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1 PACKAGE BODY hr_dirbal AS
2 /* $Header: pydirbal.pkb 120.1.12000000.3 2007/07/05 12:34:49 sbairagi noship $ */
3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 --			FUNCTION get_balance
6 -- 			Date Mode
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 /* We can check whether the balance has
9    expired before getting it, due to the fact that we navigate back to the
10    last assignment action and use the effective (session) date passed in
11    as criteria for expiry checking.
12    Calls the asg action mode function, which now calls core BUE.
13 */
14 FUNCTION get_balance (p_assignment_id 	IN NUMBER,
15 		      p_defined_balance_id IN NUMBER,
16 		      p_effective_date     IN DATE)
18 --
19     l_assignment_action_id	NUMBER;
20     l_balance			NUMBER;
21     l_expired			BOOLEAN;
22 --
23 -- This gets the most recent assignment action of seq generating type, using
24 -- the effective date and assignment ID passed in
25 --
26     cursor get_latest_id is
27     SELECT
28          fnd_number.canonical_to_number(substr(max(lpad(paa.action_sequence,15,'0')||
29          paa.assignment_action_id),16))
30     FROM pay_assignment_actions paa,
31          pay_payroll_actions    ppa
32     WHERE
33          paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
34     AND  ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
35     AND  ppa.effective_date <= p_effective_date
36     AND  ppa.action_type        in ('R', 'Q', 'I', 'V', 'B');
37 --
39 --
40     open get_latest_id;
41     fetch get_latest_id into l_assignment_action_id;
42     close get_latest_id;
43     if l_assignment_action_id is null then
44        l_balance := 0;
45     else
46        --Check expiry even before getting the VALUE, according to effective date
47        l_expired :=
48          balance_expired(p_assignment_action_id => l_assignment_action_id,
49                          p_defined_balance_id   => p_defined_balance_id,
50                          p_effective_date       => p_effective_date);
51        --
52        if l_expired = TRUE then
53           l_balance := 0;
54        else
55           --get the balance value using the latest assignment action
56           l_balance := get_balance(
57 			p_assignment_action_id => l_assignment_action_id,
58                       	p_defined_balance_id   => p_defined_balance_id);
59        end if;
60     end if;
61 --
62 RETURN l_balance;
63 --
64 END get_balance;
65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
66 --			FUNCTION get_balance
67 --			Assignment Action Mode
68 --   Now calls the Core BUE directly, this function now just a cover for this.
69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 FUNCTION get_balance (p_assignment_action_id IN NUMBER,
71 		      p_defined_balance_id   IN NUMBER)
73 --
74    l_balance		  NUMBER;
75 --
77 --
78 -- Call the Core package with the relevant info, and ensure that the
79 -- exception no data found is handled by returning a null, as this is
80 -- the current UK method of implementation.
81 -- All balances can be retrieved by this method including USER-REGs.
82 --
83    BEGIN
84      l_balance := pay_balance_pkg.get_value(
85                     p_assignment_action_id => p_assignment_action_id,
86                     p_defined_balance_id   => p_defined_balance_id);
88         l_balance := null;
89      END;
90 --
91 RETURN l_balance;
92 --
93 END get_balance;
94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
95 --                      FUNCTION get_balance
96 --  This function is used only in PAYGBTPL report.
97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 FUNCTION get_balance (p_assignment_action_id IN NUMBER,
99                       p_defined_balance_id   IN NUMBER,
100                       p_dimension_id         IN NUMBER,
101                       p_period_id            IN NUMBER,
102                       p_ptd_bal_dim_id       IN NUMBER)
104 --
105     l_action_effective date;
106     l_period_start     date;
107     l_period_end       date;
108     l_balance          number;
110     l_time_period_id  number;
111 --
113     l_balance := 0;
115     select   ppa.time_period_id
116      into     l_time_period_id
117      from     pay_payroll_actions ppa,
118               pay_assignment_actions paa
119      where    paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
120      and      ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id;
122     /* select   ptp.start_date,
123               ptp.regular_payment_date
124      into     l_period_start,
125               l_period_end
126      from     per_time_periods ptp
127      where    ptp.time_period_id = p_period_id;*/
129      if p_dimension_id = p_ptd_bal_dim_id then
130         if (l_time_period_id=p_period_id) then
131             l_balance := hr_dirbal.get_balance(p_assignment_action_id,p_defined_balance_id);
132         end if;
133      else
134             l_balance := hr_dirbal.get_balance(p_assignment_action_id,p_defined_balance_id);
135     end if;
136 --
137 RETURN l_balance;
138 --
139 END get_balance;
140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
141 --		FUNCTION balance_expired
142 --		This function checks the expiry of an action's value ,
143 --		depending on which dimension type the value is for
144 -- This function is still required after addition of Core BUE changes.
145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
146 FUNCTION balance_expired (p_assignment_action_id IN NUMBER,
147                           p_owning_action_id     IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
148 		          p_defined_balance_id   IN NUMBER,
149 			  p_database_item_suffix IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
150  			  p_effective_date       IN DATE,
151 			  p_action_effective_date IN DATE DEFAULT NULL)
152 --
154 --
155 --Check the expiry of an action depending on the defined balance's dimension
156 --type.
157 --
158    l_database_item_suffix	VARCHAR2(30);
159    l_expired			BOOLEAN := FALSE;
160    l_return_date		DATE;
161 --
162    cursor get_dimension_type(c_defined_balance_id   IN NUMBER) IS
163    select database_item_suffix
164    from pay_balance_dimensions pbd,
165         pay_defined_balances   pdb
166    where pbd.balance_dimension_id = pdb.balance_dimension_id
167    and   pdb.defined_balance_id = c_defined_balance_id;
168 --
170 --
171   if p_database_item_suffix is null then	--date mode call
172      open get_dimension_type(p_defined_balance_id);
173      fetch get_dimension_type into l_database_item_suffix;
174      close get_dimension_type;
175 --
176   else
177      l_database_item_suffix := p_database_item_suffix;
178   end if;
179 --
180 -- On yearlys, check the beginning date of the tax yr of the
181 -- original asg action (the owning action). If the effective date
182 -- of the previous action is before the start yr date, then it
183 -- has expired and cannot be used.
184 -- However, if the owning action is null this means the call to this
185 -- function is in date mode, so the expiry of that action has to be checked.
186 -- PQP - pass in the db item suffix for 2 yearly check.
187 --
188   if instr(l_database_item_suffix,'YTD') > 0 then
189      -- yearly balance, so call yearly expiry
190      if p_owning_action_id is not null then
191         -- Asg Action call, use start date.
192         l_return_date := start_year_date(p_owning_action_id,
193                                          l_database_item_suffix);
194         if nvl(p_action_effective_date,get_action_date(p_assignment_action_id))
195                              < l_return_date
196                or l_return_date is null then
197           l_expired := TRUE;
198         end if;
199         --
200      else
201         -- date mode call, so use expiry of single action
202         l_return_date :=
203            expired_year_date(nvl(p_action_effective_date,
204                     (get_action_date(p_assignment_action_id))));
205         if p_effective_date >= l_return_date
206            or l_return_date is null then
207            l_expired := TRUE;
208         end if;
209      end if;
210   elsif instr(l_database_item_suffix,'PTD') > 0 then
211      --period balance, so call period expiry
212      if p_effective_date > expired_period_date(p_assignment_action_id) then
213         l_expired := TRUE;
214      end if;
215   elsif instr(l_database_item_suffix,'RUN') > 0 then
216      --run balance, so call period expiry
217      if p_effective_date > expired_period_date(p_assignment_action_id) then
218         l_expired := TRUE;
219      end if;
220   elsif instr(l_database_item_suffix,'PAYMENTS') > 0 then
221      --again call period expiry
222      if p_effective_date > expired_period_date(p_assignment_action_id) then
223         l_expired := TRUE;
224      end if;
225   elsif instr(l_database_item_suffix,'QTD') > 0 then
226      --quarterly balance, so call quarterly expiry
227      l_return_date := expired_quarter_date
228                            (nvl(p_action_effective_date,(get_action_date(p_assignment_action_id))));
229         if p_effective_date > l_return_date
230            or l_return_date is null then
231         l_expired := TRUE;
232      end if;
233   end if;
234 --
235 RETURN l_expired;
236 --
237 END balance_expired;
238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
239 --              FUNCTION start_year_date
240 --              This function returns the Start of Year for an
241 --              Assignment Action.
242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
243 FUNCTION start_year_date(p_assignment_action_id  IN NUMBER,
244                          p_database_item_suffix  IN VARCHAR2)
246 --
248 --
249    cursor csr_start_fin_yr(c_assignment_action_id in number) is
250    select to_date('06-04-' || to_char( to_number(
251           to_char( PTP.regular_payment_date,'YYYY'))
252              +  decode(sign( PTP.regular_payment_date - to_date('06-04-'
253                  || to_char(PTP.regular_payment_date,'YYYY'),'DD-MM-YYYY')),
254            -1,-1,0)),'DD-MM-YYYY') finyear, BACT.payroll_id
255    from
256         per_time_periods      PTP,
257         pay_payroll_actions   BACT,
258         pay_assignment_actions ACT
259    where PTP.time_period_id = BACT.time_period_id
260    and   ACT.assignment_action_id = c_assignment_action_id
261    and   BACT.payroll_action_id = ACT.payroll_action_id;
262    --
263    -- cursor to get the start of the expiry code year as current fin year
264    -- minus 1 if the current tax year is odd and cur tax year if the
265    -- year is even
266    --
267    CURSOR csr_start_fin_yr_odd_ytd(c_assignment_action_id in number ) is
268    SELECT to_date('06-04-' || to_char( fnd_number.canonical_to_number(
269           to_char( PTP.regular_payment_date,'YYYY'))
270              +  decode(sign( PTP.regular_payment_date - to_date('06-04-'
271                  || to_char(PTP.regular_payment_date,'YYYY'),'DD-MM-YYYY')),
272            -1,-1,0) -
273           mod(
274            fnd_number.canonical_to_number(
275           to_char( PTP.regular_payment_date,'YYYY'))
276              +  decode(sign( PTP.regular_payment_date - to_date('06-04-'
277                  || to_char(PTP.regular_payment_date,'YYYY'),'DD-MM-YYYY')),
278            -1,-1,0),2)
279             ),'DD-MM-YYYY') finyear, BACT.payroll_id
280    FROM
281          per_time_periods      PTP,
282          pay_payroll_actions   BACT,
283          pay_assignment_actions ACT
284    WHERE PTP.time_period_id = BACT.time_period_id
285    AND   ACT.assignment_action_id = c_assignment_action_id
286    AND   BACT.payroll_action_id = ACT.payroll_action_id;
287    --
288    -- cursor to get the start of the expiry code year as current fin year
289    -- minus 1 if the current tax year is even and cur tax year if the
290    -- year is odd
291    --
292    CURSOR csr_start_fin_yr_even_ytd(c_assignment_action_id in number ) is
293    SELECT to_date('06-04-' || to_char( fnd_number.canonical_to_number(
294           to_char( PTP.regular_payment_date,'YYYY'))
295              +  decode(sign( PTP.regular_payment_date - to_date('06-04-'
296                  || to_char(PTP.regular_payment_date,'YYYY'),'DD-MM-YYYY')),
297            -1,-1,0) -
298           mod(
299            fnd_number.canonical_to_number(
300           to_char( PTP.regular_payment_date,'YYYY'))
301              +  decode(sign( PTP.regular_payment_date - to_date('06-04-'
302                  || to_char(PTP.regular_payment_date,'YYYY'),'DD-MM-YYYY')),
303            -1,0,-1),2)
304             ),'DD-MM-YYYY') finyear, BACT.payroll_id
305    FROM
306          per_time_periods      PTP,
307          pay_payroll_actions   BACT,
308          pay_assignment_actions ACT
309    WHERE PTP.time_period_id = BACT.time_period_id
310    AND   ACT.assignment_action_id = c_assignment_action_id
311    AND   BACT.payroll_action_id = ACT.payroll_action_id;
312    --
313    --
314    cursor csr_start_pay_yr(c_tax_yr_start in date,
315                            c_payroll_id in number) is
316    select min(TP.start_date)
317    from   per_time_periods TP
318    where  TP.payroll_id = c_payroll_id
319    and    TP.regular_payment_date  >= c_tax_yr_start;
320    --
321    l_year_add_no        NUMBER;
322    l_pay_year_start     DATE;
323    l_tax_year_start     DATE;
324    l_payroll_id         NUMBER;
325 --
327    --
328    -- PQP, check whether this is the two-year expiry
329    --
330    if p_database_item_suffix = '_ASG_TD_ODD_TWO_YTD' then
331       --
332       open csr_start_fin_yr_odd_ytd(p_assignment_action_id);
333       fetch csr_start_fin_yr_odd_ytd into l_tax_year_start, l_payroll_id;
334       close csr_start_fin_yr_odd_ytd;
335       --
336    elsif p_database_item_suffix = '_ASG_TD_EVEN_TWO_YTD' then
337       --
338       open csr_start_fin_yr_even_ytd(p_assignment_action_id);
339       fetch csr_start_fin_yr_even_ytd into l_tax_year_start, l_payroll_id;
340       close csr_start_fin_yr_even_ytd;
341       --
342    else
343       --
344       -- Get the start of the financial year for the regular YTD
345       --
346       open csr_start_fin_yr(p_assignment_action_id);
347       fetch csr_start_fin_yr into l_tax_year_start, l_payroll_id;
348       close csr_start_fin_yr;
349       --
350    end if;
351    --
352    -- Get the start of the first period in the financial year,
353    -- this is the expiry date.
354    --
355    open csr_start_pay_yr(l_tax_year_start, l_payroll_id);
356    fetch csr_start_pay_yr into l_pay_year_start;
357    close csr_start_pay_yr;
358    --
359 RETURN l_pay_year_start;
360 --
361 END start_year_date;
362 --
363 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
364 --		FUNCTION expired_year_date
365 --		This function returns the expiry of an eff.date's tax year
366 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
367 FUNCTION expired_year_date(p_action_effective_date IN DATE)
368 --
370 --
371    l_expired_date       DATE;
372    l_year_add_no        NUMBER;
373 --
375 --
376    if  p_action_effective_date <
377                   to_date('06-04-' || to_char(p_action_effective_date,'YYYY'),
378                  'DD-MM-YYYY')  then
379         l_year_add_no := 0;
380    else l_year_add_no := 1;
381    end if;
382 --
383 -- Set expired date to the 6th of April next.
384 --
385    l_expired_date :=
386      ( to_date('06-04-' || to_char( fnd_number.canonical_to_number(to_char(
387      p_action_effective_date,'YYYY')) + l_year_add_no),'DD-MM-YYYY'));
388 --
389    RETURN l_expired_date;
390 --
391 END expired_year_date;
392 --
393 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
394 --		FUNCTION expired_period_date
395 --		This function returns the expiry of an action's time period
396 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
397 FUNCTION expired_period_date(p_assignment_action_id IN NUMBER)
398 --
400 --
401   l_end_date 	DATE;
402 --
403     cursor expired_time_period (c_assignment_action_id IN NUMBER) is
404     select ptp.end_date
405     from per_time_periods ptp,
406          pay_payroll_actions ppa,
407          pay_assignment_actions paa
408     WHERE
409          paa.assignment_action_id = c_assignment_action_id
410     AND  paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
411     AND  ppa.time_period_id = ptp.time_period_id;
412 --
414 --
415    open expired_time_period(p_assignment_action_id);
416    fetch expired_time_period into l_end_date;
417    close expired_time_period;
418 --
419 RETURN l_end_date;
420 --
421 END expired_period_date;
422 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
423 -- 		FUNCTION expired_quarter_date
424 --		This function returns the expiry of an eff.dates quarter
425 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
426 FUNCTION expired_quarter_date(p_action_effective_date IN DATE)
427 --
429 --
430    l_expired_date	DATE;
431    l_conv_us_gb_qd      DATE;
432 --
434 --
435    --First convert to GB quarters
436    l_conv_us_gb_qd := (trunc(p_action_effective_date -5,'Q')+5);
437    --Then find the date of expiry of the quarter
438    l_expired_date :=  ((ROUND(ADD_MONTHS(l_conv_us_gb_qd,1) + 16,'Q')) -1) + 5;
439 --
440 RETURN l_expired_date;
441 --
442 END expired_quarter_date;
443 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
444 --		FUNCTION get_action_date
445 --		This function gets the effective date of an assignment action
446 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
447 FUNCTION get_action_date(p_assignment_action_id IN NUMBER)
449 --
450    l_effective_date     date;
451 --
452    cursor c_bal_date is
453    SELECT    ppa.effective_date
454    FROM      pay_payroll_actions ppa,
455              pay_assignment_actions paa
456    WHERE     paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
457    AND       paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id;
458 --
459  begin
460 --
461    OPEN  c_bal_date;
462    FETCH c_bal_date into l_effective_date;
463    if c_bal_date%NOTFOUND then
464       --raise_application_error(-20000,'This assignment action is invalid');
465       --cant use as violates pragma wnds, so set date to null
466       l_effective_date := null;
467    end if;
468    CLOSE c_bal_date;
469 --
470    RETURN l_effective_date;
471 END get_action_date;
472 --
473 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
474 --
475 END hr_dirbal;