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5 last_divide_evenly_flag boolean;
2 /* $Header: FACDES.pls 120.20.12020000.3 2012/11/07 10:38:51 deemitta ship $ */
4 last_book    varchar2(16);
6 last_pro_cal varchar2(16);
7 p_pers_per_yr number;
9 /*
10  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
11  *
12  * Name
13  *              faxgpr
14  *
15  * Description
16  *
17  * Parameters
18  *              X_dpr_ptr - Depreciation structure
19  *              X_period - Structure containing period information
20  *              X_projecting_flag - Flag indicating depreciation projection
21  *              X_prodn - production (OUT)
22  *
23  * Modifies
24  *              X_prodn
25  *              fa_periodic_production.used_flag
26  *
27  * Returns
28  *              True on successful retrieval. Otherwise False.
29  *
30  * Notes
31  *
32  * History
33  *
34  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 */
36 FUNCTION faxgpr (X_dpr_ptr fa_std_types.dpr_struct,
37         X_period fa_std_types.fa_cp_struct,
38         X_projecting_flag BOOLEAN, X_prodn in out nocopy NUMBER, p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)
39         return boolean;
42 /*
43  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
44  *
45  * Name
46  *              faxgtr
47  *
48  * Description
49  *              Get table-based depreciation rate
50  *
51  * Parameters
52  *              X_method_id - Depreciation method id
53  *              X_year_of_life - Year
54  *              X_prorate_period - Prorate period
55  *              X_rate out - Depreciation rate (OUT)
56  *
57  * Modifies
58  *              X_rate
59  *
60  * Returns
61  *              True on successful retrieval. Otherwise False.
62  *
63  * Notes
64  *
65  * History
66  *
67  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 */
69 FUNCTION faxgtr (X_method_id number, X_year_of_life number,
70         X_prorate_period number, X_rate out nocopy number, p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type)
71         return boolean;
75 /*
76  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
80  *
77  *
78  * Name
79  *              faxcfyf
81  * Description
82  *              Returns the fraction of depreciation to be taken during
83  *              the first fiscal year of an asset's life and the year
84  *              retired for use under Straight-Line and Flat-Rate methods
85  *
86  * Parameters
87  *              X_dpr -                 Depreciation structure (IN OUT)
88  *              X_d_pers_per_yr - # of periods/year in deprn calendar
89  *              X_rate_source_rule - Rate source rule
90  *              X_y_begin -     Year to begin calculation
91  *              X_y_dead -      Year in which the asset will be fully reserved
92  *              X_y_ret -       Year in which the asset will be retired
93  *              X_dp_begin -    Depreciation start period
94  *              X_dpp_begin -   Depreciation start prorate period
95  *              X_dp_d_ptr -    Deprn Period in which the asset will be
96  *                              fully reserved (IN OUT)
97  *              X_dp_r_ptr -    Deprn Period in which the asset will be
98  *                              fully retired
99  *              X_dpp_r_ptr -   Deprn prorate period in which the asset will be
100  *                              fully retired
101  *              X_pp_begin -    Prorate period to begin calculation
102  *              X_pp_dead -     Prorate period in which asset will be fully
103  *                              reserved
104  *              X_pp_ret -      Prorate period in which asset will be fully
105  *                              retired
106  *              X_by_factor -   Factor used to calc first year deprn without
107  *                              considering deprn ceilings (IN OUT)
108  *              X_bp_frac -     fraction of annual deprn to be allocated to
109  *                              first period of life (IN OUT)
110  *              X_dp_frac -     fraction of annual deprn to be allocated to
111  *                              last period of life (IN OUT)
112  *              X_rp_frac -     fraction of annual deprn to be allocated to
113  *                              retirement period (IN OUT)
114  *              X_by_frac -     fraction of annual deprn to be allocated to
115  *                              first year (IN OUT)
116  *              X_dy_frac -     fraction of annual deprn to be allocated to
117  *                              last year of life (IN OUT)
118  *              X_ry_frac -     fraction of annual deprn to be allocated to
119  *                              retirement year (IN OUT)
120  *
121  * Modifies
122  *              X_dpr
123  *              X_dp_d_ptr
124  *              X_by_factor
125  *              X_bp_frac
126  *              X_dp_frac
127  *              X_rp_frac
128  *              X_by_frac
129  *              X_dy_frac
130  *              X_ry_frac
131  * Returns
132  *              True on successful retrieval. Otherwise False.
133  *
134  * Notes
135  *
136  * History
137  *
138  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 */
140 --Bug8620551
141 --Added additional parameter x_prd_flag to check for retirement in period of addition
142 FUNCTION faxcfyf (X_dpr in out nocopy fa_std_types.dpr_struct, X_d_pers_per_yr number,
143         X_rate_source_rule varchar2, X_y_begin number,
144         X_y_dead number, X_y_ret number, X_dp_begin number,
145         X_dpp_begin number, X_dp_d_ptr in out nocopy number,
146         X_dp_r_ptr number, X_dpp_r_ptr number, X_pp_begin number,
147         X_pp_dead number, X_pp_ret number, X_by_factor in out nocopy number,
148         X_bp_frac in out nocopy number, X_dp_frac in out number,
149         X_rp_frac in out nocopy number, X_by_frac in out number,
150         X_by_frac_num IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER, X_by_frac_den IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
151         X_dy_frac in out nocopy number, X_ry_frac in out number,
152         x_prd_flag varchar2,
153         p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type)
154         return boolean;
156 /*
157  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
158  *
159  * Name
160  *              faxcde
161  *
162  * Description
163  *              Calculate Depreciation Expense
164  *
165  * Parameters
166  *              dpr_in - Depreciation "in" structure
167  *              dpr_arr - (IN OUT)
168  *              dpr_out - Depreciation "out" structure (OUT)
169  *              fmode
170  *
171  * Modifies
172  *              dpr_out
173  *              dpr_arr
174  *
175  * Returns
176  *              True on successful retrieval. Otherwise False.
177  *
178  * Notes
179  *              Variable names have been changed from the C version
180  *              See table in body code that maps new names to old
181  *              names.
182  *
183  * History
184  *
185  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
186 */
187 FUNCTION faxcde ( dpr_in  in out nocopy fa_std_types.dpr_struct
188                 , dpr_arr in out nocopy fa_std_types.dpr_arr_type
189                 , dpr_out in out nocopy fa_std_types.dpr_out_struct
190                 , fmode                 number
191                 , p_ind                 binary_integer default 0, p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)
192         return boolean;
194 /*
195  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
196  *
197  * Name
198  *              faprds
199  *
200  * Description
201  *              Print depreciation IN structure
202  *
203  * Parameters
204  *              X_dpr - Depreciation "in" structure
205  *
206  * Modifies
207  *
208  * Returns
209  *              True on successful completion. Otherwise False.
210  *
214  *
211  * Notes
212  *
213  * History
215  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
216 */
217 FUNCTION faprds (X_dpr fa_std_types.dpr_struct, p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type)
218         return boolean;
220 /*
221  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
222  *
223  * Name
224  *              faprdos
225  *
226  * Description
227  *              Print depreciation OUT structure
228  *
229  * Parameters
230  *              X_dpr - Depreciation "out" structure
231  *
232  * Modifies
233  *
234  * Returns
235  *              True on successful completion. Otherwise False.
236  *
237  * Notes
238  *
239  * History
240  *
241  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
242 */
243 FUNCTION faprdos (X_dpr fa_std_types.dpr_out_struct, p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type)
244         return boolean;
246 procedure faxgfr (X_Book_Type_Code         IN            VARCHAR2,
247                   X_Asset_Id               IN            NUMBER,
248                   X_Short_Fiscal_Year_Flag IN            VARCHAR2,
249                   X_Conversion_Date        IN            DATE := NULL,
250                   X_Prorate_Date           IN            DATE := NULL,
251                   X_Orig_Deprn_Start_Date  IN            DATE := NULL,
252                   C_Prorate_Date           IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL,
253                   C_Conversion_Date        IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL,
254                   C_Orig_Deprn_Start_Date  IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL,
255                   X_Method_Code            IN            VARCHAR2,
256                   X_Life_In_Months         IN            INTEGER,
257                   X_Fiscal_Year            IN            NUMBER,
258                   X_Current_Period         IN            NUMBER,
260                   -- Bug:5930979:Japan Tax Reform Project
261                   X_calling_interface      IN            VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
262                   X_new_cost               IN            NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
263                   X_adjusted_cost          IN            NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
265                   X_Rate                      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
266                   X_Method_Type               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
267                   X_Success                   OUT NOCOPY INTEGER, p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null);
269 FUNCTION faxgrl(
270                 X_Asset_Id                      IN      NUMBER,
271                 X_Book_Type_Code                IN      VARCHAR2,
272                 X_Short_Fiscal_Year_Flag        IN      VARCHAR2,
273                 X_Prorate_Date                  IN      DATE,
274                 X_Conversion_Date               IN      DATE,
275                 X_Orig_Deprn_Start_Date         IN      DATE,
276                 X_Fiscal_Year                   IN      NUMBER,
277                 X_Life_In_Months                IN      NUMBER,
278                 X_Method_Code                   IN      VARCHAR2,
279                 X_Current_Period                IN      NUMBER,
280                 X_rem_life1                     OUT     NOCOPY NUMBER,
281                 X_rem_life2                     OUT     NOCOPY NUMBER, p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type)
282         return boolean;
284 /*
285  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
286  *
287  * Name
288  *              fadgpoar()
289  *
290  * Description
291  *              Get the Profile Option of Annual Rounding
292  * Parameters
293  *
294  * Modifies
295  *
296  * Returns
297  *              returns integer. (1-always round   0-round with restrictions)
298  *
299  * Notes
300  *
301  * History
302  *              Mar 1, 2001  astakaha created
303  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
304 */
305 FUNCTION fadgpoar
306         return integer;
308 /*
309  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
310  *
311  * Name
312  *              faodda()
313  *
314  * Description
315  *              Override the Default Depreciation Amounts
316  * Parameters
317  *
318  * Modifies
319  *
320  * Returns
321  *              True on successful completion. Otherwise False.
322  *
323  * Notes
324  *              p_recoverable_cost and p_salvage_value are used
325  *              only when used_by_adjustment is true.
326  *
327  * History
328  *              SEP 1, 2001  astakaha created
329  *              OCT 2, 2002  ynatsui  added parameters
330  *              DEC 5, 2002  ynatsui  added ytd parameters
331  *              DEC 19, 2002 ynatsui  added p_update_override_status
332  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
333 */
334 FUNCTION faodda(Book IN VARCHAR2,
335                 Deprn_Override_Used_By IN VARCHAR2, -- Bug11886090 replaced with  Used_By_Adjustment IN BOOLEAN,
336                 Asset_ID IN NUMBER,
337                 Bonus_Rule IN VARCHAR2,
338                 Fyctr IN NUMBER,
339                 Perd_Ctr IN NUMBER,
340                 Prod_Rate_Src_Flag IN BOOLEAN,
341                 Deprn_Projecting_Flag IN BOOLEAN,
342                 p_ytd_deprn         IN NUMBER,
343                 p_bonus_ytd_deprn   IN NUMBER,
344                 Override_Depr_Amt OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
345                 Override_Bonus_Amt OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
346                 Deprn_Override_Flag OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
347                 Return_Code OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
348                 p_mrc_sob_type_code IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
349                 p_set_of_books_id IN NUMBER,
350                 p_recoverable_cost IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
351                 p_salvage_value          IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
352                 p_update_override_status IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,
353                 p_over_depreciate_option IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, --Bug 8487934
354                 p_asset_type             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, --Bug 8487934
355                 p_deprn_rsv          IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, --Bug 8487934
356                 p_cur_adj_cost       IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, --Bug 8487934
357                 p_override_period_counter IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL -- Bug 8211842
358                 , p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type) return boolean;
360 ------------------------------------------------------------------
361 -- Function:
362 --           FATRKM
363 --
364 -- Description:
365 --           Main entry to call Tracking feature
366 --           This function will call TRACK_MEMBER function
367 --
368 ------------------------------------------------------------------
369 FUNCTION fatrkm(p_dpr                     in fa_std_types.dpr_struct,
370                 p_perd_deprn_exp          in number,
371                 p_perd_bonus_deprn_amount in number,
372                 p_perd_ctr                in number,
373                 p_fyctr                   in number,
374                 p_loop_end_year           in number default null,
375                 p_loop_end_period         in number default null,
376                 p_exclude_salvage_value_flag in boolean,
377                 p_deprn_basis_rule        in varchar2,
378                 p_deprn_override_flag     in out nocopy varchar2,
379                 p_subtract_ytd_flag       in varchar2,
380                 p_life_complete_flag      in boolean,
381                 p_fully_reserved_flag     in boolean,
382                 p_year_deprn_exp          in number,
383                 p_recoverable_cost        in number,
384                 p_adj_rec_cost            in number,
385                 p_current_deprn_reserve   in number,
386                 p_nbv_threshold           in number,
387                 p_nbv_thresh_amount       in number,
388                 p_rec_cost_abs_value      in number,
389                 p_mode                    in varchar2 default NULL,
390                 x_new_perd_exp            out nocopy number,
391                 x_new_perd_bonus_deprn_amount out nocopy number,
392                 x_life_complete_flag      out nocopy boolean,
393                 x_fully_reserved_flag     out nocopy boolean
394                 , p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type) return boolean;
396 procedure faxgpolr (X_Book_Type_Code         IN            VARCHAR2,
397                     X_Asset_Id               IN            NUMBER,
398                     X_Polish_Rule            IN            NUMBER,
399                     X_Deprn_Factor           IN            NUMBER,
400                     X_Alternate_Deprn_Factor IN            NUMBER,
401                     X_Polish_Adj_Calc_Basis_Flag
402                                              IN            VARCHAR2,
403                     X_Recoverable_Cost       IN            NUMBER,
404                     X_Fiscal_Year            IN            NUMBER,
405                     X_Current_Period         IN            NUMBER,
406                     X_Periods_Per_Year       IN            NUMBER,
407                     X_Year_Retired           IN            BOOLEAN,
408                     X_Projecting_Flag        IN            BOOLEAN,
409                     X_MRC_Sob_Type_Code      IN            VARCHAR2,
410                     X_set_of_books_id        IN            NUMBER,
411                     X_Rate                   IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
412                     X_Depreciate_Flag        IN OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN,
413                     X_Current_Adjusted_Cost  IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
414                     X_Adjusted_Recoverable_Cost
415                                              IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
416                     X_Success                   OUT NOCOPY INTEGER,
417                     X_Calling_Fn             IN            VARCHAR2, p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type);