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2 /* $Header: OKLRPIUB.pls 120.80.12020000.5 2012/11/24 04:22:54 rpillay ship $ */
4     G_MODULE VARCHAR2(255) := 'okl.stream.esg.okl_esg_transport_pvt';
8   PROCEDURE put_in_log(
9               p_debug_enabled         IN VARCHAR2,
10               is_debug_procedure_on   IN BOOLEAN,
11               is_debug_statement_on   IN BOOLEAN,
12               p_module                IN fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE,
13               p_level                 IN VARCHAR2,
14               msg                     IN VARCHAR2 )
15   AS
16     -- l_level: S - Statement, P- Procedure, B - Both
17   BEGIN
18     IF(p_debug_enabled='Y' AND is_debug_procedure_on AND p_level = 'P')
19     THEN
20         okl_debug_pub.log_debug(
22           p_module,
23           msg);
24     ELSIF (p_debug_enabled='Y' AND is_debug_statement_on AND
25           (p_level = 'S' OR p_level = 'B' ))
26     THEN
27         okl_debug_pub.log_debug(
29           p_module,
30           msg);
31     END IF;
32   END put_in_log;
34   -- Returns true if the inputed p_year is an leap year
35   --  else false
36   FUNCTION is_leap_year( p_year IN NUMBER)
38   AS
39     l_year    NUMBER(5);
40   BEGIN
41     IF ( MOD(p_year, 4) = 0 AND MOD(p_year, 100) <> 0  )OR
42          MOD(p_year, 400) = 0
43     THEN
44       RETURN TRUE;
45     END IF;
47   END is_leap_year;
49   -- Returns true if the year in the p_date is a leap year
50   --   else returns false
51   FUNCTION is_leap_year( p_date IN DATE)
53   AS
54     l_year    NUMBER(5);
55   BEGIN
56     l_year := to_number( to_char( p_date, 'YYYY') );
57     IF is_leap_year( p_year => l_year )
58     THEN
59       RETURN TRUE;
60     END IF;
62   END is_leap_year;
64   PROCEDURE get_day_count_method(
65       p_days_in_month    IN VARCHAR2,
66       p_days_in_year     IN VARCHAR2,
67       x_day_count_method OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
68       x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2 )
69   AS
70     l_api_name      VARCHAR2(30) := 'get_day_count_method';
71   BEGIN
72     IF p_days_in_month = '30' AND
73        p_days_in_year = '360'
74     THEN
75       x_day_count_method := 'THIRTY';
76     ELSIF p_days_in_month = 'ACTUAL' AND
77           p_days_in_year = '365'
78     THEN
79       x_day_count_method := 'ACT365';
80     ELSIF p_days_in_month = 'ACTUAL' AND
81           p_days_in_year = 'ACTUAL'
82     THEN
83       x_day_count_method := 'ACTUAL';
84     ELSE
85       x_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
86       RETURN;
87     END IF;
88     --print( l_api_name || ': ' || 'l_days_in_month= ' || p_days_in_month ||
89     --             ' |  l_days_in_year = ' || p_days_in_year);
91     x_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
92   END get_day_count_method;
95   PROCEDURE get_days_in_year_and_month(
96       p_day_count_method IN         VARCHAR2,
97       x_days_in_month    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
98       x_days_in_year     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
99       x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 )
100   AS
101     l_api_name      VARCHAR2(30) := 'get_days_in_year_and_month';
102   BEGIN
103     IF  p_day_count_method = 'THIRTY'
104     THEN
105       x_days_in_month := '30';
106       x_days_in_year := '360';
107     ELSIF p_day_count_method = 'ACT365'
108     THEN
109       x_days_in_month := 'ACTUAL';
110       x_days_in_year := '365';
111     ELSIF p_day_count_method = 'ACTUAL'
112     THEN
113       x_days_in_month := 'ACTUAL';
114       x_days_in_year := 'ACTUAL';
115     ELSE
116       --print( l_api_name || ': ' || 'p_day_count_method= ' || p_day_count_method );
117       x_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
118       RETURN;
119     END IF;
120     --print( l_api_name || ': ' || 'l_days_in_month= ' || x_days_in_month ||
121     --         ' |  l_days_in_year = ' || x_days_in_year);
122     x_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
123   END get_days_in_year_and_month;
125   -- Procedure to fetch the day convention from the OKL_K_RATE_PARAMS
126   --  if not found reach the SGT assosiated and fetch the day conventions
127   PROCEDURE  get_day_convention(
128                p_id              IN          NUMBER,   -- ID of the contract/quote
129                p_source          IN          VARCHAR2, -- 'ESG'/'ISG' are acceptable values
130                x_days_in_month   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
131                x_days_in_year    OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
132                x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2)
133   AS
134     l_api_name      VARCHAR2(30) := 'get_day_convention';
135     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
137     -- Cursor to fetch the day convention from the OKL_K_RATE_PARAMS table ..
138     CURSOR day_conv_csr( khrId NUMBER) IS
139      SELECT days_in_a_year_code,
140             days_in_a_month_code,
141             DECODE(rate_params.days_in_a_month_code,'30','360',
142                    rate_params.days_in_a_month_code) esg_days_in_month_code
143      FROM  OKL_K_RATE_PARAMS rate_params
144      WHERE khr_id = khrId;
146     -- Cursor to fetch the day convention from the SGT
147     CURSOR  get_day_conv_on_sgt_csr( p_khr_id IN VARCHAR2 )
148     IS
149     SELECT  gts.days_in_month_code days_in_a_month_code,
150             gts.days_in_yr_code days_in_a_year_code,
151             DECODE(gts.days_in_month_code,'30','360',gts.days_in_month_code)
152                   esg_days_in_month_code
153     FROM
154             okl_k_headers khr,
155             okl_products_v pdt,
156             okl_ae_tmpt_sets_v aes,
157             OKL_ST_GEN_TMPT_SETS gts
158     WHERE
159             khr.pdt_id = pdt.id AND
160             pdt.aes_id = aes.id AND
161             aes.gts_id = gts.id AND
162             khr.id  = p_khr_id;
163    l_days_in_month   VARCHAR2(30);
164    l_days_in_year    VARCHAR2(30);
165   BEGIN
168     END IF;
169     l_return_status := G_RET_STS_ERROR;
170     FOR t_rec IN day_conv_csr(p_id)
171     LOOP
172       IF p_source = 'ESG'
173       THEN
174         l_days_in_month := t_rec.esg_days_in_month_code;
175       ELSE
176         l_days_in_month := t_rec.days_in_a_month_code;
177       END IF;
178       l_days_in_year := t_rec.days_in_a_year_code;
179       l_return_status := G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
180     END LOOP;
181     -- Bug 4960625: Start
182     -- If there is a record present in the OKL_K_RATE_PARAMS for the corresponding
183     --  Contract, but the Day conventions are null there, then fetch the Day conventions
184     --  from the Stream Generation Template.
185     IF l_days_in_month IS NULL OR
186        l_days_in_year IS NULL
187     THEN
188       l_return_status := G_RET_STS_ERROR;
189     END IF;
190     -- Bug 4960625: End
192           OKL_DEBUG_PUB.LOG_DEBUG(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_MODULE, l_api_name || 'Tried fetching the day convention from OKL_K_RATE_PARAMS ' || l_return_status );
193     END IF;
194     IF l_return_status <> G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
195     THEN
196       -- Fetch the day convention from the SGT assosiated to the contract
197       FOR t_rec IN get_day_conv_on_sgt_csr( p_khr_id => p_id )
198       LOOP
199         IF p_source = 'ESG'
200         THEN
201           l_days_in_month := t_rec.esg_days_in_month_code;
202         ELSE
203           l_days_in_month := t_rec.days_in_a_month_code;
204         END IF;
205         l_days_in_year  := t_rec.days_in_a_year_code;
206         l_return_status := G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
207       END LOOP;
208       IF (G_IS_DEBUG_STATEMENT_ON = true) THEN
209               OKL_DEBUG_PUB.LOG_DEBUG(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_MODULE, l_api_name || 'Tried fetching the day convention from SGT ' || l_return_status );
210       END IF;
211     END IF;
213           OKL_DEBUG_PUB.LOG_DEBUG(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_MODULE, l_api_name || 'Month / Year = ' || l_days_in_month || '/' || l_days_in_year );
214     END IF;
215     IF l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR THEN
217     END IF;
218     -- Return the values
219     x_days_in_month := l_days_in_month;
220     x_days_in_year  := l_days_in_year;
221     x_return_status := l_return_status;
224       x_return_status := G_RET_STS_ERROR;
226       x_return_status := G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
229         p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
230         p_msg_name     => G_DB_ERROR,
231         p_token1       => G_PROG_NAME_TOKEN,
232         p_token1_value => l_api_name,
233         p_token2       => G_SQLCODE_TOKEN,
234         p_token2_value => sqlcode,
235         p_token3       => G_SQLERRM_TOKEN,
236         p_token3_value => sqlerrm);
237       x_return_status := G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
238   END get_day_convention;
241   -- Get the Quick Quote Header Details
242   PROCEDURE  get_so_hdr(
243                 p_api_version       IN  NUMBER,
244                 p_init_msg_list     IN  VARCHAR2,
245                 x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
246                 x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
247                 x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
248                 p_so_id             IN  NUMBER,
249                 p_so_type           IN  VARCHAR2,
250                 x_so_hdr_rec        OUT NOCOPY so_hdr_rec_type )
251   AS
252     CURSOR so_qq_hdr_csr( p_qq_id IN NUMBER )
253     IS
254       SELECT   ID
255               ,REFERENCE_NUMBER
256               ,EXPECTED_START_DATE
257               ,CURRENCY_CODE
258               ,TERM
259               ,SALES_TERRITORY_ID
260               ,END_OF_TERM_OPTION_ID
261               ,PRICING_METHOD
262               ,STRUCTURED_PRICING
263               ,LINE_LEVEL_PRICING
264               ,LEASE_RATE_FACTOR
265               ,RATE_CARD_ID
266               ,RATE_TEMPLATE_ID
267               ,TARGET_RATE_TYPE
268               ,TARGET_RATE
269               ,TARGET_AMOUNT    -- Need to solve for this amount only ...!
270               ,TARGET_FREQUENCY
271               ,TARGET_ARREARS
272               ,TARGET_PERIODS
274         WHERE ID = p_qq_id;
275     l_so_hdr_rec        so_hdr_rec_type;
276     -- Local Variables
277     l_api_version     CONSTANT    NUMBER          DEFAULT 1.0;
278     l_api_name        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT 'get_so_hdr';
279     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
280     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.get_so_hdr';
281     l_debug_enabled VARCHAR2(10);
282     is_debug_procedure_on BOOLEAN;
283     is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN;
284   BEGIN
285     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
286     l_debug_enabled := okl_debug_pub.check_log_enabled;
287     is_debug_procedure_on := okl_debug_pub.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
288     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
289                'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call get_so_hdr');
290     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
291     is_debug_statement_on := okl_debug_pub.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
292     -- Call START_ACTIVITY to create savepoint, check compatibility
293     -- and initialize message list
294     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
295                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
296                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
297                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
298                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
299                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
300                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
301                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
302     --Check if activity started successfully
303     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
305     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
307     END IF;
308    put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
309               ': p_so_type =' || p_so_type );
310    put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
311               ': p_so_id =' || p_so_id );
312     IF (p_so_type = 'QQ')
313     THEN
314       -- Fetch the Header Information from the so_qq_hdr_csr
315       FOR t_rec in so_qq_hdr_csr(p_qq_id => p_so_id)
316       LOOP
317         l_so_hdr_rec.id                     := t_rec.id;
318         l_so_hdr_rec.so_type                := 'QQ';
319         l_so_hdr_rec.reference_number       := t_rec.reference_number ;
320         l_so_hdr_rec.expected_start_date    := t_rec.expected_start_date ;
321         l_so_hdr_rec.currency_code          := t_rec.currency_code ;
322         l_so_hdr_rec.term                   := t_rec.term ;
323         l_so_hdr_rec.sales_territory_id     := t_rec.sales_territory_id;
324         l_so_hdr_rec.end_of_term_option_id  := t_rec.end_of_term_option_id ;
325         l_so_hdr_rec.pricing_method         := t_rec.pricing_method;
326         l_so_hdr_rec.structured_pricing     := t_rec.structured_pricing;
327         l_so_hdr_rec.line_level_pricing     := t_rec.line_level_pricing;
328         l_so_hdr_rec.lease_rate_factor      := t_rec.lease_rate_factor;
329         l_so_hdr_rec.rate_card_id           := t_rec.rate_card_id ;
330         l_so_hdr_rec.rate_template_id       := t_rec.rate_template_id ;
331         l_so_hdr_rec.target_rate_type       := t_rec.target_rate_type ;
332         l_so_hdr_rec.target_rate            := t_rec.target_rate ;
333         l_so_hdr_rec.target_amount          := t_rec.target_amount ;
334         l_so_hdr_rec.target_frequency       := t_rec.target_frequency ;
335         l_so_hdr_rec.target_arrears         := t_rec.target_arrears ;
336         l_so_hdr_rec.target_periods         := t_rec.target_periods;
337       END LOOP;
338     ELSIF p_so_type = 'SQ'
339     THEN
340       -- Code to be written for handling the Standard Quote
341       NULL;
342     ELSE
343       -- Code to be written for raising an exception
344       OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE(  p_app_name     => g_app_name,
345                             p_msg_name     => g_invalid_value,
346                             p_token1       => g_col_name_token,
347                             p_token1_value => 'QQ_ID');
349     END IF;
350     x_so_hdr_rec := l_so_hdr_rec;
351     x_return_status := l_return_status;
352     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count    => x_msg_count, x_msg_data        => x_msg_data);
353     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
354             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call get_so_hdr');
357       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
358                              p_api_name  => l_api_name,
359                              p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
360                              p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
361                              x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
362                              x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
363                              p_api_type  => g_api_type);
365       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
366                             p_api_name  => l_api_name,
367                             p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
368                             p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
369                             x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
370                             x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
371                             p_api_type  => g_api_type);
373       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
374                             p_api_name  => l_api_name,
375                             p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
376                             p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
377                             x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
378                             x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
379                             p_api_type  => g_api_type);
380   END get_so_hdr;
381   -- Procedure to return the Days Per Period and Periods Per Year
382   -- This api is based on the day convention of THIRTY only !
383   -- so for x_dpp the possible return values are 30, 90, 180. 360 only.
384   PROCEDURE get_dpp_ppy(
385              p_frequency            IN  VARCHAR2,
386              x_dpp                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
387              x_ppy                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
388              x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
389   IS
390     l_api_name VARCHAR2(30):= 'get_dpp_ppy';
391   BEGIN
392     IF p_frequency = 'M'
393     THEN
394       -- Monthly
395       x_dpp := 30;
396       x_ppy := 12;
397       x_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
398       RETURN;
399     ELSIF p_frequency = 'Q'
400     THEN
401       -- Quarterly
402       x_dpp := 90;
403       x_ppy := 4;
404       x_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
405       RETURN;
406     ELSIF p_frequency = 'S'
407     THEN
408       -- Semi Anually
409       x_dpp := 180;
410       x_ppy := 2;
411       x_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
412       RETURN;
413     ELSIF p_frequency = 'A'
414     THEN
415       -- Annually
416       x_dpp := 360;
417       x_ppy := 1;
418       x_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
419       RETURN;
420     ELSE
421       -- Raise an Exception
423     END IF;
426       x_return_status := G_RET_STS_ERROR;
428       x_return_status := G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
431         p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
432         p_msg_name     => G_DB_ERROR,
433         p_token1       => G_PROG_NAME_TOKEN,
434         p_token1_value => l_api_name,
435         p_token2       => G_SQLCODE_TOKEN,
436         p_token2_value => sqlcode,
437         p_token3       => G_SQLERRM_TOKEN,
438         p_token3_value => sqlerrm);
439       x_return_status := G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
440   END get_dpp_ppy;
442   -- API to get the Item Category Details for a particular quick quote
443   PROCEDURE  get_qq_item_cat_details(
444               p_api_version         IN             NUMBER,
445               p_init_msg_list       IN             VARCHAR2,
446               x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
447               x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
448               x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
449               p_qq_id               IN             NUMBER,
450               p_pricing_method      IN             VARCHAR2,
451               x_asset_amounts_tbl   OUT NOCOPY     so_asset_details_tbl_type)
452   AS
453     -- Cursor Declarations
454     CURSOR item_cat_csr( p_qq_id NUMBER )
455     IS
456       SELECT  value
457              ,basis
458              ,nvl(nvl(end_of_term_value, end_of_term_value_default), 0) end_of_term_amount
459              ,percentage_of_total_cost
461       WHERE  qql.quick_quote_id = p_qq_id
462         AND  TYPE = G_ITEMCATEGORY_TYPE; -- Item Category Type
463     -- Cursor to fetch the EOT Type
464     CURSOR get_eot_type( p_qq_id NUMBER )
465     IS
466       SELECT  qq.id
467          ,qq.reference_number
468          ,eot.end_of_term_name
469          ,eot.eot_type_code eot_type_code
470          ,eot.end_of_term_id end_of_term_id
471          ,eotversion.end_of_term_ver_id
473           okl_fe_eo_term_vers eotversion,
474           okl_fe_eo_terms_all_b eot
475      WHERE qq.END_OF_TERM_OPTION_ID = eotversion.end_of_term_ver_id
476        AND eot.end_of_term_id = eotversion.end_of_term_id
477        AND qq.id = p_qq_id;
478     -- Local Variables
479     l_api_version     CONSTANT    NUMBER          DEFAULT 1.0;
480     l_api_name        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT 'get_qq_item_cat_details';
481     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
482     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
483                       || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
484     l_debug_enabled VARCHAR2(10);
485     is_debug_procedure_on BOOLEAN;
486     is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN;
487     -- Variables Declaration
488     l_asset_amounts_tbl           so_asset_details_tbl_type;
489     ic_index                      NUMBER;
490     l_eot_type_code               VARCHAR2(30);
491   BEGIN
492     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
494     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
495     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
497     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
498                'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
499     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
500     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
501     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
502                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
503                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
504                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
505                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
506                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
507                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
508                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
509     --Check if activity started successfully
510     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
512     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
514     END IF;
515     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
516                ': p_qq_id =' || p_qq_id );
517     -- Know the type of the EOT and then proceed with the values directly or calculate the amount
518     FOR t_rec IN get_eot_type( p_qq_id => p_qq_id  )
519     LOOP
520       l_eot_type_code := t_rec.eot_type_code;
521     END LOOP;
522     ic_index := 1;
523     FOR t_rec in item_cat_csr( p_qq_id => p_qq_id )
524     LOOP
525       -- Store the Item Category Details in the Item Categories Table also
526       IF p_pricing_method = 'SF' -- Solve for Financed Amount
527       THEN
528         l_asset_amounts_tbl(ic_index).asset_cost := NULL;
529       ELSE
530         l_asset_amounts_tbl(ic_index).asset_cost := t_rec.value;
531       END IF;
532       l_asset_amounts_tbl(ic_index).value := t_rec.value;
533       l_asset_amounts_tbl(ic_index).basis := t_rec.basis;
534       l_asset_amounts_tbl(ic_index).percentage_of_total_cost := t_rec.percentage_of_total_cost;
535       IF l_eot_type_code = 'AMOUNT' OR l_eot_type_code = 'RESIDUAL_AMOUNT'
536       THEN
537         -- End of Term Amounts has been directly mentioned in this case
538         l_asset_amounts_tbl(ic_index).end_of_term_amount := t_rec.end_of_term_amount;
539       ELSIF ( l_eot_type_code = 'PERCENT' OR l_eot_type_code = 'RESIDUAL_PERCENT' )
540       THEN
541         -- End of Term Amounts are entered in terms of percentage here
542         IF p_pricing_method = 'SF'
543         THEN
544           -- Store the equivalent percentage of the EOT Amount interms of percentage only.
545           -- Note: Both percentage_of_total_cost and end_of_term_amount are
546           --       stored in terms of percentage
547           l_asset_amounts_tbl(ic_index).end_of_term_amount :=
548             (t_rec.percentage_of_total_cost / 100 ) * (t_rec.end_of_term_amount /100);
549         ELSE
550           -- Apply the End of Term Percentage on the Asset Cost to get the EOT Amount
551           l_asset_amounts_tbl(ic_index).end_of_term_amount :=
552            t_rec.end_of_term_amount * t_rec.value / 100;
553         END IF;
554       END IF;
555       -- Increment the ic_index
556       ic_index := ic_index + 1;
557     END LOOP;
558     -- Setting up the return variables
559     x_asset_amounts_tbl := l_asset_amounts_tbl;
560     x_return_status := l_return_status;
561     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
562                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
563     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
564             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_version) );
567       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
568                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
569                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
570                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
571                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
572                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
573                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
575       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
576                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
577                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
578                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
579                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
580                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
581                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
583       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
584                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
585                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
586                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
587                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
588                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
589                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
590   END get_qq_item_cat_details;
592   PROCEDURE get_qq_asset_oec (
593               p_api_version          IN  NUMBER,
594               p_init_msg_list        IN  VARCHAR2,
595               x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
596               x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
597               x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
598               p_asset_cost           IN  NUMBER,
599               p_fin_adj_det_rec      IN  so_amt_details_rec_type,
600               x_oec                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER)
601   AS
602     -- Local Variables
603     l_api_version     CONSTANT    NUMBER          DEFAULT 1.0;
604     l_api_name        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT 'get_qq_asset_oec';
605     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
607     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
608                       || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
609     l_debug_enabled VARCHAR2(10);
610     is_debug_procedure_on BOOLEAN;
611     is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN;
613     l_oec                    NUMBER;
614     l_item_cat_percent       NUMBER;
615   BEGIN
616     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
617     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
618     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
619     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
620                               'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
621     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
622     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
623     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
624                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
625                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
626                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
627                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
628                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
629                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
630                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
631     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
633     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
635     END IF;
636     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',':Start ' );
637     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S', 'p_asset_cost=' || p_asset_cost );
639     l_oec := p_asset_cost;
640     l_item_cat_percent := 0;
641     -- Dealing with the downpayment amount
642     IF p_fin_adj_det_rec.down_payment_basis = G_FIXED_BASIS
643     THEN
644       l_oec := l_oec - p_fin_adj_det_rec.down_payment_amount;
645       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
646                  'Down Payment Amount= '||  p_fin_adj_det_rec.down_payment_amount );
647     ELSIF p_fin_adj_det_rec.down_payment_basis = G_QQ_ASSET_COST_BASIS
648     THEN
649       l_item_cat_percent := nvl(l_item_cat_percent, 0 ) + p_fin_adj_det_rec.down_payment_value;
650       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
651                  'Down payment percentage ' || p_fin_adj_det_rec.down_payment_value );
652     END IF;
653     IF p_fin_adj_det_rec.tradein_basis = G_FIXED_BASIS
654     THEN
655       l_oec := l_oec - p_fin_adj_det_rec.tradein_amount;
656       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
657                  'Trade-in Amount= '||  p_fin_adj_det_rec.tradein_amount );
658     ELSIF p_fin_adj_det_rec.tradein_basis = G_QQ_ASSET_COST_BASIS
659     THEN
660       l_item_cat_percent := nvl(l_item_cat_percent, 0 ) + p_fin_adj_det_rec.tradein_value;
661       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
662                  'Trade-in %age = ' || p_fin_adj_det_rec.tradein_value );
663     END IF;
664     IF p_fin_adj_det_rec.subsidy_basis_tbl IS NOT NULL AND
665        p_fin_adj_det_rec.subsidy_basis_tbl.COUNT > 0
666     THEN
667       FOR t in p_fin_adj_det_rec.subsidy_basis_tbl.FIRST ..
668                p_fin_adj_det_rec.subsidy_basis_tbl.LAST
669       LOOP
670         IF p_fin_adj_det_rec.subsidy_basis_tbl(t) = G_FIXED_BASIS
671         THEN
672           l_oec := l_oec - p_fin_adj_det_rec.subsidy_value_tbl(t);
673           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
674                      'Subsidy Amount(' || t || ')= '||  p_fin_adj_det_rec.subsidy_value_tbl(t) );
675         ELSIF p_fin_adj_det_rec.subsidy_basis_tbl(t) = G_QQ_ASSET_COST_BASIS
676         THEN
677           l_item_cat_percent := nvl(l_item_cat_percent, 0 ) + p_fin_adj_det_rec.subsidy_value_tbl(t);
678           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
679                      'Subsidy(' || t || ') %age =' || p_fin_adj_det_rec.subsidy_value_tbl(t) );
680         END IF;
681       END LOOP;
682     END IF;
683     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
684                'l_item_cat_percent=' || nvl( l_item_cat_percent,0) );
685     -- Calculate the final OEC of the Asset !
686     l_oec := l_oec - ( p_asset_cost * l_item_cat_percent / 100 );
687     IF l_oec > 0
688     THEN
689       -- Valid! Do Nothing!
690       NULL;
691     ELSE
692       -- Item OEC should be greater than zero !
693       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
694                  ' Asset OEC should be greater than zero !! p_asset_cost= '|| p_asset_cost );
695       -- Show an error Message OKL_LP_FIN_ADJ_AMT_LESS
697         p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
698         p_msg_name     => 'OKL_LP_FIN_ADJ_AMT_LESS');
700     END IF;
701     -- Setting up the retun values
702     x_oec := l_oec;
703     x_return_status := l_return_status;
704     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
705                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
706     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
707             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_version) );
710       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
711                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
712                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
713                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
714                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
715                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
716                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
719       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
720                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
721                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
722                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
723                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
724                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
725                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
728       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
729                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
730                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
731                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
732                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
733                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
734                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
735   END get_qq_asset_oec;
737   -- API to get the Capital Cost, Subsidy Amount,
738   -- Down Payment Amount, Trade in Amount for a particular Quick Quote
739   -- Accepts quick quote id
740   PROCEDURE  get_qq_fin_adj_details(
741               p_api_version          IN  NUMBER,
742               p_init_msg_list        IN  VARCHAR2,
743               x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
744               x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
745               x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
746               p_qq_id                IN  NUMBER,
747               p_pricing_method       IN  VARCHAR2,
748               p_item_category_amount IN  NUMBER,
749               x_all_amounts_rec      OUT NOCOPY so_amt_details_rec_type)
750   AS
751     -- Cursor to fetch the Quick Quote Financial Adjustment Details
752     --  like Down Payment, Tradein, Subsidy
753     CURSOR fin_adj_csr( p_qq_id NUMBER )
754     IS
755       SELECT  type
756              ,basis
757              ,value
759       WHERE  qql.quick_quote_id = p_qq_id
760         AND  TYPE IN ( G_DOWNPAYMENT_TYPE,  -- Down Payment Type
761                        G_TRADEIN_TYPE,      -- Trade in Type
762                        G_SUBSIDY_TYPE       -- Subsidy Type
763                      )
764       ORDER BY TYPE;
765     -- Local Variables
766     l_all_amounts_rec                 so_amt_details_rec_type;
767     l_api_version          CONSTANT   NUMBER          DEFAULT 1.0;
768     l_api_name             CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT 'get_qq_fin_adj_details';
769     l_return_status                   VARCHAR2(1);
770     l_module               CONSTANT   fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE
771                                              := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.get_qq_fin_adjustments';
772     l_debug_enabled                   VARCHAR2(10);
773     is_debug_procedure_on             BOOLEAN;
774     is_debug_statement_on             BOOLEAN;
776     sub_index                         NUMBER;
777   BEGIN
778     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
779     l_debug_enabled := okl_debug_pub.check_log_enabled;
780     is_debug_procedure_on := okl_debug_pub.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
781     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
782                'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call get_qq_fin_adjustments');
783     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
784     is_debug_statement_on := okl_debug_pub.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
785     -- Call START_ACTIVITY to create savepoint, check compatibility
786     -- and initialize message list
787     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
788                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
789                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
790                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
791                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
792                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
793                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
794                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
795     --Check if activity started successfully
796     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
798     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
800     END IF;
801     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',':Start ' );
802     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',' p_qq_id   : '  || p_qq_id);
803     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',' p_pricing_method : '  || p_pricing_method  );
804     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',' p_item_category_amount ' ||  p_item_category_amount);
805     sub_index := 1;
806     FOR t_rec in fin_adj_csr( p_qq_id => p_qq_id )
807     LOOP
808       IF t_rec.type = G_DOWNPAYMENT_TYPE
809       THEN
810         l_all_amounts_rec.down_payment_basis := t_rec.basis;
811         l_all_amounts_rec.down_payment_value := t_rec.value;
812       ELSIF t_rec.type = G_SUBSIDY_TYPE
813       THEN
814         l_all_amounts_rec.subsidy_basis_tbl(sub_index) := t_rec.basis;
815         l_all_amounts_rec.subsidy_value_tbl(sub_index) := t_rec.value;
816         -- Increment the sub_index
817         sub_index := sub_index + 1;
818       ELSIF t_rec.type = G_TRADEIN_TYPE
819       THEN
820         l_all_amounts_rec.tradein_basis := t_rec.basis;
821         l_all_amounts_rec.tradein_value := t_rec.value;
822       END IF;
823     END LOOP;
824     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
825                ' Looped on fin_adj_csr successfully ! ' );
826     -- Basis for Down Payment/Subsidy/Trade can be
827     --    FIXED      : Amount directly
828     --    ASSET_COST : Percentage of Asset Cost
829     IF l_all_amounts_rec.down_payment_basis = G_FIXED_BASIS
830     THEN
831       -- Store the downpayment value directly in the downpayment_amount
832       l_all_amounts_rec.down_payment_amount := l_all_amounts_rec.down_payment_value;
833     ELSE
834       -- Basis will be ASSET_COST, so apply the %age in the value on the total items cost
835       IF p_pricing_method <> 'SF'
836       THEN
837         l_all_amounts_rec.down_payment_amount :=
838             p_item_category_amount * l_all_amounts_rec.down_payment_value / 100;
839       ELSE
840         -- What to do in this case
841         NULL;
842       END IF;
843     END IF;
844     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
845                ' Down Payment Details: Basis=' || l_all_amounts_rec.down_payment_basis
846                || ' | Value=' || l_all_amounts_rec.down_payment_value
847                || ' Amount=' || l_all_amounts_rec.down_payment_amount );
848     IF l_all_amounts_rec.subsidy_basis_tbl IS NOT NULL AND
849        l_all_amounts_rec.subsidy_basis_tbl.COUNT > 0
850     THEN
851       FOR t IN l_all_amounts_rec.subsidy_basis_tbl.FIRST ..
852                l_all_amounts_rec.subsidy_basis_tbl.LAST
853       LOOP
854         IF l_all_amounts_rec.subsidy_basis_tbl(t) = G_FIXED_BASIS
855         THEN
856           -- Store the downpayment value directly in the downpayment_amount
857           l_all_amounts_rec.subsidy_amount := nvl(l_all_amounts_rec.subsidy_amount, 0 ) +
858                                                   l_all_amounts_rec.subsidy_value_tbl(t);
859         ELSE
860           IF p_pricing_method <> 'SF'
861           THEN
862             l_all_amounts_rec.subsidy_amount := nvl(l_all_amounts_rec.subsidy_amount, 0 ) +
863                 (p_item_category_amount * l_all_amounts_rec.subsidy_value_tbl(t) / 100 );
864           ELSE
865             -- What to do in this case
866             NULL;
867           END IF;
868         END IF;  -- IF l_all_amounts_rec.subsidy_basis = G_FIXED_BASIS
869         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
870                    ' Subsidy Details: Basis=' || l_all_amounts_rec.subsidy_basis_tbl(t)
871                    || ' | Value=' || l_all_amounts_rec.subsidy_value_tbl(t)
872                    || ' Amount=' || l_all_amounts_rec.subsidy_amount );
873       END LOOP; -- Loop on the Subsidy Table
874     END IF;
876     IF l_all_amounts_rec.tradein_basis = G_FIXED_BASIS
877     THEN
878       -- Store the downpayment value directly in the downpayment_amount
879       l_all_amounts_rec.tradein_amount := l_all_amounts_rec.tradein_value;
880     ELSE
881       IF p_pricing_method <> 'SF'
882       THEN
883         l_all_amounts_rec.tradein_amount :=
884             p_item_category_amount * l_all_amounts_rec.tradein_value / 100;
885       ELSE
886         -- What to do in this case
887         NULL;
888       END IF;
889     END IF; --IF l_all_amounts_rec.tradein_basis = G_FIXED_BASIS
890     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
891               ' Trade-in Details: Basis=' || l_all_amounts_rec.tradein_basis
892              || ' | Value=' || l_all_amounts_rec.tradein_value
893              || ' Amount=' || l_all_amounts_rec.tradein_amount );
894     -- Return the values ..
895     x_all_amounts_rec    := l_all_amounts_rec;
896     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
897                l_api_name || ':End ' );
898     x_return_status      := l_return_status;
899     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count    => x_msg_count, x_msg_data        => x_msg_data);
900     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
901                'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call get_qq_details');
904       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
905                              p_api_name  => l_api_name,
906                              p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
907                              p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
908                              x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
909                              x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
910                              p_api_type  => g_api_type);
912       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
913                             p_api_name  => l_api_name,
914                             p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
915                             p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
916                             x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
917                             x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
918                             p_api_type  => g_api_type);
920       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
921                             p_api_name  => l_api_name,
922                             p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
923                             p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
924                             x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
925                             x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
926                             p_api_type  => g_api_type);
927   END get_qq_fin_adj_details;
929   PROCEDURE get_qq_sgt_day_convention(
930                 p_api_version       IN  NUMBER,
931                 p_init_msg_list     IN  VARCHAR2,
932                 x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
933                 x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
934                 x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
935                 p_qq_id                IN NUMBER,
936                 x_days_in_month        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
937                 x_days_in_year         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
938   AS
939     -- Local Variables
940     l_api_version     CONSTANT    NUMBER          DEFAULT 1.0;
941     l_api_name        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT 'get_qq_sgt_day_convention';
942     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
943     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
944                       || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
945     l_debug_enabled VARCHAR2(10);
946     is_debug_procedure_on BOOLEAN;
947     is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN;
948     -- Cursor declarations
949     CURSOR get_sgt_day_convention_csr( p_qq_id   NUMBER )
950     IS
951       SELECT gts.days_in_month_code days_in_month,
952              gts.days_in_yr_code days_in_year,
953              gts.id  gts_id,
954              pdt.id  pdt_id
955       FROM  okl_fe_eo_terms_all_b eot
956            ,okl_fe_eo_term_vers eov
957            ,okl_quick_quotes_b qqh
958            ,okl_products pdt
959            ,okl_ae_tmpt_sets aes
960            ,okl_st_gen_tmpt_sets gts
961       WHERE qqh.end_of_term_option_id = eov.end_of_term_ver_id
962         AND eov.end_of_term_id = eot.end_of_term_id
963         AND eot.product_id = pdt.id
964         AND pdt.aes_id = aes.id
965         AND aes.gts_id = gts.id
966         AND qqh.id = p_qq_id;
967     get_sgt_day_convention_rec   get_sgt_day_convention_csr%ROWTYPE;
969   BEGIN
970     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
971     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
972     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
973     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
974                               'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
975     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
976     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
977                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
978                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
979                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
980                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
981                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
982                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
983                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
984     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
986     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
988     END IF;
989     -- Fetch the day convention from the SGT assosiated to the QQ ..
990     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
991     FOR t_rec IN get_sgt_day_convention_csr( p_qq_id => p_qq_id )
992     LOOP
993       get_sgt_day_convention_rec := t_rec;
994       l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
995     END LOOP;
996     IF l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR
997     THEN
998       -- Show the error message and then error out ..
999       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
1000                   'Unable to pick the day convention from the SGT ');
1001       OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
1002         p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
1003         p_msg_name     => 'OKL_LP_INVALID_SGT');
1005     END IF;
1006     -- Return the Days per month n Year ..
1007     x_days_in_month := get_sgt_day_convention_rec.days_in_month;
1008     x_days_in_year  := get_sgt_day_convention_rec.days_in_year;
1009     -- Return the status ..
1010     x_return_status      := l_return_status;
1011     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
1012                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
1013     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
1014             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_version) );
1017       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
1018                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
1019                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
1020                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
1021                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
1022                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
1023                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
1025       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
1026                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
1027                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
1028                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
1029                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
1030                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
1031                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
1033       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
1034                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
1035                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
1036                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
1037                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
1038                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
1039                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
1040   END get_qq_sgt_day_convention;
1042  PROCEDURE get_lq_sgt_day_convention(
1043                 p_api_version       IN  NUMBER,
1044                 p_init_msg_list     IN  VARCHAR2,
1045                 x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1046                 x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1047                 x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1048                 p_lq_id                IN NUMBER,
1049                 x_days_in_month        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1050                 x_days_in_year         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
1051   AS
1052     -- Local Variables
1053     l_api_version     CONSTANT    NUMBER          DEFAULT 1.0;
1054     l_api_name        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT 'get_lq_sgt_day_convention';
1055     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
1056     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
1057                       || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
1058     l_debug_enabled VARCHAR2(10);
1059     is_debug_procedure_on BOOLEAN;
1060     is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN;
1061     -- Cursor declarations
1062     CURSOR get_sgt_day_convention_csr( p_lq_id   NUMBER )
1063     IS
1064       SELECT gts.days_in_month_code days_in_month,
1065              gts.days_in_yr_code days_in_year,
1066              gts.id  gts_id,
1067              pdt.id  pdt_id
1068       FROM  okl_lease_quotes_b lqh
1069            ,okl_products pdt
1070            ,okl_ae_tmpt_sets aes
1071            ,okl_st_gen_tmpt_sets gts
1072       WHERE lqh.product_id = pdt.id
1073         AND pdt.aes_id = aes.id
1074         AND aes.gts_id = gts.id
1075         AND lqh.id = p_lq_id;
1076     get_sgt_day_convention_rec   get_sgt_day_convention_csr%ROWTYPE;
1078   BEGIN
1079     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1080     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
1081     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
1082     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
1083                               'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
1084     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
1085     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
1086                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
1087                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
1088                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
1089                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
1090                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
1091                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
1092                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
1093     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
1095     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
1097     END IF;
1098     -- Fetch the day convention from the SGT assosiated to the QQ ..
1099     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1100     FOR t_rec IN get_sgt_day_convention_csr( p_lq_id => p_lq_id )
1101     LOOP
1102       get_sgt_day_convention_rec := t_rec;
1103       l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1104     END LOOP;
1105     IF l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR
1106     THEN
1107       -- Show the error message and then error out ..
1108       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
1109                   'Unable to pick the day convention from the SGT ');
1110       OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
1111         p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
1112         p_msg_name     => 'OKL_LP_INVALID_SGT');
1114     END IF;
1115     -- Return the Days per month n Year ..
1116     x_days_in_month := get_sgt_day_convention_rec.days_in_month;
1117     x_days_in_year  := get_sgt_day_convention_rec.days_in_year;
1118     -- Return the status ..
1119     x_return_status      := l_return_status;
1120     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
1121                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
1122     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
1123             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_version) );
1126       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
1127                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
1128                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
1129                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
1130                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
1131                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
1132                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
1134       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
1135                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
1136                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
1137                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
1138                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
1139                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
1140                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
1142       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
1143                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
1144                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
1145                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
1146                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
1147                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
1148                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
1149   END get_lq_sgt_day_convention;
1151   -- API to get the Cash flows and Cash Flow Levels for Quick Quote
1152   --  when the pricing option is STRUCTURED PRICING
1153   PROCEDURE  get_qq_cash_flows(
1154               p_api_version          IN  NUMBER,
1155               p_init_msg_list        IN  VARCHAR2,
1156               x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1157               x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1158               x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1159               p_cf_source_type       IN  VARCHAR2,
1160               p_qq_id                IN  NUMBER,  -- Can be QQ/LQ/Asset ID/Fee ID Id ..
1161               x_days_in_month        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1162               x_days_in_year         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1163               x_cash_flow_rec        OUT NOCOPY so_cash_flows_rec_type,
1164               x_cash_flow_det_tbl    OUT NOCOPY so_cash_flow_details_tbl_type)
1165   AS
1166     -- Cursor Declarations
1167     -- Cursor to fetch the Quick Quotes Cash Flow Details
1168     CURSOR qq_cash_flows_csr( p_qq_id NUMBER )
1169     IS
1170       SELECT   cf.id  caf_id
1171               ,dnz_khr_id khr_id
1172               ,dnz_qte_id qte_id
1173               ,cfo_id cfo_id
1174               ,sts_code sts_code
1175               ,sty_id sty_id
1176               ,cft_code cft_code
1177               ,due_arrears_yn due_arrears_yn
1178               ,start_date start_date
1179               ,number_of_advance_periods number_of_advance_periods
1180               ,oty_code oty_code
1181       FROM    OKL_CASH_FLOWS         cf,
1182               OKL_CASH_FLOW_OBJECTS  cfo
1183      WHERE    cf.cfo_id = cfo.id
1184        AND    cfo.source_table = p_cf_source_type
1185        AND    cfo.source_id = p_qq_id
1186        AND    cf.sts_code = 'CURRENT';
1187     -- Cursor to fetch the Cash Flow Details
1188     CURSOR qq_cash_flow_levels_csr( p_caf_id NUMBER )
1189     IS
1190       SELECT  id cfl_id
1191              ,caf_id
1192              ,fqy_code
1193              ,rate  -- No rate is defined at Cash Flows Level.. Need to confirm
1194              ,stub_days
1195              ,stub_amount
1196              ,number_of_periods
1197              ,amount
1198              ,start_date
1200        WHERE caf_id = p_caf_id
1201       ORDER BY start_date;
1202     -- Cursor Declarations for fetching the Lease Quote ID
1203     CURSOR get_ass_lq_id_csr( p_ast_id NUMBER )
1204     IS
1205       SELECT  ast.parent_object_id lq_id
1206         FROM  okl_assets_b ast
1207        WHERE  ast.id = p_ast_id;
1208     CURSOR get_fee_lq_id_csr( p_fee_id NUMBER )
1209     IS
1210       SELECT fee.parent_object_id lq_id
1211        FROM  okl_fees_b fee
1212       WHERE  fee.id = p_fee_id;
1214     -- Local Variables
1215     l_api_version     CONSTANT    NUMBER          DEFAULT 1.0;
1216     l_api_name        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT 'get_qq_cash_flows';
1217     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
1218     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
1219                       || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
1220     l_debug_enabled VARCHAR2(10);
1221     is_debug_procedure_on BOOLEAN;
1222     is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN;
1223     -- Declarations
1224     l_cash_flow_rec        so_cash_flows_rec_type;
1225     l_cash_flow_det_tbl    so_cash_flow_details_tbl_type;
1226     cfl_index              NUMBER;
1227     l_qq_id                NUMBER;
1228   BEGIN
1229     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1230     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
1231     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
1232     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
1233                               'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
1234     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
1235     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
1236     -- Call START_ACTIVITY to create savepoint, check compatibility
1237     -- and initialize message list
1238     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
1239                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
1240                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
1241                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
1242                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
1243                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
1244                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
1245                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
1246     --Check if activity started successfully
1247     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
1249     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
1251     END IF;
1252     -- Use l_return_status as a flag
1253     -- Fetching the Cash Flows Information
1254     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1255     FOR t_rec in qq_cash_flows_csr( p_qq_id )
1256     LOOP
1257       l_cash_flow_rec.caf_id   := t_rec.caf_id;
1258       l_cash_flow_rec.khr_id   := t_rec.khr_id;
1259       l_cash_flow_rec.khr_id   := t_rec.khr_id;
1260       l_cash_flow_rec.qte_id   := t_rec.qte_id;
1261       l_cash_flow_rec.cfo_id   := t_rec.cfo_id;
1262       l_cash_flow_rec.sts_code := t_rec.sts_code;
1263       l_cash_flow_rec.sty_id   := t_rec.sty_id;
1264       l_cash_flow_rec.cft_code := t_rec.cft_code;
1265       l_cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn := t_rec.due_arrears_yn;
1266       l_cash_flow_rec.start_date     := t_rec.start_date;
1267       l_cash_flow_rec.number_of_advance_periods := t_rec.number_of_advance_periods;
1268       -- Use l_retun_status as a flag
1269       l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1270     END LOOP;
1271     -- Fetch the Cash Flow Levels information only if the Cash Flow is present..
1272     IF l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
1273     THEN
1274       cfl_index := 1;
1275       -- Cash Flows exists. So, fetch the Cash Flow Levels
1276       FOR t_rec in qq_cash_flow_levels_csr( l_cash_flow_rec.caf_id )
1277       LOOP
1278         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).cfl_id   := t_rec.cfl_id;
1279         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).caf_id   := t_rec.caf_id;
1280         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).fqy_code   := t_rec.fqy_code;
1281         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).rate       := t_rec.rate;
1282         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).stub_days   := t_rec.stub_days;
1283         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).stub_amount   := t_rec.stub_amount;
1284         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).number_of_periods   := t_rec.number_of_periods;
1285         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).amount := t_rec.amount;
1286         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).start_date := t_rec.start_date;
1287         -- Remember the flag whether its a stub payment or not
1288         IF t_rec.stub_days IS NOT NULL --and t_rec.stub_amount IS NOT NULL
1289         THEN
1290           -- Stub Payment
1291           l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).is_stub := 'Y';
1292         ELSE
1293           -- Regular Periodic Payment
1294           l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).is_stub := 'N';
1295         END IF;
1296         -- Use l_retun_status as a flag
1297         l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1298         -- Increment i
1299         cfl_index := cfl_index + 1;
1300       END LOOP;
1301     ELSE
1302       l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1303     END IF;
1304     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
1305                'p_cf_source_type =' || p_cf_source_type || 'p_qq_id = ' || p_qq_id);
1306     IF p_cf_source_type =  G_CF_SOURCE_QQ-- Quick Quote
1307     THEN
1308       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
1309                    'Fetching Quick Quote Day convention from the SGT' );
1310       -- Fetch the day convention from the Stream Generation Template ...
1311       get_qq_sgt_day_convention(
1312         p_api_version       => p_api_version,
1313         p_init_msg_list     => p_init_msg_list,
1314         x_return_status     => l_return_status,
1315         x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
1316         x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
1317         p_qq_id             => p_qq_id,
1318         x_days_in_month     => x_days_in_month,
1319         x_days_in_year      => x_days_in_year);
1320       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
1321                 'After get_qq_sgt_day_convention ' || l_return_status );
1322     ELSIF p_cf_source_type = G_CF_SOURCE_LQ OR-- Lease Quote
1323           p_cf_source_type = G_CF_SOURCE_LQ_ASS OR
1324           p_cf_source_type = G_CF_SOURCE_LQ_FEE
1325     THEN
1326       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
1327                    'Fetching Lease Quote Day convention from the SGT' );
1328       l_qq_id := p_qq_id;
1329       IF  p_cf_source_type = G_CF_SOURCE_LQ_ASS
1330       THEN
1331         FOR t_rec IN get_ass_lq_id_csr( p_ast_id => l_qq_id )
1332         LOOP
1333           l_qq_id := t_rec.lq_id;
1334         END LOOP;
1335       ELSIF p_cf_source_type = G_CF_SOURCE_LQ_FEE
1336       THEN
1337         FOR t_rec IN get_fee_lq_id_csr( p_fee_id => l_qq_id )
1338         LOOP
1339           l_qq_id := t_rec.lq_id;
1340         END LOOP;
1341       END IF;
1342       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
1343                 'Fetched Lease Qutoe ID  ' || l_qq_id );
1344       get_lq_sgt_day_convention(
1345         p_api_version       => p_api_version,
1346         p_init_msg_list     => p_init_msg_list,
1347         x_return_status     => l_return_status,
1348         x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
1349         x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
1350         p_lq_id             => l_qq_id,
1351         x_days_in_month     => x_days_in_month,
1352         x_days_in_year      => x_days_in_year);
1353       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
1354                 'After get_lq_sgt_day_convention ' || l_return_status );
1355     END IF;
1356     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
1358     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
1360     END IF;
1361     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
1362                  x_days_in_month || ' / ' || x_days_in_year);
1363     -- Setting the return variables ..
1364     x_cash_flow_rec      := l_cash_flow_rec;
1365     x_cash_flow_det_tbl  := l_cash_flow_det_tbl;
1366     x_return_status      := l_return_status;
1367     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
1368                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
1369     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
1370             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_version) );
1373       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
1374                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
1375                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
1376                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
1377                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
1378                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
1379                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
1381       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
1382                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
1383                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
1384                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
1385                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
1386                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
1387                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
1389       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
1390                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
1391                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
1392                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
1393                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
1394                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
1395                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
1396   END get_qq_cash_flows;
1398   -- API to get the Cash flows and Cash Flow Levels for Fees and Services
1399   PROCEDURE  get_fee_srvc_cash_flows(
1400               p_api_version          IN  NUMBER,
1401               p_init_msg_list        IN  VARCHAR2,
1402               x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1403               x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1404               x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1405               p_hdr_rec              IN  so_hdr_rec_type,
1406               p_tot_item_cat_cost    IN  NUMBER,
1407               p_tot_rent_payment     IN  NUMBER,
1408               x_fee_srv_tbl          OUT NOCOPY so_fee_srv_tbl_type)
1409   AS
1410     -- Cursor Declarations
1411     -- Cursor to fetch the Fees and Services Details !!
1412     --  like Expenses, Fee Payments, Services, Tax and Insurance !
1413     CURSOR fee_n_service_csr( p_qq_id NUMBER )
1414     IS
1415       SELECT  qql.id    qq_line_id
1416              ,qql.type  type
1417              ,qql.basis basis
1418              ,qql.value value
1420       WHERE  qql.quick_quote_id = p_qq_id
1421         AND  TYPE IN (G_QQ_FEE_EXPENSE,
1422                       G_QQ_FEE_PAYMENT)
1423       ORDER BY TYPE;
1424     -- Cursor to fetch the Quick Quotes Cash Flow Details
1425     CURSOR qq_cash_flows_csr( p_qq_line_id NUMBER)
1426     IS
1427       SELECT   cf.id  caf_id
1428               ,dnz_khr_id khr_id
1429               ,dnz_qte_id qte_id
1430               ,cfo_id cfo_id
1431               ,sts_code sts_code
1432               ,sty_id sty_id
1433               ,cft_code cft_code
1434               ,due_arrears_yn due_arrears_yn
1435               ,start_date start_date
1436               ,number_of_advance_periods number_of_advance_periods
1437               ,oty_code oty_code
1438       FROM    OKL_CASH_FLOWS         cf,
1439               OKL_CASH_FLOW_OBJECTS  cfo
1440      WHERE    cf.cfo_id = cfo.id
1441        AND    cfo.source_table = 'OKL_QUICK_QUOTE_LINES_B'
1442        AND    cfo.source_id = p_qq_line_id;
1443     -- Cursor to fetch the Cash Flow Details
1444     CURSOR qq_cash_flow_levels_csr( p_caf_id NUMBER )
1445     IS
1446       SELECT  id cfl_id
1447              ,caf_id
1448              ,fqy_code
1449              ,rate
1450              ,stub_days
1451              ,stub_amount
1452              ,number_of_periods
1453              ,amount
1454              ,start_date
1456        WHERE caf_id = p_caf_id
1457       ORDER BY start_date;
1458     -- Local Variables
1459     l_api_version     CONSTANT    NUMBER          DEFAULT 1.0;
1460     l_api_name        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT 'get_fee_srvc_cash_flows';
1461     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
1462     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
1463                       || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
1464     l_debug_enabled VARCHAR2(10);
1465     is_debug_procedure_on BOOLEAN;
1466     is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN;
1467     -- Declarations
1468     l_fee_srv_tbl          so_fee_srv_tbl_type;
1469     l_cash_flow_rec        so_cash_flows_rec_type;
1470     l_cash_flow_level_tbl  so_cash_flow_details_tbl_type;
1471     fin_index              NUMBER;  -- Index for the l_fee_srv_tbl
1472     cfl_index              NUMBER;  -- Index for the l_fee_srv_tbl.cash_flow_level_tbl
1473     l_hdr_rec              so_hdr_rec_type;
1474     l_fee_srv_tot_payment  NUMBER;
1475     l_tot_item_cat_cost    NUMBER;
1476     l_tot_rent_payment     NUMBER;
1477     l_override_cf_amt      BOOLEAN;
1478     l_tot_periods          NUMBER;
1479     l_periodic_amt         NUMBER;
1480   BEGIN
1481     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1482     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
1483     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
1484     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
1485                               'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
1486     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
1487     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
1488     -- Call START_ACTIVITY to create savepoint, check compatibility
1489     -- and initialize message list
1490     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
1491                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
1492                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
1493                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
1494                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
1495                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
1496                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
1497                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
1498     --Check if activity started successfully
1499     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
1501     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
1503     END IF;
1504     l_hdr_rec := p_hdr_rec;
1505     fin_index := 1;  -- Initialize the fin_index .. !
1506     l_tot_item_cat_cost    := p_tot_item_cat_cost;
1507     l_tot_rent_payment     := p_tot_rent_payment;
1508     l_tot_periods := 0;
1509     FOR fin_rec IN fee_n_service_csr( p_qq_id => l_hdr_rec.id )
1510     LOOP
1511       -- Store the type, value, basis into l_fin_adj_table
1512       l_fee_srv_tbl(fin_index).type  := fin_rec.type;
1513       l_fee_srv_tbl(fin_index).basis := fin_rec.basis;
1514       l_fee_srv_tbl(fin_index).value := fin_rec.value;
1515       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
1516               ': Line ID | Line Type | Line Basis | Line Value ');
1517       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
1518               fin_rec.qq_line_id || ' | ' || fin_rec.type || ' | ' ||
1519               fin_rec.basis || ' | ' || fin_rec.value);
1520       FOR cf_rec IN qq_cash_flows_csr( p_qq_line_id => fin_rec.qq_line_id )
1521       LOOP
1522         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
1523               ': Fetched the Cash Flow Rec for Line ID ' ||fin_rec.qq_line_id );
1524         l_cash_flow_rec.caf_id   := cf_rec.caf_id;
1525         l_cash_flow_rec.khr_id   := cf_rec.khr_id;
1526         l_cash_flow_rec.khr_id   := cf_rec.khr_id;
1527         l_cash_flow_rec.qte_id   := cf_rec.qte_id;
1528         l_cash_flow_rec.cfo_id   := cf_rec.cfo_id;
1529         l_cash_flow_rec.sts_code := cf_rec.sts_code;
1530         l_cash_flow_rec.sty_id   := cf_rec.sty_id;
1531         l_cash_flow_rec.cft_code := cf_rec.cft_code;
1532         l_cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn := cf_rec.due_arrears_yn;
1533         l_cash_flow_rec.start_date     := cf_rec.start_date;
1534         l_cash_flow_rec.number_of_advance_periods := cf_rec.number_of_advance_periods;
1535         -- Store the cash flow record @ index fin_index in table l_fee_srv_tbl
1536         l_fee_srv_tbl(fin_index).cash_flow_rec := l_cash_flow_rec;
1537         -- Retrieve the Cash flow levels ..
1538         cfl_index := 1;  -- Initialize the cfl_index
1539         l_cash_flow_level_tbl.DELETE;
1540         -- Here we need to decide based on the basis type
1541         --  whether we can st. away use the amount mentioned in the DB Cash flow levels
1542         --  or ISG has to calculate the periodic payment amount !
1543         l_override_cf_amt := FALSE;
1544         l_fee_srv_tot_payment := NULL;
1545         IF ( l_fee_srv_tbl(fin_index).basis = 'RENT' ) AND
1546            ( ( l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'TR' AND l_hdr_rec.target_rate_type = 'IIR' )
1547              OR l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'SP'
1548              OR l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'RC' )
1549         THEN
1550           -- When the fee/srv. basis is %age of asset cost and
1551           -- pricing method is SP/TR/RC then we need to build the cash flow levels
1552           --  instead of using the existing cash flows in the DB.
1553           l_fee_srv_tot_payment := l_fee_srv_tbl(fin_index).value * 0.01 * l_tot_rent_payment;
1554           l_override_cf_amt := TRUE;
1555         ELSIF  l_fee_srv_tbl(fin_index).basis = 'ASSET_COST'  AND
1556                l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'SF'
1557         THEN
1558           -- When pricing method is SF, ISG wuld have solved for financed
1559           --  amount, so use this amount on which the %age will be applied.
1560           l_fee_srv_tot_payment := l_fee_srv_tbl(fin_index).value * 0.01 * l_tot_item_cat_cost ;
1561           l_override_cf_amt := TRUE;
1562         END IF;
1563         IF l_override_cf_amt
1564         THEN
1565           l_tot_periods := 0;
1566           FOR cfl_rec IN qq_cash_flow_levels_csr( p_caf_id => l_cash_flow_rec.caf_id )
1567           LOOP
1568             l_tot_periods := l_tot_periods + nvl( cfl_rec.number_of_periods, 0 );
1569           END LOOP;
1570           l_periodic_amt := l_fee_srv_tot_payment/l_tot_periods;
1571           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
1572                 ':******* Overriding the cash flow level amount ' || fin_rec.qq_line_id );
1573           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
1574               'l_tot_item_cat_cost | l_tot_rent_payment | l_fee_srv_tot_payment | Periodic Amount' );
1575           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
1576               round(l_tot_item_cat_cost, 4) || ' | ' ||
1577               round(l_tot_rent_payment, 4) || ' | ' ||
1578               round(l_fee_srv_tot_payment, 4)  || ' | ' ||
1579               round(l_periodic_amt, 4));
1580         END IF;
1582         FOR cfl_rec IN qq_cash_flow_levels_csr( p_caf_id => l_cash_flow_rec.caf_id )
1583         LOOP
1584           l_cash_flow_level_tbl(cfl_index).cfl_id   := cfl_rec.cfl_id;
1585           l_cash_flow_level_tbl(cfl_index).caf_id   := cfl_rec.caf_id;
1586           l_cash_flow_level_tbl(cfl_index).fqy_code := cfl_rec.fqy_code;
1587           l_cash_flow_level_tbl(cfl_index).locked_amt := 'Y';  -- For QQ Fee Expense/Payments always lock the amt.
1588           IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'TR' AND l_hdr_rec.target_rate_type = 'PIRR'
1589           THEN
1590             l_cash_flow_level_tbl(cfl_index).rate := l_hdr_rec.target_rate; -- Rate is being stored as %age
1591           ELSE
1592             l_cash_flow_level_tbl(cfl_index).rate := cfl_rec.rate;
1593           END IF;
1594           l_cash_flow_level_tbl(cfl_index).stub_days   := cfl_rec.stub_days;
1595           l_cash_flow_level_tbl(cfl_index).stub_amount := cfl_rec.stub_amount;
1596           l_cash_flow_level_tbl(cfl_index).number_of_periods := cfl_rec.number_of_periods;
1597           IF l_override_cf_amt
1598           THEN
1599             -- Calculate the periodic amount, dividing by the number of periods
1600             l_cash_flow_level_tbl(cfl_index).amount := l_periodic_amt;
1601           ELSE
1602             l_cash_flow_level_tbl(cfl_index).amount := cfl_rec.amount;
1603           END IF;
1604           l_cash_flow_level_tbl(cfl_index).start_date  := cfl_rec.start_date;
1605           -- Remember the flag whether its a stub payment or not
1606           IF cfl_rec.stub_days IS NOT NULL and cfl_rec.stub_amount IS NOT NULL
1607           THEN
1608             -- Stub Payment
1609             l_cash_flow_level_tbl(cfl_index).is_stub := 'Y';
1610           ELSE
1611             -- Regular Periodic Payment
1612             l_cash_flow_level_tbl(cfl_index).is_stub := 'N';
1613           END IF;
1614         END LOOP;
1615         -- Store the Cash flow levels table in the l_fee_srv_tbl(fin_index)
1616         l_fee_srv_tbl(fin_index).cash_flow_level_tbl := l_cash_flow_level_tbl;
1617       END LOOP;
1618       -- Increment fin_index
1619       fin_index := fin_index + 1;
1620     END LOOP;
1621     -- Setting the return variables ..
1622     x_fee_srv_tbl   := l_fee_srv_tbl;
1623     x_return_status := l_return_status;
1624     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
1625                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
1626     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
1627             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_version) );
1630       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
1631                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
1632                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
1633                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
1634                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
1635                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
1636                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
1638       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
1639                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
1640                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
1641                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
1642                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
1643                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
1644                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
1646       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
1647                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
1648                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
1649                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
1650                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
1651                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
1652                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
1653   END get_fee_srvc_cash_flows;
1656   -- API to return the number of days per annum
1657   -- based on the start date of the business object being passed !
1658   --  Possible return values are 360/ 365 / 366
1659   FUNCTION get_days_per_annum(
1660              p_day_convention   IN            VARCHAR2,
1661              p_start_date       IN            DATE,
1662              p_cash_inflow_date IN            DATE,
1663              x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 )
1665   AS
1666     l_start_year   NUMBER;
1667     l_cf_year      NUMBER;
1668   BEGIN
1669     x_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1670     IF p_day_convention = 'ACTUAL'
1671     THEN
1672       l_start_year := TO_NUMBER( TO_CHAR( p_start_date, 'YYYY') );
1673       l_cf_year := TO_NUMBER( TO_CHAR( p_cash_inflow_date, 'YYYY') );
1675       IF is_leap_year(l_cf_year)
1676       THEN
1677         -- Cash inflow is occuring in a leap year.
1678         IF to_date( '29-2-' || l_cf_year , 'DD-MM-YYYY') >= p_start_date
1679         THEN
1680           RETURN 366;
1681         ELSE
1682           RETURN 365;
1683         END IF;
1684       END IF;
1685       -- Since cash inflow is occuring in non-leap year, so .. return 365 days..
1686       RETURN 365;
1687     ELSIF p_day_convention = 'ACT365'
1688     THEN
1689       -- Number of days per annum doesnot depend on the year
1690       --  all years are assumed to be having 365 days
1691       RETURN 365;
1692     ELSE
1693       -- p_day_convention = 'THIRTY'
1694       -- Number of days per annum doesnot depend on the year ...
1695       --  all years are assumed to be having 360 days
1696       RETURN 360;
1697     END IF;
1698     x_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1699   END get_days_per_annum;
1701   -- Procedure to create stream elements for each cash flows level passed !
1702   -- Expecting the p_cfd_rec to have atleast the following
1703   --  fqy_code    - Frequency
1704   --  rate        - Rate
1705   --  stub_days   - Stub days
1706   --  stub_amount - Stub Amount
1707   --  number_of_periods - Periods
1708   --  Amount            - Regular Periodic amount
1709   --  is_stub           - Is a Stub or not ..
1710  -- Added parameter p_recurrence_date by Durga Janaswamy for bug 6007644
1711   PROCEDURE gen_so_cf_strm_elements(
1712               p_start_date              IN         DATE,
1713               p_frequency               IN         VARCHAR2,
1714               p_advance_arrears         IN         VARCHAR2,
1715               p_periods                 IN         NUMBER,
1716               p_amount                  IN         NUMBER,
1717               p_stub_days               IN         NUMBER,
1718               p_stub_amount             IN         NUMBER,
1719               p_stub_flag               IN         VARCHAR2,
1720               x_cf_strm_elements_tbl    OUT NOCOPY cash_inflows_tbl_type,
1721               x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1722               p_recurrence_date         IN         DATE)
1723   IS
1724     l_months_factor      NUMBER;
1725     l_first_ele_date     DATE;
1726     l_cash_inflows_tbl   cash_inflows_tbl_type;
1727     n_periods            NUMBER;  -- Index for the Cash Inflow elements Table
1728     -- Local Variables
1729     l_api_version     CONSTANT    NUMBER          DEFAULT 1.0;
1730     l_api_name        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT 'gen_so_cf_strm_elements';
1731     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
1732     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.gen_so_cf_strm_elements';
1733     l_debug_enabled VARCHAR2(10);
1734     is_debug_procedure_on BOOLEAN;
1735     is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN;
1736     l_period_start_date   DATE;
1737     l_period_end_date     DATE;
1738   BEGIN
1739     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1740     l_debug_enabled := okl_debug_pub.check_log_enabled;
1741     is_debug_procedure_on := okl_debug_pub.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
1742     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
1743         'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call gen_so_cf_strm_elements');
1744     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
1745     is_debug_statement_on := okl_debug_pub.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
1746     -- If its a stub payment only one cash_inflows will be returned
1747     IF  p_stub_flag = 'Y'
1748         OR ( p_periods IS NULL AND p_stub_days IS NOT NULL )
1749     THEN
1750       -- This is a Stub Payment
1751       l_cash_inflows_tbl(1).is_stub := 'Y';
1752       l_cash_inflows_tbl(1).cf_amount := p_stub_amount;
1753       -- Bug 6660626 : Start
1754       l_cash_inflows_tbl(1).cf_days := p_stub_days;
1755       -- Bug 6660626 : End
1756       IF p_advance_arrears = 'ARREARS' OR p_advance_arrears = 'Y'
1757       THEN
1758         l_cash_inflows_tbl(1).is_arrears := 'Y';
1759         l_cash_inflows_tbl(1).cf_date := p_start_date + p_stub_days - 1;
1760         l_cash_inflows_tbl(1).cf_period_start_end_date
1761           := p_start_date;
1762       ELSE
1763         l_cash_inflows_tbl(1).is_arrears := 'N';
1764         l_cash_inflows_tbl(1).cf_date := p_start_date;
1765         l_cash_inflows_tbl(1).cf_period_start_end_date
1766           := p_start_date + p_stub_days - 1;
1767       END IF;
1768     ELSE
1769       -- This is a regular periodic Payment
1770       n_periods := p_periods;
1771       -- Get the month Factor
1772       -- okl_stream_generator_pvt.get_months_factor handle if frequence is passed one among M/Q/S/A
1773       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
1774             'p_frequency_passed'||p_frequency);
1776       If ( nvl(p_frequency, 'X') = 'X') Then
1778           OKL_API.set_message(
1779             p_app_name      => G_APP_NAME,
1780             p_msg_name      => OKL_API.G_REQUIRED_VALUE,
1781             p_token1        => OKL_API.G_COL_NAME_TOKEN,
1782             p_token1_value  => 'FREQUENCY');
1786       End If;
1788       l_months_factor := okl_stream_generator_pvt.get_months_factor(
1789                             p_frequency       =>   p_frequency,
1790                             x_return_status   =>   l_return_status);
1791       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
1792             'p_months_factor'||l_months_factor);
1794       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
1796       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
1798       END IF;
1799       -- Looping throug the Periods ..
1800       FOR i in 1 .. n_periods
1801       LOOP
1802         l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).is_stub := 'N';
1803         l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_amount := p_amount;
1804         -- Bug 6660626 : Start
1805         l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_days := null;
1806         -- Bug 6660626 : End
1807         -- Get the Stream Element date after i months from the p_start_date
1808         --  when the payments are ADVANCE
1809        -- Added parameter p_recurrence_date by Durga Janaswamy for bug 6007644
1810         okl_stream_generator_pvt.get_sel_date(
1811           p_start_date         => p_start_date,
1812           p_advance_or_arrears => 'N',
1813           p_periods_after      => i,
1814           p_months_per_period  => l_months_factor,
1815           x_date               => l_period_start_date,
1816           x_return_status      => l_return_status,
1817           p_recurrence_date    => p_recurrence_date);
1818         IF l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR THEN
1820         ELSIF l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR THEN
1822         END IF;
1823         -- Get the Stream Element date after i months from the p_start_date
1824         --  when the payments are ARREARS
1825        -- Added parameter p_recurrence_date by Durga Janaswamy for bug 6007644
1826         okl_stream_generator_pvt.get_sel_date(
1827           p_start_date         => p_start_date,
1828           p_advance_or_arrears => 'Y',
1829           p_periods_after      => i,
1830           p_months_per_period  => l_months_factor,
1831           x_date               => l_period_end_date,
1832           x_return_status      => l_return_status,
1833           p_recurrence_date    => p_recurrence_date);
1834         IF l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR THEN
1836         ELSIF l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR THEN
1838         END IF;
1839         -- Based on the payment type is 'ADVANCE' / 'ARREARS' do the assignment ..
1840         IF p_advance_arrears = 'ARREARS' OR p_advance_arrears = 'Y'
1841         THEN
1842           -- Streams for Arrear Payments
1843           l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).is_arrears := 'Y';
1844           l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_date := l_period_end_date;
1845           l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_period_start_end_date := l_period_start_date;
1846         ELSE
1847           -- Streams for advance payments
1848           l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).is_arrears := 'N';
1849           l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_date := l_period_start_date;
1850           l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_period_start_end_date := l_period_end_date;
1851         END IF;
1852       END LOOP;
1853     END IF;
1854     x_cf_strm_elements_tbl := l_cash_inflows_tbl;
1855     x_return_status        := l_return_status;
1856     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
1857             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call gen_cf_strm_elements');
1860       x_return_status := G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1862       x_return_status := G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
1864       OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
1865         p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
1866         p_msg_name     => G_DB_ERROR,
1867         p_token1       => G_PROG_NAME_TOKEN,
1868         p_token1_value => l_api_name,
1869         p_token2       => G_SQLCODE_TOKEN,
1870         p_token2_value => sqlcode,
1871         p_token3       => G_SQLERRM_TOKEN,
1872         p_token3_value => sqlerrm);
1873       x_return_status := G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
1874   END gen_so_cf_strm_elements;
1876   -- Procedure to generate the Streams
1877   -- based on the Cash Flow n Cash Flow Levels Infomration inputted.
1878   PROCEDURE  gen_so_cf_strms(
1879               p_api_version            IN              NUMBER,
1880               p_init_msg_list          IN              VARCHAR2,
1881               x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
1882               x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
1883               x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
1884               p_cash_flow_rec          IN              so_cash_flows_rec_type,
1885               p_cf_details_tbl         IN              so_cash_flow_details_tbl_type,
1886               x_cash_inflow_strms_tbl  OUT NOCOPY      cash_inflows_tbl_type)
1887   IS
1888     -- Local Variables
1889     l_cf_strms_tbl                  cash_inflows_tbl_type;
1890     l_temp_cf_strms_tbl             cash_inflows_tbl_type;
1891     l_api_version         CONSTANT  NUMBER  DEFAULT 1.0;
1892     l_api_name            CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(30)  DEFAULT 'gen_so_cf_strms';
1893     l_return_status                 VARCHAR2(1);
1895     l_debug_enabled VARCHAR2(10);
1896     is_debug_procedure_on BOOLEAN;
1897     is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN;
1898     -- Local Variables
1899     i                     NUMBER;
1900     l_cf_count            NUMBER;
1901     l_dpp                 NUMBER;  -- Stores Days Per period for each Cash Inflow level
1902     l_ppy                 NUMBER;  -- Stores Periods Per Year for each Cash Inflow Level
1904     --Added by DJanaswa for bug 6007644
1905     l_recurrence_date    DATE := NULL;
1906     --end DJANASWA
1908   BEGIN
1909     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1910     l_debug_enabled := okl_debug_pub.check_log_enabled;
1911     is_debug_procedure_on := okl_debug_pub.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
1912     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
1913            'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call gen_so_cf_strms');
1914     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
1915     is_debug_statement_on := okl_debug_pub.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
1916     -- Call START_ACTIVITY to create savepoint, check compatibility
1917     -- and initialize message list
1918     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
1919                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
1920                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
1921                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
1922                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
1923                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
1924                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
1925                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
1926     --Check if activity started successfully
1927     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
1929     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
1931     END IF;
1932     -- Actual logic Begins here
1933     -- Create the cash inflow streams table ..
1934     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
1935                   'Payment Levels =' || p_cf_details_tbl.COUNT );
1936     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
1937                   'Rate | Start Date| Frequency| Arrears | Periods | Amount | Stub Days | Stub Amount | Is Stub | Locked' );
1938     FOR i IN p_cf_details_tbl.FIRST..p_cf_details_tbl.LAST
1939     LOOP
1940       -- Validate whether the start_date is there or not
1941       IF p_cf_details_tbl(i).start_date IS NULL
1942       THEN
1943         -- Raise an Exception, cant proceed.
1944         OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
1945           p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
1946           p_msg_name     => 'OKL_NO_SLL_SDATE');
1948       END IF;
1949       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
1950                   p_cf_details_tbl(i).rate
1951                   || ' | ' || p_cf_details_tbl(i).start_date
1952                   || ' | ' || p_cf_details_tbl(i).fqy_code
1953                   || ' | ' || p_cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn
1954                   || ' | ' || p_cf_details_tbl(i).number_of_periods
1955                   || ' | ' || p_cf_details_tbl(i).amount
1956                   || ' | ' || p_cf_details_tbl(i).stub_days
1957                   || ' | ' || p_cf_details_tbl(i).stub_amount
1958                   || ' | ' || p_cf_details_tbl(i).is_stub
1959                   || ' | ' || p_cf_details_tbl(i).locked_amt );
1961       --Added by djanaswa for bug 6007644
1962       IF((p_cf_details_tbl(i).number_of_periods IS NULL) AND (p_cf_details_tbl(i).stub_days IS NOT NULL)) THEN
1963         --Set the recurrence date to null for stub payment
1964         l_recurrence_date := NULL;
1965       ELSIF(l_recurrence_date IS NULL) THEN
1966         --Set the recurrence date as periodic payment level start date
1967         l_recurrence_date := p_cf_details_tbl(i).start_date;
1968       END IF;
1969       --end djanaswa
1971       -- Create the cash inflow streams
1972  -- Added parameter p_recurrence_date by djanaswa for bug6007644
1973       gen_so_cf_strm_elements(
1974         p_start_date              => p_cf_details_tbl(i).start_date,
1975         p_frequency               => p_cf_details_tbl(i).fqy_code,
1976         p_advance_arrears         => p_cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn,
1977         p_periods                 => p_cf_details_tbl(i).number_of_periods,
1978         p_amount                  => p_cf_details_tbl(i).amount,
1979         p_stub_days               => p_cf_details_tbl(i).stub_days,
1980         p_stub_amount             => p_cf_details_tbl(i).stub_amount,
1981         p_stub_flag               => p_cf_details_tbl(i).is_stub,
1982         x_cf_strm_elements_tbl    => l_temp_cf_strms_tbl,
1983         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
1984         p_recurrence_date         => l_recurrence_date);
1985       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
1987       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
1989       END IF;
1990       -- Accumulate the Cash Inflow Streams created
1991       l_cf_count := nvl(l_cf_strms_tbl.COUNT, 0 );
1992       get_dpp_ppy(
1993         p_frequency     => p_cf_details_tbl(i).fqy_code,
1994         x_dpp           => l_dpp,
1995         x_ppy           => l_ppy,
1996         x_return_status => l_return_status);
1997       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
1998                  'l_dpp | l_ppy | l_cf_count | l_return_status ' );
1999       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2000                 l_dpp || '|' ||  l_ppy || '|' ||  l_cf_count || '|' ||  l_return_status  );
2001       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
2003       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
2005       END IF;
2006       -- Append the l_temp_cf_strms_tbl to l_temp_cf_strms_tbl
2007       FOR j in l_temp_cf_strms_tbl.FIRST .. l_temp_cf_strms_tbl.LAST
2008       LOOP
2009         -- Make updations here for the stream elements generated here..
2010         l_temp_cf_strms_tbl(j).line_number := l_cf_count + j;
2011         -- Days per period
2012         l_temp_cf_strms_tbl(j).cf_dpp := l_dpp;
2013         -- Periods per Year
2014         l_temp_cf_strms_tbl(j).cf_ppy := l_ppy;
2015         -- We are not calculating the cf_days here .....
2016         -- cf_days will be calculated as and when needed based on the start_date
2017         -- Also, think about the logic to populate the payment amount
2018         -- Store the rate from the cash flow
2019         -- Rate in levels will be stored in terms of percentage !!
2020         l_temp_cf_strms_tbl(j).cf_rate := p_cf_details_tbl(i).rate / 100;
2021         IF l_temp_cf_strms_tbl(j).cf_amount IS NULL THEN
2022           l_temp_cf_strms_tbl(j).cf_miss_pay := 'Y';
2023         ELSE
2024           l_temp_cf_strms_tbl(j).cf_miss_pay := 'N';
2025         END IF;
2026         l_temp_cf_strms_tbl(j).locked_amt := p_cf_details_tbl(i).locked_amt; -- Populate the LOCKED Flag
2027         l_cf_strms_tbl( l_cf_count + j ) := l_temp_cf_strms_tbl(j);
2028       END LOOP;
2029       -- Delete the streams created ..
2030       l_temp_cf_strms_tbl.DELETE;
2031     END LOOP;
2032     -- For Debugging purpose
2033     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2034                  'line_number|cf_amount|cf_date|cf_purpose|cf_dpp|cf_ppy|cf_days|cf_rate|cf_miss_pay|is_stub|is_arrears|cf_period_start_end_date|Locked');
2035     FOR t in l_cf_strms_tbl.FIRST .. l_cf_strms_tbl.LAST
2036     LOOP
2037       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2038                  l_cf_strms_tbl(t).line_number || '|' || round(l_cf_strms_tbl(t).cf_amount,4)
2039                  || '|' || l_cf_strms_tbl(t).cf_date || '|' || l_cf_strms_tbl(t).cf_purpose
2040                  || '|' || l_cf_strms_tbl(t).cf_dpp || '|' || l_cf_strms_tbl(t).cf_ppy
2041                  || '|' || l_cf_strms_tbl(t).cf_days || '|' || l_cf_strms_tbl(t).cf_rate
2042                  || '|' || l_cf_strms_tbl(t).cf_miss_pay || '|' || l_cf_strms_tbl(t).is_stub
2043                  || '|' || l_cf_strms_tbl(t).is_arrears || '|' || l_cf_strms_tbl(t).cf_period_start_end_date
2044                  || '|' || l_cf_strms_tbl(t).locked_amt  );
2045     END LOOP;
2046     -- Setting up the out parameters to return ....
2047     x_cash_inflow_strms_tbl := l_cf_strms_tbl;
2048     x_return_status := l_return_status;
2049     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count    => x_msg_count, x_msg_data        => x_msg_data);
2050     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
2051             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call gen_so_cf_strms');
2054       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
2055                              p_api_name  => l_api_name,
2056                              p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
2057                              p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
2058                              x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
2059                              x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
2060                              p_api_type  => g_api_type);
2062       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
2063                             p_api_name  => l_api_name,
2064                             p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
2065                             p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
2066                             x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
2067                             x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
2068                             p_api_type  => g_api_type);
2070       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
2071                             p_api_name  => l_api_name,
2072                             p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
2073                             p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
2074                             x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
2075                             x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
2076                             p_api_type  => g_api_type);
2077   END gen_so_cf_strms;
2079   -- Fetches the appropriate rate on a particular stream element date,
2080   --  looping through the inputted the cash inflows streams
2081   PROCEDURE get_rate(
2082           p_date           IN        DATE,
2083           p_cf_strms_tbl   IN        cash_inflows_tbl_type,
2084           x_rate           OUT       NOCOPY NUMBER,
2085           x_return_status  OUT       NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
2086   AS
2087     i                NUMBER;
2088     l_prev_date      DATE;
2089     l_curr_date      DATE;
2090     l_prev_rate      NUMBER;
2091     l_curr_rate      NUMBER;
2092     l_api_name       VARCHAR2(30) := 'get_rate';
2093   BEGIN
2094     -- Assumption: p_cf_strms_tbl sorted by cf_date in Ascending Order
2095     IF p_cf_strms_tbl.COUNT > 0
2096     THEN
2097       -- No problem can proceed !
2098       NULL;
2099     ELSE
2100       -- Cant proceed ! Raise an Exception ..
2102     END IF;
2103     i := p_cf_strms_tbl.FIRST;
2104     l_prev_date      := p_cf_strms_tbl(i).cf_date;
2105     -- In few Scenarios rate amount may be missing
2106     l_prev_rate      := nvl(p_cf_strms_tbl(i).cf_rate, p_cf_strms_tbl(i).cf_amount );
2107     l_curr_rate      := nvl(p_cf_strms_tbl(i).cf_rate, p_cf_strms_tbl(i).cf_amount );
2108     WHILE i <= p_cf_strms_tbl.LAST
2109     LOOP
2110       -- Assign dates and rates
2111       l_curr_date      := p_cf_strms_tbl(i).cf_date;
2112       l_curr_rate      := nvl(p_cf_strms_tbl(i).cf_rate, p_cf_strms_tbl(i).cf_amount );
2113       IF l_prev_date >= l_curr_date AND
2114          i <> p_cf_strms_tbl.FIRST        -- Should not execute for first element
2115       THEN
2116         -- Stream Elements should be in ascending chronological order
2118       END IF; -- If for l_prev_date
2119       IF  p_date = p_cf_strms_tbl(i).cf_date
2120       THEN
2121         -- Dates matched exactly ..
2122         x_rate := nvl(p_cf_strms_tbl(i).cf_rate, p_cf_strms_tbl(i).cf_amount );
2123         RETURN;
2124       ELSIF p_date < p_cf_strms_tbl(i).cf_date
2125         AND p_cf_strms_tbl(i).is_arrears = 'Y'
2126       THEN
2127         -- Arrears Payment
2128         x_rate := l_curr_rate;
2129         RETURN;
2130       ELSIF p_date < p_cf_strms_tbl(i).cf_date
2131         AND p_cf_strms_tbl(i).is_arrears = 'N'
2132       THEN
2133         -- Advance Payment
2134         x_rate := l_prev_rate;
2135         RETURN;
2136       ELSE
2137         l_prev_rate := l_curr_rate;
2138         l_prev_date := l_curr_date;
2139         i := p_cf_strms_tbl.NEXT(i);
2140       END IF; -- If based on p_cf_strms_tbl(i).cf_date
2141     END LOOP; -- While i <= p_cf_strms_tbl.LAST
2142     x_rate          := l_prev_rate;
2143     x_return_status := G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
2146       x_return_status := G_RET_STS_ERROR;
2148       x_return_status := G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
2150       OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
2151         p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
2152         p_msg_name     => G_DB_ERROR,
2153         p_token1       => G_PROG_NAME_TOKEN,
2154         p_token1_value => l_api_name,
2155         p_token2       => G_SQLCODE_TOKEN,
2156         p_token2_value => sqlcode,
2157         p_token3       => G_SQLERRM_TOKEN,
2158         p_token3_value => sqlerrm);
2159       x_return_status := G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
2160   END get_rate;
2162   -- Function to calculate the Difference between the
2163   -- start and End Dates inputted.
2165           p_days_in_month     IN      VARCHAR2,
2166           p_days_in_year      IN      VARCHAR2,
2167           p_start_date        IN      DATE,
2168           p_end_date          IN      DATE,
2169           p_arrears           IN      VARCHAR2,
2170           x_return_status     OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
2171           p_conversion_factor IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL)
2172       RETURN NUMBER
2173   AS
2174     n_months            NUMBER := 0;
2175     n_days              NUMBER := 0;
2176     n_Years             NUMBER := 0;
2177     l_start_year        NUMBER;
2178     l_end_year          NUMBER;
2179     l_start_month       NUMBER;
2180     l_end_month         NUMBER;
2181     l_start_day         NUMBER;
2182     l_orig_start_day    NUMBER;
2183     l_end_day           NUMBER;
2184     l_start_date        DATE;
2185     l_end_date          DATE;
2186     l_temp_date         DATE;
2187     n_leap_years        NUMBER;
2188     l_day_convention    VARCHAR2(10); -- Flag for 365 Year/360 Year based calculation
2189     l_mod_days          NUMBER;       -- Added by ssohal for Bug#6706568
2190   BEGIN
2191     x_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
2192     -- Validation: If Start Date cant be greater than End Date then return zero.
2193     l_start_date := trunc( p_start_date );
2194     l_end_date   := trunc( p_end_date   );
2195     IF( l_start_date > l_end_date )
2196     THEN
2197       RETURN 0;
2198     END IF;
2199     -- Based on p_day_convention calculate the days between Start and End dates
2200     IF p_days_in_month = 'ACTUAL' AND
2201        p_days_in_year = 'ACTUAL'
2202     THEN
2203       -- Calculations are based on the 365/366 Days/Year assumption
2204       n_days := floor( l_end_date - l_start_date );
2206     ELSIF p_days_in_month = 'ACTUAL' AND
2207           p_days_in_year = '365'
2208     THEN
2209       -- Calculations are based on 365 days per year, even in a leap year
2210       -- Parse years ..
2211       l_start_year := to_char( p_start_date, 'YYYY' );
2212       --print( l_api_name ||  ': '  || 'l_start_year ' || l_start_year );
2213       IF MOD(l_start_year, 4) <> 0
2214       THEN
2215         -- Go to the next probable leap year
2216         l_start_year := l_start_year + ( 4 - MOD( l_start_year, 4 ) );
2217       END IF;
2219       -- Check whether l_start_year is a leap year
2220       IF is_leap_year( l_start_year)
2221       THEN
2222         -- leap year, so leave it as it is
2223         NULL;
2224       ELSE
2225         l_start_year := l_start_year + 4;
2226       END IF;
2227       --print( l_api_name ||  ': '  || 'Starting with Leap Year ' || l_start_year );
2228       n_leap_years := 0;
2229       -- Form a date with 29-Feb-<l_start_year>
2230       l_temp_date := to_date( '29-02-' || to_char(l_start_year), 'DD-MM-YYYY' );
2231       --print( l_api_name ||  ': '  || 'l_temp_date ' || l_temp_date );
2232       WHILE l_temp_date >= l_start_date AND
2233             l_temp_date <= l_end_date
2234       LOOP
2235         -- Increment the Leap Year count
2236         n_leap_years := n_leap_years + 1;
2237         l_start_year := l_start_year + 4;
2238         -- Check whether l_start_year is a leap year
2239         IF is_leap_year( l_start_year )
2240         THEN
2241           -- leap year, so leave it as it is
2242           NULL;
2243         ELSE
2244           l_start_year := l_start_year + 4;
2245         END IF;
2246         -- Form a date with 29-Feb-<l_start_year>
2247         l_temp_date := to_date( '29-02-' || to_char(l_start_year), 'DD-MM-YYYY' );
2248         --print( l_api_name ||  ': '  || 'l_temp_date ' || l_temp_date );
2249       END LOOP;
2250       -- First, count the actual number of dates between l_start_date and l_end_date
2251       n_days := floor( l_end_date - l_start_date );
2252       -- Remove the number of leap years falling between
2253       n_days := n_days - n_leap_years;
2255     --Bug# 13815781: start
2256     ELSIF ((p_days_in_month = '30' AND p_days_in_year = '360') OR
2257            (p_days_in_month = '30' AND p_days_in_year = '365'))
2258     THEN
2260       --Bug# 14165508
2261       IF (p_conversion_factor IS NOT NULL AND p_conversion_factor <> OKL_API.G_MISS_NUM) THEN
2263         n_days := round( ((l_end_date - l_start_date + 1) *
2264 p_conversion_factor),6);
2266       ELSE
2267         -- Parse years ..
2268         l_start_year := to_char( p_Start_date, 'YYYY' );
2269         l_end_year   := to_char( p_end_date, 'YYYY' );
2270         -- Parse months ..
2271         l_start_month := to_char( p_start_date, 'MM' );
2272         l_end_month   := to_char( p_end_date, 'MM' );
2273         -- Parse days ..
2274         l_start_day := to_char( p_start_date, 'DD' );
2275         l_orig_start_day := l_start_day;
2276         l_end_day   := to_char( p_end_date, 'DD' );
2277         -- Calculation is based on the assumption of 30 days per month.
2278         n_Years := l_end_year - l_start_year;
2279         n_Months := n_Years * 12 - l_start_month + l_end_month;
2281         -- IF D1 is last day of February,
2282         --     then move D1 to 30
2283         -- If D2 is last day of February,
2284         --      Make D2 to 30
2285         -- If D2 is second last day of February,
2286         --      Make D2 to 29
2287         --  IF d1 is last day of the non-February month move d1 to 30
2288         --  IF d2 is last day of the non-February month move d2 to 30
2290         IF l_start_month = 2  AND l_start_date = LAST_DAY( l_start_date )
2291         THEN
2292           -- Move D1 to 30
2293           l_start_day := 30;
2294         END IF;
2296         IF l_end_month = 2 AND  l_end_date = LAST_DAY( l_end_date )
2297         THEN
2298           -- Move D2 to 30
2299           l_end_day := 30;
2300         END IF;
2302         IF l_end_month = 2 AND  l_end_date = (LAST_DAY( l_end_date ) - 1)
2303         THEN
2304           -- Move D2 to 29
2305           l_end_day := 29;
2306         END IF;
2308         IF l_start_month <> 2 AND l_start_date = LAST_DAY( l_start_date)
2309         THEN
2310           l_start_day := 30;
2311         END IF;
2313         IF l_end_month <> 2 AND l_end_date = LAST_DAY( l_end_date)
2314         THEN
2315           l_end_day := 30;
2316         END IF;
2317         -- Calculate the number of days ...
2318         n_days := n_Months * 30 - l_start_day + l_end_day;
2319         --Bug# 13815781: end
2320         --Added by bkatraga for bug 13470626
2321       END IF;
2322     ELSIF p_days_in_month = 'ACTUAL' AND
2323           p_days_in_year = '360'
2324     THEN
2325        n_days := floor( l_end_date - l_start_date );
2326     --end bkatraga for bug 13470626
2327     ELSE
2328       x_return_Status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
2329       RETURN 0;
2330     END IF;
2332     -- Consider the last day incase of arrears Payments
2333     -- Start : Added by ssohal for Bug#6706568
2334     IF p_arrears = 'Y'
2335     THEN
2336        --Bug# 13815781: start
2337        IF (p_days_in_month = '30' AND
2338            p_days_in_year = '360')
2339        OR
2340           (p_days_in_month = '30' AND
2341            p_days_in_year = '365')
2342        THEN
2343           IF ( l_orig_start_day <> 31 )
2344           THEN
2345              n_days := n_days + 1;
2346           END IF;
2347        --Bug# 13815781: end
2348        ELSE
2349           n_days := n_days + 1;
2350        END IF;
2351     END IF;
2352     -- End : Added by ssohal for Bug#6706568
2354     -- Set the OUT parameters and return
2355     x_return_status := 'S';
2356     RETURN n_days;
2359       x_return_status := G_RET_STS_ERROR;
2360       RETURN -1;  -- get_day_count returns negative in case of error/failure
2362       x_return_status := G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
2363       RETURN -1;  -- get_day_count returns negative in case of error/failure
2365       OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
2366           p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
2367           p_msg_name     => G_DB_ERROR,
2368           p_token1       => G_PROG_NAME_TOKEN,
2369           p_token1_value => 'GET_DAY_COUNT',
2370           p_token2       => G_SQLCODE_TOKEN,
2371           p_token2_value => sqlcode,
2372           p_token3       => G_SQLERRM_TOKEN,
2373           p_token3_value => sqlerrm);
2374       x_return_status := G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
2375       RETURN -1;  -- get_day_count returns negative in case of error/failure
2376   END get_day_count;
2378   PROCEDURE compute_irr(
2379               p_api_version             IN              NUMBER,
2380               p_init_msg_list           IN              VARCHAR2,
2381               x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
2382               x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
2383               x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
2384               p_start_date              IN              DATE,
2385               p_day_count_method        IN              VARCHAR2,
2386               p_currency_code           IN              VARCHAR2,
2387               p_pricing_method          IN              VARCHAR2,
2388               p_initial_guess           IN              NUMBER,
2389               px_pricing_parameter_tbl  IN  OUT NOCOPY  pricing_parameter_tbl_type,
2390               px_irr                    IN  OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
2391               x_payment                 OUT     NOCOPY  NUMBER)
2392   AS
2393     -- Local Variables
2394     l_api_version     CONSTANT    NUMBER          DEFAULT 1.0;
2395     l_api_name        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT 'compute_irr';
2396     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
2397     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
2398                       || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
2399     l_debug_enabled VARCHAR2(10);
2400     is_debug_procedure_on BOOLEAN;
2401     is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN;
2402     -- Cursor Definitions
2403      CURSOR get_precision_csr(p_currency_code VARCHAR2)
2404      IS
2405        SELECT NVL(cur.precision,0) precision
2406          FROM fnd_currencies cur
2407         WHERE cur.currency_code = p_currency_code;
2408     -- Local Variables/Constants Declaration
2409     l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl  cash_inflows_tbl_type;
2410     l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl cash_inflows_tbl_type;
2411     l_residuals_tbl          cash_inflows_tbl_type;
2412     l_days_in_month              VARCHAR2(30);
2413     l_days_in_year               VARCHAR2(30);
2414     cin_index                NUMBER;  -- Index for Cash Inflows
2415     cout_index               NUMBER;  -- Index for Cash Outflows
2416     res_index                NUMBER;  -- Index for Residuals Table
2417     l_time_zero_cost         NUMBER;
2418     l_adv_inf_payment        NUMBER;
2419     l_precision              NUMBER;
2420     l_irr_limit              NUMBER;
2421     l_irr                    NUMBER;
2422     l_npv                    NUMBER;
2423     l_npv_sign               NUMBER;
2424     l_increment_rate         NUMBER;
2425     l_abs_incr_rate          NUMBER;
2426     n_iterations             NUMBER;
2427     l_cf_dpp                 NUMBER;
2428     l_cf_ppy                 NUMBER;
2429     l_cf_amount              NUMBER;
2430     l_cf_date                DATE;
2431     l_days_in_future         NUMBER;
2432     l_periods                NUMBER;
2433     l_rate                   NUMBER;
2434     l_prev_irr               NUMBER;
2435     l_prev_npv               NUMBER;
2436     l_prev_npv_sign          NUMBER;
2437     l_prev_incr_sign         NUMBER;
2438     l_positive_npv_irr       NUMBER;
2439     l_negative_npv_irr       NUMBER;
2440     l_positive_npv           NUMBER;
2441     l_negative_npv           NUMBER;
2442     l_crossed_zero           VARCHAR2(1);
2443     l_irr_decided            VARCHAR2(1);
2444     l_temp_amount            NUMBER;  -- Debug Purpose
2445     l_disc_rate              NUMBER;  -- Debug Purpose
2446     l_term_interest          NUMBER;
2447     l_acc_term_interest      NUMBER;
2448     i                        NUMBER;  -- Used as Index
2449     l_period_start_date      DATE;
2450     l_period_end_date        DATE;
2451   BEGIN
2452     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
2453     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
2454     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
2456     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
2457                               'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
2458     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
2459     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
2460     -- Call START_ACTIVITY to create savepoint, check compatibility and initialize message list
2461     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
2462                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
2463                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
2464                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
2465                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
2466                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
2467                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
2468                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
2469     --Check if activity started successfully
2470     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
2472     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
2474     END IF;
2475     -- Validations here ..
2476     get_days_in_year_and_month(
2477       p_day_count_method => p_day_count_method,
2478       x_days_in_month    => l_days_in_month,
2479       x_days_in_year     => l_days_in_year,
2480       x_return_status    => l_return_status);
2481     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2482                'After get_days_in_year_and_month ' || l_return_status);
2483     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
2485     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
2487     END IF;
2488     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2489                'l_days_in_month= ' || l_days_in_month || ' |  l_days_in_year = ' || l_days_in_year);
2491     -- 1/ Fetch the Start Date
2492     IF p_start_date IS NULL
2493     THEN
2494       -- Show the error message
2496     END IF; -- IF p_start_date
2497     IF px_pricing_parameter_tbl.COUNT > 0
2498     THEN
2499       -- Do Nothing
2500       NULL;
2501     ELSE
2502       -- Cant proceed.
2504     END IF; -- IF px_pricing_parameter_tbl.COUNT > 0
2506     IF p_pricing_method = 'SY' OR
2507        p_pricing_method = 'TR'
2508     THEN
2509        -- Do Nothing
2510        NULL;
2511     ELSE
2512       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2513                'Compute_irr currently supports only Solve for Yields and Target Rate Pricing Scenarios only ' );
2515     END IF;
2516     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2517                'Start Date     =' || p_start_date );
2518     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2519                'Pricing Method =' || p_pricing_method  );
2520     -- Starting to Initialize things .....
2521     l_time_zero_cost         := 0;  -- Time Zero Outflows
2522     l_adv_inf_payment        := 0;  -- Cash Inflow Amounts
2523     cin_index := 1;
2524     cout_index := 1;
2525     res_index := 1;
2526     -- Consolidate all the Cash and Residual Inflows per each
2527     --  pricing parameter record with line_type as FREE_FORM1 ..
2528     i := px_pricing_parameter_tbl.FIRST;
2529     WHILE i <= px_pricing_parameter_tbl.LAST
2530     LOOP
2531       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2532                'Time Zero Cost[SUM] | Financed Amount| Subsidy | Down Payment | Tradein | Capitalized Fee Amt' );
2533       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2534                round( l_time_zero_cost, 4) || '|' || round( px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).financed_amount, 4 )
2535                || '|' || round( px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).subsidy, 4 ) || '|' || round( px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).down_payment, 4 )
2536                || '|' || round( px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).trade_in, 4)  || '|' || round( px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cap_fee_amount, 4) );
2537       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2538                'compute_irr: line_type ' || px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).line_type );
2539       IF px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).line_type = 'FREE_FORM1'
2540       THEN
2541         -- Handling the Cash inflows Details
2542         IF px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cash_inflows IS NOT NULL AND
2543            px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cash_inflows.COUNT > 0
2544         THEN
2545           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2546                   'Cash Inflows: -------------------------------------------------------------' );
2547           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2548                   'Rate | Date | Amount | Days | Arrears | Stub | cf_dpp | cf_ppy | cf_period_start_end_date | LOCKED');
2549           FOR t_index IN px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cash_inflows.FIRST ..
2550                        px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cash_inflows.LAST
2551           LOOP
2552             l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl( cin_index ) :=
2553               px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cash_inflows(t_index);
2554             -- Need to calculate just the cf_days
2555             l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_days :=
2556               get_day_count(
2557                 p_days_in_month  => l_days_in_month,
2558                 p_days_in_year   => l_days_in_year,
2559                 p_start_date     => p_start_date,     -- Start date mentioned in the Header rec
2560                 p_end_date       => l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_date,
2561                 p_arrears        => l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).is_arrears,
2562                 x_return_status  => l_return_status);
2563               IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
2565               ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
2566                 RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
2567               END IF;
2568             -- cf_dpp, cf_ppy, cf_periods are being populated
2569             IF p_day_count_method <> 'THIRTY'
2570             THEN
2571               -- Pricing Day convention is not THIRTY day based !!
2572               -- So, override the existing the cf_dpp here !
2573               IF l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).is_arrears = 'Y'
2574               THEN
2575                 -- cf_date represents end of the period
2576                 l_period_start_date := l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_period_start_end_date;
2577                 l_period_end_date := l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_date;
2578               ELSE
2579                 -- cf_date represents start of the period
2580                 l_period_start_date := l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_date;
2581                 l_period_end_date := l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_period_start_end_date;
2582               END IF;
2583               l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_dpp :=
2584                 get_day_count(
2585                   p_days_in_month  => l_days_in_month,
2586                   p_days_in_year   => l_days_in_year,
2587                   p_start_date     => l_period_start_date,     -- Start date mentioned in the Header rec
2588                   p_end_date       => l_period_end_date,
2589                   p_arrears        => 'Y',
2590                   x_return_status  => l_return_status);
2591                 IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
2593                 ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
2594                   RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
2595                 END IF;
2596             END IF; -- If p_day_convention <> 'THIRTY'
2597             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2598                   ROUND(l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_rate,4) || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_date
2599                   || '|' || round(l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_amount,4) || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_days
2600                   || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).is_Arrears || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).is_stub
2601                   || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_dpp || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_ppy
2602                   || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_period_start_end_date || ' | ' ||
2603                   l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).locked_amt);
2604             -- Validations regarding either of the Payment amount or rate should be present
2605             --   can be placed here ... Think about it ..
2606             cin_index := cin_index + 1;
2607           END LOOP;
2608         END IF;
2609         -- Handling the Residual Inflows
2610         IF px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).residual_inflows IS NOT NULL AND
2611            px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).residual_inflows.COUNT > 0
2612         THEN
2613           -- Calculation of the Residual Value Inflow Amounts
2614           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2615                     'Residuals: -----------------------------------' || px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).residual_inflows.COUNT );
2616           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2617                     'Rate | Date | Residual Amount | Days | Arrears | cf_dpp | cf_ppy | cf_period_start_end_date| LOCKED');
2618           FOR t_index IN px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).residual_inflows.FIRST ..
2619                          px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).residual_inflows.LAST
2620           LOOP
2621             l_residuals_tbl( res_index ) :=
2622               px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).residual_inflows(t_index);
2623              -- The wrapper API has to take the responsibility of passing the
2624              -- cf_date, cf_dpp, cf_ppy, cf_amount per each residual record
2625             get_rate(
2626               p_date          => l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_date,
2627               p_cf_strms_tbl  => px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cash_inflows,
2628               x_rate          => l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_rate,
2629               x_return_status => l_return_status);
2630             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
2632             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
2634             END IF;
2635             l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_days :=
2636               get_day_count(
2637                 p_days_in_month  => l_days_in_month,
2638                 p_days_in_year   => l_days_in_year,
2639                 p_start_date     => p_start_date,     -- Start date mentioned in the Header rec
2640                 p_end_date       => l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_date,
2641                 p_arrears        => 'Y', -- Residuals are always obtained at the end of the term
2642                 x_return_status  => l_return_status);
2643             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
2645             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
2647             END IF;
2649             IF p_day_count_method <> 'THIRTY'
2650             THEN
2651               -- Calculating the cf_dpp for the residual values
2652               l_period_end_date := l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_date;
2653               okl_stream_generator_pvt.add_months_new(
2654                 p_start_date     => l_period_end_date,
2655                 p_months_after   => -12 / l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_ppy, -- Will get the frequency for us
2656                 x_date           => l_period_start_date,
2657                 x_return_status  => l_return_status);
2658               IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
2660               ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
2661                 RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
2662               END IF;
2664               l_period_start_date := l_period_start_date + 1;
2665               l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_period_start_end_date := l_period_start_date;
2666               -- Residual value will be calculated based on the
2667               -- number of days between the l_period_start_date and l_period_end_date !!
2668               l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_dpp :=
2669                 get_day_count(
2670                   p_days_in_month  => l_days_in_month,
2671                   p_days_in_year   => l_days_in_year,
2672                   p_start_date     => l_period_start_date,     -- Start date mentioned in the Header rec
2673                   p_end_date       => l_period_end_date,
2674                   p_arrears        => 'Y',
2675                   x_return_status  => l_return_status);
2676               IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
2678               ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
2679                 RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
2680               END IF;
2681             END IF; -- IF p_day_count_method = 'THIRTY'
2682             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2683               round(l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_rate,4) || '|' || l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_date
2684               || '|' || round(l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_amount,4) || '|' || l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_days
2685               || '|' || l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_purpose || '|' || l_residuals_tbl(res_index).is_Arrears
2686               || '|' || l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_dpp || '|' || l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_ppy
2687               || '|' || l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_period_start_end_date || '|' || l_residuals_tbl(res_index).locked_amt);
2688             -- Increment the res_index
2689             res_index := res_index + 1;
2690           END LOOP;
2691         END IF;
2692         l_time_zero_cost := l_time_zero_cost +
2693                            nvl( px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).financed_amount, 0 ) -
2694                            nvl( px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).subsidy, 0 ) -
2695                            nvl( px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).trade_in, 0 ) -
2696                            nvl( px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).down_payment, 0 ) +
2697                            nvl( px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cap_fee_amount, 0 );
2698      -- Code to handle various possible fees/service other than the FREE_FORM1
2699      ELSIF px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).payment_type = 'INCOME'
2700      THEN
2701        -- Assumption is that the outflow amount is placed in the
2702        -- financed_amount. And the inflows are being passed in the l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl
2703        l_time_zero_cost := l_time_zero_cost + nvl(px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).financed_amount,0);
2705        put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).payment_type ||
2706             ' Inflows: -------------------------------------------------------------' );
2707        put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2708             'Rate | Date | Amount | Days | Arrears | Stub | cf_dpp | cf_ppy | cf_period_start_end_date | LOCKED');
2709        FOR t_index IN px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cash_inflows.FIRST ..
2710                       px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cash_inflows.LAST
2711        LOOP
2712          l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl( cin_index ) :=
2713            px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cash_inflows(t_index);
2714          -- Need to calculate just the cf_days
2715          l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_days :=
2716            get_day_count(
2717              p_days_in_month  => l_days_in_month,
2718              p_days_in_year   => l_days_in_year,
2719              p_start_date     => p_start_date,     -- Start date mentioned in the Header rec
2720              p_end_date       => l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_date,
2721              p_arrears        => l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).is_arrears,
2722              x_return_status  => l_return_status);
2723          IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
2725          ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
2727          END IF;
2728          -- cf_dpp, cf_ppy, cf_periods are being populated
2729          IF p_day_count_method <> 'THIRTY'
2730          THEN
2731            -- Pricing Day convention is not THIRTY day based !!
2732            -- So, override the existing the cf_dpp here !
2733            IF l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).is_arrears = 'Y'
2734            THEN
2735              -- cf_date represents end of the period
2736              l_period_start_date := l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_period_start_end_date;
2737              l_period_end_date := l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_date;
2738            ELSE
2739              -- cf_date represents start of the period
2740              l_period_start_date := l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_date;
2741              l_period_end_date := l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_period_start_end_date;
2742            END IF;
2743            l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_dpp :=
2744              get_day_count(
2745                p_days_in_month  => l_days_in_month,
2746                p_days_in_year   => l_days_in_year,
2747                p_start_date     => l_period_start_date,     -- Start date mentioned in the Header rec
2748                p_end_date       => l_period_end_date,
2749                p_arrears        => 'Y',
2750                x_return_status  => l_return_status);
2751            IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
2753            ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
2755            END IF;
2756          END IF; -- If p_day_convention <> 'THIRTY'
2757          put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2758             round(l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_rate,4) || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_date
2759             || '|' || round(l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_amount,4) || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_days
2760             || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).is_Arrears || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).is_stub
2761             || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_dpp || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_ppy
2762             || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_period_start_end_date
2763             || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).locked_amt);
2764          -- Validations regarding either of the Payment amount or rate should be present
2765          --   can be placed here ... Think about it ..
2766          cin_index := cin_index + 1;
2767        END LOOP; -- Loop on the px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cash_inflows
2768      -- Handling the Outflows
2769      ELSIF px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).payment_type = 'EXPENSE'
2770      THEN
2771        -- One time expense amount is being passed in the financed_amount
2772        -- Recurring expenses are being passed as cash inflows. (Reverse the sign here)
2773        l_time_zero_cost := l_time_zero_cost + nvl(px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).financed_amount,0);
2774        put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S', px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).payment_type ||
2775             'Handling Outflows: -------------------------------------------------------------' );
2776        put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2777             'Rate | Date | Amount | Days | Arrears | Stub | cf_dpp | cf_ppy | cf_period_start_end_date|LOCKED');
2778        IF px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cash_inflows.COUNT > 0
2779        THEN
2780          FOR t_index IN px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cash_inflows.FIRST ..
2781                         px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cash_inflows.LAST
2782          LOOP
2783            l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl( cout_index ) :=
2784              px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cash_inflows(t_index);
2785            -- Checking that the amount should be negative, as they are expenses
2786            --   and expenses are always considered negative from Lessor perspective !!
2787            IF l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_amount > 0
2788            THEN
2789              l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_amount := -1 * l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_amount;
2790            END IF;
2791            -- calculate the cf_days
2792            l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_days :=
2793              get_day_count(
2794                p_days_in_month  => l_days_in_month,
2795                p_days_in_year   => l_days_in_year,
2796                p_start_date     => p_start_date,     -- Start date mentioned in the Header rec
2797                p_end_date       => l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_date,
2798                p_arrears        => l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).is_arrears,
2799                x_return_status  => l_return_status);
2800            IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
2802            ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
2804            END IF;
2805            -- cf_dpp, cf_ppy, cf_periods are being populated
2806            IF p_day_count_method <> 'THIRTY'
2807            THEN
2808              -- Pricing Day convention is not THIRTY day based !!
2809              -- So, override the existing the cf_dpp here !
2810              IF l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).is_arrears = 'Y'
2811              THEN
2812                -- cf_date represents end of the period
2813                l_period_start_date := l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_period_start_end_date;
2814                l_period_end_date := l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_date;
2815              ELSE
2816                -- cf_date represents start of the period
2817                l_period_start_date := l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_date;
2818                l_period_end_date := l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_period_start_end_date;
2819              END IF;
2820              l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_dpp :=
2821                get_day_count(
2822                  p_days_in_month  => l_days_in_month,
2823                  p_days_in_year   => l_days_in_year,
2824                  p_start_date     => l_period_start_date,
2825                  p_end_date       => l_period_end_date,
2826                  p_arrears        => 'Y',
2827                  x_return_status  => l_return_status);
2828              IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
2830              ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
2831                RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
2832              END IF;
2833            END IF; -- If p_day_convention <> 'THIRTY'
2834            put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2835                 ROUND(l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_rate,4) || '|' || l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_date
2836                 || '|' || round(l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_amount,4) || '|' || l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_days
2837                 || '|' || l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).is_Arrears || '|' || l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).is_stub
2838                 || '|' || l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_dpp || '|' || l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_ppy
2839                 || '|' || l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_period_start_end_date
2840                 || '|' || l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).locked_amt);
2841            -- Validations regarding either of the Payment amount or rate should be present
2842            --   can be placed here ... Think about it ..
2843            cout_index := cout_index + 1;
2844          END LOOP; -- Loop on the px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cash_inflows
2845        END IF; -- If cash_inflows.count
2846      -- Handling the Outflows
2847      ELSIF px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).line_type = 'SECDEPOSIT'
2848      THEN
2849        -- Security Deposit is a different kind of Fee. Need to handle that differently.
2850        -- Security Deposit is kind of payment, which is considered intially as inflow
2851        -- and at the end of the term, it is considered as outflow !!
2852        put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2853              px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).line_type ||
2854             'Handling Security Deposit Streams: -------------------------------------------------------------' );
2855        put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2856             'Rate | Date | Amount | Days | Arrears | Stub | cf_dpp | cf_ppy | cf_period_start_end_date|LOCKED');
2857        FOR t_index IN px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cash_inflows.FIRST ..
2858                       px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cash_inflows.LAST
2859        LOOP
2861          l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl( cin_index ) :=
2862            px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cash_inflows(t_index);
2863          -- calculate the cf_days
2864          l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_days :=
2865            get_day_count(
2866              p_days_in_month  => l_days_in_month,
2867              p_days_in_year   => l_days_in_year,
2868              p_start_date     => p_start_date,     -- Start date mentioned in the Header rec
2869              p_end_date       => l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_date,
2870              p_arrears        => 'N',
2871              x_return_status  => l_return_status);
2872          IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
2874          ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
2876          END IF;
2878          -- cf_dpp, cf_ppy, cf_periods are being populated
2879          IF p_day_count_method <> 'THIRTY'
2880          THEN
2881            -- Pricing Day convention is not THIRTY day based !!
2882            -- So, override the existing the cf_dpp here !
2883            IF l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).is_arrears = 'Y'
2884            THEN
2885              -- cf_date represents end of the period
2886              l_period_start_date := l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_period_start_end_date;
2887              l_period_end_date := l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_date;
2888            ELSE
2889              -- cf_date represents start of the period
2890              l_period_start_date := l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_date;
2891              l_period_end_date := l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_period_start_end_date;
2892            END IF;
2893            l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_dpp :=
2894              get_day_count(
2895                p_days_in_month  => l_days_in_month,
2896                p_days_in_year   => l_days_in_year,
2897                p_start_date     => l_period_start_date,
2898                p_end_date       => l_period_end_date,
2899                p_arrears        => 'Y',
2900                x_return_status  => l_return_status);
2901            IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
2903            ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
2905            END IF;
2906          END IF; -- If p_day_convention <> 'THIRTY'
2907          put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2908             ROUND(l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_rate,4) || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_date
2909             || '|' || round(l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_amount,4) || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_days
2910             || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).is_Arrears || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).is_stub
2911             || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_dpp || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_ppy
2912             || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_period_start_end_date
2913             || '|' || l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).locked_amt);
2914          l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl( cout_index ) :=
2915            px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cash_inflows(t_index);
2916          -- Checking that the amount should be negative, as they are expenses
2917          --   and expenses are always considered negative from Lessor perspective !!
2918          IF l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_amount > 0
2919          THEN
2920            l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_amount := -1 * l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_amount;
2921          END IF;
2922          -- calculate the cf_days
2923          l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_days :=
2924            get_day_count(
2925              p_days_in_month  => l_days_in_month,
2926              p_days_in_year   => l_days_in_year,
2927              p_start_date     => p_start_date,
2928              p_end_date       => px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).line_end_date,
2929              p_arrears        => 'N',
2930              x_return_status  => l_return_status);
2931          IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
2933          ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
2935          END IF;
2936          -- Use the cash inflows cf_dpp as the cf_dpp for outflows too,
2937          --  instead of calculation of the cf_dpp for ACT365/ ACTUAL day count methods pricing
2938          l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_dpp :=
2939            l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_dpp;
2940          put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2941              round(l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_rate,4) || '|' || l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_date
2942              || '|' || round(l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_amount,4) || '|' || l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_days
2943              || '|' || l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).is_Arrears || '|' || l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).is_stub
2944              || '|' || l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_dpp || '|' || l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_ppy
2945              || '|' || l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_period_start_end_date
2946              || '|' || l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).locked_amt);
2947          -- Increment the cin_index and cout_indexes
2948          cin_index := cin_index + 1;
2949          cout_index := cout_index + 1;
2950        END LOOP; -- Loop on the px_pricing_parameter_tbl(i).cash_inflows
2951      END IF; -- If on the line_type
2952      -- Increment index i ..
2953      i := px_pricing_parameter_tbl.NEXT(i);
2954    END LOOP;
2955     -- Loop thru' the inflows and sum the amount
2956     IF l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl.COUNT > 0
2957     THEN
2958       FOR t_in in l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl.FIRST .. l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl.LAST
2959       LOOP
2960         IF l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(t_in).cf_date <= p_start_date
2961         THEN
2962           -- Sum the amount
2963           l_adv_inf_payment := l_adv_inf_payment + nvl( l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(t_in).cf_amount, 0 );
2964         END IF;
2965       END LOOP;
2966     END IF;
2967     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2968              'Rent Inflows on or before the Start Date ' || round(l_adv_inf_payment,4) );
2970     -- 20/ Validation: Sum of all the inflows should not exceed the Total Time zero cost
2971     IF l_adv_inf_payment   >= l_time_zero_cost
2972     THEN
2973       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2974            'Unable to calculate the IRR l_adv_inf_payment= ' || round(l_adv_inf_payment, 4)
2975            || 'l_time_zero_cost = ' || round( l_time_zero_cost, 4) );
2976       OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
2977         p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
2978         p_msg_name     => 'OKL_IRR_CALC_INF_LOOP',
2979         p_token1       => 'ADV_AMOUNT',
2980         p_token1_value => l_adv_inf_payment,
2981         p_token2       => 'CAPITAL_AMOUNT',
2982         p_token2_value => l_time_zero_cost);
2984     END IF;
2985     -- 30/ Validate Currency code and Precision ...
2986     IF p_currency_code IS NOT NULL
2987     THEN
2988       OPEN  get_precision_csr(p_currency_code);
2989       FETCH get_precision_csr INTO l_precision;
2990       CLOSE get_precision_csr;
2991     END IF;
2992     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2993           'Precision=' || nvl(l_precision, 1) );
2994     -- If Precision is null throw error and return
2995     IF l_precision IS NULL
2996     THEN
2997     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
2998           ': '  || 'Precision is not mentioned !' );
2999       OKL_API.set_message(
3000         p_app_name      => G_APP_NAME,
3001         p_msg_name      => OKL_API.G_REQUIRED_VALUE,
3002         p_token1        => OKL_API.G_COL_NAME_TOKEN,
3003         p_token1_value  => 'CURRENCY_CODE');
3005     END IF;
3006     -- Setting up all for the MAIN Loop ....
3007     -- Setting the IRR limit
3008     l_irr_limit := ROUND(NVL(ABS(fnd_profile.value('OKL_PRE_TAX_IRR_LIMIT')), 1000), 0)/100;
3009     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3010            ': '  || 'IRR Limit=' || l_irr_limit );
3011     -- n_iterations represent the number of Iteration we are in ..
3012     n_iterations         := 0;
3013     l_acc_term_interest  := 0;
3014     l_increment_rate     := 0.1; -- 10% increment
3015     l_crossed_zero       := 'N'; -- Y/N Flags
3016     l_irr_decided        := 'N'; -- Y/N Flags
3017     l_irr                := nvl(p_initial_guess,0.1);
3018     -- Forming the Equation (1)
3019     -- pvCF + pvR - ( C - S - D - T )= 0
3020     -- Until now  l_time_zero_cost = C - S - D - T + Cap. Fee Amt, so negate l_time_zero_cost
3021     l_time_zero_cost := -1 * l_time_zero_cost;
3022     -- As we see in Equation (1) only pvR and pvCF are based on the rate we assume/calculate
3023     -- Hence we calculate them per loop with the current l_irr
3024     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3025            'Time Zero Cost ' || round(l_time_zero_cost,4) );
3026     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3027           'Advance Inflows Amount' || round(l_adv_inf_payment,4) );
3028     LOOP
3029       -- Increment the current iteration
3030       n_iterations := n_iterations + 1;
3031       -- Start with the Net Present value as the l_time_zero_cost
3032       l_npv        := l_time_zero_cost;
3033       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S','Iteration #       ' || n_iterations);
3034       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S','Net Present Value ' || round(l_npv,4) );
3035       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S','l_irr             ' || l_irr );
3036       -- Handling the Present Value of the Residuals
3037       IF l_residuals_tbl.COUNT > 0
3038       THEN
3039         res_index := l_residuals_tbl.FIRST;
3040         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3041                   '--- Residual Values ------------------------------------------------------------' );
3042         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3043                  'DPP | PPY | Days | Periods | Res. Amount | Rate | Discount Rate | Present Value' );
3044         WHILE res_index <= l_residuals_tbl.LAST
3045         LOOP
3046           l_cf_dpp          :=  l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_dpp;
3047           l_cf_ppy          :=  l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_ppy;
3048           l_cf_amount       :=  l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_amount;
3049           l_cf_date         :=  l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_date;
3050           l_days_in_future  :=  l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_days;
3051           IF l_cf_dpp <> 0
3052           THEN
3053             l_periods         :=  l_days_in_future / l_cf_dpp;
3054           ELSE
3055             l_periods := 0;
3056           END IF;
3057           -- This is the variable you will be change based on the Pricing Method ..
3058           -- Eg., For 'Target Payment' you will be using l_irr as l_rate
3059           --      For 'Target Rate' you will be using the l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_rate ..
3060           IF p_pricing_method = 'SY'
3061           THEN
3062             l_rate            := l_irr;
3063           ELSE
3064             l_rate            := l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_rate;
3065           END IF;
3066           -- Now, calculate the Present Value of the Residual Value Cash Inflow
3067          IF (l_rate /l_cf_ppy = -1) or ((l_periods < 1) AND (l_rate /l_cf_ppy <= -1))
3068           THEN
3069             OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
3070               p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
3071               p_msg_name     => 'OKL_IRR_ZERO_DIV');
3072             l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
3074           END IF;
3075           l_disc_rate := 1 / POWER((1 + l_rate /(l_cf_ppy)), l_periods);
3076           l_temp_amount := l_cf_amount  * l_disc_rate;
3077           l_npv := l_npv + nvl(l_temp_amount,0);
3078           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3079                       round( l_cf_dpp,4) || ' | ' || l_cf_ppy || ' | ' || l_days_in_future
3080                       || ' | ' || round(l_periods,4) || ' | ' || round(l_cf_amount,4)
3081                       || ' | ' || round(l_rate,4) || ' | ' || round(l_disc_rate,4)
3082                       || ' | ' || round(l_temp_amount, 4) );
3083           -- Increment the Index of the Residuals Table
3084           res_index := l_residuals_tbl.NEXT(res_index);
3085         END LOOP;
3086       END IF;
3087       -- Handling the Present Value of the Cash Inflows
3088       IF l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl.COUNT > 0
3089       THEN
3090         IF p_pricing_method = 'SY'
3091         THEN
3092           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3093                       'Cash Inflows -------------------------------------------------------------' );
3094           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3095                       'DPP | PPY | Periods | Inflow Amount | Rate | Discount Rate | Present Value' );
3096         ELSE
3097           -- Pricing Method is TR
3098           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3099                       'Targetted Net Present Value: ' || round(l_npv,0) );
3100           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3101                       'Cash Inflows ------------------------------------------' );
3102           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3103                        '--- |---- |-------- |--------| Discount  | Accumulated |' );
3104           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3105                        'DPP | PPY | Days | Periods |  Rate  | Rate/Term |  Interest   |' );
3106         END IF;
3107         cin_index := l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl.FIRST;
3108         WHILE cin_index <= l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl.LAST
3109         LOOP
3110           l_cf_dpp          :=  l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_dpp;
3111           l_cf_ppy          :=  l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_ppy;
3112           l_cf_amount       :=  l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_amount;
3113           l_cf_date         :=  l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_date;
3114           l_days_in_future  :=  l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_days;
3115           IF l_cf_dpp <> 0
3116           THEN
3117             l_periods         :=  l_days_in_future / l_cf_dpp;
3118           ELSE
3119             l_periods := 0;
3120           END IF;
3121           -- This is the variable you will be changing based on the
3122           -- Pricing Method ..
3123           -- Say like for Target Payment you will be using l_irr as l_rate
3124           --  when for Target Rate you will be using the l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_rate ..
3125           IF p_pricing_method = 'SY'
3126           THEN
3127             l_rate :=  l_irr;
3128             IF (l_rate /l_cf_ppy = -1) or ((l_periods < 1) AND (l_rate /l_cf_ppy <= -1))
3129           THEN
3130             OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
3131               p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
3132               p_msg_name     => 'OKL_IRR_ZERO_DIV');
3133             l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
3135             END IF;
3136             -- Now, calculate the Present Value of the Cash Inflows
3137             l_disc_rate := 1/ POWER((1 + l_rate /(l_cf_ppy)), l_periods);
3138             l_temp_amount := l_cf_amount  * l_disc_rate;
3139             l_npv := l_npv + l_temp_amount;
3140             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3141                        l_cf_dpp || ' | ' || l_cf_ppy || ' | ' || l_days_in_future
3142                        || ' | ' || round(l_periods,4) || ' | ' || round(l_cf_amount,4)
3143                        || ' | ' || round(l_rate,4) || ' | ' || round(l_disc_rate, 4)
3144                        || ' | ' || round(l_temp_amount,4) );
3145           ELSIF p_pricing_method = 'TR'
3146           THEN
3147             IF nvl(l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).locked_amt, 'N') = 'N'
3148             THEN
3149               -- Rate given, need to solve for Payment
3150               l_rate := l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_rate;
3151               IF (l_rate /l_cf_ppy = -1) or ((l_periods < 1) AND (l_rate /l_cf_ppy <= -1))
3152               THEN
3153                 OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
3154                   p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
3155                   p_msg_name     => 'OKL_IRR_ZERO_DIV');
3156                 l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
3157                 RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
3158               END IF;
3159               l_term_interest    := 1/ POWER((1 + l_rate /(l_cf_ppy)), l_periods);
3160               l_acc_term_interest := l_acc_term_interest + l_term_interest;
3161               put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3162                           l_cf_dpp  || ' | ' || l_cf_ppy || ' | ' || l_days_in_future || ' | ' || round(l_periods,4)
3163                           || ' | ' || round(l_rate,4) || ' | ' || round(l_term_interest, 4)
3164                           || ' | ' || round(l_acc_term_interest,4) );
3165             ELSE
3166               -- The possible case is that the Quote Pricing method is TR and User has entered Income/Misc Fee with proper Amount.
3167               -- In such a case, pricing should consider the amount using the Rate which is being stored at the Cash flow levels of the Fees
3168               -- NOTE: Be sure that the fee streams has the Rate populated, may be pricing only needs to populate them
3169               --       as front end may not take the responsibility of updating the CFL with the target_rate.
3170               l_disc_rate := 1 / POWER((1 + l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_rate /(l_cf_ppy)), l_periods);
3171               l_temp_amount := l_cf_amount  * l_disc_rate;
3172               l_npv := l_npv + nvl(l_temp_amount,0);
3173               put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3174                 round( l_cf_dpp,4) || ' | ' || l_cf_ppy || ' | ' || l_days_in_future || ' | ' || round(l_periods,4) || ' | ' || round(l_cf_amount,4)
3175                 || ' | ' || round(l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl(cin_index).cf_rate,4) || ' | ' || round(l_disc_rate,4) || ' | ' || round(l_temp_amount, 4) );
3176             END IF;
3177           END IF; -- IF based on Pricing method
3178           -- Increment the Index of the Residuals Table
3179           cin_index := l_cash_inflow_strms_tbl.NEXT(cin_index);
3180         END LOOP;
3181       END IF;
3182       -- Handling the Present Value of the Cash Outflows
3183       IF l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl.COUNT > 0
3184       THEN
3185         IF p_pricing_method = 'SY'
3186         THEN
3187           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3188                       'Cash Outflows: -------------------------------------------------------------' );
3189           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3190                      'DPP | PPY | Periods | Inflow Amount | Rate | Discount Rate | Present Value' );
3191         ELSE
3192           -- Pricing Method is TR
3193           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3194                      'Targetted Net Present Value: ' || round(l_npv,0) );
3195           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3196                      'Cash Outflows ------------------------------------------' );
3197           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3198                      '--- |---- |-------- |--------| Discount  | Accumulated |' );
3199           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3200                       'DPP | PPY | Days | Periods |  Rate  | Rate/Term |  Interest   |' );
3201         END IF;
3202         cout_index := l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl.FIRST;
3203         WHILE cout_index <= l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl.LAST
3204         LOOP
3205           l_cf_dpp          :=  l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_dpp;
3206           l_cf_ppy          :=  l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_ppy;
3207           l_cf_amount       :=  l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_amount;
3208           l_cf_date         :=  l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_date;
3209           l_days_in_future  :=  l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_days;
3210           IF l_cf_dpp <> 0
3211           THEN
3212             l_periods         :=  l_days_in_future / l_cf_dpp;
3213           ELSE
3214             l_periods := 0;
3215           END IF;
3216           IF p_pricing_method = 'SY'
3217           THEN
3218             l_rate :=  l_irr;
3219             IF (l_rate /l_cf_ppy = -1) or ((l_periods < 1) AND (l_rate /l_cf_ppy <= -1))
3220             THEN
3221               OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
3222                 p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
3223                 p_msg_name     => 'OKL_IRR_ZERO_DIV');
3224               l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
3226             END IF;
3227             -- Now, calculate the Present Value of the Cash Inflows
3228             l_disc_rate := 1/ POWER((1 + l_rate /(l_cf_ppy)), l_periods);
3229             l_temp_amount := l_cf_amount  * l_disc_rate;
3230             l_npv := l_npv + l_temp_amount;
3231             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3232                         l_cf_dpp || ' | ' || l_cf_ppy || ' | ' || l_days_in_future
3233                         || ' | ' || round(l_periods,4) || ' | ' || round(l_cf_amount,4)
3234                         || ' | ' || round(l_rate,4) || ' | ' || round(l_disc_rate, 4)
3235                         || ' | ' || round(l_temp_amount,4) );
3236           ELSIF p_pricing_method = 'TR'
3237           THEN
3238             IF nvl(l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).locked_amt, 'N') = 'N'
3239             THEN
3240               -- Rate given, need to solve for Payment
3241               l_rate := l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_rate;
3242               IF (l_rate /l_cf_ppy = -1) or ((l_periods < 1) AND (l_rate /l_cf_ppy <= -1))
3243               THEN
3244                 OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
3245                   p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
3246                   p_msg_name     => 'OKL_IRR_ZERO_DIV');
3247                 l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
3248                 RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
3249               END IF;
3250               l_term_interest    := 1/ POWER((1 + l_rate /(l_cf_ppy)), l_periods);
3251               l_acc_term_interest := l_acc_term_interest + l_term_interest;
3252               put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3253                 l_cf_dpp || ' | ' || l_cf_ppy || ' | ' || round(l_periods,4) || ' | ' || round(l_rate,4) || ' | ' || round(l_term_interest, 4)
3254                 || ' | ' || round(l_acc_term_interest,4) );
3255             ELSE
3256               l_disc_rate := 1 / POWER((1 + l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_rate /(l_cf_ppy)), l_periods);
3257               l_temp_amount := l_cf_amount  * l_disc_rate;
3258               l_npv := l_npv + nvl(l_temp_amount,0);
3259               put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3260                 round( l_cf_dpp,4) || ' | ' || l_cf_ppy || ' | ' ||
3261                 l_days_in_future || ' | ' || round(l_periods,4) || ' | ' ||
3262                 round(l_cf_amount,4)  || ' | ' || round(l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl(cout_index).cf_rate,4)
3263                 || ' | ' || round(l_disc_rate,4) || ' | ' || round(l_temp_amount, 4) );
3264             END IF;
3265           END IF; -- IF based on Pricing method
3266           -- Increment the Index of the Residuals Table
3267           cout_index := l_cash_outflow_strms_tbl.NEXT(cout_index);
3268         END LOOP;
3269       END IF;
3270       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S', 'NPV : ' || round(l_npv,4) );
3271       -- If Pricing Method is Solve for Payments ..
3272       IF p_pricing_method = 'SY'
3273       THEN
3274         -- With the current l_irr rate if the NPV is nearly zero ..
3275         --  then return the current rate as the final irr ...
3276         IF ROUND( l_npv, l_precision + 4 ) = 0
3277         THEN
3278           -- If the net present value is ZERO
3279 -------------------------------------------------------
3280 -- Need to place the code to return the payment too ...
3281 -------------------------------------------------------
3282           px_irr := l_irr;
3283           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3284                         'INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN = ' || px_irr );
3285           EXIT;
3286         END IF;
3287       ELSIF p_pricing_method = 'TR'
3288       THEN
3289         -- Calculate the Payment and exit .. ..( NO LOOPING ...)
3290         IF ROUND( l_acc_term_interest, l_precision + 4 ) = 0
3291         THEN
3292           OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
3293             p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
3294             p_msg_name     => 'OKL_IRR_ZERO_DIV');
3295           l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
3296           EXIT WHEN (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR);
3297         END IF;
3298         x_payment := -l_npv/ l_acc_term_interest;
3299         px_irr := l_irr;
3300         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3301                         'CALCULATED PAYMENT AMOUNT = ' || round( x_payment,4) );
3302         EXIT;
3303       END IF; -- p_pricing_method IF
3305       IF p_pricing_method = 'SY' THEN
3306         -- Determine whether we are having NPVs with different signs ..
3307         IF SIGN(l_npv) <> SIGN(l_prev_npv) AND
3308            l_crossed_zero = 'N'            AND
3309            n_iterations > 1                THEN
3310           l_crossed_zero := 'Y';
3311           IF  SIGN( l_npv) = 1   THEN
3312             l_positive_npv     := l_npv;
3313             l_negative_npv     := l_prev_npv;
3314             l_positive_npv_irr := l_irr;
3315             l_negative_npv_irr := l_prev_irr;
3316           ELSE
3317             l_positive_npv     := l_prev_npv;
3318             l_negative_npv     := l_npv;
3319             l_positive_npv_irr := l_prev_irr;
3320             l_negative_npv_irr := l_irr;
3321           END IF;
3322         END IF;
3324         IF( SIGN(l_npv) = 1) THEN
3325           l_positive_npv := l_npv;
3326           l_positive_npv_irr := l_irr;
3327         ELSE
3328           l_negative_npv := l_npv;
3329           l_negative_npv_irr := l_irr;
3330         END IF;
3331         IF l_crossed_zero = 'Y'
3332         THEN
3333           -- Means First time we have got two opposite signed NPVs
3334           -- Introducing Interpolation approach instead of the Binary Method
3335           IF n_iterations > 1 then
3336             l_abs_incr_rate := abs(( l_positive_npv_irr - l_negative_npv_irr )
3337                           / ( l_positive_npv - l_negative_npv )  * l_positive_npv) ;
3338             IF ( l_positive_npv_irr < l_negative_npv_irr ) THEN
3339               l_irr := l_positive_npv_irr + l_abs_incr_rate;
3340             ELSE
3341               l_irr := l_positive_npv_irr - l_abs_incr_rate;
3342             END IF;
3343             l_irr_decided := 'Y';
3344           ELSE
3345             -- Feel so we wont be here any time ..
3346             -- Use Binary Method to reach the desired IRR
3347             l_abs_incr_rate := ABS(l_increment_rate) / 2;
3348           END IF;
3349         ELSE
3350           -- If still not crossed zero, increment the rate with l_increment_rate as it is ..
3351           l_abs_incr_rate := ABS(l_increment_rate);
3352         END IF;
3353         IF n_iterations > 1                   THEN
3354           IF SIGN(l_npv) <> SIGN(l_prev_npv)  THEN
3355             IF l_prev_incr_sign = 1           THEN
3356               -- Change sign of the increment if the current and previous npvs are of different signs
3357               l_increment_rate := - l_abs_incr_rate;
3358             ELSE
3359               -- Proceed with the same increment if the current and previous npvs are of same sign
3360               l_increment_rate := l_abs_incr_rate;
3361             END IF; -- l_prev_incr_sign
3362           ELSE -- IF SIGN(l_npv) <> SIGN(l_prev_npv)
3363             -- Current and Previous npvs are of same signs
3364             IF l_prev_incr_sign = 1          THEN
3365               -- Proceed with the same increment
3366               l_increment_rate := l_abs_incr_rate;
3367             ELSE
3368               l_increment_rate := - l_abs_incr_rate;
3369             END IF;
3370           END IF;
3371         ELSE -- Else for n_iterations If ..
3372           -- First Iteration ...
3373           IF SIGN(l_npv) = -1
3374           THEN
3375             l_increment_rate := -l_increment_rate;
3376           END IF;
3377         END IF; -- n_iteratios if ..
3378         l_prev_irr        := l_irr;
3379         IF l_irr_decided = 'N'
3380         THEN
3381           l_irr             :=  l_irr + l_increment_rate;
3382         ELSE
3383           -- l_irr has been already decided .. just change the flag here ..
3384           l_irr_decided := 'N';
3385         END IF;
3386         -- If IRR exceeded the limit set in the profile, then raise an error
3387         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3388                    'l_irr ' || round( l_irr, 4 ) );
3389         IF ABS(l_irr) > l_irr_limit         THEN
3390           OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
3391             p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
3392             p_msg_name     => 'OKL_IRR_CALC_IRR_LIMIT',
3393             p_token1       => 'IRR_LIMIT',
3394             p_token1_value => l_irr_limit*100);
3395             x_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
3396           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3397                      '---------------- IRR crossed the limit --------------------------- ' );
3399           --EXIT WHEN (x_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR);
3400         END IF;
3401         l_prev_incr_sign  :=  SIGN(l_increment_rate);
3402         l_prev_npv_sign   :=  SIGN(l_npv);
3403         l_prev_npv        :=  l_npv;
3404       END IF;
3405     END LOOP; -- (Loop on n_iterations .. )
3406     -- Setting up the return variables
3407     x_return_status := l_return_status;
3408     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
3409                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
3410     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
3411             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_version) );
3414       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
3415                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
3416                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
3417                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
3418                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
3419                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
3420                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
3422       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
3423                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
3424                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
3425                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
3426                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
3427                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
3428                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
3430       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
3431                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
3432                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
3433                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
3434                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
3435                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
3436                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
3437   END compute_irr;
3438   -- Procedure -- for solving the Financed Amount when EOTs
3439   --   are of type Percent !
3440   -- Please be sure that no down payments, Trade in , Subsidy are being
3441   -- passed in the pricing param recrod, they need to be handled irrespective
3442   -- whether they are direct amounts or percentage of Asset Cost.
3443   PROCEDURE compute_iir_sfp(
3444               p_api_version             IN             NUMBER,
3445               p_init_msg_list           IN             VARCHAR2,
3446               x_return_status           OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
3447               x_msg_count               OUT     NOCOPY NUMBER,
3448               x_msg_data                OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
3449               p_start_date              IN             DATE,
3450               p_day_count_method        IN             VARCHAR2,
3451               p_pricing_method          IN             VARCHAR2,
3452               p_initial_guess           IN             NUMBER,
3453               px_pricing_parameter_rec  IN  OUT NOCOPY pricing_parameter_rec_type,
3454               px_iir                    IN  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
3455               x_closing_balance         OUT     NOCOPY NUMBER,
3456               x_residual_percent        OUT     NOCOPY NUMBER,
3457               x_residual_int_factor     OUT     NOCOPY NUMBER)
3458   AS
3459     -- Local Variables
3460     l_api_version     CONSTANT    NUMBER          DEFAULT 1.0;
3461     l_api_name        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT 'compute_iir_sfp';
3462     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
3464     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
3465                       || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
3466     l_debug_enabled VARCHAR2(10);
3467     is_debug_procedure_on BOOLEAN;
3468     is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN;
3469     l_days_in_month          VARCHAR2(30);
3470     l_days_in_year           VARCHAR2(30);
3471     l_start_date             DATE;
3472     l_cash_inflows_tbl       cash_inflows_tbl_type;
3473     l_asset_cost             NUMBER;
3474     l_residual_amount        NUMBER;
3475     l_next_cif_date          DATE;
3476     l_residuals_tbl          cash_inflows_tbl_type;
3477     cf_index                 NUMBER;
3478     res_index                NUMBER;
3479     i                        NUMBER;
3480     l_opening_bal            NUMBER;
3481     l_closing_bal            NUMBER;
3482     l_rate                   NUMBER;
3483     l_iir                    NUMBER;
3484     l_days_per_annum         NUMBER;
3485     l_interest_factor        NUMBER;
3486     l_residual_percent       NUMBER;
3487   BEGIN
3488     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
3489     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
3490     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
3492     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
3493                               'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
3494     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
3495     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
3496     -- Call START_ACTIVITY to create savepoint, check compatibility
3497     -- and initialize message list
3498     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
3499                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
3500                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
3501                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
3502                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
3503                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
3504                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
3505                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
3506     --Check if activity started successfully
3507     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
3509     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
3511     END IF;
3512     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S','-Start' );
3513     get_days_in_year_and_month(
3514       p_day_count_method => p_day_count_method,
3515       x_days_in_month    => l_days_in_month,
3516       x_days_in_year     => l_days_in_year,
3517       x_return_status    => l_return_status);
3518     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S','After get_day_count_method ' || l_return_status);
3519     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
3521     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
3523     END IF;
3524     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3525                'l_days_in_month= ' || l_days_in_month || ' |  l_days_in_year = ' || l_days_in_year);
3526     -- Initializations
3527     l_start_date             := p_start_date;
3528     l_asset_cost             := nvl(px_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount, 0);
3529     l_residuals_tbl          := px_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows;
3530     l_residual_amount        := 0;
3531     -- Introducing new pricing method called SFR, to
3532     --  Handle the SF method when the Residual Amt is percentage of OEC
3533     IF p_pricing_method <> 'SFP'
3534     THEN
3535       -- Not handling other pricing scenarios as of now
3536       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3537                'Compute_iir_sfp currently supports only Solve for Financed Amount EOT Percent Pricing method only' );
3538       OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
3539         p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
3540         p_msg_name     => 'OKL_LP_INVALID_PRICING_METHOD');
3542     END IF;
3543     IF px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows IS NOT NULL AND
3544        px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.COUNT > 0
3545     THEN
3546       cf_index          := px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.FIRST;
3547       i                 := 1;  -- Store inflows as an 1-Based Array
3548       l_next_cif_date   := p_start_date;
3549       -- Loop thorugh the Cash Inflows ..
3550       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3551                'Cash Inflows: --------------------------------------------------- ' );
3552       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3553                'Date | Amount | Days | Purpose| Arrears | Interest Acc. on Capital |l_next_cif_date ' );
3554       WHILE cf_index <= px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.LAST
3555       LOOP
3556         -- Copy a record from px_table to l_cash_inflows_tbl ..
3557         -- rate, cf_date, is_arrears, cf_miss_pay, amount .. will be copied
3558         l_cash_inflows_tbl(i) := px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows(cf_index);
3559         l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_days := GET_DAY_COUNT(
3560           p_days_in_month    => l_days_in_month,
3561           p_days_in_year     => l_days_in_year,
3562           p_start_date       => l_next_cif_date,
3563           p_end_date         => l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_date,
3564           p_arrears          => l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).is_arrears,
3565           x_return_status    => l_return_status);
3566         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
3568         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
3570         END IF;
3571         IF ( l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_purpose = 'UNSCHEDULED_PRINCIPAL_PAYMENT')
3572         THEN
3573           l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_purpose := 'P';
3574         ELSIF ( l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_purpose = 'UNSCHEDULED_INTEREST_PAYMENT')
3575         THEN
3576           l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_purpose := 'I';
3577         ELSE
3578           l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_purpose := 'B';
3579         END IF;
3580         -- Interest calculated for l_next_cif_date to l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_date
3581         l_days_per_annum := get_days_per_annum(
3582                               p_day_convention   => p_day_count_method,
3583                               p_start_date       => p_start_date,
3584                               p_cash_inflow_date => l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_date,
3585                               x_return_status    => l_return_status );
3586         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
3588         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
3590         END IF;
3591         -- Sum the Interest based on the capitalized amount
3592         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3593                 l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_date || '|' || round(l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_amount,4)
3594                 || '|' || l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_days || '|' || l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_purpose
3595                 || '|' || l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).is_Arrears || '|' || '--'
3596                 || '|' || l_next_cif_date);
3597         -- Incrementing the Start Date for next period
3598         l_next_cif_date  :=  l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_date;
3599         IF l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).is_arrears = 'Y'
3600         THEN
3601           l_next_cif_date  :=  l_next_cif_date + 1;
3602         END IF;
3603         -- Increment the indexes
3604         cf_index := px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.NEXT(cf_index);
3605         i := i + 1;
3606       END LOOP; -- End While Looping on px_cash_inflow_tbl
3607     END IF; -- If px_cash_inflow_tbl
3608     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3609                 'Residuals: -------------------------------------' );
3610     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3611                 'Date | Residual Amount | Days | Purpose| Arrears' );
3612     -- Handling Residual Value Streams
3613     IF l_residuals_tbl.COUNT > 0
3614     THEN
3615       res_index := l_residuals_tbl.FIRST;
3616       WHILE res_index <= l_residuals_tbl.LAST
3617       LOOP
3618         l_residual_amount := l_residual_amount + l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_amount;
3619         -- To get rate, instead of using the get_rate api, we can directly take the rate from the
3620         --   last inflow ..
3621         l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_rate := l_cash_inflows_tbl(l_cash_inflows_tbl.LAST).cf_rate;
3622         IF l_next_cif_date >= l_residuals_tbl( res_index ).cf_date
3623         THEN
3624           l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_days := 0;
3625         ELSE
3626           l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_days := GET_DAY_COUNT(
3627             p_days_in_month    => l_days_in_month,
3628             p_days_in_year     => l_days_in_year,
3629             p_start_date       => l_next_cif_date,
3630             p_end_date         => l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_date,
3631             p_arrears          => 'Y',
3632             x_return_status    => l_return_status);
3633           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
3635           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
3637           END IF;
3638         END IF; -- IF l_next_cif_date >= l_residuals_tbl( res_index ).cf_date
3639         l_next_cif_date := l_residuals_tbl( res_index ).cf_date;
3640         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3641                l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_date || '|' || round(l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_amount,4)
3642                || '|' || l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_days || '|' || l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_purpose
3643                || '|' || l_residuals_tbl(res_index).is_Arrears);
3644         -- Increment the Residual Table Index
3645         res_index := l_residuals_tbl.NEXT( res_index );
3646       END LOOP;
3647     END IF;
3648     -- Compute_iir can directly calculate the Financed Amount/Subsidy/Down payment/Trade in Amount
3649     -- without any iterations !!
3650     IF p_pricing_method = 'SFP'
3651     THEN
3652       -- Pricing Logic for Solve for Financed Amount/ Solve for Subsidy
3653       l_opening_bal := 0;
3654       l_closing_bal := 0;  -- Targetting l_closing_bal as zero
3655       l_rate        := 0;
3656       l_interest_factor := 1;
3657       l_residual_percent := 0;
3658       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3659                    'Targeting Closing Balance: ' || l_closing_bal );
3660       IF l_residuals_tbl IS NOT NULL AND
3661          l_residuals_tbl.COUNT > 0
3662       THEN
3663         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3664                  'Residual Details: -----------------------------------------------------------------' );
3665         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3666                   'Days/Annum | Rate | Closing Balance|Days|Residual Amount|Interest Factor on Res. Amount|Opening Balance' );
3667         res_index := l_residuals_tbl.COUNT;
3668         WHILE res_index >= 1
3669         LOOP
3670           IF p_pricing_method = 'SFP'
3671           THEN
3672             l_days_per_annum := get_days_per_annum(
3673                                   p_day_convention   => p_day_count_method,
3674                                   p_start_date       => p_start_date,
3675                                   p_cash_inflow_date => l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_date,
3676                                  x_return_status    => l_return_status );
3677             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
3679             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
3681             END IF;
3682             -- Sum the Residual Percentage. Cf_amount will be storing the percentages
3683             --  instead of directly the amounts
3684             l_residual_percent := l_residual_percent + nvl( l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_amount, 0);
3685             l_rate := 1 + ( l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_days *
3686                           l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_rate /l_days_per_annum );
3687             -- Multiply this interest factor
3688             l_interest_factor := l_interest_factor * l_rate;
3689           END IF;
3690           -- Decrement the Iterator
3691           res_index := res_index - 1;
3692         END LOOP;
3693       ELSE
3694       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3695                  'No Residual Amounts Passed !!! ' );
3696       END IF;
3697       IF l_cash_inflows_tbl IS NOT NULL AND
3698          l_cash_inflows_tbl.COUNT > 0
3699       THEN
3700         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3701                   'Inflows Details: ------------------------------------------------------------------' );
3702         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3703                  'Days/Annum | Rate | Closing Balance|Days|Inflow Amount|Interest Factor on Inflow Amount|Opening Balance' );
3704         -- Looping through Inflows in Reverse way
3705         cf_index := l_cash_inflows_tbl.COUNT;
3706         WHILE cf_index >= 1
3707         LOOP
3708           l_days_per_annum := get_days_per_annum(
3709                                 p_day_convention   => p_day_count_method,
3710                                 p_start_date       => p_start_date,
3711                                 p_cash_inflow_date => l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_date,
3712                                 x_return_status    => l_return_status );
3713           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
3715           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
3717           END IF;
3718           l_rate := 1 + ( l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_days *
3719                           l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_rate /l_days_per_annum );
3720           -- Multiply this interest factor
3721           l_interest_factor := l_interest_factor * l_rate;
3722           l_opening_bal := ( l_closing_bal + l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_amount ) / l_rate;
3723           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3724                   l_days_per_annum || '|' || l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_rate || ' | ' || round(l_closing_bal,4) || '|' || l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_days
3725                   || '|' || round(l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_amount,4) || '|' || round( l_rate, 4 )
3726                   || '|' || round(l_opening_bal,4));
3727           l_closing_bal := l_opening_bal;
3728           -- Decrement the Iterator
3729           cf_index := cf_index - 1;
3730         END LOOP;
3731       END IF; -- IF l_cash_inflow_tbl is not null
3732       -- Now, after looping through the Residuals and then the Rent Inflows,
3733       -- the Opening Balance is nothing but the Financed Amount.
3734       --   The opening balance is the amount represent which should be the starting
3735       --   Financed Amount such that at the end the closing balance is ZERO.
3736       -- The above logic is just nothing but the Reverse Approach !!
3737       -- Store the Financed Amount and return now !
3738       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3739         ' Closing Balance | Residual Percent | Residual Interest Factor ');
3740       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3741         ROUND( l_closing_bal, 4 ) || ' | ' || round(l_residual_percent, 4) || '  | ' || round(l_interest_factor, 4));
3742       -- Solve for Financed Amount Logic when the Residuals are percentage of OEC
3743       x_closing_balance := l_closing_bal; -- This is the OEC'
3744       x_residual_percent := l_residual_percent;
3745       x_residual_int_factor := l_interest_factor;
3746     END IF;
3747     -- Set ther return values and return them !!
3748     x_return_status := l_return_status;
3749     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
3750                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
3751     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
3752             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_version) );
3755       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
3756                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
3757                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
3758                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
3759                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
3760                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
3761                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
3763       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
3764                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
3765                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
3766                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
3767                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
3768                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
3769                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
3771       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
3772                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
3773                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
3774                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
3775                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
3776                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
3777                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
3778   END compute_iir_sfp;
3779   -- Procedure: Calculation of the IIR
3780   PROCEDURE compute_iir(
3781               p_api_version             IN             NUMBER,
3782               p_init_msg_list           IN             VARCHAR2,
3783               x_return_status           OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
3784               x_msg_count               OUT     NOCOPY NUMBER,
3785               x_msg_data                OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
3786               p_start_date              IN             DATE,
3787               p_day_count_method        IN             VARCHAR2,
3788               p_pricing_method          IN             VARCHAR2,
3789               p_initial_guess           IN             NUMBER,
3790               px_pricing_parameter_rec  IN  OUT NOCOPY pricing_parameter_rec_type,
3791               px_iir                    IN  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
3792               x_payment                 OUT     NOCOPY NUMBER)
3793   AS
3794     -- Local Variables
3795     l_api_version     CONSTANT    NUMBER          DEFAULT 1.0;
3796     l_api_name        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT 'compute_iir';
3797     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
3799     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
3800                       || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
3801     l_debug_enabled VARCHAR2(10);
3802     is_debug_procedure_on BOOLEAN;
3803     is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN;
3804     l_days_in_month          VARCHAR2(30);
3805     l_days_in_year           VARCHAR2(30);
3806     l_start_date             DATE;
3807     l_cash_inflows_tbl       cash_inflows_tbl_type;
3808     l_asset_cost             NUMBER;
3809     l_tradein_amt            NUMBER;
3810     l_subsidy_amt            NUMBER;
3811     l_downpayment_amt        NUMBER;
3812     l_ast_cap_fee_amt        NUMBER;
3813     l_residual_amount        NUMBER;
3814     l_next_cif_date          DATE;
3815     l_residuals_tbl          cash_inflows_tbl_type;
3816     l_investment             NUMBER;
3817     l_adv_amount             NUMBER;
3818     l_interest               NUMBER;
3819     cf_index                 NUMBER;
3820     res_index                NUMBER;
3821     i                        NUMBER;
3822     n_iterations             NUMBER;
3823     l_opening_bal            NUMBER;
3824     l_closing_bal            NUMBER;
3825     l_payment                NUMBER;
3826     l_principal_payment      NUMBER;
3827     l_diff                   NUMBER;
3828     l_prev_diff              NUMBER;
3829     l_positive_diff_pay      NUMBER := 0;
3830     l_negative_diff_pay      NUMBER := 0;
3831     l_positive_diff          NUMBER := 0;
3832     l_negative_diff          NUMBER := 0;
3833     l_crossed_zero           VARCHAR2(1);
3834     l_periodic_amount        NUMBER;
3835     l_prev_periodic_amount   NUMBER := 0;
3836     l_increment              NUMBER;
3837     l_abs_incr               NUMBER;
3838     l_prev_incr_sign         NUMBER;
3839     l_prev_diff_sign         NUMBER;
3840     l_rate                   NUMBER;
3841     l_iir                    NUMBER;
3842     l_prev_iir               NUMBER;
3843     l_positive_diff_iir      NUMBER;
3844     l_negative_diff_iir      NUMBER;
3845     l_days_per_annum         NUMBER;
3846     l_interest_factor        NUMBER;
3847     l_residual_percent       NUMBER;
3848   BEGIN
3849     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
3850     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
3851     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
3853     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
3854                               'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
3855     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
3856     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
3857     -- Call START_ACTIVITY to create savepoint, check compatibility
3858     -- and initialize message list
3859     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
3860                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
3861                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
3862                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
3863                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
3864                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
3865                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
3866                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
3867     --Check if activity started successfully
3868     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
3870     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
3872     END IF;
3873     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S','-Start' );
3874     get_days_in_year_and_month(
3875       p_day_count_method => p_day_count_method,
3876       x_days_in_month    => l_days_in_month,
3877       x_days_in_year     => l_days_in_year,
3878       x_return_status    => l_return_status);
3879     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S','After get_day_count_method ' || l_return_status);
3880     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
3882     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
3884     END IF;
3885     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3886                'l_days_in_month= ' || l_days_in_month || ' |  l_days_in_year = ' || l_days_in_year);
3887     -- Initializations
3888     l_start_date             := p_start_date;
3889     l_asset_cost             := nvl(px_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount, 0);
3890     l_tradein_amt            := nvl(px_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in, 0);
3891     l_subsidy_amt            := nvl(px_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy, 0);
3892     l_downpayment_amt        := nvl(px_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment, 0);
3893     l_ast_cap_fee_amt        := nvl(px_pricing_parameter_rec.cap_fee_amount, 0);
3894     l_residuals_tbl          := px_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows;
3895     l_periodic_amount        := 0;
3896     l_investment             := 0;
3897     l_adv_amount             := 0;
3898     l_interest               := 0;
3899     l_residual_amount        := 0;
3900     -- Introducing new pricing method called SFR, to
3901     --  Handle the SF method when the Residual Amt is percentage of OEC
3902     IF p_pricing_method <> 'SP'  AND
3903        p_pricing_method <> 'SM'  AND
3904        p_pricing_method <> 'SF'  AND
3905        p_pricing_method <> 'SFP' AND
3906        p_pricing_method <> 'SS'  AND
3907        p_pricing_method <> 'SY'  AND
3908        p_pricing_method <> 'SI'  AND -- Solve for Trade in
3909        p_pricing_method <> 'SD'  AND
3910        p_pricing_method <> 'TR'  AND
3911        p_pricing_method <> 'SPP'
3912     THEN
3913       -- Not handling other pricing scenarios as of now
3914       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3915                'Compute_iir currently supports only Solve for Payment, Solve for Financed Amount, ' );
3916       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3917                'Solve for Subsidy, Solve for Subsidy, Down Payment, Tradein, Missing Payment Pricing Scenarios only, Target Rate ( IIR) ' );
3918       OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
3919         p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
3920         p_msg_name     => 'OKL_LP_INVALID_PRICING_METHOD');
3922     END IF;
3923     IF p_pricing_method = 'SP' OR
3924        p_pricing_method = 'SY' OR
3925        p_pricing_method = 'SM' OR
3926        p_pricing_method = 'TR' OR
3927        p_pricing_method = 'SPP'
3928     THEN
3929       -- Solve for Payment Scenario
3930       -- So, validate whether we have been given the Financed Amount,
3931       --   and Residual Value properly atleast
3932       IF px_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount IS NULL
3933       THEN
3934         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3935                     'Financed Amount cannot be null .. Pricing Method '|| p_pricing_method );
3936         -- Raise an Error
3939       END IF;
3940       -- The cash inflows should have rate populated !
3941       FOR t IN px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.FIRST ..
3942                px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.LAST
3943       LOOP
3944         IF px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows(t).cf_rate IS NULL AND
3945            p_pricing_method <> 'SY'
3946         THEN
3947           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3948                      'Streams Passed are not having the Rate. Pricing Method '|| p_pricing_method );
3949           -- Raise an Error
3950           OKL_API.set_message(
3951             G_APP_NAME,
3952             OKL_API.G_INVALID_VALUE,
3953             OKL_API.G_COL_NAME_TOKEN,
3954             'CF_RATE');
3956         END IF;
3957       END LOOP;
3958     END IF;
3959     IF p_pricing_method = 'SF' AND
3960        p_pricing_method = 'SFP'
3961     THEN
3962       -- Place validations for Solve for Financed Amount, such that
3963       -- Rate and Amounts should be present for all inflows in the px_cash_inflow_tbl table
3964       -- Also, validations what we need to impose for this table is
3965       -- a/ The inflow elements table should be ordered by date
3966       NULL;
3967     END IF;
3968     IF p_pricing_method = 'SS'
3969     THEN
3970       -- Solve for Subsidy Scenario
3971       -- So, validate whether we have been given the Financed Amount, Cash Inflows
3972       --   and Residual Value properly atleast
3973       IF px_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount IS NULL
3974       THEN
3975         -- Raise an Error
3977       END IF;
3978     END IF;
3979     -- Calculate the Investment ..
3980     -- C - S - D - T
3981     l_investment := l_asset_cost - l_tradein_amt - l_subsidy_amt - l_downpayment_amt + l_ast_cap_fee_amt;
3982     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3983       'Investment including the Cap. Fee for this Asset (l_investment) ' || l_investment );
3984     IF px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows IS NOT NULL AND
3985        px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.COUNT > 0
3986     THEN
3987       cf_index          := px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.FIRST;
3988       i                 := 1;  -- Store inflows as an 1-Based Array
3989       l_next_cif_date   := p_start_date;
3990       -- Loop thorugh the Cash Inflows ..
3991       --  1/ Calculate the days, average rate if rates are different ..
3992       --  2/ Sum the amounts which you are getting on or before the p_start_date
3993       --      into l_adv_amount, so that we can later validate such that
3994       --      l_investment should be greater than the l_adv_amount
3995       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3996                'Cash Inflows: --------------------------------------------------- ' );
3997       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
3998                'Date | Amount | Days | Purpose| Arrears | Interest Acc. on Capital |l_next_cif_date | cf_ratio ' );
3999       WHILE cf_index <= px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.LAST
4000       LOOP
4001         -- Copy a record from px_table to l_cash_inflows_tbl ..
4002         -- rate, cf_date, is_arrears, cf_miss_pay, amount .. will be copied
4003         l_cash_inflows_tbl(i) := px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows(cf_index);
4004         l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_days := GET_DAY_COUNT(
4005           p_days_in_month    => l_days_in_month,
4006           p_days_in_year     => l_days_in_year,
4007           p_start_date       => l_next_cif_date,
4008           p_end_date         => l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_date,
4009           p_arrears          => l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).is_arrears,
4010           x_return_status    => l_return_status);
4011         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
4013         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
4015         END IF;
4016         IF ( l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_purpose = 'UNSCHEDULED_PRINCIPAL_PAYMENT')
4017         THEN
4018           l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_purpose := 'P';
4019         ELSIF ( l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_purpose = 'UNSCHEDULED_INTEREST_PAYMENT')
4020         THEN
4021           l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_purpose := 'I';
4022         ELSE
4023           l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_purpose := 'B';
4024         END IF;
4025         -- Sum the amounts, which we are getting on or before the Start Date
4026         IF l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_date <= p_start_date
4027         THEN
4028           l_adv_amount := l_adv_amount + nvl( l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_amount, 0 );
4029         END IF;
4030         -- Interest calculated for l_next_cif_date to l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_date
4031         l_days_per_annum := get_days_per_annum(
4032                               p_day_convention   => p_day_count_method,
4033                               p_start_date       => p_start_date,
4034                               p_cash_inflow_date => l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_date,
4035                               x_return_status    => l_return_status );
4036         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
4038         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
4040         END IF;
4041         -- Sum the Interest based on the capitalized amount
4042         l_interest := l_interest +
4043           (l_investment * l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_rate * l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_days / l_days_per_annum );
4045         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4046                 l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_date || '|' || round(l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_amount,4)
4047                 || '|' || l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_days || '|' || l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_purpose
4048                 || '|' || l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).is_Arrears || '|' || l_interest
4049                 || '|' || l_next_cif_date || ' | ' || l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_ratio);
4050         -- Incrementing the Start Date for next period
4051         l_next_cif_date  :=  l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_date;
4052         IF l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).is_arrears = 'Y'
4053         THEN
4054           l_next_cif_date  :=  l_next_cif_date + 1;
4055         END IF;
4056         -- Increment the indexes
4057         cf_index := px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.NEXT(cf_index);
4058         i := i + 1;
4059       END LOOP; -- End While Looping on px_cash_inflow_tbl
4060     END IF; -- If px_cash_inflow_tbl
4061     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4062                 'Residuals: -------------------------------------' );
4063     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4064                 'Date | Residual Amount | Days | Purpose| Arrears' );
4065     -- Handling Residual Value Streams
4066     IF l_residuals_tbl.COUNT > 0
4067     THEN
4068       res_index := l_residuals_tbl.FIRST;
4069       WHILE res_index <= l_residuals_tbl.LAST
4070       LOOP
4071         l_residual_amount := l_residual_amount + l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_amount;
4072         -- Get rate as on that date when residuals are returned
4073         -- Instead of using the get_rate api, we can directly take the rate from the
4074         --   last inflow ..  Think over this !!!
4075         l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_rate := l_cash_inflows_tbl(l_cash_inflows_tbl.LAST).cf_rate;
4076         IF l_next_cif_date >= l_residuals_tbl( res_index ).cf_date
4077         THEN
4078           l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_days := 0;
4079         ELSE
4080           l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_days := GET_DAY_COUNT(
4081             p_days_in_month    => l_days_in_month,
4082             p_days_in_year     => l_days_in_year,
4083             p_start_date       => l_next_cif_date,
4084             p_end_date         => l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_date,
4085             p_arrears          => 'Y',
4086             x_return_status    => l_return_status);
4087           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
4089           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
4091           END IF;
4092         END IF; -- IF l_next_cif_date >= l_residuals_tbl( res_index ).cf_date
4093         l_next_cif_date := l_residuals_tbl( res_index ).cf_date;
4094         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4095                l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_date || '|' || round(l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_amount,4)
4096                || '|' || l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_days || '|' || l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_purpose
4097                || '|' || l_residuals_tbl(res_index).is_Arrears);
4098         -- Increment the Residual Table Index
4099         res_index := l_residuals_tbl.NEXT( res_index );
4100       END LOOP;
4101     END IF;
4102     -- Compute_iir can directly calculate the Financed Amount/Subsidy/Down payment/Trade in Amount
4103     -- without any iterations !!
4104     -- For solving the Payment/ Missing Payment/Yields compute_iir will use the
4105     -- iterative interpolation approach !
4106     IF p_pricing_method = 'SF' OR
4107        p_pricing_method = 'SS' OR
4108        p_pricing_method = 'SD' OR
4109        p_pricing_method = 'SI' OR -- Solve for Tradein
4110        p_pricing_method = 'SFP'
4111     THEN
4112       -- Pricing Logic for Solve for Financed Amount/ Solve for Subsidy
4113       l_opening_bal := 0;
4114       l_closing_bal := 0;  -- Targetting l_closing_bal as zero
4115       l_rate        := 0;
4116       l_interest_factor := 1;
4117       l_residual_percent := 0;
4118       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4119                    'Targeting Closing Balance: ' || l_closing_bal );
4120       IF l_residuals_tbl IS NOT NULL AND
4121          l_residuals_tbl.COUNT > 0
4122       THEN
4123         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4124                  'Residual Details: -----------------------------------------------------------------' );
4125         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4126                   'Days/Annum | Rate | Closing Balance|Days|Residual Amount|Interest Factor on Res. Amount|Opening Balance' );
4127         res_index := l_residuals_tbl.COUNT;
4128         WHILE res_index >= 1
4129         LOOP
4130           IF p_pricing_method = 'SFP'
4131           THEN
4132             -- Sum the Residual Percentage. Cf_amount will be storing the percentages
4133             --  instead of directly the amounts
4134             l_residual_percent := l_residual_percent + nvl( l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_amount, 0);
4135           ELSE
4136             -- Interest calculated from p_start_date to l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_date
4137             l_days_per_annum := get_days_per_annum(
4138                                   p_day_convention   => p_day_count_method,
4139                                   p_start_date       => p_start_date,
4140                                   p_cash_inflow_date => l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_date,
4141                                   x_return_status    => l_return_status );
4142             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
4144             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
4146             END IF;
4147             l_rate := 1 + ( l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_days *
4148                             l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_rate /l_days_per_annum );
4149             l_opening_bal := ( l_closing_bal + l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_amount ) / l_rate;
4150             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4151                     l_days_per_annum || '|'  || l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_rate || ' | ' || round(l_closing_bal,4)
4152                     || '|' || l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_days || '|' || round(l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_amount,4)
4153                     || '|' || round( l_rate, 4 ) || '|' || round(l_opening_bal,4));
4154             l_closing_bal := l_opening_bal;
4155           END IF;
4156           -- Decrement the Iterator
4157           res_index := res_index - 1;
4158         END LOOP;
4159       ELSE
4160       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4161                  'No Residual Amounts Passed !!! ' );
4162       END IF;
4163       IF l_cash_inflows_tbl IS NOT NULL AND
4164          l_cash_inflows_tbl.COUNT > 0
4165       THEN
4166         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4167                   'Inflows Details: ------------------------------------------------------------------' );
4168         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4169                  'Days/Annum | Rate | Closing Balance|Days|Inflow Amount|Interest Factor on Inflow Amount|Opening Balance' );
4170         -- Looping through Inflows in Reverse way
4171         cf_index := l_cash_inflows_tbl.COUNT;
4172         WHILE cf_index >= 1
4173         LOOP
4174           -- Interest calculated from p_start_date to l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_date
4175           l_days_per_annum := get_days_per_annum(
4176                                 p_day_convention   => p_day_count_method,
4177                                 p_start_date       => p_start_date,
4178                                 p_cash_inflow_date => l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_date,
4179                                 x_return_status    => l_return_status );
4180           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
4182           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
4184           END IF;
4185           l_rate := 1 + ( l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_days *
4186                           l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_rate /l_days_per_annum );
4187           -- Multiply this interest factor
4188           IF p_pricing_method = 'SFP'
4189           THEN
4190             l_interest_factor := l_interest_factor * l_rate;
4191           END IF;
4192           l_opening_bal := ( l_closing_bal + l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_amount ) / l_rate;
4193           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4194                   l_days_per_annum || '|' || l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_rate || ' | ' || round(l_closing_bal,4) || '|' || l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_days
4195                   || '|' || round(l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_amount,4) || '|' || round( l_rate, 4 )
4196                   || '|' || round(l_opening_bal,4));
4197           l_closing_bal := l_opening_bal;
4198           -- Decrement the Iterator
4199           cf_index := cf_index - 1;
4200         END LOOP;
4201       END IF; -- IF l_cash_inflow_tbl is not null
4202       -- Now, after looping through the Residuals and then the Rent Inflows,
4203       -- the Opening Balance is nothing but the Financed Amount.
4204       --   The opening balance is the amount represent which should be the starting
4205       --   Financed Amount such that at the end the closing balance is ZERO.
4206       -- The above logic is just nothing but the Reverse Approach !!
4207       -- Store the Financed Amount and return now !
4208       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4209                    'l_closing_bal | l_investment ' );
4210       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4211                    ROUND( l_closing_bal, 4 ) || ' | ' || ROUND( l_investment, 4) );
4212       IF p_pricing_method = 'SF'
4213       THEN
4214         -- Solve for Financed Amount Logic
4215         px_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount := l_closing_bal - l_investment;
4216         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4217                    'The Financed Amount should be: ' || round(px_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount, 4) );
4218       ELSIF p_pricing_method = 'SFP'
4219       THEN
4220         -- Solve for Financed Amount Logic when the Residuals are percentage of OEC
4221         px_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount := l_closing_bal - l_investment; -- This is the OEC'
4222         -- RV pays for that part of OEC that is not paid out by the payments.
4223         -- Hence, the present value of RV is infact the component of OEC that is not paid by the payments.
4224         -- so, RV component of OEC = RV / interest rate factor
4225         -- Hence, OEC = RV component of OEC + payments component of OEC ( OEC' )
4226         --   OEC = RV / interest rate factor + OEC'
4227         -- OEC = OEC' * interest_factor / ( interest_factor - residual_percent )
4228         IF l_residual_percent > 0 AND
4229            (l_interest_factor - l_residual_percent ) <> 0
4230         THEN
4231           -- If there was any residual percentage declared then only the
4232           --  RV Component of OEC will be present.
4233           -- Also, px_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount by now holds the OEC'
4234           px_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount :=
4235             (px_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount * l_interest_factor ) /
4236             ( l_interest_factor - l_residual_percent);
4237         END IF;
4238         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4239                    'The Financed Amount should be: ' || round(px_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount, 4) );
4240       ELSIF p_pricing_method = 'SS'
4241       THEN
4242         -- Solve for Subsidy Amount
4243         px_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy := l_investment - l_closing_bal;
4244         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4245                    'Subsidy Amount ' || ROUND( px_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy, 4) );
4246       ELSIF p_pricing_method = 'SI' -- Solve for Trade-in
4247       THEN
4248         -- Solve for Trade in amount ..
4249         px_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in := l_investment - l_closing_bal;
4250         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4251                    'Tradein Amount ' || ROUND( px_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in, 4) );
4252       ELSIF p_pricing_method = 'SD'
4253       THEN
4254         -- Solve for Down payment amount ...
4255         px_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment := l_investment - l_closing_bal;
4256         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4257                    'Down Payment Amount ' || ROUND( px_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment, 4) );
4258       END IF;  -- IF p_pricing_method
4259       -- End of Pricing Logic for Solve for Financed Amount/Solve for Subsidy
4260     ELSIF p_pricing_method = 'SP' OR
4261           p_pricing_method = 'SY' OR
4262           p_pricing_method = 'SM' OR    -- Solve for Missing Payment Amount !
4263           p_pricing_method = 'TR' OR
4264           p_pricing_method = 'SPP'
4265     THEN
4266       -- Initial Guess for the Payment Amount
4267       -- Formula is based on the Simple Interest Calculation ..
4268       -- Payment = (l_investment + interest for l_investment based on avg rate - Residual Value )
4269       --            / Number of Periods
4270       IF p_pricing_method = 'SP' OR
4271          p_pricing_method = 'SM' OR
4272          p_pricing_method = 'TR' OR
4273          p_pricing_method = 'SPP'
4274       THEN
4275         l_periodic_amount := ( l_investment + l_interest - l_residual_amount ) / l_cash_inflows_tbl.COUNT ;
4276         l_increment  := l_periodic_amount / 2;
4277         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4278                    'l_investment | l_interest | l_residual_value | Number of Terms| l_periodic_payment | First Increment' );
4279         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4280                    round(l_investment, 4) || '|' || round(l_interest, 4) || '|' ||
4281                    round(l_residual_amount, 4) || '|' || round(l_cash_inflows_tbl.COUNT ) || '|' ||
4282                    round(l_periodic_amount, 4) || '|' || round(l_increment, 4));
4283       ELSE
4284         l_iir := nvl( p_initial_guess, 0.1 );
4285         l_increment  := 0.1;
4286         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4287                    'l_investment | l_residual_value | Initial IIR | First Increment' );
4288         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4289                    round(l_investment, 4) || '|' || round(l_residual_amount, 4) || '|' ||
4290                    round(l_iir, 4) || '|' || l_increment);
4291       END IF;
4292       -- Logic for Solve for Payments
4293       n_iterations    := 1;
4294       l_crossed_zero  := 'N';
4295       LOOP
4296         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S', 'Iteration # ' || n_iterations );
4297         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4298                    'Cash Inflows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------' );
4299         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4300                    'Days/Annum|Rate|Days|Opening Balance|Payment Amount|Interest Income|Principal Payment|Closing Balance' );
4301         l_opening_bal   := l_investment;
4302         FOR cf_index in l_cash_inflows_tbl.FIRST .. l_cash_inflows_tbl.LAST
4303         LOOP
4304           IF p_pricing_method = 'SP' OR
4305              p_pricing_method = 'TR'
4306           THEN
4307             l_payment := l_periodic_amount;
4308             l_rate    := l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_rate;
4309           ELSIF p_pricing_method = 'SPP'
4310           THEN
4311             l_payment := l_periodic_amount * nvl(l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_ratio,1);
4312             l_rate    := l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_rate;
4313           ELSIF p_pricing_method = 'SM'
4314           THEN
4315             IF l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_rate IS NOT NULL AND
4316                l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_amount IS NULL
4317             THEN
4318               -- Payment level for which the amount is being calculated iteratively !
4319               l_payment := l_periodic_amount;
4320               l_rate    := l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_rate;
4321             ELSE
4322               l_payment := l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_amount;
4323               l_rate := l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_rate;
4324             END IF;
4325           ELSE
4326             l_payment := l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_amount;
4327             l_rate    := l_iir;
4328           END IF;
4329           -- Interest calculated for p_start_date to l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_date
4330           l_days_per_annum := get_days_per_annum(
4331                                 p_day_convention   => p_day_count_method,
4332                                 p_start_date       => p_start_date,
4333                                 p_cash_inflow_date => l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_date,
4334                                 x_return_status    => l_return_status );
4335           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
4337           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
4339           END IF;
4340           IF ( l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_purpose = 'B' )
4341           THEN
4342               l_interest := l_opening_bal * l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_days
4343                                 * l_rate /l_days_per_annum;
4344           ELSIF ( l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_purpose = 'P' )
4345           THEN
4346               l_interest := 0;
4347           ELSIF ( l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_purpose = 'I' )
4348           THEN
4349               l_interest := l_principal_payment;
4350           END IF;
4351           l_principal_payment := l_payment - l_interest;
4352           l_closing_bal       := l_opening_bal - l_principal_payment;
4353           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4354                l_days_per_annum  || '|' || round(l_rate,4)
4355                || '|' || l_cash_inflows_tbl(cf_index).cf_days
4356                || '|' || round(l_opening_bal,4)  || '|' || round(l_payment,4)
4357                || '|' || round(l_interest,4)  || '|' || round(l_principal_payment,4)
4358                || '|' || round(l_closing_bal,4) );
4359           l_opening_bal       := l_closing_bal;
4360         END LOOP;
4361         IF l_residuals_tbl IS NOT NULL AND
4362            l_residuals_tbl.COUNT > 0
4363         THEN
4364           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S','Residuals: ---------- ' );
4365           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4366                      'Rate|Days|Opening Balance|Residual Amount|Interest Income|Principal Payment|Closing Balance' );
4368           FOR res_index in l_residuals_tbl.FIRST .. l_residuals_tbl.LAST
4369           LOOP
4370             l_payment  := l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_amount;
4371             IF p_pricing_method = 'SP' OR
4372                p_pricing_method = 'SM' OR
4373                p_pricing_method = 'TR' OR
4374                p_pricing_method = 'SPP'
4375             THEN
4376               l_rate := l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_rate;
4377             ELSE
4378               l_rate := l_iir;
4379             END IF;
4380             -- Interest calculated for p_start_date to l_cash_inflows_tbl(i).cf_date
4381             l_days_per_annum := get_days_per_annum(
4382                                   p_day_convention   => p_day_count_method,
4383                                   p_start_date       => p_start_date,
4384                                   p_cash_inflow_date => l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_date,
4385                                   x_return_status    => l_return_status );
4386             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
4388             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
4390             END IF;
4391             l_interest := l_opening_bal * l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_days
4392                                         * l_rate /l_days_per_annum;
4393             l_principal_payment := l_payment - l_interest;
4394             l_closing_bal       := l_opening_bal - l_principal_payment;
4395             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4396                        l_days_per_annum  || '|' || l_rate || '|' || l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_days
4397                         || '|' || round(l_opening_bal,4) || '|' || round(l_residuals_tbl(res_index).cf_amount,4)
4398                         || '|' || round(l_interest,4) || '|' || round(l_principal_payment, 4)
4399                         || '|' || round(l_closing_bal,4) );
4400             l_opening_bal       := l_closing_bal;
4401           END LOOP;
4402         END IF;
4403         l_diff := l_opening_bal;
4404         IF ROUND( l_diff, 4 ) = 0
4405         THEN
4406           IF p_pricing_method = 'SP' OR
4407              p_pricing_method = 'SM' OR
4408              p_pricing_method = 'TR' OR
4409              p_pricing_method = 'SPP'
4410           THEN
4411             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4412                     'CALCULATED PAYMENT AMOUNT = ' || l_periodic_amount );
4413             x_payment := l_periodic_amount;
4414           ELSE
4415             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4416                    'IMPLICIT INTEREST RATE =' || l_iir );
4417             px_iir := l_iir;
4418           END IF;
4419           x_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
4421           OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
4422                                x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
4423           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
4424                   'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_version) );
4425           EXIT;
4426         END IF; -- If ROUND(L_DIFF, 4) = 0
4427         -- Else Use the Interpolation method
4428         IF n_iterations > 1 AND
4429            SIGN(l_diff) <> SIGN(l_prev_diff) AND
4430            l_crossed_zero = 'N'
4431         THEN
4432           l_crossed_zero := 'Y';
4433           IF ( SIGN( l_diff) = 1 )
4434           THEN
4435             -- Positive Diff ones
4436             l_positive_diff := l_diff;
4437             l_negative_diff := l_prev_diff;
4438             IF p_pricing_method = 'SP' OR
4439                p_pricing_method = 'SM' OR
4440                p_pricing_method = 'TR' OR
4441                p_pricing_method = 'SPP'
4442             THEN
4443               l_positive_diff_pay := l_periodic_amount;
4444               l_negative_diff_pay := l_prev_periodic_amount;
4445             ELSE
4446               l_positive_diff_iir := l_iir;
4447               l_negative_diff_iir := l_prev_iir;
4448             END IF;
4449            ELSE
4450             -- Negative Diff ones
4451             l_positive_diff := l_prev_diff;
4452             l_negative_diff := l_diff;
4453             IF p_pricing_method = 'SP' OR
4454                p_pricing_method = 'SM' OR
4455                p_pricing_method = 'TR' OR
4456                p_pricing_method = 'SPP'
4457             THEN
4458               l_positive_diff_pay := l_prev_periodic_amount;
4459               l_negative_diff_pay := l_periodic_amount;
4460             ELSE
4461               l_positive_diff_iir := l_prev_iir;
4462               l_negative_diff_iir := l_iir;
4463             END IF;
4464           END IF;  -- IF SIGN(L_DIFF) = 1
4465         END IF; -- n_iterations > 1 IF
4466         -- Else if this is the first time store in appropriate variables
4467         IF( SIGN(l_diff) = 1)
4468         THEN
4469           l_positive_diff     := l_diff;
4470           IF p_pricing_method = 'SP' OR
4471              p_pricing_method = 'SM' OR
4472              p_pricing_method = 'TR' OR
4473              p_pricing_method = 'SPP'
4474           THEN
4475             l_positive_diff_pay := l_periodic_amount;
4476           ELSE
4477             l_positive_diff_iir := l_iir;
4478           END IF;
4479         ELSE
4480          l_negative_diff     := l_diff;
4481           IF p_pricing_method = 'SP' OR
4482              p_pricing_method = 'SM' OR
4483              p_pricing_method = 'TR' OR
4484              p_pricing_method = 'SPP'
4485           THEN
4486             l_negative_diff_pay := l_periodic_amount;
4487           ELSE
4488             l_negative_diff_iir := l_iir;
4489           END IF;
4490         END IF;
4491         IF l_crossed_zero = 'Y' THEN
4492           -- Use interpolation method ...
4493           IF n_iterations > 1
4494           THEN
4495             IF p_pricing_method = 'SP' OR
4496                p_pricing_method = 'SM' OR
4497                p_pricing_method = 'TR' OR
4498                p_pricing_method = 'SPP'
4499             THEN
4500               l_abs_incr :=  abs(( l_positive_diff_pay - l_negative_diff_pay ) /
4501                              ( l_positive_diff - l_negative_diff )  * l_diff);
4502             ELSE
4503               l_abs_incr :=  abs(( l_positive_diff_iir - l_negative_diff_iir ) /
4504                              ( l_positive_diff - l_negative_diff )  * l_diff);
4505             END IF;
4506           ELSE
4507             l_abs_incr := ABS(l_increment) / 2;
4508           END IF;
4509         ELSE
4510           l_abs_incr := ABS(l_increment);
4511         END IF;
4513         IF n_iterations > 1 THEN
4514           IF SIGN(l_diff) <> l_prev_diff_sign THEN
4515             IF l_prev_incr_sign = 1 THEN
4516               l_increment :=  -l_abs_incr;
4517             ELSE
4518               l_increment := l_abs_incr;
4519             END IF;
4520           ELSE
4521             IF l_prev_incr_sign = 1 THEN
4522               l_increment := l_abs_incr;
4523             ELSE
4524               l_increment := - l_abs_incr;
4525             END IF;
4526           END IF;
4527         ELSE  -- First Iteration
4528           IF p_pricing_method = 'SP' OR
4529              p_pricing_method = 'SM' OR
4530              p_pricing_method = 'TR' OR
4531              p_pricing_method = 'SPP'
4532           THEN
4533             l_increment := -l_increment;
4534           END IF;
4535           IF SIGN(l_diff) = 1 THEN
4536             l_increment := -l_increment;
4537           ELSE
4538             l_increment := l_increment;
4539           END IF;
4540         END IF;
4541         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4542                    'l_diff         ' || round(l_diff,4) );
4543         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4544                    'l_prev_diff    ' || round(l_prev_diff,4) );
4545         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4546                    'l_crossed_zero ' || l_crossed_zero );
4547         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4548                    'l_abs_incr     ' || l_abs_incr );
4549         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4550                    'l_increment    ' || l_increment );
4551         IF p_pricing_method = 'SP' OR
4552            p_pricing_method = 'SM' OR
4553            p_pricing_method = 'TR' OR
4554            p_pricing_method = 'SPP'
4555         THEN
4556           l_prev_periodic_amount := l_periodic_amount;
4557           l_periodic_amount      := l_periodic_amount  + l_increment;
4558         ELSE
4559           l_prev_iir  := l_iir;
4560           l_iir       := l_iir + l_increment;
4561         END IF;
4562         IF n_iterations > 100
4563         THEN
4564           OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
4565                               p_msg_name     => 'OKL_IIR_CALC_IIR_LIMIT',
4566                               p_token1       => 'IIR_LIMIT',
4567                               p_token1_value => 100);
4569         END IF;
4570         l_prev_incr_sign  :=  SIGN(l_increment);
4571         l_prev_diff_sign  :=  SIGN(l_diff);
4572         l_prev_diff       :=  l_diff;
4573         -- Increment the n_iterations index ..
4574         n_iterations := n_iterations + 1;
4575       END LOOP; -- Loop on n_iterations
4576       -- End of the Pricing Logic for Solve for Payments
4577     END IF; -- IF p_pricing_method ...
4578     -- Set ther return values and return them !!
4579     x_return_status := l_return_status;
4580     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
4581                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
4582     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
4583             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_version) );
4586       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
4587                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
4588                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
4589                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
4590                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
4591                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
4592                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
4594       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
4595                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
4596                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
4597                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
4598                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
4599                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
4600                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
4602       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
4603                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
4604                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
4605                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
4606                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
4607                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
4608                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
4609   END compute_iir;
4611   -- Validates whether for a particular object ( Eg. Quick Quote )
4612   --  the inputed pricing method is valid or not ( Eg. SY, TR, SP, SF .. etc )
4613   FUNCTION  validate_pricing_method(
4614              p_pricing_method           IN              VARCHAR2,
4615              p_object_type              IN              VARCHAR2,
4616              x_return_status            IN OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2)
4618   IS
4619     l_valid           BOOLEAN;
4620   BEGIN
4621     l_valid := FALSE;
4622     --print( 'validate_pricing_method: p_pricing_method = ' || p_pricing_method );
4623     IF 'RC|SF|SP|SS|SY|TR' LIKE '%'||p_pricing_method||'%' AND
4624        p_object_type = 'QQ'
4625     THEN
4626       l_valid := TRUE;
4627     END IF;
4628     x_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
4629     RETURN l_valid;
4632     THEN
4633       x_return_status := G_RET_STS_ERROR;
4634       RETURN false;
4636     THEN
4637       x_return_status := G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
4638       RETURN false;
4639     WHEN OTHERS
4640     THEN
4641       OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
4642           p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
4643           p_msg_name     => G_DB_ERROR,
4644           p_token1       => G_PROG_NAME_TOKEN,
4645           p_token1_value => 'validate_pricing_method',
4646           p_token2       => G_SQLCODE_TOKEN,
4647           p_token2_value => sqlcode,
4648           p_token3       => G_SQLERRM_TOKEN,
4649           p_token3_value => sqlerrm);
4651       x_return_status := G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
4652       RETURN false;
4653   END validate_pricing_method;
4656   -- API which accepts the Lease Rate Set id
4657   --  and returns all the Lease Rate set Details, Factors, and Levels
4658   --  based on the term and end of term %age passeed.
4659   PROCEDURE get_lease_rate_factors(
4660               p_api_version            IN              NUMBER,
4661               p_init_msg_list          IN              VARCHAR2,
4662               x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
4663               x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
4664               x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
4665               p_lrt_id                 IN              NUMBER, -- Assuming LRS ID Header
4666               p_start_date             IN              DATE,
4667               p_term_in_months         IN              NUMBER,
4668               p_eot_percentage         IN              NUMBER,
4669               x_lrs_details            OUT NOCOPY      lrs_details_rec_type,
4670               x_lrs_factor             OUT NOCOPY      lrs_factor_rec_type,
4671               x_lrs_levels             OUT NOCOPY      lrs_levels_tbl_type)
4672   IS
4673     -- Cursor Declarations
4674     CURSOR lrs_version_details_csr(
4675              p_lrs_version_id IN okl_ls_rt_fctr_sets_v.ID%TYPE,
4676              p_date           IN DATE )
4677       IS
4678     SELECT
4679         hdr.id header_id,
4680         ver.rate_set_version_id version_id,
4681         hdr.NAME name,
4682         hdr.lrs_type_code lrs_type_code,
4683         hdr.FRQ_CODE frq_code,
4684         hdr.currency_code currency_code,
4685         ver.sts_code sts_code,
4686         ver.effective_from_date effective_from_date,
4687         ver.effective_to_date   effective_to_date,
4688         ver.arrears_yn arrears_yn,
4689         ver.end_of_term_ver_id end_of_term_ver_id,
4690         ver.std_rate_tmpl_ver_id std_rate_tmpl_ver_id,
4691         ver.adj_mat_version_id adj_mat_version_id,
4692         ver.version_number version_number,
4693         ver.lrs_rate lrs_version_rate,
4694         ver.rate_tolerance rate_tolerance,
4695         ver.residual_tolerance residual_tolerance,
4696         ver.deferred_pmts deferred_pmts,
4697         ver.advance_pmts advance_pmts
4698     FROM okl_ls_rt_fctr_sets_v hdr,
4699          okl_fe_rate_set_versions_v ver
4700     WHERE ver.rate_set_id = hdr.id
4701      AND  ver.rate_set_version_id = p_lrs_version_id
4702      AND  trunc(ver.effective_from_date) <= p_date
4703      AND  nvl(trunc(ver.effective_to_date), p_date) >= p_date;
4705     CURSOR lrs_factors_csr(
4706              p_lrs_version_id IN NUMBER,
4707              p_term           IN NUMBER,
4708              p_eot_percentage IN NUMBER,
4709              p_res_tolerance  IN NUMBER -- From the version record
4710              )
4711      IS
4712      SELECT fac.id factor_id,
4713             fac.term_in_months term_in_months,
4714             fac.residual_value_percent residual_value_percent
4715        FROM okl_ls_rt_fctr_ents_v fac
4716       WHERE fac.rate_set_version_id = p_lrs_version_id
4717        AND  fac.term_in_months  = p_term
4718        AND  p_eot_percentage BETWEEN fac.residual_value_percent - nvl(p_res_tolerance, 0) AND
4719                                      fac.residual_value_percent + nvl(p_res_tolerance, 0);
4722     CURSOR lrs_levels_csr( p_lrs_factor_id  IN NUMBER )
4723      IS
4724        SELECT lvl.sequence_number sequence_number,
4725               lvl.periods periods,
4726               lvl.lease_rate_factor lease_rate_factor
4727        FROM okl_fe_rate_set_levels lvl
4728        WHERE lvl.rate_set_factor_id = p_lrs_factor_id
4729        ORDER BY sequence_number ASC;
4731     -- Local Variables
4732     l_api_version     CONSTANT    NUMBER          DEFAULT 1.0;
4733     l_api_name        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT 'get_lease_rate_factors';
4734     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
4735     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
4736                       || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
4737     l_debug_enabled VARCHAR2(10);
4738     is_debug_procedure_on BOOLEAN;
4739     is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN;
4740     -- Variable Declarations
4741     lrs_details_rec               lrs_details_rec_type;
4742     lrs_factor                    lrs_factor_rec_type;
4743     lrs_levels                    lrs_levels_tbl_type;
4744     lvl_index                     NUMBER;
4745   BEGIN
4746     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
4747     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
4748     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
4749     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
4750                               'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
4751     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
4752     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
4753     -- Call START_ACTIVITY to create savepoint, check compatibility
4754     -- and initialize message list
4755     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
4756                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
4757                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
4758                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
4759                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
4760                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
4761                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
4762                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
4763     --Check if activity started successfully
4764     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
4766     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
4768     END IF;
4769     -- Actual logic Begins here
4770     IF p_start_date IS NULL OR
4771        p_lrt_id     IS NULL OR
4772        p_eot_percentage IS NULL OR
4773        p_term_in_months IS NULL
4774     THEN
4775       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4776                    'Missing required input value ' );
4779     END IF;
4780     -- Start with fetching the Lease Rate Set Header n Version information
4781     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
4782     FOR t_rec IN lrs_version_details_csr(
4783                     p_lrs_version_id  => p_lrt_id,
4784                     p_date            => p_start_date)
4785     LOOP
4786       lrs_details_rec.header_id            := t_rec.header_id;
4787       lrs_details_rec.version_id           := t_rec.version_id;
4788       lrs_details_rec.name                 := t_rec.name;
4789       lrs_details_rec.lrs_type_code        := t_rec.lrs_type_code;
4790       lrs_details_rec.frq_code             := t_rec.frq_code;
4791       lrs_details_rec.currency_code        := t_rec.currency_code;
4792       lrs_details_rec.sts_code             := t_rec.sts_code;
4793       lrs_details_rec.effective_from_date  := t_rec.effective_from_date;
4794       lrs_details_rec.effective_to_date    := t_rec.effective_to_date ;
4795       lrs_details_rec.arrears_yn           := t_rec.arrears_yn ;
4796       lrs_details_rec.end_of_term_ver_id   := t_rec.end_of_term_ver_id ;
4797       lrs_details_rec.std_rate_tmpl_ver_id := t_rec.std_rate_tmpl_ver_id ;
4798       lrs_details_rec.adj_mat_version_id   := t_rec.adj_mat_version_id ;
4799       lrs_details_rec.version_number       := t_rec.version_number ;
4800       lrs_details_rec.lrs_version_rate     := t_rec.lrs_version_rate ;
4801       lrs_details_rec.rate_tolerance       := t_rec.rate_tolerance ;
4802       lrs_details_rec.residual_tolerance   := t_rec.residual_tolerance ;
4803       lrs_details_rec.deferred_pmts        := t_rec.deferred_pmts ;
4804       lrs_details_rec.advance_pmts         := t_rec.advance_pmts ;
4805       -- Using l_return_status as a flag
4806       l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
4807     END LOOP;
4808     IF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
4810     END IF;
4811     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4812                    ' Successfully fetched the Lease Rate Set Header n Version Details !' );
4813     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4814                    ' p_term_in_months | p_eof_percentage | Residual Tolerance ' ||
4815                    p_term_in_months || ' | ' || round(p_eot_percentage, 4)
4816                    || ' | ' || round(lrs_details_rec.residual_tolerance, 4));
4817     -- Fetch the Factors Information
4818     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
4819     FOR t_rec IN lrs_factors_csr(
4820                    p_lrs_version_id => lrs_details_rec.version_id,
4821                    p_term           => p_term_in_months,
4822                    p_eot_percentage => p_eot_percentage,
4823                    p_res_tolerance  => lrs_details_rec.residual_tolerance)
4824     LOOP
4825       lrs_factor.factor_id              := t_rec.factor_id;
4826       lrs_factor.term_in_months         := t_rec.term_in_months;
4827       lrs_factor.residual_value_percent := t_rec.residual_value_percent;
4828       -- Using l_return_status as a flag
4829       l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
4830     END LOOP; -- lrs_factors
4831     IF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
4833     END IF;
4834     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4835                     'Successfully fetched the Lesae Rate Set Factors !' );
4836     -- Fetch the levels Information
4837     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
4838     lvl_index       := 1;
4839     FOR t_rec IN lrs_levels_csr( p_lrs_factor_id => lrs_factor.factor_id )
4840     LOOP
4841       lrs_levels(lvl_index).sequence_number   := t_rec.sequence_number;
4842       lrs_levels(lvl_index).periods           := t_rec.periods;
4843       lrs_levels(lvl_index).lease_rate_factor := t_rec.lease_rate_factor;
4844       -- Using l_return_status as a flag
4845       l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
4846       -- Increment the lvl_index
4847       lvl_index := lvl_index + 1;
4848     END LOOP; -- lrs_levels
4849     IF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
4851     END IF;
4852     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4853                     'Successfully fetched the Lease Rate Factor Levels !' );
4854     -- Setting up the return variables ...
4855     x_lrs_details := lrs_details_rec;
4856     x_lrs_factor := lrs_factor;
4857     x_lrs_levels := lrs_levels;
4858     x_return_status := l_return_status;
4859     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
4860                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
4861     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
4862                'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_version) );
4865       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
4866                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
4867                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
4868                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
4869                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
4870                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
4871                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
4873       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
4874                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
4875                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
4876                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
4877                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
4878                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
4879                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
4881       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
4882                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
4883                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
4884                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
4885                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
4886                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
4887                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
4888   END get_lease_rate_factors;
4890   -- API which accepts the standard rate template version id and
4891   --   returns all the SRT details !
4892   PROCEDURE get_standard_rates(
4893               p_api_version            IN              NUMBER,
4894               p_init_msg_list          IN              VARCHAR2,
4895               x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
4896               x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
4897               x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
4898               p_srt_id                 IN              NUMBER, -- Version ID
4899               p_start_date             IN              DATE,
4900               x_srt_details            OUT NOCOPY      srt_details_rec_type)
4901   IS
4902     -- Cursor Declarations
4903     CURSOR srt_details_csr(
4904              p_srt_version_id IN NUMBER,
4905              p_date           IN DATE )
4906      IS
4907        SELECT hdr.std_rate_tmpl_id srt_header_id,
4908               ver.std_rate_tmpl_ver_id srt_version_id,
4909               hdr.template_name template_name,
4910               hdr.currency_code currency_code,
4911               ver.version_number version_number,
4912               ver.effective_from_date effective_from_date,
4913               ver.effective_to_date effective_to_date,
4914               ver.sts_code sts_code,
4915               hdr.pricing_engine_code pricing_engine_code,
4916               hdr.rate_type_code rate_type_code,
4917               ver.srt_rate srt_rate,
4918               hdr.index_id index_id,
4919               ver.spread spread,
4920               ver.day_convention_code day_convention_code,
4921               hdr.frequency_code frequency_code,
4922               ver.adj_mat_version_id adj_mat_version_id,
4923               ver.min_adj_rate min_adj_rate,
4924               ver.max_adj_rate max_adj_rate
4925       FROM okl_fe_std_rt_tmp_v hdr,
4926            okl_fe_std_rt_tmp_vers  ver
4927      WHERE ver.std_rate_tmpl_ver_id = p_srt_version_id AND
4928            hdr.std_rate_tmpl_id = ver.std_rate_tmpl_id AND
4929            ver.effective_from_date <= p_date AND
4930            nvl(ver.effective_to_date, p_date)   >= p_date;
4932     -- Fetch the Rate from the if the rate_type_code is INDEX.
4933     Cursor srt_index_rate_csr(
4934              p_srt_header_id IN NUMBER,
4935              p_date          IN DATE)
4936     IS
4937     SELECT   indx.value srt_rate
4938       FROM   okl_fe_std_rt_tmp_all_b hdr,
4939              okl_index_values indx
4940       WHERE  hdr.std_rate_tmpl_id = p_srt_header_id
4941       AND    hdr.index_id = indx.idx_id
4942       AND    p_date BETWEEN indx.datetime_valid AND NVL(indx.datetime_invalid,p_date+1);
4943     -- Local Variables
4944     l_api_version     CONSTANT    NUMBER          DEFAULT 1.0;
4945     l_api_name        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT 'get_standard_rates';
4946     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
4947     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
4948                       || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
4949     l_debug_enabled VARCHAR2(10);
4950     is_debug_procedure_on BOOLEAN;
4951     is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN;
4952     srt_details           srt_details_rec_type;
4953   BEGIN
4954     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
4955     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
4956     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
4958     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
4959                               'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
4960     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
4961     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
4962     -- Call START_ACTIVITY to create savepoint, check compatibility
4963     -- and initialize message list
4964     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
4965                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
4966                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
4967                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
4968                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
4969                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
4970                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
4971                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
4972     --Check if activity started successfully
4973     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
4975     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
4977     END IF;
4978     IF p_start_date IS NULL
4979     THEN
4980       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4981                    'Start Date is null !! ' );
4982       OKL_API.set_message(
4983         G_APP_NAME,
4985         OKL_API.G_COL_NAME_TOKEN,
4986         'EXPECTED START DATE');
4988     END IF;
4989     IF p_srt_id IS NULL
4990     THEN
4991       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
4992                    'Standard Rate Template ID is required !! ' );
4993       OKL_API.set_message(
4994         G_APP_NAME,
4996         OKL_API.G_COL_NAME_TOKEN,
4999     END IF;
5000     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5001                     ': p_srt_id= ' || p_srt_id );
5002     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5003                     ': p_start_date= '||  p_start_date );
5005     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
5006     FOR t_rec IN srt_details_csr(
5007                    p_srt_version_id => p_srt_id,
5008                    p_date           => p_start_date )
5009     LOOP
5010       srt_details.srt_header_id        := t_rec.srt_header_id;
5011       srt_details.srt_version_id       := t_rec.srt_version_id;
5012       srt_details.template_name        := t_rec.template_name;
5013       srt_details.currency_code        := t_rec.currency_code;
5014       srt_details.version_number       := t_rec.version_number;
5015       srt_details.effective_from_date  := t_rec.effective_from_date;
5016       srt_details.effective_to_date    := t_rec.effective_to_date;
5017       srt_details.sts_code             := t_rec.sts_code;
5018       srt_details.pricing_engine_code  := t_rec.pricing_engine_code;
5019       srt_details.rate_type_code       := t_rec.rate_type_code;
5020       srt_details.srt_rate             := t_rec.srt_rate;
5021       srt_details.index_id             := t_rec.index_id;
5022       srt_details.spread               := t_rec.spread;
5023       srt_details.day_convention_code  := t_rec.day_convention_code;
5024       srt_details.frequency_code       := t_rec.frequency_code;
5025       srt_details.adj_mat_version_id   := t_rec.adj_mat_version_id;
5026       srt_details.min_adj_rate         := t_rec.min_adj_rate;
5027       srt_details.max_adj_rate         := t_rec.max_adj_rate;
5028       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5029                   'Successfully fetched the SRT Header n Version Details ' );
5030       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5031                   'SRT Rate Type Code | Min Adj Rate | Max. Adj Rate | Rate | Spread ');
5032       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5033       srt_details.rate_type_code || ' | ' || srt_details.min_adj_rate
5034       || ' | ' || srt_details.max_adj_rate || ' | ' || srt_details.srt_rate || ' | ' || srt_details.spread);
5036       -- Using l_return_status as flag
5037       l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
5038     END LOOP; -- srt_details_csr
5039     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
5041     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
5043     END IF;
5045     IF srt_details.rate_type_code = G_QQ_SRT_RATE_TYPE
5046     THEN
5047       -- Initialize l_return_status to 'E'
5048       l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
5049       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5050                   ': p_srt_header_id = ' || srt_details.srt_header_id );
5051       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5052                   ': p_start_date=' || p_start_date );
5053       FOR t_rec IN srt_index_rate_csr(
5054              p_srt_header_id => srt_details.srt_header_id,
5055              p_date          => p_start_date)
5056       LOOP
5057         srt_details.srt_rate := t_rec.srt_rate;
5058         -- Using l_return_status as flag
5059         l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
5060       END LOOP; -- srt_index_rate_csr
5061       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5062                   ': After srt_index_rate_csr ' || l_return_status );
5063       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
5065       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
5067       END IF;
5068     END IF; -- IF srt_details.rate_type_code = 'INDEX'
5069     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5070                   'Rate from the SRT ' || srt_details.srt_rate );
5071     -- Setting up the return variables ..
5072     x_srt_details  := srt_details;
5073     x_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
5074     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
5075                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
5076     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
5077             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_version) );
5080       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
5081                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
5082                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
5083                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
5084                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
5085                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
5086                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
5088       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
5089                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
5090                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
5091                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
5092                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
5093                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
5094                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
5096       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
5097                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
5098                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
5099                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
5100                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
5101                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
5102                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
5103   END get_standard_rates;
5105   PROCEDURE compute_bk_yield(
5106               p_api_version            IN              NUMBER,
5107               p_init_msg_list          IN              VARCHAR2,
5108               x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
5109               x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
5110               x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
5111               p_start_date              IN             DATE,
5112               p_day_count_method        IN             VARCHAR2,
5113               p_pricing_method          IN             VARCHAR2,
5114               p_initial_guess           IN             NUMBER,
5115               p_term                    IN             NUMBER,
5116               px_pricing_parameter_rec  IN  OUT NOCOPY pricing_parameter_rec_type,
5117               x_bk_yield                IN  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
5118               x_termination_tbl             OUT NOCOPY cash_inflows_tbl_type,
5119               x_pre_tax_inc_tbl             OUT NOCOPY cash_inflows_tbl_type
5120               -- Parameters for Prospective Rebooking
5121              ,p_prosp_rebook_flag      IN              VARCHAR2
5122              ,p_rebook_date            IN              DATE
5123              ,p_orig_income_streams    IN              cash_inflows_tbl_type
5124               )
5125   IS
5126     -- Local Variables
5127     l_api_version     CONSTANT    NUMBER          DEFAULT 1.0;
5128     l_api_name        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT 'compute_bk_yield';
5129     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
5130     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
5131                       || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
5132     l_debug_enabled                VARCHAR2(10);
5133     is_debug_procedure_on          BOOLEAN;
5134     is_debug_statement_on          BOOLEAN;
5135     l_start_date                   DATE;
5136     l_end_date                     DATE;
5137     i                              NUMBER;
5138     p                              NUMBER;
5139     t                              NUMBER;
5140     m                              NUMBER;
5141     l_days_in_month              VARCHAR2(30);
5142     l_days_in_year               VARCHAR2(30);
5143     cf_index                       NUMBER;
5144     l_se_date                      DATE;
5145     res_index                      NUMBER;
5146     l_days                         NUMBER;
5147     l_tmp_interest                 NUMBER;
5148     l_is_arrears                   VARCHAR2(1);
5149     l_is_res_arrears               VARCHAR2(1);
5150     l_cf_inflows                   cash_inflows_tbl_type;
5151     l_residuals                    cash_inflows_tbl_type;
5152     l_termination_val_tbl          cash_inflows_tbl_type;
5153     l_pre_tax_income_tbl           cash_inflows_tbl_type;
5154     l_investment                   NUMBER := 0;
5155     l_residual_amount              NUMBER := 0;
5156     l_termination_val              NUMBER := 0;
5157     n_iterations                   NUMBER;
5158     l_k_start_date                 DATE;
5159     l_k_end_date                   DATE;
5160     l_k_se_date                    DATE;
5161     l_term_complete                VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
5162     l_crossed_zero                 VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
5163     l_diff                         NUMBER;
5164     l_prev_diff                    NUMBER;
5165     l_prev_diff_sign               NUMBER;
5166     l_prev_incr_sign               NUMBER;
5167     l_positive_diff                NUMBER;
5168     l_negative_diff                NUMBER;
5169     l_bk_yield                     NUMBER;
5170     l_prev_bk_yeild                NUMBER;
5171     l_increment                    NUMBER := 0.1;
5172     l_abs_incr                     NUMBER := 0;
5173     l_positive_diff_bk_yeild       NUMBER := 0;
5174     l_negative_diff_bk_yeild       NUMBER := 0;
5175     l_days_per_annum               NUMBER := 0;
5176     -- Prospective Rebooking Enhancement
5177     l_prosp_rebook_flag            VARCHAR2(30);
5178     l_last_accrued_date            DATE;
5179     l_eff_investment_for_prb       NUMBER;
5180     p_index                        NUMBER; -- Pre-Tax Income Stream Index
5181     t_index                        NUMBER; -- Termination Value Stream Index
5182     cf_index_start_prb             NUMBER;
5183     l_opening_bal                  NUMBER;
5184     l_ending_bal                   NUMBER;
5185     l_period_start_date            DATE;
5186     l_period_end_date              DATE;
5187     l_sum_rent_in_curr_month       NUMBER;
5188     l_orig_income_in_curr_month    NUMBER;
5189   BEGIN
5190     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
5191     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
5192     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
5193     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
5194                               'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| LOWER(l_api_name));
5195     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
5196     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
5197     -- Call START_ACTIVITY to create savepoint, check compatibility
5198     -- and initialize message list
5199     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
5200                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
5201                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
5202                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
5203                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
5204                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
5205                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
5206                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
5207     --Check if activity started successfully
5208     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
5210     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
5212     END IF;
5213     -- Actual logic Begins here
5214     -- Validate the input parameters
5215     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5216                   'COMPUTE_BK_YIELD -------------- Start !! ' );
5217     get_days_in_year_and_month(
5218       p_day_count_method => p_day_count_method,
5219       x_days_in_month    => l_days_in_month,
5220       x_days_in_year     => l_days_in_year,
5221       x_return_status    => l_return_status);
5222     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5223                  'After get_day_count_method ' || l_return_status);
5224     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
5226     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
5228     END IF;
5230     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5231                   'l_days_in_month= ' || l_days_in_month || ' |  l_days_in_year = ' || l_days_in_year);
5232     IF p_start_date IS NULL OR
5233        p_term IS NULL OR p_term <= 0 OR
5234        px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows IS NULL OR
5235        px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.COUNT <= 0 OR
5236        px_pricing_parameter_rec.line_end_date IS NULL
5237     THEN
5238       -- Show the error message and
5240     END IF;
5241     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5242                'Input Parameters p_start_date, p_end_date, count(cash_inflows)  = '
5243              || p_start_date || ',' || px_pricing_parameter_rec.line_end_date || ',' ||
5244              px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.COUNT );
5245     -- Dealing with the Cash Inflows
5246     l_start_date := p_start_date;
5247     cf_index := 1;
5248     i := px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.FIRST;
5249     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5250                 'Date | Amount | Arrears | Purpose ' );
5251     WHILE i <= px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.LAST
5252     LOOP
5253       l_cf_inflows(cf_index) := px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows(i);
5254       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5255                l_cf_inflows(cf_index).cf_date
5256                || ' | ' || l_cf_inflows(cf_index).cf_amount || ' | ' ||
5257                l_cf_inflows(cf_index).is_arrears || ' | ' ||
5258                l_cf_inflows(cf_index).cf_purpose );
5259       -- Increment the indexes
5260       i := px_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.NEXT( i );
5261       cf_index := cf_index + 1;
5262     END LOOP; -- WHILE cf_index <= l_cf_inflows.LAST
5263     -- Dealing with the Residual Inflows now .. :-;
5264     l_start_date      := p_start_date;
5265     l_residual_amount := 0;
5266     res_index         := 1;
5267     i := px_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows.FIRST;
5268     WHILE i <= px_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows.LAST
5269     LOOP
5270       l_residuals(res_index) := px_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows(i);
5271       -- Store the total Residual Amount
5272       l_residual_amount := l_residual_amount + nvl( l_residuals(res_index).cf_amount, 0 );
5273       -- cf_amount, cf_date, is_stub, is_arrears, cf_dpp, cf_ppy, cf_days,(  cf_rate ?? )
5274       -- would have been already populated.
5275       -- Increment the indexes
5276       i := l_residuals.NEXT( i );
5277       res_index := res_index + 1;
5278     END LOOP; -- WHILE cf_index <= l_cf_inflows.LAST
5279     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5280                'Total Residual Amount  ' || round(l_residual_amount , 4) );
5281     -- Calculation of the Invested amount
5282     -- Investment = Item Original Cost ( Financed amount ) - Subsidy - Down Payment - Trade In;
5283     l_investment := nvl( px_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount, 0 ) -
5284                     nvl( px_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy, 0 ) -
5285                     nvl( px_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment, 0 ) -
5286                     nvl( px_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in, 0 );
5287     IF l_investment <= 0
5288     THEN
5289       -- Initial Investment itself cant be negative !!
5291     END IF; -- IF l_investment ..
5293     -- Initialize the things
5294     n_iterations   := 0;
5295     l_k_start_date := p_start_date;
5296     l_bk_yield     := nvl( p_initial_guess, 0 );
5297     l_increment    := 0.1;
5298     -- Bug: Instead of assuming that the first cash flow is always RENT
5299     --   Loop on the cash inflows to fetch the first Rent Cash inflow and
5300     --   use the arrears flag and store it ..
5301     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5302                'Identifying the first Rent Stream Element to fetch the Advance/Arrears Flag ');
5303     FOR i IN l_cf_inflows.FIRST .. l_cf_inflows.LAST
5304     LOOP
5305       IF l_cf_inflows(i).cf_purpose = 'RENT'
5306       THEN
5307         l_is_arrears   := l_cf_inflows(i).is_arrears;
5308         EXIT;
5309       END IF;
5310     END LOOP;
5311     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5312       'Advance/Arrears Flag for Rents Considered: ' || l_is_arrears );
5313     -- Fetch the end date
5314 /*
5315     okl_stream_generator_pvt.add_months_new(
5316       p_start_date     => l_start_date,
5317       p_months_after   => p_term,
5318       x_date           => l_k_end_date,
5319       x_return_status  => l_return_status);
5320     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
5322     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
5324     END IF;
5325     l_k_end_date := l_k_end_date - 1;
5326 */
5327     -- Assume the line end date as passed in the .line_end_date
5328     l_k_end_date := px_pricing_parameter_rec.line_end_date;
5330     -- Modifications for the Prospective Rebooking Enhancement
5331     l_prosp_rebook_flag := NVL(p_prosp_rebook_flag, 'N' );
5332     -- Validating the Prospective Rebooking flag
5333     IF l_prosp_rebook_flag= 'Y'
5334     THEN
5335       -- If Rebook Effective Date is on the Contract Start Date itself
5336       --  then its a Retrospective Rebooking only
5337       IF TRUNC(p_rebook_date) = TRUNC(p_start_date)
5338       THEN
5339         -- Contract Start Date <> Rebook Revision Date
5340         l_prosp_rebook_flag := 'N';
5341       END IF;
5342       -- Step: Derieve the Last Accrued Date
5343       -- Rule 1: Last Accrual Date is the date of the immediately preceding
5344       --          Lease/Interest Income stream element. This is the previous
5345       --          calendar month end.
5346       l_last_accrued_date := TRUNC(LAST_DAY( ADD_MONTHS(p_rebook_date, -1)));
5347       IF l_last_accrued_date < TRUNC(p_start_date)
5348       THEN
5349         -- Last Accrued Date is before the Contract Start Date itself
5350         -- Hence, rebooking should be Retrospective.
5351         l_prosp_rebook_flag := 'N';
5352       END IF;
5353       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5354         'Line Start Date= ' || p_start_date || ' | Rebook Date= ' || p_rebook_date ||
5355         ' | Last Accrued Date= ' || l_last_accrued_date ||
5356         ' | l_prosp_rebook_flag= ' || l_prosp_rebook_flag );
5357     END IF; -- IF l_prosp_rebook_flag= 'Y'
5359     IF l_prosp_rebook_flag= 'Y' -- If Still its a Prospective Rebooking
5360     THEN
5361       -- Start Looping on for the Booking Yield from l_last_accrued_date + 1
5362       l_k_start_date := l_last_accrued_date + 1;
5363       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5364                  'Rebook Date | Last Accrued Date | Loop Start Date' );
5365       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5366                  p_rebook_date || ' | ' || l_last_accrued_date || ' | ' || l_k_start_date  );
5368       -- Derieve the Cash Flow Index after the Last Accrued Date
5369       IF l_cf_inflows.COUNT > 0
5370       THEN
5371         cf_index_start_prb  := 0; -- p_orig_rent_streams.FIRST;
5372         FOR i in l_cf_inflows.FIRST .. l_cf_inflows.LAST
5373         LOOP
5374           IF l_cf_inflows(i).cf_date <= l_last_accrued_date
5375           THEN
5376             cf_index_start_prb  := i;
5377           END IF;
5378         END LOOP;
5379         -- Increment the Cash flow Prospective Rebooking Index
5380         --  as cf_index_start_prb stored the last element index number, which is before
5381         --  the last accrued date
5382         cf_index_start_prb := cf_index_start_prb + 1;
5383       END IF; -- IF p_orig_rent_streams.COUNT > 0
5384       -- Derieve the Effective Investment on the Last Accrued Date + 1
5385       t_index := 1;
5386       l_opening_bal       := l_investment;
5387       l_period_start_date := TRUNC(p_start_date);
5388       l_period_end_date   := TRUNC( LAST_DAY( l_period_start_date) );
5389       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5390         'Period Start | Period End | Opening Bal | Interest Amount | Rent Amount | Ending Balance ' );
5392       WHILE l_period_start_date <= l_last_accrued_date
5393       LOOP
5394         -- Find sum[rents of revised asset], till the end of this month
5395         l_sum_rent_in_curr_month := 0;
5396         FOR r_index IN l_cf_inflows.FIRST .. l_cf_inflows.LAST
5397         LOOP
5398           IF LAST_DAY(l_cf_inflows(r_index).cf_date) = l_period_end_date
5399           THEN
5400             -- Rent Payment falls in the Current Month, so sum the Rent
5401             l_sum_rent_in_curr_month := l_sum_rent_in_curr_month +
5402                                         l_cf_inflows(r_index).cf_amount;
5403           END IF;
5404         END LOOP;
5405         -- Find the Pre-Tax Income Amount for this Period from Original Contract
5406         l_orig_income_in_curr_month := 0;
5407         FOR in_index IN p_orig_income_streams.FIRST .. p_orig_income_streams.LAST
5408         LOOP
5409           IF LAST_DAY( p_orig_income_streams(in_index).cf_date) =
5410              l_period_end_date
5411           THEN
5412             -- Interest for the current period
5413             l_orig_income_in_curr_month := p_orig_income_streams(in_index).cf_amount;
5414           END IF;
5415         END LOOP;
5416         -- Calculate the Termination Value at the end of the Current Period
5417         l_ending_bal := l_opening_bal - l_sum_rent_in_curr_month + l_orig_income_in_curr_month;
5418         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5419           l_period_start_date        || ' | ' ||
5420           l_period_end_date          || ' | ' ||
5421           l_opening_bal              || ' | ' ||
5422           l_orig_income_in_curr_month|| ' | ' ||
5423           l_sum_rent_in_curr_month   || ' | ' ||
5424           l_ending_bal );
5425         -- Store the Ending Balance as the Termination Value at the end of the period
5426         x_termination_tbl(t_index).cf_date   := l_period_end_date;
5427         x_termination_tbl(t_index).cf_amount := l_ending_bal;
5428         x_termination_tbl(t_index).line_number := t_index;
5429         -- Increment the p_index
5430         t_index := t_index + 1;
5431         -- Re-intialize to proceed for the next iteration
5432         l_opening_bal := l_ending_bal;
5433         l_period_start_date := l_period_end_date + 1;
5434         l_period_end_date   := TRUNC( LAST_DAY( l_period_start_date) );
5435         -- Store the Last Effective Balance as the Effective Balance
5436         l_eff_investment_for_prb := NVL(l_ending_bal, 0);
5437       END LOOP; -- WHILE l_period_start_date <= l_last_accrued_date
5438       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5439         'Effective Investment as on the Last Accrued Date = ' || l_eff_investment_for_prb );
5440     ELSE
5441       -- Non-Prospective Rebooking Logic
5442       -- Effective Investment will be nothing but the l_investment
5443       l_eff_investment_for_prb := l_investment;
5444       cf_index_start_prb       := 1;
5445     END IF; -- IF NVL( p_prosp_rebook_flag, 'N' ) = 'Y'
5446     -- If the current flow is not a prospective Rebooking
5447     --  use l_eff_investment_for_prb as l_investment
5448     -- Actual Logic for calculation of the Booking Yield.
5449     LOOP
5450       -- Incrementing the Iteration Index
5451       n_iterations := n_iterations + 1;
5452       -- Initialize the things
5453       l_pre_tax_income_tbl.DELETE;
5454       l_termination_val_tbl.DELETE;
5455       l_termination_val := l_eff_investment_for_prb; -- Effective Investment
5456       cf_index          := cf_index_start_prb; -- Consider inflows only after the Last Accrued Date
5457       p := 1;
5458       t := 1;
5459       l_term_complete := 'N';
5460       l_crossed_zero  := 'N';
5461       l_start_date    := l_k_start_date;
5462       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5463                  'Iteration # ' || n_iterations );
5464       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5465                  'Booking |-Investment-|-Residual-|-Termination-|--------------|--------------|');
5466       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5467                  '-Yield--|------------|--Value---|-----Value---|l_k_start_date| l_k_end_date |');
5468       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5469                   round( l_bk_yield, 4 ) || '|' || round(l_eff_investment_for_prb , 4) || '|' || round(l_residual_amount , 4)
5470                   || '|' || round(l_termination_val , 4) || '|' || l_k_start_date || '|' || l_k_end_date);
5471       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5472                   'P/M | Bk. Yield | Arrears | Days/Annum | Start Date | End Date | Days | Interest | Payment Amount | Termination value ' );
5473       -- Main while loop ... !!! Loops until the term completes ;-)
5474       WHILE l_term_complete = 'N'
5475       LOOP
5476         -- There exists a possiblity during Prospective Rebooking that
5477         --  No Cashflows after the Last Accrued Date and hence, need to skip the following
5478         -- section and continue as is like all Payments are processed !
5479         -- Example: Prospective Rebooking: Yes
5480         --          Contract Start Date: 10-Jan-2009, One Asset, with One Annual Advance Payment
5481         --          and Rebook Happened on 15-Feb-2009
5482         -- As there are no payments till the end of the contract, we need to skip this section
5483         IF cf_index <= l_cf_inflows.LAST AND
5484            l_cf_inflows.exists(cf_index)
5485         THEN
5486           IF LAST_DAY( TRUNC(l_start_date) ) <>
5487              LAST_DAY( TRUNC(l_cf_inflows(cf_index).cf_date ) )
5488           THEN
5489             -- Handling till the end of the month ..
5490             --  Period:  ( l_start_date, LAST_DAY(l_start_day) ]
5491             l_end_date := LAST_DAY( l_start_date );
5492             l_days := get_day_count(
5493                 p_days_in_month  => l_days_in_month,
5494                 p_days_in_year   => l_days_in_year,
5495                 p_start_date     => l_start_date,
5496                 p_end_date       => l_end_date,
5497                 p_arrears        => 'Y', -- Calculate until the end of the month !
5498                 x_return_status  => l_return_status);
5499             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
5501             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
5503             END IF;
5504             -- Case when the start date and end date are as follows:
5505             --  Start Date = 31st of the Month
5506             --  End Date = 31st of the Month
5507             --  Day Count returns 0, but ..
5508             --  Say, when Payments are received every month end 31st in Advance
5509             --   we need to calculate the 1 day interest from 31st to 31st itself
5510             IF TO_CHAR( l_start_date, 'DD' ) = 31 -- RGOOTY: 8935347
5511                AND TO_CHAR( l_end_date, 'DD' ) = 31
5512                AND l_is_arrears = 'N' -- Advance Payments
5513             THEN
5514               -- Case when, Advance Payments and is being received on the month end
5515               l_days := 1;
5516             END IF;
5517             l_days_per_annum := get_days_per_annum(
5518                                   p_day_convention   => p_day_count_method,
5519                                   p_start_date       => p_start_date,
5520                                   p_cash_inflow_date => l_start_date,
5521                                   x_return_status    => l_return_status );
5522             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
5524             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
5526             END IF;
5527             l_tmp_interest := l_termination_val * l_days * l_bk_yield / l_days_per_annum;
5528             l_termination_val := l_termination_val + l_tmp_interest;
5529             l_termination_val_tbl(t).cf_amount := l_termination_val;
5530             -- Making the l_se_date to LAST_DAY(l_start_date)
5531             l_se_date := LAST_DAY(l_start_date);
5532             IF ( nvl(p_day_count_method, 'THIRTY') = 'THIRTY' AND
5533                  TO_CHAR(LAST_DAY(l_se_date), 'DD') = '31' ) OR
5534                ( nvl(p_day_count_method, 'THIRTY' ) = '365' AND
5535                  TO_CHAR(LAST_DAY(l_se_date), 'DD' ) = '29' AND
5536                  TO_CHAR(l_se_date, 'MON' ) = 'FEB' )
5537             THEN
5538               l_se_date := l_se_date - 1;
5539             END IF;
5540             l_termination_val_tbl(t).cf_date := LAST_DAY(l_se_date);
5541             t := t + 1;
5542             -- If l_start_date = l_k_start_date OR
5543             --    l_start_date is first of the month then no need to accumulate the pretax income
5544             -- else accumulate the pre-tax income.
5545             IF TRUNC(l_start_date) = TRUNC(l_k_start_date) OR
5546                TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(l_start_date, 'DD' )) = 1
5547             THEN
5548               -- No need to accumulate
5549               l_pre_tax_income_tbl(p).cf_amount := l_tmp_interest;
5550             ELSE
5551               -- Accumulate
5552               l_pre_tax_income_tbl(p).cf_amount := nvl( l_pre_tax_income_tbl(p).cf_amount , 0)
5553                                                 + l_tmp_interest;
5554             END IF;
5555             l_pre_tax_income_tbl(p).cf_date := l_se_date;
5556             p := p + 1;
5557             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5558                     'M | ' || round( l_bk_yield, 4 ) || ' | ' || 'Y' || ' | ' || l_days_per_annum
5559                     || ' | ' || l_start_date || ' | ' || l_end_date || ' | ' || l_days
5560                     || ' | ' || round( l_tmp_interest, 4 ) || ' | - | ' || round(l_termination_val, 4 ) );
5561             -- Increment the things
5562             -- Change the start date to first of next month
5563             l_start_date := l_end_date + 1;
5564           ELSE
5565             -- Current month is having the payment ..
5566             -- Handling the period from ( l_start_date , l_cf_inflows(cf_index).cf_date )
5567             l_end_date := l_cf_inflows(cf_index).cf_date;
5568             l_days := get_day_count(
5569                 p_days_in_month  => l_days_in_month,
5570                 p_days_in_year   => l_days_in_year,
5571                 p_start_date     => l_start_date,
5572                 p_end_date       => l_end_date,
5573                 p_arrears        => l_cf_inflows(cf_index).is_arrears,
5574                 x_return_status  => l_return_status);
5575             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
5577             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
5579             END IF;
5580             -- Based on the day convention, get the days/annum
5581             l_days_per_annum := get_days_per_annum(
5582                                   p_day_convention   => p_day_count_method,
5583                                   p_start_date       => p_start_date,
5584                                   p_cash_inflow_date => l_start_date,
5585                                   x_return_status    => l_return_status );
5586             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
5588             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
5590             END IF;
5591             -- Calculation of Interest
5592             l_tmp_interest := l_termination_val * l_days * l_bk_yield / l_days_per_annum;
5593             -- Termination value streams assignments
5594             l_termination_val := l_termination_val + l_tmp_interest;
5595             l_termination_val := l_termination_val - l_cf_inflows(cf_index).cf_amount;
5596             l_termination_val_tbl(t).cf_amount := l_termination_val;
5597             l_termination_val_tbl(t).cf_date := l_cf_inflows(cf_index).cf_date;
5598             -- Pre_tax streams assignments
5599             t := t + 1;
5600             IF l_pre_tax_income_tbl.exists(p)
5601             THEN
5602               l_pre_tax_income_tbl(p).cf_amount := nvl( l_pre_tax_income_tbl(p).cf_amount, 0 ) +
5603                                                    l_tmp_interest;
5604             ELSE
5605               l_pre_tax_income_tbl(p).cf_amount := l_tmp_interest;
5606             END IF;
5607             -- Date for the Pre-Tax Income will be put above
5608             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5609                       'P | ' || round( l_bk_yield, 4 ) || ' | ' || l_cf_inflows(cf_index).is_arrears || ' | ' || l_days_per_annum
5610                      || ' | ' || l_start_date  || ' | ' || l_end_date || ' | ' || l_days
5611                      || ' | ' || round( l_tmp_interest, 4 ) || ' | ' ||
5612                      round(l_cf_inflows(cf_index).cf_amount, 4) || ' | ' || round(l_termination_val, 4 ) );
5613             -- Increment the cf_index
5614             l_start_date := l_cf_inflows(cf_index).cf_date;
5615             IF l_cf_inflows(cf_index).is_arrears = 'Y' AND
5616   --             TRUNC(l_start_date) <> TRUNC(LAST_DAY( l_start_date)) AND
5617                l_start_date < l_k_end_date
5618             THEN
5619              l_start_date := l_start_date + 1;
5620             END IF;
5621             -- If the Current Period End Date and Next Period Start Date
5622             --   doesnot fall in the same month, then increment the Pre-Tax Income table index
5623             IF TRUNC(LAST_DAY(l_start_date)) > TRUNC(LAST_DAY(l_end_date))
5624             THEN
5625               -- Handling the Case when l_end_date = Calender end of the month
5626               --  and next payment starts only after the next month
5627               l_pre_tax_income_tbl(p).cf_date := l_end_date;
5628               p := p + 1;
5629             END IF;
5630             cf_index := cf_index + 1;
5631           END IF;
5632         END IF; -- If cf_index <= l_cf_inflows.LAST
5633         -- Check whether we have crossed the Stream Element dates or not???
5634         IF cf_index > l_cf_inflows.LAST
5635         THEN
5636           m := 1;
5637           -- Last Cash Inflow
5638           LOOP
5639             IF LAST_DAY(l_start_date) <> LAST_DAY(l_k_end_date) THEN
5640               l_end_date := LAST_DAY(l_start_date);
5641             ELSE
5642               l_end_date := l_k_end_date;
5643             END IF;
5644             -- Residual Amount is always considered as inflow at the
5645             -- very last momment of the Contract
5646             l_is_res_arrears := 'Y';
5647             -- But, In case, when Last Stream Element Date = Contract End Date
5648             --  and Payments are arrears, then Day Count should be equal to zero.
5649             IF l_start_date = l_end_date AND
5650                l_end_date = l_k_end_date AND
5651                l_is_arrears = 'Y'
5652             THEN
5653               l_is_res_arrears := 'N';
5654             END IF;
5655             l_days := get_day_count(
5656                 p_days_in_month  => l_days_in_month,
5657                 p_days_in_year   => l_days_in_year,
5658                 p_start_date     => l_start_date,
5659                 p_end_date       => l_end_date,
5660                 p_arrears        => l_is_res_arrears, -- Calculate until the end of the month/Contract End Date
5661                 x_return_status  => l_return_status);
5662             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
5664             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
5666             END IF;
5667             -- But, In case, when Last Stream Element Date = Contract End Date
5668             --  and Payments are arrears, then Day Count should be equal to zero.
5669             IF TO_CHAR( p_start_date, 'DD') = 31 AND -- Contract Starting on 31st of Month
5670                l_end_date = l_k_end_date AND         -- Handling the Last Residual Stream
5671                TO_CHAR(l_end_date, 'DD' ) = 30 AND   -- Residual is coming on months 30 end
5672                TO_CHAR(l_start_date, 'DD' ) = 1      -- Last Handled Stream element was 31st
5673             THEN
5674               l_days := l_days - 1; -- Dont include the last day of the contract
5675             END IF;
5676             -- Case when the start date and end date are as follows:
5677             --  Start Date = 31st of the Month
5678             --  End Date = 31st of the Month
5679             --  Day Count returns 0, but ..
5680             --  Say, when Payments are received every month end 31st in Advance
5681             --   we need to calculate the 1 day interest from 31st to 31st itself
5682             IF TO_CHAR( l_start_date, 'DD' ) = 31 -- RGOOTY: 8935347
5683                AND TO_CHAR( l_end_date, 'DD' ) = 31
5684                AND l_is_arrears = 'N' -- Advance Payments
5685             THEN
5686               -- Case when, Advance Payments and is being received on the month end
5687               l_days := 1;
5688             END IF;
5689             --shagarg commented for bug 6604271
5690            /* IF l_is_arrears= 'Y' AND m = 1 AND l_days >= 1
5691             THEN
5692               l_days := l_days - 1;
5693             END IF;*/
5694             --shagarg bug 6604271 end
5695             -- Get days/annum based on the day count method
5696             l_days_per_annum := get_days_per_annum(
5697                                   p_day_convention   => p_day_count_method,
5698                                   p_start_date       => p_start_date,
5699                                   p_cash_inflow_date => l_start_date,
5700                                   x_return_status    => l_return_status );
5701             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
5703             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
5705             END IF;
5706             -- Interest Calculation
5707             l_tmp_interest := l_termination_val * l_days * l_bk_yield / l_days_per_annum;
5708             -- Termination value streams assignment
5709             l_termination_val := l_termination_val + l_tmp_interest;
5710             -- If the current month is the first one .. !
5711             IF m = 1
5712             THEN
5713               -- Accumulate the Pre-Tax Income
5714               IF l_pre_tax_income_tbl.exists(p)
5715 	      THEN
5716                 l_pre_tax_income_tbl(p).cf_amount := NVL(l_pre_tax_income_tbl(p).cf_amount,0)
5717                                                     + l_tmp_interest;
5718               ELSE
5719                 l_pre_tax_income_tbl(p).cf_amount :=l_tmp_interest;
5720               END IF;
5721             ELSE
5722               -- Pre-Tax is calculated for entire month, hence, no need to accumulate.
5723               l_pre_tax_income_tbl(p).cf_amount := l_tmp_interest;
5724             END IF;
5725             l_pre_tax_income_tbl(p).cf_date := l_end_date;
5726             p := p + 1;
5728             IF TRUNC(l_end_date) = TRUNC(l_k_end_date)
5729             THEN
5730               l_termination_val := l_termination_val - l_residual_amount;
5731               l_term_complete := 'Y';
5732             END IF;
5733             -- Termination value streams assignment
5734             l_termination_val_tbl(t).cf_amount := l_termination_val;
5735             l_termination_val_tbl(t).cf_date := l_end_date;
5736             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5737                    'L | ' || round( l_bk_yield, 4 ) || ' | ' || 'Y' || ' | ' || l_days_per_annum
5738                    || ' | ' || l_start_date || ' | ' || l_end_date || ' | ' || l_days
5739                    || ' | ' || round( l_tmp_interest, 4 ) || ' | - | ' || round(l_termination_val_tbl(t).cf_amount, 4 ) );
5740             t := t + 1;
5741             EXIT WHEN TRUNC(l_end_date) = TRUNC(l_k_end_date);
5742             -- Increment the Start Date to Next Month First
5743             l_start_date := LAST_DAY(l_start_date) + 1;
5744             -- Increment m
5745             m := m + 1;
5746           END LOOP; -- Loop on m
5747         END IF; -- IF cf_index = l_cf_inflows.LAST
5748       END LOOP; -- Looping through the Inflows
5749       -- Assign the termination value at the end of the period to l_diff and proceed !!
5750       l_diff := l_termination_val;
5751       -- If the current bk_yield is making the termination value as zero at the end of the
5752       -- period, then we have attained the solution, hence return the termination value
5753       -- and pre_tax streams along with the bk_yield !!
5754       IF ROUND(l_diff, 4) = 0
5755       THEN
5756         IF NVL( p_prosp_rebook_flag, 'N' ) = 'Y' AND
5757            p_rebook_date <> p_start_date         -- Contract Start Date <> Rebook Revision Date
5758         THEN
5759           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5760             ' !!! Returning Streams based on Prospective Rebooking Case !!!' );
5761           -- Prospective Rebooking Enhancement
5762           -- The Booking Yield Algorithm has been modified to generate the
5763           --  Lease Income Streams prospectively from the Last Accrued Date to the
5764           --  Contract End Date
5765           -- Hence, prepend the Before Revision Pre-Tax Income Streams
5766           --  to the l_pre_tax_income_tbl streams
5767           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5768             'Copying Pre-Tax Income Streams from Contract Start Date to Last Accrual Date' );
5769           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5770              ' # | Date | amount ' );
5771           p_index := 1;
5772           WHILE TRUNC(p_orig_income_streams(p_index).cf_date) <=
5773                 TRUNC(l_last_accrued_date)
5774           LOOP
5775             x_pre_tax_inc_tbl(p_index).cf_date := TRUNC(p_orig_income_streams(p_index).cf_date);
5776             x_pre_tax_inc_tbl(p_index).cf_amount := p_orig_income_streams(p_index).cf_amount;
5777             x_pre_tax_inc_tbl(p_index).line_number := p_index;
5778             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5779               p_index || ' | ' ||
5780               x_pre_tax_inc_tbl(p_index).cf_date || ' | ' ||
5781               x_pre_tax_inc_tbl(p_index).cf_amount);
5782             -- Increment the p_index
5783             p_index := p_index + 1;
5784           END LOOP;
5785           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5786             'Appending Pre-Tax Income Streams from Contract Start Date to Last Accrual Date' );
5787           -- Append the Newly generated the Pre-Tax Income Streams
5788           FOR p in l_pre_tax_income_tbl.FIRST .. l_pre_tax_income_tbl.LAST
5789           LOOP
5790             x_pre_tax_inc_tbl(p_index).cf_date := TRUNC(l_pre_tax_income_tbl(p).cf_date);
5791             x_pre_tax_inc_tbl(p_index).cf_amount := l_pre_tax_income_tbl(p).cf_amount;
5792             x_pre_tax_inc_tbl(p_index).line_number := p_index;
5793             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5794               p_index || ' | ' ||
5795               x_pre_tax_inc_tbl(p_index).cf_date || ' | ' ||
5796               x_pre_tax_inc_tbl(p_index).cf_amount);
5797             -- Increment the p_index
5798             p_index := p_index + 1;
5799           END LOOP;
5800           -- The Termination Value Streams on or before Last Accrued Date
5801           --  are already calculated during the process to calculate
5802           --  the effective Investement as on the Effective Rebook Date [Last Accrued Date +1]
5803           -- Append the Newly generated the Pre-Tax Income Streams
5804           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5805             'Appending Termination Value Streams from Contract Start Date to Last Accrual Date' );
5806           FOR t in l_termination_val_tbl.FIRST .. l_termination_val_tbl.LAST
5807           LOOP
5808             x_termination_tbl(t_index).cf_date := TRUNC(l_termination_val_tbl(t).cf_date);
5809             x_termination_tbl(t_index).cf_amount := l_termination_val_tbl(t).cf_amount;
5810             x_termination_tbl(t_index).line_number := t_index;
5811             -- Increment the p_index
5812             t_index := t_index + 1;
5813           END LOOP;
5814           x_termination_tbl(x_termination_tbl.LAST).cf_amount := l_residual_amount;
5815         ELSE
5816           -- Copying back the Pre-Tax Income Streams
5817           FOR p in l_pre_tax_income_tbl.FIRST .. l_pre_tax_income_tbl.LAST
5818           LOOP
5819             x_pre_tax_inc_tbl(p).cf_date := trunc(l_pre_tax_income_tbl(p).cf_date);
5820             x_pre_tax_inc_tbl(p).cf_amount := l_pre_tax_income_tbl(p).cf_amount;
5821             x_pre_tax_inc_tbl(p).line_number := p;
5822           END LOOP;
5823           -- Copying back the Termination Value Streams
5824           FOR t in l_termination_val_tbl.FIRST .. l_termination_val_tbl.LAST
5825           LOOP
5826             x_termination_tbl(t).cf_date := trunc(l_termination_val_tbl(t).cf_date);
5827             x_termination_tbl(t).cf_amount := l_termination_val_tbl(t).cf_amount;
5828             x_termination_tbl(t).line_number := t;
5829           END LOOP;
5830           x_termination_tbl(x_termination_tbl.LAST).cf_amount := l_residual_amount;
5831         END IF;
5832         x_bk_yield := l_bk_yield;
5833         -- Achieved the booking yeild, now returning back
5834         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5835                   'BOOKING YIELD =  ' || round( x_bk_yield, 4));
5836         x_return_status := 'S';
5837         RETURN;
5838       END IF;
5839       -- Using Interpolation approach to estimate/increment the next
5840       -- propsed booking yield .. !
5841       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5842         'Inrementation Details:Before' );
5843       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5844         'n_iterations|l_crossed_zero|l_increment|l_abs_incr|l_prev_incr_sign|SIGN(l_diff)' ||
5845         'l_diff|l_positive_diff|l_negative_diff|l_prev_diff|' ||
5846         'l_bk_yield|l_prev_bk_yeild|l_positive_diff_bk_yeild|l_negative_diff_bk_yeild' );
5847       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5848         n_iterations||'|'||l_crossed_zero||'|'||l_increment||'|'||l_abs_incr||'|'||l_prev_incr_sign||'|'||SIGN(l_diff)||'|'||
5849         l_diff||'|'||l_positive_diff||'|'||l_negative_diff||'|'||l_prev_diff||'|'||
5850         l_bk_yield||'|'||l_prev_bk_yeild||'|'||l_positive_diff_bk_yeild||'|'||l_negative_diff_bk_yeild );
5851       IF n_iterations > 1 AND
5852          SIGN(l_diff) <> SIGN(l_prev_diff)
5853          AND l_crossed_zero = 'N'
5854       THEN
5855         l_crossed_zero := 'Y';
5856         IF (SIGN(l_diff) = 1)
5857         THEN
5858           l_positive_diff := l_diff;
5859           l_negative_diff := l_prev_diff;
5860           l_positive_diff_bk_yeild := l_bk_yield;
5861           l_negative_diff_bk_yeild := l_prev_bk_yeild;
5862         ELSE
5863           l_positive_diff := l_prev_diff;
5864           l_negative_diff := l_diff;
5865           l_positive_diff_bk_yeild := l_prev_bk_yeild;
5866           l_negative_diff_bk_yeild := l_bk_yield;
5867         END IF;
5868       END IF;
5869       IF (SIGN(l_diff) = 1)
5870       THEN
5871         l_positive_diff := l_diff;
5872         l_positive_diff_bk_yeild := l_bk_yield;
5873       ELSE
5874         l_negative_diff := l_diff;
5875         l_negative_diff_bk_yeild := l_bk_yield;
5876       END IF;
5877       IF l_crossed_zero = 'Y'
5878       THEN
5879         IF n_iterations > 1
5880         THEN
5881           l_abs_incr := abs((l_positive_diff_bk_yeild - l_negative_diff_bk_yeild) /
5882                             (l_positive_diff - l_negative_diff) * l_diff);
5883         ELSE
5884           l_abs_incr := ABS(l_increment) / 2;
5885         END IF;
5886       ELSE
5887         l_abs_incr := ABS(l_increment);
5888       END IF;
5889       IF n_iterations > 1
5890       THEN
5891         IF SIGN(l_diff) <> l_prev_diff_sign
5892         THEN
5893           IF l_prev_incr_sign = 1
5894           THEN
5895             l_increment := - l_abs_incr;
5896           ELSE
5897             l_increment := l_abs_incr;
5898           END IF;
5899         ELSE
5900           IF l_prev_incr_sign = 1
5901           THEN
5902             l_increment := l_abs_incr;
5903           ELSE
5904             l_increment := - l_abs_incr;
5905           END IF;
5906         END IF;
5907       ELSE
5908         IF SIGN(l_diff) = 1
5909         THEN
5910           l_increment := - l_increment;
5911         ELSE
5912           l_increment := l_increment;
5913         END IF;
5914       END IF;
5915       l_prev_bk_yeild := l_bk_yield;
5916       l_bk_yield := l_bk_yield + l_increment;
5917       l_prev_incr_sign := SIGN(l_increment);
5918       l_prev_diff_sign := SIGN(l_diff);
5919       l_prev_diff := l_diff;
5920       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5921         'Inrementation Details: After Calculations' );
5922       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
5923         n_iterations||'|'||l_crossed_zero||'|'||l_increment||'|'||l_abs_incr||'|'||l_prev_incr_sign||'|'||SIGN(l_diff)||'|'||
5924         l_diff||'|'||l_positive_diff||'|'||l_negative_diff||'|'||l_prev_diff||'|'||
5925         l_bk_yield||'|'||l_prev_bk_yeild||'|'||l_positive_diff_bk_yeild||'|'||l_negative_diff_bk_yeild );
5926     END LOOP; -- Loop on n_iterations
5927     -- Actual logic Ends here
5928     x_return_status := l_return_status;
5929     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
5930                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
5931     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
5932             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_version) );
5935       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
5936                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
5937                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
5938                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
5939                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
5940                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
5941                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
5943       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
5944                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
5945                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
5946                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
5947                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
5948                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
5949                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
5951       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
5952                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
5953                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
5954                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
5955                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
5956                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
5957                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
5958   END compute_bk_yield;
5960   PROCEDURE get_qq_rc_cash_flows(
5961              p_api_version          IN            NUMBER,
5962              p_init_msg_list        IN            VARCHAR2,
5963              x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
5964              x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
5965              x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
5966              p_qq_hdr_rec           IN            so_hdr_rec_type,
5967              x_days_in_month           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
5968              x_days_in_year            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
5969              x_item_cat_cf_tbl         OUT NOCOPY item_cat_cf_tbl_type)
5970   IS
5971     l_api_version     CONSTANT    NUMBER          DEFAULT 1.0;
5972     l_api_name        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT 'get_qq_rc_cash_flows';
5973     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
5974     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
5975                       || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
5976     l_debug_enabled VARCHAR2(10);
5977     is_debug_procedure_on BOOLEAN;
5978     is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN;
5979     -- Cursor Declarations
5980     CURSOR item_cat_csr( p_qq_id NUMBER )
5981     IS
5982       SELECT  id
5983              ,item_category_id
5984              ,value
5985              ,basis
5986              ,nvl(nvl(end_of_term_value, end_of_term_value_default), 0) end_of_term_amount
5987              ,lease_rate_factor
5989       WHERE  qql.quick_quote_id = p_qq_id
5990         AND  TYPE = G_ITEMCATEGORY_TYPE; -- Item Category Type
5992    CURSOR get_cat_name(p_category_id IN NUMBER) IS
5993      SELECT category_concat_segs name,
5994             description
5995       FROM mtl_categories_v
5996      WHERE category_id = p_category_id;
5997     cat_rec     get_cat_name%ROWTYPE;
5999     -- Cursor to get the Financial Adjustments defined @ QQ Level
6000     CURSOR fin_adj_csr( p_qq_id NUMBER, p_tot_item_cost IN NUMBER )
6001     IS
6002       SELECT  TYPE  type
6003              ,SUM(CASE basis
6004                    WHEN 'FIXED'      THEN value
6005                    WHEN 'ASSET_COST' THEN value * p_tot_item_cost * .01
6006                   END ) AS fin_value
6007         FROM  OKL_QUICK_QUOTE_LINES_B qql
6008       WHERE  qql.quick_quote_id = p_qq_id
6009         AND  TYPE IN ( G_DOWNPAYMENT_TYPE,  -- Down Payment Type
6010                        G_TRADEIN_TYPE,      -- Trade in Type
6011                        G_SUBSIDY_TYPE )       -- Subsidy Type
6012       GROUP BY TYPE
6013       ORDER BY TYPE;
6015     -- Cursor to fetch the End of Term Option Type
6016     CURSOR get_eot_type( p_qq_id NUMBER )
6017     IS
6018       SELECT  qq.id
6019          ,qq.reference_number
6020          ,eot.end_of_term_name
6021          ,eot.eot_type_code eot_type_code
6022          ,eot.end_of_term_id end_of_term_id
6023          ,eotversion.end_of_term_ver_id
6025           okl_fe_eo_term_vers eotversion,
6026           okl_fe_eo_terms_all_b eot
6027      WHERE qq.END_OF_TERM_OPTION_ID = eotversion.end_of_term_ver_id
6028        AND eot.end_of_term_id = eotversion.end_of_term_id
6029        AND qq.id = p_qq_id;
6030     -- Local Variables
6031     l_lrs_details          lrs_details_rec_type;
6032     l_lrs_factor           lrs_factor_rec_type;
6033     l_lrs_levels           lrs_levels_tbl_type;
6034     l_ac_rec_type          OKL_EC_EVALUATE_PVT.okl_ac_rec_type;
6035     l_adj_factor           NUMBER;
6036     l_got_adj_factor       BOOLEAN;
6037     l_eot_percentage       NUMBER;
6038     l_asset_fin_amt        NUMBER;
6039     l_months_per_period    NUMBER;
6040     l_months_after         NUMBER;
6041     l_item_cat_cf_tbl      item_cat_cf_tbl_type;
6042     cf_index               NUMBER; -- Using as an index for Cash flow levels
6043     i                      NUMBER; -- Using as an index for Item Categories
6044     l_periods              NUMBER;
6045     l_sum_fin_amt          NUMBER; -- Sum of Financed Amount
6046     l_tot_down_payment     NUMBER;
6047     l_tot_tradein          NUMBER;
6048     l_tot_subsidy          NUMBER;
6049     l_eot_type_code               VARCHAR2(30);
6050   BEGIN
6051     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
6052     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
6053     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
6054     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
6055                               'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
6056     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
6057     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
6058     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
6059                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
6060                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
6061                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
6062                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
6063                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
6064                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
6065                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
6066     --Check if activity started successfully
6067     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
6069     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
6071     END IF;
6072     -- Know the type of the EOT and then proceed with the values directly or calculate the amount
6073     FOR t_rec IN get_eot_type(p_qq_id => p_qq_hdr_rec.id)
6074     LOOP
6075       l_eot_type_code := t_rec.eot_type_code;
6076     END LOOP;
6077     -- First of all, Calculate the Total OEC for all the Assets.
6078     l_sum_fin_amt := 0;
6079     i := 1;
6080     FOR t_rec IN item_cat_csr( p_qq_id => p_qq_hdr_rec.id )
6081     LOOP
6082       l_sum_fin_amt := l_sum_fin_amt + t_rec.value;
6083       -- Populate the Item Cat PL/SQL Table for calculation of the Proportionated Financial Adjustments
6084       l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).line_id          := t_rec.id;
6085       l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).item_category_id := t_rec.item_category_id;
6086       -- Returning the Asset COST in the Financed Amount COLUMN, remember we are not returning C-S-D-T here !!
6087       l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).financed_amount  := t_rec.value;        -- Populating the Cash Flow Record
6088       -- Increment i
6089       i := i + 1;
6090     END LOOP;
6091     -- Fetch the Financial adjustments, Down Payment/Tradein/Subsidy defined @ QQ level ..
6092     FOR t_rec IN fin_adj_csr( p_qq_id => p_qq_hdr_rec.id
6093                              ,p_tot_item_cost => l_sum_fin_amt )
6094     LOOP
6095       IF t_rec.type = G_DOWNPAYMENT_TYPE
6096       THEN
6097         l_tot_down_payment := t_rec.fin_value;
6098       ELSIF t_rec.type = G_TRADEIN_TYPE
6099       THEN
6100         l_tot_tradein := t_rec.fin_value;
6101       ELSIF t_rec.type = G_SUBSIDY_TYPE
6102       THEN
6103         l_tot_subsidy := t_rec.fin_value;
6104       END IF;
6105     END LOOP;
6106     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6107       'TOTALS: p_qq_id | p_tot_item_cost | Tot Down Payment | Trade in | Subsidy ');
6108     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6109       p_qq_hdr_rec.id || ' | ' ||  round(l_sum_fin_amt, 4) || ' | ' ||
6110       round( l_tot_down_payment, 4) || ' | ' || round( l_tot_tradein, 4) || ' | ' || round( l_tot_subsidy, 4) );
6111     -- Code for distributing the fin. adj. @ QQ level to individual item categories !
6112     -- Approach is to proportionate the financial adjustments entered @ Header level
6113     --  based on the item category cost
6114     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6115       'PROPORTIONATED AMOUNTS: Item ID | Financed Amount | Down Payment | Trade in | Subsidy ');
6116     FOR t IN l_item_cat_cf_tbl.FIRST .. l_item_cat_cf_tbl.LAST
6117     LOOP
6118       l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).down_payment := nvl(l_tot_down_payment * l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).financed_amount/l_sum_fin_amt, 0);
6119       l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).subsidy      := nvl(l_tot_subsidy * l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).financed_amount/l_sum_fin_amt, 0);
6120       l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).trade_in     := nvl(l_tot_tradein * l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).financed_amount/l_sum_fin_amt, 0);
6121       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6122         l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).line_id || ' | ' || round(l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).financed_amount, 4) || ' | ' ||
6123         round( l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).down_payment, 4) || ' | ' || round( l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).trade_in, 4) || ' | ' || round( l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).subsidy, 4) );
6124     END LOOP;
6125     -- 1/ Check for the structured_pricing column in p_qq_hdr_rec.structured_pricing
6126     -- IF 'N' then fetch the lease rate factor levels for each item category
6127     IF p_qq_hdr_rec.structured_pricing IS NULL OR
6128        p_qq_hdr_rec.structured_pricing = 'N'
6129     THEN
6130       l_got_adj_factor := FALSE;
6131       i := 1;
6132       FOR t_rec IN item_cat_csr( p_qq_id => p_qq_hdr_rec.id )
6133       LOOP
6134         -- Calculate EOT %age. FORMULA: EOT %age = EOT of the Asset / Assets OEC * 100
6135         IF l_eot_type_code = 'AMOUNT' OR l_eot_type_code = 'RESIDUAL_AMOUNT'
6136         THEN
6137           l_eot_percentage := (t_rec.end_of_term_amount / t_rec.VALUE ) * 100;
6138           l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).eot_amount := t_rec.end_of_term_amount;
6139         ELSE
6140           -- End of Term Amount is representing actually the percentage
6141           l_eot_percentage := t_rec.end_of_term_amount;
6142           l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).eot_amount := (t_rec.end_of_term_amount * t_rec.VALUE ) / 100;
6143         END IF;
6144         -- Loop through all the assets and fetch the corresponding LRF and payment amounts !
6145         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6146                   'Extracting the information from Lease Rate Set ' );
6147         l_lrs_levels.DELETE;
6148         -- Extract the data from the Lease Rate Set !
6149         get_lease_rate_factors(
6150           p_api_version            => p_api_version,
6151           p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
6152           x_return_status          => l_return_status,
6153           x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
6154           x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
6155           p_lrt_id                 => p_qq_hdr_rec.rate_card_id,
6156           p_start_date             => p_qq_hdr_rec.expected_start_date,
6157           p_term_in_months         => p_qq_hdr_rec.term,
6158           p_eot_percentage         => l_eot_percentage,
6159           x_lrs_details            => l_lrs_details,
6160           x_lrs_factor             => l_lrs_factor,
6161           x_lrs_levels             => l_lrs_levels);
6162         IF l_return_status <> OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
6163         THEN
6164           OPEN get_cat_name(p_category_id => t_rec.item_category_id);
6165           FETCH get_cat_name INTO cat_rec;
6166           CLOSE get_cat_name;
6167           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6168                   'Couldnot found the Lease Rate Factor levels for Item Category ' || cat_rec.name );
6169           -- Show the message and then return back throwing an error!
6170           OKL_API.set_message(
6171             p_app_name => G_APP_NAME,
6172             p_msg_name => 'OKL_LP_NO_LRS_LEVELS_FOUND',
6173             p_token1 => 'ITEMCAT',
6174             p_token1_value => cat_rec.name,
6175             p_token2 => 'ITEMTERM',
6176             p_token2_value => p_qq_hdr_rec.term,
6177             p_token3 => 'ITEMEOTPERCENT',
6178             p_token3_value => ROUND(l_eot_percentage,4) );
6180         END IF;
6181         -- Apply the adjustment matrix if needed!
6182         IF l_lrs_details.adj_mat_version_id IS NOT NULL AND
6183            l_got_adj_factor = FALSE
6184         THEN
6185           l_ac_rec_type.src_id := l_lrs_details.adj_mat_version_id; -- Pricing adjustment matrix ID
6186           l_ac_rec_type.source_name := NULL; -- NOT Mandatory Pricing Adjustment Matrix Name !
6187           l_ac_rec_type.target_id := p_qq_hdr_rec.ID ; -- Quote ID
6188           l_ac_rec_type.src_type := 'PAM'; -- Lookup Code
6189           l_ac_rec_type.target_type := 'QUOTE'; -- Same for both Quick Quote and Standard Quote
6190           l_ac_rec_type.target_eff_from  := p_qq_hdr_rec.expected_start_date; -- Quote effective From
6191           l_ac_rec_type.term  := p_qq_hdr_rec.term; -- Remaining four will be from teh business object like QQ / LQ
6192           l_ac_rec_type.territory := p_qq_hdr_rec.sales_territory_id;
6193           l_ac_rec_type.deal_size := l_sum_fin_amt; -- Not sure how to pass this value
6194           l_ac_rec_type.customer_credit_class := NULL; -- Not sure how to pass this even ..
6195           -- Fetching the deal_size ..
6196           -- Calling the API to get the adjustment factor ..
6197           okl_ec_evaluate_pvt. get_adjustment_factor(
6198              p_api_version       => p_api_version,
6199              p_init_msg_list     => p_init_msg_list,
6200              x_return_status     => x_return_status,
6201              x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
6202              x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
6203              p_okl_ac_rec        => l_ac_rec_type,
6204              x_adjustment_factor => l_adj_factor );
6205           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
6207           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
6209           END IF;
6210         END IF;
6211         IF l_got_adj_factor = FALSE
6212         THEN
6213           l_got_adj_factor := TRUE;
6214           l_adj_factor := nvl( l_adj_factor, 0 );
6215         END IF;
6216         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S', 'Adjustment Factor ' ||  l_adj_factor );
6217         -- Calculating the Asset Level Financed Amount. i.e C- nvl(S+D+T, 0)
6218         l_asset_fin_amt := l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).financed_amount - nvl( l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).subsidy +
6219                              l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).down_payment + l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).trade_in, 0);
6220         -- Store the Item Category details in the PL/SQL table to return back ..
6221         l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn := l_lrs_details.arrears_yn;
6222         l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).cash_flow_rec.start_date := p_qq_hdr_rec.expected_start_date;
6223         -- Get the Months factor!
6224         l_months_per_period := okl_stream_generator_pvt.get_months_factor(
6225                                 p_frequency     => l_lrs_details.frq_code,
6226                                 x_return_status => l_return_status);
6227         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
6229         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
6231         END IF;
6232         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S', 'Months/Period ' || l_months_per_period );
6233         -- Populating the Cash Flow Levels
6234         l_months_after := 0;
6235         cf_index := 1;
6236         FOR t in l_lrs_levels.FIRST .. l_lrs_levels.LAST
6237         LOOP
6238          l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(cf_index).fqy_code := l_lrs_details.frq_code;
6239          l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(cf_index).number_of_periods := l_lrs_levels(t).periods;
6240          l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(cf_index).amount := ( l_lrs_levels(t).lease_rate_factor + nvl(l_adj_factor,0) ) * l_asset_fin_amt;
6241          l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(cf_index).is_stub := 'N';
6242          l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(cf_index).rate := l_lrs_levels(t).lease_rate_factor;
6243          -- Need to populate the start date per line .. !!
6244          okl_stream_generator_pvt.add_months_new(
6245            p_start_date     => p_qq_hdr_rec.expected_start_date,
6246            p_months_after   => l_months_after,
6247            x_date           => l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(cf_index).start_date,
6248            x_return_status  => l_return_status);
6249           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
6251           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
6253           END IF;
6254           -- Add to the l_months_after
6255           l_months_after := l_months_after + ( l_lrs_levels(t).periods * l_months_per_period );
6256           -- Increment the index
6257           cf_index := cf_index + 1;
6258         END LOOP;
6259         -- Increment the item category index
6260         i := i + 1;
6261       END LOOP;
6262     ELSE
6263       -- Note:
6264       --  When user hasn't picked the LRS for Rate Card pricing and wishes
6265       --  to enter the LRF .. ie. Structured Pricing, Suresh PB has confirmed
6266       --  that irrespective of the line level pricing has been checked or not
6267       --  sales team will populate the LRF in OKL_QUICK_QUOTE_LINES_B.
6268       --  Hence, pricing can just fetch the LRF in OKL_QUICK_QUOTE_LINES_B and
6269       --   then build the cash flows from that ..
6270       -- Get the Months factor!
6271       l_months_per_period := okl_stream_generator_pvt.get_months_factor(
6272                               p_frequency     => p_qq_hdr_rec.target_frequency,
6273                               x_return_status => l_return_status);
6274       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
6276       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
6278       END IF;
6279       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S', 'Months/Period ' || l_months_per_period );
6280       l_periods := p_qq_hdr_rec.term / l_months_per_period;
6281       -- Need to validate that the term / ( frequency factor ) should be a whole number !
6282       IF l_periods <> TRUNC( l_periods )
6283       THEN
6284         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S', 'Periods has to be a whole number ');
6285         OKL_API.set_message( G_APP_NAME, OKL_API.G_INVALID_VALUE, OKL_API.G_COL_NAME_TOKEN, 'l_periods');
6287       END IF;
6288       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6289         'Line ID | OEC | EOT Amount | Arrears YN | Freq | Periods | LRF | Amt | Start Date ' );
6290       i := 1;
6291       -- Loop through all item categories and build the corresponding cash flows ..
6292       FOR t_rec IN item_cat_csr( p_qq_id => p_qq_hdr_rec.id )
6293       LOOP
6294         -- Calculate the EOT Amount. FORMULA: EOT% = EOT % * Asset OEC / 100;
6295         IF l_eot_type_code = 'AMOUNT' OR l_eot_type_code = 'RESIDUAL_AMOUNT'
6296         THEN
6297           l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).eot_amount := t_rec.end_of_term_amount;
6298         ELSE
6299           l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).eot_amount := t_rec.value * t_rec.end_of_term_amount / 100;
6300         END IF;
6301         -- Calculate the Asset level Financed Amount: FORMULA: Asset Fin. Amt = C - NVL(S+D+T, 0)
6302         l_asset_fin_amt := l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).financed_amount - nvl( l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).subsidy +
6303                             l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).down_payment + l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).trade_in, 0);
6304         -- Populating the Cash Flow Record
6305         l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn := p_qq_hdr_rec.target_arrears;
6306         l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).cash_flow_rec.start_date := p_qq_hdr_rec.expected_start_date;
6307         -- Populating the Cash Flow Levels
6308         l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(1).fqy_code := p_qq_hdr_rec.target_frequency;
6309         l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(1).number_of_periods := l_periods;
6310         l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(1).amount := t_rec.lease_rate_factor * l_asset_fin_amt;
6311         l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(1).is_stub := 'N';
6312         l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(1).start_date := p_qq_hdr_rec.expected_start_date;
6313         l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(1).rate := t_rec.lease_rate_factor;
6314         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6315           t_rec.ID || ' | ' || round(l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).financed_amount,2) || ' | ' || round(t_rec.end_of_term_amount, 2) || ' | ' ||
6316           p_qq_hdr_rec.target_arrears || ' | ' || p_qq_hdr_rec.target_frequency || ' | ' || l_periods || ' | ' ||
6317           t_rec.lease_rate_factor || ' | ' || round(l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(1).amount,2) || ' | ' ||
6318           l_item_cat_cf_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(1).start_date );
6319         -- Increment the item category index
6320         i := i + 1;
6321       END LOOP; -- Loop on item_cat_csr
6322     END IF;
6323     -- Fetch the day convention from the Stream Generation Template ...
6324     get_qq_sgt_day_convention(
6325       p_api_version       => p_api_version,
6326       p_init_msg_list     => p_init_msg_list,
6327       x_return_status     => l_return_status,
6328       x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
6329       x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
6330       p_qq_id             => p_qq_hdr_rec.id,
6331       x_days_in_month     => x_days_in_month,
6332       x_days_in_year      => x_days_in_year);
6333     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6334                   'After get_qq_sgt_day_convention ' || l_return_status );
6335     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
6337     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
6339     END IF;
6340     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6341                 'SGT Day convention: ' || x_days_in_month || ' / ' || x_days_in_year);
6342     -- Return the values ...
6343     x_item_cat_cf_tbl  := l_item_cat_cf_tbl;
6344     x_return_status := l_return_status;
6345     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
6346                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
6347     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
6348             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_version) );
6351       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
6352                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
6353                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
6354                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
6355                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
6356                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
6357                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
6359       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
6360                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
6361                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
6362                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
6363                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
6364                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
6365                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
6367       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
6368                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
6369                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
6370                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
6371                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
6372                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
6373                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
6374   END get_qq_rc_cash_flows;
6377   -- This API is responsible to create cash flow and cash flow details records when
6378   --  the pricing type is Target Rate or
6379   --  User has picked the rate from SRT/LRS
6380   --  User has picked the structured pricing and mentiond the rate, periods, amount ..etc
6381   --
6382   -- Returns the populated cash flow record and cash flow levels table
6383   PROCEDURE get_qq_cash_flows(
6384              p_api_version          IN            NUMBER,
6385              p_init_msg_list        IN            VARCHAR2,
6386              x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
6387              x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
6388              x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
6389              p_qq_hdr_rec           IN            so_hdr_rec_type,
6390              p_eot_percentage       IN            NUMBER,
6391              p_oec                  IN            NUMBER,
6392              x_days_in_month           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
6393              x_days_in_year            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
6394              x_cash_flow_rec           OUT NOCOPY so_cash_flows_rec_type,
6395              x_cash_flow_det_tbl       OUT NOCOPY so_cash_flow_details_tbl_type)
6396   IS
6397     -- Local Variables
6398     l_api_version     CONSTANT    NUMBER          DEFAULT 1.0;
6399     l_api_name        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT 'get_qq_cash_flows (QQ)';
6400     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
6402     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
6403                       || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
6404     l_debug_enabled VARCHAR2(10);
6405     is_debug_procedure_on BOOLEAN;
6406     is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN;
6408     -- Cursor Declarations
6409     CURSOR get_deal_size_csr( p_qq_id NUMBER )
6410     IS
6411       SELECT  sum(VALUE) deal_size
6413       WHERE  qql.quick_quote_id = p_qq_id
6414         AND  qql.TYPE = G_ITEMCATEGORY_TYPE; -- Item Category Type
6415     -- Local Variables declaration
6416     l_cash_flow_rec        so_cash_flows_rec_type;
6417     l_cash_flow_det_tbl    so_cash_flow_details_tbl_type;
6418     i                      NUMBER; -- Index for looping over the Cash Flow Details
6419     l_months_per_period    NUMBER;
6420     l_months_after         NUMBER;
6421     -- Lease Rate Factor Variables
6422     l_lrs_details          lrs_details_rec_type;
6423     l_lrs_factor           lrs_factor_rec_type;
6424     l_lrs_levels           lrs_levels_tbl_type;
6425     -- Standard Rate Template Variables
6426     l_srt_details          srt_details_rec_type;
6427     l_ac_rec_type          OKL_EC_EVALUATE_PVT.okl_ac_rec_type;
6428     l_adj_factor           NUMBER;
6429     l_deal_size            NUMBER;
6430     l_months_factor        NUMBER;
6431   BEGIN
6432     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
6433     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
6434     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
6435     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
6436                               'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
6437     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
6438     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
6439                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
6440                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
6441                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
6442                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
6443                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
6444                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
6445                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
6446     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
6448     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
6450     END IF;
6451     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6452                 'Pricing Method is ' || p_qq_hdr_rec.pricing_method );
6453     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6454                 ': p_qq_hdr_rec.rate_template_id=' || p_qq_hdr_rec.rate_template_id );
6455     i := 1;
6456     l_months_after := 0;
6457     l_adj_factor := 0;
6459     IF p_qq_hdr_rec.rate_template_id IS NOT NULL
6460     THEN
6461       -- Extract details from the Standard Rate Template
6462       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6463                 'Fetching the Details from the Standard Rate Template ' );
6464       get_standard_rates(
6465         p_api_version     => p_api_version,
6466         p_init_msg_list   => p_init_msg_list,
6467         x_return_status   => l_return_status,
6468         x_msg_count       => x_msg_count,
6469         x_msg_data        => x_msg_data,
6470         p_srt_id          => p_qq_hdr_rec.rate_template_id,
6471         p_start_date      => p_qq_hdr_rec.expected_start_date,
6472         x_srt_details     => l_srt_details);
6473       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6474                 ': l_return_status ' || l_return_status );
6475       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
6477       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
6479       END IF;
6480       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6481                  'Using SRT ' || l_srt_details.template_name || ' Version ' || l_srt_details.version_number
6482                  || ' Status ' || l_srt_details.sts_code  || ' Pricing Engine ' || l_srt_details.pricing_engine_code
6483                  || ' Rate Type ' || l_srt_details.rate_type_code  || ' Day Convention ' || l_srt_details.day_convention_code );
6484       IF l_srt_details.adj_mat_version_id IS NOT NULL
6485       THEN
6486         -- Fetch the Deal Size
6487         OPEN  get_deal_size_csr( p_qq_id => p_qq_hdr_rec.ID );
6488         FETCH get_deal_size_csr INTO l_deal_size;
6489         CLOSE get_deal_size_csr;
6490         -- Populate the Adjustment mat. rec.
6491         l_ac_rec_type.src_id := l_srt_details.adj_mat_version_id; -- Pricing adjustment matrix ID
6492         l_ac_rec_type.source_name := NULL; -- NOT Mandatory Pricing Adjustment Matrix Name !
6493         l_ac_rec_type.target_id := p_qq_hdr_rec.ID ; -- Quote ID
6494         l_ac_rec_type.src_type := 'PAM'; -- Lookup Code
6495         l_ac_rec_type.target_type := 'QUOTE'; -- Same for both Quick Quote and Standard Quote
6496         l_ac_rec_type.target_eff_from  := p_qq_hdr_rec.expected_start_date; -- Quote effective From
6497         l_ac_rec_type.term  := p_qq_hdr_rec.term; -- Remaining four will be from teh business object like QQ / LQ
6498         l_ac_rec_type.territory := p_qq_hdr_rec.sales_territory_id;
6499         l_ac_rec_type.deal_size := l_deal_size;
6500         l_ac_rec_type.customer_credit_class := NULL; -- Not sure how to pass this even ..
6501         -- Calling the API to get the adjustment factor ..
6502         okl_ec_evaluate_pvt. get_adjustment_factor(
6503            p_api_version       => p_api_version,
6504            p_init_msg_list     => p_init_msg_list,
6505            x_return_status     => x_return_status,
6506            x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
6507            x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
6508            p_okl_ac_rec        => l_ac_rec_type,
6509            x_adjustment_factor => l_adj_factor );
6510         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
6512         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
6514         END IF;
6515       END IF;
6516       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6517                  'Adjustment Factor ' ||  l_adj_factor );
6518       -- Populating the Cash flows
6519       l_cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn := p_qq_hdr_rec.target_arrears;
6520       l_cash_flow_rec.start_date := p_qq_hdr_rec.expected_start_date;
6521       -- Populating the Cash flow levels
6522       l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).fqy_code := l_srt_details.frequency_code;
6523       l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).rate := l_srt_details.srt_rate + nvl(l_srt_details.spread,0) + nvl(l_adj_factor,0); -- Rate is being stored as Percentage
6524       IF nvl( l_srt_details.min_adj_rate,l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).rate) > l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).rate
6525       THEN
6526         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).rate := l_srt_details.min_adj_rate;
6527       ELSIF nvl( l_srt_details.max_adj_rate,l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).rate) < l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).rate
6528       THEN
6529         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).rate := l_srt_details.max_adj_rate;
6530       END IF;
6531       l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).is_stub := 'N';
6532       l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).start_date := p_qq_hdr_rec.expected_start_date;
6533       l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).number_of_periods := p_qq_hdr_rec.target_periods;
6534       l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).amount := p_qq_hdr_rec.target_amount;
6535       x_days_in_year  := l_srt_details.day_convention_code;
6536       IF x_days_in_year = '360'
6537       THEN
6538          x_days_in_month := '30';
6539       ELSIF x_days_in_year = '365' OR x_days_in_year = 'ACTUAL'
6540       THEN
6541         x_days_in_month := 'ACTUAL';
6542       END IF;
6543     ELSIF p_qq_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'TR'
6544     THEN
6545       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6546                  'Building the Cash flows n Inflows ' || p_qq_hdr_rec.pricing_method );
6547       -- Populating the Cash flows
6548       l_cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn := p_qq_hdr_rec.target_arrears;
6549       l_cash_flow_rec.start_date := p_qq_hdr_rec.expected_start_date;
6550       -- Populating the Cash flow levels
6551       l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).fqy_code := p_qq_hdr_rec.target_frequency;
6552       l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).rate := p_qq_hdr_rec.target_rate; -- Rate is being stored as Percentage
6553       l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).is_stub := 'N';
6554       l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).start_date := p_qq_hdr_rec.expected_start_date;
6555       l_months_factor := okl_stream_generator_pvt.get_months_factor(
6556                             p_frequency     => p_qq_hdr_rec.target_frequency,
6557                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
6558       IF x_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR THEN
6560       ELSIF x_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR THEN
6562       END IF;
6563       l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).number_of_periods := p_qq_hdr_rec.term / l_months_factor;
6564       IF l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).number_of_periods <> TRUNC( l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).number_of_periods )
6565       THEN
6566         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S', 'Periods has to be a whole number ');
6567         OKL_API.set_message( G_APP_NAME, OKL_API.G_INVALID_VALUE, OKL_API.G_COL_NAME_TOKEN, 'Target Frequency');
6569       END IF;
6570       -- Fetch the day convention from the Stream Generation Template ...
6571       get_qq_sgt_day_convention(
6572         p_api_version       => p_api_version,
6573         p_init_msg_list     => p_init_msg_list,
6574         x_return_status     => l_return_status,
6575         x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
6576         x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
6577         p_qq_id             => p_qq_hdr_rec.id,
6578         x_days_in_month     => x_days_in_month,
6579         x_days_in_year      => x_days_in_year);
6580       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6581                 'After get_qq_sgt_day_convention ' || l_return_status );
6582       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
6584       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
6586       END IF;
6587       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6588                  'SGT Day convention: ' || x_days_in_month || ' / ' || x_days_in_year);
6589     ELSIF p_qq_hdr_rec.structured_pricing <> 'N'
6590     THEN
6591       -- Structured Pricing API
6592       -- Get the Pricing Details
6593       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6594                  'Fetching from the Cash Flows ');
6595       get_qq_cash_flows(
6596         p_api_version        => p_api_version,
6597         p_init_msg_list      => p_init_msg_list,
6598         x_return_status      => l_return_status,
6599         x_msg_count          => x_msg_count,
6600         x_msg_data           => x_msg_data,
6601         p_cf_source_type     => G_CF_SOURCE_QQ,
6602         p_qq_id              => p_qq_hdr_rec.id,
6603         x_days_in_month      => x_days_in_month,
6604         x_days_in_year       => x_days_in_year,
6605         x_cash_flow_rec      => l_cash_flow_rec,  -- Cash Flow Record
6606         x_cash_flow_det_tbl  => l_cash_flow_det_tbl); -- Cash Flow Details Table
6607       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6608                 'After get_qq_cash_flows ' || l_return_status  );
6609       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6610                  'l_cash_flow_det_tbl.COUNT ' || l_cash_flow_det_tbl.COUNT);
6611       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
6613       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
6615       END IF;
6616     END IF; -- IF p_qq_hdr_rec.pricing_method
6617     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6618                  ': Built the Cash flows and Levels ' );
6619     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6620                  'Arrears = ' || l_cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn
6621                             || 'Start Date=' || l_cash_flow_rec.start_date );
6622     IF l_cash_flow_det_tbl.COUNT > 0
6623     THEN
6624       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6625                   ': Frequency | Rate | Stub Amount | Stub Days | Periods | Amount | Start Date ' );
6626       FOR t IN l_cash_flow_det_tbl.FIRST .. l_cash_flow_det_tbl.LAST
6627       LOOP
6628         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6629                    l_cash_flow_det_tbl(t).fqy_code || '|' || l_cash_flow_det_tbl(t).rate
6630                    || '|' || l_cash_flow_det_tbl(t).stub_days  || '|' || l_cash_flow_det_tbl(t).stub_amount
6631                    || '|' || l_cash_flow_det_tbl(t).number_of_periods || '|' || l_cash_flow_det_tbl(t).amount
6632                    || '|' || l_cash_flow_det_tbl(t).START_DATE || '|' || l_cash_flow_det_tbl(t).is_stub );
6633       END LOOP;
6634     END IF;
6635     -- Setting up the return variables
6636     x_cash_flow_rec        := l_cash_flow_rec;
6637     x_cash_flow_det_tbl    := l_cash_flow_det_tbl;
6638     x_return_status := l_return_status;
6639     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
6640                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
6641     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
6642             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_version) );
6645       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
6646                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
6647                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
6648                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
6649                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
6650                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
6651                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
6653       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
6654                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
6655                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
6656                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
6657                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
6658                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
6659                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
6661       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
6662                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
6663                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
6664                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
6665                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
6666                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
6667                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
6668   END get_qq_cash_flows;
6670   -- This API is responsible to create cash flow and cash flow details records when
6671   --  User has picked the rate from SRT for an Asset / Lease Quote
6672   --  User has picked the structured pricing and mentiond the rate, periods, amount ..etc
6673   --    either at the Lease Quote or Asset Level !
6674   -- Returns the populated cash flow record and cash flow levels table
6675   PROCEDURE get_lq_cash_flows(
6676              p_api_version          IN            NUMBER,
6677              p_init_msg_list        IN            VARCHAR2,
6678              x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
6679              x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
6680              x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
6681              p_id                   IN            NUMBER,
6682              p_lq_srt_id            IN            NUMBER,
6683              p_cf_source            IN            VARCHAR2,
6684              p_adj_mat_cat_rec      IN            adj_mat_cat_rec,
6685              p_pricing_method       IN            VARCHAR2,
6686              x_days_in_month           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
6687              x_days_in_year            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
6688              x_cash_flow_rec           OUT NOCOPY so_cash_flows_rec_type,
6689              x_cash_flow_det_tbl       OUT NOCOPY so_cash_flow_details_tbl_type)
6690   IS
6691     -- Local Variables
6692     l_api_version     CONSTANT    NUMBER          DEFAULT 1.0;
6693     l_api_name        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT 'get_lq_cash_flows';
6694     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
6696     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
6697                       || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
6698     l_debug_enabled VARCHAR2(10);
6699     is_debug_procedure_on BOOLEAN;
6700     is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN;
6702     -- Cursor Declarations ..
6703     CURSOR quote_csr(qteid    NUMBER)
6704     IS
6705       SELECT qte.expected_start_date expected_start_date,
6706              qte.target_rate_type target_rate_type,
6707              qte.target_frequency target_frequency,
6708              qte.target_arrears_yn target_arrears,
6709              qte.target_rate target_rate,
6710              qte.target_periods target_periods,
6711              qte.target_amount target_amount,
6712              qte.term term,
6713              qte.structured_pricing structured_pricing,
6714              qte.pricing_method pricing_method
6715         FROM okl_lease_quotes_b qte
6716        WHERE qte.id = qteid;
6717     quote_rec  quote_csr%ROWTYPE;
6718     -- Cursor to fetch the ID of the CFL defined at Quote Level !
6719     CURSOR get_cfl_id_csr( qteId NUMBER )
6720     IS
6721       SELECT cfl.ID cfl_id,
6722              cfh.id caf_id,
6723              cfo.id cfo_id,
6724              cfh.sty_id stream_type_id
6725        FROM  OKL_CASH_FLOW_LEVELS cfl,
6726              OKL_CASH_FLOWS cfh,
6727              OKL_CASH_FLOW_OBJECTS cfo
6728        WHERE cfl.caf_id = cfh.id
6729          AND cfh.cfo_id = cfo.id
6730          AND cfo.source_table = 'OKL_LEASE_QUOTES_B'
6731          AND cfo.source_id = qteId
6732        ORDER BY cfl.start_date;
6733     -- Cursor to fetch the Details from the Asset
6734     CURSOR asset_details_csr( p_astId NUMBER )
6735     IS
6736       SELECT target_arrears,
6737              target_amount,
6738              parent_object_id
6739         FROM OKL_ASSETS_B
6740        WHERE id = p_astId;
6741     -- Cursor to fetch the Details from the Asset
6742     CURSOR fee_details_csr( p_feeId NUMBER )
6743     IS
6744       SELECT target_arrears,
6745              target_amount,
6746              parent_object_id,
6747              payment_type_id
6748         FROM OKL_FEES_B
6749        WHERE id = p_feeId;
6750     -- Cursor to fetch the Cash flow header information
6751     CURSOR lq_cash_flows_csr( p_id NUMBER, p_cf_source_type VARCHAR2 )
6752     IS
6753       SELECT   cf.id  caf_id
6754               ,dnz_khr_id khr_id
6755               ,dnz_qte_id qte_id
6756               ,cfo_id cfo_id
6757               ,sts_code sts_code
6758               ,sty_id sty_id
6759               ,cft_code cft_code
6760               ,due_arrears_yn due_arrears_yn
6761               ,start_date start_date
6762               ,number_of_advance_periods number_of_advance_periods
6763               ,oty_code oty_code
6764       FROM    OKL_CASH_FLOWS         cf,
6765               OKL_CASH_FLOW_OBJECTS  cfo
6766      WHERE    cf.cfo_id = cfo.id
6767        AND    cfo.source_table = p_cf_source_type
6768        AND    cfo.source_id = p_id;
6769     -- Cursor to fetch the Cash Flow Details
6770     CURSOR lq_cash_flow_levels_csr( p_caf_id NUMBER )
6771     IS
6772       SELECT  id cfl_id
6773              ,caf_id
6774              ,fqy_code
6775              ,rate  -- No rate is defined at Cash Flows Level.. Need to confirm
6776              ,stub_days
6777              ,stub_amount
6778              ,number_of_periods
6779              ,amount
6780              ,start_date
6782        WHERE caf_id = p_caf_id
6783       ORDER BY start_date;
6784     -- Local Variables declaration
6785     l_cash_flow_rec        so_cash_flows_rec_type;
6786     l_cash_flow_det_tbl    so_cash_flow_details_tbl_type;
6787     i                      NUMBER; -- Index for looping over the Cash Flow Details
6788     l_months_per_period    NUMBER;
6789     l_months_after         NUMBER;
6790     -- Standard Rate Template Variables
6791     l_srt_details          srt_details_rec_type;
6792     l_ac_rec_type          OKL_EC_EVALUATE_PVT.okl_ac_rec_type;
6793     l_adj_factor           NUMBER;
6794     l_months_factor        NUMBER;
6795     l_lq_id                NUMBER;
6796     l_target_arrears       NUMBER;
6797     cfl_index              BINARY_INTEGER;
6798   BEGIN
6799     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
6800     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
6801     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
6802     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
6803                               'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
6804     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
6805     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
6806     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
6807                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
6808                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
6809                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
6810                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
6811                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
6812                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
6813                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
6814     --Check if activity started successfully
6815     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
6817     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
6819     END IF;
6820     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S', ': p_id=' || p_id );
6821     i := 1;
6822     l_months_after := 0;
6823     l_adj_factor := 0;
6824     IF p_cf_source = G_CF_SOURCE_LQ
6825     THEN
6826       l_lq_id := p_id;
6827     ELSIF p_cf_source = G_CF_SOURCE_LQ_ASS
6828     THEN
6829       FOR t_rec IN asset_details_csr( p_id )
6830       LOOP
6831         l_lq_id := t_rec.parent_object_id;
6832       END LOOP;
6833     ELSIF p_cf_source = G_CF_SOURCE_LQ_FEE
6834     THEN
6835       FOR t_rec IN fee_details_csr( p_id )
6836       LOOP
6837         l_lq_id := t_rec.parent_object_id;
6838       END LOOP;
6839     END IF;
6840     -- Check whether the pricing method is of type Rate Card
6841     IF p_lq_srt_id IS NOT NULL
6842     THEN
6843       -- Fetch the target column values ..
6844       OPEN quote_csr(qteid => l_lq_id );
6845       FETCH quote_csr INTO quote_rec;
6846       CLOSE quote_csr;
6847       -- Extract details from the Standard Rate Template
6848       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6849                   'Fetching the Details from the Standard Rate Template ' );
6850       get_standard_rates(
6851         p_api_version     => p_api_version,
6852         p_init_msg_list   => p_init_msg_list,
6853         x_return_status   => l_return_status,
6854         x_msg_count       => x_msg_count,
6855         x_msg_data        => x_msg_data,
6856         p_srt_id          => p_lq_srt_id,
6857         p_start_date      => p_adj_mat_cat_rec.target_eff_from,
6858         x_srt_details     => l_srt_details);
6859       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6860                   ': l_return_status ' || l_return_status );
6861       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
6863       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
6865       END IF;
6866       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6867              'Using SRT ' || l_srt_details.template_name || ' Version ' || l_srt_details.version_number
6868              || ' Status ' || l_srt_details.sts_code || ' Pricing Engine ' || l_srt_details.pricing_engine_code
6869              || ' Rate Type ' || l_srt_details.rate_type_code || ' Day Convention ' ||
6870              l_srt_details.day_convention_code );
6871       -- Need to apply the Adjustment factor to the rate !
6872       IF l_srt_details.adj_mat_version_id IS NOT NULL
6873       THEN
6874         l_ac_rec_type.src_id := l_srt_details.adj_mat_version_id; -- Pricing adjustment matrix ID
6875         l_ac_rec_type.source_name := NULL; -- NOT Mandatory Pricing Adjustment Matrix Name !
6876         l_ac_rec_type.target_id := l_lq_id; -- Quote ID
6877         l_ac_rec_type.src_type := 'PAM'; -- Lookup Code
6878         l_ac_rec_type.target_type := 'QUOTE'; -- Same for both Quick Quote and Standard Quote
6879         l_ac_rec_type.target_eff_from  := p_adj_mat_cat_rec.target_eff_from; -- Quote effective From
6880         l_ac_rec_type.term  := p_adj_mat_cat_rec.term; -- Remaining four will be from teh business object like QQ / LQ
6881         l_ac_rec_type.territory := p_adj_mat_cat_rec.territory;
6882         l_ac_rec_type.deal_size := p_adj_mat_cat_rec.deal_size; -- Not sure how to pass this value
6883         l_ac_rec_type.customer_credit_class := p_adj_mat_cat_rec.customer_credit_class; -- Not sure how to pass this even ..
6884         -- Calling the API to get the adjustment factor ..
6885         okl_ec_evaluate_pvt. get_adjustment_factor(
6886            p_api_version       => p_api_version,
6887            p_init_msg_list     => p_init_msg_list,
6888            x_return_status     => x_return_status,
6889            x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
6890            x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
6891            p_okl_ac_rec        => l_ac_rec_type,
6892            x_adjustment_factor => l_adj_factor );
6893         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
6895         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
6897         END IF;
6898       END IF;
6899       -- Populating the Cash flow Header information
6900       IF p_cf_source = G_CF_SOURCE_LQ
6901       THEN
6902         l_cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn := quote_rec.target_arrears;
6903         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).amount := quote_rec.target_amount;
6904       ELSIF p_cf_source = G_CF_SOURCE_LQ_ASS
6905       THEN
6906         FOR t_rec IN asset_details_csr( p_id )
6907         LOOP
6908           l_cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn := t_rec.target_arrears;
6909           l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).amount := t_rec.target_amount;
6910         END LOOP;
6911       ELSIF p_cf_source = G_CF_SOURCE_LQ_FEE
6912       THEN
6913         FOR t_rec IN fee_details_csr( p_id )
6914         LOOP
6915           l_cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn := t_rec.target_arrears;
6916           l_cash_flow_rec.sty_id         := t_rec.payment_type_id;
6917           l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).amount  := t_rec.target_amount;
6918         END LOOP;
6919       END IF;
6920       l_cash_flow_rec.start_date := quote_rec.expected_start_date;
6921       IF quote_rec.pricing_method <> 'SM'
6922       THEN
6923         l_cash_flow_rec.sts_code := 'WORK';
6924         -- Populating the Cash flow levels
6925         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).fqy_code := l_srt_details.frequency_code;
6926         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).rate := l_srt_details.srt_rate + nvl(l_srt_details.spread,0) + nvl(l_adj_factor,0); -- Rate is being stored as Percentage
6927         IF nvl( l_srt_details.min_adj_rate,l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).rate) > l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).rate
6928         THEN
6929           l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).rate := l_srt_details.min_adj_rate;
6930         ELSIF nvl( l_srt_details.max_adj_rate,l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).rate) < l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).rate
6931         THEN
6932           l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).rate := l_srt_details.max_adj_rate;
6933         END IF;
6934         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).is_stub := 'N';
6935         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).start_date := quote_rec.expected_start_date;
6936         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
6937               'GET_LQ p_frequency_passed' || l_srt_details.frequency_code);
6938         l_months_factor := okl_stream_generator_pvt.get_months_factor(
6939                               p_frequency       =>   l_srt_details.frequency_code,
6940                               x_return_status   =>   l_return_status);
6941         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
6942               'p_months_factor'||l_months_factor);
6943         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
6945         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
6947         END IF;
6948         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).number_of_periods := quote_rec.term / l_months_factor;
6949         --l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).amount has been already fetched from the
6950         -- target_amount column either from OKL_LEASE_QUOTES_B/OKL_ASSETS_B/OKL_FEES_B
6951       ELSE
6952         -- When the LQ is being priced for SM pricng method, on selecting the SRT
6953         --  as the pricing option, the user will be shown to enter the Cash flow levels too.
6954         -- Hence, retrieve the cash flow levels even when the pricing option is SRT.
6955         -- From SRT, get the Rate,Frequency
6956         -- From CFL, get the Advance/Arrears, n, Fetching the Cash Flows Information
6957         l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
6958         FOR t_rec in lq_cash_flows_csr( p_id =>p_id,
6959                                         p_cf_source_type => p_cf_source )
6960         LOOP
6961           l_cash_flow_rec.caf_id   := t_rec.caf_id;
6962           l_cash_flow_rec.khr_id   := t_rec.khr_id;
6963           l_cash_flow_rec.khr_id   := t_rec.khr_id;
6964           l_cash_flow_rec.qte_id   := t_rec.qte_id;
6965           l_cash_flow_rec.cfo_id   := t_rec.cfo_id;
6966           l_cash_flow_rec.sts_code := t_rec.sts_code;
6967           l_cash_flow_rec.sty_id   := t_rec.sty_id;
6968           l_cash_flow_rec.cft_code := t_rec.cft_code;
6969           l_cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn := t_rec.due_arrears_yn;
6970           l_cash_flow_rec.start_date     := t_rec.start_date;
6971           l_cash_flow_rec.number_of_advance_periods := t_rec.number_of_advance_periods;
6972           -- Use l_retun_status as a flag
6973           l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
6974         END LOOP;
6975         -- Fetch the Cash Flow Levels information only if the Cash Flow is present..
6976         IF l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
6977         THEN
6978           cfl_index := 1;
6979           l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
6980           -- Cash Flows exists. So, fetch the Cash Flow Levels
6981           FOR t_rec in lq_cash_flow_levels_csr( l_cash_flow_rec.caf_id )
6982           LOOP
6983             l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).cfl_id      := t_rec.cfl_id;
6984             l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).caf_id      := t_rec.caf_id;
6985             l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).fqy_code    := l_srt_details.frequency_code;
6986             -- Effective Rate from SRT = Rate + Spread + Adj Matrix
6987             l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).rate :=
6988               l_srt_details.srt_rate + nvl(l_srt_details.spread,0) + nvl(l_adj_factor,0);
6989             IF nvl( l_srt_details.min_adj_rate,l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).rate) >
6990                l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).rate
6991             THEN
6992               l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).rate := l_srt_details.min_adj_rate;
6993             ELSIF nvl( l_srt_details.max_adj_rate, l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).rate) <
6994                   l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).rate
6995             THEN
6996               l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).rate := l_srt_details.max_adj_rate;
6997             END IF;
6998             l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).stub_days   := t_rec.stub_days;
6999             l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).stub_amount := t_rec.stub_amount;
7000             l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).number_of_periods := t_rec.number_of_periods;
7001             l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).amount      := t_rec.amount;
7002             l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).start_date  := t_rec.start_date;
7003             -- Remember the flag whether its a stub payment or not
7004             IF t_rec.stub_days IS NOT NULL and t_rec.stub_amount IS NOT NULL
7005             THEN
7006               -- Stub Payment
7007               l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).is_stub := 'Y';
7008             ELSE
7009               -- Regular Periodic Payment
7010               l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cfl_index).is_stub := 'N';
7011             END IF;
7012             -- Use l_retun_status as a flag
7013             l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
7014             -- Increment i
7015             cfl_index := cfl_index + 1;
7016           END LOOP;
7017         ELSE
7018           l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
7019         END IF;
7020       END IF;
7021       -- Get the Day convention from the SRT itself !
7022       x_days_in_year  := l_srt_details.day_convention_code;
7023       IF x_days_in_year = '360'
7024       THEN
7025          x_days_in_month := '30';
7026       ELSIF x_days_in_year = '365' OR x_days_in_year = 'ACTUAL'
7027       THEN
7028         x_days_in_month := 'ACTUAL';
7029       END IF;
7030     ELSIF p_pricing_method = 'TR'
7031     THEN
7032       -- Fetch the target column values ..
7033       OPEN quote_csr(qteid => l_lq_id );
7034       FETCH quote_csr INTO quote_rec;
7035       CLOSE quote_csr;
7036       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7037                    'After fetching the quote_csr details ');
7038       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7039                    'Building the Cash flows n Inflows ' || p_pricing_method );
7040       -- Populating the Cash flows
7041       IF p_cf_source = G_CF_SOURCE_LQ_FEE
7042       THEN
7043         -- For Rollover/Financed fee, though the PM is TR, where LLO is not applicable
7044         -- there also, pricing will fetch Adv/Arrears, Rate, Frequency will be fetched
7045         -- from the quote, but the Payment Stream ID will be store in the okl_fees_b.payment_sty_id
7046         FOR t_rec IN fee_details_csr( p_id )
7047         LOOP
7048           l_cash_flow_rec.sty_id         := t_rec.payment_type_id;
7049         END LOOP;
7050       END IF;
7051       l_cash_flow_rec.sts_code := 'CURRENT';  -- Added for bug 13769881
7052       l_cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn := quote_rec.target_arrears;
7053       l_cash_flow_rec.start_date := quote_rec.expected_start_date;
7054       -- Populating the Cash flow levels
7055       l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).fqy_code := quote_rec.target_frequency;
7056       l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).rate := quote_rec.target_rate; -- Rate is being stored as Percentage
7057       l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).is_stub := 'N';
7058       l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).start_date := quote_rec.expected_start_date;
7059       l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).number_of_periods := quote_rec.target_periods;
7060       -- Need to fetch the CFL Id for the Updation
7061       FOR t_rec IN get_cfl_id_csr( qteId => p_id )
7062       LOOP
7063         l_cash_flow_rec.caf_id := t_rec.caf_id;
7064         l_cash_flow_rec.cfo_id := t_rec.cfo_id;
7065         l_cash_flow_rec.sty_id := t_rec.stream_type_id;
7066         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).cfl_id := t_rec.cfl_id;
7067       END LOOP;
7068       get_lq_sgt_day_convention(
7069         p_api_version       => p_api_version,
7070         p_init_msg_list     => p_init_msg_list,
7071         x_return_status     => l_return_status,
7072         x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
7073         x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
7074         p_lq_id             => p_id,
7075         x_days_in_month     => x_days_in_month,
7076         x_days_in_year      => x_days_in_year);
7077      put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7078                    ': After Fetching the Day convention from the SGT - TR ' );
7079       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
7081       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
7083       END IF;
7084     ELSE
7085       -- Assuming that the Asset is having Structured Pricing overridden
7086       --  from that of the Payment Structure defined at the Lease Quote level
7087       get_qq_cash_flows(
7088         p_api_version        => p_api_version,
7089         p_init_msg_list      => p_init_msg_list,
7090         x_return_status      => l_return_status,
7091         x_msg_count          => x_msg_count,
7092         x_msg_data           => x_msg_data,
7093         p_cf_source_type     => p_cf_source, -- Pass the source type OKL_ASSETS_B/OKL_LEASE_QUOTES_B
7094         p_qq_id              => p_id,  -- Pass the id of the Assets/ Lease Quote !
7095         x_days_in_month      => x_days_in_month,
7096         x_days_in_year       => x_days_in_year,
7097         x_cash_flow_rec      => l_cash_flow_rec,  -- Cash Flow Record
7098         x_cash_flow_det_tbl  => l_cash_flow_det_tbl); -- Cash Flow Details Table
7099       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7100                    'After get_qq_cash_flows ' || l_return_status  );
7101       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7102                    'l_cash_flow_det_tbl.COUNT ' || l_cash_flow_det_tbl.COUNT);
7103       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
7105       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
7107       END IF;
7108     END IF; -- IF p_qq_hdr_rec.pricing_method
7109     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7110                    ': Built the Cash flows and Levels ' );
7111     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7112                'Arrears = ' || l_cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn
7113                             || 'Start Date=' || l_cash_flow_rec.start_date );
7114     IF l_cash_flow_det_tbl.COUNT > 0
7115     THEN
7116       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7117                    ': Frequency | Rate | Stub Amount | Stub Days | Periods | Amount | Start Date ' );
7118       FOR t IN l_cash_flow_det_tbl.FIRST .. l_cash_flow_det_tbl.LAST
7119       LOOP
7120         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7121                    l_cash_flow_det_tbl(t).fqy_code  || '|' || l_cash_flow_det_tbl(t).rate
7122                    || '|' || l_cash_flow_det_tbl(t).stub_days || '|' || l_cash_flow_det_tbl(t).stub_amount
7123                    || '|' || l_cash_flow_det_tbl(t).number_of_periods
7124                    || '|' || l_cash_flow_det_tbl(t).amount  || '|' || l_cash_flow_det_tbl(t).start_date
7125                    || '|' || l_cash_flow_det_tbl(t).is_stub );
7126       END LOOP;
7127     END IF;
7128     -- Setting up the return variables
7129     x_cash_flow_rec        := l_cash_flow_rec;
7130     x_cash_flow_det_tbl    := l_cash_flow_det_tbl;
7131     x_return_status := l_return_status;
7133     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
7134                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
7135     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
7136             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_version) );
7139       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
7140                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
7141                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
7142                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
7143                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
7144                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
7145                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
7147       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
7148                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
7149                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
7150                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
7151                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
7152                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
7153                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
7155       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
7156                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
7157                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
7158                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
7159                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
7160                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
7161                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
7162   END get_lq_cash_flows;
7164   -- API to price a quick quote... Just need to pass me the ID ;-)
7165   PROCEDURE price_quick_quote(
7166              p_api_version              IN              NUMBER,
7167              p_init_msg_list            IN              VARCHAR2,
7168              x_return_status            OUT      NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
7169              x_msg_count                OUT      NOCOPY NUMBER,
7170              x_msg_data                 OUT      NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
7171              p_qq_id                    IN              NUMBER,
7172              x_yileds_rec               OUT      NOCOPY yields_rec,
7173              x_subsidized_yileds_rec    OUT      NOCOPY yields_rec,
7174              x_pricing_results_tbl      OUT      NOCOPY pricing_results_tbl_type )
7175   IS
7176     -- Cursor to fetch EOT Type
7177     CURSOR get_eot_type( p_qq_id NUMBER )
7178     IS
7179       SELECT  qq.id
7180          ,qq.reference_number
7181          ,eot.end_of_term_name
7182          ,eot.eot_type_code eot_type_code
7183          ,eot.end_of_term_id end_of_term_id
7184          ,eotversion.end_of_term_ver_id
7186           okl_fe_eo_term_vers eotversion,
7187           okl_fe_eo_terms_all_b eot
7188      WHERE qq.END_OF_TERM_OPTION_ID = eotversion.end_of_term_ver_id
7189        AND eot.end_of_term_id = eotversion.end_of_term_id
7190        AND qq.id = p_qq_id;
7192     --Bug 5884825 PAGARG start
7193     CURSOR get_product_name( p_qq_id NUMBER )
7194     IS
7198          , OKL_FE_EO_TERMS_ALL_B EOT
7199          , OKL_PRODUCTS PDT
7202         AND PDT.ID                   = EOT.PRODUCT_ID
7203         AND QQ.ID                    = P_QQ_ID;
7204     --Bug 5884825 PAGARG End
7206     -- Local Variables
7207     l_product_name                okl_products.NAME%TYPE;--Bug 5884825 PAGARG
7208     l_api_version     CONSTANT    NUMBER          DEFAULT 1.0;
7209     l_api_name        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT 'price_quick_quote';
7210     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
7211     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
7212                       || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
7213     l_debug_enabled             VARCHAR2(10);
7214     is_debug_procedure_on       BOOLEAN;
7215     is_debug_statement_on       BOOLEAN;
7216     -- Declarations
7217     l_valid_pm                  BOOLEAN; -- Flag holding true/false for valid Pricing Method
7218     l_tot_item_cat_amount       NUMBER;
7219     l_tot_rent_payment          NUMBER;
7220     l_tot_eot_amount            NUMBER;
7221     l_eot_percentage            NUMBER;
7222     l_oec                       NUMBER;
7223     l_hdr_rec                   so_hdr_rec_type;
7224     l_item_cat_tbl              so_asset_details_tbl_type;
7225     l_residual_strms_tbl        cash_inflows_tbl_type;
7226     l_pricing_parameters_rec    pricing_parameter_rec_type;
7227     l_pricing_parameters_tbl    pricing_parameter_tbl_type;
7228     l_pricing_parameters_tbl_cp pricing_parameter_tbl_type;
7229     l_tmp_prc_params_tbl        pricing_parameter_tbl_type;
7230     pp_index                    NUMBER;  -- Index for the l_pricing_parameters_tbl
7231     l_fin_adj_rec               so_amt_details_rec_type;
7232     l_cash_flow_rec             so_cash_flows_rec_type;
7233     l_cash_flow_det_tbl         so_cash_flow_details_tbl_type;
7234     l_fee_srv_tbl               so_fee_srv_tbl_type;
7235     l_strm_ele_tbl              cash_inflows_tbl_type;
7236     l_dummy_strm_ele_tbl        cash_inflows_tbl_type;
7237     l_eot_date                  DATE;
7238     l_iir                       NUMBER;
7239     l_irr                       NUMBER;
7240     l_bk_yield                  NUMBER;
7241     l_cf_dpp                    NUMBER;
7242     l_cf_ppy                    NUMBER;
7243     l_day_count_method          VARCHAR2(30);
7244     l_days_in_month             VARCHAR2(30);
7245     l_days_in_year              VARCHAR2(30);
7246     l_miss_payment              NUMBER;
7247     l_yields_rec                yields_rec;
7248     l_subsidized_yields_rec     yields_rec;
7249     l_qqlv_rec                  OKL_QQL_PVT.qqlv_rec_type;
7250     x_qqlv_rec                  OKL_QQL_PVT.qqlv_rec_type;
7251     x_termination_tbl           cash_inflows_tbl_type;
7252     x_pre_tax_inc_tbl           cash_inflows_tbl_type;
7253     i                           NUMBER;
7254     res_index                   NUMBER := 1;
7255     l_frequency                 VARCHAR2(30);
7256     l_item_cat_cf_tbl           item_cat_cf_tbl_type;
7257     l_tmp_pp_index              NUMBER;
7258     l_sgt_days_in_month         VARCHAR2(30);
7259     l_sgt_days_in_year          VARCHAR2(30);
7260     l_sgt_day_count_method      VARCHAR2(30);
7261     l_eot_type_code             VARCHAR2(30);
7262     l_net_percent               NUMBER;
7263     l_net_financed_amount       NUMBER;
7264     l_closing_balance           NUMBER;
7265     l_residual_percent          NUMBER;
7266     l_residual_int_factor       NUMBER;
7267     l_net_adj_amt               NUMBER;
7268   BEGIN
7269     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
7270     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
7271     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
7272     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
7273                               'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
7274     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
7275     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
7276     -- Call START_ACTIVITY to create savepoint, check compatibility
7277     -- and initialize message list
7278     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
7279                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
7280                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
7281                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
7282                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
7283                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
7284                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
7285                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
7286     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
7288     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
7290     END IF;
7291     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7292                    ': p_qq_id ' || p_qq_id  );
7294     --Bug 5884825 PAGARG start
7295     OPEN get_product_name(p_qq_id);
7296     FETCH get_product_name INTO l_product_name;
7297     CLOSE get_product_name;
7298     --Bug 5884825 PAGARG end
7300     -- Fetch the Header Details such as Start Date, Term, Pricing Method .. etc
7301     get_so_hdr(
7302       p_api_version       => p_api_version,
7303       p_init_msg_list     => p_init_msg_list,
7304       x_return_status     => l_return_status,
7305       x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
7306       x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
7307       p_so_id             => p_qq_id,
7308       p_so_type           => 'QQ',
7309       x_so_hdr_rec        => l_hdr_rec );
7310     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7311                   'After get_so_hdr  ' || l_return_status );
7312     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
7314     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
7316     END IF;
7317     -- Validate the Pricing Method for Quick Quote
7318     -- RC, SF, SP, SS, SY, TR are the permitted pricing methods for the Quick Quote
7319     l_valid_pm := validate_pricing_method(
7320                     p_pricing_method  => l_hdr_rec.pricing_method,
7321                     p_object_type     => 'QQ',
7322                     x_return_status   => l_return_status);
7323     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7324                    'After validate_pricing_method ' || l_return_status );
7325     IF l_valid_pm
7326     THEN
7327       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7328                   'l_valid_pm = TRUE' );
7329     ELSE
7330       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7331                    'l_valid_pm = FALSE' );
7332     END IF;
7333     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
7335     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
7337     END IF;
7338     -- If Pricing Method is invalid .. raise exception ..
7339     IF l_valid_pm = FALSE
7340     THEN
7341       -- Display a message and raise an exception ..
7343         p_app_name     => g_app_name,
7344         p_msg_name     => g_invalid_value,
7345         p_token1       => g_col_name_token,
7346         p_token1_value => 'Pricing Method');
7348     END IF;
7349     -- Know the type of the EOT and then proceed with the values directly or calculate the amount
7350     FOR t_rec IN get_eot_type( p_qq_id => p_qq_id  )
7351     LOOP
7352       l_eot_type_code := t_rec.eot_type_code;
7353     END LOOP;
7354     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7355                'l_eot_type_code=' || l_eot_type_code );
7356     -- Get Item Costs, Residual Values
7357     get_qq_item_cat_details(
7358       p_api_version         => p_api_version,
7359       p_init_msg_list       => p_init_msg_list,
7360       x_return_status       => l_return_status,
7361       x_msg_count           => x_msg_count,
7362       x_msg_data            => x_msg_data,
7363       p_qq_id               => p_qq_id,
7364       p_pricing_method      => l_hdr_rec.pricing_method,
7365       x_asset_amounts_tbl   => l_item_cat_tbl);
7366     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7367                    'After get_qq_item_cat_details ' || l_return_status );
7368     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7369                    'l_item_cat_tbl.COUNT ' || l_item_cat_tbl.COUNT );
7370     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
7372     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
7374     END IF;
7375     -- Loop through the Item Category Table and determine the Total Item Cat Cost
7376     l_tot_item_cat_amount := 0;
7377     l_tot_eot_amount := 0;
7378     IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method <> 'SF' AND
7379        l_item_cat_tbl IS NOT NULL       AND
7380        l_item_cat_tbl.COUNT > 0
7381     THEN
7382       FOR i in l_item_cat_tbl.FIRST .. l_item_cat_tbl.LAST
7383       LOOP
7384         l_tot_item_cat_amount := l_tot_item_cat_amount + nvl( l_item_cat_tbl(i).asset_cost,0);
7385       END LOOP;
7386     END IF;
7387     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7388                    'l_tot_item_cat_amount =' || l_tot_item_cat_amount );
7389     -- Calculate the total End of term value amount
7390     l_tot_eot_amount := 0;
7391     IF l_item_cat_tbl IS NOT NULL       AND
7392        l_item_cat_tbl.COUNT > 0
7393     THEN
7394       FOR itc_index in l_item_cat_tbl.FIRST .. l_item_cat_tbl.LAST
7395       LOOP
7396         l_tot_eot_amount := l_tot_eot_amount + l_item_cat_tbl(itc_index).end_of_term_amount;
7397       END LOOP;
7398     END IF;
7399     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7400                   'l_tot_eot_amount =' || l_tot_eot_amount );
7401     -- Get Finance Adjustment Details
7402     --  like down payment, trade in, subsidy
7403     get_qq_fin_adj_details(
7404       p_api_version          => p_api_version,
7405       p_init_msg_list        => p_init_msg_list,
7406       x_return_status        => l_return_status,
7407       x_msg_count            => x_msg_count,
7408       x_msg_data             => x_msg_data,
7409       p_qq_id                => p_qq_id,
7410       p_pricing_method       => l_hdr_rec.pricing_method,
7411       p_item_category_amount => l_tot_item_cat_amount,
7412       x_all_amounts_rec      => l_fin_adj_rec);
7413     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7414                    'After get_qq_fin_adj_details ' || l_return_status  );
7415     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
7417     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
7419     END IF;
7420     -- Possibly now, we can build the Pricing Parameter Record
7421     l_pricing_parameters_rec.financed_amount := l_tot_item_cat_amount;
7422     l_pricing_parameters_rec.trade_in        := l_fin_adj_rec.tradein_amount;
7423     l_pricing_parameters_rec.down_payment    := l_fin_adj_rec.down_payment_amount;
7424     l_pricing_parameters_rec.subsidy         := l_fin_adj_rec.subsidy_amount;
7426     -- Calculate the eot percentage using the formula
7427     -- ( l_tot_eot_amount / l_tot_item_cat_amount - subsidy - downpayment - trade in ) * 100
7428     l_eot_percentage := 0;
7429     IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method <> 'SF'
7430     THEN
7431       -- Need to deduct the Trade_in, Subsidy, Down Payment values from the
7432       get_qq_asset_oec (
7433         p_api_version       => p_api_version,
7434         p_init_msg_list     => p_init_msg_list,
7435         x_return_status     => l_return_status,
7436         x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
7437         x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
7438         p_asset_cost        => l_tot_item_cat_amount,
7439         p_fin_adj_det_rec   => l_fin_adj_rec,
7440         x_oec               => l_oec);
7441      put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7442                    'After get_qq_asset_oec ' || l_return_status  );
7443      put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7444                    'l_oec=' || nvl( l_oec, 0 ) );
7445       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
7447       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
7449       END IF;
7450       l_eot_percentage := ( l_tot_eot_amount / l_oec ) * 100; -- EOT Percentage;
7451     END IF;
7452     IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'RC' -- Rate card pricing
7453     THEN
7454       -- Build the cash flows when the pricing method is Rate Card !
7455       get_qq_rc_cash_flows(
7456          p_api_version      => p_api_version,
7457          p_init_msg_list    => p_init_msg_list,
7458          x_return_status    => l_return_status,
7459          x_msg_count        => x_msg_count,
7460          x_msg_data         => x_msg_data,
7461          p_qq_hdr_rec       => l_hdr_rec,
7462          x_days_in_month    => l_days_in_month,
7463          x_days_in_year     => l_days_in_year,
7464          x_item_cat_cf_tbl  => l_item_cat_cf_tbl);
7465       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7466                   'After get_qq_rc_cash_flows ' || l_return_status );
7467       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
7469       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
7471       END IF;
7472       -- The frequency needs to be fetched from the target_frequency
7473       l_frequency := l_item_cat_cf_tbl(1).cash_flow_level_tbl(1).fqy_code;
7474     ELSE
7475       -- Retrieve or build the Cash flows and Levels when user picked
7476       --     Structured pricing / SRT ..
7477       -- Modifying this API to fetch you the pricing day convention
7478       get_qq_cash_flows(
7479         p_api_version        => p_api_version,
7480         p_init_msg_list      => p_init_msg_list,
7481         x_return_status      => l_return_status,
7482         x_msg_count          => x_msg_count,
7483         x_msg_data           => x_msg_data,
7484         p_qq_hdr_rec         => l_hdr_rec,
7485         p_eot_percentage     => l_eot_percentage,
7486         p_oec                => l_oec,
7487         x_days_in_month      => l_days_in_month,
7488         x_days_in_year       => l_days_in_year,
7489         x_cash_flow_rec      => l_cash_flow_rec,  -- Cash Flow Record
7490         x_cash_flow_det_tbl  => l_cash_flow_det_tbl); -- Cash Flow Details Table
7491       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7492                    'After get_qq_cash_flows ' || l_return_status );
7493       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
7495       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
7497       END IF;
7498       -- Generate the Streams
7499       IF l_cash_flow_det_tbl IS NOT NULL AND
7500          l_cash_flow_det_tbl.COUNT > 0
7501       THEN
7502         -- Initialize the Strm Count to Zero
7503         gen_so_cf_strms(
7504           p_api_version            => p_api_version,
7505           p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
7506           x_return_status          => l_return_status,
7507           x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
7508           x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
7509           p_cash_flow_rec          => l_cash_flow_rec,
7510           p_cf_details_tbl         => l_cash_flow_det_tbl,
7511           x_cash_inflow_strms_tbl  => l_strm_ele_tbl);
7512         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
7514         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
7516         END IF;
7517         l_frequency := l_cash_flow_det_tbl(l_cash_flow_det_tbl.FIRST).fqy_code;
7518       ELSE
7519         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7520                    'No Cash flow and Cash flow Levels obtained ! ' );
7521         OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
7522           p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
7523           p_msg_name     => 'OKL_LLA_PMT_SELECT');
7525       END IF;
7526     END IF; -- IF on Rate Card Pricing Method ..
7527     -- Build the Residuals Table
7528     IF l_item_cat_tbl IS NOT NULL AND
7529        l_item_cat_tbl.COUNT > 0
7530     THEN
7531       okl_stream_generator_pvt.add_months_new(
7532         p_start_date     => l_hdr_rec.expected_start_date,
7533         p_months_after   => l_hdr_rec.term,
7534         x_date           => l_eot_date,
7535         x_return_status  => l_return_status);
7536       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
7538       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
7540       END IF;
7541       l_eot_date := l_eot_date - 1;
7542       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7543                    'QQ End date: ' || l_eot_date);
7544       -- Get the DPP and PPY inorder to populate for the Residuals Table
7545       get_dpp_ppy(
7546         p_frequency            => l_frequency,
7547         x_dpp                  => l_cf_dpp,
7548         x_ppy                  => l_cf_ppy,
7549         x_return_status        => l_return_status );
7550       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7551                    'After get_dpp_ppy : ' || l_return_status);
7552       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
7554       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
7556       END IF;
7557       IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method <> 'RC'
7558       THEN
7559         FOR i in l_item_cat_tbl.FIRST .. l_item_cat_tbl.LAST
7560         LOOP
7561           l_residual_strms_tbl(i).line_number := i;
7562           l_residual_strms_tbl(i).cf_amount   := l_item_cat_tbl(i).end_of_term_amount;
7563           l_residual_strms_tbl(i).cf_date     := l_eot_date;
7564           l_residual_strms_tbl(i).cf_miss_pay := 'N';
7565           l_residual_strms_tbl(i).is_stub     := 'N';
7566           l_residual_strms_tbl(i).is_arrears  := 'Y';
7567           l_residual_strms_tbl(i).cf_dpp := l_cf_dpp;
7568           l_residual_strms_tbl(i).cf_ppy := l_cf_ppy;
7569         END LOOP;
7570       END IF; -- IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method <> 'RC'
7571     END IF;
7572     pp_index := 1;
7573     IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'RC'
7574     THEN
7575       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7576                    'Populate the Cash Flows and Levels for all item categories ');
7577       -- Generate the Streams
7578       FOR t IN l_item_cat_cf_tbl.FIRST .. l_item_cat_cf_tbl.LAST
7579       LOOP
7580         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).line_type := 'FREE_FORM1';
7581         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).line_start_date := l_hdr_rec.expected_start_date;
7582         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).financed_amount := l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).financed_amount;
7583         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).down_payment := l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).down_payment;
7584         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).subsidy := l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).subsidy;
7585         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).trade_in := l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).trade_in;
7587         -- Storing the residual streams ..
7588         res_index := 1;
7589         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).residual_inflows(res_index).line_number := res_index;
7590         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).residual_inflows(res_index).cf_amount := l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).eot_amount;
7591         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).residual_inflows(res_index).cf_date     := l_eot_date;
7592         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).residual_inflows(res_index).cf_miss_pay := 'N';
7593         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).residual_inflows(res_index).is_stub     := 'N';
7594         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).residual_inflows(res_index).is_arrears  := 'Y';
7595         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).residual_inflows(res_index).cf_dpp := l_cf_dpp;
7596         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).residual_inflows(res_index).cf_ppy := l_cf_ppy;
7598         IF l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).cash_flow_level_tbl IS NOT NULL AND
7599            l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).cash_flow_level_tbl.COUNT > 0
7600         THEN
7601           -- Initialize the Strm Count to Zero
7602           gen_so_cf_strms(
7603             p_api_version            => p_api_version,
7604             p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
7605             x_return_status          => l_return_status,
7606             x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
7607             x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
7608             p_cash_flow_rec          => l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).cash_flow_rec,
7609             p_cf_details_tbl         => l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).cash_flow_level_tbl,
7610             x_cash_inflow_strms_tbl  => l_strm_ele_tbl);
7611           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7612                    'After gen_so_cf_strms ' || l_return_status );
7613           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
7615           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
7617           END IF;
7618         ELSE
7619           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7620                      'No Cash flow and Cash flow Levels obtained ! ' );
7621           OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
7622             p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
7623             p_msg_name     => 'OKL_LLA_PMT_SELECT');
7625         END IF;
7626         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).cash_inflows := l_strm_ele_tbl;
7627         l_strm_ele_tbl.DELETE;
7628         -- Increment the pricing param index ..
7629         pp_index := pp_index + 1;
7630       END LOOP;
7631       -- Remember the pp_index count ... for calling the IIR !!
7632       l_tmp_pp_index := pp_index - 1;
7633       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7634                    'No. of Item Pricing Params built for RC (l_tmp_pp_index ) ' || l_tmp_pp_index );
7635     ELSE
7636       -- Build the pricing param rec with line type as FREE_FORM1
7637       l_pricing_parameters_rec.residual_inflows := l_residual_strms_tbl;
7638       l_pricing_parameters_rec.cash_inflows     := l_strm_ele_tbl;
7639       -- Build the pricing parameters table !!
7640       l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index) := l_pricing_parameters_rec;
7641       l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).line_type := 'FREE_FORM1';
7642       -- Increment the pp_index ...
7643       pp_index := pp_index + 1;
7644     END IF;
7645     -- Initialize things common for various Pricing Methods
7646     -- Assigning the day count methods !
7647     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7648                'l_days_in_month= ' || l_days_in_month ||  ' |  l_days_in_year = ' || l_days_in_year);
7649     get_day_count_method(
7650       p_days_in_month    => l_days_in_month,
7651       p_days_in_year     => l_days_in_year,
7652       x_day_count_method => l_day_count_method,
7653       x_return_status    => l_return_status );
7654     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7655                   'After get_day_count_method ' || l_return_status);
7656     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7657                  'l_day_count_method = ' || l_day_count_method);
7658     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
7660     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
7661       --Bug 5884825 PAGARG start
7662       OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
7663                            p_msg_name     => 'OKL_ISG_DAY_CONVENTION',
7664                            p_token1       => 'PRODUCT_NAME',
7665                            p_token1_value => l_product_name);
7666       --Bug 5884825 PAGARG end
7668     END IF;
7669     IF l_hdr_rec.rate_template_id IS NOT NULL
7670     THEN
7671       -- Fetch the day convention from the Stream Generation Template ...
7672       --  only if the user has picked the SRT otherwise while building the cash flows
7673       --  itself, we would have fetched the day convention from the SGT.
7674       get_qq_sgt_day_convention(
7675         p_api_version       => p_api_version,
7676         p_init_msg_list     => p_init_msg_list,
7677         x_return_status     => l_return_status,
7678         x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
7679         x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
7680         p_qq_id             => p_qq_id,
7681         x_days_in_month     => l_sgt_days_in_month,
7682         x_days_in_year      => l_sgt_days_in_year);
7683       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7684                   'After get_qq_sgt_day_convention ' || l_return_status );
7685       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
7687       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
7689       END IF;
7690       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7691                  'SGT Day convention: ' || l_days_in_month || ' / ' || l_days_in_year);
7692       -- Get the day convention ..
7693       get_day_count_method(
7694         p_days_in_month    => l_sgt_days_in_month,
7695         p_days_in_year     => l_sgt_days_in_year,
7696         x_day_count_method => l_sgt_day_count_method,
7697         x_return_status    => l_return_status );
7698       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7699                   '2/ After get_day_count_method ' || l_return_status);
7700       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7701                   'l_sgt_day_count_method = ' || l_sgt_day_count_method);
7702       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
7704       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
7705         --Bug 5884825 PAGARG start
7706         OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
7707                              p_msg_name     => 'OKL_ISG_DAY_CONVENTION',
7708                              p_token1       => 'PRODUCT_NAME',
7709                              p_token1_value => l_product_name);
7710         --Bug 5884825 PAGARG end
7712       END IF;
7713     ELSE
7714       -- The day convention returned by the get_qq_rc_cash_flows / get_qq_cash_flows
7715       --  will be from the SGT already, so just store them in the SGT day convention variables.
7716       l_sgt_days_in_month := l_days_in_month;
7717       l_sgt_days_in_year  := l_days_in_year;
7718       l_sgt_day_count_method := l_day_count_method;
7719     END IF;
7720     --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7721     -- Solving for Missing Parameter
7722     --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7723     -- We now have all the parameters in the tables to pass to the compute_iir api ..
7724     IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'SF' AND
7725        (l_eot_type_code = 'PERCENT' OR l_eot_type_code = 'RESIDUAL_PERCENT' )
7726     THEN
7727       l_hdr_rec.pricing_method := 'SFP';
7728     END IF;
7729     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7730       'Before compute_iir l_hdr_rec.pricing_method=' || l_hdr_rec.pricing_method || ' | l_eot_type_code = ' || l_eot_type_code);
7731     IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'SP' OR
7732        l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'SF' OR
7733        l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'SS' OR
7734        ( l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'TR' AND
7735          l_hdr_rec.target_rate_type = 'IIR') -- Target Rate and Interest Type is IIR
7736     THEN
7737       -- Compute iir !!
7738       compute_iir(
7739         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
7740         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
7741         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
7742         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
7743         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
7744         p_start_date              => l_hdr_rec.expected_start_date,
7745         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
7746         p_pricing_method          => l_hdr_rec.pricing_method,
7747         p_initial_guess           => 0.1,
7748         px_pricing_parameter_rec  => l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1),
7749         px_iir                    => l_iir,
7750         x_payment                 => l_miss_payment);
7751       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7752                   'After compute_iir ' || l_return_status );
7753       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
7755       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
7757       END IF;
7758       IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'SP' OR
7759          (l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'TR' AND
7760           l_hdr_rec.target_rate_type = 'IIR' )
7761       THEN
7762         IF  l_miss_payment < 0
7763         THEN
7764           OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
7765             p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
7766             p_msg_name     => 'OKL_NEGATIVE_ADJ_AMT',
7767             p_token1       => 'TYPE',
7768             p_token1_value => 'Payment',
7769             p_token2       => 'AMOUNT',
7770             p_token2_value => round(l_miss_payment,2) );
7771           RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
7772         END IF;
7773         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7774                   ' SOLVED PAYMENT AMOUNT : ' || l_miss_payment  );
7775         -- Populate back the missing payment amount in all the stream elements
7776         FOR t_index IN l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).cash_inflows.FIRST ..
7777                        l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).cash_inflows.LAST
7778         LOOP
7779           l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).cash_inflows(t_index).cf_amount := l_miss_payment;
7780         END LOOP; -- Loop on l_pricing_parameters_tbl
7781       ELSIF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'SF'
7782       THEN
7783         -- Solve for Financed Amount
7784         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7785                  ' SOLVED FOR FINANCED AMOUNT ' || l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).financed_amount );
7786       ELSIF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'SS'
7787       THEN
7788         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7789                   'SOLVED SUBSIDY AMOUNT ' || l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).subsidy );
7790         IF  l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).subsidy < 0
7791         THEN
7792           OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
7793             p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
7794             p_msg_name     => 'OKL_NEGATIVE_ADJ_AMT',
7795             p_token1       => 'TYPE',
7796             p_token1_value => 'Subsidy',
7797             p_token2       => 'AMOUNT',
7798             p_token2_value => round(l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).subsidy,2) );
7799           RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
7800         END IF;
7801       END IF; -- IF on pricing method
7802     ELSIF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'SFP'
7803     THEN
7804       -- Before calling the compute_iir_sfp, the pricing param rec, should
7805       --  not be passed with any asset cost, and adjustments with either
7807       compute_iir_sfp(
7808         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
7809         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
7810         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
7811         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
7812         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
7813         p_start_date              => l_hdr_rec.expected_start_date,
7814         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
7815         p_pricing_method          => l_hdr_rec.pricing_method,
7816         p_initial_guess           => 0.1,
7817         px_pricing_parameter_rec  => l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1),
7818         px_iir                    => l_iir,
7819         x_closing_balance         => l_closing_balance,
7820         x_residual_percent        => l_residual_percent,
7821         x_residual_int_factor     => l_residual_int_factor);
7822       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7823                   'After compute_iir_sfp ' || l_return_status );
7824       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7825                   'Closing Balance | Residual Percent | l_residual_int_factor ' );
7826       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7827         round(l_closing_balance, 4) || ' | ' || round( l_residual_percent, 4) || ' | ' || round(l_residual_int_factor,4) );
7828       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
7830       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
7832       END IF;
7833     END IF;
7834     IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'SF' OR
7835        l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'SFP'
7836     THEN
7837       --Need to manipulate the financial adjustments which are of type percentage ..
7838       -- Find the Financed Amount ( C-S-D-T, considering only D, T, S which are of type FIXED. )
7839       l_net_financed_amount := l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).financed_amount;
7840       l_tot_item_cat_amount := l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).financed_amount;
7841       -- Now sum the percentages of the D, T, S
7842       l_net_percent := 0;
7843       l_net_adj_amt := 0;
7844       IF l_fin_adj_rec.down_payment_basis <> 'FIXED'
7845       THEN
7846         l_net_percent := l_net_percent + nvl(l_fin_adj_rec.down_payment_value, 0);
7847         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7848                      ' ** Down Payment %age ' || l_fin_adj_rec.down_payment_value );
7849       ELSE
7850         l_net_adj_amt := l_net_adj_amt + nvl(l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).down_payment,0);
7851       END IF;
7852       IF l_fin_adj_rec.tradein_basis <> 'FIXED'
7853       THEN
7854         l_net_percent := l_net_percent + nvl(l_fin_adj_rec.tradein_value, 0);
7855         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7856                    ' ** Tradein  %age ' || l_fin_adj_rec.tradein_value );
7857       ELSE
7858         l_net_adj_amt := l_net_adj_amt + nvl(l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).trade_in,0);
7859       END IF;
7860       IF l_fin_adj_rec.subsidy_basis_tbl.COUNT > 0
7861       THEN
7862         FOR t IN l_fin_adj_rec.subsidy_basis_tbl.FIRST ..
7863                  l_fin_adj_rec.subsidy_basis_tbl.LAST
7864         LOOP
7865           IF l_fin_adj_rec.subsidy_basis_tbl(t) <> 'FIXED'
7866           THEN
7867             l_net_percent := l_net_percent + nvl(l_fin_adj_rec.subsidy_value_tbl(t), 0);
7868             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7869                        ' ** Subsidy('||t|| ')  %age ' || l_fin_adj_rec.tradein_value );
7870           END IF;
7871         END LOOP;
7872       END IF; -- Subsidies exists
7873       l_net_adj_amt := l_net_adj_amt + nvl(l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).subsidy,0);
7874       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7875         ' Down Payment | Trade in | Subsidy ' );
7876       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7877         round(l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).down_payment,4) || ' | ' ||
7878         round(l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).trade_in,4) || ' | ' ||
7879         round(l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).subsidy,4) );
7880       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7881         ' Financed Amount ' || round(l_net_financed_amount,4) || ' Total Percentage of Financial Adjustments ' || round(l_net_percent,4)
7882         || ' Total Adjustment Amount (FIXED)= ' || round( l_net_adj_amt, 4));
7883       IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'SFP'
7884       THEN
7885         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).financed_amount :=
7886          ( (l_closing_balance + l_net_adj_amt) /
7887            ( 1- (l_net_percent/100) - (l_residual_percent/l_residual_int_factor) ) );
7888       ELSIF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'SF'
7889       THEN
7890         -- Find the Asset Cost C = F+[S++D+T]/(1-[S'+D'+T']/100)
7891         -- S,D,T are fixed financial adjustment amounts
7892         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).financed_amount := l_net_financed_amount / ( 1- l_net_percent / 100 );
7893       END IF;
7894       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7895         ' !!!! Asset Cost should be  ' || l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).financed_amount );
7896       IF l_net_percent > 0 AND
7897          l_net_percent <= 100
7898       THEN
7899         IF l_fin_adj_rec.down_payment_basis <> 'FIXED'
7900         THEN
7901           l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).down_payment :=
7902             l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).financed_amount * l_fin_adj_rec.down_payment_value/ 100;
7903         END IF;
7904         IF l_fin_adj_rec.tradein_basis <> 'FIXED'
7905         THEN
7906           l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).trade_in := l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).financed_amount
7907                                                   * l_fin_adj_rec.tradein_value / 100;
7908         END IF;
7909         IF l_fin_adj_rec.subsidy_basis_tbl.COUNT > 0
7910         THEN
7911           FOR t IN l_fin_adj_rec.subsidy_basis_tbl.FIRST ..
7912                    l_fin_adj_rec.subsidy_basis_tbl.LAST
7913           LOOP
7914             IF l_fin_adj_rec.subsidy_basis_tbl(t) <> 'FIXED'
7915             THEN
7916               l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).subsidy := l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).subsidy +
7917                   ( l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).financed_amount * l_fin_adj_rec.subsidy_value_tbl(t));
7918             END IF;
7919           END LOOP;
7920         END IF; -- If subsidies exists
7921       END IF;
7922       IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'SFP'
7923       THEN
7924         -- Still the calculation need to be done ..
7925         -- After pricing the EOT has to be calculated interms of amounts
7926         --   for pricing to calculate the yields further.
7927         FOR t_in IN l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).residual_inflows.FIRST ..
7928                     l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).residual_inflows.LAST
7929         LOOP
7930           l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).residual_inflows(t_in).cf_amount :=
7931           l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).residual_inflows(t_in).cf_amount *
7932            l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).financed_amount;
7933         END LOOP;
7934       END IF;
7935     END IF; -- IF pricing_method ='SF'/'SFP'
7936     -- If pricing method is RC, calculate the total Rent Payment amount, which
7937     --  needs to be passed in the get_fee_srvc_cash_flows
7938     -- Get the Total Rent Payment Amount
7939     -- For this loop through all the pricing params with line_type as FREE_FORM1
7940     --  and sumup the streams being passed there !
7941     l_tot_rent_payment := 0;
7942     FOR a IN l_pricing_parameters_tbl.FIRST .. l_pricing_parameters_tbl.LAST
7943     LOOP
7944       IF l_pricing_parameters_tbl(a).line_type = 'FREE_FORM1'
7945       THEN
7946         FOR b IN l_pricing_parameters_tbl(a).cash_inflows.FIRST ..
7947                  l_pricing_parameters_tbl(a).cash_inflows.LAST
7948         LOOP
7949           l_tot_rent_payment := l_tot_rent_payment + nvl(l_pricing_parameters_tbl(a).cash_inflows(b).cf_amount, 0);
7950         END LOOP;
7951       END IF;
7952     END LOOP;
7953     ------------------------------------
7954     -- Get the Fee or Service Parameters
7955     ------------------------------------
7956     get_fee_srvc_cash_flows(
7957       p_api_version        => p_api_version,
7958       p_init_msg_list      => p_init_msg_list,
7959       x_return_status      => l_return_status,
7960       x_msg_count          => x_msg_count,
7961       x_msg_data           => x_msg_data,
7962       p_hdr_rec            => l_hdr_rec,
7963       p_tot_item_cat_cost  => l_tot_item_cat_amount,
7964       p_tot_rent_payment   => l_tot_rent_payment,
7965       x_fee_srv_tbl        => l_fee_srv_tbl);
7966     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
7967                    'After get_fee_srvc_cash_flows ' || l_return_status );
7968     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
7970     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
7972     END IF;
7973     -- Now need to loop through the l_fee_srv_tbl, generate streams if needed
7974     --  and accumulate the streams in the l_pricing_parameters_tbl !!
7975     IF l_fee_srv_tbl.COUNT > 0
7976     THEN
7977       FOR t_index IN l_fee_srv_tbl.FIRST .. l_fee_srv_tbl.LAST
7978       LOOP
7979         -- Populate the line_type, payment_type and streams in the
7980         -- l_pricing_parameters_tbl
7981         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).line_type := l_fee_srv_tbl(t_index).type;
7982         -- Populate either INCOME / EXPENSE as a value for the payment_type !
7983         IF l_fee_srv_tbl(t_index).type = G_QQ_FEE_EXPENSE
7984         THEN
7985           l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'EXPENSE';
7986         ELSIF l_fee_srv_tbl(t_index).TYPE = G_QQ_FEE_PAYMENT
7987         THEN
7988           l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'INCOME';
7989         END IF;
7990         -- Start date for the line will be the quote expected start date
7991         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).line_start_date :=l_hdr_rec.expected_start_date;
7992         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).financed_amount := 0;
7993         -- Generate the streams .. using the corresponding cash flows and levels
7994         l_strm_ele_tbl.DELETE;
7995         IF l_fee_srv_tbl(t_index).cash_flow_level_tbl IS NOT NULL AND
7996            l_fee_srv_tbl(t_index).cash_flow_level_tbl.COUNT > 0
7997         THEN
7998           -- Initialize the Strm Count to Zero
7999           gen_so_cf_strms(
8000             p_api_version            => p_api_version,
8001             p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
8002             x_return_status          => l_return_status,
8003             x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
8004             x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
8005             p_cash_flow_rec          => l_fee_srv_tbl(t_index).cash_flow_rec,
8006             p_cf_details_tbl         => l_fee_srv_tbl(t_index).cash_flow_level_tbl,
8007             x_cash_inflow_strms_tbl  => l_strm_ele_tbl);
8008           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
8010           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
8012           END IF;
8013         END IF;
8014         -- Get the line_end_date from the last stream element generated !
8015         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8016                    'After gen_so_cf_strms for fees ' || l_return_status );
8017         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8018                    'Streams generated ' || l_strm_ele_tbl.COUNT );
8019         IF l_strm_ele_tbl IS NOT NULL AND
8020            l_strm_ele_tbl.COUNT > 0
8021         THEN
8022           IF l_strm_ele_tbl(l_strm_ele_tbl.LAST).is_arrears = 'N'
8023           THEN
8024             l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).line_end_date :=
8025                l_strm_ele_tbl(l_strm_ele_tbl.LAST).cf_period_start_end_date;
8026           ELSE
8027             l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).line_end_date :=
8028               l_strm_ele_tbl(l_strm_ele_tbl.LAST).cf_date;
8029           END IF;
8030         END IF;
8031         -- Assign the generated streams to the Pricing Parameters cash inflows table !
8032         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(pp_index).cash_inflows := l_strm_ele_tbl;
8033         -- Increment the pp_index
8034         pp_index := pp_index + 1;
8035       END LOOP; -- Loop on the l_fee_srv_tbl
8036     END IF; -- IF l_fee_srv_tbl.COUNT > 0
8037     -- Solve for the missing parameter using the IRR method if pricing method is
8038     -- Target Rate and Target Rate type is IRR
8039     IF ( l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'TR' AND
8040             l_hdr_rec.target_rate_type = 'PIRR' )
8041     THEN
8042       -- Check whether the interest picked is IIR or not??
8043       compute_irr(
8044         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
8045         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
8046         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
8047         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
8048         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
8049         p_start_date              => l_hdr_rec.expected_start_date,
8050         p_day_count_method        => l_sgt_day_count_method,
8051         p_currency_code           => l_hdr_rec.currency_code,
8052         p_pricing_method          => l_hdr_rec.pricing_method,
8053         p_initial_guess           => 0.1,
8054         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pricing_parameters_tbl,
8055         px_irr                    => l_irr,
8056         x_payment                 => l_miss_payment);
8057       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8058                   'After compute_irr ' || l_return_status );
8059       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8060                   'SOLVED FOR TARGET-RATE (PIRR) ' || l_miss_payment );
8061       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
8063       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
8065       END IF;
8066       IF  l_miss_payment < 0
8067       THEN
8068         OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
8069           p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
8070           p_msg_name     => 'OKL_NEGATIVE_ADJ_AMT',
8071           p_token1       => 'TYPE',
8072           p_token1_value => 'Payment',
8073           p_token2       => 'AMOUNT',
8074           p_token2_value => round(l_miss_payment,2) );
8075         RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
8076       END IF;
8077     END IF;  -- Pricing method IF
8078     -- In case of the Pricing Method is SP...
8079     -- populate back the missing amount into the Cash Inflow Levels and the Streams too..
8080     -- for further solving for Yields
8081     IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'SP' OR
8082        l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'TR'
8083     THEN
8084       FOR i in l_strm_ele_tbl.FIRST .. l_strm_ele_tbl.LAST
8085       LOOP
8086         l_strm_ele_tbl(i).cf_amount := l_miss_payment;
8087       END LOOP;
8088       -- Need to populate back the Cash flow details, which will be
8089       --  returned back to the wrapper API !!
8090       FOR i in l_cash_flow_det_tbl.FIRST .. l_cash_flow_det_tbl.LAST
8091       LOOP
8092         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).amount := l_miss_payment;
8093       END LOOP;
8094       -- Need to populate back the Cash inflows with the solved Amount for the FREE_FORM1 lines
8095       FOR i_index IN l_pricing_parameters_tbl.FIRST ..
8096                      l_pricing_parameters_tbl.LAST
8097       LOOP
8098         FOR j_index IN l_pricing_parameters_tbl(i_index).cash_inflows.FIRST ..
8099                        l_pricing_parameters_tbl(i_index).cash_inflows.LAST
8100         LOOP
8101           IF l_pricing_parameters_tbl(i_index).line_type = 'FREE_FORM1'
8102           THEN
8103             l_pricing_parameters_tbl(i_index).cash_inflows(j_index).cf_amount := l_miss_payment;
8104           END IF;
8105         END LOOP;
8106       END LOOP;
8107       -- Commenting the below code becasue, when QQ is being priced for TR[IRR],
8108       -- User will give the Fee Expense/Fee Payment amount, Pricing should not actually change that amounts
8109 /*
8110       -- Need to populate back the Cash flows into all the streams table back ..
8111       IF l_hdr_rec.target_rate_type = 'PIRR' AND
8112          l_fee_srv_tbl.COUNT > 0
8113       THEN
8114         FOR i_index IN l_fee_srv_tbl.FIRST .. l_fee_srv_tbl.LAST
8115         LOOP
8116           FOR j_index IN l_fee_srv_tbl(i_index).cash_flow_level_tbl.FIRST ..
8117                          l_fee_srv_tbl(i_index).cash_flow_level_tbl.LAST
8118           LOOP
8119             l_fee_srv_tbl(i_index).cash_flow_level_tbl(j_index).amount := l_miss_payment;
8120           END LOOP;
8121         END LOOP;
8122       END IF;
8123 */
8124     END IF;
8125     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8126                '--------------------------------------------------------------------------');
8127     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8128                '    -- Subsidized Yields calculation');
8129     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8130                '--------------------------------------------------------------------------');
8131     -- Get the Total Item Categories cost
8132     IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'SF' OR
8133        l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'SFP'
8134     THEN
8135       -- The total financed amount would have been solved the compute_iir api
8136       --  and has been returned in l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).financed_amount
8137       l_tot_item_cat_amount := l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1).financed_amount;
8138     END IF;
8139     -- When the pricing method is 'RC', we would have directly come to here
8140     --  as Rate Card method pricing is very similiar to the SY pricing method.
8141     --  'Coz we have already calculated the payment amounts based on the
8142     --  Lease Rate Factor levels
8143     IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'TR' AND
8144          l_hdr_rec.target_rate_type = 'IIR'
8145     THEN
8146       l_iir := l_hdr_rec.target_rate /100;
8147     ELSE
8148       -- Calculate IIR
8149       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8150                 'Subsidized IIR Calculation ------------------' );
8151       -- We will be calling the compute_irr with just the item cat. information
8152       -- and its residual streams .. ignoring fees and fee payments
8153       IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'RC'
8154       THEN
8155         -- We need to pass the pricing params corresponding to only the
8156         -- item categories leaving the Fee and else !
8157         FOR t IN 1 .. l_tmp_pp_index
8158         LOOP
8159           l_tmp_prc_params_tbl(t) := l_pricing_parameters_tbl(t);
8160         END LOOP;
8161       ELSE
8162         l_tmp_prc_params_tbl(1) := l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1);
8163       END IF;
8164       compute_irr(
8165         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
8166         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
8167         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
8168         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
8169         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
8170         p_start_date              => l_hdr_rec.expected_start_date,
8171         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
8172         p_currency_code           => l_hdr_rec.currency_code,
8173         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
8174         p_initial_guess           => 0.1,
8175         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_tmp_prc_params_tbl,
8176         px_irr                    => l_iir,
8177         x_payment                 => l_miss_payment);
8178       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8179                 '1/ After compute_iir ' || l_return_status );
8180       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8181                 'SOLVED FOR IIR ' || l_iir );
8182       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
8184       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
8186       END IF;
8187       -- Store back the pricing params record in l_pricing_parameters_tbl
8188       IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'RC'
8189       THEN
8190         FOR t IN 1 .. l_tmp_pp_index
8191         LOOP
8192           l_pricing_parameters_tbl(t) := l_tmp_prc_params_tbl(t);
8193         END LOOP;
8194       ELSE
8195         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1) := l_tmp_prc_params_tbl(1);
8196       END IF;
8197     END IF; -- IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_mthod = 'TR' and l_hdr_rec.target_rate_type = 'IIR'
8198     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8199                 'Subsidized IRR Calculation ------------------' );
8200     IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'TR' AND
8201          l_hdr_rec.target_rate_type = 'PIRR'
8202     THEN
8203       l_irr := l_hdr_rec.target_rate / 100;
8204     ELSE
8205       -- Calculate the IRR !
8206       compute_irr(
8207         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
8208         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
8209         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
8210         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
8211         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
8212         p_start_date              => l_hdr_rec.expected_start_date,
8213         p_day_count_method        => l_sgt_day_count_method,
8214         p_currency_code           => l_hdr_rec.currency_code,
8215         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
8216         p_initial_guess           => l_iir,
8217         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pricing_parameters_tbl,
8218         px_irr                    => l_irr,
8219         x_payment                 => l_miss_payment);
8220       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8221                 'After compute_irr ' || l_return_status );
8222       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8223                 'px_irr ' || l_irr );
8224       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
8226       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
8228       END IF;
8229     END IF; -- IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'TR' AND l_hdr_rec.target_rate_type = 'PIRR'
8230     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8231                 'Subsidized Booking Yield Calculation ' );
8232     IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'RC'
8233     THEN
8234       -- Store the IIR @ QQ level as the Booking Yield
8235       l_bk_yield := l_iir;
8236     ELSE
8237       -- Compute the Booking Yield
8238       l_bk_yield := l_iir;
8239       /*
8240       compute_bk_yield(
8241         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
8242         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
8243         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
8244         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
8245         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
8246         p_start_date              => l_hdr_rec.expected_start_date,
8247         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
8248         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
8249         p_initial_guess           => l_iir,
8250         p_term                    => l_hdr_rec.term,
8251         px_pricing_parameter_rec  => l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1),
8252         x_bk_yield                => l_bk_yield,
8253         x_termination_tbl         => x_termination_tbl,
8254         x_pre_tax_inc_tbl         => x_pre_tax_inc_tbl);
8255       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8256                'After compute_bk_yield ' || l_return_status );
8257       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8258                 'x_bk_yield ' || l_bk_yield );
8259       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
8261       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
8263       END IF;
8264       */
8265     END IF;
8266     -- Need to store the Subsidized Yields into  l_subsized_yileds_rec
8267     -- ISG doesnot calculate yet the after_tax_irr
8268     l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr := l_irr;
8269     l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir := l_iir;
8270     l_subsidized_yields_rec.bk_yield := l_bk_yield;
8271     -- Storing the l_pricing_parameters_tbl into l_pricing_parameters_tbl_cp
8272     --   which will be useful during returning back of the pricing params ..
8273     l_pricing_parameters_tbl_cp := l_pricing_parameters_tbl;
8274     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8275                 'Computed Subsidized Yields successfully ' );
8276     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8277                'Pre_Tax_IRR | IIR | Boooking Yield ' );
8278     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8279                 round( l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr , 4 ) || ' | '
8280                 || round( l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir , 4 ) || ' | '
8281                 ||round( l_subsidized_yields_rec.bk_yield, 4 ) );
8282     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8283               '-------------------------------------------------------------');
8284     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8285                '    -- Calculation of the Yields ');
8286     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8287                '-------------------------------------------------------------');
8288     -- Dont consider any subsidy amount here !!
8289     FOR t_index IN l_pricing_parameters_tbl.FIRST .. l_pricing_parameters_tbl.LAST
8290     LOOP
8291       -- Remove the subsidy amount, normal yeilds calculation shouldnot consider
8292       --  subsidy amount as an inflow
8293       l_pricing_parameters_tbl(t_index).subsidy := 0;
8294     END LOOP;
8295     -- Calculate the IIR
8296     -- API being called is compute_irr but without passing any of the
8297     --   fees and fee payments info. from the QQ
8298     l_tmp_prc_params_tbl.DELETE;
8299     IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'RC'
8300     THEN
8301       -- We need to pass the pricing params corresponding to only the
8302       -- item categories leaving the Fee and else !
8303       FOR t IN 1 .. l_tmp_pp_index
8304       LOOP
8305         l_tmp_prc_params_tbl(t) := l_pricing_parameters_tbl(t);
8306       END LOOP;
8307     ELSE
8308       l_tmp_prc_params_tbl(1) := l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1);
8309     END IF;
8310     compute_irr(
8311       p_api_version             => p_api_version,
8312       p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
8313       x_return_status           => l_return_status,
8314       x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
8315       x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
8316       p_start_date              => l_hdr_rec.expected_start_date,
8317       p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
8318       p_currency_code           => l_hdr_rec.currency_code,
8319       p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
8320       p_initial_guess           => l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir,
8321       px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_tmp_prc_params_tbl,
8322       px_irr                    => l_iir,
8323       x_payment                 => l_miss_payment);
8324     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
8326     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
8328     END IF;
8329     -- Store back the pricing params ..
8330     IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'RC'
8331     THEN
8332       FOR t IN 1 .. l_tmp_pp_index
8333       LOOP
8334         l_pricing_parameters_tbl(t) := l_tmp_prc_params_tbl(t);
8335       END LOOP;
8336     ELSE
8337       l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1) := l_tmp_prc_params_tbl(1);
8338     END IF;
8339     -- Calculate the IRR !
8340     compute_irr(
8341       p_api_version             => p_api_version,
8342       p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
8343       x_return_status           => l_return_status,
8344       x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
8345       x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
8346       p_start_date              => l_hdr_rec.expected_start_date,
8347       p_day_count_method        => l_sgt_day_count_method,
8348       p_currency_code           => l_hdr_rec.currency_code,
8349       p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
8350       p_initial_guess           => l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr,
8351       px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pricing_parameters_tbl,
8352       px_irr                    => l_irr,
8353       x_payment                 => l_miss_payment);
8354     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8355                 'After compute_irr ' || l_return_status );
8356     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8357                'px_irr ' || l_irr );
8358     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
8360     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
8362     END IF;
8363     IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'RC'
8364     THEN
8365       -- Store the IIR as the Booking Yield @ the QQ level
8366       l_bk_yield := l_iir;
8367     ELSE
8368       -- Compute the Booking Yield
8369       l_bk_yield := l_iir;
8370       /*
8371       compute_bk_yield(
8372         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
8373         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
8374         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
8375         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
8376         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
8377         p_start_date              => l_hdr_rec.expected_start_date,
8378         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
8379         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
8380         p_initial_guess           => l_subsidized_yields_rec.bk_yield,
8381         p_term                    => l_hdr_rec.term,
8382         px_pricing_parameter_rec  => l_pricing_parameters_tbl(1),
8383         x_bk_yield                => l_bk_yield,
8384         x_termination_tbl         => x_termination_tbl,
8385         x_pre_tax_inc_tbl         => x_pre_tax_inc_tbl);
8386       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S', 'After compute_bk_yield ' || l_return_status );
8387       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S', 'x_bk_yield ' || l_bk_yield );
8388       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
8390       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
8392       END IF;
8393       */
8394     END IF;
8395     -- ISG doesnot calculate the after_tax_irr yet
8396     l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr := l_irr;
8397     l_yields_rec.iir := l_iir;
8398     l_yields_rec.bk_yield := l_bk_yield;
8399     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8400                '---------------------------------------------------' );
8401     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8402                'Yields  ' );
8403     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8404                '---------------------------------------------------' );
8405     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8406                'Pre_Tax_IRR | IIR | Boooking Yield ' );
8407     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8408                round( l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr , 4 ) || ' | ' || round( l_yields_rec.iir , 4 ) || ' | '
8409                ||round( l_yields_rec.bk_yield, 4 ) );
8410     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8411                '---------------------------------------------------' );
8412     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8413                'Subsidized Yields ' );
8414     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8415                '---------------------------------------------------' );
8416     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8417                'Pre_Tax_IRR | IIR | Boooking Yield ' );
8418     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8419                round( l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr , 4 ) || ' | '
8420                || round( l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir , 4 ) || ' | '
8421                ||round( l_subsidized_yields_rec.bk_yield, 4 ) );
8422     -- Need to calculate a quote API to update the Yields and Subsidized yields !
8423     -- Call the API which changes the status of the QQ !
8424     -- Actual logic Ends here
8425     x_yileds_rec            := l_yields_rec;
8426     x_subsidized_yileds_rec := l_subsidized_yields_rec;
8427     -- Need to populate back the pricing results using the x_pricing_results_tbl ....
8428     i := 1;
8429     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8430                ' ************** PRICING ENGINE RETURN VALUES: ************** ' );
8431     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8432                'Line Type | Asset Cost | Down Payment | Trade In | Subsidy ' );
8433     IF l_hdr_rec.pricing_method = 'RC'
8434     THEN
8435       -- Loop through the l_item_cat_cf_tbl and then return the pricing results
8436       FOR t in l_item_cat_cf_tbl.FIRST .. l_item_cat_cf_tbl.LAST
8437       LOOP
8438         x_pricing_results_tbl(i).line_type           := 'FREE_FORM1';
8439         x_pricing_results_tbl(i).line_id             := l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).line_id;
8440         x_pricing_results_tbl(i).item_category_id    := l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).item_category_id;
8441         x_pricing_results_tbl(i).financed_amount     := l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).financed_amount;
8442         x_pricing_results_tbl(i).trade_in            := l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).trade_in;
8443         x_pricing_results_tbl(i).down_payment        := l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).down_payment;
8444         x_pricing_results_tbl(i).subsidy             := l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).subsidy;
8445         x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_rec       := l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).cash_flow_rec;
8446         x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl := l_item_cat_cf_tbl(t).cash_flow_level_tbl;
8447         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8448                     x_pricing_results_tbl(1).line_type || ' | ' ||
8449                     round(x_pricing_results_tbl(i).financed_amount, 4) || ' | ' ||
8450                     round(x_pricing_results_tbl(i).down_payment, 4) || ' | ' ||
8451                     round(x_pricing_results_tbl(i).trade_in, 4) || ' | ' ||
8452                     round(x_pricing_results_tbl(i).subsidy, 4) ) ;
8453         IF x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl.COUNT > 0 AND
8454            x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl IS NOT NULL
8455         THEN
8456           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8457             '   Cash Flow Level details ' );
8458           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8459             '   Rate | Start Date | Frequency | Arrears Y/N | | Stub Days | Stub Amount | Periods | Periodic Amount ' );
8460           FOR t_in IN x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl.FIRST ..
8461                 x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl.LAST
8462           LOOP
8463             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8464               '   ' || x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(t_in).rate || ' | ' ||
8465               x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(t_in).START_DATE || ' | ' ||
8466               x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(t_in).fqy_code || ' | ' ||
8467               x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn || ' | ' ||
8468               x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(t_in).stub_days || ' | ' ||
8469               x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(t_in).stub_amount || ' | ' ||
8470               x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(t_in).number_of_periods || ' | ' ||
8471               x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(t_in).amount );
8472           END LOOP;
8473         END IF;
8474         -- Increment i
8475         i := i + 1;
8476       END LOOP;
8477     ELSE
8478       -- The first pricing param will be the FREE_FORM1 line only ..
8479       --  in case of the pricing method is not RC.
8480       x_pricing_results_tbl(i).line_type           := l_pricing_parameters_tbl_cp(1).line_type;
8481       x_pricing_results_tbl(i).financed_amount     := l_pricing_parameters_tbl_cp(1).financed_amount;
8482       x_pricing_results_tbl(i).trade_in            := l_pricing_parameters_tbl_cp(1).trade_in;
8483       x_pricing_results_tbl(i).down_payment        := l_pricing_parameters_tbl_cp(1).down_payment;
8484       x_pricing_results_tbl(i).subsidy             := l_pricing_parameters_tbl_cp(1).subsidy;
8485       x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_rec       := l_cash_flow_rec;
8486       x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl := l_cash_flow_det_tbl;
8487       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8488                     x_pricing_results_tbl(1).line_type || ' | ' ||
8489                     round(x_pricing_results_tbl(1).financed_amount, 4) || ' | ' ||
8490                     round(x_pricing_results_tbl(1).down_payment, 4) || ' | ' ||
8491                     round(x_pricing_results_tbl(1).trade_in, 4) || ' | ' ||
8492                     round(x_pricing_results_tbl(1).subsidy, 4) ) ;
8493       IF x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl.COUNT > 0 AND
8494          x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl IS NOT NULL
8495       THEN
8496         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8497           '   Cash Flow Level details ' );
8498         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8499           '   Rate | Start Date | Frequency | Arrears Y/N | | Stub Days | Stub Amount | Periods | Periodic Amount ' );
8500         FOR t_in IN x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl.FIRST ..
8501               x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl.LAST
8502         LOOP
8503           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8504             '   ' || x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(t_in).rate || ' | ' ||
8505             x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(t_in).START_DATE || ' | ' ||
8506             x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(t_in).fqy_code || ' | ' ||
8507             x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn || ' | ' ||
8508             x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(t_in).stub_days || ' | ' ||
8509             x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(t_in).stub_amount || ' | ' ||
8510             x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(t_in).number_of_periods || ' | ' ||
8511             x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(t_in).amount );
8512         END LOOP;
8513       END IF;
8514       --Increment i ..
8515       i := i + 1;
8516     END IF;
8517     -- Need to return back the expense and fee payment cash flows !
8518     IF l_fee_srv_tbl.COUNT > 0
8519     THEN
8520       FOR t IN l_fee_srv_tbl.FIRST .. l_fee_srv_tbl.LAST
8521       LOOP
8522         x_pricing_results_tbl(i).line_type           := l_fee_srv_tbl(t).type;
8523         x_pricing_results_tbl(i).financed_amount     := NULL;
8524         x_pricing_results_tbl(i).trade_in            := NULL;
8525         x_pricing_results_tbl(i).down_payment        := NULL;
8526         x_pricing_results_tbl(i).subsidy             := NULL;
8527         x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_rec       := l_fee_srv_tbl(t).cash_flow_rec;
8528         x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl := l_fee_srv_tbl(t).cash_flow_level_tbl;
8529         IF x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl.COUNT > 0 AND
8530            x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl IS NOT NULL
8531         THEN
8532           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8533             '   Cash Flow Level details for LINE_TYPE ' || x_pricing_results_tbl(i).line_type );
8534           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8535             '   Rate | Start Date | Frequency | Arrears Y/N | | Stub Days | Stub Amount | Periods | Periodic Amount ' );
8536           FOR t_in IN x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl.FIRST ..
8537                 x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl.LAST
8538           LOOP
8539             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8540               '   ' || x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(t_in).rate || ' | ' ||
8541               x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(t_in).START_DATE || ' | ' ||
8542               x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(t_in).fqy_code || ' | ' ||
8543               x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn || ' | ' ||
8544               x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(t_in).stub_days || ' | ' ||
8545               x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(t_in).stub_amount || ' | ' ||
8546               x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(t_in).number_of_periods || ' | ' ||
8547               x_pricing_results_tbl(i).cash_flow_level_tbl(t_in).amount );
8548           END LOOP;
8549         END IF;
8550         -- Increment i !
8551         i := i + 1;
8552       END LOOP;
8553     END IF;
8554     x_return_status := l_return_status;
8555     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
8556                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
8557     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
8558             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_name) );
8561       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
8562                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
8563                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
8564                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
8565                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
8566                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
8567                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
8569       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
8570                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
8571                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
8572                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
8573                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
8574                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
8575                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
8577       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
8578                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
8579                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
8580                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
8581                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
8582                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
8583                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
8584   END price_quick_quote;
8586   PROCEDURE distribute_fin_amount_lq(
8587              p_api_version          IN            NUMBER,
8588              p_init_msg_list        IN            VARCHAR2,
8589              x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
8590              x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
8591              x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
8592              p_lq_id                   IN         NUMBER,
8593              p_tot_fin_amount          IN         NUMBER)
8594   IS
8595     -- Local Variables
8596     l_api_version     CONSTANT    NUMBER          DEFAULT 1.0;
8597     l_api_name        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT 'distribute_fin_amount_lq';
8598     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
8599     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE :=
8600                       'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.distribute_fin_amount_lq';
8601     l_debug_enabled VARCHAR2(10);
8602     is_debug_procedure_on BOOLEAN;
8603     is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN;
8604     -- Cursor to fetch the Lease Quote Header details
8605     CURSOR quote_csr(qteid  NUMBER)
8606     IS
8607       SELECT qte.pricing_method pricing_method,
8608              qte.rate_template_id rate_template_id,
8609              qte.structured_pricing structured_pricing,
8610              qte.line_level_pricing line_level_pricing,
8611              qte.target_arrears_yn target_arrears
8612         FROM OKL_LEASE_QUOTES_B qte
8613        WHERE qte.id = qteid;
8614     quote_rec      quote_csr%ROWTYPE;
8615     -- Cursor to fetch the Assets Details for a Lease Quote
8616     --  and SRT attached to the Asset ( if any .. )
8617     CURSOR assets_csr(qteid     NUMBER)
8618     IS
8619       SELECT ast.id                 ast_id,
8620              ast.asset_number       asset_number,
8621              ast.oec                oec,
8622              ast.oec_percentage     oec_percentage,
8623              ast.structured_pricing structured_pricing,
8624              ast.rate_template_id   rate_template_id,
8625              ast.target_arrears     target_arrears
8626         FROM okl_assets_b         ast,
8627              okl_lease_quotes_b   qte
8628        WHERE ast.parent_object_code = 'LEASEQUOTE' AND
8629              ast.parent_object_id = qte.id AND
8630              qte.id = qteid;
8631     CURSOR c_asset_comp_csr( p_asset_id NUMBER) IS
8632       SELECT
8633          id
8634         ,primary_component
8635         ,unit_cost
8636         ,number_of_units
8637       FROM okl_asset_components_v
8638       WHERE asset_id = p_asset_id
8639        AND  primary_component = 'YES';
8641     -- Local Variables Declaration !
8642     l_overridden        BOOLEAN;
8643     tot_oec_percentage  NUMBER;
8644     i                   NUMBER;
8645     lq_level_fin_amt    NUMBER;
8646     l_asset_tbl         OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_ASSET_PVT.asset_tbl_type;
8647     l_component_tbl     OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_ASSET_PVT.asset_component_tbl_type;
8648     l_cf_hdr_rec        OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_ASSET_PVT.cashflow_hdr_rec_type;
8649     l_cf_level_tbl      OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_ASSET_PVT.cashflow_level_tbl_type;
8650   BEGIN
8651     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
8652     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
8653     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
8654     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
8655                               'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
8656     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
8657     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
8658     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
8659                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
8660                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
8661                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
8662                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
8663                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
8664                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
8665                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
8666     --Check if activity started successfully
8667     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
8669     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
8671     END IF;
8672     -- Loop thu all the assets
8673     --   store the non-overriding assets id into assets_tbl
8674     --   sum the oec_percentage
8675     --end loop
8676     OPEN quote_csr( qteId => p_lq_id );
8677     FETCH quote_csr INTO quote_rec;
8678     CLOSE quote_csr;
8680     tot_oec_percentage := 0;
8681     i := 1;
8682     FOR asset_rec IN assets_csr(qteid => p_lq_id )
8683     LOOP
8684       l_overridden := is_asset_overriding(
8685                         p_qte_id                => p_lq_id,
8686                         p_ast_id                => asset_rec.ast_id,
8687                         p_lq_line_level_pricing => quote_rec.line_level_pricing,
8688                         p_lq_srt_id             => quote_rec.rate_template_id,
8689                         p_ast_srt_id            => asset_rec.rate_template_id,
8690                         p_lq_struct_pricing     => quote_rec.structured_pricing,
8691                         p_ast_struct_pricing    => asset_rec.structured_pricing,
8692                         p_lq_arrears_yn         => quote_rec.target_arrears,
8693                         p_ast_arrears_yn        => asset_rec.target_arrears,
8694                         x_return_status         => l_return_status);
8695       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8696                 'After is_asset_overriding assets_rec.id =' || asset_rec.ast_id);
8697       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8698                '  l_return_status =' || l_return_status );
8699       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
8701       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
8703       END IF;
8704       IF l_overridden = FALSE
8705       THEN
8706         -- Asset is following the Payment Structure defined at Lease quote ..
8707         tot_oec_percentage := tot_oec_percentage + nvl(asset_rec.oec_percentage,0);
8708         l_asset_tbl(i).id := asset_rec.ast_id;
8709         l_asset_tbl(i).oec_percentage := asset_rec.oec_percentage;
8710         -- Increment the index
8711         i := i + 1;
8712       END IF;
8713     END LOOP;
8714     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8715               'Sum(OEC %age) for non-overiding assets = ' || ROUND( tot_oec_percentage, 4));
8716     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8717                'assets_tbl = ' || l_asset_tbl.COUNT );
8718     IF l_asset_tbl.COUNT > 0
8719     THEN
8720       lq_level_fin_amt := p_tot_fin_amount * 100 / ( tot_oec_percentage );
8721       -- Loop through the assets_tbl and update the OEC of each asset !
8722       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8723                 'Districution of Assets OEC ' );
8724       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8725                 'Asset ID  | Financed Amount ');
8726       FOR t IN l_asset_tbl.FIRST .. l_asset_tbl.LAST
8727       LOOP
8728         l_asset_tbl(t).oec := lq_level_fin_amt * l_asset_tbl(t).oec_percentage / 100;
8729         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8730                 l_asset_tbl(t).id || ' | ' || l_asset_tbl(t).oec );
8731         l_component_tbl.DELETE;
8732         FOR t_rec IN c_asset_comp_csr( p_asset_id => l_asset_tbl(t).id )
8733         LOOP
8734           l_component_tbl(1).id := t_rec.id;
8735           l_component_tbl(1).unit_cost := l_asset_tbl(t).oec / t_rec.number_of_units;
8736           l_component_tbl(1).record_mode := 'update';
8737           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8738                     'Updated l_component_tbl(1).unit_cost =  ' || l_component_tbl(1).unit_cost );
8739         END LOOP;
8740         -- Call the update api to store back the calculated OEC of the Asset!
8741         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
8742                   'Before OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_ASSET_PVT.update_asset ');
8743         -- Instead we need to use the OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_ASSET_PVT.update_asset
8744         OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_ASSET_PVT.update_asset (
8745           p_api_version         => p_api_version,
8746           p_init_msg_list       => p_init_msg_list,
8747           p_transaction_control => 'T',
8748           p_asset_rec           => l_asset_tbl(t),
8749           p_component_tbl       => l_component_tbl,
8750           p_cf_hdr_rec          => l_cf_hdr_rec,
8751           p_cf_level_tbl        => l_cf_level_tbl,
8752           x_return_status       => l_return_status,
8753           x_msg_count           => x_msg_count,
8754           x_msg_data            => x_msg_data);
8755         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
8756             'After OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_ASSET_PVT.update_asset ' || l_return_status );
8757         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
8759         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
8761         END IF;
8762       END LOOP;
8763     END IF;
8764     -- Logic ends here !
8765     x_return_status := l_return_status;
8766     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
8767                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
8768     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
8769             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_version) );
8772       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
8773                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
8774                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
8775                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
8776                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
8777                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
8778                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
8780       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
8781                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
8782                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
8783                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
8784                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
8785                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
8786                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
8788       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
8789                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
8790                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
8791                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
8792                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
8793                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
8794                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
8795   END distribute_fin_amount_lq;
8797   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8798   -- Start of Commnets
8799   -- Procedure Name       : price_standard_quote_asset
8800   -- Description          : This API would have been called once for each asset
8801   --                        which has overridden the Quote Level Pricing Structure !
8802   -- Business Rules       :
8803   -- Parameters           :
8804   -- Version              : 1.0
8805   -- History              : rgooty 22-May-2005 - created
8806   -- 1/ Added params p_price_at_lq_level
8807   --     When passed TRUE for p_price_at_lq_level, this api, will
8808   --     price the Asset, with the payment strucutre defined at the LQ level.
8809   --     Such senario, will be happening when the pricing_method is SP, and
8810   --      after we calculated the IIR at quote level, again, we will want to
8811   --      calculate the payments at each individual asset levels.
8812   --      p_target_rate will be passed as the IIR at the LQ Level.
8813   --     When p_price_at_lq_level is FALSE, then the Asset will be assumed
8814   --     to be overriding the payment structure defined at the LQ level.
8815   --     Hence, the Asset Level Cash flow Details will be fetched/defined ( incase of SRT )
8816   --      and the asset will be priced based on such information.
8817   -- 2/ Added, x_pricing_parameter_rec as an output parameter, because
8818   --   the price_standard_quote api can use the already built streams for this asset
8819   --   directly instead of it generating them again.
8820   -- 3/ Bug 7445154: Param p_line_type has been added.
8821   --    Pass FREE_FORM1 in case of Line Type = Asset
8822   --    If Line is a Fee, expected values are FINANCED/ROLLOVER
8823   -- End of Commnets
8824   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8825   PROCEDURE price_standard_quote_asset(
8826               x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
8827               x_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
8828               x_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
8829               p_api_version            IN             NUMBER,
8830               p_init_msg_list          IN             VARCHAR2,
8831               p_qte_id                 IN             NUMBER,
8832               p_ast_id                 IN             NUMBER, -- could be fee id.
8833               p_price_at_lq_level      IN             BOOLEAN,
8834               p_target_rate            IN             NUMBER,
8835               p_line_type              IN             VARCHAR2,
8836               x_pricing_parameter_rec  IN  OUT NOCOPY pricing_parameter_rec_type)
8837   IS
8838     l_api_version        CONSTANT NUMBER       DEFAULT 1.0;
8839     l_api_name           CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT 'price_standard_quote_asset';
8840     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
8841     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
8842                       || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
8844     l_debug_enabled             VARCHAR2(10);
8845     is_debug_procedure_on       BOOLEAN;
8846     is_debug_statement_on       BOOLEAN;
8848     CURSOR subsidy_adj_csr( subId NUMBER)
8849     IS
8850        SELECT amount
8851          FROM okl_subsidies_b
8852         WHERE id = subId;
8854     subsidy_adj_rec subsidy_adj_csr%ROWTYPE;
8856     -- Cursor to fetch the Lease Quote Header details
8857     CURSOR quote_csr(qteid  NUMBER)
8858     IS
8859       SELECT qte.pricing_method pricing_method,
8860              qte.rate_template_id rate_template_id,
8861              qte.expected_start_date expected_start_date,
8862              qte.expected_delivery_date expected_delivery_date,
8863              qte.term term,
8864              qte.lease_rate_factor,
8865              qte.structured_pricing structured_pricing,
8866              qte.line_level_pricing line_level_pricing,
8867              qte.rate_card_id,
8868              qte.id,
8869              qte.parent_object_code,
8870              qte.target_frequency target_frequency,
8871              qte.target_arrears_yn target_arrears,
8872              qte.product_id,
8873              qte.sub_iir  -- Yield used while calculating the payments @ Asset Level
8874         FROM OKL_LEASE_QUOTES_B qte
8875        WHERE qte.id = qteid;
8876     quote_rec                    quote_csr%ROWTYPE;
8878     --Bug 5884825 PAGARG start
8879     --Cursor to fetch product name
8880     CURSOR product_name_csr(qteid  NUMBER)
8881     IS
8884          , OKL_PRODUCTS PDT
8886         AND QTE.ID = QTEID;
8887     --Bug 5884825 PAGARG end
8889     -- Local Variables Declaration
8890     l_product_name         okl_products.NAME%TYPE;--Bug 5884825 PAGARG
8891     l_lrs_details          lrs_details_rec_type;
8892     l_lrs_factor           lrs_factor_rec_type;
8893     l_lrs_levels           lrs_levels_tbl_type;
8894     l_ac_rec_type          OKL_EC_EVALUATE_PVT.okl_ac_rec_type;
8895     l_adj_factor           NUMBER;
8896     l_months_per_period    NUMBER;
8897     l_months_after         NUMBER;
8898     cf_index               NUMBER; -- Using as an index for Cash flow levels
8899     --Bug 5121548 dpsingh start
8900     --Cursor to fetch the Fees name for a Lease Quote
8901     CURSOR fees_csr(qteid         NUMBER,
8902                     fee_id    NUMBER)
8903     IS
8904     SELECT stytl.name
8905     FROM  okl_fees_b fee,
8906           okl_strm_type_tl stytl
8907     WHERE fee.parent_object_code = 'LEASEQUOTE'
8908     AND  fee.parent_object_id = qteid
8909     AND  fee.id = fee_id
8910     AND  fee.STREAM_TYPE_ID = stytl.id
8911     AND stytl.LANGUAGE = USERENV('LANG');
8912     --Bug 5121548 dpsingh end
8914     -- Cursor to fetch the Assets Details for a Lease Quote
8915     --  and SRT attached to the Asset ( if any .. )
8916     CURSOR assets_csr(qteid         NUMBER,
8917                       ast_fee_id    NUMBER)
8918     IS
8919       SELECT ast.asset_number,
8920              ast.id ast_id,
8921              TO_NUMBER(NULL) fee_id,
8922              ast.rate_card_id,
8923              ast.rate_template_id rate_template_id,
8924              ast.structured_pricing,
8925              'FREE_FORM1' fee_type,
8926              TO_NUMBER(NULL) fee_amount,
8927              ast.lease_rate_factor lease_rate_factor,
8928              ast.asset_number name,
8929              ast.target_frequency target_frequency,
8930              ast.target_arrears target_arrears
8931         FROM okl_assets_b ast,
8932              okl_lease_quotes_b qte
8933        WHERE ast.parent_object_code = 'LEASEQUOTE'
8934          AND ast.parent_object_id = qte.id
8935          AND qte.id = qteid
8936          AND ast.id = ast_fee_id
8937          AND p_line_type = 'FREE_FORM1'
8938      UNION
8939        SELECT NULL asset_number,
8940               TO_NUMBER(NULL) ast_id,
8941               fee.id fee_id,
8942               fee.rate_card_id,
8943               fee.rate_template_id,
8944               fee.structured_pricing,
8945               fee.fee_type,
8946               fee.fee_amount,
8947               fee.lease_rate_factor lease_rate_factor,
8948               fee.fee_type || ' FEE' name,
8949               fee.target_frequency target_frequency,
8950               fee.target_arrears target_arrears
8951         FROM  okl_fees_b fee,
8952               okl_lease_quotes_b qte
8953         WHERE fee.parent_object_code = 'LEASEQUOTE'
8954          AND  fee.parent_object_id = qte.id
8955          AND  qte.id = qteid
8956          AND  fee.id = ast_fee_id
8957          AND  p_line_type IN ( 'FINANCED', 'ROLLOVER' );
8958     assets_rec                   assets_csr%ROWTYPE;
8959     -- Cursor to fetch the Asset Level Details
8960     CURSOR asset_adj_csr(qteid                          NUMBER,
8961                          astid                          NUMBER)
8962     IS
8963       SELECT ast.asset_number,
8964              ast.install_site_id,
8965              ast.rate_card_id,
8966              ast.rate_template_id,
8967              ast.oec,
8968              nvl(nvl(ast.end_of_term_value, ast.end_of_term_value_default),0) end_of_term_value,
8969              ast.oec_percentage,
8970              cmp.unit_cost,
8971              cmp.number_of_units,
8972              cmp.primary_component
8973         FROM okl_assets_b ast,
8974              okl_lease_quotes_b qte,
8975              okl_asset_components_b cmp
8976        WHERE ast.parent_object_code = 'LEASEQUOTE' AND
8977              ast.parent_object_id = qte.id AND
8978              qte.id = qteid AND
8979              ast.id = astid AND
8980              cmp.primary_component = 'YES' AND
8981              cmp.asset_id = ast.id;
8982     -- Cursor to fetch the Asset Level Details
8983     CURSOR asset_cost_adj_csr(qteid        NUMBER,
8984                               astid        NUMBER)
8985     IS
8986       SELECT adj.adjustment_source_type,
8987              adj.adjustment_source_id,
8988              adj.basis,
8989              -- Start : DJANASWA : Bug# 6347118
8990              nvl(adj.value,adj.default_subsidy_amount) value
8991              -- End : DJANASWA : Bug# 6347118
8992         FROM okl_assets_b ast,
8993              okl_lease_quotes_b qte,
8994              okl_cost_adjustments_b adj
8995        WHERE ast.parent_object_code = 'LEASEQUOTE' AND
8996              ast.parent_object_id = qte.id AND
8997              qte.id = qteid AND
8998              ast.id = astid AND
8999              adj.parent_object_id = ast.id;
9000     -- Cursor to fetch the Customer Details
9001     CURSOR get_cust_details_csr( p_lq_id  NUMBER )
9002     IS
9003       SELECT  lopp.id                 parent_id
9004              ,lopp.prospect_id        prospect_id
9005              ,lopp.cust_acct_id       cust_acct_id
9006              ,lopp.sales_territory_id sales_territory_id
9007              ,lopp.currency_code      currency_code
9008       FROM   okl_lease_quotes_b  lq,
9009              okl_lease_opportunities_b lopp
9010       WHERE  parent_object_code = 'LEASEOPP'
9011        AND   parent_object_id = lopp.id
9012        AND   lq.id = p_lq_id;
9013     --Cursor to fetch the Parent Object Details
9014     CURSOR get_cust_details_csr_lapp( p_lq_id  NUMBER )
9015     IS
9016       SELECT  lapp.id                 parent_id
9017              ,lapp.prospect_id        prospect_id
9018              ,lapp.cust_acct_id       cust_acct_id
9019              ,lapp.sales_territory_id sales_territory_id
9020              ,lapp.currency_code      currency_code
9021       FROM   okl_lease_quotes_b  lq,
9022              okl_lease_applications_b lapp
9023       WHERE  parent_object_code = 'LEASEAPP'
9024        AND   parent_object_id = lapp.id
9025        AND   lq.id = p_lq_id;
9026     -- Cursor to fetch the Asset components details
9027     CURSOR c_asset_comp_csr( p_asset_id NUMBER) IS
9028       SELECT
9029          id
9030         ,primary_component
9031         ,unit_cost
9032         ,number_of_units
9033       FROM okl_asset_components_v
9034       WHERE asset_id = p_asset_id
9035        AND  primary_component = 'YES';
9037     CURSOR check_cfo_exists_csr(
9038       p_oty_code     IN VARCHAR2,
9039       p_source_table IN VARCHAR2,
9040       p_source_id    IN VARCHAR2 )
9041     IS
9042       SELECT 'YES' cfo_exists,
9043              cfo.id cfo_id,
9044              caf.id caf_id,
9045              caf.sty_id sty_id
9046        FROM  OKL_CASH_FLOW_OBJECTS cfo,
9047              OKL_CASH_FLOWS caf
9048       WHERE  OTY_CODE     = p_oty_code
9049        AND   SOURCE_TABLE = p_source_table
9050        AND   SOURCE_ID    = p_source_id
9051        AND   caf.cfo_id = cfo.id;
9052     check_cfo_exists_rec         check_cfo_exists_csr%ROWTYPE;
9053     -- Cursor to fetch the Stream Type
9054     CURSOR c_strm_type (
9055              pdtId        NUMBER,
9056              expStartDate DATE,
9057              strm_purpose VARCHAR) IS
9060            STRM.START_DATE,
9061            STRM.END_DATE,
9062            STRM.STY_PURPOSE
9064     WHERE STY_PURPOSE = strm_purpose
9065       AND START_DATE <= expStartDate
9066       AND NVL(END_DATE, expStartDate) >= expStartDate
9067       AND STRM.PDT_ID = pdtId;
9069     -- Cursor to fetch the Stream Type for FINANCED/ROLLOVER Fee Payment in case of TR pricing method
9070     CURSOR c_fee_pmnt_strm_type_csr (
9071              pdtId        NUMBER,
9072              expStartDate DATE,
9073              strm_purpose VARCHAR)
9074     IS
9076              STRM.STY_NAME PAYMENT_TYPE,
9077              STRM.START_DATE,
9078              STRM.END_DATE,
9079              STRM.STY_PURPOSE
9081       WHERE STY_PURPOSE = strm_purpose
9082         AND START_DATE <= expStartDate
9083         AND NVL(END_DATE, expStartDate ) >= expStartDate
9084         AND NVL(STRM.CAPITALIZE_YN, 'N') = 'N'
9085         AND STRM.BILLABLE_YN = 'Y'
9086         AND STRM.PDT_ID = pdtId;
9088     -- Cursor to fetch EOT Type
9089     CURSOR get_eot_type( p_lq_id NUMBER )
9090     IS
9091       SELECT  lq.id
9092          ,lq.reference_number
9093          ,eot.end_of_term_name
9094          ,eot.eot_type_code eot_type_code
9095          ,eot.end_of_term_id end_of_term_id
9096          ,eotversion.end_of_term_ver_id
9098           okl_fe_eo_term_vers eotversion,
9099           okl_fe_eo_terms_all_b eot
9100      WHERE lq.END_OF_TERM_OPTION_ID = eotversion.end_of_term_ver_id
9101        AND eot.end_of_term_id = eotversion.end_of_term_id
9102        AND lq.id = p_lq_id;
9103     l_eot_type_code             VARCHAR2(30);
9104     -- Cursor to handle the CAPITALIZED Fee amount for each Asset
9105     CURSOR get_asset_cap_fee_amt(p_source_type VARCHAR2,
9106                              p_source_id         OKL_LINE_RELATIONSHIPS_B.source_line_ID%TYPE,
9107                              p_related_line_type OKL_LINE_RELATIONSHIPS_B.related_line_type%TYPE)
9108     IS
9109       SELECT SUM(amount) capitalized_amount
9110         FROM okl_line_relationships_v lre
9111        WHERE source_line_type = p_source_type
9112         AND related_line_type = 'CAPITALIZED'
9113         AND source_line_id = p_source_id;
9115     -- Local Variables Declarations !
9116     l_day_count_method           VARCHAR2(30);
9117     l_days_in_month              VARCHAR2(30);
9118     l_days_in_year               VARCHAR2(30);
9119     l_currency                   VARCHAR2(30);
9120     l_srt_details                okl_pricing_utils_pvt.srt_details_rec_type;
9121     l_ast_srt_details            okl_pricing_utils_pvt.srt_details_rec_type;
9122     lx_pricing_parameter_rec     okl_pricing_utils_pvt.pricing_parameter_rec_type;
9123     x_iir                        NUMBER;
9124     l_initial_guess              NUMBER := 0.1;
9125     x_payment                    NUMBER;
9126     -- Cash flow and Cash flow level variables
9127     l_cash_flow_rec              so_cash_flows_rec_type;
9128     l_cash_flow_det_tbl          so_cash_flow_details_tbl_type;
9129     l_cash_inflows               okl_pricing_utils_pvt.cash_inflows_tbl_type;
9130     l_residual_inflows           okl_pricing_utils_pvt.cash_inflows_tbl_type;
9131     cfl_index                    BINARY_INTEGER;
9132     res_index                    BINARY_INTEGER;
9133     l_eot_date                   DATE;  -- Effective To of the quote
9134     l_cf_dpp                     NUMBER;
9135     l_cf_ppy                     NUMBER;
9136     l_pricing_method             VARCHAR2(30);
9137     l_target_rate                NUMBER := p_target_rate;
9138     l_adj_mat_cat_rec            adj_mat_cat_rec;
9139     -- Variables used for storing back the pricing results !
9140     lx_asset_rec                 okl_ass_pvt.assv_rec_type;
9141     lx_fee_rec                   okl_fee_pvt.feev_rec_type;
9142     l_ass_adj_tbl                okl_lease_quote_asset_pvt.asset_adjustment_tbl_type;
9143     l_cf_source                  VARCHAR2(30);
9144     l_fee_yn                     VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
9145     l_cashflow_header_rec        OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.cashflow_header_rec_type;
9146     l_cashflow_level_tbl         OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.cashflow_level_tbl_type;
9147     l_asset_rec                  OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_ASSET_PVT.asset_rec_type;
9148     l_component_tbl              OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_ASSET_PVT.asset_component_tbl_type;
9149     l_cf_hdr_rec                 OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_ASSET_PVT.cashflow_hdr_rec_type;
9150     l_cf_level_tbl               OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_ASSET_PVT.cashflow_level_tbl_type;
9151     l_cfo_exists                 VARCHAR2(30);
9152     l_eot_percentage             NUMBER;
9153     l_eot_amount                 NUMBER;
9154     l_rate_card_id               NUMBER;
9155     l_lease_rate_factor          NUMBER;
9156     l_asset_follows_lq_pricing   VARCHAR2(30);
9157     l_rc_pricing                 VARCHAR2(30);
9158     l_target_frequency           VARCHAR2(30);
9159     l_target_arrears_yn          VARCHAR2(30);
9160     l_sty_id                     NUMBER;
9161     l_srt_id                     NUMBER;
9162     l_adj_type                   VARCHAR2(30);
9163     l_quote_type_code            OKL_LEASE_QUOTES_B.PARENT_OBJECT_CODE%TYPE;
9164     l_missing_pmnts              BOOLEAN;
9165     l_asset_number               VARCHAR2(15);
9166     l_fee_name                   VARCHAR2(150);
9167   BEGIN
9168     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
9169     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
9170     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
9171     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
9172                               'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
9173     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
9174     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
9175                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
9176                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
9177                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
9178                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
9179                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
9180                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
9181                             x_return_status => l_return_status);
9182     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
9184     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
9186     END IF;
9188     --Bug 5884825 PAGARG start
9189     OPEN product_name_csr(p_qte_id);
9190     FETCH product_name_csr INTO l_product_name;
9191     CLOSE product_name_csr;
9192     --Bug 5884825 PAGARG end
9194     -- Fetch the Lease Quote Header Details !
9195     OPEN quote_csr(p_qte_id);
9196     FETCH quote_csr INTO quote_rec;
9197     IF (quote_csr%NOTFOUND) THEN
9198       RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
9199     END IF;
9200     CLOSE quote_csr;
9201     --Populate l_quote_type_code appropriately
9202     IF quote_rec.parent_object_code = 'LEASEAPP' THEN
9203       l_quote_type_code := 'LA';
9204     ELSE
9205       l_quote_type_code := 'LQ';
9206     END IF;
9207     l_pricing_method := quote_rec.pricing_method;
9208     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9209                'Fetched the Lease Quote Details ' || p_qte_id);
9210     -- Derieve the End of Term Date of the Lease Quote
9211     okl_stream_generator_pvt.add_months_new(
9212       p_start_date     => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
9213       p_months_after   => quote_rec.term,
9214       x_date           => l_eot_date,
9215       x_return_status  => l_return_status);
9216     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
9218     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
9220     END IF;
9221     l_eot_date := l_eot_date - 1;
9222     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9223                'Effective To of the LQ ' || l_eot_date );
9224     -- Retrieve the Payment Structure or build the Cash flow or Cash flow Level objects
9225     lx_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount := 0;
9226     lx_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment    := 0;
9227     lx_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in        := 0;
9228     lx_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy         := 0;
9229     -- Retrieve the Asset level information !
9230     FOR assets_rec IN assets_csr(p_qte_id, p_ast_id) -- could be fee id (ROLLOVER or FINANCED)
9231     LOOP
9232       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9233                  'Fetching the Asset Details ' );
9234      --Bug 5121548 dpsingh start
9235       l_asset_number := assets_rec.asset_number;
9236       --Bug 5121548 dpsingh end
9237       IF ( assets_rec.fee_type <> 'FREE_FORM1' OR assets_rec.ast_id IS NULL )
9238       THEN
9239         l_fee_yn := 'Y';
9240       ELSE
9241         l_fee_yn := 'N';
9242       END IF;
9243       -- Know the type of the EOT
9244       FOR t_rec IN get_eot_type( p_lq_id => p_qte_id  )
9245       LOOP
9246         l_eot_type_code := t_rec.eot_type_code;
9247       END LOOP;
9248       -- Populate the Adjustment Matrix Criteria Record.
9249       l_adj_mat_cat_rec.target_eff_from := quote_rec.expected_start_date;
9250       l_adj_mat_cat_rec.term := quote_rec.term;
9251       IF quote_rec.parent_object_code = 'LEASEOPP'
9252       THEN
9253         -- Fetch from the Lease Opportunity
9254         FOR t_rec IN get_cust_details_csr( p_lq_id => p_qte_id )
9255         LOOP
9256           l_adj_mat_cat_rec.territory := t_rec.sales_territory_id;
9257           l_adj_mat_cat_rec.customer_credit_class :=
9258             okl_lease_app_pvt.get_credit_classfication(
9259                p_party_id      => t_rec.prospect_id,
9260                p_cust_acct_id  => t_rec.cust_acct_id,
9261                p_site_use_id   => -99);
9262         END LOOP;
9263       ELSE
9264         -- Fetch from the Lease Application
9265         FOR t_rec IN get_cust_details_csr_lapp( p_lq_id => p_qte_id )
9266         LOOP
9267           l_adj_mat_cat_rec.territory := t_rec.sales_territory_id;
9268           l_adj_mat_cat_rec.customer_credit_class :=
9269             okl_lease_app_pvt.get_credit_classfication(
9270                p_party_id      => t_rec.prospect_id,
9271                p_cust_acct_id  => t_rec.cust_acct_id,
9272                p_site_use_id   => -99);
9273         END LOOP;
9274       END IF;
9275       l_adj_mat_cat_rec.deal_size := NULL;
9276       IF assets_rec.ast_id IS NOT NULL
9277       THEN
9278         l_cf_source := G_CF_SOURCE_LQ_ASS;
9279         lx_pricing_parameter_rec.line_type := 'FREE_FORM1';
9280       ELSE
9281         l_cf_source := G_CF_SOURCE_LQ_FEE;
9282         lx_pricing_parameter_rec.payment_type := 'INCOME';
9283         lx_pricing_parameter_rec.line_type := assets_rec.fee_type;
9284       END IF;
9285       IF quote_rec.pricing_method <> 'RC'
9286       THEN
9287         IF p_price_at_lq_level = FALSE OR p_price_at_lq_level IS NULL
9288         THEN
9289           --  get_lq_cash_flows will fetch the Cash flows or Cash flow levels during Structured
9290           --  pricing (or) builds the CF and CF Levels in case of SRT and return.
9291           -- Very similiar API to the get_qq_cash_flows-2
9292           -- User p_cf_source as G_CF_SOURCE_LQ_ASS, as now we will be pricing the asset
9293           --  with the payment structure defined at the Asset Level itself !
9294           l_srt_id := assets_rec.rate_template_id;
9295           get_lq_cash_flows(
9296             p_api_version          => p_api_version,
9297             p_init_msg_list        => p_init_msg_list,
9298             x_return_status        => l_return_status,
9299             x_msg_count            => x_msg_count,
9300             x_msg_data             => x_msg_data,
9301             p_id                   => nvl(assets_rec.ast_id, assets_rec.fee_id),
9302             p_lq_srt_id            => assets_rec.rate_template_id,
9303             p_cf_source            => l_cf_source,
9304             p_adj_mat_cat_rec      => l_adj_mat_cat_rec,
9305             p_pricing_method       => quote_rec.pricing_method,
9306             x_days_in_month        => l_days_in_month,
9307             x_days_in_year         => l_days_in_year,
9308             x_cash_flow_rec        => l_cash_flow_rec,
9309             x_cash_flow_det_tbl    => l_cash_flow_det_tbl);
9310           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9311                 'Fetched asset cash flows at Asset level l_return_status = ' || l_return_status);
9312         ELSE
9313           -- Fetching the Cash Flows Assosiated at the Lesae Quote Level
9314           l_cf_source := G_CF_SOURCE_LQ;
9315           -- Let the initial iir be p_target_rate
9316           l_initial_guess := p_target_rate;
9317           -- Fetch/Retrieve the Cash flows n levels
9318           get_lq_cash_flows(
9319             p_api_version          => p_api_version,
9320             p_init_msg_list        => p_init_msg_list,
9321             x_return_status        => l_return_status,
9322             x_msg_count            => x_msg_count,
9323             x_msg_data             => x_msg_data,
9324             p_id                   => p_qte_id,
9325             p_lq_srt_id            => quote_rec.rate_template_id,
9326             p_cf_source            => l_cf_source,
9327             p_adj_mat_cat_rec      => l_adj_mat_cat_rec,
9328             p_pricing_method       => quote_rec.pricing_method,
9329             x_days_in_month        => l_days_in_month,
9330             x_days_in_year         => l_days_in_year,
9331             x_cash_flow_rec        => l_cash_flow_rec,
9332             x_cash_flow_det_tbl    => l_cash_flow_det_tbl);
9333           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9334                      'Fetched asset cash flows @LQ level l_return_status = ' || l_return_status);
9335         END IF; -- If on get_lq_cash_flows
9336         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9337                    quote_rec.pricing_method || 'After lq_cash_flows ' || l_return_status);
9338         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
9340         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
9342         END IF;
9343         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9344                     'No. of Cash Flow Levels ' || l_cash_flow_det_tbl.COUNT );
9345         IF l_cash_flow_det_tbl IS NULL OR
9346            l_cash_flow_det_tbl.COUNT <= 0
9347         THEN
9348           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9349             'No Cash flow and Cash flow Levels obtained ! ' );
9350           OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
9351             p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
9352             p_msg_name     => 'OKL_LLA_PMT_SELECT');
9354         END IF;
9355         l_missing_pmnts := FALSE;
9356         -- When the pricing method is SM, an overridden asset may have a missing payment
9357         --  or not. If no missing payment is present, rates will be present for all CFL levels
9358         --  else, rate wont be present.
9359         IF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SM'
9360         THEN
9361           FOR t_in IN l_cash_flow_det_tbl.FIRST .. l_cash_flow_det_tbl.LAST
9362           LOOP
9363             IF ( l_cash_flow_det_tbl(t_in).stub_days > 0 AND
9364                  l_cash_flow_det_tbl(t_in).stub_amount IS NULL ) OR
9365                ( l_cash_flow_det_tbl(t_in).number_of_periods > 0 AND
9366                  l_cash_flow_det_tbl(t_in).amount IS NULL )
9367             THEN
9368               l_missing_pmnts := TRUE;
9369               put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9370                 '***** Need to solve for the Missing Payments *********' );
9371             END IF;
9372           END LOOP;
9373         END IF;
9374         -- Populate app. values for l_days_in_month and l_days_in_year !
9375         get_day_count_method(
9376           p_days_in_month    => l_days_in_month,
9377           p_days_in_year     => l_days_in_year,
9378           x_day_count_method => l_day_count_method,
9379           x_return_status    => l_return_status );
9380         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9381                     'After get_day_count_method ' || l_return_status);
9382         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
9384         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
9385           --Bug 5884825 PAGARG start
9386           OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
9387                                p_msg_name     => 'OKL_ISG_DAY_CONVENTION',
9388                                p_token1       => 'PRODUCT_NAME',
9389                                p_token1_value => l_product_name);
9390           --Bug 5884825 PAGARG end
9392         END IF;
9393         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9394                    'l_days_in_month= ' || l_days_in_month || ' |  l_days_in_year = ' || l_days_in_year);
9395         -- Get the DPP and PPY inorder to populate for the Residuals Table
9396         get_dpp_ppy(
9397           p_frequency            => l_cash_flow_det_tbl(l_cash_flow_det_tbl.FIRST).fqy_code,
9398           x_dpp                  => l_cf_dpp,
9399           x_ppy                  => l_cf_ppy,
9400           x_return_status        => l_return_status );
9401         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9402                    'After get_dpp_ppy ' || l_return_status );
9403         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
9405         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
9407         END IF;
9408       END IF; -- IF quote_rec.pricing_method <> 'RC'
9409       -- Retrieve the Cost adjustments defined for the Asset ! None for fees
9410       IF  assets_rec.ast_id IS NOT NULL
9411       THEN
9412         FOR asset_cost_adj_rec IN asset_cost_adj_csr(p_qte_id, nvl(assets_rec.ast_id, -9999) )
9413         LOOP
9414           IF asset_cost_adj_rec.adjustment_source_type = G_DOWNPAYMENT_TYPE  AND
9415              quote_rec.pricing_method <> 'SD'
9416           THEN
9417               lx_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment := lx_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment
9418                                                          + asset_cost_adj_rec.value;
9419           ELSIF asset_cost_adj_rec.adjustment_source_type = G_SUBSIDY_TYPE AND
9420              quote_rec.pricing_method <> 'SS'
9421           THEN
9422             IF ( nvl(asset_cost_adj_rec.value, -9999) = -9999)
9423             THEN
9424               OPEN subsidy_adj_csr(asset_cost_adj_rec.ADJUSTMENT_SOURCE_ID);
9425               FETCH subsidy_adj_csr INTO subsidy_adj_rec;
9426               CLOSE subsidy_adj_csr;
9427               -- Bug 6622178 : Start
9428               -- Consider all subsidies for the asset
9429               lx_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy := lx_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy + NVL(subsidy_adj_rec.amount,0);
9430             ELSE
9431               lx_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy := lx_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy + NVL(asset_cost_adj_rec.value,0);
9432               -- Bug 6622178 : End
9433             END IF;
9434           ELSIF asset_cost_adj_rec.adjustment_source_type = G_TRADEIN_TYPE AND
9435              quote_rec.pricing_method <> 'SI'
9436           THEN
9437             lx_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in := lx_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in
9438                                                      + asset_cost_adj_rec.value;
9439           END IF;
9440         END LOOP;
9441         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9442                     'After Retrieving the Asset Cost Adjustments ');
9443         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9444                     'Down Payment| Trade In | Subsidy ' );
9445         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9446                lx_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment || ' | ' ||
9447                lx_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in || ' | ' ||
9448                lx_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy );
9449       END IF; -- IF assets_rec.ast_id IS NOT NULL
9450       -- Generate the Streams for this Asset !
9451       -- Retrieve the Financed amount and the End of Term amount !
9452       res_index := 1;
9453       l_eot_amount := 0;
9454       IF ( assets_rec.ast_id IS NOT NULL)
9455       THEN
9456         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9457                    'Asset/Fee ID = ' || assets_rec.ast_id );
9458         FOR asset_adj_rec IN asset_adj_csr(p_qte_id, assets_rec.ast_id)
9459         LOOP
9460           IF l_pricing_method <> 'SF' OR ( quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SF' AND p_price_at_lq_level )
9461           THEN
9462             lx_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount := lx_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount
9463                                                         + nvl(asset_adj_rec.oec,0);
9464           END IF;
9465           -- Calculate the Capitalized Fee for this Asset
9466           FOR t_rec IN get_asset_cap_fee_amt(
9467                          p_source_type       => 'ASSET',
9468                          p_source_id         => assets_rec.ast_id,
9469                          p_related_line_type => 'CAPITALIZED')
9470           LOOP
9471             lx_pricing_parameter_rec.cap_fee_amount := nvl(t_rec.capitalized_amount, 0);
9472           END LOOP;
9473           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9474                      'Unit Cost=' || asset_adj_rec.unit_cost || ' No. of Units ' || asset_adj_rec.number_of_units);
9475           l_residual_inflows(res_index).line_number := res_index;
9476           IF ( l_eot_type_code = 'PERCENT' OR l_eot_type_code = 'RESIDUAL_PERCENT' ) AND
9477              ( l_pricing_method <> 'SF'  OR ( quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SF' AND p_price_at_lq_level ) )
9478           THEN
9479             -- Formula: EOT amount = OEC * residual_percentage
9480             -- The above formulat is applicable, a/ When EOT is PERCENT/RESIDUAL_PERCENT
9481             -- b/ When solving for an overridden asset, its financed amount.
9482             -- c/ When Qt. level pricing method is SF, but you are here actually for derieving
9483             --    the payment structures for non-overridden assets when pricing method is SF
9484             l_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_amount :=
9485               (asset_adj_rec.end_of_term_value/100) * nvl(asset_adj_rec.unit_cost * asset_adj_rec.number_of_units,0);
9486             l_eot_percentage := asset_adj_rec.end_of_term_value;
9487           ELSIF ( l_eot_type_code = 'PERCENT' OR l_eot_type_code = 'RESIDUAL_PERCENT' ) AND
9488                   ( l_pricing_method = 'SF'  )
9489           THEN
9490              -- EOT is given in terms of percentage .. store the percentage
9491              -- NOTE: For overriden assets, OEC percentage doesnot matter. As they are being priced seperately
9492             l_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_amount := (asset_adj_rec.end_of_term_value/100);
9493           ELSE
9494             -- EOT is an amount so directly store it ..
9495             l_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_amount   := asset_adj_rec.end_of_term_value;
9496           END IF;
9497           -- Store the End of Term Value
9498           l_eot_amount := l_eot_amount + l_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_amount;
9499           l_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_date     := l_eot_date;
9500           l_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_miss_pay := 'N';
9501           l_residual_inflows(res_index).is_stub     := 'N';
9502           l_residual_inflows(res_index).is_arrears  := 'Y';
9503           l_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_dpp := l_cf_dpp;
9504           l_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_ppy := l_cf_ppy;
9505           -- Increment the res_index
9506           res_index := res_index + 1;
9507         END LOOP;
9508       ELSE -- ELSE IT IS A FEE
9509         lx_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount := assets_rec.fee_amount;
9510       END IF;
9511       IF l_pricing_method = 'RC' AND l_fee_yn = 'N'
9512       THEN
9513         -- Calculate the EOT Percentage Amount
9514         IF ( l_eot_type_code <> 'PERCENT' AND l_eot_type_code <> 'RESIDUAL_PERCENT' )
9515         THEN
9516           l_eot_percentage := nvl(l_eot_amount,0) / lx_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount * 100;
9517         END IF;
9518         l_asset_follows_lq_pricing := 'Y';
9519         l_rc_pricing := 'Y';
9520         -- Prioritize Configuration line ones first
9521         IF nvl(quote_rec.line_level_pricing, 'N') = 'Y'
9522         THEN
9523           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9524                 '******* Line Level Pricing is enabled at Quote *******' );
9525           -- Line level pricing has been enabled
9526           -- Store the Lease Rate Factor and Rate Template of the of the Configuration lines
9527           IF nvl(assets_rec.structured_pricing, 'N') = 'Y'
9528           THEN
9529             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9530                 '******* Structured Pricing picked @ Asset ******* ' || assets_rec.structured_pricing );
9531             l_lease_rate_factor := assets_rec.lease_rate_factor;
9532             l_asset_follows_lq_pricing := 'N';
9533             l_rc_pricing := 'N';
9534             -- May need to store the Frequency/Arrears flag even here
9535             l_target_frequency := assets_rec.target_frequency;
9536             l_target_arrears_yn := assets_rec.target_arrears;
9537           ELSIF assets_rec.rate_card_id IS NOT NULL
9538           THEN
9539             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9540                 '******* Rate Card picked @ Asset ******* '  || assets_rec.rate_card_id );
9541             l_rate_card_id := assets_rec.rate_card_id;
9542             l_asset_follows_lq_pricing := 'N';
9543             l_rc_pricing := 'Y';
9544           END IF;
9545         END IF;
9546         IF NVL(quote_rec.line_level_pricing, 'N') = 'N' OR
9547            l_asset_follows_lq_pricing = 'Y'
9548         THEN
9549           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9550                 '******* Either Line Level Pricing is NULL/N or Asset follws rate @ Quote *******' ||
9551                 quote_rec.line_level_pricing || ' | ' || l_asset_follows_lq_pricing );
9552           -- If Line level pricing is not picked or
9553           --  the configuration line is not overriding the pricing params
9554           --  picked at the lease quote level, use the data at the lease quote level itself.
9555           IF nvl(quote_rec.structured_pricing, 'N') = 'Y'
9556           THEN
9557             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9558                 '******* Structured Pricing Enabled @ Quote *******' || quote_rec.structured_pricing );
9559             l_lease_rate_factor := quote_rec.lease_rate_factor;
9560             l_rc_pricing := 'N';
9561             -- May need to store the Frequency/Arrears flag even here
9562             l_target_frequency := quote_rec.target_frequency;
9563             l_target_arrears_yn := quote_rec.target_arrears;
9564           ELSIF quote_rec.rate_card_id IS NOT NULL
9565           THEN
9566             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9567                 '******* Rate Card Picked @ Quote *******' || quote_rec.rate_card_id );
9568             l_rate_card_id := quote_rec.rate_card_id;
9569             l_rc_pricing := 'Y';
9570           END IF;
9571         END IF;
9572       ELSIF l_pricing_method = 'RC' AND l_fee_yn = 'Y'
9573       THEN
9574         -- Handling seperately for config fee FINANCED/ROLLOVER
9575         l_eot_percentage := 0;
9576         l_asset_follows_lq_pricing := 'N';
9577         IF nvl(assets_rec.structured_pricing, 'N') = 'Y'
9578         THEN
9579           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9580               '******* Structured Pricing picked @ Config FEE level = ' || assets_rec.structured_pricing );
9581           l_lease_rate_factor := assets_rec.lease_rate_factor;
9582           l_asset_follows_lq_pricing := 'N';
9583           l_rc_pricing := 'N';
9584           -- May need to store the Frequency/Arrears flag even here
9585           l_target_frequency := assets_rec.target_frequency;
9586           l_target_arrears_yn := assets_rec.target_arrears;
9587         ELSIF assets_rec.rate_card_id IS NOT NULL
9588         THEN
9589           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9590               '******* Rate Card picked @ config Fee Level = '  || assets_rec.rate_card_id );
9591           l_rate_card_id := assets_rec.rate_card_id;
9592           l_rc_pricing := 'Y';
9593         END IF;
9594       END IF;
9595       IF l_pricing_method = 'RC' AND
9596          l_rc_pricing = 'Y'
9597       THEN
9598         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9599                 'Pricing using a Rate Card with ID ' || l_rate_card_id );
9600         get_lease_rate_factors(
9601           p_api_version            => p_api_version,
9602           p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
9603           x_return_status          => l_return_status,
9604           x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
9605           x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
9606           p_lrt_id                 => l_rate_card_id,
9607           p_start_date             => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
9608           p_term_in_months         => quote_rec.term,
9609           p_eot_percentage         => l_eot_percentage,
9610           x_lrs_details            => l_lrs_details,
9611           x_lrs_factor             => l_lrs_factor,
9612           x_lrs_levels             => l_lrs_levels);
9613         -- If unable to find the Lease Rate Factor levels throw the error ..
9614         IF l_return_status <> OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
9615         THEN
9616           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9617                   'Couldnot found the Lease Rate Factor levels for configuration line ' || assets_rec.name );
9618           -- Show the message and then return back throwing an error!
9619           OKL_API.set_message(
9620             p_app_name => G_APP_NAME,
9621             p_msg_name => 'OKL_LP_NO_LRS_LEVELS_FOUND',
9622             p_token1 => 'ITEMCAT',
9623             p_token1_value => assets_rec.name,
9624             p_token2 => 'ITEMTERM',
9625             p_token2_value => quote_rec.term,
9626             p_token3 => 'ITEMEOTPERCENT',
9627             p_token3_value => ROUND(l_eot_percentage,4) );
9629         END IF;
9630         -- Apply the adjustment matrix if needed!
9631         l_adj_factor := 0;
9632         IF l_lrs_details.adj_mat_version_id IS NOT NULL
9633         THEN
9634           l_ac_rec_type.src_id := l_lrs_details.adj_mat_version_id; -- Pricing adjustment matrix ID
9635           l_ac_rec_type.source_name := NULL; -- NOT Mandatory Pricing Adjustment Matrix Name !
9636           l_ac_rec_type.target_id := quote_rec.ID ; -- Quote ID
9637           l_ac_rec_type.src_type := 'PAM'; -- Lookup Code
9638           l_ac_rec_type.target_type := 'QUOTE'; -- Same for both Quick Quote and Standard Quote
9639           l_ac_rec_type.target_eff_from  := quote_rec.expected_start_date; -- Quote effective From
9640           l_ac_rec_type.term  := quote_rec.term; -- Remaining four will be from teh business object like QQ / LQ
9641           l_ac_rec_type.territory := l_adj_mat_cat_rec.territory;
9642           l_ac_rec_type.deal_size := lx_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount; -- Not sure how to pass this value
9643           l_ac_rec_type.customer_credit_class := l_adj_mat_cat_rec.customer_credit_class; -- Not sure how to pass this even ..
9644           -- Fetching the deal_size ..
9645           -- Calling the API to get the adjustment factor ..
9646           okl_ec_evaluate_pvt.get_adjustment_factor(
9647              p_api_version       => p_api_version,
9648              p_init_msg_list     => p_init_msg_list,
9649              x_return_status     => x_return_status,
9650              x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
9651              x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
9652              p_okl_ac_rec        => l_ac_rec_type,
9653              x_adjustment_factor => l_adj_factor );
9654           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
9656           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
9658           END IF;
9659         END IF;
9660         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9661                    'Adjustment Factor ' ||  l_adj_factor );
9662         l_months_per_period := okl_stream_generator_pvt.get_months_factor(
9663                                  p_frequency     => l_lrs_details.frq_code,
9664                                  x_return_status => l_return_status);
9665         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
9667         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
9669         END IF;
9670         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9671                     'Months/Period ' || l_months_per_period );
9672         l_cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn := l_lrs_details.arrears_yn;
9673         --Populating the Cash Flow Levels
9674         l_months_after := 0;
9675         cf_index := 1;
9676         FOR i in l_lrs_levels.FIRST .. l_lrs_levels.LAST
9677         LOOP
9678           l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cf_index).fqy_code := l_lrs_details.frq_code;
9679           l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cf_index).number_of_periods := l_lrs_levels(i).periods;
9680           -- FORMULA: Periodic Amt = (Rate Factor + Adj. Factor ) * ( C - NVL( S+D+T, 0) )
9681           l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cf_index).amount :=
9682             ( l_lrs_levels(cf_index).lease_rate_factor + NVL(l_adj_factor,0) ) *
9683                 ( lx_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount - NVL(lx_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy +
9684               lx_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment + lx_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in,0 ) );
9685           l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cf_index).is_stub := 'N';
9686           -- Need to populate the start date per line .. !!
9687           okl_stream_generator_pvt.add_months_new(
9688             p_start_date     => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
9689             p_months_after   => l_months_after,
9690             x_date           => l_cash_flow_det_tbl(cf_index).start_date,
9691             x_return_status  => l_return_status);
9692           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
9694           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
9696           END IF;
9697           -- Add to the l_months_after
9698           l_months_after := l_months_after + ( l_lrs_levels(i).periods * l_months_per_period );
9699           -- Increment the index
9700           cf_index := cf_index + 1;
9701         END LOOP;
9702       ELSIF l_pricing_method = 'RC' AND
9703             l_rc_pricing = 'N'
9704       THEN
9705         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9706                 '!!!!! STRUCTURED PRICING IN RATE CARD PRICING !!!!!! ' );
9707         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9708                 'lease rate factor | Frequency | Arrears ' );
9709         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9710                 l_lease_rate_factor || ' | ' || l_target_frequency || ' | ' || l_target_arrears_yn  );
9711         l_months_per_period := okl_stream_generator_pvt.get_months_factor(
9712                                  p_frequency     => l_target_frequency,
9713                                  x_return_status => l_return_status);
9714         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
9716         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
9718         END IF;
9719         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9720                     'Months/Period ' || l_months_per_period );
9721         l_cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn := l_target_arrears_yn;
9722         --Populating the Cash Flow Levels
9723         l_months_after := 0;
9724         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).fqy_code := l_target_frequency;
9725         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).number_of_periods := quote_rec.term/l_months_per_period;
9726         -- Need to check whether the periods is a whole number or not
9727         IF trunc(l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).number_of_periods) <>
9728            l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).number_of_periods
9729         THEN
9730           -- Throw the message saying that Periods have to be whole number
9731           OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
9732             p_app_name => G_APP_NAME,
9733             p_msg_name => 'OKL_LEVEL_PERIOD_FRACTION');
9735         END IF;
9736         -- FORMULA: Periodic Amt = User Entered Rate Factor  * ( C - NVL( S+D+T, 0) )
9737         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).amount :=  l_lease_rate_factor *
9738                 ( lx_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount - NVL(lx_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy +
9739               lx_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment + lx_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in,0 ) );
9740         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).is_stub := 'N';
9741         l_cash_flow_det_tbl(1).start_date := quote_rec.expected_start_date;
9742       END IF;
9743       -- Generate the Streams based on the Cash flows obtained above
9744       IF l_cash_flow_det_tbl IS NOT NULL AND
9745          l_cash_flow_det_tbl.COUNT > 0
9746       THEN
9747         -- Initialize the Strm Count to Zero
9748         gen_so_cf_strms(
9749           p_api_version            => p_api_version,
9750           p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
9751           x_return_status          => l_return_status,
9752           x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
9753           x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
9754           p_cash_flow_rec          => l_cash_flow_rec,
9755           p_cf_details_tbl         => l_cash_flow_det_tbl,
9756           x_cash_inflow_strms_tbl  => l_cash_inflows);
9757         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9758                     'After gen_so_cf_strms ' || l_return_status);
9759         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9760                    'Number of Stream Elements generated ' || l_cash_inflows.COUNT);
9761         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
9763         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
9765         END IF;
9766       ELSE
9767         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9768                    'No Cash flow and Cash flow Levels obtained ! ' );
9769         OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
9770           p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
9771           p_msg_name     => 'OKL_LLA_PMT_SELECT');
9773       END IF; -- IF l_cash_flow_det_tbl.COUNT > 0
9774       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9775                  'After building the Residual Table Count ' || l_residual_inflows.COUNT );
9776       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9777                  'Financed Amount = ' || lx_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount);
9778       lx_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows := l_cash_inflows;
9779       lx_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows := l_residual_inflows;
9780       -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY
9781       lx_pricing_parameter_rec.cfo_id := l_cash_flow_rec.cfo_id;
9782       -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY
9783       IF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'RC'
9784       THEN
9785         -- Get the DPP and PPY inorder to populate for the Residuals Table
9786         get_dpp_ppy(
9787           p_frequency            => l_cash_flow_det_tbl(l_cash_flow_det_tbl.FIRST).fqy_code,
9788           x_dpp                  => l_cf_dpp,
9789           x_ppy                  => l_cf_ppy,
9790           x_return_status        => l_return_status );
9791         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9792                    'After get_dpp_ppy ' || l_return_status );
9793         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
9795         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
9797         END IF;
9798         IF lx_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows.COUNT > 0
9799         THEN
9800           FOR r_in IN lx_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows.FIRST ..
9801                       lx_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows.LAST
9802           LOOP
9803             lx_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows(r_in).cf_dpp := l_cf_dpp;
9804             lx_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows(r_in).cf_ppy := l_cf_ppy;
9805           END LOOP;
9806         END IF;
9807       END IF;
9808       IF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'TR' AND l_fee_yn = 'Y'
9809       THEN
9810         FOR t_in IN lx_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.FIRST ..
9811                      lx_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.LAST
9812         LOOP
9813           -- For each cash flow level use the SUB_IIR rate solved
9814           lx_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows(t_in).cf_rate := p_target_rate ;
9815         END LOOP;
9816       END IF;
9817       -- End: Fix for SY pricing method @ Asset Level
9818       IF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SM' AND l_missing_pmnts = FALSE
9819       THEN
9820         -- Nothing to be solved for
9821         NULL;
9822       ELSE
9823         IF ( ( l_fee_yn = 'Y' ) AND ( l_pricing_method IN ( 'SP', 'SM', 'TR' ) ) ) OR
9824            ( ( l_fee_yn = 'N' ) AND ( l_pricing_method NOT IN ( 'SY', 'RC' ) ) )
9825         THEN
9826           -- call compute_iir for payment
9827           -- For fees, when the pricing method is SP/SM/TR, then only we solve for the payment amount
9828           -- For Assets, when pricing method is SY/RC, therez nothing to solve
9829           IF l_pricing_method = 'SF' AND
9830              ( l_eot_type_code = 'PERCENT' OR l_eot_type_code = 'RESIDUAL_PERCENT' )
9831           THEN
9832             l_pricing_method := 'SFP';
9833           END IF;
9834           compute_iir(
9835             p_api_version            => p_api_version,
9836             p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
9837             x_return_status          => l_return_status,
9838             x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
9839             x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
9840             p_start_date             => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
9841             p_day_count_method       => l_day_count_method,
9842             p_pricing_method         => l_pricing_method,
9843             p_initial_guess          => l_initial_guess,
9844             px_pricing_parameter_rec => lx_pricing_parameter_rec,
9845             px_iir                   => x_iir,
9846             x_payment                => x_payment);
9847           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9848            'After compute_iir l_return_status = ' || l_return_status || 'Solved Payment Amount ' || x_payment);
9849           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9850             'Financed Amount | Down Payment | Subsidy | Trade in ');
9851           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9852             ROUND(lx_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount, 4) || ' | ' || ROUND(lx_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment, 4) || ' | ' ||
9853             ROUND(lx_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy, 4) || ' | ' || ROUND(lx_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in, 4)  );
9854           IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
9855             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
9856           ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
9857             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
9858           END IF;
9859           IF l_pricing_method IN ( 'SP', 'SM', 'TR' ) AND
9860              x_payment < 0
9861           THEN
9862             --Bug 5121548 dpsingh start
9863             IF l_fee_yn = 'Y'
9864             THEN
9865               OPEN fees_csr(p_qte_id,p_ast_id);
9866               FETCH fees_csr into l_fee_name;
9867               CLOSE fees_csr;
9868               OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
9869                 p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
9870                 p_msg_name     => 'OKL_NEGATIVE_ADJ_AMT_FEE',
9871                 p_token1       => 'TYPE',
9872                 p_token1_value => 'Payment',
9873                 p_token2       => 'AMOUNT',
9874                 p_token2_value => round(x_payment,2),
9875                 p_token3       => 'NAME',
9876                 p_token3_value => l_fee_name);
9877             ELSE
9878               OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
9879                 p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
9880                 p_msg_name     => 'OKL_NEGATIVE_ADJ_AMT_ASSET',
9881                 p_token1       => 'TYPE',
9882                 p_token1_value => 'Payment',
9883                 p_token2       => 'AMOUNT',
9884                 p_token2_value => round(x_payment,2),
9885                 p_token3       => 'NAME',
9886                 p_token3_value => l_asset_number);
9887             END IF;
9888             --Bug 5121548 dpsingh end
9889             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
9890           END IF;
9891           IF l_pricing_method = 'SFP'
9892           THEN
9893             l_pricing_method := 'SF';  -- Revert back the pricing method to 'SF'
9894             -- Change the residual amount
9895             IF lx_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows IS NOT NULL AND
9896                lx_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows.COUNT > 0
9897             THEN
9898               FOR t_in IN lx_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows.FIRST ..
9899                           lx_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows.LAST
9900               LOOP
9901                 lx_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows(t_in).cf_amount :=
9902                   lx_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows(t_in).cf_amount *
9903                   lx_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount;
9904                put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9905                  'lx_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows(t_in).cf_amount = ' ||
9906                  round(lx_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows(t_in).cf_amount, 4) );
9907               END LOOP;
9908             END IF; -- Count on Residual Table
9909           END IF; -- IF l_pricing_method = 'SFP'
9910         END IF;
9911       END IF;
9912     END LOOP; -- For loop on assets_csr
9913     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9914                ' quote_rec.pricing_method = ' || quote_rec.pricing_method ||
9915                'assets_rec.rate_template_id = ' || assets_rec.rate_template_id );
9916     IF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SP' OR
9917        quote_rec.pricing_method = 'RC' OR
9918        ( quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SM' AND l_missing_pmnts )OR
9919        (p_price_at_lq_level AND quote_rec.pricing_method IN ( 'SY', 'TR', 'SF') ) OR
9920        l_srt_id IS NOT NULL -- When the lines uses the SRT
9921     THEN
9922       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9923                 'Creating/Updating the Cash Flow Object !!' );
9924       -- Check whether CFO already exists or not, if so, update
9925       -- else create new
9926       l_cfo_exists := 'NO';
9927       IF l_fee_yn = 'Y'
9928       THEN
9929         l_cashflow_header_rec.parent_object_code := 'QUOTED_FEE';
9930         FOR t_rec IN check_cfo_exists_csr(
9931           p_oty_code     => 'QUOTED_FEE',
9932           p_source_table => 'OKL_FEES_B',
9933           p_source_id    => p_ast_id)
9934         LOOP
9935           l_cfo_exists := t_rec.cfo_exists;
9936           l_sty_id := t_rec.sty_id;
9937         END LOOP;
9938       ELSE
9939         l_cashflow_header_rec.parent_object_code := 'QUOTED_ASSET';
9940         FOR t_rec IN check_cfo_exists_csr(
9941           p_oty_code     => 'QUOTED_ASSET',
9942           p_source_table => 'OKL_ASSETS_B',
9943           p_source_id    => p_ast_id)
9944         LOOP
9945           l_cfo_exists := t_rec.cfo_exists;
9946           l_sty_id := t_rec.sty_id;
9947         END LOOP;
9948       END IF;
9949       -- IF cash flows exists delete the existing ones and create afresh ..
9950       IF l_cfo_exists = 'YES'
9951       THEN
9952         -- Delete the Cash Flow Levels which may be already created by Pricing ..
9953         okl_lease_quote_cashflow_pvt.delete_cashflows (
9954           p_api_version          => p_api_version,
9955           p_init_msg_list        => p_init_msg_list,
9956           p_transaction_control  => NULL,
9957           p_source_object_code   => l_cashflow_header_rec.parent_object_code,
9958           p_source_object_id     => p_ast_id,
9959           x_return_status        => l_return_status,
9960           x_msg_count            => x_msg_count,
9961           x_msg_data             => x_msg_data);
9962         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9963                   ' ----- After deleting the Cash flows for the asset  ' || l_return_status );
9964         IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
9965           RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
9966         ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
9967           RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
9968         END IF;
9969       ELSE
9970         FOR t_rec IN c_strm_type (
9971              pdtId        => quote_rec.product_id,
9972              expStartDate => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
9973              strm_purpose => 'RENT')
9974         LOOP
9975           l_sty_id := t_rec.payment_type_id;
9976           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9977                   'Fetched stream type id from the cursor' || l_sty_id );
9978         END LOOP;
9979       END IF;
9980       --  Create cash flows in case of user using the SRT
9981       l_cashflow_header_rec.parent_object_id := p_ast_id;
9982       l_cashflow_header_rec.type_code := 'INFLOW';
9983       l_cashflow_header_rec.status_code := l_cash_flow_rec.sts_code;
9984       IF p_price_at_lq_level = TRUE
9985       THEN
9986         -- You will reach this code only when you are actually Solving for Payment
9987         -- or Missing Payment for the Assets, which follow the payment strucutre
9988         -- at the lease quote, and you want to find out the payment at each and every
9989         -- Non-overriding Fee/Asset.
9990         -- Pricing solves the payment amount for all the non-overriding assets and
9991         -- store the WORK statused cash flow levels.
9992        l_cashflow_header_rec.status_code := 'WORK';
9993       END IF;
9994       l_cashflow_header_rec.arrears_flag := l_cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn;
9995       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
9996                   'Stream type id using for creation of cash flows ' || l_sty_id );
9997       IF l_sty_id IS NULL AND
9998          l_fee_yn = 'N'
9999       THEN
10000         -- When pricing option is SRT, you may come here ..
10001         FOR t_rec IN c_strm_type (
10002              pdtId        => quote_rec.product_id,
10003              expStartDate => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
10004              strm_purpose => 'RENT')
10005         LOOP
10006           l_sty_id := t_rec.payment_type_id;
10007           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
10008                   'Fetched stream type id from the cursor' || l_sty_id );
10009         END LOOP;
10010       END IF;
10011       IF l_cash_flow_rec.sty_id IS NOT NULL
10012       THEN
10013         l_cashflow_header_rec.stream_type_id := l_cash_flow_rec.sty_id;
10014       ELSE
10015         l_cashflow_header_rec.stream_type_id := l_sty_id;
10016       END IF;
10017       -- Exception for Stream Type id is: TR pricing method, Fees=Yes,
10018       IF l_fee_yn = 'Y' and quote_rec.pricing_method = 'TR'
10019       THEN
10020         FOR t_rec IN c_fee_pmnt_strm_type_csr ( pdtId => quote_rec.product_id,
10021               expStartDate => quote_rec.expected_start_date, strm_purpose => 'FEE_PAYMENT')
10022         LOOP
10023           l_cashflow_header_rec.stream_type_id := t_rec.payment_type_id;
10024           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
10025                   'Fetched fee pmnt cursor id from the cursor' || l_sty_id );
10026           EXIT;
10027         END LOOP;
10028       END IF;
10029       l_cashflow_header_rec.frequency_code := l_cash_flow_det_tbl(l_cash_flow_det_tbl.FIRST).fqy_code;
10030       l_cashflow_header_rec.quote_type_code := l_quote_type_code;
10031       l_cashflow_header_rec.quote_id := p_qte_id;
10032       FOR i in l_cash_flow_det_tbl.FIRST..l_cash_flow_det_tbl.LAST
10033       LOOP
10034         l_cashflow_level_tbl(i).start_date := l_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).start_date;
10035         IF p_price_at_lq_level AND quote_rec.pricing_method IN ('SY', 'TR', 'SF')
10036         THEN
10037           l_cashflow_level_tbl(i).rate := quote_rec.sub_iir;
10038         ELSE
10039           l_cashflow_level_tbl(i).rate := l_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).rate;
10040         END IF;
10041         l_cashflow_level_tbl(i).stub_amount := l_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).stub_amount;
10042         l_cashflow_level_tbl(i).stub_days := l_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).stub_days;
10043         l_cashflow_level_tbl(i).periods := l_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).number_of_periods;
10044         l_cashflow_level_tbl(i).periodic_amount := l_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).amount;
10045         IF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'RC'
10046         THEN
10047           l_cashflow_level_tbl(i).periodic_amount := l_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).amount;
10048         ELSIF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SP' OR
10049              ( p_price_at_lq_level AND quote_rec.pricing_method IN ('SY', 'TR', 'SF'))
10050         THEN
10051           -- Pricing would have solved the periodic/stub amount for all cash flow levels
10052           IF l_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).stub_days > 0
10053           THEN
10054             l_cashflow_level_tbl(i).stub_amount := x_payment;
10055           ELSIF l_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).number_of_periods > 0
10056           THEN
10057             l_cashflow_level_tbl(i).periodic_amount := x_payment;
10058           END IF;
10059         ELSIF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SM'
10060         THEN
10061           -- Pricing would have solved the periodic/stub amount for only the cash flow
10062           -- level which misses it ..
10063           IF l_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).stub_days > 0 AND l_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).stub_amount IS NULL
10064           THEN
10065             l_cashflow_level_tbl(i).stub_amount := x_payment;
10066             l_cashflow_level_tbl(i).missing_pmt_flag := 'Y';
10067           ELSIF l_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).number_of_periods > 0 AND l_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).amount IS NULL
10068           THEN
10069             l_cashflow_level_tbl(i).periodic_amount := x_payment;
10070             l_cashflow_level_tbl(i).missing_pmt_flag := 'Y';
10071           END IF;
10072         END IF;
10073         l_cashflow_level_tbl(i).record_mode := 'CREATE';
10074       END LOOP;
10075       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
10076                 'Before calling create_cash_flow ' );
10077       OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.create_cashflow(
10078         p_api_version         => p_api_version,
10079         p_init_msg_list       => p_init_msg_list,
10080         p_transaction_control => NULL,
10081         p_cashflow_header_rec => l_cashflow_header_rec,
10082         p_cashflow_level_tbl  => l_cashflow_level_tbl,
10083         x_return_status       => l_return_status,
10084         x_msg_count           => x_msg_count,
10085         x_msg_data            => x_msg_data);
10086       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
10088       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
10090       END IF;
10091       -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
10092       lx_pricing_parameter_rec.cfo_id := l_cashflow_header_rec.cashflow_object_id;
10093       -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
10094       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
10095               'After calling create_cash_flow ' || l_return_status);
10096      END IF;
10097      -- When the pricing method is SP/SM update the pricing rec with the
10098      --  solved payment amount back
10099      IF quote_rec.pricing_method IN ( 'SP', 'TR' ) OR
10100         ( quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SM' AND l_missing_pmnts )
10101      THEN
10102        put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
10103                 'Updating the Cash inflows back with the solved payment amount ' || x_payment);
10104        FOR t_in IN lx_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.FIRST ..
10105                    lx_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.LAST
10106        LOOP
10107          IF lx_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows(t_in).cf_miss_pay = 'Y' OR
10108             quote_rec.pricing_method IN ( 'SP', 'TR' )
10109          THEN
10110            lx_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows(t_in).cf_amount := x_payment;
10111          END IF;
10112          put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
10113                     lx_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows(t_in).cf_date || ' | ' ||
10114                     lx_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows(t_in).cf_miss_pay || ' | ' ||
10115                     lx_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows(t_in).cf_amount );
10116        END LOOP;
10117      END IF;
10118      IF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SF' AND
10119         p_price_at_lq_level = FALSE
10120      THEN
10121        lx_asset_rec.id  := p_ast_id;
10122        IF (l_fee_yn = 'N')
10123        THEN
10124          -- Need to change here to call the okl_lease_quote_asset_pvt.update_asset
10125         l_asset_rec.id  := p_ast_id;
10126         l_asset_rec.oec := lx_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount;
10127         FOR t_rec IN c_asset_comp_csr( p_asset_id => p_ast_id )
10128         LOOP
10129           l_component_tbl(1).id := t_rec.id;
10130           l_component_tbl(1).unit_cost := l_asset_rec.oec / t_rec.number_of_units;
10131           l_component_tbl(1).record_mode := 'update';
10132           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
10133                     'Updated l_component_tbl(1).unit_cost =  ' || l_component_tbl(1).unit_cost );
10134         END LOOP;
10135         -- Call the update api to store back the calculated OEC of the Asset!
10136         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
10137                   'Before OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_ASSET_PVT.update_asset ');
10138         -- Instead we need to use the OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_ASSET_PVT.update_asset
10139         OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_ASSET_PVT.update_asset (
10140           p_api_version         => p_api_version,
10141           p_init_msg_list       => p_init_msg_list,
10142           p_transaction_control => 'T',
10143           p_asset_rec           => l_asset_rec,
10144           p_component_tbl       => l_component_tbl,
10145           p_cf_hdr_rec          => l_cf_hdr_rec,
10146           p_cf_level_tbl        => l_cf_level_tbl,
10147           x_return_status       => l_return_status,
10148           x_msg_count           => x_msg_count,
10149           x_msg_data            => x_msg_data);
10150         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
10151             'After OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_ASSET_PVT.update_asset ' || l_return_status );
10152         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
10154         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
10156         END IF;
10157       ELSE
10158         -- Do Nothing
10159         NULL;
10160       END IF;
10161      ELSIF (quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SD' OR
10162             quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SI' OR
10163             quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SS') AND (l_fee_yn = 'N')
10164      THEN
10165        ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10166        -- Create an Asset Cost Adjustment for the Solved Down Payment/Trade-in/Subsidy !!
10167        ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10168        -- Need to populate the following !!
10169        l_ass_adj_tbl.DELETE;
10170        l_ass_adj_tbl(1).parent_object_code := 'ASSET';
10171        l_ass_adj_tbl(1).parent_object_id := p_ast_id;
10172        l_ass_adj_tbl(1).basis := 'FIXED';
10173        IF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SI'
10174        THEN
10175          l_ass_adj_tbl(1).adjustment_source_type := 'TRADEIN';
10176          l_ass_adj_tbl(1).VALUE := lx_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in;
10177          l_adj_type := 'Trade-in';
10178        ELSIF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SD'
10179        THEN
10180          l_ass_adj_tbl(1).adjustment_source_type := 'DOWN_PAYMENT';
10181          l_ass_adj_tbl(1).VALUE := lx_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment;
10182          l_adj_type := 'Down Payment';
10183        ELSIF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SS'
10184        THEN
10185          l_ass_adj_tbl(1).adjustment_source_type := 'SUBSIDY';
10186          l_ass_adj_tbl(1).VALUE := lx_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy;
10187          l_adj_type := 'Subsidy';
10188        END IF;
10189        IF l_ass_adj_tbl(1).VALUE < 0 THEN
10190          --Bug 5121548 dpsingh start
10191          OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
10192            p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
10193            p_msg_name     => 'OKL_NEGATIVE_ADJ_AMT_ASSET',
10194            p_token1       => 'TYPE',
10195            p_token1_value => l_adj_type,
10196            p_token2       => 'AMOUNT',
10197            p_token2_value => round(l_ass_adj_tbl(1).VALUE, 2),
10198            p_token3       => 'NAME',
10199            p_token3_value => l_asset_number);
10200          --Bug 5121548 dpsingh end
10201          RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
10202        END IF;
10203        okl_lease_quote_asset_pvt.create_adjustment(
10204          p_api_version             => p_api_version,
10205          p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
10206          p_transaction_control     => FND_API.G_TRUE,
10207          p_asset_adj_tbl           => l_ass_adj_tbl,
10208          x_return_status           => l_return_status,
10209          x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
10210          x_msg_data                => x_msg_data );
10211        put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
10212                   'After okl_lease_quote.asset.create_adjustment ' || l_return_status);
10213        IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
10214          RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
10215        ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
10216          RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
10217        END IF;
10218      END IF; -- IF quote_rec.pricing_method  .....
10219      -- Actual logic Ends here
10220      x_pricing_parameter_rec := lx_pricing_parameter_rec;
10221      x_return_status := l_return_status;
10222      OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
10223                           x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
10224      put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
10225             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_name) );
10228       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
10229                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
10230                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
10231                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
10232                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
10233                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
10234                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
10236       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
10237                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
10238                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
10239                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
10240                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
10241                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
10242                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
10244       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
10245                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
10246                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
10247                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
10248                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
10249                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
10250                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
10251   END price_standard_quote_asset;
10252   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10253   -- Start of Commnets
10254   -- Procedure Name       : is_asset_overriding
10255   -- Description          :
10256   -- Business Rules       :
10257   -- Parameters           :
10258   -- Version              : 1.0
10259   -- History              : rgooty 5-Aug-2005 - created
10260   -- This is the API, which will return TRUE, if an Asset in a Lease Quote has overridden
10261   --  the Payment option defined at the quote level, otherwise if it has to follow the payment
10262   --  option at the quote level, return false !
10263   -- End of Commnets
10264   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10265    FUNCTION is_asset_overriding( p_qte_id                IN NUMBER,
10266                                 p_ast_id                IN NUMBER,
10267                                 p_lq_line_level_pricing IN VARCHAR2,
10268                                 p_lq_srt_id             IN NUMBER,
10269                                 p_ast_srt_id            IN NUMBER,
10270                                 p_lq_struct_pricing     IN VARCHAR2,
10271                                 p_ast_struct_pricing    IN VARCHAR2,
10272                                 p_lq_arrears_yn         IN VARCHAR2,
10273                                 p_ast_arrears_yn        IN VARCHAR2,
10274                                 x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
10276   AS
10277     l_api_name           CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT 'is_asset_overriding';
10278     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
10279     l_ret_value                   BOOLEAN;
10280   BEGIN
10282     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
10283     l_ret_value := FALSE;
10284     IF p_lq_line_level_pricing = 'Y' AND
10285        p_lq_struct_pricing IS NULL AND
10286        p_lq_srt_id IS NULL
10287     THEN
10288       -- User opted for Line level override, havent picked Structured Pricing at Quote level
10289       -- and havent picked SRT too at quote level. This means all assets are overriding
10290       l_ret_value := TRUE;
10291     ELSIF p_lq_line_level_pricing IS NULL OR
10292        p_lq_line_level_pricing = 'N'
10293     THEN
10294       l_ret_value := FALSE;
10295     ELSIF p_lq_struct_pricing = 'Y' AND
10296           p_ast_struct_pricing = 'Y'
10297     THEN
10298       -- Case 1: Two scenarios possible here !
10299       -- Lq has a structured payment structure and Asset follows another structured payment structure
10300       IF p_lq_line_level_pricing = 'Y'
10301       THEN
10302         l_ret_value := TRUE;
10303       ELSE
10304         l_ret_value := FALSE;
10305       END IF;
10306     ELSIF p_lq_struct_pricing = 'Y' AND
10307           ( p_ast_struct_pricing = 'N' OR p_ast_srt_id IS NOT NULL )
10308     THEN
10309       -- Case 2: LQ with Structured Pricing and Asset linked to SRT
10310       l_ret_value := TRUE;
10311     ELSIF p_ast_struct_pricing = 'Y' AND
10312           ( p_lq_struct_pricing = 'N' OR p_lq_srt_id IS NOT NULL )
10313     THEN
10314       -- Case 3: LQ linked to SRT and Asset following Strucured Pricing
10315       l_ret_value := TRUE;
10316     ELSIF p_lq_srt_id IS NOT NULL AND
10317           p_ast_srt_id IS NOT NULL AND
10318           p_lq_srt_id <> p_ast_srt_id
10319     THEN
10320       -- Case 4: User picked the SRT at the quote level and at the Asset level
10321       --         also, user picked another SRT !
10322       l_ret_value := TRUE;
10323     ELSIF p_lq_srt_id IS NOT NULL AND
10324           p_ast_srt_id IS NOT NULL AND
10325           p_lq_srt_id = p_ast_srt_id AND
10326           nvl(p_lq_arrears_yn, 'N') <> nvl(p_ast_arrears_yn, 'N')
10327     THEN
10328       -- Case 5: User picked the same SRT at Quote and Asset level,
10329       -- but varied Advance/Arrears
10330       l_ret_value := TRUE;
10331     ELSIF p_lq_srt_id IS NOT NULL AND
10332           p_ast_srt_id IS NOT NULL AND
10333           p_lq_line_level_pricing = 'Y'
10334     THEN
10335       -- Case 6: User picked the same SRT at Quote and Asset level.
10336       -- Returning TRUE in this case also, as User picked the same SRT explicitly
10337       -- but enabling the Line Level Override.
10338       l_ret_value := TRUE;
10339     END IF;
10340     x_return_status := l_return_status;
10341     return l_ret_value;
10344     THEN
10345       x_return_status := G_RET_STS_ERROR;
10347     THEN
10348       x_return_status := G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
10349     WHEN OTHERS
10350     THEN
10351       OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
10352                            p_msg_name     => G_DB_ERROR,
10353                            p_token1       => G_PROG_NAME_TOKEN,
10354                            p_token1_value => l_api_name,
10355                            p_token2       => G_SQLCODE_TOKEN,
10356                            p_token2_value => sqlcode,
10357                            p_token3       => G_SQLERRM_TOKEN,
10358                            p_token3_value => sqlerrm);
10359       x_return_status := G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
10360   END is_asset_overriding;
10362   -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
10363   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10364   -- Start of Commnets
10365   -- Procedure Name       : get_lq_srvc_cash_flows
10366   -- Description          :
10367   -- Business Rules       :
10368   -- Parameters           :
10369   -- Version              : 1.0
10370   -- History              : RGOOTY   27-May-2008 - created
10371   -- End of Commnets
10372   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10373   PROCEDURE get_lq_srvc_cash_flows(
10374               p_api_version      IN          NUMBER,
10375               p_init_msg_list    IN          VARCHAR2,
10376               x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
10377               x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
10378               x_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
10379               p_srvc_type        IN          VARCHAR2,
10380               p_lq_id            IN          NUMBER,
10381               p_srvc_id          IN          NUMBER,
10382               x_inflow_caf_rec   OUT NOCOPY  so_cash_flows_rec_type,
10383               x_inflow_cfl_tbl   OUT NOCOPY  so_cash_flow_details_tbl_type)
10384   IS
10385     -- Cursor to fetch the Lease Quotes Cash Flow Details
10386     CURSOR lq_cash_flows_csr(
10387              p_id        NUMBER,
10388              p_cf_source VARCHAR2,
10389              p_cft_code  VARCHAR2)
10390     IS
10391       SELECT   cf.id  caf_id
10392               ,dnz_khr_id khr_id
10393               ,dnz_qte_id qte_id
10394               ,cfo_id cfo_id
10395               ,sts_code sts_code
10396               ,sty_id sty_id
10397               ,cft_code cft_code
10398               ,due_arrears_yn due_arrears_yn
10399               ,start_date start_date
10400               ,number_of_advance_periods number_of_advance_periods
10401               ,cfo.oty_code oty_code
10402       FROM    OKL_CASH_FLOWS         cf,
10403               OKL_CASH_FLOW_OBJECTS  cfo
10404      WHERE    cf.cfo_id        = cfo.id
10405        AND    cfo.source_table = p_cf_source
10406        AND    cfo.source_id    = p_id
10407        AND    cf .cft_code     = p_cft_code ;
10409     -- Cursor to fetch the Cash Flow Details
10410     CURSOR cash_flow_levels_csr( p_caf_id NUMBER )
10411     IS
10412       SELECT  id cfl_id
10413              ,caf_id
10414              ,fqy_code
10415              ,rate  -- No rate is defined at Cash Flows Level.. Need to confirm
10416              ,stub_days
10417              ,stub_amount
10418              ,number_of_periods
10419              ,amount
10420              ,start_date
10422        WHERE caf_id = p_caf_id
10423       ORDER BY start_date;
10425     l_api_version        CONSTANT NUMBER       DEFAULT 1.0;
10426     l_api_name           CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT 'get_lq_srvc_cash_flows';
10427     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
10428     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
10429                       || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
10431     l_debug_enabled             VARCHAR2(10);
10432     is_debug_procedure_on       BOOLEAN;
10433     is_debug_statement_on       BOOLEAN;
10434     cfl_index                   NUMBER;
10435   BEGIN
10436     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
10437     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
10438     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
10439     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
10440                               'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
10441     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
10442     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
10443     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
10444                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
10445                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
10446                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
10447                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
10448                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
10449                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
10450                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
10451     --Check if activity started successfully
10452     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
10454     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
10456     END IF;
10458     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
10460     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
10461                   '!!!!! Fetching the Inflow Cash flows for service ' || p_srvc_type );
10463       FOR t_rec IN  lq_cash_flows_csr(
10464                p_id        => p_srvc_id,
10465                p_cf_source => 'OKL_SERVICES_B',
10466                p_cft_code  => 'PAYMENT_SCHEDULE')
10467       LOOP
10468         x_inflow_caf_rec.caf_id   := t_rec.caf_id;
10469         x_inflow_caf_rec.khr_id   := t_rec.khr_id;
10470         x_inflow_caf_rec.khr_id   := t_rec.khr_id;
10471         x_inflow_caf_rec.qte_id   := t_rec.qte_id;
10472         x_inflow_caf_rec.cfo_id   := t_rec.cfo_id;
10473         x_inflow_caf_rec.sts_code := t_rec.sts_code;
10474         x_inflow_caf_rec.sty_id   := t_rec.sty_id;
10475         x_inflow_caf_rec.cft_code := t_rec.cft_code;
10476         x_inflow_caf_rec.due_arrears_yn := t_rec.due_arrears_yn;
10477         x_inflow_caf_rec.start_date     := t_rec.start_date;
10478         x_inflow_caf_rec.number_of_advance_periods := t_rec.number_of_advance_periods;
10479         -- Use l_retun_status as a flag
10480         l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
10481       END LOOP;
10482       -- Fetch the Cash Flow Levels information only if the Cash Flow is present..
10483       IF l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
10484       THEN
10485         cfl_index := 1;
10486         -- Cash Flows exists. So, fetch the Cash Flow Levels
10487         FOR t_rec in cash_flow_levels_csr( x_inflow_caf_rec.caf_id )
10488         LOOP
10489           x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).cfl_id   := t_rec.cfl_id;
10490           x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).caf_id   := t_rec.caf_id;
10491           x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).fqy_code   := t_rec.fqy_code;
10492           x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).rate       := t_rec.rate;
10493           x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).stub_days   := t_rec.stub_days;
10494           x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).stub_amount   := t_rec.stub_amount;
10495           x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).number_of_periods   := t_rec.number_of_periods;
10496           x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).amount := t_rec.amount;
10497           x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).start_date := t_rec.start_date;
10498           x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).locked_amt := 'Y';
10499           -- Remember the flag whether its a stub payment or not
10500           IF t_rec.stub_days IS NOT NULL and t_rec.stub_amount IS NOT NULL
10501           THEN
10502             -- Stub Payment
10503             x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).is_stub := 'Y';
10504           ELSE
10505             -- Regular Periodic Payment
10506             x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).is_stub := 'N';
10507           END IF;
10508           -- Use l_retun_status as a flag
10509           l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
10510           -- Increment i
10511           cfl_index := cfl_index + 1;
10512         END LOOP;
10513       ELSE
10514         -- Show an error saying that no cash flow levels found
10515         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
10516                   '!!!!! No Inflow Cash flow levels obtained for the service ' || p_srvc_type );
10517         OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
10518             p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
10519             p_msg_name     => 'OKL_LLA_PMT_SELECT');
10521       END IF;
10523     -- Setting up the return variables
10524     x_return_status := l_return_status;
10525     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
10526                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
10527     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
10528             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_version) );
10531       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
10532                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
10533                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
10534                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
10535                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
10536                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
10537                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
10539       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
10540                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
10541                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
10542                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
10543                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
10544                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
10545                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
10547       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
10548                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
10549                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
10550                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
10551                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
10552                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
10553                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
10554   END get_lq_srvc_cash_flows;
10555   --end bkatraga
10556   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10557   -- Start of Commnets
10558   -- Procedure Name       : Price_Standard_Quote
10559   -- Description          :
10560   -- Business Rules       :
10561   -- Parameters           :
10562   -- Version              : 1.0
10563   -- History              : ssiruvol 22-May-2005 - created
10564   -- End of Commnets
10565   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10566   PROCEDURE get_lq_fee_cash_flows(
10567               p_api_version      IN          NUMBER,
10568               p_init_msg_list    IN          VARCHAR2,
10569               x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
10570               x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
10571               x_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
10572               p_fee_type         IN          VARCHAR2,
10573               p_lq_id            IN          NUMBER,
10574               p_fee_id           IN          NUMBER,
10575               x_outflow_caf_rec  OUT NOCOPY  so_cash_flows_rec_type,
10576               x_outflow_cfl_tbl  OUT NOCOPY  so_cash_flow_details_tbl_type,
10577               x_inflow_caf_rec   OUT NOCOPY  so_cash_flows_rec_type,
10578               x_inflow_cfl_tbl   OUT NOCOPY  so_cash_flow_details_tbl_type)
10579   IS
10580     -- Cursor to fetch the Lease Quotes Cash Flow Details
10581     CURSOR lq_cash_flows_csr(
10582              p_id        NUMBER,
10583              p_cf_source VARCHAR2,
10584              p_cft_code  VARCHAR2)
10585     IS
10586       SELECT   cf.id  caf_id
10587               ,dnz_khr_id khr_id
10588               ,dnz_qte_id qte_id
10589               ,cfo_id cfo_id
10590               ,sts_code sts_code
10591               ,sty_id sty_id
10592               ,cft_code cft_code
10593               ,due_arrears_yn due_arrears_yn
10594               ,start_date start_date
10595               ,number_of_advance_periods number_of_advance_periods
10596               ,cfo.oty_code oty_code
10597       FROM    OKL_CASH_FLOWS         cf,
10598               OKL_CASH_FLOW_OBJECTS  cfo
10599      WHERE    cf.cfo_id        = cfo.id
10600        AND    cfo.source_table = p_cf_source
10601        AND    cfo.source_id    = p_id
10602        AND    cf .cft_code     = p_cft_code ;
10603     -- Cursor to fetch the Cash Flow Details
10604     CURSOR cash_flow_levels_csr( p_caf_id NUMBER )
10605     IS
10606       SELECT  id cfl_id
10607              ,caf_id
10608              ,fqy_code
10609              ,rate  -- No rate is defined at Cash Flows Level.. Need to confirm
10610              ,stub_days
10611              ,stub_amount
10612              ,number_of_periods
10613              ,amount
10614              ,start_date
10616        WHERE caf_id = p_caf_id
10617       ORDER BY start_date;
10619     l_api_version        CONSTANT NUMBER       DEFAULT 1.0;
10620     l_api_name           CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT 'get_lq_fee_cash_flows';
10621     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
10622     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
10623                       || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
10625     l_debug_enabled             VARCHAR2(10);
10626     is_debug_procedure_on       BOOLEAN;
10627     is_debug_statement_on       BOOLEAN;
10628     cfl_index                   NUMBER;
10629   BEGIN
10630    l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
10631     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
10632     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
10633     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
10634                               'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
10635     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
10636     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
10637     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
10638                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
10639                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
10640                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
10641                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
10642                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
10643                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
10644                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
10645     --Check if activity started successfully
10646     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
10648     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
10650     END IF;
10651     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
10652     -- Expense Fees/Miscellaneous Fees will have OUTFLOW_SCHEDULE oty_code cash flows
10653     IF p_fee_type IN ( 'EXPENSE', 'MISCELLANEOUS' )
10654     THEN
10655       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
10656                   '!!!!! Fetching the Expense Cash flows for fee type ' || p_fee_type );
10657       FOR t_rec IN  lq_cash_flows_csr(
10658                p_id        => p_fee_id,
10659                p_cf_source => 'OKL_FEES_B',
10660                p_cft_code  => 'OUTFLOW_SCHEDULE')
10661       LOOP
10662         x_outflow_caf_rec.caf_id   := t_rec.caf_id;
10663         x_outflow_caf_rec.khr_id   := t_rec.khr_id;
10664         x_outflow_caf_rec.khr_id   := t_rec.khr_id;
10665         x_outflow_caf_rec.qte_id   := t_rec.qte_id;
10666         x_outflow_caf_rec.cfo_id   := t_rec.cfo_id;
10667         x_outflow_caf_rec.sts_code := t_rec.sts_code;
10668         x_outflow_caf_rec.sty_id   := t_rec.sty_id;
10669         x_outflow_caf_rec.cft_code := t_rec.cft_code;
10670         x_outflow_caf_rec.due_arrears_yn := t_rec.due_arrears_yn;
10671         x_outflow_caf_rec.start_date     := t_rec.start_date;
10672         x_outflow_caf_rec.number_of_advance_periods := t_rec.number_of_advance_periods;
10673         -- Use l_retun_status as a flag
10674         l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
10675       END LOOP;
10676       -- Fetch the Cash Flow Levels information only if the Cash Flow is present..
10677       IF l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
10678       THEN
10679         cfl_index := 1;
10680         -- Cash Flows exists. So, fetch the Cash Flow Levels
10681         FOR t_rec in cash_flow_levels_csr( x_outflow_caf_rec.caf_id )
10682         LOOP
10683           x_outflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).cfl_id   := t_rec.cfl_id;
10684           x_outflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).caf_id   := t_rec.caf_id;
10685           x_outflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).fqy_code   := t_rec.fqy_code;
10686           x_outflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).rate       := t_rec.rate;
10687           x_outflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).stub_days   := t_rec.stub_days;
10688           x_outflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).stub_amount   := t_rec.stub_amount;
10689           x_outflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).number_of_periods   := t_rec.number_of_periods;
10690           x_outflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).amount := t_rec.amount;
10691           x_outflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).start_date := t_rec.start_date;
10692           x_outflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).locked_amt := 'Y';
10693           -- Remember the flag whether its a stub payment or not
10694           IF t_rec.stub_days IS NOT NULL and t_rec.stub_amount IS NOT NULL
10695           THEN
10696             -- Stub Payment
10697             x_outflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).is_stub := 'Y';
10698           ELSE
10699             -- Regular Periodic Payment
10700             x_outflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).is_stub := 'N';
10701           END IF;
10702           -- Use l_retun_status as a flag
10703           l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
10704           -- Increment i
10705           cfl_index := cfl_index + 1;
10706         END LOOP;
10707       ELSE
10708         -- Show an error saying that no cash flow levels found
10709         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
10710                   '!!!!! No Cash flow levels obtained for the fee type ' || p_fee_type );
10711         OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
10712           p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
10713           p_msg_name     => 'OKL_AM_NO_PYMT_INFO');
10715       END IF;
10716     END IF; -- If p_fee_type = 'EXPENSE'/'MISCELLANEOUS'
10717     -- Income Fees/Security Deposit will have PAYMENT_SCHEDULE cash flows
10718     --  Miscellaneous Fees may have an inflow PAYMENT_SCHEDULE ( Not Mandatory for Payment )
10719     IF p_fee_type IN ( 'INCOME', 'SECDEPOSIT', 'MISCELLANEOUS' )
10720     THEN
10721       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
10722                   '!!!!! Fetching the Income Cash flows for fee type ' || p_fee_type );
10723       l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
10724       FOR t_rec IN  lq_cash_flows_csr(
10725                p_id        => p_fee_id,
10726                p_cf_source => 'OKL_FEES_B',
10727                p_cft_code  => 'PAYMENT_SCHEDULE')
10728       LOOP
10729         x_inflow_caf_rec.caf_id   := t_rec.caf_id;
10730         x_inflow_caf_rec.khr_id   := t_rec.khr_id;
10731         x_inflow_caf_rec.khr_id   := t_rec.khr_id;
10732         x_inflow_caf_rec.qte_id   := t_rec.qte_id;
10733         x_inflow_caf_rec.cfo_id   := t_rec.cfo_id;
10734         x_inflow_caf_rec.sts_code := t_rec.sts_code;
10735         x_inflow_caf_rec.sty_id   := t_rec.sty_id;
10736         x_inflow_caf_rec.cft_code := t_rec.cft_code;
10737         x_inflow_caf_rec.due_arrears_yn := t_rec.due_arrears_yn;
10738         x_inflow_caf_rec.start_date     := t_rec.start_date;
10739         x_inflow_caf_rec.number_of_advance_periods := t_rec.number_of_advance_periods;
10740         -- Use l_retun_status as a flag
10741         l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
10742       END LOOP;
10743       -- Fetch the Cash Flow Levels information only if the Cash Flow is present..
10744       IF l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
10745       THEN
10746         cfl_index := 1;
10747         -- Cash Flows exists. So, fetch the Cash Flow Levels
10748         FOR t_rec in cash_flow_levels_csr( x_inflow_caf_rec.caf_id )
10749         LOOP
10750           x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).cfl_id   := t_rec.cfl_id;
10751           x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).caf_id   := t_rec.caf_id;
10752           x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).fqy_code   := t_rec.fqy_code;
10753           x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).rate       := t_rec.rate;
10754           x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).stub_days   := t_rec.stub_days;
10755           x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).stub_amount   := t_rec.stub_amount;
10756           x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).number_of_periods   := t_rec.number_of_periods;
10757           x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).amount := t_rec.amount;
10758           x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).start_date := t_rec.start_date;
10759           x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).locked_amt := 'Y';
10760           -- Remember the flag whether its a stub payment or not
10761           IF t_rec.stub_days IS NOT NULL and t_rec.stub_amount IS NOT NULL
10762           THEN
10763             -- Stub Payment
10764             x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).is_stub := 'Y';
10765           ELSE
10766             -- Regular Periodic Payment
10767             x_inflow_cfl_tbl(cfl_index).is_stub := 'N';
10768           END IF;
10769           -- Use l_retun_status as a flag
10770           l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
10771           -- Increment i
10772           cfl_index := cfl_index + 1;
10773         END LOOP;
10774       ELSE
10775         -- Show an error saying that no cash flow levels found
10776         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
10777                   '!!!!! No Cash flow levels obtained for the fee type ' || p_fee_type );
10778         IF p_fee_type <>  'MISCELLANEOUS'
10779         THEN
10780           OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
10781             p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
10782             p_msg_name     => 'OKL_LLA_PMT_SELECT');
10784         END IF;
10785       END IF;
10786     END IF; -- If p_fee_type = 'INCOME'/'SECDEPOSIT'/'MISCELLANEOUS'
10787     -- Setting up the return variables
10788     x_return_status := l_return_status;
10789     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
10790                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
10791     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
10792             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_version) );
10795       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
10796                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
10797                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
10798                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
10799                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
10800                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
10801                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
10803       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
10804                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
10805                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
10806                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
10807                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
10808                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
10809                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
10811       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
10812                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
10813                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
10814                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
10815                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
10816                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
10817                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
10818   END get_lq_fee_cash_flows;
10819   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10820   -- Start of Commnets
10821   -- Procedure Name       : solve_pmnts_at_lq
10822   -- Description          :
10823   -- Business Rules       :
10824   -- Parameters           :
10825   -- Version              : 1.0
10826   -- History              : rgooty 6-Mar-20006 Created.
10827   -- End of Commnets
10828   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10829   PROCEDURE solve_pmnts_at_lq(
10830              p_api_version          IN            NUMBER,
10831              p_init_msg_list        IN            VARCHAR2,
10832              x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
10833              x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
10834              x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
10835              p_id                   IN            NUMBER,
10836              x_caf_rec                 OUT NOCOPY OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.cashflow_header_rec_type,
10837              x_cfl_tbl                 OUT NOCOPY OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.cashflow_level_tbl_type,
10838              x_solved                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
10839   IS
10840     -- Cursor to fetch all the Assets in a Lease Quote
10841     CURSOR all_assets_csr( p_qte_id IN okl_lease_quotes_b.id%TYPE)
10842     IS
10843       SELECT ast.id               ast_id,
10844              ast.asset_number ast_number
10845         FROM okl_assets_b ast,
10846              okl_lease_quotes_b qte
10847        WHERE ast.parent_object_code = 'LEASEQUOTE'
10848          AND ast.parent_object_id = qte.id
10849          AND qte.id = p_qte_id;
10850     all_assets_rec       all_assets_csr%ROWTYPE;
10851     -- Cursor to fetch the payment structure defined/derieved of an asset
10852     CURSOR ast_payments_csr( p_ast_id OKL_ASSETS_B.ID%TYPE,
10853                              p_qte_id OKL_LEASE_QUOTES_B.ID%TYPE)
10854     IS
10855       SELECT cfl.fqy_code frequency,
10856              caf.due_arrears_yn adv_arrears,
10857              caf.sty_id sty_id,
10858              cfl.start_date,
10859              cfl.rate,
10860              cfl.stub_days,
10861              cfl.stub_amount,
10862              cfl.number_of_periods periods,
10863              cfl.amount periodic_amount
10864        FROM  okl_assets_b ast,
10865              okl_cash_flow_objects cfo,
10866              okl_cash_flows caf,
10867              okl_cash_flow_levels cfl,
10868              okl_strm_type_b sty
10869        WHERE ast.id = p_ast_id
10870          AND ast.parent_object_id = p_qte_id
10871          AND cfo.source_id = ast.id
10872          AND caf.cfo_id = cfo.id
10873          AND cfl.caf_id = caf.id
10874          AND cfo.source_table = 'OKL_ASSETS_B'
10875          AND cfo.oty_code = 'QUOTED_ASSET'
10876          AND caf.sts_code IN ( 'CURRENT', 'WORK')
10877          AND caf.sty_id = sty.id
10878          AND sty.stream_type_purpose = 'RENT'
10879        ORDER BY cfl.start_date;
10880     ast_payments_rec            ast_payments_csr%ROWTYPE;
10881     -- Local Variables Declaration
10882     l_api_version        CONSTANT NUMBER       DEFAULT 1.0;
10883     l_api_name           CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT 'solve_pmnts_at_lq';
10884     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
10885     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
10886                       || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
10888     l_debug_enabled             VARCHAR2(10);
10889     is_debug_procedure_on       BOOLEAN;
10890     is_debug_statement_on       BOOLEAN;
10891     i                           NUMBER;
10892     l_first                     BOOLEAN;
10893     l_caf_rec                   OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.cashflow_header_rec_type;
10894     l_cfl_tbl                   OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.cashflow_level_tbl_type;
10895     l_solved                    VARCHAR2(30);
10896   BEGIN
10897    l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
10898     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
10899     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
10900     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
10901       'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
10902     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
10903     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
10904     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
10905                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
10906                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
10907                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
10908                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
10909                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
10910                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
10911                             x_return_status => x_return_status);
10912     --Check if activity started successfully
10913     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
10915     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
10917     END IF;
10918     -- Actual logic starts here
10919     l_first     := TRUE;
10920     l_solved    := 'YES';
10921     FOR ast_rec IN all_assets_csr( p_qte_id => p_id)
10922     LOOP
10923       i := 1;
10924       IF l_first
10925       THEN
10926         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
10927           ' FIRST ONE : Frequency | Adv/Arrears | Rate | Days | Amount | Periods | Periodic Amount ' );
10928         FOR cfl_rec IN ast_payments_csr( p_ast_id => ast_rec.ast_id,
10929                                          p_qte_id => p_id)
10930         LOOP
10931           -- Store them in the Cash flows and Cash Flow Levels
10932           l_caf_rec.frequency_code     := cfl_rec.frequency;
10933           l_caf_rec.arrears_flag       := cfl_rec.adv_arrears;
10934           l_caf_rec.stream_type_id     := cfl_rec.sty_id;
10935           l_cfl_tbl(i).record_mode     := 'CREATE';
10936           l_cfl_tbl(i).start_date      := cfl_rec.start_date;
10937           l_cfl_tbl(i).rate            := cfl_rec.rate;
10938           l_cfl_tbl(i).stub_days       := cfl_rec.stub_days;
10939           l_cfl_tbl(i).stub_amount     := cfl_rec.stub_amount;
10940           l_cfl_tbl(i).periods         := cfl_rec.periods;
10941           l_cfl_tbl(i).periodic_amount := cfl_rec.periodic_amount;
10942           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
10943             cfl_rec.frequency || ' | ' || cfl_rec.adv_arrears || ' | ' || cfl_rec.rate || ' | ' ||
10944             cfl_rec.stub_days || ' | ' || cfl_rec.stub_amount || ' | ' ||
10945             cfl_rec.periods || ' | ' || cfl_rec.periodic_amount );
10946           i := i + 1;
10947           l_first := FALSE;
10948         END LOOP;
10949       ELSE
10950         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
10951           ' Frequency | Adv/Arrears | Rate | Days | Amount | Periods | Periodic Amount ' );
10952         FOR cfl_rec IN ast_payments_csr( p_ast_id => ast_rec.ast_id,
10953                                          p_qte_id => p_id)
10954         LOOP
10955           -- Compare with the previous cash flow levels
10956           IF l_cfl_tbl.EXISTS(i) AND (
10957              l_caf_rec.frequency_code         = cfl_rec.frequency AND
10958              nvl(l_caf_rec.arrears_flag,'N')  = nvl(cfl_rec.adv_arrears, 'N') AND
10959              l_cfl_tbl(i).start_date          = cfl_rec.start_date AND
10960              nvl(l_cfl_tbl(i).stub_days,-1)   = nvl(cfl_rec.stub_days, -1) AND
10961              nvl(l_cfl_tbl(i).periods, -1)    = nvl(cfl_rec.periods, -1) )
10962           THEN
10963             l_cfl_tbl(i).stub_amount     := l_cfl_tbl(i).stub_amount     + cfl_rec.stub_amount;
10964             l_cfl_tbl(i).periodic_amount := l_cfl_tbl(i).periodic_amount + cfl_rec.periodic_amount;
10965           ELSE
10966             l_solved := 'NO';
10967             EXIT;
10968           END IF;
10969           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
10970             cfl_rec.frequency || ' | ' || cfl_rec.adv_arrears || ' | ' || cfl_rec.rate || ' | ' ||
10971             l_cfl_tbl(i).stub_days || ' | ' || cfl_rec.stub_amount || ' | ' ||
10972             cfl_rec.periods || ' | ' || cfl_rec.periodic_amount );
10973           i := i + 1;
10974         END LOOP; -- Loop on the ast_payments_csr
10975       END IF; -- IF l_first
10976       EXIT WHEN l_solved = 'NO';
10977     END LOOP; -- Loop on the Assets
10978     x_caf_rec := l_caf_rec;
10979     x_cfl_tbl := l_cfl_tbl;
10980     x_solved  := l_solved;
10981     x_return_status := l_return_status;
10982     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
10983                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
10984     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
10985       'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_version) );
10988       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
10989                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
10990                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
10991                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
10992                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
10993                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
10994                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
10996       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
10997                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
10998                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
10999                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
11000                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
11001                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
11002                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
11004       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
11005                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
11006                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
11007                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
11008                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
11009                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
11010                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
11011   END solve_pmnts_at_lq;
11013   -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
11014   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11015   -- Start of Commnets
11016   -- Procedure Name       : delete_quote_streams
11017   -- Description          :
11018   -- Business Rules       :
11019   -- Parameters           :
11020   -- Version              : 1.0
11021   -- History              : RGOOTY   27-May-2009 - created
11022   -- End of Commnets
11023   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11024   PROCEDURE delete_quote_streams(
11025     p_api_version                  IN NUMBER,
11026     p_init_msg_list                IN VARCHAR2,
11027     x_return_status                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
11028     x_msg_count                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
11029     x_msg_data                     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
11030     p_quote_id                     IN NUMBER
11031     ) IS
11033    l_return_status      VARCHAR2(1):= G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
11034    l_api_name           CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT 'delete_quote_streams';
11035    l_api_version        CONSTANT NUMBER  DEFAULT 1.0;
11036    l_strm_elements_tbl  OKL_QSL_PVT.qsl_tbl_type;
11037    l_streams_tbl        OKL_QSH_PVT.qsh_tbl_type;
11038    p_index              NUMBER;
11040    CURSOR get_strm_elements_csr IS
11045        AND QTE_STM.QUOTE_ID = p_quote_id;
11047    CURSOR get_streams_csr IS
11050      WHERE QTE_STM.QUOTE_ID = p_quote_id;
11052   BEGIN
11054     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
11055                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
11056                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
11057                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
11058                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
11059                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
11060                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
11061                             x_return_status => l_return_status);
11062     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
11064     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
11066     END IF;
11068     p_index := 1;
11069     FOR strm_element_rec IN get_strm_elements_csr
11070     LOOP
11071       l_strm_elements_tbl(p_index).quote_strm_element_id := strm_element_rec.QUOTE_STRM_ELEMENT_ID;
11072       p_index := p_index + 1;
11073     END LOOP;
11074     IF(l_strm_elements_tbl.COUNT > 0) THEN
11075        OKL_QSL_PVT.delete_row(p_api_version   => p_api_version,
11076                               p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
11077                               x_return_status => l_return_status,
11078                               x_msg_count     => x_msg_count,
11079                               x_msg_data      => x_msg_data,
11080                               p_qsl_tbl       => l_strm_elements_tbl
11081                               );
11082         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
11084         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
11086         END IF;
11087     END IF;
11089     p_index := 1;
11090     FOR strm_rec IN get_streams_csr
11091     LOOP
11092       l_streams_tbl(p_index).quote_stream_id := strm_rec.QUOTE_STREAM_ID;
11093       p_index := p_index + 1;
11094     END LOOP;
11095     IF(l_streams_tbl.COUNT > 0) THEN
11096        OKL_QSH_PVT.delete_row(p_api_version   => p_api_version,
11097                               p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
11098                               x_return_status => l_return_status,
11099                               x_msg_count     => x_msg_count,
11100                               x_msg_data      => x_msg_data,
11101                               p_qsh_tbl       => l_streams_tbl
11102                               );
11103         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
11105         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
11107         END IF;
11108     END IF;
11110     x_return_status := l_return_status;
11111     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
11112                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
11115       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
11116                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
11117                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
11118                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
11119                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
11120                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
11121                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
11123       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
11124                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
11125                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
11126                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
11127                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
11128                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
11129                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
11131       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
11132                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
11133                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
11134                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
11135                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
11136                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
11137                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
11138   END delete_quote_streams;
11139   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11140   -- Start of Commnets
11141   -- Procedure Name       : insert_quote_streams
11142   -- Description          :
11143   -- Business Rules       :
11144   -- Parameters           :
11145   -- Version              : 1.0
11146   -- History              : RGOOTY   27-May-2009 - created
11147   -- End of Commnets
11148   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11149   PROCEDURE insert_quote_streams(
11150     p_api_version                  IN NUMBER,
11151     p_init_msg_list                IN VARCHAR2,
11152     x_return_status                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
11153     x_msg_count                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
11154     x_msg_data                     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
11155     p_quote_id                     IN NUMBER,
11156     p_quote_type                   IN VARCHAR2,
11157     p_currency                     IN VARCHAR2,
11158     p_pricing_param_tbl            IN OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.pricing_parameter_tbl_type
11159     ) IS
11161    l_return_status      VARCHAR2(1):= G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
11162    l_sty_id             OKL_STRM_TYPE_B.ID%TYPE;
11163    l_api_name      CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT 'insert_quote_streams';
11164    l_pricing_param_tbl  OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.pricing_parameter_tbl_type;
11165    l_stm_id             NUMBER;
11166    l_sel_id             NUMBER;
11167    l_residual_sty_id    OKL_STRM_TYPE_B.ID%TYPE;
11168    l_residual_count     NUMBER;
11169    l_residual_amt       NUMBER;
11170    l_api_version        CONSTANT NUMBER  DEFAULT 1.0;
11171    l_sel_amount         NUMBER;
11172    l_stream_rec         OKL_QSH_PVT.qsh_rec_type;
11173    x_stream_rec         OKL_QSH_PVT.qsh_rec_type;
11174    l_stm_element_rec    OKL_QSL_PVT.qsl_rec_type;
11175    x_stm_element_rec    OKL_QSL_PVT.qsl_rec_type;
11176    l_stm_element_tbl    OKL_QSL_PVT.qsl_tbl_type;
11177    x_stm_element_tbl    OKL_QSL_PVT.qsl_tbl_type;
11178    p_index              NUMBER;
11179    l_product_type       VARCHAR2(30);
11181    CURSOR get_quote_details_csr IS
11183             LSE_QT.EXPECTED_START_DATE,
11184             PDT.DEAL_TYPE
11188         AND LSE_QT.ID = p_quote_id;
11190    quote_det_rec   get_quote_details_csr%ROWTYPE;
11192    CURSOR header_info_csr(p_cfo_id OKL_CASH_FLOW_OBJECTS.ID%TYPE) IS
11193      SELECT OTY_CODE,
11194             SOURCE_TABLE,
11195             SOURCE_ID,
11196             STY_ID,
11197             CFT_CODE
11199             OKL_CASH_FLOWS CFLOW
11201         AND CFLOW_OBJ.ID = p_cfo_id;
11203    header_info_rec   header_info_csr%ROWTYPE;
11205    CURSOR residual_sty_csr (l_product_id NUMBER, l_start_date DATE) IS
11208       WHERE STL.PRIMARY_YN = 'Y'
11209         AND STL.PDT_ID = l_product_id
11210         AND (STL.START_DATE <= l_start_date)
11211         AND (STL.END_DATE >= l_start_date OR STL.END_DATE IS NULL)
11213     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
11214                      || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
11215     l_debug_enabled VARCHAR2(10);
11216     is_debug_procedure_on BOOLEAN;
11217     is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN;
11218   BEGIN
11219     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
11220     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
11221     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
11222                               'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
11223     -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
11224     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
11225     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
11226                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
11227                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
11228                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
11229                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
11230                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
11231                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
11232                             x_return_status => l_return_status);
11233     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
11235     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
11237     END IF;
11238     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
11239                'Executing the API ' || l_api_name );
11240     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11241       'P_QUOTE_ID=' || P_QUOTE_ID || ' P_QUOTE_TYPE=' || p_quote_type || ' p_currency=' || p_currency  );
11242     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11243                'Before Executing the Cursor get_quote_details_csr');
11244     OPEN get_quote_details_csr;
11245     FETCH get_quote_details_csr INTO quote_det_rec;
11246     IF (get_quote_details_csr%NOTFOUND) THEN
11248     END IF;
11249     CLOSE get_quote_details_csr;
11251     l_product_type := quote_det_rec.DEAL_TYPE;
11252     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11253                'Sucessfully executed the Cursor get_quote_details_csr. l_product_type=' || l_product_type);
11255     l_pricing_param_tbl := p_pricing_param_tbl;
11256     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11257       'l_pricing_param_tbl.COUNT=' || l_pricing_param_tbl.COUNT );
11258     IF l_pricing_param_tbl.COUNT > 0 THEN
11259       FOR k IN l_pricing_param_tbl.FIRST .. l_pricing_param_tbl.LAST
11260       LOOP
11261          put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11262            'Index = ' || k || ' l_pricing_param_tbl(k).line_type= ' || l_pricing_param_tbl(k).line_type );
11263          IF(l_pricing_param_tbl(k).line_type IS NOT NULL)
11264          THEN
11265            put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11266              'Before Executing the Cursor header_info_csr. l_pricing_param_tbl(k).cfo_id= ' || l_pricing_param_tbl(k).cfo_id );
11267            OPEN header_info_csr(l_pricing_param_tbl(k).cfo_id);
11268            FETCH header_info_csr INTO header_info_rec;
11269            IF (header_info_csr%NOTFOUND) THEN
11271            END IF;
11272            CLOSE header_info_csr;
11273            put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11274              'After Executing the Cursor header_info_csr. header_info_rec.CFT_CODE= ' || header_info_rec.CFT_CODE );
11275            IF(header_info_rec.CFT_CODE <> 'OUTFLOW_SCHEDULE')
11276            THEN
11277              l_stream_rec.object_version_number := 1;
11278              l_stream_rec.quote_type := p_quote_type;
11279              l_stream_rec.quote_id := p_quote_id;
11280              l_stream_rec.oty_code := header_info_rec.OTY_CODE;
11281              l_stream_rec.source_id := header_info_rec.SOURCE_ID;
11282              l_stream_rec.source_table := header_info_rec.SOURCE_TABLE;
11283              l_stream_rec.sty_id := header_info_rec.STY_ID;
11284              l_stream_rec.link_asset_id := l_pricing_param_tbl(k).link_asset_id; --Added by bkatraga for bug 7410991
11286              l_stream_rec.say_code := 'CURR';
11287              put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11288                'Before Calling the API OKL_QSH_PVT.insert_row ' );
11289              --Inserting the stream header
11290              OKL_QSH_PVT.insert_row(p_api_version   => p_api_version,
11291                                     p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
11292                                     x_return_status => l_return_status,
11293                                     x_msg_count     => x_msg_count,
11294                                     x_msg_data      => x_msg_data,
11295                                     p_qsh_rec       => l_stream_rec,
11296                                     x_qsh_rec       => x_stream_rec
11297                                     );
11298              put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11299                'After Calling the API OKL_QSH_PVT.insert_row ' || l_return_status );
11300              IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
11302              ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
11303                RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
11304              END IF;
11306              p_index := 1;
11307              l_stm_element_tbl.delete;
11308              IF(l_pricing_param_tbl(k).cash_inflows.COUNT > 0)
11309              THEN
11310                FOR m IN l_pricing_param_tbl(k).cash_inflows.FIRST .. l_pricing_param_tbl(k).cash_inflows.LAST
11311                LOOP
11312                   l_sel_amount := okl_accounting_util.round_amount(p_amount => l_pricing_param_tbl(k).cash_inflows(m).cf_amount,
11313                                                                    p_currency_code => p_currency);
11314                   l_stm_element_tbl(p_index).quote_stream_id := x_stream_rec.quote_stream_id;
11315                   l_stm_element_tbl(p_index).object_version_number := 1;
11316                   l_stm_element_tbl(p_index).stream_element_date := l_pricing_param_tbl(k).cash_inflows(m).cf_date;
11317                   l_stm_element_tbl(p_index).amount := l_sel_amount;
11318                   p_index := p_index + 1;
11319                END LOOP;
11320              END IF;
11321              --Inserting the stream elements
11322              put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11323                'Before Calling the API OKL_QSL_PVT.insertv_tbl ' );
11324              OKL_QSL_PVT.insert_row(p_api_version   => p_api_version,
11325                                     p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
11326                                     x_return_status => l_return_status,
11327                                     x_msg_count     => x_msg_count,
11328                                     x_msg_data      => x_msg_data,
11329                                     p_qsl_tbl       => l_stm_element_tbl,
11330                                     x_qsl_tbl       => x_stm_element_tbl
11331                                     );
11332              put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11333                'After Calling the API OKL_QSL_PVT.insertv_tbl x_return_status=' || l_return_status );
11334              IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
11336              ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
11337                RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
11338              END IF;
11340              --Residual streams
11341              IF((l_pricing_param_tbl(k).residual_inflows.COUNT > 0) AND
11342                (l_product_type IN('LEASEDF','LEASEOP','LEASEST')))
11343              THEN
11344                 put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11345                   'Before executing the cursor residual_sty_csr ' );
11346                 OPEN residual_sty_csr(quote_det_rec.product_id, quote_det_rec.EXPECTED_START_DATE);
11347                 FETCH residual_sty_csr INTO l_residual_sty_id;
11348                 IF (residual_sty_csr%NOTFOUND) THEN
11350                 END IF;
11351                 CLOSE residual_sty_csr;
11352                 put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11353                   'After executing the cursor residual_sty_csr ' );
11354                 l_stream_rec.object_version_number := 1;
11355                 l_stream_rec.quote_type := p_quote_type;
11356                 l_stream_rec.quote_id := p_quote_id;
11357                 l_stream_rec.oty_code := header_info_rec.OTY_CODE;
11358                 l_stream_rec.source_id := header_info_rec.SOURCE_ID;
11359                 l_stream_rec.source_table := header_info_rec.SOURCE_TABLE;
11360                 l_stream_rec.sty_id := l_residual_sty_id;
11361                 l_stream_rec.say_code := 'CURR';
11362                 --Inserting the residual stream header
11363                 put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11364                   'Before executing the API  OKL_QSH_PVT.insert_row ' );
11365                 OKL_QSH_PVT.insert_row(p_api_version   => p_api_version,
11366                                        p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
11367                                        x_return_status => l_return_status,
11368                                        x_msg_count     => x_msg_count,
11369                                        x_msg_data      => x_msg_data,
11370                                        p_qsh_rec       => l_stream_rec,
11371                                        x_qsh_rec       => x_stream_rec
11372                                        );
11373                 put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11374                   'After executing the API  OKL_QSH_PVT.insert_row. x_return_status=' || l_return_status );
11375                 IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
11377                 ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
11378                   RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
11379                 END IF;
11381                 l_residual_count := l_pricing_param_tbl(k).residual_inflows.COUNT;
11382                 l_residual_amt   := 0;
11383                 FOR m IN l_pricing_param_tbl(k).residual_inflows.FIRST .. l_pricing_param_tbl(k).residual_inflows.LAST
11384                 LOOP
11385                    IF((header_info_rec.OTY_CODE = 'LEASE_QUOTE') AND (m <> l_residual_count)) THEN
11386                      l_residual_amt := l_residual_amt + l_pricing_param_tbl(k).residual_inflows(m).cf_amount;
11387                    ELSE
11388                      l_sel_amount := l_pricing_param_tbl(k).residual_inflows(m).cf_amount + l_residual_amt;
11389                      l_sel_amount := okl_accounting_util.round_amount(p_amount => l_sel_amount,
11390                                                                       p_currency_code => p_currency);
11392                      l_stm_element_rec.quote_stream_id := x_stream_rec.quote_stream_id;
11393                      l_stm_element_rec.object_version_number := 1;
11394                      l_stm_element_rec.stream_element_date := l_pricing_param_tbl(k).residual_inflows(m).cf_date;
11395                      l_stm_element_rec.amount := l_sel_amount;
11396                      --Inserting the stream element
11397                      put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11398                        'Before executing the API  OKL_QSL_PVT.insert_row. ' );
11399                      OKL_QSL_PVT.insert_row(p_api_version   => p_api_version,
11400                                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
11401                                             x_return_status => l_return_status,
11402                                             x_msg_count     => x_msg_count,
11403                                             x_msg_data      => x_msg_data,
11404                                             p_qsl_rec       => l_stm_element_rec,
11405                                             x_qsl_rec       => x_stm_element_rec
11406                                            );
11407                      put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11408                        'After executing the API  OKL_QSL_PVT.insert_row. x_return_status=' || l_return_status );
11409                      IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
11410                         RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_UNEXPECTED_ERROR;
11411                      ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
11412                         RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
11413                      END IF;
11414                    END IF;
11415                 END LOOP; -- residual_inflows loop
11416               END IF; --Residual streams IF
11417            END IF; --OUTFLOW_SCHEDULE IF
11418          END IF; --line type IF
11419       END LOOP;
11420     END IF;
11421     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
11422       'Returning from the API ' || l_api_name || ' with x_return_status = ' || l_return_status );
11423     x_return_status := l_return_status;
11424     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
11425                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
11428       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
11429                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
11430                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
11431                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
11432                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
11433                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
11434                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
11436       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
11437                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
11438                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
11439                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
11440                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
11441                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
11442                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
11444       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
11445                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
11446                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
11447                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
11448                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
11449                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
11450                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
11451   END insert_quote_streams;
11452   -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
11453   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11454   -- Start of Commnets
11455   -- Procedure Name       : Price_Standard_Quote
11456   -- Description          :
11457   -- Business Rules       :
11458   -- Parameters           :
11459   -- Version              : 1.0
11460   -- History              : ssiruvol 22-May-2005 - created
11461   -- End of Commnets
11462   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11463   PROCEDURE price_standard_quote(x_return_status                  OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
11464                                  x_msg_count                      OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
11465                                  x_msg_data                       OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
11466                                  p_api_version                 IN             NUMBER,
11467                                  p_init_msg_list               IN             VARCHAR2,
11468                                  p_qte_id                      IN             NUMBER)
11469   IS
11470     l_api_version        CONSTANT NUMBER       DEFAULT 1.0;
11471     l_api_name           CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT 'price_standard_quote';
11472     l_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
11473     l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'LEASE.ACCOUNTING.PRICING.'
11474                       || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || UPPER(l_api_name);
11476     l_debug_enabled             VARCHAR2(10);
11477     is_debug_procedure_on       BOOLEAN;
11478     is_debug_statement_on       BOOLEAN;
11479     -- Cursors declaration !
11480     -- Cursor to fetch the Lease Quote Header details
11481     CURSOR quote_csr(qteid                          NUMBER)
11482     IS
11483       SELECT qte.term term,
11484              qte.pricing_method,
11485              qte.rate_template_id,
11486              qte.expected_start_date,
11487              qte.expected_delivery_date,
11488              qte.structured_pricing structured_pricing,
11489              qte.line_level_pricing line_level_pricing,
11490              qte.target_rate_type target_rate_type,
11491              qte.target_frequency target_frequency,
11492              qte.target_arrears_yn target_arrears,
11493              qte.target_rate target_rate,
11494              qte.target_periods target_periods,
11495              qte.lease_rate_factor,
11496              qte.rate_card_id,
11497              qte.id,
11498              qte.parent_object_code,
11499              qte.parent_object_id,
11500              qte.object_version_number,
11501              qte.reference_number,
11502              qte.product_id
11503         FROM okl_lease_quotes_b qte
11504        WHERE qte.id = qteid;
11505     quote_rec                    quote_csr%ROWTYPE;
11507     CURSOR c_strm_type ( qteID NUMBER, expStartDate DATE) IS
11509            STRM.STY_NAME PAYMENT_TYPE,
11510            STRM.START_DATE,
11511            STRM.END_DATE,
11512            STRM.STY_PURPOSE
11516             AND START_DATE <= expStartDate
11517             AND NVL(END_DATE, expStartDate) >= expStartDate
11518             AND STRM.PDT_ID = QUOTE.PRODUCT_ID
11519             AND QUOTE.ID = qteID;
11521     r_strm_type                    c_strm_type%ROWTYPE;
11523     l_lrs_details          lrs_details_rec_type;
11524     l_lrs_factor           lrs_factor_rec_type;
11525     l_lrs_levels           lrs_levels_tbl_type;
11527     l_ac_rec_type          OKL_EC_EVALUATE_PVT.okl_ac_rec_type;
11528     l_adj_factor           NUMBER;
11529     l_months_per_period    NUMBER;
11530     l_months_after         NUMBER;
11531     cf_index               NUMBER; -- Using as an index for Cash flow levels
11532     -- Cursor to fetch all the Asset and Rollover and Financed fee Details included in the Lease Quote
11533     CURSOR assets_csr(qteid  NUMBER)
11534     IS
11535       SELECT ast.asset_number,
11536              ast.id ast_id,
11537              TO_NUMBER(NULL) fee_id,
11538              ast.rate_card_id,
11539              ast.rate_template_id rate_template_id,
11540              ast.structured_pricing,
11541              'FREE_FORM1' fee_type,
11542              TO_NUMBER(NULL) fee_amount,
11543              qte.expected_start_date line_start_date,
11544              qte.expected_delivery_date line_end_date,
11545              ast.lease_rate_factor lease_rate_factor,
11546              ast.target_arrears    target_arrears,
11547              ast.oec_percentage oec_percentage
11548         FROM okl_assets_b ast,
11549              okl_lease_quotes_b qte
11550        WHERE ast.parent_object_code = 'LEASEQUOTE'
11551          AND ast.parent_object_id = qte.id
11552          AND qte.id = qteid
11553      UNION
11554        SELECT NULL asset_number,
11555               TO_NUMBER(NULL) ast_id,
11556               fee.id fee_id,
11557               fee.rate_card_id,
11558               fee.rate_template_id,
11559               fee.structured_pricing,
11560               fee.fee_type,
11561               fee.fee_amount,
11562               fee.effective_from line_start_date,
11563               fee.effective_to line_end_date,
11564               fee.lease_rate_factor lease_rate_factor,
11565               fee.target_arrears    target_arrears,
11566               NULL oec_percentage
11567         FROM okl_fees_b fee,
11568              okl_lease_quotes_b qte
11569         WHERE fee.parent_object_code = 'LEASEQUOTE'
11570           AND fee.parent_object_id = qte.id
11571           AND qte.id = qteid;
11572     assets_rec                   assets_csr%ROWTYPE;
11574     -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
11575     CURSOR services_csr(qteid  NUMBER)
11576     IS
11577       SELECT srvc.id srvc_id,
11578              srvc.effective_from line_start_date
11579         FROM okl_services_b srvc,
11580              okl_lease_quotes_b qte
11581        WHERE srvc.parent_object_code = 'LEASEQUOTE'
11582          AND srvc.parent_object_id = qte.id
11583          AND qte.id = qteid;
11585     l_srvc_inflow_caf_rec        so_cash_flows_rec_type;
11586     l_srvc_inflow_cfl_tbl        so_cash_flow_details_tbl_type;
11587     -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
11588     -- Cursor to fetch the Asset Component Details
11589     CURSOR asset_adj_csr(qteid    NUMBER,
11590                          astid    NUMBER)
11591     IS
11592       SELECT ast.asset_number,
11593              ast.install_site_id,
11594              ast.rate_card_id,
11595              ast.rate_template_id,
11596              ast.oec,
11597              nvl(nvl(ast.end_of_term_value, ast.end_of_term_value_default),0) end_of_term_value,
11598              ast.oec_percentage,
11599              cmp.unit_cost,
11600              cmp.number_of_units,
11601              cmp.primary_component
11602         FROM okl_assets_b ast,
11603              okl_lease_quotes_b qte,
11604              okl_asset_components_b cmp
11605        WHERE ast.parent_object_code = 'LEASEQUOTE' AND
11606              ast.parent_object_id = qte.id AND
11607              qte.id = qteid AND
11608              ast.id = astid AND
11609              cmp.primary_component = 'YES' AND
11610              cmp.asset_id = ast.id;
11611     -- Cursor to fetch the Asset Cost Adjustment Details
11612     CURSOR asset_cost_adj_csr(qteid        NUMBER,
11613                               astid        NUMBER)
11614     IS
11615       SELECT adj.adjustment_source_type,
11616              adj.adjustment_source_id,
11617              adj.basis,
11618              -- Start : DJANASWA : Bug# 6347118
11619              nvl(adj.value,adj.default_subsidy_amount) value
11620              -- End : DJANASWA : Bug# 6347118
11621         FROM okl_assets_b ast,
11622              okl_lease_quotes_b qte,
11623              okl_cost_adjustments_b adj
11624        WHERE ast.parent_object_code = 'LEASEQUOTE' AND
11625              ast.parent_object_id = qte.id AND
11626              qte.id = qteid AND
11627              ast.id = astid AND
11628              adj.parent_object_id = ast.id;
11630     Cursor subsidy_adj_csr( subId NUMBER)
11631     IS
11632        -- Bug 6622178 : Start
11633        -- Fetch the Subsidy Calculation Basis
11634        Select amount, SUBSIDY_CALC_BASIS
11635        -- Bug 6622178 : End
11636        From okl_subsidies_b
11637        where id = subId;
11638     subsidy_adj_rec subsidy_adj_csr%ROWTYPE;
11639     -- Cursor to fetch the Territory ID, Customer Credit Class
11640     CURSOR get_cust_details_csr( p_lq_id  NUMBER )
11641     IS
11642       SELECT  lopp.id                 parent_id
11643              ,lopp.prospect_id        prospect_id
11644              ,lopp.cust_acct_id       cust_acct_id
11645              ,lopp.sales_territory_id sales_territory_id
11646              ,lopp.currency_code      currency_code
11647       FROM   okl_lease_quotes_b  lq,
11648              okl_lease_opportunities_b lopp
11649       WHERE  parent_object_code = 'LEASEOPP'
11650        AND   parent_object_id = lopp.id
11651        AND   lq.id = p_lq_id;
11653     CURSOR get_cust_details_csr_lapp( p_lq_id  NUMBER )
11654     IS
11655       SELECT  lapp.id                 parent_id
11656              ,lapp.prospect_id        prospect_id
11657              ,lapp.cust_acct_id       cust_acct_id
11658              ,lapp.sales_territory_id sales_territory_id
11659              ,lapp.currency_code      currency_code
11660       FROM   okl_lease_quotes_b  lq,
11661              okl_lease_applications_b lapp
11662       WHERE  parent_object_code = 'LEASEAPP'
11663        AND   parent_object_id = lapp.id
11664        AND   lq.id = p_lq_id;
11665     -- Cursor for checking whether the CFO Exists or not
11666     CURSOR check_cfo_exists_csr(
11667       p_oty_code     IN VARCHAR2,
11668       p_source_table IN VARCHAR2,
11669       p_source_id    IN VARCHAR2,
11670       p_sts_code     IN VARCHAR2 )
11671     IS
11672       SELECT 'YES' cfo_exists,
11673              cfo.id cfo_id,
11674              caf.id caf_id
11675        FROM  OKL_CASH_FLOW_OBJECTS cfo,
11676              OKL_CASH_FLOWS caf
11677       WHERE  OTY_CODE     = p_oty_code
11678        AND   SOURCE_TABLE = p_source_table
11679        AND   SOURCE_ID    = p_source_id
11680        AND   caf.cfo_id = cfo.id;
11681     check_cfo_exists_rec         check_cfo_exists_csr%ROWTYPE;
11682     -- Cursor to fetch EOT Type
11683     CURSOR get_eot_type( p_lq_id NUMBER )
11684     IS
11685       SELECT  lq.id
11686          ,lq.reference_number
11687          ,eot.end_of_term_name
11688          ,eot.eot_type_code eot_type_code
11689          ,eot.end_of_term_id end_of_term_id
11690          ,eotversion.end_of_term_ver_id
11691      FROM OKL_LEASE_QUOTES_B lq,
11692           okl_fe_eo_term_vers eotversion,
11693           okl_fe_eo_terms_all_b eot
11694      WHERE lq.END_OF_TERM_OPTION_ID = eotversion.end_of_term_ver_id
11695        AND eot.end_of_term_id = eotversion.end_of_term_id
11696        AND lq.id = p_lq_id;
11697     l_eot_type_code             VARCHAR2(30);
11698     -- Cursor to handle the CAPITALIZED Fee amount for each Asset
11699     CURSOR get_asset_cap_fee_amt(p_source_type VARCHAR2,
11700                              p_source_id         OKL_LINE_RELATIONSHIPS_B.source_line_ID%TYPE,
11701                              p_related_line_type OKL_LINE_RELATIONSHIPS_B.related_line_type%TYPE)
11702     IS
11703       SELECT SUM(amount) capitalized_amount
11704         FROM okl_line_relationships_v lre
11705        WHERE source_line_type = p_source_type
11706         AND related_line_type = 'CAPITALIZED'
11707         AND source_line_id = p_source_id;
11709     --Bug 5884825 PAGARG start
11710     CURSOR product_name_csr(qteid  NUMBER)
11711     IS
11714          , OKL_PRODUCTS PDT
11716         AND QTE.ID = qteid;
11717     --Bug 5884825 PAGARG end
11719     l_product_name               okl_products.NAME%TYPE;--Bug 5884825 PAGARG
11720     l_day_count_method           VARCHAR2(30);
11721     l_days_in_month              VARCHAR2(30);
11722     l_days_in_year               VARCHAR2(30);
11723     l_currency                   VARCHAR2(30);
11724     l_srt_details                OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.srt_details_rec_type;
11725     l_ast_srt_details            OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.srt_details_rec_type;
11726     x_iir                        NUMBER;
11727     l_initial_guess              NUMBER := 0.1;
11728     x_payment                    NUMBER;
11729     l_lq_cash_flow_rec           OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.so_cash_flows_rec_type;        -- Quote Level Cash Flow Object
11730     l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl       OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.so_cash_flow_details_tbl_type; -- Quote Level Cash Flow levels
11731     l_lq_cash_inflows            OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.cash_inflows_tbl_type; -- Lease Quote level Streams
11732     l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec   OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.pricing_parameter_rec_type;
11733     l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec  OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.pricing_parameter_rec_type;
11734     l_pricing_parameter_tbl      OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.pricing_parameter_tbl_type;
11735     l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl         OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.pricing_parameter_tbl_type;
11736     l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl         OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.pricing_parameter_tbl_type;
11737     l_pp_lq_fee_srv_tbl          OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.pricing_parameter_tbl_type;
11738     l_lq_residual_inflows        OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.cash_inflows_tbl_type;
11739     l_overridden                 BOOLEAN;
11740     l_non_overiding_assets_tbl   OKL_STREAMS_UTIL.NumberTabTyp;
11741     l_noa_pp_tbl                 OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.pricing_parameter_tbl_type;
11742     lnoa_index                   BINARY_INTEGER;
11743     ppfs_index                   BINARY_INTEGER;
11744     l_eot_date                   DATE;
11745     l_cf_dpp                     NUMBER;
11746     l_cf_ppy                     NUMBER;
11747     res_index                    BINARY_INTEGER;
11748     pp_index                     BINARY_INTEGER;
11749     l_yields_rec                 yields_rec;
11750     l_subsidized_yields_rec      yields_rec;
11751     l_iir_noa_dts                NUMBER; -- IIR @ LQ level for Non-overriding assets considering
11752                                          --  Downpayment/Subsidy/Trade-In
11753     l_iir_noa                    NUMBER; -- IIR @ LQ level for Non-overriding assets with out
11754                                          --  considering Downpayment/Subsidy/Trade-In
11755     l_lq_pp_noa_dts              OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.pricing_parameter_rec_type;
11756     l_lq_pp_noa                  OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.pricing_parameter_rec_type;
11757     l_iir_temp                   NUMBER;
11758     l_adj_mat_cat_rec            adj_mat_cat_rec;
11759     l_ass_adj_tbl                OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_ASSET_PVT.asset_adjustment_tbl_type;
11760     l_cash_flow_rec              so_cash_flows_rec_type;
11761     l_cash_flow_det_tbl          so_cash_flow_details_tbl_type;
11762     l_cash_inflows               OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.cash_inflows_tbl_type;
11763     l_lease_qte_rec              OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_PVT.lease_qte_rec_type;
11764     x_lease_qte_rec              OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_PVT.lease_qte_rec_type;
11765     l_lq_payment_header_rec      OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.cashflow_header_rec_type;
11766     l_lq_payment_level_tbl       OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.cashflow_level_tbl_type;
11767     l_cfo_exists_at_lq           VARCHAR2(30);
11768     l_cfo_exists_at_noa          VARCHAR2(30);
11769     l_tot_noa_oec                NUMBER;
11770     l_noa_cash_flow_rec          OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.so_cash_flows_rec_type;
11771     l_noa_cash_flow_det_tbl      OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.so_cash_flow_details_tbl_type;
11772     l_noa_payment_header_rec     OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.cashflow_header_rec_type;
11773     l_noa_payment_level_tbl      OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.cashflow_level_tbl_type;
11774     l_fee_outflow_caf_rec        so_cash_flows_rec_type;
11775     l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl        so_cash_flow_details_tbl_type;
11776     l_fee_inflow_caf_rec         so_cash_flows_rec_type;
11777     l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl         so_cash_flow_details_tbl_type;
11778     l_adj_type                   VARCHAR2(30);
11779     l_pricing_method             OKL_LEASE_QUOTES_B.PRICING_METHOD%TYPE;
11780     l_sp_for_assets              BOOLEAN;
11781     l_an_ass_follow_lq           BOOLEAN;
11782     l_lq_details_prc_rec         OKL_PRICING_UTILS_PVT.pricing_parameter_rec_type;
11783     l_rent_sty_id                OKL_STRM_TYPE_B.ID%TYPE;
11784     l_asset_caf_rec              OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.cashflow_header_rec_type;
11785     l_asset_cfl_tbl              OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.cashflow_level_tbl_type;
11786     l_ast_level_fin_amt          NUMBER;
11787     l_lq_level_fin_amt           NUMBER;
11788     l_quote_type_code            OKL_LEASE_QUOTES_B.PARENT_OBJECT_CODE%TYPE;
11789     l_solved                     VARCHAR2(30);
11790     l_tmp_amount                 NUMBER;
11791     l_lq_con_cash_inflows        cash_inflows_tbl_type;
11792     l_iir                        NUMBER;
11793     l_miss_payment               NUMBER;
11794     l_rnd_sum_assets_pmnts_tbl   OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.cashflow_level_tbl_type;
11795     l_rnd_lq_payment_level_tbl   OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.cashflow_level_tbl_type;
11796     l_sum_of_noa_oec_percent     NUMBER;
11797     -- Bug 6622178 : Start
11798     l_disp_sf_msg  BOOLEAN;
11799     -- Bug 6622178 : End
11800     -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
11801     l_amount                NUMBER;
11802     l_sum_assoc_assets_amt  NUMBER;
11803     l_assoc_assets_count    NUMBER;
11804     l_assets_indx           NUMBER;
11805     l_fee_id                OKL_FEES_B.ID%TYPE;
11808     l_amount_tbl amount_tabtype;
11810     --Cursor to get the associated assets count and amount for Service Line
11814            COUNT(*)
11820     --Cursor to get the Associated Asset ID and Amount for Service Line
11824            AMOUNT
11833      WHERE ID = P_CFO_ID;
11834    -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
11835   BEGIN
11836     l_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
11837     l_debug_enabled := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_enabled;
11838     is_debug_procedure_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
11839     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
11840                               'begin debug OKLRPIUB.pls call '|| lower(l_api_name));
11841     is_debug_statement_on := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
11842     l_return_status := OKL_API.START_ACTIVITY(
11843                             p_api_name      => l_api_name,
11844                             p_pkg_name      => G_PKG_NAME,
11845                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
11846                             l_api_version   => l_api_version,
11847                             p_api_version   => p_api_version,
11848                             p_api_type      => g_api_type,
11849                             x_return_status => l_return_status);
11850     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
11852     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
11854     END IF;
11856     -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
11857     delete_quote_streams(p_api_version   => p_api_version,
11858                          p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
11859                          x_return_status => l_return_status,
11860                          x_msg_count     => x_msg_count,
11861                          x_msg_data      => x_msg_data,
11862                          p_quote_id      => p_qte_id
11863                          );
11864     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
11866     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
11868     END IF;
11869     -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
11870     --Bug 5884825 PAGARG start
11871     OPEN product_name_csr(p_qte_id);
11872     FETCH product_name_csr INTO l_product_name;
11873     CLOSE product_name_csr;
11874     --Bug 5884825 PAGARG end
11876     -- Fetch the Lease Quote Header Details !
11877     OPEN quote_csr(p_qte_id);
11878     FETCH quote_csr INTO quote_rec;
11879     IF (quote_csr%NOTFOUND) THEN
11880       RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
11881     END IF;
11882     CLOSE quote_csr;
11883     IF quote_rec.parent_object_code = 'LEASEAPP' THEN
11884       l_quote_type_code := 'LA';
11885     ELSE
11886       l_quote_type_code := 'LQ';
11887     END IF;
11888     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11889       '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ');
11890     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11891       '!!!!!!!!!!!!Pricing of ' || quote_rec.reference_number || '!!!!!!!!!!!! ');
11892     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11893       '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ');
11894     -- Derieve the End of Term Date of the Lease Quote
11895     okl_stream_generator_pvt.add_months_new(
11896       p_start_date     => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
11897       p_months_after   => quote_rec.term,
11898       x_date           => l_eot_date,
11899       x_return_status  => l_return_status);
11900     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
11902     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
11904     END IF;
11905     l_eot_date := l_eot_date - 1;
11906     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11907                   'Effective To of the LQ ' || l_eot_date );
11908     -- Populate the l_adj_mat_cat_rec !
11909     -- Here instead of straightly assuming that user will only pick the SRT at the
11910     --  Quote level, we should be writing an API, which will build the cash flows and cash flow levels
11911     --  if the user has picked the SRT, or otherwise the API will fetch directly from
11912     --  the Cash flows in case of User picked the Structured Pricing option ...
11913     l_adj_mat_cat_rec.target_eff_from := quote_rec.expected_start_date;
11914     l_adj_mat_cat_rec.term := quote_rec.term;
11915     IF quote_rec.parent_object_code = 'LEASEOPP'
11916     THEN
11917       -- Fetch from the Lease Opportunity
11918       FOR t_rec IN get_cust_details_csr( p_lq_id => p_qte_id )
11919       LOOP
11920         l_adj_mat_cat_rec.territory := t_rec.sales_territory_id;
11921         l_adj_mat_cat_rec.customer_credit_class :=
11922           okl_lease_app_pvt.get_credit_classfication(
11923              p_party_id      => t_rec.prospect_id,
11924              p_cust_acct_id  => t_rec.cust_acct_id,
11925              p_site_use_id   => -99);
11926          -- Store the currency now
11927          l_currency := t_rec.currency_code;
11928       END LOOP;
11929     ELSE
11930       -- Fetch from the Lease Application
11931       FOR t_rec IN get_cust_details_csr_lapp( p_lq_id => p_qte_id )
11932       LOOP
11933         l_adj_mat_cat_rec.territory := t_rec.sales_territory_id;
11934         l_adj_mat_cat_rec.customer_credit_class :=
11935           okl_lease_app_pvt.get_credit_classfication(
11936              p_party_id      => t_rec.prospect_id,
11937              p_cust_acct_id  => t_rec.cust_acct_id,
11938              p_site_use_id   => -99);
11939          -- Store the currency now
11940          l_currency := t_rec.currency_code;
11941       END LOOP;
11942     END IF;
11943     l_adj_mat_cat_rec.deal_size := NULL; -- Dont know how to get these value !
11944     -- Know the type of the EOT
11945     FOR t_rec IN get_eot_type( p_lq_id => p_qte_id  )
11946     LOOP
11947       l_eot_type_code := t_rec.eot_type_code;
11948     END LOOP;
11949     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11950                    '****Currency Code = ' || l_currency || '****EOT Type ' || l_eot_type_code);
11951     IF quote_rec.pricing_method <> 'RC'
11952     THEN
11953       get_lq_cash_flows(
11954         p_api_version          => p_api_version,
11955         p_init_msg_list        => p_init_msg_list,
11956         x_return_status        => l_return_status,
11957         x_msg_count            => x_msg_count,
11958         x_msg_data             => x_msg_data,
11959         p_id                   => p_qte_id,
11960         p_lq_srt_id            => quote_rec.rate_template_id,
11961         p_cf_source            => G_CF_SOURCE_LQ, -- Fetch SRT / Strucutured Pricing details at Lease Quote Level
11962         p_adj_mat_cat_rec      => l_adj_mat_cat_rec,
11963         p_pricing_method       => quote_rec.pricing_method,
11964         x_days_in_month        => l_days_in_month,
11965         x_days_in_year         => l_days_in_year,
11966         x_cash_flow_rec        => l_lq_cash_flow_rec,
11967         x_cash_flow_det_tbl    => l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl);
11968       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11969                      'After get_lq_cash_flows ' || l_return_status);
11970       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11971                     'No. of Cash Flow Levels ' || l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl.COUNT );
11972       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
11974       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
11976       END IF;
11977       l_cfo_exists_at_lq := 'NO';
11978       FOR t_rec IN check_cfo_exists_csr(
11979                      p_oty_code     => 'LEASE_QUOTE',
11980                      p_source_table => 'OKL_LEASE_QUOTES_B',
11981                      p_source_id    => p_qte_id,
11982                      p_sts_code     => 'CURRENT')
11983       LOOP
11984         l_cfo_exists_at_lq := t_rec.cfo_exists;
11985       END LOOP;
11986       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11987         'After check_cfo_exists_csr. l_cfo_exists_at_lq' || l_cfo_exists_at_lq);
11988       -- Populate the l_payment_header_rec and l_payment_level_tbl structures
11989       -- CFO, CFH Population
11990       IF l_cfo_exists_at_lq = 'YES'
11991       THEN
11992         l_lq_payment_header_rec.cashflow_header_id := l_lq_cash_flow_rec.caf_id;
11993         l_lq_payment_header_rec.cashflow_object_id := l_lq_cash_flow_rec.cfo_id;
11994         l_lq_payment_header_rec.stream_type_id := l_lq_cash_flow_rec.sty_id;
11995         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11996                  'Passing l_lq_payment_header_rec.cashflow_header_id ' ||
11997                   l_lq_payment_header_rec.cashflow_header_id  );
11998         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
11999                   ' l_lq_payment_header_rec.cashflow_object_id ' ||
12000                   l_lq_payment_header_rec.cashflow_object_id);
12001       END IF;
12002       IF l_lq_payment_header_rec.stream_type_id IS NULL OR
12003          l_cfo_exists_at_lq = 'NO'
12004       THEN
12005         OPEN c_strm_type ( quote_rec.id, quote_rec.expected_start_date );
12006         FETCH c_strm_type INTO r_strm_type;
12007         CLOSE c_strm_type;
12008         l_lq_payment_header_rec.stream_type_id := r_strm_type.payment_type_id;
12009       END IF;
12010       -- Store the rent Stream ID
12011       l_rent_sty_id := l_lq_payment_header_rec.stream_type_id;
12012       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12013         'Fetched the RENT Stream Type ID ' || l_lq_payment_header_rec.stream_type_id
12014         || ' Quote ID ' || quote_rec.id || ' Start Date ' || quote_rec.expected_start_date );
12015       l_lq_payment_header_rec.parent_object_id := p_qte_id;
12016       l_lq_payment_header_rec.quote_id         := p_qte_id;
12017       l_lq_payment_header_rec.type_code        := 'INFLOW';
12018       IF l_lq_cash_flow_rec.sts_code = 'CURRENT' THEN
12019         l_lq_payment_header_rec.status_code:= 'CURRENT';
12020       ELSE
12021         l_lq_payment_header_rec.status_code:= 'WORK';
12022       END IF;
12023       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12024                  '****** Cash flow status code ' || l_lq_payment_header_rec.status_code );
12025       l_lq_payment_header_rec.parent_object_code := 'LEASE_QUOTE';
12026       l_lq_payment_header_rec.arrears_flag       := l_lq_cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn;
12027       l_lq_payment_header_rec.quote_type_code    := l_quote_type_code;
12028       -- Populate the Cash flow levels
12029       IF l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl.COUNT > 0
12030       THEN
12031         l_lq_payment_header_rec.frequency_code :=
12032           l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl(l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl.FIRST).fqy_code;
12033         FOR t_index IN l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl.FIRST .. l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl.LAST
12034         LOOP
12035           IF l_cfo_exists_at_lq = 'YES'
12036           THEN
12037             l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_index).cashflow_level_id  := l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl(t_index).cfl_id;
12038             l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_index).record_mode        := 'UPDATE';
12039             l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_index).cashflow_level_ovn := NULL;
12040             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12041                   ' l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_index).cashflow_level_id ' ||
12042                   l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_index).cashflow_level_id);
12043           ELSE
12044             l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_index).record_mode := 'CREATE';
12045           END IF;
12046           l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_index).rate        := l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl(t_index).rate;
12047           l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_index).stub_days   := l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl(t_index).stub_days;
12048           l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_index).stub_amount := l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl(t_index).stub_amount;
12049           l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_index).periods     := l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl(t_index).number_of_periods;
12050           l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_index).periodic_amount := l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl(t_index).amount;
12051           l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_index).start_date  := l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl(t_index).start_date;
12052         END LOOP;
12053       END IF;
12054       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12055         'Stored the Cash Flows in the l_lq_payment_level_tbl' );
12056       -- Populated the payment_header_rec and payment_level for use at later Stage !
12057       get_day_count_method(
12058         p_days_in_month    => l_days_in_month,
12059         p_days_in_year     => l_days_in_year,
12060         x_day_count_method => l_day_count_method,
12061         x_return_status    => l_return_status );
12062       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12063         'Return Status | l_days_in_month | l_days_in_year | l_day_count_method ' );
12064       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12065         l_return_status || ' | ' || l_days_in_month || ' | ' || l_days_in_year || ' | ' ||  l_day_count_method  );
12066       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
12068       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
12069         --Bug 5884825 PAGARG start
12070         OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
12071                              p_msg_name     => 'OKL_ISG_DAY_CONVENTION',
12072                              p_token1       => 'PRODUCT_NAME',
12073                              p_token1_value => l_product_name);
12074         --Bug 5884825 PAGARG end
12076       END IF;
12077       -- Generate the Streams for the payment at the Quote Level !
12078       IF l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl IS NOT NULL AND
12079          l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl.COUNT > 0
12080       THEN
12081         -- Initialize the Strm Count to Zero
12082         gen_so_cf_strms(
12083           p_api_version            => p_api_version,
12084           p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
12085           x_return_status          => l_return_status,
12086           x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
12087           x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
12088           p_cash_flow_rec          => l_lq_cash_flow_rec,
12089           p_cf_details_tbl         => l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl,
12090           x_cash_inflow_strms_tbl  => l_lq_cash_inflows);
12091         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12092                     'After gen_so_cf_strms ' || l_return_status);
12093         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12094                    'Number of Stream Elements generated ' || l_lq_cash_inflows.COUNT);
12095         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
12097         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
12099         END IF;
12100         -- Get the DPP and PPY inorder to populate for the Residuals Table
12101         get_dpp_ppy(
12102           p_frequency            => l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl(l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl.FIRST).fqy_code,
12103           x_dpp                  => l_cf_dpp,
12104           x_ppy                  => l_cf_ppy,
12105           x_return_status        => l_return_status );
12106         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12107           'After get_dpp_ppy ' || l_return_status );
12108         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
12110         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
12112         END IF;
12113       ELSE
12114         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12115           '********** No pricing option picked @ LQ ! *******' );
12116       END IF; -- IF l_cash_flow_det_tbl.COUNT > 0
12117     END IF; -- IF pricing_method <> 'RC'
12118     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module,
12119                'price method ' || quote_rec.pricing_method, l_return_status );
12120     IF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SP' OR
12121        quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SM'
12122     THEN
12123       -- Solve for Payment
12124       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount := 0;
12125       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment := 0;
12126       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in := 0;
12127       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy := 0;
12128       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cap_fee_amount := 0;
12129       pp_index := 1;
12130       lnoa_index := 1;
12131       res_index := 1;
12132       l_non_overiding_assets_tbl.DELETE;
12133       -- Loop through the Assets and check price the asset seperately
12134       --  which has overriddent the payment option picked at the Quote Level
12135       FOR assets_rec IN assets_csr(p_qte_id)                 -- for all assets
12136       LOOP
12137         -- Check whether this Asset has overridden the Payment option defined
12138         --  at the quote level !
12139         IF assets_rec.fee_type <> 'FREE_FORM1'
12140         THEN
12141           l_overridden := TRUE;
12142         ELSE
12143           l_overridden := is_asset_overriding(
12144                           p_qte_id                => p_qte_id,
12145                           p_ast_id                => assets_rec.ast_id,
12146                           p_lq_line_level_pricing => quote_rec.line_level_pricing,
12147                           p_lq_srt_id             => quote_rec.rate_template_id,
12148                           p_ast_srt_id            => assets_rec.rate_template_id,
12149                           p_lq_struct_pricing     => quote_rec.structured_pricing,
12150                           p_ast_struct_pricing    => assets_rec.structured_pricing,
12151                           p_lq_arrears_yn         => quote_rec.target_arrears,
12152                           p_ast_arrears_yn        => assets_rec.target_arrears,
12153                           x_return_status         => l_return_status);
12154           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12155                      'After is_asset_overriding assets_rec.id =' || assets_rec.ast_id);
12156           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12157                      '  l_return_status =' || l_return_status );
12158           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
12160           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
12162           END IF;
12163         END IF;
12164         IF l_overridden = FALSE
12165         THEN
12166           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12167             ' Asset follows the Payment Structure defined @ Lease Quote level ' || assets_rec.asset_number );
12168           -- The current Asset is following the pricing option defined at the LQ level !
12169           l_non_overiding_assets_tbl(lnoa_index) := assets_rec.ast_id;
12170           FOR asset_cost_adj_rec IN asset_cost_adj_csr( qteid => p_qte_id,
12171                                                         astid => assets_rec.ast_id)
12172           LOOP
12173             -- Fetch the Asset Cost Adjustment information like ..
12174             --  Down Payment/Subsidy/Trade-in
12175             IF asset_cost_adj_rec.adjustment_source_type = G_DOWNPAYMENT_TYPE
12176             THEN
12177               l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).down_payment := nvl(asset_cost_adj_rec.VALUE, 0 );
12178             ELSIF asset_cost_adj_rec.adjustment_source_type = G_SUBSIDY_TYPE
12179             THEN
12180               IF ( nvl(asset_cost_adj_rec.value, -9999) = -9999)
12181               THEN
12182                 OPEN subsidy_adj_csr(asset_cost_adj_rec.ADJUSTMENT_SOURCE_ID);
12183                 FETCH subsidy_adj_csr INTO subsidy_adj_rec;
12184                 CLOSE subsidy_adj_csr;
12185                 -- Bug 6622178 : Start
12186                 -- Consider all subsidies for the asset
12187                 IF l_noa_pp_tbl.EXISTS(lnoa_index) then
12188                   l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := NVL(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy,0) + NVL(subsidy_adj_rec.amount,0);
12189                 ELSE
12190                   l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := NVL(subsidy_adj_rec.amount,0);
12191                   -- Bug 6622178 : End
12192                 END IF;
12193               ELSE
12194                 -- Bug 6622178 : Start
12195                 -- Consider all subsidies for the asset
12196                 IF l_noa_pp_tbl.EXISTS(lnoa_index) then
12197                   l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := NVL(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy,0) + NVL(asset_cost_adj_rec.value,0);
12198                 ELSE
12199                   l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := NVL(asset_cost_adj_rec.value,0);
12200                   -- Bug 6622178 : End
12201                 END IF;
12202               END IF;
12203             ELSIF asset_cost_adj_rec.adjustment_source_type = G_TRADEIN_TYPE
12204             THEN
12205               l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).trade_in := nvl(asset_cost_adj_rec.VALUE, 0);
12206             END IF;
12207             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12208               'After Retrieving the Asset Cost Adjustments ');
12209             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12210               'Down Payment| Trade In | Subsidy ' );
12211             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12212               l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).down_payment || ' | ' || l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).trade_in || ' | ' || l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy );
12213           END LOOP;
12214           FOR asset_adj_rec IN asset_adj_csr(p_qte_id, assets_rec.ast_id)
12215           LOOP
12216             l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).financed_amount := nvl(asset_adj_rec.oec,0);
12217             -- Calculate the Capitalized Fee for this Asset
12218             FOR ct_rec IN get_asset_cap_fee_amt(
12219                            p_source_type       => 'ASSET',
12220                            p_source_id         => assets_rec.ast_id,
12221                            p_related_line_type => 'CAPITALIZED')
12222             LOOP
12223               l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).cap_fee_amount := nvl(ct_rec.capitalized_amount, 0);
12224             END LOOP;
12225             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).line_number := res_index;
12226             IF ( l_eot_type_code = 'PERCENT' OR l_eot_type_code = 'RESIDUAL_PERCENT' )
12227             THEN
12228               -- Store EOT %age in terms of Decimal like 0.25 for 25%
12229               l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_amount :=
12230                 nvl((asset_adj_rec.end_of_term_value /100) * l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).financed_amount, 0);
12231             ELSE
12232               -- EOT is mentioned in terms of Amount
12233               l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_amount   := nvl(asset_adj_rec.end_of_term_value, 0);
12234             END IF;
12235             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_date     := l_eot_date;
12236             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_miss_pay := 'N';
12237             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).is_stub     := 'N';
12238             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).is_arrears  := 'Y';
12239             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_dpp := l_cf_dpp;
12240             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_ppy := l_cf_ppy;
12241             -- Store the Asset Residuals in the corresponding NOA Assets table
12242             l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).residual_inflows(1) := l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index);
12243             -- Increment the res_index
12244             res_index := res_index + 1;
12245           END LOOP;
12246           -- Bug 6669429 : Start
12247           l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).financed_amount,0);
12248           l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment    := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment    + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).down_payment,0);
12249           l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in        := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in        + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).trade_in,0);
12250           l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy         := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy         + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy,0);
12251           l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cap_fee_amount  := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cap_fee_amount  + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).cap_fee_amount,0);
12252           -- Bug 6669429 : End
12253           lnoa_index := lnoa_index + 1;
12254         ELSE -- IF l_overridden = FALSE
12255           -- Price this Asset which has overridden the payment strcuture defined on the LQ !
12256           IF  assets_rec.fee_type = 'FREE_FORM1'
12257           THEN
12258             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12259               ' Asset with ID '||  assets_rec.ast_id || ' overrides the payment structure @ LQ level' );
12260             price_standard_quote_asset(
12261               x_return_status          => l_return_status,
12262               x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
12263               x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
12264               p_api_version            => p_api_version,
12265               p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
12266               p_qte_id                 => p_qte_id,
12267               p_ast_id                 => nvl(assets_rec.ast_id, assets_rec.fee_id),
12268               p_price_at_lq_level      => FALSE, -- Use Asset Level Cash flows only !
12269               p_target_rate            => NULL,
12270               p_line_type              => assets_rec.fee_type,
12271               x_pricing_parameter_rec  => l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec );
12272             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12273               'After price_standard_quote_asset ' || l_return_status );
12274             IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
12275               RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
12276             ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
12277               RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
12278             END IF;
12279             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index) := l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec;
12280             -- Increment the pp_index
12281             pp_index := pp_index + 1;
12282           END IF;
12283         END IF;
12284       END LOOP; -- Loop on the Assets csr
12285       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12286         ' Number of Overriding Lines = ' || l_pricing_parameter_tbl.COUNT  || ' | ' ||
12287         ' Number of Non-Overriding Lines = ' || l_non_overiding_assets_tbl.COUNT );
12288       IF l_non_overiding_assets_tbl.COUNT > 0
12289       THEN
12290         -- Store into Pricing Params only if there is atleast one noa assets
12291         l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows := l_lq_cash_inflows;
12292         l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows := l_lq_residual_inflows;
12293         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12294           ' Before Calling compute_iir to solve for payment @ LQ level ' );
12295         -- Now Solve for Payment at the Lease Quote Level using amortization logic !
12296         compute_iir(
12297           p_api_version            => p_api_version,
12298           p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
12299           x_return_status          => l_return_status,
12300           x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
12301           x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
12302           p_start_date             => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
12303           p_day_count_method       => l_day_count_method,
12304           p_pricing_method         => quote_rec.pricing_method,
12305           p_initial_guess          => l_initial_guess,
12306           px_pricing_parameter_rec => l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec,
12307           px_iir                   => x_iir,
12308           x_payment                => x_payment);
12309         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12310           'After compute_iir ' || l_return_status );
12311         IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
12312           RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
12313         ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
12314           RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
12315         END IF;
12316         IF x_payment < 0
12317         THEN
12318           OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
12319             p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
12320             p_msg_name     => 'OKL_NEGATIVE_ADJ_AMT',
12321             p_token1       => 'TYPE',
12322             p_token1_value => 'Payment',
12323             p_token2       => 'AMOUNT',
12324             p_token2_value => round(x_payment,2) );
12325           RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
12326         END IF;
12327         -- Now, we need to populate back the Payment Amount back
12328         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12329            '***** **** Updating the stream elements and cash flow with the amount ' || x_payment );
12330         --  Update the Cash inflows with the Solved Amount ..
12331         FOR t_in IN l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.FIRST ..
12332                     l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.LAST
12333         LOOP
12334           IF l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows(t_in).cf_miss_pay = 'Y' OR
12335              quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SP'
12336           THEN
12337             l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows(t_in).cf_amount := x_payment;
12338           END IF;
12339         END LOOP;
12340         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12341           'After Updating the PP_REC.cash_inflows with the solved payment amount ' || round( x_payment, 4) );
12342         -- Update the LQ Cash inflows with the Solved Payment Amount
12343         FOR t_in IN l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl.FIRST..l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl.LAST
12344         LOOP
12345           IF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SP' OR
12346             (quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SM' AND  l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl(t_in).number_of_periods > 0 AND l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl(t_in).amount IS NULL ) OR
12347             ( quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SM' AND  l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl(t_in).stub_days > 0 AND l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl(t_in).stub_amount IS NULL ) THEN
12348             IF l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl(t_in).number_of_periods > 0
12349             THEN
12350               l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_in).periodic_amount := x_payment;
12351               l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_in).missing_pmt_flag := 'Y';
12352             ELSE
12353               l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_in).stub_amount := x_payment;
12354               l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_in).missing_pmt_flag := 'Y';
12355             END IF;
12356           END IF;
12357         END LOOP;
12358         -- Storing the l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec for derieving payments @ every NOA Asset Level.
12359         l_an_ass_follow_lq   := TRUE;  -- Store the flag
12360         l_lq_details_prc_rec := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec;
12361         IF l_cfo_exists_at_lq = 'YES'
12362         THEN
12363           -- Delete the Cash Flow Levels which may be already created by Pricing ..
12364           okl_lease_quote_cashflow_pvt.delete_cashflows (
12365             p_api_version          => p_api_version,
12366             p_init_msg_list        => p_init_msg_list,
12367             p_transaction_control  => NULL,
12368             p_source_object_code   => 'LEASE_QUOTE',
12369             p_source_object_id     => p_qte_id,
12370             x_return_status        => l_return_status,
12371             x_msg_count            => x_msg_count,
12372             x_msg_data             => x_msg_data);
12373           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12374                     ' ----- After deleting the Cash flows for the asset  ' || l_return_status );
12375           IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
12376             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
12377           ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
12378             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
12379           END IF;
12380         END IF;
12381         FOR cfl_index IN l_lq_payment_level_tbl.FIRST .. l_lq_payment_level_tbl.LAST
12382         LOOP
12383           l_lq_payment_level_tbl(cfl_index).record_mode := 'CREATE';
12384         END LOOP;
12385         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12386                    'Before creating the cash flows call'  );
12387         OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.create_cashflow(
12388           p_api_version         => p_api_version,
12389           p_init_msg_list       => p_init_msg_list,
12390           p_transaction_control => NULL,
12391           p_cashflow_header_rec => l_lq_payment_header_rec,
12392           p_cashflow_level_tbl  => l_lq_payment_level_tbl,
12393           x_return_status       => l_return_status,
12394           x_msg_count           => x_msg_count,
12395           x_msg_data            => x_msg_data);
12396         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12397                    'After update_cashflow call ' || l_Return_Status );
12398         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
12400         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
12402         END IF;
12403         -- pp_index is an post-assigned incremented index!
12404         l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.line_type := 'FREE_FORM1';
12405         -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
12406         l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cfo_id := l_lq_payment_header_rec.cashflow_object_id;
12407         -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
12408         l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index) := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec;
12409         -- Increment the pp_index
12410         pp_index := pp_index + 1;
12411       END IF;
12412       -- Store the Pricing Params to solve again for Non-Subsidized Yields
12413       -- Handling the ROLLOVER AND FINANCED FEES
12414       FOR assets_rec IN assets_csr(p_qte_id) -- ALL Assets or FEES
12415       LOOP
12416         IF  assets_rec.fee_type IN ( 'ROLLOVER', 'FINANCED')
12417         THEN
12418           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12419             ' Calling price_standard_quote_asset for ' || assets_rec.fee_type || ' with ID ' || assets_rec.fee_id );
12420           -- Price the fees ROLLOVER OR FINANCED
12421           price_standard_quote_asset(
12422             x_return_status          => l_return_status,
12423             x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
12424             x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
12425             p_api_version            => p_api_version,
12426             p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
12427             p_qte_id                 => p_qte_id,
12428             p_ast_id                 => nvl(assets_rec.ast_id, assets_rec.fee_id),
12429             p_price_at_lq_level      => FALSE, -- Use Asset Level Cash flows only !
12430             p_target_rate            => NULL,
12431             p_line_type              => assets_rec.fee_type,
12432             x_pricing_parameter_rec  => l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec );
12433           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12434                    'After price_standard_quote_asset ' || l_return_status );
12435           IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
12436             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
12437           ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
12438             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
12439           END IF;
12440           l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index) := l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec;
12441           -- Increment the pp_index
12442           pp_index := pp_index + 1;
12443         END IF;
12444       END LOOP;
12445       l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl := l_pricing_parameter_tbl;
12446       -- Now call the compute_irr api to solve for the IIR Yield at the Lease quote Level !
12447       compute_irr(
12448         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
12449         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
12450         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
12451         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
12452         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
12453         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
12454         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
12455         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
12456         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
12457         p_initial_guess           => x_iir, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
12458         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pricing_parameter_tbl,
12459         px_irr                    => x_iir,
12460         x_payment                 => x_payment);
12461       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12462                      '1/ After Computation of SUBSIDIZED-IIR @ LQ Level ' || l_return_status );
12463       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12464                    'SOLVED FOR IIR ' || x_iir );
12465       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
12467       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
12469       END IF;
12470       l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir      :=  x_iir;
12471       l_subsidized_yields_rec.bk_yield :=  l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir;
12472       -- Populate the Pricing Params with all the other configuration lines
12473       --  for solving the SUBSIDIZED YIELDS @ Lease Quote Level
12474       -- Extract the fess information and built the Cash Inflows and Pricing Parameters
12475       FOR assets_rec IN assets_csr(p_qte_id)                 -- for all assets
12476       LOOP
12477         IF ( assets_rec.fee_type NOT IN ('FREE_FORM1', 'ROLLOVER', 'FINANCED', 'ABSORBED') )
12478         THEN
12479           -- Delete the previous fees cash flows
12480           l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl.DELETE;
12481           l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl.DELETE;
12482           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12483                        '!!!!!!  Handling fee ' || assets_rec.fee_type );
12484           get_lq_fee_cash_flows(
12485             p_api_version      => p_api_version,
12486             p_init_msg_list    => p_init_msg_list,
12487             x_return_status    => l_return_status,
12488             x_msg_count        => x_msg_count,
12489             x_msg_data         => x_msg_data,
12490             p_fee_type         => assets_rec.fee_type,
12491             p_lq_id            => p_qte_id,
12492             p_fee_id           => assets_rec.fee_id,
12493             x_outflow_caf_rec  => l_fee_outflow_caf_rec,
12494             x_outflow_cfl_tbl  => l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl,
12495             x_inflow_caf_rec   => l_fee_inflow_caf_rec,
12496             x_inflow_cfl_tbl   => l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl);
12497           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12498                      'After get_lq_fee_cash_flows ' || l_return_status );
12499           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
12501           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
12503           END IF;
12504           -- Based on the outflows/Inflows obtained generate the streams
12505           IF l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl.COUNT > 0
12506           THEN
12507             l_cash_inflows.DELETE;
12508             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12509                      '!!!!!!! Obtained Expense Cash flow levels !!!!!!!!' );
12510             gen_so_cf_strms(
12511               p_api_version            => p_api_version,
12512               p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
12513               x_return_status          => l_return_status,
12514               x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
12515               x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
12516               p_cash_flow_rec          => l_fee_outflow_caf_rec,
12517               p_cf_details_tbl         => l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl,
12518               x_cash_inflow_strms_tbl  => l_cash_inflows);
12519             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
12521             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
12522               RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
12523             END IF;
12524             -- Place the information in the pricing params
12525             pp_index := pp_index + 1;
12526             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_type := assets_rec.fee_type;
12527             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'EXPENSE';
12528             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_start_date := assets_rec.line_start_date;
12529             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_end_date := assets_rec.line_end_date;
12530             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).cash_inflows := l_cash_inflows;
12531             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
12532             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).cfo_id := l_fee_outflow_caf_rec.cfo_id;
12533             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
12534           END IF;
12535           -- Based on the outflows/Inflows obtained generate the streams
12536           IF l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl.COUNT > 0
12537           THEN
12538             l_cash_inflows.DELETE;
12539             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12540                      '!!!!!!! Obtained Income Cash flow levels !!!!!!!!' );
12541             gen_so_cf_strms(
12542               p_api_version            => p_api_version,
12543               p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
12544               x_return_status          => l_return_status,
12545               x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
12546               x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
12547               p_cash_flow_rec          => l_fee_inflow_caf_rec,
12548               p_cf_details_tbl         => l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl,
12549               x_cash_inflow_strms_tbl  => l_cash_inflows);
12550             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
12552             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
12553               RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
12554             END IF;
12555             -- Place the information in the pricing params
12556             pp_index := pp_index + 1;
12557             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_type := assets_rec.fee_type;
12558             IF assets_rec.fee_type IN ( 'INCOME', 'MISCELLANEOUS' )
12559             THEN
12560               l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'INCOME';
12561             ELSE
12562               l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'SECDEPOSIT';
12563             END IF;
12564             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_start_date := assets_rec.line_start_date;
12565             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_end_date := assets_rec.line_end_date;
12566             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).cash_inflows := l_cash_inflows;
12567             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
12568             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).cfo_id := l_fee_inflow_caf_rec.cfo_id;
12569             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
12570           END IF;
12571         END IF; -- IF on Fee_type not in ...
12572         IF  assets_rec.fee_type = 'ABSORBED'
12573         THEN
12574           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12575                      '!!!!!!  Building cash inflows for this Absorbed fee ' || assets_rec.fee_type );
12576           -- Increment the pp_index and store the pricng params
12577           pp_index := pp_index + 1;
12578           l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'EXPENSE';
12579           l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).financed_amount := assets_rec.fee_amount;
12580         END IF;
12581       END LOOP;
12582       -- Store the Pricing Params to solve again for Non-Subsidized IRR Yields
12583       l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl := l_pricing_parameter_tbl;
12584       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12585                      '1/ Before Computation of SUBSIDIZED-IRR @ LQ Level ' );
12586       -- Now call the compute_irr api to solve for the IIR Yield at the Lease quote Level !
12587       l_iir_temp := NULL;
12588       l_iir_temp := l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr;
12589       compute_irr(
12590         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
12591         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
12592         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
12593         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
12594         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
12595         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
12596         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
12597         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
12598         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
12599         p_initial_guess           => x_iir, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
12600         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pricing_parameter_tbl, -- includes the fees as well
12601         -- px_irr                    => l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr,
12602         px_irr                    => l_iir_temp,
12603         x_payment                 => x_payment);
12604         l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr := l_iir_temp;
12605       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12606                      '1/ After Computation of SUBSIDIZED-IRR @ LQ Level ' || l_return_status );
12607       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12608                    'SOLVED FOR IRR ' || l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr );
12609       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
12611       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
12613       END IF;
12614       -- Calculation of the Non-Subsidized Yields
12615       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12616                      '!!!!!!!!!! Before Computation of NON-SUBSIDIZED-IIR @ LQ Level !!!!!!!!' );
12617       -- Remove subsidy Amount and then solve the IIR now
12618       FOR t_in IN l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl.FIRST .. l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl.LAST
12619       LOOP
12620         l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl(t_in).subsidy := 0;
12621       END LOOP;
12622       -- Now call the compute_irr api to solve for the IIR Yield at the Lease quote Level !
12623       l_iir_temp := NULL;
12624       l_iir_temp := l_yields_rec.iir;
12625       compute_irr(
12626         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
12627         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
12628         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
12629         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
12630         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
12631         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
12632         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
12633         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
12634         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
12635         p_initial_guess           => l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
12636         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl, -- includes the fees as well
12637         -- px_irr                    => l_yields_rec.iir,
12638         px_irr                    => l_iir_temp,
12639         x_payment                 => x_payment);
12640        l_yields_rec.iir := l_iir_temp;
12641       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12642                      '1/ After Computation of NON-SUBSIDIZED-IIR @ LQ Level ' || l_return_status );
12643       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12644                    'SOLVED FOR NON-SUBSIDIZED-IIR ' || l_yields_rec.iir );
12645       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
12647       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
12649       END IF;
12650       l_yields_rec.bk_yield :=  l_yields_rec.iir;
12651       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12652                      '1/ Before Computation of NON-SUBSIDIZED-IRR @ LQ Level ' );
12653       FOR t_in IN l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.FIRST .. l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.LAST
12654       LOOP
12655         l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(t_in).subsidy := 0;
12656       END LOOP;
12657       -- Now call the compute_irr api to solve for the IIR Yield at the Lease quote Level !
12658       l_iir_temp := NULL;
12659       l_iir_temp := l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr;
12660       compute_irr(
12661         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
12662         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
12663         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
12664         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
12665         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
12666         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
12667         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
12668         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
12669         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
12670         p_initial_guess           => l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
12671         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl, -- includes the fees as well
12672         -- px_irr                    => l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr,
12673         px_irr                    => l_iir_temp,
12674         x_payment                 => x_payment);
12675       l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr := l_iir_temp;
12676       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12677                      'After Computation of NON-SUBSIDIZED-IRR @ LQ Level ' || l_return_status );
12678       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12679                    'SOLVED FOR NON-SUBSIDIZED-IRR ' || l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr );
12680       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
12682       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
12684       END IF;
12685     ELSIF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SF'
12686     THEN
12687       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12688                  ' SOLVING FOR FINANCED AMOUNT ' || l_return_status );
12689       -- End of IF p_pricing_method = 'SP' / 'SM' and begin 'SF'.
12690       -- Solve for Financed Amount
12691       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount := 0;
12692       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment := 0;
12693       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in := 0;
12694       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy := 0;
12695       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cap_fee_amount := 0;
12696       l_sum_of_noa_oec_percent := 0;
12697       pp_index := 1;
12698       lnoa_index := 1;
12699       res_index := 1;
12700       l_non_overiding_assets_tbl.DELETE;
12701       -- Bug 6622178 : Start
12702       l_disp_sf_msg := FALSE;
12703       -- Bug 6622178 : End
12704       FOR assets_rec IN assets_csr(p_qte_id)
12705       LOOP
12706         -- Loop through all the assets !
12707         IF assets_rec.fee_type <> 'FREE_FORM1'
12708         THEN
12709          l_overridden := TRUE;
12710         ELSE
12711           l_overridden := is_asset_overriding(
12712                            p_qte_id                => p_qte_id,
12713                            p_ast_id                => assets_rec.ast_id,
12714                            p_lq_line_level_pricing => quote_rec.line_level_pricing,
12715                            p_lq_srt_id             => quote_rec.rate_template_id,
12716                            p_ast_srt_id            => assets_rec.rate_template_id,
12717                            p_lq_struct_pricing     => quote_rec.structured_pricing,
12718                            p_ast_struct_pricing    => assets_rec.structured_pricing,
12719                            p_lq_arrears_yn         => quote_rec.target_arrears,
12720                            p_ast_arrears_yn        => assets_rec.target_arrears,
12721                            x_return_status         => l_return_status);
12722            put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12723                        ' Pricing method = SF | x_return_status = ' || l_return_status );
12724            IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
12726            ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
12728            END IF;
12729          END IF;
12730          IF l_overridden = FALSE
12731          THEN
12732            put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12733                        ' Asset follows the Payment Structure defined @ Lease Quote level ' || assets_rec.asset_number );
12734            -- The current Asset is following the pricing option defined at the LQ level !
12735            l_non_overiding_assets_tbl(lnoa_index) := assets_rec.ast_id;
12736            FOR asset_cost_adj_rec IN asset_cost_adj_csr( qteid => p_qte_id,
12737                                                          astid => assets_rec.ast_id)
12738            LOOP
12739              -- Fetch the Asset Cost Adjustment information like ..
12740              --  Down Payment/Subsidy/Trade-in
12741              IF asset_cost_adj_rec.adjustment_source_type = G_DOWNPAYMENT_TYPE
12742              THEN
12743                l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).down_payment := nvl(asset_cost_adj_rec.VALUE, 0 );
12744              ELSIF asset_cost_adj_rec.adjustment_source_type = G_SUBSIDY_TYPE
12745              THEN
12746                -- Bug 6622178 : Start
12747 /*             IF ( nvl(asset_cost_adj_rec.value, -9999) = -9999)
12748                THEN
12749                  OPEN subsidy_adj_csr(asset_cost_adj_rec.ADJUSTMENT_SOURCE_ID);
12750                  FETCH subsidy_adj_csr INTO subsidy_adj_rec;
12751                  CLOSE subsidy_adj_csr;
12752                  l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := subsidy_adj_rec.amount;
12753                ELSE
12754                  l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := asset_cost_adj_rec.value;
12755                END IF;
12756 */
12757              OPEN subsidy_adj_csr(asset_cost_adj_rec.ADJUSTMENT_SOURCE_ID);
12758              FETCH subsidy_adj_csr INTO subsidy_adj_rec;
12759              CLOSE subsidy_adj_csr;
12760              IF ( UPPER(subsidy_adj_rec.SUBSIDY_CALC_BASIS) = 'FINANCED_AMOUNT' AND
12761                   asset_cost_adj_rec.value IS NULL)
12762              THEN
12763                l_disp_sf_msg := TRUE;
12764              END IF;
12765              -- Bug 6622178 : End
12766 	     -- Bug 7429169 : Start
12767              IF l_noa_pp_tbl.EXISTS(lnoa_index)
12768 	     THEN
12769                l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := NVL(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy,0)
12770 	                                           + NVL(asset_cost_adj_rec.value,0);
12771              ELSE
12772                l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := NVL(asset_cost_adj_rec.value,0);
12773              END IF;
12774              -- l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := asset_cost_adj_rec.value;
12775 	     -- Bug 7429169 : End
12776              ELSIF asset_cost_adj_rec.adjustment_source_type = G_TRADEIN_TYPE
12777              THEN
12778                l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).trade_in := nvl(asset_cost_adj_rec.VALUE, 0);
12779              END IF;
12780              put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12781                'After Retrieving the Asset Cost Adjustments ');
12782              put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12783                'Down Payment| Trade In | Subsidy ' );
12784              put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12785                l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).down_payment || ' | ' || l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).trade_in || ' | ' || l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy );
12786            END LOOP;
12787            FOR asset_adj_rec IN asset_adj_csr(p_qte_id, assets_rec.ast_id)
12788            LOOP
12789              -- Dont know how to store the financed amount here
12790              l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).financed_amount := 0;
12791              -- Calculate the Capitalized Fee for this Asset
12792              FOR ct_rec IN get_asset_cap_fee_amt(
12793                             p_source_type       => 'ASSET',
12794                             p_source_id         => assets_rec.ast_id,
12795                             p_related_line_type => 'CAPITALIZED')
12796              LOOP
12797                l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).cap_fee_amount := nvl(ct_rec.capitalized_amount, 0);
12798              END LOOP;
12799              l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).line_number := res_index;
12800              IF ( l_eot_type_code = 'PERCENT' OR l_eot_type_code = 'RESIDUAL_PERCENT' )
12801              THEN
12802                -- Store EOT %age in terms of Decimal like 0.25 for 25%
12803                l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_amount :=
12804                  (asset_adj_rec.end_of_term_value /100) * (assets_rec.oec_percentage/100);
12805                -- Accumulate Assets OEC in the l_sum_of_noa_oec_percent
12806                l_sum_of_noa_oec_percent := l_sum_of_noa_oec_percent + nvl(assets_rec.oec_percentage,0);
12807              ELSE
12808                -- EOT is mentioned in terms of Amount
12809                l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_amount   := asset_adj_rec.end_of_term_value;
12810              END IF;
12811              l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_date     := l_eot_date;
12812              l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_miss_pay := 'N';
12813              l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).is_stub     := 'N';
12814              l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).is_arrears  := 'Y';
12815              l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_dpp := l_cf_dpp;
12816              l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_ppy := l_cf_ppy;
12817              -- Store the Asset Residuals in the corresponding NOA Assets table
12818              l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).residual_inflows(1) := l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index);
12819              -- Increment the res_index
12820              res_index := res_index + 1;
12821            END LOOP;
12822            -- Bug 6669429 : Start
12823            l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).financed_amount,0);
12824            l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment    := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment    + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).down_payment,0);
12825            l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in        := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in        + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).trade_in,0);
12826            l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy         := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy         + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy,0);
12827            l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cap_fee_amount  := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cap_fee_amount  + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).cap_fee_amount,0);
12828            -- Bug 6669429 : End
12829            lnoa_index := lnoa_index + 1;
12830          ELSE -- IF l_overridden = FALSE in pricing method 'SF'
12831            -- Price this Asset which has overridden the payment strcuture defined on the LQ !
12832            IF assets_rec.fee_type = 'FREE_FORM1'  --, 'ROLLOVER', 'FINANCED' )
12833            THEN
12834              put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12835                ' Asset Overrides the Payment Structure defined @ Lease Quote level ' || assets_rec.asset_number );
12836              price_standard_quote_asset(
12837                x_return_status          => l_return_status,
12838                x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
12839                x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
12840                p_api_version            => p_api_version,
12841                p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
12842                p_qte_id                 => p_qte_id,
12843                p_ast_id                 => nvl(assets_rec.ast_id, assets_rec.fee_id),
12844                p_price_at_lq_level      => FALSE, -- Use Asset Level Cash flows only !
12845                p_target_rate            => NULL,
12846                p_line_type              => assets_rec.fee_type,
12847                x_pricing_parameter_rec  => l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec );
12848              put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12849                        'PM = SF | After price_Standard_quote_asset l_return_Status = '|| l_return_status );
12850              IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
12851                RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
12852              ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
12853                RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
12854              END IF;
12855              l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index) := l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec;
12856              -- Increment the pp_index
12857              pp_index := pp_index + 1;
12858            END IF;
12859          END IF;
12860       END LOOP; -- Loop on the Assets csr
12861       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12862                  ' Number of Overriding Lines = ' || l_pricing_parameter_tbl.COUNT );
12863       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12864                  ' Number of Non-Overriding Lines = ' || l_non_overiding_assets_tbl.COUNT );
12865       -- Store the Cash inflow streams and Residual streams in the l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec
12866       --  using amortization logic !
12867       IF l_non_overiding_assets_tbl.COUNT > 0
12868       THEN
12869         -- Manipulate the l_lq_residual_inflows such that the Effective EOT %age is based on
12870         --  OEC Percentage of only non-overriding Assets. Refer eg. in Bug. 5167302
12871         IF ( l_eot_type_code = 'PERCENT' OR l_eot_type_code = 'RESIDUAL_PERCENT' ) AND
12872             nvl(l_sum_of_noa_oec_percent,100) <> 100
12873         THEN
12874           IF l_lq_residual_inflows IS NOT NULL AND
12875              l_lq_residual_inflows.COUNT > 0
12876           THEN
12877             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12878               ' !!!! Manipulating the Effective EOT %age. l_sum_of_noa_oec_percent = ' || round(l_sum_of_noa_oec_percent, 4) );
12879             FOR r_in IN l_lq_residual_inflows.FIRST .. l_lq_residual_inflows.LAST
12880             LOOP
12881               l_lq_residual_inflows(r_in).cf_amount := l_lq_residual_inflows(r_in).cf_amount * 100 /l_sum_of_noa_oec_percent;
12882             END LOOP;
12883           END IF;
12884           IF l_noa_pp_tbl IS NOT NULL AND l_noa_pp_tbl.COUNT > 0
12885           THEN
12886             FOR t_in IN l_noa_pp_tbl.FIRST .. l_noa_pp_tbl.LAST
12887             LOOP
12888               l_noa_pp_tbl(t_in).residual_inflows(1).cf_amount :=
12889                 l_noa_pp_tbl(t_in).residual_inflows(1).cf_amount * 100 /l_sum_of_noa_oec_percent;
12890             END LOOP;
12891           END IF;
12892         END IF;
12893         -- If there is atleast one asset which follows the Payment Structure
12894         -- defined at Lease Quote Level, then pass the Pricing param table
12895         -- withe the Cash flows information at lease quote level else DON'T !!
12896         -- Store the Cash inflow streams and Residual streams in the l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec
12897         l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows := l_lq_cash_inflows;
12898         l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows := l_lq_residual_inflows;
12899         l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.line_type := 'FREE_FORM1';
12900         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12901          'SF | ------------------ Before compute_iir ------------------  ' );
12902         IF l_eot_type_code = 'PERCENT' OR l_eot_type_code = 'RESIDUAL_PERCENT'
12903         THEN
12904           l_pricing_method := 'SFP';
12905         ELSE
12906           l_pricing_method := 'SF';
12907         END IF;
12908         compute_iir(
12909           p_api_version            => p_api_version,
12910           p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
12911           x_return_status          => l_return_status,
12912           x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
12913           x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
12914           p_start_date             => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
12915           p_day_count_method       => l_day_count_method,
12916           p_pricing_method         => l_pricing_method,
12917           p_initial_guess          => l_initial_guess,
12918           px_pricing_parameter_rec => l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec,
12919           px_iir                   => x_iir,
12920           x_payment                => x_payment);
12921         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12922            'Pricing method = SF | After compute_iir l_return_Status = ' || l_return_status || ' Financed Amount = ' ||
12923            round(l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount, 4) );
12924         IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
12925           RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
12926         ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
12927           RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
12928         END IF;
12929         IF l_pricing_method = 'SFP'
12930         THEN
12931           l_pricing_method := 'SF';  -- Revert back the pricing method to 'SF'
12932           -- Calculate the Residual Amount for each of the Non-overridden Asset for furhter yields calculation
12933           IF l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows IS NOT NULL AND
12934              l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows.COUNT > 0
12935           THEN
12936             FOR t_in IN l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows.FIRST ..
12937                         l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows.LAST
12938             LOOP
12939               l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows(t_in).cf_amount :=
12940                 l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows(t_in).cf_amount *
12941                 l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount;
12942               put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12943                 'l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows(t_in).cf_amount = ' || round(l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows(t_in).cf_amount, 4) );
12945             END LOOP;
12946           END IF; -- Count on Residual Table
12947           -- Calculate the Residual Amount for each of the Non-overridden Asset for pmnt calculation
12948           IF l_noa_pp_tbl IS NOT NULL AND l_noa_pp_tbl.COUNT > 0
12949           THEN
12950             FOR t_in IN l_noa_pp_tbl.FIRST .. l_noa_pp_tbl.LAST
12951             LOOP
12952               l_noa_pp_tbl(t_in).residual_inflows(1).cf_amount :=
12953                 l_noa_pp_tbl(t_in).residual_inflows(1).cf_amount * l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount;
12954             END LOOP;
12955           END IF;
12956         END IF; -- IF l_pricing_method = 'SFP'
12957         -- So, we have now already solved for financed amount at lease quote level !
12958         -- We need to distribute the solved financed amount ( which is at the LQ level )
12959         --  to individual assets !
12960         l_an_ass_follow_lq   := TRUE;  -- Store the flag
12961         l_lq_details_prc_rec := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec;
12962         distribute_fin_amount_lq(
12963           p_api_version     => p_api_version,
12964           p_init_msg_list   => p_init_msg_list,
12965           x_return_status   => l_return_status,
12966           x_msg_count       => x_msg_count,
12967           x_msg_data        => x_msg_data,
12968           p_lq_id           => p_qte_id,
12969           p_tot_fin_amount  => l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount);
12970         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
12971                    'After distribute_fin_amount_lq ' || l_return_status );
12972         IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
12973           RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
12974         ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
12975           RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
12976         END IF;
12977         -- After compute_iir above, the l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec
12978         --  should have been populated with the appropriate values for
12979         --  Financed Amount, Down Payment, Subsidy and all
12980         -- pp_index is an post-assigned incremented index!
12981         --Commented. Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
12982         /*l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index) := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec;
12983         pp_index := pp_index + 1;*/
12984         -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
12985         -- Pricing has to create the Cash Flow levels when the Pricing option is SRT.
12986         -- So, check whether the Cash flows have been already created by the Pricing or not
12987         -- If already created, then delete and create new else, create new cash flow levels.
12988         IF quote_rec.rate_template_id IS NOT NULL
12989         THEN
12990           IF l_cfo_exists_at_lq = 'YES'
12991           THEN
12992             -- Delete the Cash Flow Levels which may be already created by Pricing ..
12993             okl_lease_quote_cashflow_pvt.delete_cashflows (
12994               p_api_version          => p_api_version,
12995               p_init_msg_list        => p_init_msg_list,
12996               p_transaction_control  => NULL,
12997               p_source_object_code   => 'LEASE_QUOTE',
12998               p_source_object_id     => p_qte_id,
12999               x_return_status        => l_return_status,
13000               x_msg_count            => x_msg_count,
13001               x_msg_data             => x_msg_data);
13002             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13003                       ' ----- "SF" ---- After deleting the Cash flows @ LQ Level ' || l_return_status );
13004             IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
13005               RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
13006             ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
13007               RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
13008             END IF;
13009           END IF;
13010           FOR cfl_index IN l_lq_payment_level_tbl.FIRST .. l_lq_payment_level_tbl.LAST
13011           LOOP
13012             l_lq_payment_level_tbl(cfl_index).record_mode := 'CREATE';
13013           END LOOP;
13014           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13015             'Before creating the cash flows call ' || 'Sty_id ' || l_lq_payment_header_rec.stream_type_id
13016             || 'Status_code ' || l_lq_payment_header_rec.status_code  );
13017           OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.create_cashflow(
13018             p_api_version         => p_api_version,
13019             p_init_msg_list       => p_init_msg_list,
13020             p_transaction_control => NULL,
13021             p_cashflow_header_rec => l_lq_payment_header_rec,
13022             p_cashflow_level_tbl  => l_lq_payment_level_tbl,
13023             x_return_status       => l_return_status,
13024             x_msg_count           => x_msg_count,
13025             x_msg_data            => x_msg_data);
13026           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13027                      'After update_cashflow call ' || l_Return_Status );
13028           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13029              'After creating the cash flows call ' || 'Sty_id ' || l_lq_payment_header_rec.stream_type_id
13030              || 'Status_code ' || l_lq_payment_header_rec.status_code  );
13031           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
13033           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
13035           END IF;
13036         END IF; -- Check if Pricing Option = SRT
13037         -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
13038         -- After compute_iir above, the l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec
13039         --  should have been populated with the appropriate values for
13040         --  Financed Amount, Down Payment, Subsidy and all
13041         -- pp_index is an post-assigned incremented index!
13042         l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cfo_id := l_lq_payment_header_rec.cashflow_object_id;
13043         l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index) := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec;
13044         pp_index := pp_index + 1;
13045         -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
13046       END IF;
13047       -- Handling the ROLLOVER AND FINANCED FEES
13048       FOR assets_rec IN assets_csr(p_qte_id) -- ALL Assets or FEES
13049       LOOP
13050         IF  assets_rec.fee_type IN ( 'ROLLOVER', 'FINANCED')
13051         THEN
13052           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13053             ' Calling price_standard_quote_asset for ' || assets_rec.fee_type || ' with ID ' || assets_rec.fee_id );
13054           -- Price the fees ROLLOVER OR FINANCED
13055           price_standard_quote_asset(
13056             x_return_status          => l_return_status,
13057             x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
13058             x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
13059             p_api_version            => p_api_version,
13060             p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
13061             p_qte_id                 => p_qte_id,
13062             p_ast_id                 => nvl(assets_rec.ast_id, assets_rec.fee_id),
13063             p_price_at_lq_level      => FALSE, -- Use Fee Level Cash flows only !
13064             p_target_rate            => NULL,
13065             p_line_type              => assets_rec.fee_type,
13066             x_pricing_parameter_rec  => l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec );
13067           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13068                    'After price_standard_quote_asset ' || l_return_status );
13069           IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
13070             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
13071           ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
13072             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
13073           END IF;
13074           l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index) := l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec;
13075           -- Increment the pp_index
13076           pp_index := pp_index + 1;
13077         END IF;
13078       END LOOP;
13079       -- Build Pricing Params for solving IIR @ LQ level
13080       l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl := l_pricing_parameter_tbl;
13081       -- Now call the compute_iir api to solve the IIR @ Lease Quote Level
13082       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13083                  '!!!!!!!! Before Calculating the Subsidized IIR !!!!!!!!!!!' );
13084       l_iir_temp := NULL;
13085       l_iir_temp := l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir;
13086       compute_irr(
13087         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
13088         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
13089         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
13090         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
13091         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
13092         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
13093         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
13094         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
13095         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
13096         p_initial_guess           => x_iir, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
13097         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pricing_parameter_tbl,
13098         -- px_irr                    => l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir,
13099         px_irr                    => l_iir_temp,
13100         x_payment                 => x_payment);
13101       l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir := l_iir_temp;
13102       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13103         'After Calculating the Subsidized IIR ' || round(l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir, 4) );
13104       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
13106       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
13108       END IF;
13109       -- Store the IIR as the Booking Yield
13110       l_subsidized_yields_rec.bk_yield :=  l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir;
13111       -- Now Build the pricing params table for the calculation of the
13112       --  IRR @ Lease Quote level
13113       l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl := l_pricing_parameter_tbl;
13114       ppfs_index := nvl(l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.LAST, 0);
13115       -- Extract the fess information and built the Cash Inflows and Pricing Parameters
13116       FOR assets_rec IN assets_csr(p_qte_id)                 -- for all assets
13117       LOOP
13118         IF ( assets_rec.fee_type NOT IN ('FREE_FORM1', 'ROLLOVER', 'FINANCED', 'ABSORBED') )
13119         THEN
13120           -- Delete the previous fees cash flows
13121           l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl.DELETE;
13122           l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl.DELETE;
13123           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13124                        '!!!!!!  Handling fee ' || assets_rec.fee_type );
13125           get_lq_fee_cash_flows(
13126             p_api_version      => p_api_version,
13127             p_init_msg_list    => p_init_msg_list,
13128             x_return_status    => l_return_status,
13129             x_msg_count        => x_msg_count,
13130             x_msg_data         => x_msg_data,
13131             p_fee_type         => assets_rec.fee_type,
13132             p_lq_id            => p_qte_id,
13133             p_fee_id           => assets_rec.fee_id,
13134             x_outflow_caf_rec  => l_fee_outflow_caf_rec,
13135             x_outflow_cfl_tbl  => l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl,
13136             x_inflow_caf_rec   => l_fee_inflow_caf_rec,
13137             x_inflow_cfl_tbl   => l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl);
13138           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13139                      'After get_lq_fee_cash_flows ' || l_return_status );
13140           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
13142           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
13144           END IF;
13145           -- Based on the outflows/Inflows obtained generate the streams
13146           IF l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl.COUNT > 0
13147           THEN
13148             l_cash_inflows.DELETE;
13149             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13150                      '!!!!!!! Obtained Expense Cash flow levels !!!!!!!!' );
13151             gen_so_cf_strms(
13152               p_api_version            => p_api_version,
13153               p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
13154               x_return_status          => l_return_status,
13155               x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
13156               x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
13157               p_cash_flow_rec          => l_fee_outflow_caf_rec,
13158               p_cf_details_tbl         => l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl,
13159               x_cash_inflow_strms_tbl  => l_cash_inflows);
13160             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
13162             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
13163               RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
13164             END IF;
13165             -- Place the information in the pricing params
13166             ppfs_index := ppfs_index + 1;
13167             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).line_type := assets_rec.fee_type;
13168             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).payment_type := 'EXPENSE';
13169             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).line_start_date := assets_rec.line_start_date;
13170             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).line_end_date := assets_rec.line_end_date;
13171             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).cash_inflows := l_cash_inflows;
13172             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
13173             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).cfo_id := l_fee_outflow_caf_rec.cfo_id;
13174             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
13175           END IF;
13176           -- Based on the outflows/Inflows obtained generate the streams
13177           IF l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl.COUNT > 0
13178           THEN
13179             l_cash_inflows.DELETE;
13180             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13181                      '!!!!!!! Obtained Income Cash flow levels !!!!!!!!' );
13182             gen_so_cf_strms(
13183               p_api_version            => p_api_version,
13184               p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
13185               x_return_status          => l_return_status,
13186               x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
13187               x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
13188               p_cash_flow_rec          => l_fee_inflow_caf_rec,
13189               p_cf_details_tbl         => l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl,
13190               x_cash_inflow_strms_tbl  => l_cash_inflows);
13191             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
13193             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
13194               RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
13195             END IF;
13196             -- Place the information in the pricing params
13197             ppfs_index := ppfs_index + 1;
13198             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).line_type := assets_rec.fee_type;
13199             IF assets_rec.fee_type IN ( 'INCOME', 'MISCELLANEOUS' )
13200             THEN
13201               l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).payment_type := 'INCOME';
13202             ELSE
13203               l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).payment_type := 'SECDEPOSIT';
13204             END IF;
13205             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).line_start_date := assets_rec.line_start_date;
13206             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).line_end_date := assets_rec.line_end_date;
13207             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).cash_inflows := l_cash_inflows;
13208             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
13209             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).cfo_id := l_fee_inflow_caf_rec.cfo_id;
13210             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
13211           END IF;
13212         END IF; -- IF on Fee_type not in ...
13213         IF  assets_rec.fee_type = 'ABSORBED'
13214         THEN
13215           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13216                      '!!!!!!  Building cash inflows for this Absorbed fee ' || assets_rec.fee_type );
13217           -- Increment the pp_index and store the pricng params
13218           ppfs_index := ppfs_index + 1;
13219           l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).payment_type := 'EXPENSE';
13220           l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).financed_amount := assets_rec.fee_amount;
13221         END IF;
13222       END LOOP;
13223       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13224         'Populated the Fees and Service Pricing Params ' );
13225       -- Now call the compute_irr api to solve for the IIR @ LQ Level !
13226       l_iir_temp := NULL;
13227       l_iir_temp := l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr;
13228       compute_irr(
13229         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
13230         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
13231         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
13232         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
13233         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
13234         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
13235         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
13236         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
13237         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
13238         p_initial_guess           => l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
13239         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl,
13240         -- px_irr                    => l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr,
13241         px_irr                    => l_iir_temp,
13242         x_payment                 => x_payment);
13243       l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr := l_iir_temp;
13244       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13245                  'After Calculating the Subsidized IRR ' || round(l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr, 4) );
13246       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
13248       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
13250       END IF;
13251       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13252                  '!!!!!!!!!!! NON-SUBSIDIZIED YIELDS CALCULATION !!!!!!!!!!!' );
13253       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13254                  'Removing subsidy from the l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl ' );
13255       FOR t IN l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl.FIRST .. l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl.LAST
13256       LOOP
13257         IF l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl(t).line_type = 'FREE_FORM1'
13258         THEN
13259           l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl(t).subsidy := 0;
13260         END IF;
13261       END LOOP;
13262       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13263                  'Before calculating the IIR ( NON-SUBSIDY ) ' );
13264       -- Now call the compute_irr api to solve for the IIR @ LQ Level !
13265       l_iir_temp := NULL;
13266       l_iir_temp := l_yields_rec.iir;
13267       compute_irr(
13268         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
13269         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
13270         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
13271         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
13272         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
13273         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
13274         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
13275         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
13276         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
13277         p_initial_guess           => l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
13278         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl,
13279         -- px_irr                    => l_yields_rec.iir,
13280         px_irr                    => l_iir_temp,
13281         x_payment                 => x_payment);
13282        l_yields_rec.iir := l_iir_temp;
13283       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13284                  'After Calculating the NON-Subsidized IIR ' || round(l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr, 4) );
13285       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
13287       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
13289       END IF;
13290       l_yields_rec.bk_yield := l_yields_rec.iir;
13291       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13292                  'Removing subsidy from the l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl ' );
13293       FOR t IN l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.FIRST .. l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.LAST
13294       LOOP
13295         IF l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(t).line_type = 'FREE_FORM1'
13296         THEN
13297           l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(t).subsidy := 0;
13298         END IF;
13299       END LOOP;
13300       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13301                  'Before calculating the IIR ( NON-SUBSIDY ) ' );
13302       -- Now call the compute_irr api to solve for the IIR @ LQ Level !
13303       l_iir_temp := NULL;
13304       l_iir_temp := l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr;
13305       compute_irr(
13306         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
13307         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
13308         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
13309         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
13310         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
13311         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
13312         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
13313         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
13314         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
13315         p_initial_guess           => l_yields_rec.iir, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
13316         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl,
13317         -- px_irr                    => l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr,
13318         px_irr                    => l_iir_temp,
13319         x_payment                 => x_payment);
13320       l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr := l_iir_temp;
13321       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13322                  'After Calculating the NON-Subsidized IRR ' || round(l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr, 4) );
13323       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
13325       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
13327       END IF;
13328       IF (l_disp_sf_msg) THEN
13329           OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
13330                         p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
13331                         p_msg_name     => 'OKL_UNSUB_RATES_SF');
13332       END IF;
13333     ELSIF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SI' OR
13334           quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SD' OR
13335           quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SS'
13336     THEN
13337       -- End of IF p_pricing_method = 'SF' and begin SI/SD/SS
13338       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount := 0;
13339       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment := 0;
13340       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in := 0;
13341       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy  := 0;
13342       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cap_fee_amount := 0;
13343       pp_index := 1;
13344       lnoa_index := 1;
13345       res_index := 1;
13346       l_non_overiding_assets_tbl.DELETE;
13347       -- Loop through all the Assets !
13348       FOR assets_rec IN assets_csr(p_qte_id)
13349       LOOP
13350         If assets_rec.fee_type <> 'FREE_FORM1'
13351         THEN
13352           l_overridden := TRUE;
13353         ELSE
13354           l_overridden := is_asset_overriding(
13355                           p_qte_id                => p_qte_id,
13356                           p_ast_id                => assets_rec.ast_id,
13357                           p_lq_line_level_pricing => quote_rec.line_level_pricing,
13358                           p_lq_srt_id             => quote_rec.rate_template_id,
13359                           p_ast_srt_id            => assets_rec.rate_template_id,
13360                           p_lq_struct_pricing     => quote_rec.structured_pricing,
13361                           p_ast_struct_pricing    => assets_rec.structured_pricing,
13362                           p_lq_arrears_yn         => quote_rec.target_arrears,
13363                           p_ast_arrears_yn        => assets_rec.target_arrears,
13364                           x_return_status         => l_return_status);
13365           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13366                       'PM = SS/SD/ST | After is_asset_overriding | l_return_status = ' ||
13367                       l_return_status || ' | Asset ID = ' || assets_rec.ast_id );
13368           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
13370           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
13372           END IF;
13373         END IF;
13374         IF l_overridden = FALSE
13375         THEN
13376           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13377            'This configuration line follows payment defined @ LQ level !!' );
13378           -- Storing the non overriding assets for future
13379           l_non_overiding_assets_tbl(lnoa_index) := assets_rec.ast_id;
13380           FOR asset_cost_adj_rec IN asset_cost_adj_csr( qteid => p_qte_id,
13381                                                         astid => assets_rec.ast_id)
13382           LOOP
13383             IF asset_cost_adj_rec.adjustment_source_type = G_DOWNPAYMENT_TYPE AND
13384                quote_rec.pricing_method <> 'SD'
13385             THEN
13386               l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).down_payment := nvl(asset_cost_adj_rec.VALUE, 0 );
13387             ELSIF asset_cost_adj_rec.adjustment_source_type = G_SUBSIDY_TYPE AND
13388                quote_rec.pricing_method <> 'SS'
13389             THEN
13390               IF ( nvl(asset_cost_adj_rec.value, -9999) = -9999)
13391               THEN
13392                 OPEN subsidy_adj_csr(asset_cost_adj_rec.ADJUSTMENT_SOURCE_ID);
13393                 FETCH subsidy_adj_csr INTO subsidy_adj_rec;
13394                 CLOSE subsidy_adj_csr;
13395                 -- Bug 7429169: Start
13396                 -- l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := subsidy_adj_rec.amount;
13397                 IF  l_noa_pp_tbl.EXISTS(lnoa_index)
13398                 THEN
13399                   l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := NVL(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy,0) + NVL(subsidy_adj_rec.amount,0);
13400                 ELSE
13401                   l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := NVL(subsidy_adj_rec.amount,0);
13402                 END IF;
13403                 -- Bug 7429169: End
13404               ELSE
13405                 -- l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := asset_cost_adj_rec.value;
13406                 IF  l_noa_pp_tbl.EXISTS(lnoa_index)
13407                 THEN
13408                   l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := NVL(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy,0) + NVL(asset_cost_adj_rec.value,0);
13409                 ELSE
13410                   l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := NVL(asset_cost_adj_rec.value,0);
13411                 END IF;
13412                 -- Bug 7429169: End
13413               END IF;
13414             ELSIF asset_cost_adj_rec.adjustment_source_type = G_TRADEIN_TYPE AND
13415                quote_rec.pricing_method <> 'SI'
13416             THEN
13417               l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).trade_in := nvl(asset_cost_adj_rec.VALUE, 0 );
13418             END IF;
13419           END LOOP;
13420           FOR asset_adj_rec IN asset_adj_csr(p_qte_id, assets_rec.ast_id)
13421           LOOP
13422             l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).financed_amount := nvl(asset_adj_rec.oec,0);
13423             -- Calculate the Capitalized Fee for this Asset
13424             FOR ct_rec IN get_asset_cap_fee_amt(
13425                            p_source_type       => 'ASSET',
13426                            p_source_id         => assets_rec.ast_id,
13427                            p_related_line_type => 'CAPITALIZED')
13428             LOOP
13429               l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).cap_fee_amount := nvl(ct_rec.capitalized_amount, 0);
13430             END LOOP;
13431             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).line_number := res_index;
13432             IF ( l_eot_type_code = 'PERCENT' OR l_eot_type_code = 'RESIDUAL_PERCENT' )
13433             THEN
13434               -- EOT = OEC * EOT %age /100;
13435               l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_amount   :=
13436                 nvl((asset_adj_rec.end_of_term_value/100) * l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).financed_amount, 0);
13437             ELSE
13438               -- EOT is an amount so directly store it ..
13439               l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_amount   := asset_adj_rec.end_of_term_value;
13440             END IF;
13441             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_date     := l_eot_date;
13442             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_miss_pay := 'N';
13443             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).is_stub     := 'N';
13444             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).is_arrears  := 'Y';
13445             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_dpp := l_cf_dpp;
13446             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_ppy := l_cf_ppy;
13447             -- Store the Asset Residuals in the corresponding NOA Assets table
13448             l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).residual_inflows(1) := l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index);
13449             -- Increment the res_index
13450             res_index := res_index + 1;
13451           END LOOP;
13452           -- Bug 6669429 : Start
13453           l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).financed_amount,0);
13454           l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment    := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment    + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).down_payment,0);
13455           l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in        := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in        + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).trade_in,0);
13456           l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy         := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy         + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy,0);
13457           l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cap_fee_amount  := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cap_fee_amount  + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).cap_fee_amount,0);
13458           -- Bug 6669429 : End
13459           -- Increment the lnoa_index
13460           lnoa_index := lnoa_index + 1;
13461         ELSE -- IF l_overridden = FALSE
13462           -- Price this Asset which has overridden the payment strcuture defined on the LQ !
13463             IF  assets_rec.fee_type = 'FREE_FORM1'
13464           THEN
13465             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13466              'Asset with ID ' || assets_rec.ast_id || ' is overriding the payment structure defined @ LQ level !!' );
13467             price_standard_quote_asset(
13468               x_return_status          => l_return_status,
13469               x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
13470               x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
13471               p_api_version            => p_api_version,
13472               p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
13473               p_qte_id                 => p_qte_id,
13474               p_ast_id                 => nvl(assets_rec.ast_id, assets_rec.fee_id),
13475               p_price_at_lq_level      => FALSE, -- Use Asset Level Cash flows only !
13476               p_target_rate            => NULL,
13477               p_line_type              => assets_rec.fee_type,
13478               x_pricing_parameter_rec  => l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec );
13479             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13480               'Pricing method = ' || quote_rec.pricing_method || ' | After price_standard_quote_asset l_return_status = ' || l_return_status ||
13481               ' | assets_rec.ast_id = ' || assets_rec.ast_id  );
13482             IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
13483               RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
13484             ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
13485               RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
13486             END IF;
13487             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index) := l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec;
13488             -- Increment the pp_index
13489             pp_index := pp_index + 1;
13490           END IF;
13491         END IF;
13492       END LOOP; -- Loop on the Assets csr
13493       -- Now Solve for Subsidy/Trade in/Down Payment at the Lease Quote Level
13494       --  using amortization logic for assets which doesnot override the payment structure
13495       --  at lease quote level !
13496       IF l_non_overiding_assets_tbl.COUNT > 0
13497       THEN
13498         -- Store the Cash inflow streams and Residual streams in the l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec
13499         l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows := l_lq_cash_inflows;
13500         l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows := l_lq_residual_inflows;
13501         -- Step 1: Solve for DownPayment/Subsidy/Trade-in @ Lease Quote Level
13502         --         Using payment structures defined @ LQ !
13503         compute_iir(
13504           p_api_version            => p_api_version,
13505           p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
13506           x_return_status          => l_return_status,
13507           x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
13508           x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
13509           p_start_date             => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
13510           p_day_count_method       => l_day_count_method,
13511           p_pricing_method         => quote_rec.pricing_method,
13512           p_initial_guess          => l_initial_guess,
13513           px_pricing_parameter_rec => l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec,
13514           px_iir                   => x_iir,
13515           x_payment                => x_payment);
13516         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13517           'Pricing Method =' || quote_rec.pricing_method || ' | 1/ After compute_iir at LQ level l_return_status = ' || l_return_status );
13518         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13519            'Financed Amount | Down Payment |  Subsidy Amount | Trade In Amount | CAP Fee Amt ' );
13520         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13521            round(l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount, 4 ) || ' | ' || round(l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment, 4)
13522            || ' | ' || round(l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy, 4) || ' | ' || round(l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in, 4)
13523            || ' | ' || round(l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cap_fee_amount, 4));
13524         IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
13525           RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
13526         ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
13527           RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
13528         END IF;
13529         l_an_ass_follow_lq   := TRUE;  -- Store the flag
13530         l_lq_details_prc_rec := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec;
13531         -- By now, we have solved for the Down Payment/Subsidy/Tradein @ LQ Level !
13532         -- Now calculate the IIR at the LQ Level. Here, we have to just consider those
13533         --  assets only which follow the payment structured defined at LQ level !
13534         -- l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec will be now updated with the solved
13535         --   DownPayment/Subsidy/Trade In
13536         -- Calculating the IIR at LQ level ( including only assets which follows the payment structure
13537         --   defined at the asset, 'coz there can be multiple paymnet levels in the payment structure !!
13538         l_lq_pp_noa_dts  := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec;
13539         -- Proportionate the Solved Down Payment/Subsidy/TradeIn Amount now
13540         --  based on the Asset OEC ! -- TBD
13541         l_tot_noa_oec := 0;
13542         FOR t_index IN l_noa_pp_tbl.FIRST .. l_noa_pp_tbl.LAST
13543         LOOP
13544           l_tot_noa_oec := l_tot_noa_oec + nvl( l_noa_pp_tbl(t_index).financed_amount, 0 );
13545         END LOOP;
13546         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13547           'SUM( OEC ) of non-overriding Assets ' || round( l_tot_noa_oec , 4 ));
13548         FOR t_index IN l_noa_pp_tbl.FIRST .. l_noa_pp_tbl.LAST
13549         LOOP
13550           ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13551           -- Create an Asset Cost Adjustment for the Solved Down Payment/Trade-in/Subsidy !!
13552           ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13553           l_ass_adj_tbl.DELETE;
13554           l_ass_adj_tbl(1).parent_object_code := 'ASSET';
13555           l_ass_adj_tbl(1).parent_object_id := l_non_overiding_assets_tbl(t_index); -- Asset ID
13556           l_ass_adj_tbl(1).basis := 'FIXED';
13557           IF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SI'
13558           THEN
13559             l_ass_adj_tbl(1).adjustment_source_type := 'TRADEIN';
13560             l_ass_adj_tbl(1).VALUE := l_lq_pp_noa_dts.trade_in *
13561                l_noa_pp_tbl(t_index).financed_amount/ l_tot_noa_oec;
13562             l_noa_pp_tbl(t_index).trade_in := l_ass_adj_tbl(1).VALUE;
13563             l_adj_type := 'Trade-in';
13564           ELSIF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SD'
13565           THEN
13566             l_ass_adj_tbl(1).adjustment_source_type := 'DOWN_PAYMENT';
13567             l_ass_adj_tbl(1).VALUE := l_lq_pp_noa_dts.down_payment *
13568                l_noa_pp_tbl(t_index).financed_amount/ l_tot_noa_oec;
13569             l_noa_pp_tbl(t_index).down_payment := l_ass_adj_tbl(1).VALUE;
13570             l_adj_type := 'Down Payment';
13571           ELSIF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SS'
13572           THEN
13573             l_ass_adj_tbl(1).adjustment_source_type := 'SUBSIDY';
13574             l_ass_adj_tbl(1).VALUE := l_lq_pp_noa_dts.subsidy *
13575                l_noa_pp_tbl(t_index).financed_amount/ l_tot_noa_oec;
13576             l_noa_pp_tbl(t_index).subsidy := l_ass_adj_tbl(1).VALUE;
13577             l_adj_type := 'Subsidy';
13578           END IF;
13579           IF l_ass_adj_tbl(1).VALUE < 0
13580           THEN
13581             OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
13582               p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
13583               p_msg_name     => 'OKL_NEGATIVE_ADJ_AMT',
13584               p_token1       => 'TYPE',
13585               p_token1_value => l_adj_type,
13586               p_token2       => 'AMOUNT',
13587               p_token2_value => round(l_ass_adj_tbl(1).VALUE,2));
13588             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
13589           END IF;
13590           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13591                      'Asset ID | Cost | Down Payment | Subsidy | Trade In ' );
13592           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13593             l_ass_adj_tbl(1).parent_object_id || ' | ' ||
13594             round( l_noa_pp_tbl(t_index).financed_amount , 4 ) || ' | ' ||
13595             round( l_noa_pp_tbl(t_index).down_payment , 4 ) || ' | ' ||
13596             round( l_noa_pp_tbl(t_index).subsidy , 4 ) || ' | ' ||
13597             round( l_noa_pp_tbl(t_index).trade_in , 4 ) );
13598           -- Create/Update the Solved Financial Adjustment
13599           okl_lease_quote_asset_pvt.create_adjustment(
13600              p_api_version             => p_api_version,
13601              p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
13602              p_transaction_control     => FND_API.G_TRUE,
13603              p_asset_adj_tbl           => l_ass_adj_tbl,
13604              x_return_status           => l_return_status,
13605              x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
13606              x_msg_data                => x_msg_data );
13607           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13608                      'After okl_lease_quote.asset.create_adjustment ' || l_return_status);
13609           IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
13610             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
13611           ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
13612             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
13613           END IF;
13614         END LOOP; -- Loop on the Non-overriding Assets
13615         l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.line_type := 'FREE_FORM1';
13616         /* Commented. Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
13617         -- pp_index is an post-assigned incremented index!
13618         l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index) := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec;
13619         pp_index := pp_index + 1;*/
13620         -- Pricing has to create the Cash Flow levels when the Pricing option is SRT @ LQ level.
13621         -- So, check whether the Cash flows have been already created by the Pricing or not
13622         -- If already created, then delete and create new else, create new cash flow levels.
13623         IF quote_rec.rate_template_id IS NOT NULL
13624         THEN
13625           IF l_cfo_exists_at_lq = 'YES'
13626           THEN
13627             -- Delete the Cash Flow Levels which may be already created by Pricing ..
13628             okl_lease_quote_cashflow_pvt.delete_cashflows (
13629               p_api_version          => p_api_version,
13630               p_init_msg_list        => p_init_msg_list,
13631               p_transaction_control  => NULL,
13632               p_source_object_code   => 'LEASE_QUOTE',
13633               p_source_object_id     => p_qte_id,
13634               x_return_status        => l_return_status,
13635               x_msg_count            => x_msg_count,
13636               x_msg_data             => x_msg_data);
13637             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13638                       ' ----- "SD/SS/ST" ---- After deleting the Cash flows @ LQ Level ' || l_return_status );
13639             IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
13640               RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
13641             ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
13642               RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
13643             END IF;
13644           END IF;
13645           FOR cfl_index IN l_lq_payment_level_tbl.FIRST .. l_lq_payment_level_tbl.LAST
13646           LOOP
13647             l_lq_payment_level_tbl(cfl_index).record_mode := 'CREATE';
13648           END LOOP;
13649           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13650             'Before creating the cash flows call ' || 'Sty_id ' || l_lq_payment_header_rec.stream_type_id
13651             || 'Status_code ' || l_lq_payment_header_rec.status_code  );
13652           OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.create_cashflow(
13653             p_api_version         => p_api_version,
13654             p_init_msg_list       => p_init_msg_list,
13655             p_transaction_control => NULL,
13656             p_cashflow_header_rec => l_lq_payment_header_rec,
13657             p_cashflow_level_tbl  => l_lq_payment_level_tbl,
13658             x_return_status       => l_return_status,
13659             x_msg_count           => x_msg_count,
13660             x_msg_data            => x_msg_data);
13661           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13662                      'After update_cashflow call ' || l_Return_Status );
13663           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13664             'After creating the cash flows call ' || 'Sty_id ' || l_lq_payment_header_rec.stream_type_id
13665             || 'Status_code ' || l_lq_payment_header_rec.status_code  );
13666           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
13668           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
13670           END IF;
13671         END IF; -- Check if Pricing Option = SRT
13672         -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
13673         -- pp_index is an post-assigned incremented index!
13674         l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cfo_id := l_lq_payment_header_rec.cashflow_object_id;
13675         l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index) := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec;
13676         pp_index := pp_index + 1;
13677         -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
13678       END IF;  -- IF noa count > 0
13679       -- Fetch the ROLLOVER and Financed Fees Information
13680       FOR assets_rec IN assets_csr(p_qte_id)
13681       LOOP
13682         IF  assets_rec.fee_type IN ( 'ROLLOVER', 'FINANCED' )
13683         THEN
13684           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13685             ' Pricing for fee type ' || assets_rec.fee_type );
13686           price_standard_quote_asset(
13687             x_return_status          => l_return_status,
13688             x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
13689             x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
13690             p_api_version            => p_api_version,
13691             p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
13692             p_qte_id                 => p_qte_id,
13693             p_ast_id                 => nvl(assets_rec.ast_id, assets_rec.fee_id),
13694             p_price_at_lq_level      => FALSE, -- Use Asset Level Cash flows only !
13695             p_target_rate            => NULL,
13696             p_line_type              => assets_rec.fee_type,
13697             x_pricing_parameter_rec  => l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec );
13698           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13699                      'Pricing method = ' || quote_rec.pricing_method ||
13700                      ' | After price_standard_quote_asset l_return_status = ' || l_return_status ||
13701                      ' | assets_rec.ast_id = ' || assets_rec.ast_id  );
13702           IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
13703             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
13704           ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
13705             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
13706           END IF;
13707           l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index) := l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec;
13708           -- Increment the pp_index
13709           pp_index := pp_index + 1;
13710         END IF;
13711       END LOOP; --       FOR assets_rec IN assets_csr(p_qte_id)
13712       -- Store the Pricing Params for later use
13713       l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl := l_pricing_parameter_tbl;
13714       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
13715       -- Compute the IIR @ Lease quote level, considering all the Assets !
13716       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
13717       compute_irr(
13718         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
13719         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
13720         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
13721         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
13722         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
13723         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
13724         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
13725         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
13726         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
13727         p_initial_guess           => x_iir, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
13728         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pricing_parameter_tbl,
13729         px_irr                    => x_iir,
13730         x_payment                 => x_payment);
13731        put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13732                  'After Calculating the Subsidized IIR ' || round(x_iir, 4) );
13733       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
13735       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
13737       END IF;
13738       l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir      :=  x_iir;
13739       l_subsidized_yields_rec.bk_yield :=  x_iir;
13740       -- Fetching the Fees and Service Information for the calculation of the
13741       -- Pre-tax Internal Rate of Return
13742       -- Extract the fess information and built the Cash Inflows and Pricing Parameters
13743       FOR assets_rec IN assets_csr(p_qte_id)                 -- for all assets
13744       LOOP
13745         IF ( assets_rec.fee_type NOT IN ('FREE_FORM1', 'ROLLOVER', 'FINANCED', 'ABSORBED') )
13746         THEN
13747           -- Delete the previous fees cash flows
13748           l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl.DELETE;
13749           l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl.DELETE;
13750           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13751                        '!!!!!!  Handling fee ' || assets_rec.fee_type );
13752           get_lq_fee_cash_flows(
13753             p_api_version      => p_api_version,
13754             p_init_msg_list    => p_init_msg_list,
13755             x_return_status    => l_return_status,
13756             x_msg_count        => x_msg_count,
13757             x_msg_data         => x_msg_data,
13758             p_fee_type         => assets_rec.fee_type,
13759             p_lq_id            => p_qte_id,
13760             p_fee_id           => assets_rec.fee_id,
13761             x_outflow_caf_rec  => l_fee_outflow_caf_rec,
13762             x_outflow_cfl_tbl  => l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl,
13763             x_inflow_caf_rec   => l_fee_inflow_caf_rec,
13764             x_inflow_cfl_tbl   => l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl);
13765           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13766                      'After get_lq_fee_cash_flows ' || l_return_status );
13767           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
13769           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
13771           END IF;
13772           -- Based on the outflows/Inflows obtained generate the streams
13773           IF l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl.COUNT > 0
13774           THEN
13775             l_cash_inflows.DELETE;
13776             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13777                      '!!!!!!! Obtained Expense Cash flow levels !!!!!!!!' );
13778             gen_so_cf_strms(
13779               p_api_version            => p_api_version,
13780               p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
13781               x_return_status          => l_return_status,
13782               x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
13783               x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
13784               p_cash_flow_rec          => l_fee_outflow_caf_rec,
13785               p_cf_details_tbl         => l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl,
13786               x_cash_inflow_strms_tbl  => l_cash_inflows);
13787             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
13789             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
13790               RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
13791             END IF;
13792             -- Place the information in the pricing params
13793             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_type := assets_rec.fee_type;
13794             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'EXPENSE';
13795             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_start_date := assets_rec.line_start_date;
13796             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_end_date := assets_rec.line_end_date;
13797             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).cash_inflows := l_cash_inflows;
13798             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
13799             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).cfo_id := l_fee_outflow_caf_rec.cfo_id;
13800             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
13801             pp_index := pp_index + 1;
13802           END IF;
13803           -- Based on the outflows/Inflows obtained generate the streams
13804           IF l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl.COUNT > 0
13805           THEN
13806             l_cash_inflows.DELETE;
13807             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13808                      '!!!!!!! Obtained Income Cash flow levels !!!!!!!!' );
13809             gen_so_cf_strms(
13810               p_api_version            => p_api_version,
13811               p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
13812               x_return_status          => l_return_status,
13813               x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
13814               x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
13815               p_cash_flow_rec          => l_fee_inflow_caf_rec,
13816               p_cf_details_tbl         => l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl,
13817               x_cash_inflow_strms_tbl  => l_cash_inflows);
13818             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
13820             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
13821               RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
13822             END IF;
13823             -- Place the information in the pricing params
13824             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_type := assets_rec.fee_type;
13825             IF assets_rec.fee_type IN ( 'INCOME', 'MISCELLANEOUS' )
13826             THEN
13827               l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'INCOME';
13828             ELSE
13829               l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'SECDEPOSIT';
13830             END IF;
13831             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_start_date := assets_rec.line_start_date;
13832             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_end_date := assets_rec.line_end_date;
13833             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).cash_inflows := l_cash_inflows;
13834             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
13835             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).cfo_id := l_fee_inflow_caf_rec.cfo_id;
13836             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
13837             pp_index := pp_index + 1;
13838           END IF;
13839         END IF; -- IF on Fee_type not in ...
13840         IF  assets_rec.fee_type = 'ABSORBED'
13841         THEN
13842           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13843                      '!!!!!!  Building cash inflows for this Absorbed fee ' || assets_rec.fee_type );
13844           -- Increment the pp_index and store the pricng params
13845           l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'EXPENSE';
13846           l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).financed_amount := assets_rec.fee_amount;
13847           pp_index := pp_index + 1;
13848         END IF;
13849       END LOOP;
13850       -- Store the Pricing Params for calculation of Non-subsidized IRR
13851       l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl := l_pricing_parameter_tbl;
13852       -- Now call the compute_irr api to solve for the IIR @ LQ Level !
13853       l_iir_temp := NULL;
13854       l_iir_temp := l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr;
13855       compute_irr(
13856         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
13857         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
13858         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
13859         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
13860         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
13861         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
13862         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
13863         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
13864         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
13865         p_initial_guess           => l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
13866         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pricing_parameter_tbl,
13867         -- px_irr                    => l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr,
13868         px_irr                    => l_iir_temp,
13869         x_payment                 => x_payment);
13870       l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr := l_iir_temp;
13871       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13872                  'After Calculating the Subsidized IRR ' || round(l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr, 4) );
13873       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
13875       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
13877       END IF;
13878       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13879                  '!!!!!!!!!!! NON-SUBSIDIZIED YIELDS CALCULATION !!!!!!!!!!!' );
13880       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13881                  'Removing subsidy from the l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl ' );
13882       FOR t IN l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl.FIRST .. l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl.LAST
13883       LOOP
13884         IF l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl(t).line_type = 'FREE_FORM1'
13885         THEN
13886           l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl(t).subsidy := 0;
13887         END IF;
13888       END LOOP;
13889       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13890                  'Before calculating the IIR ( NON-SUBSIDY ) ' );
13891       -- Now call the compute_irr api to solve for the IIR @ LQ Level !
13892       l_iir_temp := NULL;
13893       l_iir_temp := l_yields_rec.iir;
13894       compute_irr(
13895         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
13896         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
13897         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
13898         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
13899         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
13900         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
13901         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
13902         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
13903         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
13904         p_initial_guess           => l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
13905         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl,
13906         -- px_irr                    => l_yields_rec.iir,
13907         px_irr                    => l_iir_temp,
13908         x_payment                 => x_payment);
13909        l_yields_rec.iir := l_iir_temp;
13910       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13911                  'After Calculating the NON-Subsidized IIR ' || round(l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr, 4) );
13912       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
13914       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
13916       END IF;
13917       l_yields_rec.bk_yield := l_yields_rec.iir;
13918       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13919                  'Removing subsidy from the l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl ' );
13920       FOR t IN l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.FIRST .. l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.LAST
13921       LOOP
13922         IF l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(t).line_type = 'FREE_FORM1'
13923         THEN
13924           l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(t).subsidy := 0;
13925         END IF;
13926       END LOOP;
13927       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13928                  'Before calculating the IIR ( NON-SUBSIDY ) ' );
13929       -- Now call the compute_irr api to solve for the IIR @ LQ Level !
13930       l_iir_temp := NULL;
13931       l_iir_temp := l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr;
13932       compute_irr(
13933         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
13934         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
13935         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
13936         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
13937         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
13938         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
13939         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
13940         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
13941         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
13942         p_initial_guess           => l_yields_rec.iir, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
13943         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl,
13944         -- px_irr                    => l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr,
13945         px_irr                    => l_iir_temp,
13946         x_payment                 => x_payment);
13947        l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr := l_iir_temp;
13948       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13949                  'After Calculating the NON-Subsidized IRR ' || round(l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr, 4) );
13950       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
13952       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
13954       END IF;
13955     ELSIF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'TR'
13956     THEN
13957       -- Target for rate, which is IIR !
13958       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.line_type := 'FREE_FORM1';
13959       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount := 0;
13960       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment := 0;
13961       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in := 0;
13962       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy := 0;
13963       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cap_fee_amount := 0;
13964       pp_index := 1;
13965       lnoa_index := 1;
13966       res_index := 1;
13967       l_non_overiding_assets_tbl.DELETE;
13968       -- Loop through the Assets and check price the asset seperately
13969       --  which has overriddent the payment option picked at the Quote Level
13970       FOR assets_rec IN assets_csr(p_qte_id)                 -- for all assets
13971       LOOP
13972         -- Check whether this Asset has overridden the Payment option defined
13973         --  at the quote level !
13974         IF ( assets_rec.fee_type <> 'FREE_FORM1' )
13975         THEN
13976           -- For financed fee/Rollover fee its not yet clear ..but
13977           -- pricing needs to solve the payments for them for sure !
13978           l_overridden := TRUE;
13979         ELSE
13980           -- All assets in TR pricing method follow the pricing option picked at lease quote
13981           l_overridden := FALSE;
13982         END IF;
13983         IF l_overridden = FALSE
13984         THEN
13985           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
13986                    '  Asset Follows the Payment Structure @ Lease Quote Level ' || assets_rec.asset_number );
13987           -- If asset is not overriding the Payment option defined at the Quote Level ...
13988           -- Store the Asset Id for later use ..
13989           l_non_overiding_assets_tbl(lnoa_index) := assets_rec.ast_id;
13990           -- Fetch the Asset Cost Adjustment Details for each Asset and accumulate them
13991           --  in the lx_pricing_parameter_rec
13992           FOR asset_cost_adj_rec IN asset_cost_adj_csr( qteid => p_qte_id,
13993                                                         astid => assets_rec.ast_id)
13994           LOOP
13995             IF asset_cost_adj_rec.adjustment_source_type = G_DOWNPAYMENT_TYPE
13996             THEN
13997               l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).down_payment := nvl(asset_cost_adj_rec.VALUE, 0 );
13998             ELSIF asset_cost_adj_rec.adjustment_source_type = G_SUBSIDY_TYPE
13999             THEN
14000               IF ( nvl(asset_cost_adj_rec.value, -9999) = -9999)
14001               THEN
14002                 OPEN subsidy_adj_csr(asset_cost_adj_rec.ADJUSTMENT_SOURCE_ID);
14003                 FETCH subsidy_adj_csr INTO subsidy_adj_rec;
14004                 CLOSE subsidy_adj_csr;
14005                 -- Bug 7429169 : Start
14006                 -- l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := subsidy_adj_rec.amount;
14007                 IF  l_noa_pp_tbl.EXISTS(lnoa_index)
14008                 THEN
14009                   l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := NVL(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy,0) + NVL(subsidy_adj_rec.amount,0);
14010                 ELSE
14011                   l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := NVL(subsidy_adj_rec.amount,0);
14012                 END IF;
14013                 -- Bug 7429169 : End
14014               ELSE
14015                 -- Bug 7429169 : Start
14016                 -- l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := asset_cost_adj_rec.value;
14017                 IF  l_noa_pp_tbl.EXISTS(lnoa_index)
14018                 THEN
14019                   l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := NVL(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy,0) + NVL(asset_cost_adj_rec.value,0);
14020                 ELSE
14021                   l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := NVL(asset_cost_adj_rec.value,0);
14022                 END IF;
14023                 -- Bug 7429169 : End
14024               END IF;
14025             ELSIF asset_cost_adj_rec.adjustment_source_type = G_TRADEIN_TYPE
14026             THEN
14027               l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).trade_in := nvl(asset_cost_adj_rec.VALUE, 0);
14028             END IF;
14029             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14030                         'After Retrieving the Asset Cost Adjustments ');
14031             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14032                        'Down Payment| Trade In | Subsidy ' );
14033             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14034                l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).down_payment || ' | ' || l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).trade_in || ' | ' ||
14035                l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy );
14036           END LOOP;
14037           FOR asset_adj_rec IN asset_adj_csr(p_qte_id, assets_rec.ast_id)
14038           LOOP
14039             l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).financed_amount := nvl(asset_adj_rec.oec,0);
14040             -- Calculate the Capitalized Fee for this Asset
14041             FOR ct_rec IN get_asset_cap_fee_amt(
14042                            p_source_type       => 'ASSET',
14043                            p_source_id         => assets_rec.ast_id,
14044                            p_related_line_type => 'CAPITALIZED')
14045             LOOP
14046               l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).cap_fee_amount := nvl(ct_rec.capitalized_amount, 0);
14047             END LOOP;
14048             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14049               'Unit Cost=' || asset_adj_rec.unit_cost || ' No. of Units ' || asset_adj_rec.number_of_units);
14050             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).line_number := res_index;
14051             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).line_number := res_index;
14052             IF ( l_eot_type_code = 'PERCENT' OR l_eot_type_code = 'RESIDUAL_PERCENT' )
14053             THEN
14054               -- EOT = OEC * EOT %age /100;
14055               l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_amount   :=
14056                 nvl((asset_adj_rec.end_of_term_value/100) * l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).financed_amount, 0);
14057             ELSE
14058               -- EOT is an amount so directly store it ..
14059               l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_amount   := asset_adj_rec.end_of_term_value;
14060             END IF;
14061             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_date     := l_eot_date;
14062             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_miss_pay := 'N';
14063             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).is_stub     := 'N';
14064             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).is_arrears  := 'Y';
14065             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_dpp := l_cf_dpp;
14066             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_ppy := l_cf_ppy;
14067             -- Store the Asset Residuals in the corresponding NOA Assets table
14068             l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).residual_inflows(1) := l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index);
14069             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14070                      'Financed Amount = ' || l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).financed_amount);
14071             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14072                      'Storing residual amt ' || l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_amount );
14073             -- Increment the res_index
14074             res_index := res_index + 1;
14075           END LOOP;
14076           -- Bug 6669429 : Start
14077           l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).financed_amount,0);
14078           l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment    := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment    + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).down_payment,0);
14079           l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in        := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in        + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).trade_in,0);
14080           l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy         := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy         + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy,0);
14081           l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cap_fee_amount  := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cap_fee_amount  + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).cap_fee_amount,0);
14082           -- Bug 6669429 : End
14083           lnoa_index := lnoa_index + 1;
14084         END IF;
14085       END LOOP; -- Loop on the Assets csr
14086       -- Store the Cash inflow streams and Residual streams in the l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec
14087       --  at the Lease Quote Header Level
14088       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows     := l_lq_cash_inflows;
14089       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows := l_lq_residual_inflows;
14090       -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
14091       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cfo_id := l_lq_cash_flow_rec.cfo_id;
14092       -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
14093       l_an_ass_follow_lq   := TRUE;  -- Store the flag
14094       l_lq_details_prc_rec := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec;
14095       -- Extract and preserve the Fees and Other Information and
14096       -- store it in l_pp_lq_fee_srv_tbl
14097       l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl.DELETE;
14098       l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl(1) := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec;
14099       ppfs_index := 1; -- Only one pricing parameter rec would have been built
14100       -- Need to derieve the Payment for the FINANCED/ROLLOVER Fees.
14101       FOR assets_rec IN assets_csr(p_qte_id) -- ALL Assets or FEES
14102       LOOP
14103         IF  assets_rec.fee_type IN ( 'ROLLOVER', 'FINANCED')
14104         THEN
14105           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14106             ' Calling price_standard_quote_asset for ' || assets_rec.fee_type || ' with ID ' || assets_rec.fee_id );
14107           -- Price the fees ROLLOVER OR FINANCED
14108           price_standard_quote_asset(
14109             x_return_status          => l_return_status,
14110             x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
14111             x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
14112             p_api_version            => p_api_version,
14113             p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
14114             p_qte_id                 => p_qte_id,
14115             p_ast_id                 => nvl(assets_rec.ast_id, assets_rec.fee_id),
14116             p_price_at_lq_level      => TRUE, -- Use Asset Level Cash flows only !
14117             p_target_rate            => quote_rec.target_rate / 100,
14118             p_line_type              => assets_rec.fee_type,
14119             x_pricing_parameter_rec  => l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec );
14120           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14121                    'After price_standard_quote_asset ' || l_return_status );
14122           IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
14123             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
14124           ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
14125             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
14126           END IF;
14127           FOR t_in IN l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.FIRST ..
14128                       l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows.LAST
14129           LOOP
14130             l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows(t_in).locked_amt := 'Y';
14131           END LOOP;
14132           -- Store the ROLLOVER/FINANCED Fee PP Rec in the l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl
14133           ppfs_index := ppfs_index + 1;
14134           l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl(ppfs_index) :=  l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec;
14135         END IF;
14136       END LOOP;
14137       l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.DELETE;
14138       l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl := l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl;
14139       -- Extract the fess information and built the Cash Inflows and Pricing Parameters
14140       FOR assets_rec IN assets_csr(p_qte_id)                 -- for all assets
14141       LOOP
14142         IF ( assets_rec.fee_type NOT IN ('FREE_FORM1', 'ROLLOVER', 'FINANCED', 'ABSORBED') )
14143         THEN
14144           -- Delete the previous fees cash flows
14145           l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl.DELETE;
14146           l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl.DELETE;
14147           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14148                        '!!!!!!  Handling fee ' || assets_rec.fee_type );
14149           get_lq_fee_cash_flows(
14150             p_api_version      => p_api_version,
14151             p_init_msg_list    => p_init_msg_list,
14152             x_return_status    => l_return_status,
14153             x_msg_count        => x_msg_count,
14154             x_msg_data         => x_msg_data,
14155             p_fee_type         => assets_rec.fee_type,
14156             p_lq_id            => p_qte_id,
14157             p_fee_id           => assets_rec.fee_id,
14158             x_outflow_caf_rec  => l_fee_outflow_caf_rec,
14159             x_outflow_cfl_tbl  => l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl,
14160             x_inflow_caf_rec   => l_fee_inflow_caf_rec,
14161             x_inflow_cfl_tbl   => l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl);
14162           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14163                      'After get_lq_fee_cash_flows ' || l_return_status );
14164           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
14166           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
14168           END IF;
14169           -- Based on the outflows/Inflows obtained generate the streams
14170           IF l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl.COUNT > 0
14171           THEN
14172             l_cash_inflows.DELETE;
14173             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14174                      '!!!!!!! Obtained Expense Cash flow levels !!!!!!!!' );
14175             IF quote_rec.target_rate_type = 'PIRR'
14176             THEN
14177               FOR t_in IN l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl.FIRST ..l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl.LAST
14178               LOOP
14179                 l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl(t_in).rate := quote_rec.target_rate;
14180               END LOOP;
14181             END IF;
14182             gen_so_cf_strms(
14183               p_api_version            => p_api_version,
14184               p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
14185               x_return_status          => l_return_status,
14186               x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
14187               x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
14188               p_cash_flow_rec          => l_fee_outflow_caf_rec,
14189               p_cf_details_tbl         => l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl,
14190               x_cash_inflow_strms_tbl  => l_cash_inflows);
14191             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
14193             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
14194               RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
14195             END IF;
14196             -- Place the information in the pricing params
14197             ppfs_index := ppfs_index + 1;
14198             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).line_type := assets_rec.fee_type;
14199             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).payment_type := 'EXPENSE';
14200             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).line_start_date := assets_rec.line_start_date;
14201             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).line_end_date := assets_rec.line_end_date;
14202             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).cash_inflows := l_cash_inflows;
14203             --- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
14204             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).cfo_id := l_fee_outflow_caf_rec.cfo_id;
14205             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
14206           END IF;
14207           -- Based on the outflows/Inflows obtained generate the streams
14208           IF l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl.COUNT > 0
14209           THEN
14210             l_cash_inflows.DELETE;
14211             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14212                      '!!!!!!! Obtained Income Cash flow levels !!!!!!!!' );
14213             IF quote_rec.target_rate_type = 'PIRR'
14214             THEN
14215               FOR t_in IN l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl.FIRST ..l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl.LAST
14216               LOOP
14217                 l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl(t_in).rate := quote_rec.target_rate;
14218               END LOOP;
14219             END IF;
14220             gen_so_cf_strms(
14221               p_api_version            => p_api_version,
14222               p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
14223               x_return_status          => l_return_status,
14224               x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
14225               x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
14226               p_cash_flow_rec          => l_fee_inflow_caf_rec,
14227               p_cf_details_tbl         => l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl,
14228               x_cash_inflow_strms_tbl  => l_cash_inflows);
14229             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
14231             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
14232               RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
14233             END IF;
14234             -- Place the information in the pricing params
14235             ppfs_index := ppfs_index + 1;
14236             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).line_type := assets_rec.fee_type;
14237             IF assets_rec.fee_type IN ( 'INCOME', 'MISCELLANEOUS' )
14238             THEN
14239               l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).payment_type := 'INCOME';
14240             ELSE
14241               l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).payment_type := 'SECDEPOSIT';
14242             END IF;
14243             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).line_start_date := assets_rec.line_start_date;
14244             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).line_end_date := assets_rec.line_end_date;
14245             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).cash_inflows := l_cash_inflows;
14246             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
14247             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).cfo_id := l_fee_inflow_caf_rec.cfo_id;
14248             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
14249           END IF;
14250         END IF; -- IF on Fee_type not in ...
14251         IF  assets_rec.fee_type = 'ABSORBED'
14252         THEN
14253           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14254                      '!!!!!!  Building cash inflows for this Absorbed fee ' || assets_rec.fee_type );
14255           -- Increment the pp_index and store the pricng params
14256           ppfs_index := ppfs_index + 1;
14257           l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).payment_type := 'EXPENSE';
14258           l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ppfs_index).financed_amount := assets_rec.fee_amount;
14259         END IF;
14260       END LOOP;-- FOR LOOP ON Assets_csr
14261       -- Solve for the Payment
14262       IF quote_rec.target_rate_type = 'IIR'
14263       THEN
14264         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14265                    'Calling the IIR api to solve the payment amount ' );
14266         -- Now solve the Payment amount calling the compute_irr
14267         compute_irr(
14268           p_api_version             => p_api_version,
14269           p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
14270           x_return_status           => l_return_status,
14271           x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
14272           x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
14273           p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
14274           p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
14275           p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
14276           p_pricing_method          => quote_rec.pricing_method,
14277           p_initial_guess           => l_initial_guess, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
14278           px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl,
14279           px_irr                    => x_iir,
14280           x_payment                 => x_payment);
14281         IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
14282           RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
14283         ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
14284           RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
14285         END IF;
14286         -- IIR @ LQ level has already been given by the user itself ..
14287         --   So, we wont be calling the compute_irr api just passing the assets information.
14288         l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir :=  quote_rec.target_rate / 100;
14289         l_subsidized_yields_rec.bk_yield :=  l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir;
14290       ELSE
14291         l_iir_temp := NULL;
14292         l_iir_temp := l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr;
14293         compute_irr(
14294           p_api_version             => p_api_version,
14295           p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
14296           x_return_status           => l_return_status,
14297           x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
14298           x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
14299           p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
14300           p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
14301           p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
14302           p_pricing_method          => quote_rec.pricing_method,
14303           p_initial_guess           => x_iir, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
14304           px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl,
14305           -- px_irr                    => l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr,
14306           px_irr                    => l_iir_temp,
14307           x_payment                 => x_payment);
14309         l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr := l_iir_temp;
14310         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14311                    quote_rec.pricing_method || ': FINAL: After compute_irr ' || l_return_status );
14312         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
14314         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
14316         END IF;
14317         l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr := quote_rec.target_rate / 100;
14318       END IF;
14319       IF x_payment < 0
14320       THEN
14321         OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (
14322           p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
14323           p_msg_name     => 'OKL_NEGATIVE_ADJ_AMT',
14324           p_token1       => 'TYPE',
14325           p_token1_value => 'Payment',
14326           p_token2       => 'AMOUNT',
14327           p_token2_value => round(x_payment,2) );
14328         RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
14329       END IF;
14330       -- Store the Calculated Payment amount back in the quote Header
14331       l_lease_qte_rec.target_amount := x_payment;
14332       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14333                   'SOLVED TARGET AMOUNT ' || round(l_lease_qte_rec.target_amount,4) );
14334       -- Pricing need to create CFO, CFH, CFL @ Lease Quote level storing this
14335       --  targetted Amount
14336       -- When the pricing method is Target Rate, pricing will create cash flows with
14337       -- only one cash flow level always, which is a regular payment. Hence, updating the CFL
14338       -- with the solved amount.
14339       FOR t_in IN l_lq_payment_level_tbl.FIRST .. l_lq_payment_level_tbl.LAST
14340       LOOP
14341         l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_in).periodic_amount := x_payment;
14342       END LOOP;
14343       IF l_cfo_exists_at_lq = 'YES'
14344       THEN
14345         -- Update the CFL Table
14346         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14347                   'Before OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.update_cashflow l_lq_payment_header_rec  '
14348                    || l_lq_payment_header_rec.stream_type_id
14349                    || ' status_code ' || l_lq_payment_header_rec.status_code );
14350         OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.update_cashflow (
14351           p_api_version         => G_API_VERSION,
14352           p_init_msg_list       => p_init_msg_list,
14353           p_transaction_control => G_FALSE,
14354           p_cashflow_header_rec => l_lq_payment_header_rec,
14355           p_cashflow_level_tbl  => l_lq_payment_level_tbl,
14356           x_return_status       => l_return_status,
14357           x_msg_count           => x_msg_count,
14358           x_msg_data            => x_msg_data);
14359         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14360                   'After OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.update_cashflow ' || l_return_status );
14361         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14362                   'After OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.update_cashflow l_lq_payment_header_rec  '
14363                    || l_lq_payment_header_rec.stream_type_id
14364                    || ' status_code ' || l_lq_payment_header_rec.status_code );
14365         IF l_return_status = G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR THEN
14367         ELSIF l_return_status = G_RET_STS_ERROR THEN
14369         END IF;
14370       ELSE
14371         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14372                   'Before OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.create_cashflow l_lq_payment_header_rec  '
14373                    || l_lq_payment_header_rec.stream_type_id
14374                    || ' status_code ' || l_lq_payment_header_rec.status_code );
14375         OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.create_cashflow (
14376           p_api_version         => p_api_version,
14377           p_init_msg_list       => p_init_msg_list,
14378           p_transaction_control => G_FALSE,
14379           p_cashflow_header_rec => l_lq_payment_header_rec,
14380           p_cashflow_level_tbl  => l_lq_payment_level_tbl,
14381           x_return_status       => l_return_status,
14382           x_msg_count           => x_msg_count,
14383           x_msg_data            => x_msg_data);
14384         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14385                   'After OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.create_cashflow ' || l_return_status );
14386         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14387                   'After OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.create_cashflow l_lq_payment_header_rec  '
14388                    || l_lq_payment_header_rec.stream_type_id
14389                    || ' status_code ' || l_lq_payment_header_rec.status_code );
14390         IF l_return_status = G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR THEN
14392         ELSIF l_return_status = G_RET_STS_ERROR THEN
14394         END IF;
14395         -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
14396         l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(1).cfo_id := l_lq_payment_header_rec.cashflow_object_id;
14397         -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
14398       END IF;
14399      -- Update pmnt. amount in l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl(1).cash_inflows and l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(1).cash_inflows
14400      put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14401                   '***** Updating the stream elements with the solved amount *****');
14402       FOR t IN l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl(1).cash_inflows.FIRST ..
14403                l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl(1).cash_inflows.LAST
14404       LOOP
14405         -- Update the Cash Inflow Streams for the FREE_FORM1 line !
14406         l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl(1).cash_inflows(t).cf_amount := x_payment;
14407         l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(1).cash_inflows(t).cf_amount := x_payment;
14408         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14409                    l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl(1).cash_inflows(t).cf_date || ' | ' ||
14410                    l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl(1).cash_inflows(t).cf_amount );
14411       END LOOP;
14412       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14413                  'Updated the Payment amount back in the Cash Inflows ');
14414       -- Need to solve for the IIR if Target_Rate is PIRR else Solve for IRR if
14415       --  target rate type is IIR
14416       IF quote_rec.target_rate_type = 'IIR'
14417       THEN
14418         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14419                    '******** Solving for the Subsidized IRR ********** ' );
14420         l_iir_temp := NULL;
14421         l_iir_temp := l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr;
14422         compute_irr(
14423           p_api_version             => p_api_version,
14424           p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
14425           x_return_status           => l_return_status,
14426           x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
14427           x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
14428           p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
14429           p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
14430           p_currency_code           => l_currency,
14431           p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
14432           p_initial_guess           => l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
14433           px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl,
14434           -- px_irr                    => l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr,
14435           px_irr                    => l_iir_temp,
14436           x_payment                 => x_payment);
14437         l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr := l_iir_temp;
14438         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14439                    quote_rec.pricing_method || ': FINAL: After compute_irr ' || l_return_status );
14440         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
14442         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
14444         END IF;
14445       ELSE
14446         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14447                    '******** Solving for the Subsidized IIR ********** ' );
14448         -- Now solve the Payment amount calling the compute_iir
14449         compute_irr(
14450           p_api_version             => p_api_version,
14451           p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
14452           x_return_status           => l_return_status,
14453           x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
14454           x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
14455           p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
14456           p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
14457           p_currency_code           => l_currency,
14458           p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
14459           p_initial_guess           => l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
14460           px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl,
14461           px_irr                    => x_iir,
14462           x_payment                 => x_payment);
14463         IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
14464           RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
14465         ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
14466           RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
14467         END IF;
14468         -- IIR @ LQ level has already been given by the user itself ..
14469         --   So, we wont be calling the compute_irr api just passing the assets information.
14470         l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir :=  x_iir;
14471         l_subsidized_yields_rec.bk_yield :=  x_iir;
14472       END IF;
14473       -- Solve for the Non-Subsidized Yields now
14474       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14475                  '!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOLVING FOR NON-SUBSIDIZED YIELDS NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' );
14476       -- Loop through the l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl table and make the Subsidy Amount to zero !
14477       FOR ny IN l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl.FIRST .. l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl.LAST
14478       LOOP
14479         -- line_type, subsidy
14480         l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl(ny).subsidy := 0;
14481       END LOOP;
14482       l_iir_temp := NULL;
14483       l_iir_temp := l_yields_rec.iir;
14484       compute_irr(
14485         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
14486         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
14487         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
14488         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
14489         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
14490         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
14491         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
14492         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
14493         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
14494         p_initial_guess           => l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
14495         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl, -- includes the fees as well
14496         -- px_irr                    => l_yields_rec.iir,
14497         px_irr                    => l_iir_temp,
14498         x_payment                 => x_payment);
14499       l_yields_rec.iir := l_iir_temp;
14500       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14501                      '1/ After Computation of IIR (NON-SUBSIDIZED) ' || l_return_status );
14502       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14503                    'SOLVED FOR IIR (NON-SUBSIDY)' || l_yields_rec.iir );
14504       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
14506       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
14508       END IF;
14509       -- Store the IIR as the Booking Yield
14510       l_yields_rec.bk_yield := l_yields_rec.iir;
14511       -- Loop through the l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl table and make the Subsidy Amount to zero !
14512       FOR ny IN l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.FIRST .. l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.LAST
14513       LOOP
14514         -- line_type, subsidy
14515         l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ny).subsidy := 0;
14516       END LOOP;
14517       -- Loop through the l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl table and delete the Subsidy Amount
14518       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14519         '1/ Before Computation of IRR @ LQ Level ' );
14520       l_iir_temp := NULL;
14521       l_iir_temp := l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr;
14522       compute_irr(
14523         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
14524         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
14525         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
14526         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
14527         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
14528         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
14529         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
14530         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
14531         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
14532         p_initial_guess           => l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
14533         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl, -- includes the fees as well
14534         -- px_irr                    => l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr,
14535         px_irr                    => l_iir_temp,
14536         x_payment                 => x_payment);
14537       l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr := l_iir_temp;
14538       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14539                      '1/ After Computation of IRR @ LQ Level ' || l_return_status );
14540       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14541                    'SOLVED FOR IRR (NON-SUBSIDY)' || l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr );
14542       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
14544       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
14546       END IF;
14547     ELSIF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'RC'
14548     THEN
14549       -- Fetch the SGT Day convention to be used
14550       get_lq_sgt_day_convention(
14551         p_api_version       => p_api_version,
14552         p_init_msg_list     => p_init_msg_list,
14553         x_return_status     => l_return_status,
14554         x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
14555         x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
14556         p_lq_id             => p_qte_id,
14557         x_days_in_month     => l_days_in_month,
14558         x_days_in_year      => l_days_in_year);
14559       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14560                    ': After Fetching the Day convention from the SGT - RC ' );
14561       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
14563       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
14565       END IF;
14566       -- Get the Day count method for passing into the compute_irr api version.
14567       get_day_count_method(
14568         p_days_in_month    => l_days_in_month,
14569         p_days_in_year     => l_days_in_year,
14570         x_day_count_method => l_day_count_method,
14571         x_return_status    => l_return_status );
14572       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14573                     'Return Status | l_days_in_month | l_days_in_year | l_day_count_method ' );
14574       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14575                     l_return_status || ' | ' || l_days_in_month || ' | ' ||
14576                     l_days_in_year || ' | ' ||  l_day_count_method  );
14577       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
14579       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
14580         --Bug 5884825 PAGARG start
14581         OKL_API.SET_MESSAGE (p_app_name     => G_APP_NAME,
14582                              p_msg_name     => 'OKL_ISG_DAY_CONVENTION',
14583                              p_token1       => 'PRODUCT_NAME',
14584                              p_token1_value => l_product_name);
14585         --Bug 5884825 PAGARG end
14587       END IF;
14588       pp_index := 1;
14589       -- Loop through each configuration line and price it seperately ...
14590       FOR assets_rec IN assets_csr(p_qte_id)
14591       LOOP
14592         IF  assets_rec.fee_type = 'FREE_FORM1'
14593         THEN
14594           -- For Rate Card Pricing the price_standard_quote_asset api will
14595           --  a/ Create Cash flows for each configuration line
14596           --      Checks whether to pick the RC from Header of configuration level itself.
14597           --  b/ builds and return the pricing parameter record
14598           price_standard_quote_asset(
14599             x_return_status          => l_return_status,
14600             x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
14601             x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
14602             p_api_version            => p_api_version,
14603             p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
14604             p_qte_id                 => p_qte_id,
14605             p_ast_id                 => nvl(assets_rec.ast_id, assets_rec.fee_id),
14606             p_price_at_lq_level      => FALSE, -- Use Asset Level Cash flows only !
14607             p_target_rate            => NULL,
14608             p_line_type              => assets_rec.fee_type,
14609             x_pricing_parameter_rec  => l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec );
14610           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14611                      'After price_standard_quote_asset ' || l_return_status );
14612           IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
14613             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
14614           ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
14615             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
14616           END IF;
14617           -- Store the Pricing Parameter for solving yields at the entire quote level
14618           l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index) :=  l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec;
14619           -- Increment the pp_index
14620           pp_index := pp_index + 1;
14621         END IF;
14622       END LOOP; -- Loop on the Assets csr
14623       -- Loop through ROLLOVER and Financed Fees, and fetch the pricng parameter rec. structure
14624       FOR assets_rec IN assets_csr(p_qte_id)
14625       LOOP
14626         IF  assets_rec.fee_type in ('ROLLOVER', 'FINANCED')
14627         THEN
14628           -- For Rate Card Pricing the price_standard_quote_asset api will
14629           --  a/ Create Cash flows for each configuration line
14630           --      Checks whether to pick the RC from Header of configuration level itself.
14631           --  b/ builds and return the pricing parameter record
14632           price_standard_quote_asset(
14633             x_return_status          => l_return_status,
14634             x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
14635             x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
14636             p_api_version            => p_api_version,
14637             p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
14638             p_qte_id                 => p_qte_id,
14639             p_ast_id                 => nvl(assets_rec.ast_id, assets_rec.fee_id),
14640             p_price_at_lq_level      => FALSE, -- Use Asset Level Cash flows only !
14641             p_target_rate            => NULL,
14642             p_line_type              => assets_rec.fee_type,
14643             x_pricing_parameter_rec  => l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec );
14644           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14645                      'After price_standard_quote_asset ' || l_return_status );
14646           IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
14647             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
14648           ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
14649             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
14650           END IF;
14651           -- Store the Pricing Parameter for solving yields at the entire quote level
14652           l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index) :=  l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec;
14653           -- Increment the pp_index
14654           pp_index := pp_index + 1;
14655         END IF;
14656       END LOOP; -- Loop on the Assets csr
14657       -- Store the Pricing Param Table for calculation of the Non-Subsidized Yields
14658       l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl := l_pricing_parameter_tbl;
14659       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14660                      'Before calling irr for iir at quote level ' || l_return_status );
14661       -- Compute IIR @ Lease Quote Level.
14662       compute_irr(
14663         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
14664         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
14665         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
14666         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
14667         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
14668         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
14669         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
14670         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
14671         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
14672         p_initial_guess           => x_iir, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
14673         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pricing_parameter_tbl, -- includes the fees as well
14674         px_irr                    => x_iir,
14675         x_payment                 => x_payment);
14676       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14677                      '1/ After Computation of IIR @ LQ Level ( SUBSIDY )' || l_return_status );
14678       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
14680       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
14682       END IF;
14683       l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir :=  x_iir;
14684       l_subsidized_yields_rec.bk_yield :=  x_iir;
14685       -- Extract the other fees and other lines information for computation of the IRR
14686       -- Extract the fess information and built the Cash Inflows and Pricing Parameters
14687       FOR assets_rec IN assets_csr(p_qte_id)                 -- for all assets
14688       LOOP
14689         IF ( assets_rec.fee_type NOT IN ('FREE_FORM1', 'ROLLOVER', 'FINANCED', 'ABSORBED') )
14690         THEN
14691           -- Delete the previous fees cash flows
14692           l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl.DELETE;
14693           l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl.DELETE;
14694           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14695                        '!!!!!!  Handling fee ' || assets_rec.fee_type );
14696           get_lq_fee_cash_flows(
14697             p_api_version      => p_api_version,
14698             p_init_msg_list    => p_init_msg_list,
14699             x_return_status    => l_return_status,
14700             x_msg_count        => x_msg_count,
14701             x_msg_data         => x_msg_data,
14702             p_fee_type         => assets_rec.fee_type,
14703             p_lq_id            => p_qte_id,
14704             p_fee_id           => assets_rec.fee_id,
14705             x_outflow_caf_rec  => l_fee_outflow_caf_rec,
14706             x_outflow_cfl_tbl  => l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl,
14707             x_inflow_caf_rec   => l_fee_inflow_caf_rec,
14708             x_inflow_cfl_tbl   => l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl);
14709           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14710                      'After get_lq_fee_cash_flows ' || l_return_status );
14711           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
14713           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
14715           END IF;
14716           -- Based on the outflows/Inflows obtained generate the streams
14717           IF l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl.COUNT > 0
14718           THEN
14719             l_cash_inflows.DELETE;
14720             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14721                      '!!!!!!! Obtained Expense Cash flow levels !!!!!!!!' );
14722             gen_so_cf_strms(
14723               p_api_version            => p_api_version,
14724               p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
14725               x_return_status          => l_return_status,
14726               x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
14727               x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
14728               p_cash_flow_rec          => l_fee_outflow_caf_rec,
14729               p_cf_details_tbl         => l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl,
14730               x_cash_inflow_strms_tbl  => l_cash_inflows);
14731             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
14733             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
14734               RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
14735             END IF;
14736             -- Place the information in the pricing params
14737             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_type := assets_rec.fee_type;
14738             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'EXPENSE';
14739             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_start_date := assets_rec.line_start_date;
14740             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_end_date := assets_rec.line_end_date;
14741             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).cash_inflows := l_cash_inflows;
14742             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
14743             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).cfo_id := l_fee_outflow_caf_rec.cfo_id;
14744             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
14745             pp_index := pp_index + 1;
14746           END IF;
14747           -- Based on the outflows/Inflows obtained generate the streams
14748           IF l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl.COUNT > 0
14749           THEN
14750             l_cash_inflows.DELETE;
14751             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14752                      '!!!!!!! Obtained Income Cash flow levels !!!!!!!!' );
14753             gen_so_cf_strms(
14754               p_api_version            => p_api_version,
14755               p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
14756               x_return_status          => l_return_status,
14757               x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
14758               x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
14759               p_cash_flow_rec          => l_fee_inflow_caf_rec,
14760               p_cf_details_tbl         => l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl,
14761               x_cash_inflow_strms_tbl  => l_cash_inflows);
14762             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
14764             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
14765               RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
14766             END IF;
14767             -- Place the information in the pricing params
14768             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_type := assets_rec.fee_type;
14769             IF assets_rec.fee_type IN ( 'INCOME', 'MISCELLANEOUS' )
14770             THEN
14771               l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'INCOME';
14772             ELSE
14773               l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'SECDEPOSIT';
14774             END IF;
14775             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_start_date := assets_rec.line_start_date;
14776             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_end_date := assets_rec.line_end_date;
14777             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).cash_inflows := l_cash_inflows;
14778             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
14779             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).cfo_id := l_fee_inflow_caf_rec.cfo_id;
14780             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
14781             pp_index := pp_index + 1;
14782           END IF;
14783         END IF; -- IF on Fee_type not in ...
14784         IF  assets_rec.fee_type = 'ABSORBED'
14785         THEN
14786           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14787                      '!!!!!!  Building cash inflows for this Absorbed fee ' || assets_rec.fee_type );
14788           -- Increment the pp_index and store the pricng params
14789           l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'EXPENSE';
14790           l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).financed_amount := assets_rec.fee_amount;
14791           pp_index := pp_index + 1;
14792         END IF;
14793       END LOOP;
14794       -- Store the Pricing Param Table for calculation of the
14795       --  Non-Subsidized Yields
14796       l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl := l_pricing_parameter_tbl;
14797       l_iir_temp := NULL;
14798       l_iir_temp := l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr;
14800       compute_irr(
14801         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
14802         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
14803         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
14804         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
14805         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
14806         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
14807         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
14808         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
14809         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
14810         p_initial_guess           => x_iir, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
14811         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pricing_parameter_tbl, -- includes the fees as well
14812         -- px_irr                    => l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr,
14813         px_irr                    => l_iir_temp,
14814         x_payment                 => x_payment);
14815      l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr := l_iir_temp;
14816       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14817                      '1/ After Computation of IRR @ LQ Level ( SUBSIDY )' || l_return_status );
14818       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14819                    'SOLVED FOR IRR ' || l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr );
14820       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
14822       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
14824       END IF;
14825       -- Calculate the Yields without involving the Subsidy Amount
14826       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14828       -- Loop through the l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl table and delete the Subsidy Amount
14829       FOR ny IN l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl.FIRST .. l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl.LAST
14830       LOOP
14831         -- line_type, subsidy
14832         l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl(ny).subsidy := 0;
14833       END LOOP;
14834       l_iir_temp := NULL;
14835       l_iir_temp := l_yields_rec.iir;
14836       compute_irr(
14837         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
14838         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
14839         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
14840         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
14841         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
14842         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
14843         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
14844         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
14845         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
14846         p_initial_guess           => l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
14847         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl, -- includes the fees as well
14848         -- px_irr                    => l_yields_rec.iir,
14849         px_irr                    => l_iir_temp,
14850         x_payment                 => x_payment);
14851       l_yields_rec.iir := l_iir_temp;
14852       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14853                      '1/ After Computation of IIR @ LQ Level ' || l_return_status );
14854       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14855                    'SOLVED FOR IIR (NON-SUBSIDY)' || l_yields_rec.iir );
14856       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
14858       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
14860       END IF;
14861       -- Store the IIR as the Booking Yield
14862       l_yields_rec.bk_yield := l_yields_rec.iir;
14864       -- Loop through the l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl table and delete the Subsidy Amount
14865       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14866                      '1/ Before Computation of IRR @ LQ Level ' );
14867       FOR ny IN l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.FIRST .. l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.LAST
14868       LOOP
14869         -- For Asset lines, change the Subsidy Amount to Zero ..
14870         IF l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ny).line_type = 'FREE_FORM1'
14871         THEN
14872            l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ny).subsidy := 0;
14873         END IF;
14874       END LOOP;
14875       l_iir_temp := NULL;
14876       l_iir_temp := l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr;
14877       compute_irr(
14878         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
14879         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
14880         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
14881         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
14882         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
14883         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
14884         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
14885         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
14886         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
14887         p_initial_guess           => l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
14888         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl, -- includes the fees as well
14889         -- px_irr                    => l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr,
14890         px_irr                    => l_iir_temp,
14891         x_payment                 => x_payment);
14892        l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr := l_iir_temp;
14893       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14894                      '1/ After Computation of IRR @ LQ Level ' || l_return_status );
14895       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14896                    'SOLVED FOR IRR (NON-SUBSIDY)' || l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr );
14897       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
14899       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
14901       END IF;
14902       -- End of Rate Card Pricing
14903     ELSIF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'SY'
14904     THEN
14905       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14906                  'SOlving for Yields ' || l_return_status );
14907       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount := 0;
14908       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment := 0;
14909       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in := 0;
14910       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy := 0;
14911       l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cap_fee_amount := 0;
14912       pp_index := 1;
14913       lnoa_index := 1;
14914       res_index := 1;
14915       l_non_overiding_assets_tbl.DELETE;
14916       -- Loop through the Assets and check price the asset seperately
14917       --  which has overriddent the payment option picked at the Quote Level
14918       FOR assets_rec IN assets_csr(p_qte_id)                 -- for all assets
14919       LOOP
14920         -- Check whether this Asset has overridden the Payment option defined
14921         --  at the quote level !
14922         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14923                    'loop thru assets ' || assets_rec.asset_number || ' ' || l_return_status );
14924         IF nvl(assets_rec.fee_type, 'XXXX') <> 'FREE_FORM1'
14925         THEN
14926           l_overridden := TRUE;
14927         ELSE
14928           l_overridden := is_asset_overriding(
14929                           p_qte_id                => p_qte_id,
14930                           p_ast_id                => assets_rec.ast_id,
14931                           p_lq_line_level_pricing => quote_rec.line_level_pricing,
14932                           p_lq_srt_id             => quote_rec.rate_template_id,
14933                           p_ast_srt_id            => assets_rec.rate_template_id,
14934                           p_lq_struct_pricing     => quote_rec.structured_pricing,
14935                           p_ast_struct_pricing    => assets_rec.structured_pricing,
14936                           p_lq_arrears_yn         => quote_rec.target_arrears,
14937                           p_ast_arrears_yn        => assets_rec.target_arrears,
14938                           x_return_status         => l_return_status);
14939           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14940                      'After is_asset_overriding assets_rec.id =' || assets_rec.ast_id || ' | ' ||
14941                      '  l_return_status =' || l_return_status );
14942           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
14944           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
14946           END IF;
14947         END IF;
14948         IF l_overridden = FALSE
14949         THEN
14950           -- If asset is not overriding the Payment option defined at the Quote Level ...
14951           -- Store the Asset Id for later use ..
14952           l_non_overiding_assets_tbl(lnoa_index) := assets_rec.ast_id;
14953           -- Fetch the Asset Cost Adjustment Details for each Asset and accumulate them
14954           --  in the lx_pricing_parameter_rec
14955           FOR asset_cost_adj_rec IN asset_cost_adj_csr( qteid => p_qte_id,
14956                                                         astid => assets_rec.ast_id)
14957           LOOP
14958             IF asset_cost_adj_rec.adjustment_source_type = G_DOWNPAYMENT_TYPE
14959             THEN
14960               l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).down_payment := nvl(asset_cost_adj_rec.VALUE, 0 );
14961             ELSIF asset_cost_adj_rec.adjustment_source_type = G_SUBSIDY_TYPE
14962             THEN
14963               IF ( nvl(asset_cost_adj_rec.value, -9999) = -9999)
14964               THEN
14965                 OPEN subsidy_adj_csr(asset_cost_adj_rec.ADJUSTMENT_SOURCE_ID);
14966                 FETCH subsidy_adj_csr INTO subsidy_adj_rec;
14967                 CLOSE subsidy_adj_csr;
14968                 -- Bug 7429169 : Start
14969                 -- l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := subsidy_adj_rec.amount;
14970                 IF  l_noa_pp_tbl.EXISTS(lnoa_index)
14971                 THEN
14972                   l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := NVL(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy,0) + NVL(subsidy_adj_rec.amount,0);
14973                 ELSE
14974                   l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := NVL(subsidy_adj_rec.amount,0);
14975                 END IF; -- djanaswa bug7295753 end
14976                 -- Bug 7429169 : End
14977               ELSE
14978                 -- Bug 7429169 : Start
14979                 -- l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := asset_cost_adj_rec.value;
14980                 IF  l_noa_pp_tbl.EXISTS(lnoa_index)
14981                 THEN
14982                   l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := NVL(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy,0) + NVL(asset_cost_adj_rec.value,0);
14983                 ELSE
14984                   l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy := NVL(asset_cost_adj_rec.value,0);
14985                 END IF; -- djanaswa bug7295753 end
14986                 -- Bug 7429169 : End
14987               END IF;
14988             ELSIF asset_cost_adj_rec.adjustment_source_type = G_TRADEIN_TYPE
14989             THEN
14990               l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).trade_in := nvl(asset_cost_adj_rec.VALUE, 0);
14991             END IF;
14992             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14993                       'Down Payment| Trade In | Subsidy ' );
14994             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
14995                l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).down_payment || ' | ' ||
14996                l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).trade_in || ' | ' ||
14997                l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy );
14998           END LOOP;
14999           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15000                      'After Retrieving the Asset Cost Adjustments ');
15001           --res_index := 1;
15002           FOR asset_adj_rec IN asset_adj_csr(p_qte_id, assets_rec.ast_id)
15003           LOOP
15004             l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).financed_amount := nvl(asset_adj_rec.oec, 0);
15005             -- Calculate the Capitalized Fee for this Asset
15006             FOR ct_rec IN get_asset_cap_fee_amt(
15007                            p_source_type       => 'ASSET',
15008                            p_source_id         => assets_rec.ast_id,
15009                            p_related_line_type => 'CAPITALIZED')
15010             LOOP
15011               l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).cap_fee_amount := nvl(ct_rec.capitalized_amount, 0);
15012             END LOOP;
15013             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15014                       asset_adj_rec.unit_cost|| ' No. of Units ' || asset_adj_rec.number_of_units);
15015             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).line_number := res_index;
15016             IF ( l_eot_type_code = 'PERCENT' OR l_eot_type_code = 'RESIDUAL_PERCENT' )
15017             THEN
15018               -- EOT = OEC * EOT %age /100;
15019               l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_amount   :=
15020                 nvl((asset_adj_rec.end_of_term_value/100) * l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).financed_amount, 0 );
15021             ELSE
15022               -- EOT is an amount so directly store it ..
15023               l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_amount   := asset_adj_rec.end_of_term_value;
15024             END IF;
15025             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_date     := l_eot_date;
15026             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_miss_pay := 'N';
15027             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).is_stub     := 'N';
15028             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).is_arrears  := 'Y';
15029             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_dpp := l_cf_dpp;
15030             l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_ppy := l_cf_ppy;
15031             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15032                     'Financed Amount = ' || l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).financed_amount);
15033             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15034                     'Storing residual amt ' || l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index).cf_amount );
15035             -- Store the Asset Residuals in the corresponding NOA Assets table
15036             l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).residual_inflows(1) := l_lq_residual_inflows(res_index);
15037             -- Increment the res_index
15038             res_index := res_index + 1;
15039           END LOOP;
15040           -- Bug 6669429 : Start
15041           l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.financed_amount + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).financed_amount,0);
15042           l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment    := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.down_payment    + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).down_payment,0);
15043           l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in        := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.trade_in        + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).trade_in,0);
15044           l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy         := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.subsidy         + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).subsidy,0);
15045           l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cap_fee_amount  := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cap_fee_amount  + nvl(l_noa_pp_tbl(lnoa_index).cap_fee_amount,0);
15046           -- Bug 6669429 : End
15047           lnoa_index := lnoa_index + 1;
15048         ELSE -- IF l_overridden = TRUE
15049           IF  assets_rec.fee_type = 'FREE_FORM1'
15050           THEN
15051             -- Price this Asset which has overridden the payment strcuture defined on the LQ !
15052             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15053                      ' Calling price_standard_quote_asset ' || 'p_qte_id ' || p_qte_id
15054                      || ' | assets_rec.ast_id ' || nvl(assets_rec.ast_id, assets_rec.fee_id) ||
15055                     ' | p_price_at_lq_level = FALSE | p_target_rate = NULL' );
15056             price_standard_quote_asset(
15057               x_return_status          => l_return_status,
15058               x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
15059               x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
15060               p_api_version            => p_api_version,
15061               p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
15062               p_qte_id                 => p_qte_id,
15063               p_ast_id                 => nvl(assets_rec.ast_id, assets_rec.fee_id),
15064               p_price_at_lq_level      => FALSE, -- Use Asset Level Cash flows only !
15065               p_target_rate            => NULL,
15066               p_line_type              => assets_rec.fee_type,
15067               x_pricing_parameter_rec  => l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec );
15068             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15069                      'After price_standard_quote_asset ' || l_return_status );
15070             IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
15071               RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
15072             ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
15073               RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
15074             END IF;
15075             -- Increment the pp_index
15076             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index) := l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec;
15077             pp_index := pp_index + 1;
15078           END IF;
15079         END IF;
15080       END LOOP; -- Loop on the Assets csr
15081       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15082                  ' Number of Overriding Lines = ' || l_pricing_parameter_tbl.COUNT || ' | ' ||
15083                  ' Number of Non-Overriding Lines = ' || l_non_overiding_assets_tbl.COUNT );
15084       IF l_non_overiding_assets_tbl.COUNT > 0
15085       THEN
15086         -- If there is atleast one asset which follows the Payment Structure
15087         -- defined at Lease Quote Level, then pass the Pricing param table
15088         -- withe the Cash flows information at lease quote level else DON'T !!
15089         -- Store the Cash inflow streams and Residual streams in the l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec
15090         l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cash_inflows := l_lq_cash_inflows;
15091         l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.residual_inflows := l_lq_residual_inflows;
15092         -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
15093         l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.cfo_id := l_lq_cash_flow_rec.cfo_id;
15094         -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
15095         -- pp_index is an post-assigned incremented index!
15096         l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec.line_type := 'FREE_FORM1';
15097         l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index) := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec;
15098         pp_index := pp_index + 1;
15099         l_an_ass_follow_lq := TRUE;  -- Store the flag
15100         l_lq_details_prc_rec := l_lq_pricing_parameter_rec;
15101       END IF;
15102       -- Handling the ROLLOVER AND FINANCED FEES
15103       FOR assets_rec IN assets_csr(p_qte_id) -- ALL Assets or FEES
15104       LOOP
15105         IF  assets_rec.fee_type IN ( 'ROLLOVER', 'FINANCED')
15106         THEN
15107           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15108             ' Calling price_standard_quote_asset for ' || assets_rec.fee_type || ' with ID ' || assets_rec.fee_id );
15109           -- Price the fees ROLLOVER OR FINANCED
15110           price_standard_quote_asset(
15111             x_return_status          => l_return_status,
15112             x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
15113             x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
15114             p_api_version            => p_api_version,
15115             p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
15116             p_qte_id                 => p_qte_id,
15117             p_ast_id                 => nvl(assets_rec.ast_id, assets_rec.fee_id),
15118             p_price_at_lq_level      => FALSE, -- Use Asset Level Cash flows only !
15119             p_target_rate            => NULL,
15120             p_line_type              => assets_rec.fee_type,
15121             x_pricing_parameter_rec  => l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec );
15122           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15123                    'After price_standard_quote_asset ' || l_return_status );
15124           IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
15125             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
15126           ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
15127             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
15128           END IF;
15129           l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index) := l_tmp_pricing_parameter_rec;
15130           -- Increment the pp_index
15131           pp_index := pp_index + 1;
15132         END IF;
15133       END LOOP;
15134       -- Store the Pricing Param Table for calculation of the Non-Subsidized Yields
15135       l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl := l_pricing_parameter_tbl;
15136       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15137         'Before calling irr for iir at quote level ' || l_return_status );
15138       -- Compute IIR @ Lease Quote Level.
15139       compute_irr(
15140         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
15141         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
15142         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
15143         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
15144         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
15145         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
15146         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
15147         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
15148         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
15149         p_initial_guess           => x_iir, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
15150         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pricing_parameter_tbl, -- includes the fees as well
15151         px_irr                    => x_iir,
15152         x_payment                 => x_payment);
15153       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15154                      '1/ After Computation of IIR @ LQ Level ' || l_return_status );
15155       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15156                    'SOLVED FOR IIR ' || x_iir );
15157       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
15159       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
15161       END IF;
15162       l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir :=  x_iir;
15163       l_subsidized_yields_rec.bk_yield :=  x_iir;
15164       -- Extract the fess information and built the Cash Inflows and Pricing Parameters
15165       FOR assets_rec IN assets_csr(p_qte_id)                 -- for all assets
15166       LOOP
15167         IF ( assets_rec.fee_type NOT IN ('FREE_FORM1', 'ROLLOVER', 'FINANCED', 'ABSORBED') )
15168         THEN
15169           -- Delete the previous fees cash flows
15170           l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl.DELETE;
15171           l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl.DELETE;
15172           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15173                        '!!!!!!  Handling fee ' || assets_rec.fee_type );
15174           get_lq_fee_cash_flows(
15175             p_api_version      => p_api_version,
15176             p_init_msg_list    => p_init_msg_list,
15177             x_return_status    => l_return_status,
15178             x_msg_count        => x_msg_count,
15179             x_msg_data         => x_msg_data,
15180             p_fee_type         => assets_rec.fee_type,
15181             p_lq_id            => p_qte_id,
15182             p_fee_id           => assets_rec.fee_id,
15183             x_outflow_caf_rec  => l_fee_outflow_caf_rec,
15184             x_outflow_cfl_tbl  => l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl,
15185             x_inflow_caf_rec   => l_fee_inflow_caf_rec,
15186             x_inflow_cfl_tbl   => l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl);
15187           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15188                      'After get_lq_fee_cash_flows ' || l_return_status );
15189           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
15191           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
15193           END IF;
15194           -- Based on the outflows/Inflows obtained generate the streams
15195           IF l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl.COUNT > 0
15196           THEN
15197             l_cash_inflows.DELETE;
15198             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15199                      '!!!!!!! Obtained Expense Cash flow levels !!!!!!!!' );
15200             gen_so_cf_strms(
15201               p_api_version            => p_api_version,
15202               p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
15203               x_return_status          => l_return_status,
15204               x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
15205               x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
15206               p_cash_flow_rec          => l_fee_outflow_caf_rec,
15207               p_cf_details_tbl         => l_fee_outflow_cfl_tbl,
15208               x_cash_inflow_strms_tbl  => l_cash_inflows);
15209             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
15211             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
15212               RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
15213             END IF;
15214             -- Place the information in the pricing params
15215             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_type := assets_rec.fee_type;
15216             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'EXPENSE';
15217             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_start_date := assets_rec.line_start_date;
15218             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_end_date := assets_rec.line_end_date;
15219             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).cash_inflows := l_cash_inflows;
15220             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
15221             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).cfo_id := l_fee_outflow_caf_rec.cfo_id;
15222             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
15223             pp_index := pp_index + 1;
15224           END IF;
15225           -- Based on the outflows/Inflows obtained generate the streams
15226           IF l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl.COUNT > 0
15227           THEN
15228             l_cash_inflows.DELETE;
15229             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15230                      '!!!!!!! Obtained Income Cash flow levels !!!!!!!!' );
15231             gen_so_cf_strms(
15232               p_api_version            => p_api_version,
15233               p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
15234               x_return_status          => l_return_status,
15235               x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
15236               x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
15237               p_cash_flow_rec          => l_fee_inflow_caf_rec,
15238               p_cf_details_tbl         => l_fee_inflow_cfl_tbl,
15239               x_cash_inflow_strms_tbl  => l_cash_inflows);
15240             IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
15242             ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
15243               RAISE OKL_API.G_EXCEPTION_ERROR;
15244             END IF;
15245             -- Place the information in the pricing params
15246             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_type := assets_rec.fee_type;
15247             IF assets_rec.fee_type IN ( 'INCOME', 'MISCELLANEOUS' )
15248             THEN
15249               l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'INCOME';
15250             ELSE
15251               l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'SECDEPOSIT';
15252             END IF;
15253             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_start_date := assets_rec.line_start_date;
15254             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_end_date := assets_rec.line_end_date;
15255             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).cash_inflows := l_cash_inflows;
15256             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
15257             l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).cfo_id := l_fee_inflow_caf_rec.cfo_id;
15258             -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
15259             pp_index := pp_index + 1;
15260           END IF;
15261         END IF; -- IF on Fee_type not in ...
15262         IF  assets_rec.fee_type = 'ABSORBED'
15263         THEN
15264           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15265                      '!!!!!!  Building cash inflows for this Absorbed fee ' || assets_rec.fee_type );
15266           -- Increment the pp_index and store the pricng params
15267           l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'EXPENSE';
15268           l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).financed_amount := assets_rec.fee_amount;
15269           pp_index := pp_index + 1;
15270         END IF;
15271       END LOOP;
15272       -- Store the Pricing Param Table for calculation of the
15273       --  Non-Subsidized Yields
15274       l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.DELETE;
15275       l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl := l_pricing_parameter_tbl;
15276       -- Now call the compute_irr api to solve for the Yield at the Lease quote Level !
15277       compute_irr(
15278         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
15279         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
15280         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
15281         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
15282         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
15283         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
15284         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
15285         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
15286         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
15287         p_initial_guess           => x_iir, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
15288         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pricing_parameter_tbl, -- includes the fees as well
15289         px_irr                    => x_iir,
15290         x_payment                 => x_payment);
15291       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15292                      '1/ After Computation of IRR @ LQ Level ' || l_return_status );
15293       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15294                    'SOLVED FOR IRR ' || x_iir );
15295       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
15297       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
15299       END IF;
15300       l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr   :=  x_iir;
15301       -- Calculate the Yields without involving the Subsidy Amount
15302       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15304       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15305                      '1/ After Computation of IIR @ LQ Level ' || l_return_status );
15306       -- Loop through the l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl table and delete the Subsidy Amount
15307       FOR ny IN l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl.FIRST .. l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl.LAST
15308       LOOP
15309         -- line_type, subsidy
15310         l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl(ny).subsidy := 0;
15311       END LOOP;
15312       l_iir_temp := NULL;
15313       l_iir_temp := l_yields_rec.iir;
15314       compute_irr(
15315         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
15316         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
15317         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
15318         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
15319         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
15320         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
15321         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
15322         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
15323         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
15324         p_initial_guess           => l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
15325         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl, -- includes the fees as well
15326         -- px_irr                    => l_yields_rec.iir,
15327         px_irr                    => l_iir_temp,
15328         x_payment                 => x_payment);
15329       l_yields_rec.iir := l_iir_temp;
15330       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15331                      '1/ After Computation of IIR @ LQ Level ' || l_return_status );
15332       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15333                    'SOLVED FOR IIR (NON-SUBSIDY)' || l_yields_rec.iir );
15334       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
15336       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
15338       END IF;
15339       -- Store the IIR as the Booking Yield
15340       l_yields_rec.bk_yield := l_yields_rec.iir;
15341       -- Loop through the l_pp_non_sub_iir_tbl table and delete the Subsidy Amount
15342       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15343                      '1/ Before Computation of IRR @ LQ Level loop subsidy ' || to_char(l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.COUNT));
15344       FOR ny IN l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.FIRST .. l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.LAST
15345       LOOP
15346         -- For Asset lines, change the Subsidy Amount to Zero ..
15347         IF nvl(l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ny).line_type, 'XXXX') = 'FREE_FORM1'
15348         THEN
15349            l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(ny).subsidy := 0;
15350         END IF;
15351       END LOOP;
15352       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15353                      '1/ Before Computation of IRR @ LQ Level ' );
15354       l_iir_temp := NULL;
15355       l_iir_temp := l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr;
15356       compute_irr(
15357         p_api_version             => p_api_version,
15358         p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
15359         x_return_status           => l_return_status,
15360         x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
15361         x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
15362         p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
15363         p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
15364         p_currency_code           => l_currency,  -- Replace this USD with the appropriate column!
15365         p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
15366         p_initial_guess           => l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr, -- Use the IIR derieved prev. as initial guess
15367         px_pricing_parameter_tbl  => l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl, -- includes the fees as well
15368         -- px_irr                    => l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr,
15369         px_irr                    => l_iir_temp,
15370         x_payment                 => x_payment);
15371       l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr := l_iir_temp;
15372       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15373                      '1/ After Computation of IRR @ LQ Level ' || l_return_status );
15374       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15375                    'SOLVED FOR IRR (NON-SUBSIDY)' || l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr );
15376       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
15378       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
15380       END IF;
15381     END IF;
15382     -- Populate the l_lease_qte_rec appropriately for the Updation
15383     l_lease_qte_rec.id := p_qte_id;
15384     l_lease_qte_rec.SUB_IIR               := round(l_subsidized_yields_rec.iir * 100, 4);
15385     l_lease_qte_rec.SUB_PIRR              := round(l_subsidized_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr * 100, 4);
15386     l_lease_qte_rec.SUB_BOOKING_YIELD     := round(l_subsidized_yields_rec.bk_yield * 100, 4);
15387     l_lease_qte_rec.IIR                   := round(l_yields_rec.iir * 100, 4);
15388     l_lease_qte_rec.PIRR                  := round(l_yields_rec.pre_tax_irr * 100, 4);
15389     l_lease_qte_rec.BOOKING_YIELD         := round(l_yields_rec.bk_yield * 100, 4);
15390     l_lease_qte_rec.status                := 'PR-COMPLETE';
15391     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15392                  'Update the Yields on the Lease Quote'  );
15393     okl_lease_quote_pvt.update_lease_qte(
15394             p_api_version         => p_api_version,
15395             p_init_msg_list       => p_init_msg_list,
15396             p_transaction_control => NULL,
15397             p_lease_qte_rec       => l_lease_qte_rec,
15398             x_lease_qte_rec       => x_lease_qte_rec,
15399             x_return_status       => l_return_status,
15400             x_msg_count           => x_msg_count,
15401             x_msg_data            => x_msg_data);
15402     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15403                  'After updation of Yields on Lease Quote. Status: ' || l_return_status );
15404     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
15406     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
15408     END IF;
15409     -- Now after the Yields has been calculated, we need to calculate the payments
15410     -- for all Non-Overridden assets !
15411     IF quote_rec.pricing_method <> 'RC'
15412        AND l_an_ass_follow_lq
15413     THEN
15414       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15415         ' !!!!!!!! CALCULATION OF THE ASSET LEVEL PAYMENTS !!!!!! ' );
15416       -- Calculate the Quote leve C-S-D-T
15417       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15418         'LQ Level: Asset Cost (C) | Down Payment (D) | Trade-in (T) | Subsidy (s)' );
15419       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15420         round( l_lq_details_prc_rec.financed_amount, 4) || ' | ' || round( l_lq_details_prc_rec.down_payment, 4) || ' | ' ||
15421         round( l_lq_details_prc_rec.trade_in, 4) || ' | ' ||     round( l_lq_details_prc_rec.subsidy, 4));
15422       IF quote_rec.pricing_method <> 'TR'
15423       THEN
15424         -- Now compute the IIR for the group of assets which follow the payment
15425         --  entered at the Quote Level.
15426         compute_iir(
15427           p_api_version             => p_api_version,
15428           p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
15429           x_return_status           => l_return_status,
15430           x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
15431           x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
15432           p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
15433           p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
15434           p_pricing_method          => 'SY',
15435           p_initial_guess           => (l_lease_qte_rec.iir/ 100 ),
15436           px_pricing_parameter_rec  => l_lq_details_prc_rec,
15437           px_iir                    => l_iir,
15438           x_payment                 => l_miss_payment);
15439         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15440           'After SY @ LQ level ' || x_return_status || ' | l_iir=' || round(l_iir,4) );
15441         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
15443         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
15445         END IF;
15446       ELSE
15447         l_iir := (l_lease_qte_rec.iir / 100 );
15448       END IF;
15449       -- Loop the Streams at the Quote level and put the l_iir as rate, and cf_ratio also
15450       -- needs to be populated appropriately.
15451       l_lq_con_cash_inflows := l_lq_details_prc_rec.cash_inflows;
15452       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15453         '!! Assigning the Quote level rate and cf_ratio !!' );
15454       FOR t_in IN l_lq_con_cash_inflows.FIRST .. l_lq_con_cash_inflows.LAST
15455       LOOP
15456         IF l_lq_con_cash_inflows(t_in).cf_amount > 0
15457         THEN
15458           l_tmp_amount := l_lq_con_cash_inflows(t_in).cf_amount;
15459           EXIT;
15460         END IF;
15461       END LOOP;
15462       FOR t_in IN l_lq_con_cash_inflows.FIRST .. l_lq_con_cash_inflows.LAST
15463       LOOP
15464         l_lq_con_cash_inflows(t_in).cf_rate := l_iir;
15465         l_lq_con_cash_inflows(t_in).cf_ratio:= l_lq_con_cash_inflows(t_in).cf_amount/l_tmp_amount;
15466       END LOOP;
15467       -- Store the amount from the first cash flow level which can be a Stub/Periodic Amount and is non-zero
15468       FOR t_in IN l_lq_payment_level_tbl.FIRST .. l_lq_payment_level_tbl.LAST
15469       LOOP
15470         IF l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_in).stub_days IS NOT NULL AND
15471            l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_in).stub_amount > 0
15472         THEN
15473           -- Found a first stub CFL with some amount, using this as a base for the proportion.
15474           l_tmp_amount := l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_in).stub_amount;
15475           EXIT;
15476         ELSIF l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_in).periods IS NOT NULL AND
15477               l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_in).periodic_amount > 0
15478         THEN
15479           -- Found a regular CFL with some amount, using this as a base for the proportion.
15480           l_tmp_amount := l_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_in).periodic_amount;
15481           EXIT;
15482         END IF;
15483       END LOOP;
15484       l_rnd_lq_payment_level_tbl := l_lq_payment_level_tbl;
15485       l_rnd_sum_assets_pmnts_tbl := l_lq_payment_level_tbl;
15486       FOR t_in IN l_rnd_lq_payment_level_tbl.FIRST .. l_rnd_lq_payment_level_tbl.LAST
15487       LOOP
15488         IF l_rnd_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_in).stub_days IS NOT NULL AND
15489            l_rnd_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_in).stub_amount > 0
15490         THEN
15491             l_rnd_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_in).stub_amount :=
15492               okl_accounting_util.round_amount(
15493                 p_amount        => l_rnd_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_in).stub_amount,
15494                 p_currency_code => l_currency );
15495             l_rnd_sum_assets_pmnts_tbl(t_in).stub_amount := 0;
15496         ELSE
15497             l_rnd_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_in).periodic_amount :=
15498               okl_accounting_util.round_amount(
15499                 p_amount        => l_rnd_lq_payment_level_tbl(t_in).periodic_amount,
15500                 p_currency_code => l_currency );
15501            l_rnd_sum_assets_pmnts_tbl(t_in).periodic_amount := 0;
15502         END IF;
15503       END LOOP;
15504       -- Loop through the assets which follow the LQ payment structure
15505       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15506         '!!!!!!!! **** DERIEVING PAYMENTS FOR ALL ASSETS ***** !!!!!!!!!' );
15507       FOR t IN l_noa_pp_tbl.FIRST .. l_noa_pp_tbl.LAST
15508       LOOP
15509         IF quote_rec.pricing_method IN ( 'SF' )
15510         THEN
15511           -- Asset Cost is not stored in the l_noa_pp_tbl while solving it .. Hence, fetch it
15512           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15513             ' Asset ID = ' || l_non_overiding_assets_tbl(t) );
15514           FOR asset_adj_rec IN asset_adj_csr(p_qte_id, l_non_overiding_assets_tbl(t))
15515           LOOP
15516             l_noa_pp_tbl(t).financed_amount := nvl(asset_adj_rec.oec,0);
15517             put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15518               'Asset cost was fetched from the DB ' || l_noa_pp_tbl(t).financed_amount );
15519           END LOOP;
15520         END IF;
15521         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15522           'Asset Cost (C) | Down Payment (D) | Trade-in (T) | Subsidy (s)' );
15523         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15524           round( l_noa_pp_tbl(t).financed_amount, 4) || ' | ' || round( l_noa_pp_tbl(t).down_payment, 4) || ' | ' ||
15525           round( l_noa_pp_tbl(t).trade_in, 4) || ' | ' || round( l_noa_pp_tbl(t).subsidy, 4));
15526         -- The streams for this asset should resemble the Quote level ones. Hence, copying them to the Asset PP Rec.
15527         l_noa_pp_tbl(t).cash_inflows  := l_lq_con_cash_inflows;
15528         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15529           'Calculating the Asset level Payment for ID ' || l_non_overiding_assets_tbl(t) );
15530         compute_iir(
15531           p_api_version             => p_api_version,
15532           p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
15533           x_return_status           => l_return_status,
15534           x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
15535           x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
15536           p_start_date              => quote_rec.expected_start_date,
15537           p_day_count_method        => l_day_count_method,
15538           p_pricing_method          => 'SPP', -- Use the Algorithm which proportionates the Payment Amt
15539           p_initial_guess           => l_lease_qte_rec.iir,
15540           px_pricing_parameter_rec  => l_noa_pp_tbl(t),
15541           px_iir                    => l_iir,
15542           x_payment                 => l_miss_payment);
15543         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15544           'SPP: For Asset Status=' || x_return_status || ' | l_iir=' || round(l_iir,4) || ' | l_miss_payment = ' || round(l_miss_payment, 2));
15545         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
15547         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
15549         END IF;
15550         -- Need to delete the cash flow (if any exists) for this Asset with WORK Status.
15551         l_cfo_exists_at_noa := 'YES';
15552         FOR t_rec IN check_cfo_exists_csr(
15553           p_oty_code     => 'QUOTED_ASSET',
15554           p_source_table => 'OKL_ASSETS_B',
15555           p_source_id    => l_non_overiding_assets_tbl(t),
15556           p_sts_code     => 'WORK')
15557         LOOP
15558           l_cfo_exists_at_noa := t_rec.cfo_exists;
15559         END LOOP;
15560         -- Delete the Cash flows if they are already present
15561         IF l_cfo_exists_at_noa = 'YES'
15562         THEN
15563           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15564             ' Deleting already existing CFO ' );
15565           -- Delete the Cash Flow Levels which may be already created by Pricing ..
15566           okl_lease_quote_cashflow_pvt.delete_cashflows (
15567             p_api_version          => p_api_version,
15568             p_init_msg_list        => p_init_msg_list,
15569             p_transaction_control  => NULL,
15570             p_source_object_code   => 'QUOTED_ASSET',
15571             p_source_object_id     => l_non_overiding_assets_tbl(t),
15572             x_return_status        => l_return_status,
15573             x_msg_count            => x_msg_count,
15574             x_msg_data             => x_msg_data);
15575           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15576                     ' ----- After deleting the Cash flows for the asset  ' || l_return_status );
15577           IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
15578             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
15579           ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
15580             RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
15581           END IF;
15582         END IF;
15583         -- Create the Cash flows with the structure similiar to the LQ
15584         l_asset_caf_rec.parent_object_code := 'QUOTED_ASSET';
15585         l_asset_caf_rec.parent_object_id   := l_non_overiding_assets_tbl(t);
15586         l_asset_caf_rec.status_code        := 'WORK';
15587         l_asset_caf_rec.type_code          := 'INFLOW';
15588         l_asset_caf_rec.arrears_flag       := l_lq_payment_header_rec.arrears_flag;
15589         l_asset_caf_rec.stream_type_id     := l_rent_sty_id;
15590         l_asset_caf_rec.frequency_code     := l_lq_payment_header_rec.frequency_code;
15591         l_asset_caf_rec.quote_type_code    := l_quote_type_code;
15592         l_asset_caf_rec.quote_id           := p_qte_id;
15593         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15594           ' Frequency | Adv/ Arrears | Rate | Stub Days | Stub Amount | Periods | Amount | Start Date ' );
15595         FOR i in l_lq_payment_level_tbl.FIRST..l_lq_payment_level_tbl.LAST
15596         LOOP
15597           l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).record_mode := 'CREATE';
15598           l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).start_date  := l_lq_payment_level_tbl(i).start_date;
15599           l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).rate        := l_iir;
15600           l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).stub_amount := l_lq_payment_level_tbl(i).stub_amount;
15601           l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).stub_days   := l_lq_payment_level_tbl(i).stub_days;
15602           l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).periods     := l_lq_payment_level_tbl(i).periods;
15603           l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).periodic_amount := l_lq_payment_level_tbl(i).periodic_amount;
15604           -- Using the l_miss_amount and the ratio of the cash flows we need to determine the Amount @ every CFL
15605           IF l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).stub_days > 0
15606           THEN
15607             IF t = l_noa_pp_tbl.LAST
15608             THEN
15609               -- The Last Payment, hence use the Round LQ Amount - Sum of Prev. Assets Amount, instead of the proportion.
15610               l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).stub_amount := l_rnd_lq_payment_level_tbl(i).stub_amount - l_rnd_sum_assets_pmnts_tbl(i).stub_amount;
15611             ELSE
15612               l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).stub_amount :=
15613                 l_miss_payment * (l_lq_payment_level_tbl(i).stub_amount / l_tmp_amount);
15614               l_rnd_sum_assets_pmnts_tbl(i).stub_amount := l_rnd_sum_assets_pmnts_tbl(i).stub_amount +
15615                 okl_accounting_util.round_amount(
15616                   p_amount        => l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).stub_amount,
15617                   p_currency_code => l_currency );
15618             END IF;
15619           ELSIF l_lq_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).number_of_periods > 0
15620           THEN
15621             IF t = l_noa_pp_tbl.LAST
15622             THEN
15623               -- The Last Payment, hence use the Round LQ Amount - Sum of Prev. Assets Amount, instead of the proportion.
15624               l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).periodic_amount := l_rnd_lq_payment_level_tbl(i).periodic_amount - l_rnd_sum_assets_pmnts_tbl(i).periodic_amount;
15625             ELSE
15626               l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).periodic_amount :=
15627                 l_miss_payment * (l_lq_payment_level_tbl(i).periodic_amount / l_tmp_amount );
15628               l_rnd_sum_assets_pmnts_tbl(i).periodic_amount := l_rnd_sum_assets_pmnts_tbl(i).periodic_amount +
15629                 okl_accounting_util.round_amount(
15630                   p_amount        => l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).periodic_amount,
15631                   p_currency_code => l_currency );
15632             END IF;
15633           END IF;
15634           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15635             l_asset_caf_rec.frequency_code || ' | ' || l_asset_caf_rec.arrears_flag  || ' | ' || l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).rate|| ' | ' ||
15636             l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).stub_days || ' | ' || l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).stub_amount|| ' | ' || l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).periods|| ' | ' ||
15637             l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).periodic_amount || ' | ' || l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).start_Date  );
15638         END LOOP;
15639         -- Create the Cash flows for the Asset
15640         OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.create_cashflow(
15641           p_api_version         => p_api_version,
15642           p_init_msg_list       => p_init_msg_list,
15643           p_transaction_control => NULL,
15644           p_cashflow_header_rec => l_asset_caf_rec,
15645           p_cashflow_level_tbl  => l_asset_cfl_tbl,
15646           x_return_status       => l_return_status,
15647           x_msg_count           => x_msg_count,
15648           x_msg_data            => x_msg_data);
15649         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15650               'After calling create_cash_flow ' || l_return_status);
15651         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
15653         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
15655         END IF;
15656         -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
15657         -- Based on the Derieved Cash flows for the Non-overriding Assets
15658         --  Generate the Streams for the Non-Overriding Assets
15659         IF l_asset_cfl_tbl.COUNT > 0
15660         THEN
15661           -- Delete the Temporary Streams Table
15662           l_cash_inflows.DELETE;
15663           l_noa_cash_flow_det_tbl.DELETE;
15664           -- Populate the Cash Flow Header Equivalent Record Structure to generate Streams
15665           l_noa_cash_flow_rec.caf_id := l_asset_caf_rec.cashflow_header_id;
15666           l_noa_cash_flow_rec.qte_id := p_qte_id;
15667           l_noa_cash_flow_rec.cfo_id := l_asset_caf_rec.cashflow_object_id;
15668           l_noa_cash_flow_rec.sts_code := 'WORK';
15669           l_noa_cash_flow_rec.sty_id := l_asset_caf_rec.stream_type_id;
15670           l_noa_cash_flow_rec.cft_code := 'PAYMENT_SCHEDULE';
15671           l_noa_cash_flow_rec.due_arrears_yn := l_asset_caf_rec.arrears_flag;
15672           l_noa_cash_flow_rec.start_date := NULL;
15673           l_noa_cash_flow_rec.number_of_advance_periods := NULL;
15674           -- Populate the Cash Flow Level equivalent Record Structure to generate streams
15675           FOR i in l_asset_cfl_tbl.FIRST .. l_asset_cfl_tbl.LAST
15676           LOOP
15677             l_noa_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).start_date  := l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).start_date;
15678             l_noa_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).rate        := l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).rate;
15679             l_noa_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).fqy_code    := l_asset_caf_rec.frequency_code;
15680             l_noa_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).number_of_periods := l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).periods;
15681             l_noa_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).amount      := l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).periodic_amount;
15682             l_noa_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).stub_days   := l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).stub_days;
15683             l_noa_cash_flow_det_tbl(i).stub_amount := l_asset_cfl_tbl(i).stub_amount;
15684           END LOOP;
15685           put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15686                    'Generating the Stream Elements for the Asset!' );
15687           gen_so_cf_strms(
15688             p_api_version            => p_api_version,
15689             p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
15690             x_return_status          => l_return_status,
15691             x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
15692             x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
15693             p_cash_flow_rec          => l_noa_cash_flow_rec,
15694             p_cf_details_tbl         => l_noa_cash_flow_det_tbl,
15695             x_cash_inflow_strms_tbl  => l_cash_inflows);
15696           IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
15698           ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
15700           END IF;
15701           -- Place the information in the Consolidated Pricing Params Table
15702           -- so that the insert_quote_api inserts the Streams Captured here !
15703           pp_index := l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.COUNT + 1;
15704           l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).line_type := 'FREE_FORM1';
15705           l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'QUOTED_ASSET';
15706           --l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_end_date := srvc_rec.line_end_date;
15707           l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).cash_inflows := l_cash_inflows;
15708           l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).cfo_id := l_asset_caf_rec.cashflow_object_id;
15709           -- Push the Residual Values also
15710           l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).residual_inflows := l_noa_pp_tbl(t).residual_inflows;
15711         END IF;
15712         -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
15713       END LOOP; -- Loop on the l_noa_det_prc_tbl
15714     END IF;
15715     -- Delete (if exists any..) LEASE_QUOTE_CONSOLIDATED cash flows existing
15716     --  at the Lease Quote level.
15717     l_cfo_exists_at_lq := 'NO';
15718     FOR t_rec IN check_cfo_exists_csr(
15719                   p_oty_code     => 'LEASE_QUOTE_CONSOLIDATED',
15720                   p_source_table => 'OKL_LEASE_QUOTES_B',
15721                   p_source_id    => p_qte_id,
15722                   p_sts_code     => 'WORK')
15723     LOOP
15724       l_cfo_exists_at_lq := t_rec.cfo_exists;
15725     END LOOP;
15726     IF  l_cfo_exists_at_lq = 'YES'
15727     THEN
15728       -- Delete the Payment structure already derieved by pricing
15729       okl_lease_quote_cashflow_pvt.delete_cashflows (
15730         p_api_version          => p_api_version,
15731         p_init_msg_list        => p_init_msg_list,
15732         p_transaction_control  => NULL,
15733         p_source_object_code   => 'LEASE_QUOTE_CONSOLIDATED',
15734         p_source_object_id     => p_qte_id,
15735         x_return_status        => l_return_status,
15736         x_msg_count            => x_msg_count,
15737         x_msg_data             => x_msg_data);
15738       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15739         'Deleted the Consolidated Cash flow levels @ LQ levels. Status: ' || l_return_status );
15740       IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
15741         RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
15742       ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
15743         RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;
15744       END IF;
15745     END IF; -- IF l_cfo_exists_at_lq
15746     -- Code for solving the payment amount @ LQ level follows ..
15747     -- If for all the assets, frequency, adv/arrears, the payment structure matches
15748     --  then the solve_pmnts_at_lq API returns the solved payment structure @ LQ level
15749     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15751     solve_pmnts_at_lq(
15752       p_api_version    => p_api_version,
15753       p_init_msg_list  => p_init_msg_list,
15754       x_return_status  => l_return_status,
15755       x_msg_count      => x_msg_count,
15756       x_msg_data       => x_msg_data,
15757       p_id             => p_qte_id,
15758       x_caf_rec        => l_lq_payment_header_rec,
15759       x_cfl_tbl        => l_lq_payment_level_tbl,
15760       x_solved         => l_solved);
15761     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
15763     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
15765     END IF;
15766     IF l_solved = 'YES' AND l_lq_payment_level_tbl IS NOT NULL AND l_lq_payment_level_tbl.COUNT > 0
15767     THEN
15768       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15769         '!!! *** Payments can be derieved at Lease Quote level *** !!! ' || l_lq_payment_level_tbl.COUNT );
15770       l_lq_payment_header_rec.type_code          := 'INFLOW';
15771       l_lq_payment_header_rec.parent_object_code := 'LEASE_QUOTE_CONSOLIDATED';
15772       l_lq_payment_header_rec.parent_object_id   := p_qte_id;
15773       l_lq_payment_header_rec.status_code        := 'WORK';
15774       IF quote_rec.pricing_method = 'RC'
15775       THEN
15776         OPEN c_strm_type ( quote_rec.id, quote_rec.expected_start_date );
15777         FETCH c_strm_type INTO r_strm_type;
15778         CLOSE c_strm_type;
15779         l_rent_sty_id := r_strm_type.payment_type_id;
15780       END IF;
15781       l_lq_payment_header_rec.stream_type_id     := l_rent_sty_id;
15782       l_lq_payment_header_rec.quote_type_code    := l_quote_type_code;
15783       l_lq_payment_header_rec.quote_id           := p_qte_id;
15784       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15785         ' Frequency | Adv/ Arrears | Rate | Stub Days | Stub Amount | Periods | Amount | Start Date ' );
15786       FOR i IN l_lq_payment_level_tbl.FIRST .. l_lq_payment_level_tbl.LAST
15787       LOOP
15788         l_lq_payment_level_tbl(i).record_mode := 'CREATE';
15789         IF l_lq_payment_level_tbl(i).rate IS NULL
15790         THEN
15791           l_lq_payment_level_tbl(i).rate := l_lease_qte_rec.sub_iir;
15792         END IF;
15793         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15794           l_lq_payment_header_rec.frequency_code || ' | ' || l_lq_payment_header_rec.arrears_flag  || ' | ' || l_lq_payment_level_tbl(i).rate|| ' | ' ||
15795           l_lq_payment_level_tbl(i).stub_days || ' | ' || l_lq_payment_level_tbl(i).stub_amount|| ' | ' || l_lq_payment_level_tbl(i).periods|| ' | ' ||
15796           l_lq_payment_level_tbl(i).periodic_amount || ' | ' || l_lq_payment_level_tbl(i).start_Date  );
15797       END LOOP;
15798       OKL_LEASE_QUOTE_CASHFLOW_PVT.create_cashflow(
15799         p_api_version         => p_api_version,
15800         p_init_msg_list       => p_init_msg_list,
15801         p_transaction_control => NULL,
15802         p_cashflow_header_rec => l_lq_payment_header_rec,
15803         p_cashflow_level_tbl  => l_lq_payment_level_tbl,
15804         x_return_status       => l_return_status,
15805         x_msg_count           => x_msg_count,
15806         x_msg_data            => x_msg_data);
15807       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15808         'Creation of LQ level cash flow levels stauts: ' || l_Return_Status );
15809       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
15811       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
15813       END IF;
15814     ELSE
15815       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15817     END IF; -- IF l_solved = 'YES'
15818     -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
15819     --Get the service cash inflows and generate the streams
15820     FOR srvc_rec IN services_csr(p_qte_id)
15821     LOOP
15822       -- Delete the previous services cash inflows
15823       l_srvc_inflow_cfl_tbl.DELETE;
15824       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15825                     '!!!!!!  Handling service ');
15826       get_lq_srvc_cash_flows(
15827         p_api_version      => p_api_version,
15828         p_init_msg_list    => p_init_msg_list,
15829         x_return_status    => l_return_status,
15830         x_msg_count        => x_msg_count,
15831         x_msg_data         => x_msg_data,
15832         p_srvc_type        => 'SERVICE',
15833         p_lq_id            => p_qte_id,
15834         p_srvc_id          => srvc_rec.srvc_id,
15835         x_inflow_caf_rec   => l_srvc_inflow_caf_rec,
15836         x_inflow_cfl_tbl   => l_srvc_inflow_cfl_tbl);
15837       put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15838                   'After get_lq_srvc_cash_flows ' || l_return_status );
15839       IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
15841       ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
15843       END IF;
15845       -- Based on the Inflows obtained generate the streams
15846       IF l_srvc_inflow_cfl_tbl.COUNT > 0
15847       THEN
15848         l_cash_inflows.DELETE;
15849         put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
15850                  '!!!!!!! Obtained Service Cash flow levels !!!!!!!!' );
15851         gen_so_cf_strms(
15852           p_api_version            => p_api_version,
15853           p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
15854           x_return_status          => l_return_status,
15855           x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
15856           x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
15857           p_cash_flow_rec          => l_srvc_inflow_caf_rec,
15858           p_cf_details_tbl         => l_srvc_inflow_cfl_tbl,
15859           x_cash_inflow_strms_tbl  => l_cash_inflows);
15860         IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
15862         ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
15864         END IF;
15865         -- Place the information in the pricing params
15866         pp_index := l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.COUNT + 1;
15867         l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).line_type := 'SERVICE';
15868         l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'SERVICE';
15869         l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).line_start_date := srvc_rec.line_start_date;
15870         --l_pricing_parameter_tbl(pp_index).line_end_date := srvc_rec.line_end_date;
15871         l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).cash_inflows := l_cash_inflows;
15872         l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).cfo_id := l_srvc_inflow_caf_rec.cfo_id;
15874         --Added by bkatraga for bug 7410991
15875         l_sum_assoc_assets_amt := 0;
15876         l_assoc_assets_count := 0;
15877         OPEN CHECK_ASSOC_ASSETS('SERVICE', srvc_rec.srvc_id);
15878         FETCH CHECK_ASSOC_ASSETS INTO l_sum_assoc_assets_amt, l_assoc_assets_count;
15881         IF(l_assoc_assets_count > 0) THEN
15882           l_assets_indx := 0;
15883           l_amount_tbl.DELETE;
15885           FOR i in l_cash_inflows.FIRST .. l_cash_inflows.LAST
15886           LOOP
15887             l_cash_inflows(i).cf_amount := okl_accounting_util.round_amount(p_amount => l_cash_inflows(i).cf_amount,
15888                                                                             p_currency_code => l_currency);
15889             l_amount_tbl(i) := 0;
15890           END LOOP;
15892           FOR assoc_asset_rec IN GET_ASSOC_ASSETS('SERVICE', srvc_rec.srvc_id)
15893           LOOP
15894             l_assets_indx := l_assets_indx + 1;
15896             pp_index := l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.COUNT + 1;
15897             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).line_type := 'ASSOC_ASSET_SRVC';
15898             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'ASSOC_ASSET_SRVC';
15899             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).line_start_date := srvc_rec.line_start_date;
15900             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).cash_inflows := l_cash_inflows;
15901             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).cfo_id := l_srvc_inflow_caf_rec.cfo_id;
15902             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).link_asset_id := assoc_asset_rec.source_line_id;
15904             FOR i in l_cash_inflows.FIRST .. l_cash_inflows.LAST
15905             LOOP
15906               IF(l_assets_indx = l_assoc_assets_count) THEN --LAST ASSET
15907                  l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).cash_inflows(i).cf_amount := l_cash_inflows(i).cf_amount - l_amount_tbl(i);
15908               ELSE
15909                 IF(l_sum_assoc_assets_amt = 0) THEN
15910                   l_amount := 0;
15911                 ELSE
15912                   l_amount := (assoc_asset_rec.amount/l_sum_assoc_assets_amt) * l_cash_inflows(i).cf_amount;
15913                   l_amount :=  okl_accounting_util.round_amount(p_amount => l_amount,
15914                                                                 p_currency_code => l_currency);
15915                 END IF;
15916                 l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).cash_inflows(i).cf_amount := l_amount;
15917                 l_amount_tbl(i) := l_amount_tbl(i) + l_amount;
15918               END IF;
15919             END LOOP;
15920           END LOOP;
15921         END IF;
15922         -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
15924       END IF;
15925     END LOOP;
15926     -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: Start
15927     --Logic to generate Associated Asset Level streams for Financed and Rollover Fees
15928     FOR k in l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.first .. l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.last
15929     LOOP
15930       IF(l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(k).line_type IN('FINANCED','ROLLOVER')) THEN
15931         OPEN GET_FEE_ID(l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(k).cfo_id);
15932         FETCH GET_FEE_ID into l_fee_id;
15933         CLOSE GET_FEE_ID;
15935         l_sum_assoc_assets_amt := 0;
15936         l_assoc_assets_count := 0;
15937         OPEN CHECK_ASSOC_ASSETS(l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(k).line_type, l_fee_id);
15938         FETCH CHECK_ASSOC_ASSETS INTO l_sum_assoc_assets_amt, l_assoc_assets_count;
15941         IF(l_assoc_assets_count > 0) THEN
15942           l_assets_indx := 0;
15943           l_amount_tbl.DELETE;
15944           l_cash_inflows := l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(k).cash_inflows;
15946           FOR i in l_cash_inflows.FIRST .. l_cash_inflows.LAST
15947           LOOP
15948             l_cash_inflows(i).cf_amount := okl_accounting_util.round_amount(p_amount => l_cash_inflows(i).cf_amount,
15949                                                                             p_currency_code => l_currency);
15950             l_amount_tbl(i) := 0;
15951           END LOOP;
15953           FOR assoc_asset_rec IN GET_ASSOC_ASSETS(l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(k).line_type, l_fee_id)
15954           LOOP
15955             l_assets_indx := l_assets_indx + 1;
15957             pp_index := l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl.COUNT + 1;
15958             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).line_type := 'ASSOC_ASSET_FEE';
15959             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).payment_type := 'ASSOC_ASSET_FEE';
15960             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).line_start_date := l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(k).line_start_date;
15961             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).cash_inflows := l_cash_inflows;
15962             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).cfo_id := l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(k).cfo_id;
15963             l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).link_asset_id := assoc_asset_rec.source_line_id;
15965             FOR i in l_cash_inflows.FIRST .. l_cash_inflows.LAST
15966             LOOP
15967               IF(l_assets_indx = l_assoc_assets_count) THEN --LAST ASSET
15968                  l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).cash_inflows(i).cf_amount := l_cash_inflows(i).cf_amount - l_amount_tbl(i);
15969               ELSE
15970                 IF(l_sum_assoc_assets_amt = 0) THEN
15971                   l_amount := 0;
15972                 ELSE
15973                   l_amount := (assoc_asset_rec.amount/l_sum_assoc_assets_amt) * l_cash_inflows(i).cf_amount;
15974                   l_amount :=  okl_accounting_util.round_amount(p_amount => l_amount,
15975                                                                 p_currency_code => l_currency);
15976                 END IF;
15977                 l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl(pp_index).cash_inflows(i).cf_amount := l_amount;
15978                 l_amount_tbl(i) := l_amount_tbl(i) + l_amount;
15979               END IF;
15980             END LOOP;
15981           END LOOP;
15982         END IF;
15983       END IF;
15984     END LOOP;
15985     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
15986                'Before Calling the API insert_quote_streams ');
15987     insert_quote_streams(p_api_version   => p_api_version,
15988                          p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
15989                          x_return_status => l_return_status,
15990                          x_msg_count     => x_msg_count,
15991                          x_msg_data      => x_msg_data,
15992                          p_quote_id      => p_qte_id,
15993                          p_quote_type    => 'LEASE_QUOTE',
15994                          p_currency      => l_currency,
15995                          p_pricing_param_tbl => l_pp_non_sub_irr_tbl);
15996     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
15997                'After Calling the API insert_quote_streams x_return_status= ' || x_return_status);
15998     IF(l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
16000     ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
16002     END IF;
16003     -- Bug 7440199: Quote Streams ER: RGOOTY: End
16004     -- Pass the results back
16005     x_return_status := l_return_status;
16006     OKL_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count  => x_msg_count,
16007                          x_msg_data   => x_msg_data);
16008     put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'P',
16009             'end debug OKLRPIUB.pls call ' || LOWER(l_api_name) );
16012       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
16013                          p_api_name  => l_api_name,
16014                          p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
16015                          p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
16016                          x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
16017                          x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
16018                          p_api_type  => g_api_type);
16020       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
16021                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
16022                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
16023                         p_exc_name  => 'OKL_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR',
16024                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
16025                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
16026                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
16028       x_return_status := OKL_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(
16029                         p_api_name  => l_api_name,
16030                         p_pkg_name  => G_PKG_NAME,
16031                         p_exc_name  => 'OTHERS',
16032                         x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
16033                         x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
16034                         p_api_type  => g_api_type);
16035   END price_standard_quote;