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Line 2194: FROM mtl_secondary_inventories s, mtl_parameters m

2190: p_org_id IN NUMBER,
2191: x_dist_acct_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS
2192: CURSOR Cur_get_acct IS
2193: SELECT NVL(NVL(s.expense_account, s.material_account),NVL(m.expense_account, m.material_account))
2194: FROM mtl_secondary_inventories s, mtl_parameters m
2195: WHERE s.secondary_inventory_name = p_subinventory
2196: AND m.organization_id = p_org_id;
2197: BEGIN
2198: OPEN Cur_get_acct;

Line 3305: FROM mtl_parameters

3301: AND m.organization_id = v_organization_id
3302: AND m.subinventory_code = v_subinventory;
3303: CURSOR Cur_get_org_params(v_org_id NUMBER) IS
3304: SELECT negative_inv_receipt_code, stock_locator_control_code, organization_code
3305: FROM mtl_parameters
3306: WHERE organization_id = v_org_id;
3307: l_item_rec Cur_item_dtl%ROWTYPE;
3308: l_issue_rec mtl_transactions_interface%ROWTYPE;
3309: l_issue_lot_rec mtl_transaction_lots_interface%ROWTYPE;