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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 32

     select to_char(u.start_date,'yyyy-mm-dd'), to_char(u.end_date,'yyyy-mm-dd')
     from fnd_user u where user_name=upper(c_user_name);
Line: 89

  		IBE_UTIL.debug('Before Call to FND_USER_PKG.updateUser API for updating customer_id');
Line: 93

	FND_USER_PKG.updateUser (
		x_user_name                => p_user_name,
		x_owner                    => 'CUST',
		x_customer_id              => p_customer_id
Line: 107

  		IBE_UTIL.debug('After Call to FND_USER_PKG.updateUser API for updating customer_id');
Line: 120

|    Update_User
|    This API is called by User Management when Contact Detail is updated
|    -   Updates FND User
|     This API calls the following APIs
|    -    FND_USER_PKG.UpdateUser
Procedure Update_User(
        p_user_name			IN	VARCHAR2,
        p_password			IN	VARCHAR2,
        p_start_date    IN  DATE,
        p_end_date      IN  DATE,
        p_old_password  IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_party_id    	IN 	NUMBER) IS
l_end_date date;
Line: 143

   IBE_UTIL.debug('enter ibe_user_pvt.update_user');
Line: 158

  	IBE_UTIL.debug('Call FND_USER_PKG.UpdateUser API to updated a user');
Line: 161

  FND_USER_PKG.UpdateUser (
        x_user_name             => p_user_name,
        x_owner                 => 'CUST',
        x_unencrypted_password  => p_password,
        x_start_date            => p_start_date,
        x_end_date              => l_end_date,
        x_old_password          => p_old_password,
        x_customer_id           => p_party_id
Line: 172

   	IBE_UTIL.debug('exit enter ibe_user_pvt.update_user ');
Line: 175

End update_user;
Line: 190

|    -     FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS_API.update_assignmets
Procedure Update_Assignment(
	   p_user_id               IN  NUMBER,
	   p_responsibility_id     IN  NUMBER,
	   p_resp_application_id   IN  NUMBER,
	   p_security_group_id     IN  NUMBER ,
	   p_start_date            IN  DATE,
	   p_end_date              IN  DATE,
	   p_description           IN  VARCHAR2) IS

         l_start_date Date;
Line: 205

   	IBE_UTIL.debug('enter ibe_user_pvt.Update_Assignment');
Line: 212

  	IBE_UTIL.debug('Call FND_USER_RESP_API.Update_Assignment API to revoke responsibility');
Line: 219

  FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS_API.Update_Assignment (
        user_id                         =>p_user_id,
        responsibility_id               => p_responsibility_id,
        responsibility_application_id   => p_resp_application_id,
        security_group_id               => p_security_group_id,
        start_date                      => l_start_date,
        end_date                        => p_end_date,
        description                     => p_description
Line: 231

 	IBE_UTIL.debug('After FND_USER_RESP_API.Update_Assignment API to revoke responsibility');
Line: 232

 	IBE_UTIL.debug('exit enter ibe_user_pvt.Update_Assignment ');
Line: 235

 End Update_Assignment;