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1 package body pay_negbal_pkg as
2 /* $Header: pynegbal.pkb 115.9 2003/02/07 11:55:58 dsaxby ship $ */
3 --
4  /* Name    : bal_db_item
5   Purpose   : Given the name of a balance DB item as would be seen in a fast formula
6               it returns the defined_balance_id of the balance it represents.
7   Arguments :
8   Notes     : A defined balance_id is required by the PLSQL balance function.
9  */
11  function bal_db_item
12  (
13   p_db_item_name varchar2
14  ) return number is
16  /* Get the defined_balance_id for the specified balance DB item. */
18    cursor csr_defined_balance is
19      select to_number(UE.creator_id)
20      from  ff_user_entities  UE,
21            ff_database_items DI
22      where  DI.user_name            = p_db_item_name
23        and  UE.user_entity_id       = DI.user_entity_id
24        and  Ue.creator_type         = 'B';
26    l_defined_balance_id pay_defined_balances.defined_balance_id%type;
28  begin
30    open csr_defined_balance;
31    fetch csr_defined_balance into l_defined_balance_id;
32    if csr_defined_balance%notfound then
33      close csr_defined_balance;
34      raise hr_utility.hr_error;
35    else
36      close csr_defined_balance;
37    end if;
39    return (l_defined_balance_id);
41  end bal_db_item;
42 --
43   -- Name
44   --   check_residence_state
45   -- Purpose
46   --  This checks that the state of residence for the given assignment id
47   --  is the same as that passed in. Used
48   --  in this package to determine if a person has lived in the state of
49   --  MA. Such people need to be reported on SQWL for MA.
50   -- Arguments
51   --  Assignment Id
52   --  Period Start Date
53   --  Period End Date
54   --  State
55 --
56  FUNCTION check_residence_state (
57    p_assignment_id NUMBER,
58    p_period_start  DATE,
59    p_period_end   DATE,
60    p_state        VARCHAR2,
61    p_effective_end_date DATE
64  l_resides_true      VARCHAR2(1);
67    BEGIN
68    SELECT '1'
69    INTO l_resides_true
70    FROM dual
72       SELECT '1'
73       FROM per_assignments_f paf,
74         per_addresses pad
75       WHERE paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id AND
76         paf.person_id = pad.person_id AND
77         pad.date_from <= p_period_end AND
78         NVL(pad.date_to ,p_period_end) >= p_period_start AND
79         pad.region_2 = p_state AND
80         pad.primary_flag = 'Y');
81     EXCEPTION when no_data_found then
82       l_resides_true := '0';
83     END;
85    hr_utility.trace('l_resides_true =' || l_resides_true);
87    IF (l_resides_true = '1' AND
88          pay_balance_pkg.get_value(bal_db_item('GROSS_EARNINGS_PER_GRE_QTD'),
89          p_assignment_id, least(p_period_end, p_effective_end_date)) > 0) THEN
91       hr_utility.trace('Returning TRUE from check_residence_state');
93       RETURN TRUE;
94    ELSE
95       RETURN FALSE;
96    END IF;
97 END; -- check_residence_state
98 --
99 FUNCTION report_person_on_tape (
100         p_assignment_id NUMBER,
101         p_period_start  DATE,
102         p_period_end    DATE,
103         p_state                 VARCHAR2,
104         p_effective_end_date DATE,
105         p_1099R_ind    VARCHAR2
107  l_ret_value          BOOLEAN := FALSE;
108  l_resides_in_state   BOOLEAN;
109  BEGIN
110      IF (p_state = 'MA' OR p_state = 'CA') THEN
111             l_resides_in_state := check_residence_state(p_assignment_id,
112                                                         p_period_start,
113                                                         p_period_end,
114                                                         p_state,
115                                                         p_effective_end_date);
116          l_ret_value := TRUE;
117         IF (p_state = 'CA') THEN
118            IF (p_1099R_ind = 'Y') THEN
119                l_ret_value := (pay_balance_pkg.get_value(
120                                bal_db_item('SIT_WITHHELD_PER_JD_GRE_QTD') ,
121                                            p_assignment_id,
122                                            least(p_period_end, p_effective_end_date)) > 0 );
123                                 l_resides_in_state := l_ret_value;
124                                 hr_utility.trace('1099R_ind is Y');
125            ELSE
126                l_ret_value := l_resides_in_state;
127            END IF;
128         END IF;
129                 l_ret_value := l_resides_in_state AND  l_ret_value;
130      END IF;
131         return l_ret_value;
132  END; --report_person_on_tape
133 --
134 ----------------------------------- range_cursor ----------------------------------
135 procedure range_cursor (pactid in number, sqlstr out nocopy varchar2) is
136   l_payroll_id number;
137   leg_param    pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%type;
138   l_state      pay_us_states.state_abbrev%type;
139 --
140 begin
141    select legislative_parameters,
142           pay_negbal_pkg.get_parameter('TRANSFER_STATE',
143               ppa.legislative_parameters)
144      into leg_param,
145           l_state
146      from pay_payroll_actions ppa
147     where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid;
150 /* Negative Balance Code */
151    sqlstr :=  'SELECT distinct ASG.person_id
152           FROM   per_assignments_f           ASG,
153                  hr_organization_units       HOU,
154                  pay_payrolls_f              PPY,
155                  pay_state_rules             SR,
156                  hr_organization_information HOI,
157                  pay_us_asg_reporting        puar,
158                  pay_payroll_actions         PPA
159           WHERE  PPA.payroll_action_id       = :payroll_action_id
160             AND  SR.state_code               = '''||l_state||'''
161             AND  substr(SR.jurisdiction_code,1,2) = substr(puar.jurisdiction_code,1,2)
162             AND  ASG.assignment_id           = puar.assignment_id
163             AND  puar.tax_unit_id            = HOU.organization_id
164             AND  ASG.business_group_id + 0   = PPA.business_group_id
165             AND  ASG.assignment_type         = ''E''
166             AND  ASG.effective_start_date    <= PPA.effective_date
167             AND  ASG.effective_end_date      >= PPA.start_date
168             AND ((not exists (
169                          select ''x'' from hr_organization_information hoi2
170                          where HOI2.ORG_INFORMATION_CONTEXT = ''1099R Magnetic Report Rules''
171                          and   HOI2.org_information2 is not null
172                          and HOI2.organization_id = hou.organization_id))
173                    or ( '''||l_state||''' =  ''CA'')
174                  )
175                            AND  HOI.organization_id = puar.tax_unit_id
176                            AND  HOI.ORG_INFORMATION_CONTEXT = ''State Tax Rules''
177                            AND  HOI.ORG_INFORMATION1 = '''||l_state||'''
178             AND  PPY.payroll_id              = ASG.payroll_id
179           ORDER  BY ASG.person_id';
181 end range_cursor;
182 ---------------------------------- action_creation ----------------------------------
183 --
184 procedure action_creation(pactid in number,
185                           stperson in number,
186                           endperson in number,
187                           chunk in number) is
189       l_state       pay_us_states.state_abbrev%type;
190       greid         number;
191       lockedactid   number;
192       lockingactid  number;
193       assignid      number;
194       num           number;
195       prevperid     number;
196       prevgreid     number;
197       effdt         date;
198       transmitter_code varchar2(240);
199       jd_code       varchar2(12);
200       personid      number;
201       l_qtr_start   date;
202       l_qtr_end     date;
203       l_year_start  date;
204       l_year_end    date;
205       l_period_start date;
206       l_period_end  date;
207       l_defined_balance_id number;
208       l_value number :=0;
209       l_sui_exempt number;
211   CURSOR c_actions
212       ( pactid    number,
213         stperson  number,
214         endperson number ) is
215      SELECT paa.assignment_action_id    locked_action_id,
216             asg.assignment_id           assignment_id,
217             asg.person_id               person_id,
218             paa.tax_unit_id             tax_unit_id,
219             ppa.effective_date          effective_end_date,
220             sr.jurisdiction_code        jurisdiction_code
221       FROM  hr_organization_information hoi,
222             pay_payroll_actions         ppa,
223             pay_assignment_actions      paa,
224             pay_state_rules             sr,
225             per_assignments_f           asg,
226             pay_payroll_actions         ppa_arch
227      WHERE  ppa_arch.payroll_action_id  = pactid
228        AND  asg.person_id between         stperson and endperson
229        AND  asg.business_group_id + 0   = ppa_arch.business_group_id
230        AND  asg.assignment_type         = 'E'
231        AND  asg.effective_start_date    <= l_period_end
232        AND  asg.effective_end_date      >= l_period_start
233        AND  paa.assignment_id           = asg.assignment_id
234        AND  (paa.action_sequence,asg.person_id,paa.tax_unit_id)
235                                     in (select max(paa1.action_sequence),paf1.person_id, paa1.tax_unit_id
236                                              from pay_action_classifications pac,
237                                                   pay_payroll_actions        ppa1,
238                                                   pay_assignment_actions     paa1,
239                                                   per_assignments_f          paf1
240                                             where paf1.person_id          = asg.person_id
241                                               AND paf1.business_group_id + 0   = ppa_arch.business_group_id
242                                               AND paf1.assignment_type         = 'E'
243                                               AND paf1.effective_start_date    <= l_period_end
244                                               AND paf1.effective_end_date      >= l_period_start
245                                               and paa1.assignment_id           = paf1.assignment_id
246                                               and paa1.tax_unit_id             = paa.tax_unit_id
247                                               and ppa1.payroll_action_id       = paa1.payroll_action_id
248                                               and ppa1.action_type             = pac.action_type
249                                               and pac.classification_name      = 'SEQUENCED'
250                                               and ppa1.effective_date     between
251                                                                           l_period_start
252                                                                           and l_period_end
253                                               group by paf1.person_id, paa1.tax_unit_id)
254        AND  ppa.payroll_action_id        = paa.payroll_action_id
255        AND  ppa.effective_date            between l_period_start
256                                               and l_period_end
257        AND  ppa.action_type               in ('R','Q','V','B','I')
258        AND  ppa.effective_date            between asg.effective_start_date
259                                               and asg.effective_end_date
260        AND  SR.state_code               = l_state
261        AND  hoi.organization_id         = paa.tax_unit_id
262        AND  hoi.org_information_context = 'State Tax Rules'
263        AND  hoi.org_information1        = l_state
264        AND  EXISTS                        (select '' from pay_us_asg_reporting puar
265                                             where asg.assignment_id = puar.assignment_id
266                                               and paa.tax_unit_id   = puar.tax_unit_id
267                                               and substr(SR.jurisdiction_code  ,1,2) =
268                                                   substr(puar.jurisdiction_code,1,2));
269 -- Commented to improve the performance
270 --     ORDER  BY paa.tax_unit_id,asg.person_id,asg.assignment_id
271 --               for update of asg.assignment_id;
273      CURSOR c_transmitter  is
274           SELECT decode(l_state,'CA',null,hoi2.org_information2)
275             FROM hr_organization_information hoi2
276            WHERE hoi2.organization_id         = greid
277              AND hoi2.org_information_context = '1099R Magnetic Report Rules';
279 --
280 --
281    begin
282       -- hr_utility.trace_on('Y','ORACLE');
283       hr_utility.set_location('pay_negbal_pkg.procngb',1);
284       select pay_negbal_pkg.get_parameter('TRANSFER_STATE',
285              ppa.legislative_parameters) state_abbrev,
286              ppa.start_date,
287              ppa.effective_date,
288              trunc(ppa.effective_date, 'Y'),
289              add_months(trunc(ppa.effective_date, 'Y'),12) - 1
290      into l_state,
291           l_qtr_start,
292           l_qtr_end,
293           l_year_start,
294           l_year_end
295      from pay_payroll_actions ppa
296     where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid;
298      /*  New York state settings NB. the difference is that the criteria for
299          selecting people in the 4th quarter is different to that used for the
300          first 3 quarters of the tax year. */
302          if     l_state = 'NY' and  to_char(l_qtr_end,'MM')= '12' then
303          	/* Period is the last quarter of the year.*/
304          	l_period_start         := l_year_start;
305          	l_period_end           := l_year_end;
306          	l_defined_balance_id   := bal_db_item('SIT_GROSS_PER_JD_GRE_YTD');
307          else
308          	/* Period is one of the first 3 quarters of tax year. */
309          	l_period_start         := l_qtr_start;
310          	l_period_end           := l_qtr_end;
311          	l_defined_balance_id   := bal_db_item('SUI_ER_SUBJ_WHABLE_PER_JD_GRE_QTD');
312          end if;
314       open c_actions(pactid,stperson,endperson);
315       num := 0;
316       prevperid := -1;
317       prevgreid := -1;
318       l_value   := 0;
319       loop
320          hr_utility.set_location('pay_negbal_pkg.procngb',2);
321          fetch c_actions into lockedactid,assignid,personid,
322                               greid,effdt,jd_code;
323          if c_actions%found then num := num + 1; end if;
324          exit when c_actions%notfound;
325 --
326          begin
327            open c_transmitter;
328                 fetch c_transmitter into transmitter_code;
329                 if c_transmitter%notfound then
330                    transmitter_code := 'N' ;
331                 end if;
332            close c_transmitter;
333          exception
334            when others then
335                 hr_utility.set_location('pay_negbal_pkg.procngb',22);
336                 raise;
337          end;
338         -- we need to insert one action for each of the
339         -- assignments that we return from the cursor.
340 	if personid = prevperid and greid =  prevgreid then
341            null;
342         else
343           hr_utility.set_location('pay_negbal_pkg.procngb',3);
344           -- set up contexts required to test the balance.
345              pay_balance_pkg.set_context('TAX_UNIT_ID',greid);
349             into l_sui_exempt
346              pay_balance_pkg.set_context('JURISDICTION_CODE',jd_code);
348           select count(*)
350             from pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f ptax,
351                  pay_us_states pst
352            where ptax.assignment_id = assignid
353              and ptax.effective_start_date <= l_qtr_end
354              and ptax.effective_end_date >= l_qtr_start
355              and pst.state_code = ptax.state_code
356              and pst.state_abbrev = l_state
357              and ptax.sui_exempt = 'Y'
358              and not exists ( select 'x'
359                                 from pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f ptax,
360                                      pay_us_states pst
361                                where ptax.assignment_id = assignid
362                                  and ptax.effective_start_date <= l_qtr_end
363                                  and ptax.effective_end_date >= l_qtr_start
364                                  and pst.state_code = ptax.state_code
365                                  and pst.state_abbrev = l_state
366                                  and ptax.sui_exempt = 'N') ;
367           hr_utility.set_location('pay_negbal_pkg.procngb',4);
368           if l_sui_exempt = 0 then
369             hr_utility.set_location('pay_negbal_pkg.procngb',5);
370             if nvl(transmitter_code,'N') <> 'Y' then
371               hr_utility.set_location('pay_negbal_pkg.procngb',6);
372               l_value := pay_balance_pkg.get_value(p_defined_balance_id   => l_defined_balance_id,
373                                                    p_assignment_action_id => lockedactid);
374             else
375              l_value := 0;
376             end if;
377           end if;
379           if ((l_value > 0 ) OR
380                report_person_on_tape(assignid,l_period_start,l_period_end,
381                                      l_state, effdt,transmitter_code)) then
383                 hr_utility.set_location('pay_negbal_pkg.procngb',7);
384 	  	select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
385 	  	into   lockingactid
386 	  	from   dual;
387           	-- insert the action record.
388                    hr_utility.set_location('pay_negbal_pkg.procngb',8);
389           	   hr_nonrun_asact.insact(lockingactid,assignid,pactid,chunk,greid);
390                    hr_utility.set_location('pay_negbal_pkg.procngb',9);
391           	-- insert an interlock to this action
392             -- Bug fix 1850043
393      	  	-- hr_nonrun_asact.insint(lockingactid,lockedactid);
394                    hr_utility.set_location('pay_negbal_pkg.procngb',10);
395           end if;
396 	end if;
397 	prevperid := personid;
398         prevgreid := greid;
399 --
400       end loop;
401       hr_utility.set_location('pay_negbal_pkg.procngb',11);
402       close c_actions;
403 end action_creation;
404    ---------------------------------- sort_action ----------------------------------
405 procedure sort_action
406 (
407    payactid   in            varchar2,     /* payroll action id */
408    sqlstr     in out nocopy varchar2,     /* string holding the sql statement */
409    len        out           number        /* length of the sql string */
410 ) is
411  begin
413       hr_utility.set_location('pay_negbal_pkg.sort_action',1);
414       sqlstr :=  'select paa.rowid
415                   from pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
416                        pay_assignment_actions paa,
417                        per_all_assignments_f paf,   -- #1894165
418                        hr_organization_units hou,
419                        hr_organization_units hou1
420                   where ppa.payroll_action_id = :pactid
421                   and   paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
422                   and   paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
423                   and   paf.business_group_id + 0   = ppa.business_group_id
424                   and   paf.assignment_type         = ''E''
425                   and   paf.effective_start_date  = (select max(paf1.effective_start_date)
426                                                      from per_all_assignments_f paf1   --# 1894165
427                                                      where paf1.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
428                                                        and paf1.business_group_id + 0   = ppa.business_group_id
429                                                        and paf1.assignment_type         = ''E''
430                                                        and paf1.effective_start_date <= ppa.effective_date
431                                                        and paf1.effective_end_date >=
432                                                        decode(pay_negbal_pkg.get_parameter
433                                                               (''TRANSFER_STATE'',ppa.legislative_parameters),
434                                                                ''NY'',
435                                                                 decode(to_char(ppa.effective_date,''Q''),
436                                                                 4, trunc(ppa.start_date, ''Y''), ppa.start_date
437                                                                       )
438                                                                , ppa.start_date
439                                                              )
440                                                     )
441                   and   paa.tax_unit_id   = hou.organization_id
442                   and   hou1.organization_id = nvl(paf.organization_id,paf.business_group_id)  -- # 1894165
443                   order by hou.name,hou1.name,paf.assignment_number
444 		  for update of paf.assignment_id';
446       len := length(sqlstr); -- return the length of the string.
447       hr_utility.set_location('pay_negbal_pkg.sort_action',2);
448    end sort_action;
449 --
450 ------------------------------ get_parameter -------------------------------
451 function get_parameter(name in varchar2,
452                        parameter_list varchar2) return varchar2
453 is
454   start_ptr number;
455   end_ptr   number;
456   token_val pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%type;
457   par_value pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%type;
458 begin
459 --
460      token_val := name||'=';
461 --
462      start_ptr := instr(parameter_list, token_val) + length(token_val);
463      end_ptr := instr(parameter_list, ' ',start_ptr);
464 --
465      /* if there is no spaces use then length of the string */
466      if end_ptr = 0 then
467         end_ptr := length(parameter_list)+1;
468      end if;
469 --
470      /* Did we find the token */
471      if instr(parameter_list, token_val) = 0 then
472        par_value := NULL;
473      else
474        par_value := substr(parameter_list, start_ptr, end_ptr - start_ptr);
475      end if;
476 --
477      return par_value;
478 --
479 end get_parameter;
481 end pay_negbal_pkg;