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1 package Fnd_Security_Groups_Api AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: AFSCGPAS.pls 115.2 99/07/16 23:28:35 porting sh $ */
3 --
4 -- Id_Exists
5 --   Check if security group with given id exists
6 -- IN
7 --   security_group_id - Id number of security group
9 --   TRUE if security group exists with given name
10 --
11 function Id_Exists(
12   security_group_id in number)
13 return boolean;
15 --
16 -- Key_Exists
17 --   Check if security group with given key exists
18 -- IN
19 --   security_group_key - internal name of security group
20 -- RETURN
21 --   TRUE if security group exists with given name
22 --
23 function Key_Exists(
24   security_group_key in varchar2)
25 return boolean;
27 --
28 -- Name_Exists
29 --   Check if security group with given username exists
30 -- IN
31 --   security_group_name - user name of security group
32 -- RETURN
33 --   TRUE if security group exists with given username
34 --
35 function Name_Exists(
36   security_group_name in varchar2)
37 return boolean;
39 --
40 -- Create_Group
41 --   Create a new security group
42 -- IN
43 --   security_group_key - internal name of security group
44 --   security_group_name - user name of security group
45 --   description - security group description
47 --   Security_Group_Id of new security group created
48 --   Raise exception if any errors encountered.
49 --
50 function Create_Group(
51   security_group_key in varchar2,
52   security_group_name in varchar2,
53   description in varchar2)
54 return number;
56 --
57 -- Update_Group
58 --   Update values in existing security group
59 -- IN
60 --   security_group_key -  internal name of security group to update
61 --   security_group_name - NEW user name of security group
62 --   description - NEW security group description
63 --
64 procedure Update_Group(
65   security_group_key in varchar2,
66   security_group_name in varchar2,
67   description in varchar2);
69 end Fnd_Security_Groups_Api;