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Line 9: Type ame_config_vars_type is TABLE OF ame_config_vars%rowtype index by binary_integer;

5: Type calling_apps is TABLE OF ame_calling_apps%rowtype index by binary_integer;
6: g_seed_call_apps calling_apps;
7: Type item_class_usg is TABLE OF ame_item_class_usages%rowtype index by binary_integer;
8: g_seed_ic_usg item_class_usg;
9: Type ame_config_vars_type is TABLE OF ame_config_vars%rowtype index by binary_integer;
10: g_seed_config_usg ame_config_vars_type;
11: Type attr_usages is TABLE OF ame_attribute_usages%rowtype index by binary_integer;
12: g_seed_mand_attr_usg attr_usages;
13: g_seed_attr_usg attr_usages;

Line 10: g_seed_config_usg ame_config_vars_type;

6: g_seed_call_apps calling_apps;
7: Type item_class_usg is TABLE OF ame_item_class_usages%rowtype index by binary_integer;
8: g_seed_ic_usg item_class_usg;
9: Type ame_config_vars_type is TABLE OF ame_config_vars%rowtype index by binary_integer;
10: g_seed_config_usg ame_config_vars_type;
11: Type attr_usages is TABLE OF ame_attribute_usages%rowtype index by binary_integer;
12: g_seed_mand_attr_usg attr_usages;
13: g_seed_attr_usg attr_usages;
14: Type ame_act_config is TABLE OF ame_action_type_config%rowtype index by binary_integer;