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Line 110: FROM gme_batch_steps

107: CURSOR cur_get_step_date (v_batch_id NUMBER, v_batchstep_id NUMBER)
108: IS
109: SELECT plan_start_date
110: FROM gme_batch_steps
111: WHERE batch_id = v_batch_id AND batchstep_id = v_batchstep_id;
113: CURSOR cur_batch_step (
114: v_batch_id NUMBER

Line 119: FROM gme_batch_steps

115: ,v_plan_cmplt_date DATE
116: ,l_diff NUMBER)
117: IS
118: SELECT batchstep_no, plan_cmplt_date
119: FROM gme_batch_steps
120: WHERE batch_id = v_batch_id
121: AND (plan_cmplt_date + l_diff) > v_plan_cmplt_date;
123: CURSOR recipe_validity_rule_cursor (

Line 317: FROM gme_batch_steps

313: FROM gme_batch_step_resources
314: WHERE batch_id = x_batch_header_rec.batch_id
315: AND batchstep_id IN (
316: SELECT batchstep_id
317: FROM gme_batch_steps
318: WHERE batch_id =
319: x_batch_header_rec.batch_id
320: AND step_status = 1) );
321: DELETE FROM gme_resource_txns_gtmp

Line 330: FROM gme_batch_steps

326: FROM gme_batch_step_resources
327: WHERE batch_id = x_batch_header_rec.batch_id
328: AND batchstep_id IN (
329: SELECT batchstep_id
330: FROM gme_batch_steps
331: WHERE batch_id =
332: x_batch_header_rec.batch_id
333: AND step_status = 1) );
334: END IF;

Line 708: FROM gme_batch_steps

704: the check so that this code works fine for the migrated batches from old gme code */
705: IF x_batch_header_rec.poc_ind = 'Y' THEN
706: SELECT MIN (plan_start_date)
707: INTO min_start_date
708: FROM gme_batch_steps
709: WHERE batch_id = p_batch_header_rec.batch_id;
710: ELSE
711: min_start_date := x_batch_header_rec.plan_start_date;
712: END IF;

Line 735: FROM gme_batch_steps

732: IF x_batch_header_rec.poc_ind = 'Y' THEN
733: SELECT MAX (plan_cmplt_date)
734: INTO max_cmplt_date
735: FROM gme_batch_steps
736: WHERE batch_id = p_batch_header_rec.batch_id;
737: ELSE
738: max_cmplt_date := x_batch_header_rec.plan_cmplt_date;
739: END IF;

Line 917: FROM gme_batch_steps

913: AND l_rel_type IN (1, 2))
914: ) THEN
915: SELECT plan_start_date, plan_cmplt_date
916: INTO l_start_date, l_cmplt_date
917: FROM gme_batch_steps
918: WHERE batch_id = x_batch_header_rec.batch_id
919: AND batchstep_id = (SELECT batchstep_id
920: FROM gme_batch_step_items
921: WHERE batch_id = x_batch_header_rec.batch_id

Line 1144: ,p_batchstep_id IN gme_batch_steps.batchstep_id%TYPE

1140: ***********************************************************************************/
1141: PROCEDURE truncate_date (
1142: p_batch_header_rec IN gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE
1143: ,p_date IN NUMBER
1144: ,p_batchstep_id IN gme_batch_steps.batchstep_id%TYPE
1146: ,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
1147: IS
1148: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'UPDATE_TRANSACTION';

Line 1201: UPDATE gme_batch_steps

1197: AND due_date < p_batch_header_rec.plan_start_date;
1198: END IF;
1200: -- update batch steps start date
1201: UPDATE gme_batch_steps
1202: SET plan_start_date = p_batch_header_rec.plan_start_date
1203: ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
1204: ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
1205: ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id

Line 1211: UPDATE gme_batch_steps

1207: AND plan_start_date < p_batch_header_rec.plan_start_date
1208: AND (p_batchstep_id IS NULL OR batchstep_id = p_batchstep_id);
1210: -- update batch steps end date
1211: UPDATE gme_batch_steps
1212: SET plan_cmplt_date = p_batch_header_rec.plan_start_date
1213: ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
1214: ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
1215: ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id

Line 1221: UPDATE gme_batch_steps

1217: AND plan_cmplt_date < p_batch_header_rec.plan_start_date
1218: AND (p_batchstep_id IS NULL OR batchstep_id = p_batchstep_id);
1220: -- update batch steps due date
1221: UPDATE gme_batch_steps
1222: SET due_date = p_batch_header_rec.plan_start_date
1223: ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
1224: ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
1225: ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id

Line 1332: UPDATE gme_batch_steps

1328: AND due_date > p_batch_header_rec.plan_cmplt_date;
1329: END IF;
1331: -- update batch steps start date
1332: UPDATE gme_batch_steps
1333: SET plan_start_date = p_batch_header_rec.plan_cmplt_date
1334: ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
1335: ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
1336: ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id

Line 1342: UPDATE gme_batch_steps

1338: AND plan_start_date > p_batch_header_rec.plan_cmplt_date
1339: AND (p_batchstep_id IS NULL OR batchstep_id = p_batchstep_id);
1341: -- update batch steps end date
1342: UPDATE gme_batch_steps
1343: SET plan_cmplt_date = p_batch_header_rec.plan_cmplt_date
1344: ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
1345: ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
1346: ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id

Line 1352: UPDATE gme_batch_steps

1348: AND plan_cmplt_date > p_batch_header_rec.plan_cmplt_date
1349: AND (p_batchstep_id IS NULL OR batchstep_id = p_batchstep_id);
1351: -- update batch steps due date
1352: UPDATE gme_batch_steps
1353: SET due_date = p_batch_header_rec.plan_cmplt_date
1354: ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
1355: ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
1356: ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id