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Line 8708: PO_SHARED_PROC_PVT.check_transaction_flow(

8704: l_progress := '050';
8706: -- Get the Transaction Flow Header ID from the Inventory API.
8707: -- Use the wrapper API written in PO.
8708: PO_SHARED_PROC_PVT.check_transaction_flow(
8709: p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_TRUE,
8710: x_return_status => l_return_status, -- OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
8711: p_start_ou_id => g_purchasing_ou_id,
8712: p_end_ou_id => l_destination_ou_id,

Line 8730: exception_type => 'PO_SHARED_PROC_PVT.check_transaction_flow',

8727: l_progress := '060';
8728: IF (l_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) THEN
8729: APP_EXCEPTION.raise_exception(
8730: exception_type => 'PO_SHARED_PROC_PVT.check_transaction_flow',
8731: exception_code => 0,
8732: exception_text => 'return_status='||l_return_status);
8733: END IF;

Line 8741: PO_SHARED_PROC_PVT.check_item_in_linv_pou

8737: -- valid transaction flow exists and item id is not null
8739: l_progress := '065';
8740: IF l_transaction_flow_header_id IS NOT NULL AND l_item_id IS NOT NULL THEN
8741: PO_SHARED_PROC_PVT.check_item_in_linv_pou
8742: (x_return_status => l_return_status,
8743: p_item_id => l_item_id,
8744: p_transaction_flow_header_id => l_transaction_flow_header_id,
8745: x_item_in_linv_pou => l_item_in_linv_pou);

Line 8748: exception_type => 'PO_SHARED_PROC_PVT.check_item_in_linv_pou',

8744: p_transaction_flow_header_id => l_transaction_flow_header_id,
8745: x_item_in_linv_pou => l_item_in_linv_pou);
8746: IF l_return_status <> FND_API.g_ret_sts_success THEN
8747: APP_EXCEPTION.raise_exception(
8748: exception_type => 'PO_SHARED_PROC_PVT.check_item_in_linv_pou',
8749: exception_code => 0,
8750: exception_text => 'return_status='||l_return_status);
8751: ELSIF l_return_status = FND_API.g_ret_sts_success AND
8752: (l_item_in_linv_pou <> 'Y') THEN

Line 8760: exception_type => 'PO_SHARED_PROC_PVT.check_item_in_linv_pou',

8756: p_message => 'After calling check_item_in_linv_pou: Item does not exist in the
8757: logical inv org of the POU'||' l_return_status= '||l_return_status);
8758: END IF;
8759: APP_EXCEPTION.raise_exception(
8760: exception_type => 'PO_SHARED_PROC_PVT.check_item_in_linv_pou',
8761: exception_code => 0,
8762: exception_text => 'Item does not exist in the logical inventory org of POU');
8763: END IF;
8764: END IF;