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Line 1: PACKAGE BODY ast_grp_camp_PUB as

1: PACKAGE BODY ast_grp_camp_PUB as
2: /* $Header: astpgcab.pls 115.3 2002/02/05 18:04:02 pkm ship $ */
3: -- Start of Comments
4: -- Package name : ast_grp_camp_PUB
5: -- Purpose :

Line 4: -- Package name : ast_grp_camp_PUB

1: PACKAGE BODY ast_grp_camp_PUB as
2: /* $Header: astpgcab.pls 115.3 2002/02/05 18:04:02 pkm ship $ */
3: -- Start of Comments
4: -- Package name : ast_grp_camp_PUB
5: -- Purpose :
6: -- History :
7: -- NOTE :
8: -- End of Comments

Line 11: G_PKG_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30):= 'ast_grp_camp_PUB';

7: -- NOTE :
8: -- End of Comments
11: G_PKG_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30):= 'ast_grp_camp_PUB';
12: G_FILE_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(12) := 'astpgcab.pls';
14: -- Start of Comments
15: -- ***************** Private Conversion Routines Values -> Ids **************

Line 35: P_grp_camp_Rec IN ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Rec_Type,

31: -- Developer must manually add conversion logic to the attributes.
32: --
33: -- End of Comments
34: PROCEDURE Convert_grp_camp_Values_To_Ids(
35: P_grp_camp_Rec IN ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Rec_Type,
36: x_pvt_grp_camp_rec OUT ast_grp_camp_PVT.grp_camp_Rec_Type
37: )
38: IS
39: -- Hint: Declare cursor and local variables

Line 514: P_grp_camp_Rec IN ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Rec_Type,

510: PROCEDURE Get_grp_camp(
511: P_Api_Version_Number IN NUMBER,
512: P_Init_Msg_List IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
513: P_identity_salesforce_id IN NUMBER := NULL,
514: P_grp_camp_Rec IN ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Rec_Type,
515: -- Hint: Add list of bind variables here
516: p_rec_requested IN NUMBER := G_DEFAULT_NUM_REC_FETCH,
517: p_start_rec_prt IN NUMBER := 1,
518: p_return_tot_count IN NUMBER := FND_API.G_FALSE,

Line 520: p_order_by_rec IN ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_sort_rec_type,

516: p_rec_requested IN NUMBER := G_DEFAULT_NUM_REC_FETCH,
517: p_start_rec_prt IN NUMBER := 1,
518: p_return_tot_count IN NUMBER := FND_API.G_FALSE,
519: -- Hint: user defined record type
520: p_order_by_rec IN ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_sort_rec_type,
521: x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2,
522: x_msg_count OUT NUMBER,
523: x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2,
524: X_grp_camp_Tbl OUT ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Tbl_Type,

Line 524: X_grp_camp_Tbl OUT ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Tbl_Type,

520: p_order_by_rec IN ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_sort_rec_type,
521: x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2,
522: x_msg_count OUT NUMBER,
523: x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2,
524: X_grp_camp_Tbl OUT ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Tbl_Type,
525: x_returned_rec_count OUT NUMBER,
526: x_next_rec_ptr OUT NUMBER,
527: x_tot_rec_count OUT NUMBER
528: -- other optional parameters

Line 646: End ast_grp_camp_PUB;

643: End Get_grp_camp;
646: End ast_grp_camp_PUB;