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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 7

    UPDATE az_selection_sets_b
       SET active = 'N'
     WHERE selection_set_code IN
           (SELECT selection_set_code
              FROM az_selection_sets_b
             WHERE user_id <> 1
               AND structure_code IN (SELECT structure_code
                                        FROM az_structures_b
                                       WHERE active = 'N'));
Line: 24

    UPDATE az_requests
       SET active='N'
     WHERE request_type = 'T'
       AND selection_set IS NULL;
Line: 29

    UPDATE az_requests req
       SET req.active = (
              SELECT decode(strct.active, 'N', 'N', NULL, 'N', 'Y')
                FROM az_structures_b strct
               WHERE structure_code =
                     (SELECT extractvalue(VALUE(e),
                        FROM az_requests d,
                                                       '/EXT/H/V[@N="StructureCode"]/..'))) e
                       WHERE req.job_name = d.job_name
                         AND req.user_id = d.user_id
                         AND req.request_type = d.request_type
                         AND d.selection_set IS NOT NULL))
     WHERE req.request_type = 'T'
       AND req.selection_set IS NOT NULL;
Line: 53

    UPDATE az_requests
       SET active='N'
     WHERE request_type = 'L'
       AND selection_set IS NULL;
Line: 58

    UPDATE az_requests req
       SET req.active = (
              SELECT decode(strct.active, 'N', 'N', NULL, 'N', 'Y')
                FROM az_structures_b strct
               WHERE structure_code =
                     (SELECT extractvalue(VALUE(e),
                        FROM az_requests d,
                                                       '/EXT/H/V[@N="StructureCode"]/..'))) e
                       WHERE req.job_name = d.job_name
                         AND req.user_id = d.user_id
                         AND req.request_type = d.request_type
                         AND d.selection_set IS NOT NULL))
     WHERE req.request_type = 'L'
       AND req.selection_set IS NOT NULL;
Line: 82

    UPDATE az_apis
       SET active = 'Y'
     WHERE api_code IN (
              SELECT DISTINCT api.api_code
                FROM az_structures_b             strct,
                     az_selection_sets_b         sset,
                     az_selection_set_entities_b ent,
                     az_structure_apis_b         sapi,
                     az_apis                     api
               WHERE strct.structure_code = sset.structure_code
                 AND strct.structure_code = sapi.structure_code
                 AND sset.selection_set_code = ent.selection_set_code
                 AND sapi.api_code = api.api_code
                 AND strct.active = 'Y'
                 AND api.active IS NULL);
Line: 107

    UPDATE az_requests
       SET active='N'
     WHERE request_type = 'E'
       AND selection_set IS NULL;
Line: 112

    UPDATE az_requests
       SET active = 'N'
     WHERE request_type = 'E'
       AND request_phase <> 'C'
       AND request_status <> 'C'
       AND selection_set IS NOT NULL;
Line: 119

    UPDATE az_requests req
       SET req.active = (
              SELECT decode(COUNT(api.active), 0, 'N', 'R')
                FROM az_structures_b strct, az_apis api
               WHERE strct.structure_code = -- query b
                     (SELECT extractvalue(VALUE(e),
                        FROM az_requests d,
                                                       '/EXT/H/V[@N="StructureCode"]/..'))) e
                       WHERE req.job_name = d.job_name
                         AND req.user_id = d.user_id
                         AND req.request_type = d.request_type
                         AND d.selection_set IS NOT NULL)
                 AND strct.active = 'N'
                 AND api.api_code IN -- 2
                     (SELECT api_code
                        FROM az_structure_apis_b
                       WHERE structure_code IN
                             (SELECT extractvalue(VALUE(e),
                                FROM az_requests d,
                                                               '/EXT/H/V[@N="StructureCode"]/..'))) e
                               WHERE d.job_name = req.job_name
                                 AND d.request_type = req.request_type
                                 AND d.user_id = req.user_id -- 2's first where
                                 AND d.selection_set IS NOT NULL)
                         AND entity_code IN (SELECT extractvalue(VALUE(e),
                                               FROM az_requests d,
                                                                              '/EXT/H/V[@N="EntityOccuranceCode"]/..'))) e
                                              WHERE d.job_name = req.job_name
                                                AND d.request_type = req.request_type
                                                AND d.user_id = req.user_id -- 2's second where
                                                AND d.selection_set IS NOT NULL))
                 AND api.active = 'Y')
     WHERE req.request_type = 'E'
       AND req.request_phase = 'C'
       AND req.request_status = 'C'
       AND req.selection_set IS NOT NULL;
Line: 162

   UPDATE az_requests req
       SET req.active = (decode(
              (SELECT 'Y'
                FROM az_structures_b strct
               WHERE structure_code = -- query b
                     (SELECT extractvalue(VALUE(e),
                        FROM az_requests d,
                                                       '/EXT/H/V[@N="StructureCode"]/..'))) e
                       WHERE req.job_name = d.job_name
                         AND req.user_id = d.user_id
                         AND req.request_type = d.request_type
                         AND d.selection_set IS NOT NULL)
                 AND strct.active <> 'N'
                 AND strct.active IS NOT NULL),null,req.active,'Y'))
	       WHERE req.request_type = 'E'
	         AND req.request_phase = 'C'
	         AND req.request_status = 'C'
	         AND req.selection_set IS NOT NULL;
Line: 195

    UPDATE az_requests
       SET active='N'
     WHERE selection_set IS NULL
       AND job_name=p_job_name
       AND request_type=p_request_type
       AND user_id=p_user_id;
Line: 202

    UPDATE az_requests req
       SET req.active = (
              SELECT decode(COUNT(api.active), 0, 'N', 'R')
                FROM az_structures_b strct, az_apis api
               WHERE strct.structure_code = -- query b
                     (SELECT extractvalue(VALUE(e),
                        FROM az_requests d,
                                                       '/EXT/H/V[@N="StructureCode"]/..'))) e
                       WHERE req.job_name = d.job_name
                         AND req.user_id = d.user_id
                         AND req.request_type = d.request_type
                         AND d.selection_set IS NOT NULL)
                 AND strct.active = 'N'
                 AND api.api_code IN -- 2
                     (SELECT api_code
                        FROM az_structure_apis_b
                       WHERE structure_code IN
                             (SELECT extractvalue(VALUE(e),
                                FROM az_requests d,
                                                               '/EXT/H/V[@N="StructureCode"]/..'))) e
                               WHERE d.job_name = req.job_name
                                 AND d.request_type = req.request_type
                                 AND d.user_id = req.user_id -- 2's first where
                                 AND d.selection_set IS NOT NULL)
                         AND entity_code IN (SELECT extractvalue(VALUE(e),
                                               FROM az_requests d,
                                                                              '/EXT/H/V[@N="EntityOccuranceCode"]/..'))) e
                                              WHERE d.job_name = req.job_name
                                                AND d.request_type = req.request_type
                                                AND d.user_id = req.user_id -- 2's second where
                                                AND d.selection_set IS NOT NULL))
                 AND api.active = 'Y')
     WHERE req.selection_set IS NOT NULL
       AND req.job_name=p_job_name
       AND req.request_type=p_request_type
       AND req.user_id=p_user_id;
Line: 245

    UPDATE az_requests req
       SET req.active = (decode(
              (SELECT 'Y'
                FROM az_structures_b strct
               WHERE structure_code = -- query b
                     (SELECT extractvalue(VALUE(e),
                        FROM az_requests d,
                                                       '/EXT/H/V[@N="StructureCode"]/..'))) e
                       WHERE req.job_name = d.job_name
                         AND req.user_id = d.user_id
                         AND req.request_type = d.request_type
                         AND d.selection_set IS NOT NULL)
                 AND strct.active <> 'N'
                 AND strct.active IS NOT NULL),null,req.active,'Y'))
     WHERE req.selection_set IS NOT NULL
       AND req.job_name=p_job_name
       AND req.request_type=p_request_type
       AND req.user_id=p_user_id;
Line: 268

    SELECT active
      INTO v_active
      FROM az_requests
     WHERE job_name = p_job_name
       AND request_type = p_request_type
       AND user_id = p_user_id;