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Line 80: from fnd_columns c, fnd_id_flex_segments g, fnd_id_flex_structures s

76: -- ERnos 6612615 end
77: cursor c_segs is
78: select 'GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS' , c.table_id, g.application_column_name,
79: g.segment_num, s.concatenated_segment_delimiter
80: from fnd_columns c, fnd_id_flex_segments g, fnd_id_flex_structures s
81: where g.application_id = 101
82: and g.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
83: and g.id_flex_num = (
84: select accounting_flex_structure

Line 98: from fnd_columns c, fnd_id_flex_segments g, fnd_id_flex_structures s

94: and s.id_flex_code = g.id_flex_code
95: and s.id_flex_num = g.id_flex_num
96: union -- asset key
97: select 'FA_ASSET_KEYWORDS', c.table_id,g.application_column_name, g.segment_num, s.concatenated_segment_delimiter
98: from fnd_columns c, fnd_id_flex_segments g, fnd_id_flex_structures s
99: where g.application_id = 140
100: and g.id_flex_code = 'KEY#'
101: and g.id_flex_num = ( select asset_key_flex_structure
102: from fa_system_controls)

Line 115: from fnd_columns c, fnd_id_flex_segments g, fnd_id_flex_structures s

111: and s.id_flex_code = g.id_flex_code
112: and s.id_flex_num = g.id_flex_num
113: union -- location
114: select 'FA_LOCATIONS', c.table_id, g.application_column_name, g.segment_num, s.concatenated_segment_delimiter
115: from fnd_columns c, fnd_id_flex_segments g, fnd_id_flex_structures s
116: where g.application_id = 140
117: and g.id_flex_code = 'LOC#'
118: and g.id_flex_num = ( select location_flex_structure
119: from fa_system_controls)

Line 132: from fnd_columns c, fnd_id_flex_segments g, fnd_id_flex_structures s

128: and s.id_flex_code = g.id_flex_code
129: and s.id_flex_num = g.id_flex_num
130: union -- category
131: select 'FA_CATEGORIES_B', c.table_id, g.application_column_name, g.segment_num, s.concatenated_segment_delimiter
132: from fnd_columns c, fnd_id_flex_segments g, fnd_id_flex_structures s
133: where g.application_id = 140
134: and g.id_flex_code = 'CAT#'
135: and g.id_flex_num = (select category_flex_structure
136: from fa_system_controls)