id is NULL will be processed.
159 --    IN          :     p_rp_folder_id          IN  NUMBER         Required
160 --                             The repository folder to import the model into,
161 --                             use RP_ROOT_FOLDER constant for the root folder id
162 --    OUT         :     x_run_id                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER        Required
163 --                            Used to get results from cz_xfr_run_infos and cz_xfr_run_results
164 --                            Also CZ_DB_LOGS.run_id, if there are warnings or errors
165 --    OUT         :     x_status                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER        Required
166 --                            G_ERROR or G_SUCCESS (constants from this package)
167 --    Version     : Current version       1.0
168 --                  Initial version       1.0
169 --    Notes       :
170 --
171 -- End of comments
172 /*#
173  * Generic Import
174  * @param p_api_version api verion
175  * @param p_run_id Specify the run_id to process. If NULL, all records in interface tables where run_id is NULL will be processed.
176  * @param p_rp_folder_id The repository folder to import the model into, use RP_ROOT_FOLDER constant for the root folder id
177  * @param x_run_id CZ_DB_LOGS.run_id if there are warnings and/or errors, 0 if not
178  * @param x_status G_ERROR, G_WARNING or G_SUCCESS (constants from this package)
179  * @rep:scope public
180  * @rep:lifecycle active
181  * @rep:displayname Generic Import
183  */
184 PROCEDURE import_generic(p_api_version      IN  NUMBER
185                         ,p_run_id           IN  NUMBER
186                         ,p_rp_folder_id     IN  NUMBER
187                         ,x_run_id           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
188                         ,x_status           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
190 -----------------------------------------------------
191 -- Start of comments
192 --    API name    : delete_model
193 --    Type        : Public.
194 --    Function    : Deletes a model in cz_devl_projects table (imported models only)
195 --    Pre-reqs    : None.
196 --    Parameters  :
197 --    IN          :     p_api_version    IN  NUMBER         Required
198 --    IN          :     p_model_id       IN  NUMBER         Required
199 --                           the devl_project_id in cz_devl_projects table
200 --    IN          :     p_orig_sys_ref          IN  VARCHAR2         Required
201 --                           the orig_sys_ref in cz_devl_projects table - cannot be null
202 --
203 --    OUT         :
204 --                      x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 Required
205 --                      x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER   Required
206 --                      x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 Required
207 --
208 --    Version     : Current version       1.0
209 --                  Initial version       1.0
210 --
211 --    Notes       :
212 --                 1. Both p_model_id and p_orig_sys_ref must match for deleting a model in cz_devl_projects
213 --                 2. It will not delete and return error if any of the following is true
214 --                              a) If the devl project is referened by any other devl_project(s)
215 --                                  To delete the devl project, first remove all the references to this devl project
216 --                              b) If the model is in the process of being published (any export status except 'OK')
217 --                                  To delete the model first delete all pending publications of this model and/or wait
218 --                                  for processing publications of this model to complete.
219 --                              c) If the model structure (including any referenced models),
220 --                                 any of its user interfaces (including any child UIs)
221 --                                 or any of the rule folders (including any subfolders) are locked
222 --                                 at the time the delete_model is called.
223 --                                 To delete, unlock any locked components and re-run the delete_model
224 -- End of comments
225 /*#
226  * delete model
227  * @param p_api_version api verion
228  * @param p_model_id the devl_project_id in cz_devl_projects table
229  * @param p_orig_sys_ref the orig_sys_ref in cz_devl_projects table - cannot be null
230  * @param x_return_status status string
231  * @param x_msg_count number of error messages
232  * @param x_msg_data string which contains error messages
233  * @rep:scope public
234  * @rep:lifecycle active
235  * @rep:displayname Delete Model
237  */
238 PROCEDURE delete_model(p_api_version          IN  NUMBER
239                       ,p_model_id             IN  NUMBER
240                       ,p_orig_sys_ref         IN  VARCHAR2
241                       ,x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
242                       ,x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
243           ,x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
248 ----start of comments
249 ---- create publication request
250 ---- Parameters
251 ---- IN:	 p_api_version 		IN NUMBER 		 Required
252 ----	       p_model_id   		IN NUMBER,		 Required
253 ---          p_ui_def_id  		IN NUMBER,		 Required
254 ----         p_publication_mode 	IN NUMBER,
255 ----         p_server_id   		IN NUMBER,
256 ----  	 p_appl_id_tbl 		IN number_type_tbl,
257 ----         p_usg_id_tbl  		IN number_type_tbl,
258 ----		 p_lang_tbl    		IN varchar_type_tbl,
259 ----		 p_start_date  		IN DATE,
260 ----		 p_end_date   		IN DATE,
261 ----
262 ---- OUT
263 ----	       x_publication_id OUT 	NOCOPY 	NUMBER,
264 ----	       x_return_status 	OUT 	NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
265 ----	       x_msg_count    	OUT 	NOCOPY 	NUMBER,
266 ----	       x_msg_data       OUT	NOCOPY	VARCHAR2
267 ----
268 ----Parameter Description
269 ----	IN
270 ----  	 p_api_version  Version: Current version :1.0
271 ----     	 p_model_id:   	devl_project_id of the model being published
272 ----		 p_ui_def_id :  	ui_def_id of the model being published
273 ----
274 ----		 p_publication_mode: Publication mode.
275 ----			If no publication mode is passed, production mode ('P') is defaulted
276 ----			Valid values are 'P' (production mode), 'T' (Test mode).
277 ----
278 ----		p_appl_id_tbl: application that would access the published model
279 ----			 This is an array that contains the application id(s).  For contracts we
280 ----			 Can default this to the application id of 'OKC' and not allow any other
281 ----			 Values.
282 ----
283 ----		p_usg_id_tbl: publication usage.
284 ----			This is an array containing usage id(s).
285 ----			For contracts, we can default this   to "Any Usage" (-1).
286 ----
287 ----		p_lang_tbl: an array containing the languages.
288 ----
289 ----		p_start_date: date from which the publication would be applicable
290 ----		p_end_date:  date until which the publication would be applicable
291 ----		  	If none of the above dates are passed, the start date would have a
292 ----			Default value of epoch begin and end date would be defaulted to
293 ----			Epoch end.
294 ----		P_server_id: would be defaulted to 0 for contracts
295 ----
296 ----	OUT
297 ----          x_publication_id : the id of the publication request
298 ----		 (I don't think OKC should care about this, but it is good for debugging purposes.)
299 ----
300 ----	          x_return_status : FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
301 ----					    FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR
303 ----	          x_msg_count      Count of error messages.
304 ----	          x_msg_data       error message
307 PROCEDURE create_publication_request (p_api_version  IN NUMBER,
308 				  p_model_id         IN NUMBER,
309 				  p_ui_def_id        IN NUMBER,
310 				  p_publication_mode IN VARCHAR2,
311 				  p_server_id        IN NUMBER,
312 				  p_appl_id_tbl      IN t_ref,
313 				  p_usg_id_tbl       IN t_ref,
314 				  p_lang_tbl         IN t_lang_code,
315 				  p_start_date       IN DATE,
316 				  p_end_date         IN DATE,
317 				  x_publication_id   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
318 				  x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
319 				  x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
320 				  x_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
324 ----start of comments
325 ---- edit_publication
326 ---- Parameters
327 ---- IN:	 p_api_version 		IN NUMBER 		 Required
328 ----	         p_publicationId   	IN NUMBER,		 Required
329 ---              p_applicationId   	IN NUMBER,		 Required
330 ----             p_publication_mode 	IN VARCHAR2,
331 ----             p_languageId		IN NUMBER,
332 ----  	         p_usageId         	IN NUMBER,
333 ----		 p_startdate  		IN DATE,
334 ----		 p_disabledate   		IN DATE,
335 ----
336 ---- OUT:
337 ----	       x_return_status 	OUT 	NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
338 ----	       x_msg_count    	OUT 	NOCOPY 	NUMBER,
339 ----	       x_msg_data       OUT	NOCOPY	VARCHAR2
340 -----
342                            p_publicationId   IN NUMBER,
343                            p_applicationId   IN  OUT  NOCOPY t_ref,
344                            p_languageId	   IN  OUT  NOCOPY t_lang_code,
345                            p_usageId         IN  OUT  NOCOPY t_ref,
346                            p_startDate	   IN	      DATE,
347                            p_disableDate     IN	      DATE,
348                            p_publicationMode IN       VARCHAR2,
349                            x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
350                            x_msg_count     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
351                            x_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
355                            p_publicationId   IN NUMBER,
356                            p_applicationId   IN  OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
357                            p_languageId	   IN  OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
358                            p_usageId         IN  OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
359                            p_startDate	   IN	      DATE,
360                            p_disableDate     IN	      DATE,
361                            p_publicationMode IN       VARCHAR2,
362                            x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
363                            x_msg_count     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
364                            x_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
368 ----start of comments
369 ---- delete_publication
370 ---- Parameters
371 ---- IN:	 p_api_version 		IN NUMBER 		 Required
372 ----	       publicationId   	      IN NUMBER,		 Required
373 ----
374 ---- OUT:
375 ----	       x_return_status 	OUT 	NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
376 ----	       x_msg_count    	OUT 	NOCOPY 	NUMBER,
377 ----	       x_msg_data       OUT	NOCOPY	VARCHAR2
378 -----
379 PROCEDURE DELETE_PUBLICATION(p_api_version     IN         NUMBER,
380 			     publicationId     IN         NUMBER,
381 			     x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
382 			     x_msg_count       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
383 			     x_msg_data        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
384                             );
387 ----start of comments
388 ---- delete_ui_def
389 ---- Parameters
390 ---- IN:       p_api_version 		IN NUMBER 		 Required =  1.0
391 ----	       p_ui_def_id   	        IN NUMBER,		 Required
392 ----
393 ---- OUT:
394 ----	       x_return_status 	OUT 	NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
395 ----	       x_msg_count    	OUT 	NOCOPY 	NUMBER,
396 ----	       x_msg_data       OUT	NOCOPY	VARCHAR2
397 -----
398 PROCEDURE delete_ui_def(p_api_version              IN   NUMBER,
399                         p_ui_def_id                IN   NUMBER,
400                         x_return_status            OUT  NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
401                         x_msg_count                OUT  NOCOPY   NUMBER,
402                         x_msg_data                 OUT  NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
403                         );
405 ----start of comments
406 ---- generate_logic
407 ---- Parameters
408 ---- IN:       p_api_version 		IN NUMBER 		 Required =  1.0
409 ----	       p_devl_project_id        IN NUMBER,		 Required
410 ----
411 ---- OUT:
412 ----           x_run_id         OUT     NOCOPY  NUMBER,
413 ----	       x_return_status 	OUT 	NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
414 ----	       x_msg_count    	OUT 	NOCOPY 	NUMBER,
415 ----	       x_msg_data       OUT	NOCOPY	VARCHAR2
416 ----
417 -- End of comments
418 PROCEDURE generate_logic(p_api_version      IN            NUMBER,
419                          p_devl_project_id  IN            NUMBER,
420                          x_run_id           OUT  NOCOPY   NUMBER,
421                          x_return_status    OUT  NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
422                          x_msg_count        OUT  NOCOPY   NUMBER,
423                          x_msg_data         OUT  NOCOPY   VARCHAR2);
425 -- Start of comments
426 --    API name    : Publish_Model
427 --    Type        : Public.
428 --    Function    : Publish a model
429 --    Pre-reqs    : None.
430 --    Parameters  :
431 --    IN          :     p_api_version           IN  NUMBER         Required = 1.0
432 --                      p_publication_id        IN  NUMBER         Required
433 --   OUT:
434 --                      x_run_id                OUT     NOCOPY  NUMBER,
438 --
435 --                      x_return_status 	OUT 	NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
436 --                      x_msg_count    	        OUT 	NOCOPY 	NUMBER,
437 --                      x_msg_data              OUT	NOCOPY	VARCHAR2
439 --    Version     : Current version       1.0
440 --                  Initial version       1.0
441 --    Notes       : It should only be run on publications with a status of 'Pending'
442 --
443 -- End of comments
444 PROCEDURE publish_model(p_api_version      IN            NUMBER,
445                         p_publication_id   IN            NUMBER,
446                         x_run_id           OUT  NOCOPY   NUMBER,
447                         x_return_status    OUT  NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
448                         x_msg_count        OUT  NOCOPY   NUMBER,
449                         x_msg_data         OUT  NOCOPY   VARCHAR2);
450 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
451 -- Start of comments
452 --    API name    : create_JRAD_UI
453 --    Type        : Public.
454 --    Function    : Generates a new JRAD style user interface for a model
455 --    Pre-reqs    : None.
456 --    Parameters  :
457 --    IN          :
458 --      p_api_version         -- identifies version of API
459 --      p_devl_project_id     -- identifies Model for which UI will be generated
460 --      p_show_all_nodes      -- '1' - ignore ps node property "DO NOT SHOW IN UI"
461 --      p_master_template_id  -- identifies UI Master Template
462 --      p_create_empty_ui     -- '1' - create empty UI ( which contains only one record in CZ_UI_DEFS )
463 --      x_ui_def_id           -- ui_def_id of UI that has been generated
464 --    OUT         :
465 --      x_return_status       -- status string
466 --      x_msg_count           -- number of error messages
467 --      x_msg_data            -- string which contains error messages
468 --
469 --    Version     : Current version       1.0
470 --                  Initial version       1.0
471 --    Notes       :
472 --
473 -- End of comments
475 PROCEDURE create_jrad_ui(p_api_version        IN  NUMBER,
476                          p_devl_project_id    IN  NUMBER,
477                          p_show_all_nodes     IN  VARCHAR2,
478                          p_master_template_id IN  NUMBER,
479                          p_create_empty_ui    IN  VARCHAR2,
480                          x_ui_def_id          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
481                          x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
482                          x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
483                          x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
485 --------------------------API status return codes-----------------------------------------
486 G_STATUS_SUCCESS                constant NUMBER :=0;
487 G_STATUS_ERROR                  constant NUMBER :=1;
488 G_STATUS_WARNING                constant NUMBER :=2;
490 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
492 END CZ_contracts_api_grp;