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Line 16: -- For PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F descriptive_flexfield.

12: --
13: --type ev_rec_tbl is varray(15) of ev_rec;
14: type ev_rec_tbl is table of ev_rec index by binary_integer;
15: --
16: -- For PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F descriptive_flexfield.
17: type t_attribute is table of varchar2(240) index by binary_integer;
18: type attribute_tbl is record(
19: attribute_category pay_element_entries_f.attribute_category%TYPE,
20: attribute t_attribute);

Line 19: attribute_category pay_element_entries_f.attribute_category%TYPE,

15: --
16: -- For PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F descriptive_flexfield.
17: type t_attribute is table of varchar2(240) index by binary_integer;
18: type attribute_tbl is record(
19: attribute_category pay_element_entries_f.attribute_category%TYPE,
20: attribute t_attribute);
21: --
22: -- For Forms cache.
23: --

Line 155: p_rec in pay_element_entries_f%ROWTYPE,

151: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
152: Procedure ins_lck
153: (p_effective_date in date,
154: p_datetrack_mode in varchar2,
155: p_rec in pay_element_entries_f%ROWTYPE,
156: p_validation_start_date out nocopy date,
157: p_validation_end_date out nocopy date);
158: --
159: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------